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Review of our Spring Break '12 Cruise on Carnival Liberty


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The fisheye is a Rokinon 8mm F3.5. The same lens is sold under several brands besides Rokinion; SamYang, ProOptic, and Peleng to name a few.


The lens is manual focus and manual aperture. I tend to keep mine set on F9 with focus set to near infinity for shots outdoors then I adjust the aperture as large as possible (max is F3.5 but the focus field is too narrow at that size and I like everything in focus) and estimate distance for shots indoors with lower light. I have a large flash for indoors, but where the field of view is so wide it actually leaves a shadow from the lens hood and the on camera flash leaves a hump shadow of the front of the flash itself. Low light shots will still appear dark when you first transfer them to your PC, but Lightroom can salvage them by tweaking the light and exposure. I took so many pictures that I opted to skip Lightroom developing, but most of my pics would be much better if I'd taken the time to tweak them in LR.


I have a screw on fisheye that will fit all three of my Canon L lenses, but I didn't like the results with it so it's been in a drawer and will likely stay there.


One of the best features of the Rokinon 8m Fisheye is that it's only ~$250! My other lenses were all well over $1500 each, but my cheapest lens is my favorite. Go figure. :D



Thank you so much for taking the time to explain to me what you use. I really like the technique you used! Im very excited to get this lens. I just got a Canon EOS Rebel T3i. You have inspired me to say the least!!!

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Really enjoying the review, especially as I was on Imagination and went to Cozumel and Paradise Beach early in February. Brought back great memories!


I think Liberty has a better itinerary than we did, though, arriving a bit earlier and departing a bit earlier in the day which maximizes beach-time. (They close at 5pm local time.)


BTW yes, there is a $2/pp chair-charge at Paradise Beach.

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I am loving your review (as usual)..I am thinking about doing the Magic next May which has a similiar itenerary (Cozumel, Belize and Roatan)..never been to Roatan, so Im interested to see that part of your review :)

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BTW yes, there is a $2/pp chair-charge at Paradise Beach.





That explains it then. In the past they would say the fee would be waved if you purchased x amount of food and drinks and even further back the chairs were free. They're definately worth $2, but perhaps should be included if you buy wristbands for the toys.



I am loving your review (as usual)..I am thinking about doing the Magic next May which has a similiar itenerary (Cozumel, Belize and Roatan)..never been to Roatan, so Im interested to see that part of your review




Roatan has some great excursions to offer; we did one thru the ship and three private ones. Suffices to say our Roatan day was busy busy busy. Hopefully I'll get the reveiw there before too long.








A few more pics of Paradise Beach;


View of the beach from the top of one of the beach toys;






A picture of Karen taking pictures of perhaps the sky or parasailers? This pic is from around 3:30 and as you can see most people had headed back to the ship already. It never got crowded;






Parting shot of the pool entry way;





New arrival / departure area of Paradise Beach;






Arriving back at the port after a hot fun day is always rather tiring;





Karen, Mama, and two of the boys insisted on hitting some shops for trinkets;



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Suffices to say that Spencer wasn't in to shopping;






Bryson and Britt might prefer that Karen just pick something out, but she's not about to do that;






You can find gifts of just about any type imaginable at the Cozumel pier, but finding something just right isn't always a quick thing, but it didn't take too long;




We are to be back on board @ 1630 for a 1700 departure so we head for the pier @ 1623;





It doesn't look like we're gonna be 'pier runners;'






And there's plenty of people behind us too;



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How about VIP reboarding? Would be nice on many cruises, but I think we have so many Platinum on this sailing that VIP might be more crowded than regular;






Britt definitely liked having Mama cruise with us;






Before long we were ready to cross the gangway (@1642);





Our room was clean and our morning mess all cleaned up;





Past guest party invitiation were waiting on our bed;






View of our wake during sail away from Cozumel as seen from our balcony;



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My vacation balcony enhancements;





Bryson went to sleep in his cabin while Spencer watched TV and napped. Karen and Britt wasted no time taking a siesta in our bed;





After eveyone finished their siestas, Karen and I went up on Lido for some nourishment;





As we were finishing dinner I noticed a beautiful sunset forming;





Karen enjoying the view;





Beautiful sunsets @ sea. Isn't that one of the things we all look most forward to?



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We made our way forward on Panorama and got some pics of 2.0 enhancements along the way down on Lido;





On our first cruise on Liberty back in 06 our rooms were thru this door and on the right (1065 & 1067). THe best location on the ship. Very convenient to everything on Lido, just a couple flights down from Camp Carnival, one deck up to the Spa, and access to the atrium elevators and the rest of the ship.





We rode the glass elevators down to deck five;





We spent a couple of hours in the casino playing blackjack and picked up our Free tournament entry tickets. Afterwards we returned to our cabin and along with another Ketut creation we found a letter advising us that the balconys would all be washed during the day tomorrow (Belize) and for everyone to make sure their curtains were shut;






Later we made a pass down the Promenade and got a quick pic of Alchemy;





We met up with Mama and had frozen yogurt / icecream up on deck;



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The seas were calm for our night after Cozumel and made for some awesome sleeping conditions.


We had a 'Fun Day @ Sea' planned for our Belize day and I basically spent the day getting pictures of the ship then Spencer and I ventured over to Belize to get some pictures of the port. We'll start with just a few samples of the day's pics.


Breakfast was a light breakfast burrito that Karen brought back from up on Lido;




Karen catching up on her email;






I heard some loud banging out on the balcony and since they'd cleaned earlier I figured I check it out. The balcony beside the boys cabin was being reglassed;





Sea protection scaffolding was set up below;






Without a doubt the seas were smooth for the repair;





Now for some around the ship FishEye pics;


The Stage



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The carpet shape kinda makes you think you're on a Disney ship;





Atrium cornhole game;






The sports bar. One patron watching sports and one on the phone raising pure H because a game he wanted to watch wasn't on and nobody was there to switch channels. Apparently someone had attempted to find it earlier and it wasn't available, but this guy wasn't going to accept no for an answer.






Sports bar seating;



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I am enjoying your review of our favorite ship! It looks like they really expanded the Formalities show. My kids loved to go there for the pick and mix candy and it looks like it has been expanded a great deal.


Looking forward to more!

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As always a wonderful review.


Your boys have certainly grown, especially your middle son... our boys at 17 and 13 are around the same ages... and have always enjoyed your adventures for the past few years!!


We were on the Liberty in '08 and back again this November. I love the most recent pictures from the fish eye lens. Certainly brings back the familiar decor, and adds excitement around the new improved areas!


We have the corner aft on the other side of Deck 7 - we had moved it from Deck 6 based on other reviews here. Did we make the right choice? I was worried about the noise from the Comedy Clubs, etc.


And one more question...

What in your opinion was the most improved aspect of the ship? Out of all the 2.0 upgrades - what did you enjoy the most?


Cannot wait for the rest!


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I am enjoying your review of our favorite ship! It looks like they really expanded the Formalities show. My kids loved to go there for the pick and mix candy and it looks like it has been expanded a great deal.


Looking forward to more!






It does look a lot larger, but I think the windows and arrangements make it look bigger.




As always a wonderful review.


Your boys have certainly grown, especially your middle son... our boys at 17 and 13 are around the same ages... and have always enjoyed your adventures for the past few years!!


We were on the Liberty in '08 and back again this November. I love the most recent pictures from the fish eye lens. Certainly brings back the familiar decor, and adds excitement around the new improved areas!


We have the corner aft on the other side of Deck 7 - we had moved it from Deck 6 based on other reviews here. Did we make the right choice? I was worried about the noise from the Comedy Clubs, etc.


And one more question...

What in your opinion was the most improved aspect of the ship? Out of all the 2.0 upgrades - what did you enjoy the most?


Cannot wait for the rest!






Thank you.


They're growing so fast that it makes our pictures all the more special to us.


Deck 6 aft wraps are our favorite and we've never heard a single sound from performances downstairs. Rooms just up the hall on the port side are very noisy though. Rooms on the starboard side are unaffected by the noise below in our experience. Deck 8 aft wrap would be our second choice and deck 7 our third. There's nothing at all wrong with deck 7 aft wraps, but decks 6 and 9 have more of each angle; side, corner, and aft. Deck 7 has about half corner, half side, and just a small corner that's aft. In terms of the rooms, deck 6 is best because it has a couch. I wouldn't say you made a bad decision, but personally we've never heard anything from downstairs in the deck 6 aft wraps.


Guy's Burgers is our hands down favorite aspect of the 2.0 upgrades. The restaurant area itself is nice, but the burgers speak very loudly!

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Some of the art work for the art auction..........well the frames were nice so if they come with the frame I might bid on one;
















This was our table we had back in 2006. A wayward tray of glasses came off a waitresses stack and landed on Bryson's head breaking on and all around him as well as soaking him with water;





How it looked back in 2006 when Liberty was less than one year old;



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Another atrium pic;






View from inside the glass elevator;










At the top; (I remember looking for pics of this area of the ships for months and months years ago and couldn't find any......)









Mens locker room area / walk thru to Gym;






There used to be a real nice hot tub here that was removed in the 2008 refurb;



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Top of Atrium;






A loooong way down;










After getting a lot of FishEye pics of areas of the ship I thought would look good I headed back toward our room and stopped by the cabin beside the boys to get a pic of the balcony sans glass;





I rousted Spencer out of the room to go with me over to Belize and back for pics. We boarded the tender and since it was full I expected we'd leave soon;







We watched several tenders return and unload;





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Once we finally shoved off of Liberty and headed for shore, our Captain demonstrated his bilateral texting skills;






The Tender Captain never once bothered to look up from his texting habit which appeared to concern some of his crew;





I don't know what kind of connections the Captain had to keep his job, but without his crew there would be problems. A man charged with the safety of his vessels' passengers should take his job more seriously and when as nonchalant as this fellow, he should be summarily fired. The crew member literally performed the Captain's job for him in every way;






We made it to Belize safely no thanks to the distracted tender Captain. Carnival had cool refreshments waiting on the pier;






Immediately upon stepping off the pier into the port area, this is the sight that greeted us;



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The port area @ Belize does have some nice photo op locations;





I especially like the way they blend devlopment with nature;
















Harley Davidson is also represented at the pier;



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Spencer and I wandered around the port shops checking out the merchandise and taking occasional photos. When we were in Cozumel I took a dozen or so shots of medicatons available in the pharmacy with the thought in mind that I would share those photos in a thread where someone asks if such and such medication is available in Cozumel. I had planned to get the same assortment of shots in Belize pharmacies and as I entered the first pharmacy I took this pic;






As soon as I snapped the pic above an employee came running toward me while yelling no pictures and pointing to a sign of a camera with a slash through it. I immediately turned my camera off and stuck it in my pocket. The employee continued to yell so I told them I turned it off and put it away. The employee then told me I had to delete the photos. I said I would not. They insisted again that I had to delete the photo and I said I would not.


There was then some shouting back and forth among the employees in their native tongue.


The employee then lunged toward me and attempted to grab my arm. I moved and they missed. They were saying 'If you won't delete it I will.' Once they regained their footing they lunged again and continued stating 'I will delete it!' I said 'Do not touch me.' This appeared to confuse them, but they still attempted to reach my arm or pocket. I said 'Do not touch me. If you touch me, I will break your arm.' I did not raise my voice or act in a threatening manner.



'Security. Security. I will call security!' was the next things I heard. I said 'Go ahead and call them. Make sure you request ten of them to make it fair and I promise you they will not touch my camera and they will not delete anything.'


Spencer and I then proceded to walk thru the pharmacy and stopped at each shelf to read the labels and see what all they had. I confess I was simulating the reading of the labels because I was actually quite annoyed. The employee was walking in circles mumbling something about touch me and you'll think I touched you and just wait until security gets here. Much of the mumbling was in mixed languages.


Through all of this the pharmacist and assistant busied themselves behind the counter and did not make eye contact. They did not respond to any of the employees demands to call security.


I walked throughout the entire shop and then to the exit. Once at the exit the would be assailant attempted to run at me, but stopped when I turned toward them. I smiled and walked away. I passed several security guards and each of them appeared to be aware of what had happened and each of them smiled and nodded to me. When I had passed them earlier they were preoccupied with whatever they were thinking and didn't look at me.


Belize is a country of honest hard working people, but just like everywhere you go you'll run into people who don't have the best poeple skills. I'm not sure why a tourist area pharmacy would have a sign up indicating no cameras are allowed and not educate their staff about what they can and cannot do if there are violations. Granted Belize does not have the legal quagmire of the United States where just about any action can be considered a crime, but assault, attempted assault, and battery is not something you should encounter when dealing with an employee working in a tourist area.


It could be argued that I should have considered my son was with me and I should have simply left the establishment. I would like to think my sons would stand up for themselves in similar situations and that they would be able to remain calm. The example I set was that of standing by your rights and remainng calm when faced with hostile individuals.


Anyhow, enough rambling about what was actually an amusing event albeit after the fact was the amusing time. I was amused during the incident, but I wouldn't chose amused as my strongest feeling at the time.


I would compare the incident to a pleasant walk being interrupted by a yappy little dog who persists in chasing along behind you as you walk along. If the dog bites and you have to kick it you would be justifed, but you'll still feel bad for kicking a little dog.


If you go to Belize and wish to avoid the pharmacy with the hostile employees, avoid #18 on the map below. The pharmacy at 10a is many of the same employees, but when Spencer and I walked in the 10a pharmacy later on they were all very jovial. I bought some cocoa butter lotion and some Aloe for Bryson's sun burned from Cozumel.





Spencer had a lot of questions about why I ddn't get mad and a lot of what if type questions. I did my best to answer in a way that conveyed that I was actually mad even though I didn't let it show. It took a while, but we were able to enjoy our walk around the Belize port.



Diamonds International. Is there any port where there's not a DI?







We have had some excellent excursions in Belize in past visits. If you've never been cave tubing, you have to go. If you do opt to go cave tubing, I highly recommend cavetubing dot com. The ship's excursions aren't even in the same league. They also have a nice four wheeler excursion. On our next visit we're going to one of the islands directly from the ship. It would be nice to see the port area developed further, but even nicer if they'd build a pier no matter how long to avoid the hassle of the long tenders. Our tender Captain was the first one we've ever seen who was incoherent; most are on the ball and have safety in mind at all times.


The port area is not much larger than the buildings in this picture;






The scenery as you leave Belize is beautiful;






The wake of the tenders is a very familiar sight for those of us who prefer the aft of ships;



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