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I was almost done...


I don't have an issue with them raising the Gratuity amount. I am sure the staff earn it. I do have an issue how they distribute it however and I will be sure to make sure the right people get the money they deserve.


I do have an issue also with calling it a "raise" as a raise comes from an employer.


I understand why they do it this way, but I also realize that the real issue is that Carnival made 2.2 BILLION in profits last year all the while expecting us to pay their staff their well deserved wage. This bothers me and I would think it should bother you and Mike as well, but it seems like your more concerned with how I tip.


And yes, I am paying the salary of the staff of the cruise. I get that...but that comes out of my fare. Thus ending my commitment to the staff correct? Beyond that it's up to Gerry to pay them the wages out of that.


If I choose to tip based on service that is an entirely different thing btn me and the worker and has no relation to the crap wages they get paid as again, I fulfilled my portion of it by paying for the cruise.


For example...my last cabin steward was really nice and helpful and so I tipped him $20 at the end of the cruise. If I had not seen him during my trip I would not have provided that tip. That makes sense right?


Carry on....


So you don't see the room steward but he does all his duties, cleaning your room daily, fresh towels, ice etc get nothing?


No doesn't make sense. Do you think the room steward from Christmas past is taking care of your room?



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If I'm not mistaken, you are missing one small detail. If auto tips are removed, and you give cash to individuals, that money is not kept by the person but added to a pool of all the money received by those who have had auto tips removed. In this case, the room steward didn't get to keep the $20. ;)


I am sorry but this is not true. It has been posted here over and over and John Heald the brand ambassador to Carnival has stated that the staff keeps the tips handed to them. I know if I hand my cabin steward $50 in the privacy of my cabin he/she is not running to the head of housekeeping to turn it in. There is no common sense in that.



Can you provide a link to this. I have never read tha John has ever written anything like this. I am sure he has said just the opposite about pooling. Just trying to learn.

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I am sorry but this is not true. It has been posted here over and over and John Heald the brand ambassador to Carnival has stated that the staff keeps the tips handed to them. I know if I hand my cabin steward $50 in the privacy of my cabin he/she is not running to the head of housekeeping to turn it in. There is no common sense in that.



Can you provide a link to this. I have never read tha John has ever written anything like this. I am sure he has said just the opposite about pooling. Just trying to learn.


I guarantee any tip they get goes into their pocket.Just like when we go to our favorite bartender he puts that $1 directly into his/her pocket every single time.

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Can you provide a link to this. I have never read tha John has ever written anything like this. I am sure he has said just the opposite about pooling. Just trying to learn.


I guarantee any tip they get goes into their pocket.Just like when we go to our favorite bartender he puts that $1 directly into his/her pocket every single time.



Mike, I am just looking for John's quote to that. On other ships they have been firm that all money goes into a pool and that it must be turned in. Then they get any monies once all guarentee gartuities have been accounted for. I'd like to know the official position.

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I understand what you mean ,I have worked and pooled with bartenders .When we were done our shift we would ALL sort and count the money together just to keep everyone honest.Where would all the cash tips that passengers give to the room stewards go? Who would watch and keep everyone honest.To me turning in money that I worked hard for doesnt make sense and im sure most if not all dont turn anything they get in.

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Can you provide a link to this. I have never read tha John has ever written anything like this. I am sure he has said just the opposite about pooling. Just trying to learn.




In a question regarding tips posed on John Heald's Blog he responded thusly:


I love Cruise Critic and it is without doubt the most important source of information (after this blog of course) for passengers to see and hear what is happening. However, as on all public sites and with all subjects………one or two ……..and I mean……….a tiny, minuscule, amoeba sized minority of people who write on them are ……… ummm …………… well……….bonkers. Carnival does not……..I repeat not……….take a percentage of the tips and to suggest such a thing is outrageous……….. and the only reason I would suggest that the gentlemen is writing this is because he may possibly have had a concern onboard a ship…….. or he is just a grumpy sod ……..you know………the type that has a free lunch in the mall by walking round the food court 20 times taking the free samples.

Seriously though, if you have good service, keep the tips on and they will be given 100% to the brilliant people who provide that service.

There really is no defending of our tipping policy needed but thank you so much for doing so. Every crew member works hard and every crew member is paid a salary by the company but of course as is general in the service industry ….tipping does supplement their pay.

The best advice I can give you is go with an open mind and not one influenced by others……..and then……..once you see the wonderful and fun service you will receive………the removing the tips will be the last thing on your mind.


There will be those who will claim that this is just more propaganda from Carnival and, basically, lies. That, of course, is their privilege.



excerpted from


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In a question regarding tips posed on John Heald's Blog he responded thusly:


I love Cruise Critic and it is without doubt the most important source of information (after this blog of course) for passengers to see and hear what is happening. However, as on all public sites and with all subjects………one or two ……..and I mean……….a tiny, minuscule, amoeba sized minority of people who write on them are ……… ummm …………… well……….bonkers. Carnival does not……..I repeat not……….take a percentage of the tips and to suggest such a thing is outrageous……….. and the only reason I would suggest that the gentlemen is writing this is because he may possibly have had a concern onboard a ship…….. or he is just a grumpy sod ……..you know………the type that has a free lunch in the mall by walking round the food court 20 times taking the free samples.

Seriously though, if you have good service, keep the tips on and they will be given 100% to the brilliant people who provide that service.

There really is no defending of our tipping policy needed but thank you so much for doing so. Every crew member works hard and every crew member is paid a salary by the company but of course as is general in the service industry ….tipping does supplement their pay.

The best advice I can give you is go with an open mind and not one influenced by others……..and then……..once you see the wonderful and fun service you will receive………the removing the tips will be the last thing on your mind.


There will be those who will claim that this is just more propaganda from Carnival and, basically, lies. That, of course, is their privilege.



excerpted from



Thats not my quote

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So you don't see the room steward but he does all his duties, cleaning your room daily, fresh towels, ice etc get nothing?


No doesn't make sense. Do you think the room steward from Christmas past is taking care of your room?




Isn't that his job? And doesn't my fare pay for said service?


So no, I don't tip him extra if I don't see him. Why would I?

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Thats not my quote


The question was not if Carnaval keep any portion of the tips or not, but rather if they are pooled. And if so, any additional tips given go into that pool until everyone in that service area (cabin Steward) has met the minimum. I dont see that answered here.

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It has been posted here over and over and John Heald the brand ambassador to Carnival has stated that the staff keeps the tips handed to them.

Can you provide a link to this. I have never read tha John has ever written anything like this. I am sure he has said just the opposite about pooling. Just trying to learn.

Actually I can not/ I do not remember where I read it. It could have been the blog, or facebook or even quoted here.

I believe it was in response to someone who asked why would HIS cabin steward who went above and beyond for his family ( the questioner went on and on listing the duties ) have to give up the $100 the questioner said he gave him. Mr. Heald replied something like " Of course he would be able to keep his tip." The man asked about pooled tips and Mr. Heald double-talked but never said they take money from Peter to pay Paul. And I still to this day can't imagine Peter or Petunia willing giving up the money.

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the crew keeps 100% of their cash tips, regardless of the amount. there is no minimum amount. it's just suggested.



Where is the proof or fact of this?


I have been told by a steward that cash tips must be handed in until each sector has achieved the Auto tip amount for the cruise,anything over is given back to the person who received it,failing to hand in the cash tip when auto tip amounts have been removed could amount to stealing and end an employment contract.


Is this proof cash tips are pooled? No its just what I was told! If in fact it was untrue then why didnt the steward tell me the opposite and gain cash?



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Where is the proof or fact of this?


I have been told by a steward that cash tips must be handed in until each sector has achieved the Auto tip amount for the cruise,anything over is given back to the person who received it,failing to hand in the cash tip when auto tip amounts have been removed could amount to stealing and end an employment contract.


Is this proof cash tips are pooled? No its just what I was told! If in fact it was untrue then why didnt the steward tell me the opposite and gain cash?



My guess and keep in mind it is only a guess, Is that staff are instucted by management to give this standard reply to the cash question. It is in Carnivals ( all cruiselines ) best interest for the auto-tips to remain in place. I mentioned it in an earlier post, the issue is real money versus paper money. No matter how you pay your tip, with the exception of direct to staff cash, Canival is in complete control of the funds until they are paid out to the crew. The crew is paid either bi-weekly, monthly, or term of contract. Carnival holds all tips till distribution thereby increasing their monetary base. If all of the passangers on one cruise decide to tip in cash the crew would be estactic the line not so much. All big business deal in paper money they are then able to report higher earnings to shareholders while making bigger operating deductions to the IRS. I am not an economics person but the ones that post here could explain it more effectively.


I will still never believe that if I tip Sally $50 on Tuesday and remove auto-tips on Thursday and then tip her another $20 on Friday. She is not only going to turn in the, post auto-tip removal, $ 20, but will run to her teensy tiny shared cabin to retrieve the $ 50 hidden in her sock drawer to turn that in.:eek:

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I wonder if there are different contracts for different itinerary,like Europe and the caribbean



I wonder if the pay is different because of different tipping cultures



One day there will be service charges automatically added (and cant be removed) its just going to take 400 people standing in line on Saturday afternoon complaining about how bad service was and getting a $150 rebate on their cruise and the cruiselines having a hard time filling positions onboard because the staff does not get paid what was promised (or suggested)


we would pay more to cruise and see staff being paid what was expected when they signed the contract



Australia is a non tipping culture although many do tip,just not as much as Americans.


P&O Australia had Auto tips and did away with them i think last year sometime.


The biggest queue on some cruises was not for tenders in port but at the pursers desk last night for tip removal! so they are gone.

The lack of auto tips has been reflected not in the raise of the cruise price but in the cost of eveything onboard,drinks,photos,pay for food bingo and the list goes on.


Any food outside the buffet and MRD is paid for (except some arranged deck BBQs) some ships have a burger bar and dont serve fries in the buffet so kids wanting fries have to pay,ice cream is only free in MRD as a desert, there is paid for icecream bars,pizza is paid for,no more pasta or stir fry station in the buffet,no lobster or shrimp only seafood extender,no more French night,no more set dinning only yourtime dinning(which really means their time dinning) The select few would be lucky to get 1 towel animal and very lucky to get 2 on a 12 night cruise!


The Auto tip cost has been replaced and absorbed by alcohol prices alone.


Looks like Carnival has already started to implement some of the exact same changes P&O did in the run down to doing away with auto tips altogether.


P&O belongs to Carnival and Carnival is now coming to Australia and one of their biggest selling points is free icecream lol.


Australia has a small population but in % terms more of the Australian population "now" cruise than anywhere else and a very high % of them are new to cruising so accept modern cruising with no tips and no finery plus its a lot more expensive than USA cruising! The crew want tips but dont need them as part of their wage,just a bonus to their wage because their basic wage is higher than what they would earn in their own country.


The tippers who always tipped or used auto tips still tip and those that tip ashore will always tip cruise staff but many tip nothing.


I have always liked auto tips and find them fare so factored them in to the overall cruise price

but the temptation to remove them because you "can" and without question is just too great for some when they add up their S&S account spend.


I also am a true believer that a large % of auto tip removers who claim it is best to tip cash only to those who serve them are in actual fact paying out less than the recommended auto tip amount,it serves no other purpose to remove them:confused: To me it doesnt matter if people tip or not, cash or auto tips its, a personal choice




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In a question regarding tips posed on John Heald's Blog he responded thusly:


I love Cruise Critic and it is without doubt the most important source of information (after this blog of course) for passengers to see and hear what is happening. However, as on all public sites and with all subjects………one or two ……..and I mean……….a tiny, minuscule, amoeba sized minority of people who write on them are ……… ummm …………… well……….bonkers. Carnival does not……..I repeat not……….take a percentage of the tips and to suggest such a thing is outrageous……….. and the only reason I would suggest that the gentlemen is writing this is because he may possibly have had a concern onboard a ship…….. or he is just a grumpy sod ……..you know………the type that has a free lunch in the mall by walking round the food court 20 times taking the free samples.

Seriously though, if you have good service, keep the tips on and they will be given 100% to the brilliant people who provide that service.

There really is no defending of our tipping policy needed but thank you so much for doing so. Every crew member works hard and every crew member is paid a salary by the company but of course as is general in the service industry ….tipping does supplement their pay.

The best advice I can give you is go with an open mind and not one influenced by others……..and then……..once you see the wonderful and fun service you will receive………the removing the tips will be the last thing on your mind.


There will be those who will claim that this is just more propaganda from Carnival and, basically, lies. That, of course, is their privilege.



excerpted from




This does not say tips are not pooled it just says staff get 100% of tips and the cruise line doesn't get a slice?


It also does not state weather personal tips can be kept if graduates are not met?



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My guess and keep in mind it is only a guess, Is that staff are instucted by management to give this standard reply to the cash question. It is in Carnivals ( all cruiselines ) best interest for the auto-tips to remain in place. I mentioned it in an earlier post, the issue is real money versus paper money. No matter how you pay your tip, with the exception of direct to staff cash, Canival is in complete control of the funds until they are paid out to the crew. The crew is paid either bi-weekly, monthly, or term of contract. Carnival holds all tips till distribution thereby increasing their monetary base. If all of the passangers on one cruise decide to tip in cash the crew would be estactic the line not so much. All big business deal in paper money they are then able to report higher earnings to shareholders while making bigger operating deductions to the IRS. I am not an economics person but the ones that post here could explain it more effectively.


I will still never believe that if I tip Sally $50 on Tuesday and remove auto-tips on Thursday and then tip her another $20 on Friday. She is not only going to turn in the, post auto-tip removal, $ 20, but will run to her teensy tiny shared cabin to retrieve the $ 50 hidden in her sock drawer to turn that in.:eek:



Sally isnt working on a cruise ship! Most people working service on a cruise have a totally different value base to our western values of today,many are supporting their entire families back home and cannot risk just pocketing something for ones self like many do,how many Sally,s are contributing money for their siblings education or the food/rent bill for their parents and grandparents at the same time as supporting a spouse?


When you travel Asia you find honesty and fare play for the better good of all family members including co workers is the norm not the exception.



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Sally isnt working on a cruise ship! Most people working service on a cruise have a totally different value base to our western values of today,many are supporting their entire families back home and cannot risk just pocketing something for ones self like many do,how many Sally,s are contributing money for their siblings education or the food/rent bill for their parents and grandparents at the same time as supporting a spouse?


When you travel Asia you find honesty and fare play for the better good of all family members including co workers is the norm not the exception.



Ya know, you could be right, but I have my doubts. Many of the staff are repeat contracts. They know the lay of the land so to speak.

What if Sally ( not her real name ) sent the first $50 home already to her siblings or parents or spouse. They have to ask that it be mailed back to Carnival. What If they took the money ashore and spent it, they would have no way of knowing the auto-tips were going to be removed. It makes no sense. They keep the money. Carnival tells them to tell you they have to give it away so you leave the auto-tips. That benefits Carnival. $100 in Sally's pocket benefits Sally, her Grandparents, her spouse, her siblings, it doesn't benefit Micky Arison, or Sargent_Shultz ( sorry I just used your name cos I know you are a share-holder ), or any of the other share-holders.

As far as honesty and fair play towards co-workers this plays no part. If Sally makes a great tip in cash and Sammy ( not his real name ) makes the standard auto-tip on one cabin each, that is what is. They have many cabins and many cruises under their contract. It evens up at the end.

The only one out with auto-tips removed (assuming the staff is tipped for service rendered ) is the Cruiseline as they no longer have the $100 + per passenger to include in their deposit base when making fiduciary reports to the shareholders.

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Ya know, you could be right, but I have my doubts. Many of the staff are repeat contracts. They know the lay of the land so to speak.

What if Sally ( not her real name ) sent the first $50 home already to her siblings or parents or spouse. They have to ask that it be mailed back to Carnival. What If they took the money ashore and spent it, they would have no way of knowing the auto-tips were going to be removed. It makes no sense. They keep the money. Carnival tells them to tell you they have to give it away so you leave the auto-tips. That benefits Carnival. $100 in Sally's pocket benefits Sally, her Grandparents, her spouse, her siblings, it doesn't benefit Micky Arison, or Sargent_Shultz ( sorry I just used your name cos I know you are a share-holder ), or any of the other share-holders.

As far as honesty and fair play towards co-workers this plays no part. If Sally makes a great tip in cash and Sammy ( not his real name ) makes the standard auto-tip on one cabin each, that is what is. They have many cabins and many cruises under their contract. It evens up at the end.

The only one out with auto-tips removed (assuming the staff is tipped for service rendered ) is the Cruiseline as they no longer have the $100 + per passenger to include in their deposit base when making fiduciary reports to the shareholders.


100% here that you are all dreaming about your cash only tips benefiting the person you gave it to when autotips are removed.


I get it fully that your culture relies on low paid service workers getting a certain % in cash tips to bring there income to a reasonable level of income to survive in America but the truth is most service workers on a cruise are being paid more than they earn at home and a tip is a "Bonus" only, like most of the world. If Carnival wants to pay them less than we think then that is their business not ours and by bucking the trend and removing auto tips in favour of cash only to the "ones who serve me directly" bares no merit with service workers that do not rely solely on tips to supplement there wage to a reasonable standard of living.


I also dont believe that Carnival would contract their overseas American working cruise staff on lesser pay conditions to any other cruise lines that cruises in non tipping cultures. In fact you will possibly find that a contract on American cruise ships is sort after because of the American tipping culture.


I am not from America and looking from outside with tipping, "when in Rome!" but cruise staff on Carnival are not in Rome (America:) ) only the cruisers are.


I will never be convinced that the high % of cruisers removing autotips in favour of cash only tips on a cruise are in actual fact paying the recommended amount or above but actually paying less to suit their selves.


This is fine by me as I dont care if people tip or not,its not in my culture to tip anyway, I tip because I choose to tip and auto tips take the DOH factor out and make it fare for all.



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100% here that you are all dreaming about your cash only tips benefiting the person you gave it to when autotips are removed.


I get it fully that your culture relies on low paid service workers getting a certain % in cash tips to bring there income to a reasonable level of income to survive in America but the truth is most service workers on a cruise are being paid more than they earn at home and a tip is a "Bonus" only, like most of the world. If Carnival wants to pay them less than we think then that is their business not ours and by bucking the trend and removing auto tips in favour of cash only to the "ones who serve me directly" bares no merit with service workers that do not rely solely on tips to supplement there wage to a reasonable standard of living.


I also dont believe that Carnival would contract their overseas American working cruise staff on lesser pay conditions to any other cruise lines that cruises in non tipping cultures. In fact you will possibly find that a contract on American cruise ships is sort after because of the American tipping culture.


I am not from America and looking from outside with tipping, "when in Rome!" but cruise staff on Carnival are not in Rome (America:) ) only the cruisers are.


I will never be convinced that the high % of cruisers removing autotips in favour of cash only tips on a cruise are in actual fact paying the recommended amount or above but actually paying less to suit their selves.


This is fine by me as I dont care if people tip or not,its not in my culture to tip anyway, I tip because I choose to tip and auto tips take the DOH factor out and make it fare for all.



I am so sorry, and it must be because I am being truly dense or culturally illiterate, but I don't think I understand your post. Are you trying to say the staff enjoy a reasonable standard of living in their homelands based on the salary from Carnival alone? Tipping is considered an extra and more of what we in America see as a bonus and not necessarily the difference between abject poverty and being self-supportive? :confused:


If so , I'm sorry but I have to say I don't think that to be true. I may not agree with auto or pre tipping but I don't think Carnival pays a great wage.

I know Americans are tip crazed, however, I for one, can't have someone do for me in a position that expects a gratuity and not proffer one if warranted. MY problem is not that the staff expect tips... it is that Carnival ( and all the other mainstream cruiselines ) now have their hands in the pie, so to speak.

Not only are they telling me who to tip, but when, how much, directing me to pay raises when they admit the staff deserves them but choose not to pay etc.

I firmly believe in the gratuity for service culture, but on my terms not the owners of the company for whom the service personnel work.


As in all threads of this nature there are differences of opinion. I fully believe that everyone has the right to his or her own choice. And to go one further they are absolutely 100% correct in any choice they make. It is their vacation, their money, their values and no one has the right to tell them to do it another way.

I only post and defend my views to enlighten those who may be here for information. Varied as it may be, the information can help them make whatever choice is comfortable for them.:)

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Australia is a non tipping culture although many do tip,just not as much as Americans.


P&O Australia had Auto tips and did away with them i think last year sometime.


The biggest queue on some cruises was not for tenders in port but at the pursers desk last night for tip removal! so they are gone.

The lack of auto tips has been reflected not in the raise of the cruise price but in the cost of eveything onboard,drinks,photos,pay for food bingo and the list goes on.


Any food outside the buffet and MRD is paid for (except some arranged deck BBQs) some ships have a burger bar and dont serve fries in the buffet so kids wanting fries have to pay,ice cream is only free in MRD as a desert, there is paid for icecream bars,pizza is paid for,no more pasta or stir fry station in the buffet,no lobster or shrimp only seafood extender,no more French night,no more set dinning only yourtime dinning(which really means their time dinning) The select few would be lucky to get 1 towel animal and very lucky to get 2 on a 12 night cruise!


The Auto tip cost has been replaced and absorbed by alcohol prices alone.


Looks like Carnival has already started to implement some of the exact same changes P&O did in the run down to doing away with auto tips altogether.


P&O belongs to Carnival and Carnival is now coming to Australia and one of their biggest selling points is free icecream lol.


Australia has a small population but in % terms more of the Australian population "now" cruise than anywhere else and a very high % of them are new to cruising so accept modern cruising with no tips and no finery plus its a lot more expensive than USA cruising! The crew want tips but dont need them as part of their wage,just a bonus to their wage because their basic wage is higher than what they would earn in their own country.


The tippers who always tipped or used auto tips still tip and those that tip ashore will always tip cruise staff but many tip nothing.


I have always liked auto tips and find them fare so factored them in to the overall cruise price

but the temptation to remove them because you "can" and without question is just too great for some when they add up their S&S account spend.


I also am a true believer that a large % of auto tip removers who claim it is best to tip cash only to those who serve them are in actual fact paying out less than the recommended auto tip amount,it serves no other purpose to remove them:confused: To me it doesnt matter if people tip or not, cash or auto tips its, a personal choice





My thoughts as well.People remove them because they can !!!



I wish they would have removers to file reports and have senior officers have to investigate!!I wish the removers would have to look the staff in the eye with an officer watching as they lie about how bad service was

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My thoughts as well.People remove them because they can !!!



I wish they would have removers to file reports and have senior officers have to investigate!!I wish the removers would have to look the staff in the eye with an officer watching as they lie about how bad service was


so start a business, put this all in place, and see how successful you are.


nothing like looking at your customer as the enemy.

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so start a business, put this all in place, and see how successful you are.


nothing like looking at your customer as the enemy.


I dont look at customers as the enemy in any way.


But after I think about it more even with management watching the people who stiff the staff have no shame so this wouldnt bother them

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My thoughts as well.People remove them because they can !!!



I wish they would have removers to file reports and have senior officers have to investigate!!I wish the removers would have to look the staff in the eye with an officer watching as they lie about how bad service was


So how would they handle it with someone says, I dont agree with your guidelines and tip less or I don't believe in tipping.


This is already happening on Princess. The staff at guess services ask why the removal and make comments like "do you think the staff should get paid."

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So how would they handle it with someone says, I dont agree with your guidelines and tip less or I don't believe in tipping.


This is already happening on Princess. The staff at guess services ask why the removal and make comments like "do you think the staff should get paid."


I get everyones views but why should the staff who makes your vacation great suffer?


I guess my morals are different than others


hopefully soon they will raise the prices and pay the staff a living wage

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My thoughts as well.People remove them because they can !!!



I wish they would have removers to file reports and have senior officers have to investigate!!I wish the removers would have to look the staff in the eye with an officer watching as they lie about how bad service was

Why are all those who tip differently than you liars?

Why are all those who do not believe in tipping horrible people?

Why are only your views the correct ones?

Those who are honest here state their reasons for removing/changing/disregarding the tipping policy set forth by the cruiseline ( not the staff, their bosses !).

They have not said that YOU are wrong or anything else derogatory or perjorative about those who think differently.

People disagree, it is not a crime nor is it an immoral act to disagree on how to ( legally :p ) spend ones own money.

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Why are all those who tip differently than you liars?

Why are all those who do not believe in tipping horrible people?

Why are only your views the correct ones?

Those who are honest here state their reasons for removing/changing/disregarding the tipping policy set forth by the cruiseline ( not the staff, their bosses !).

They have not said that YOU are wrong or anything else derogatory or perjorative about those who think differently.

People disagree, it is not a crime nor is it an immoral act to disagree on how to ( legally :p ) spend ones own money.


exactly disregarding the tipping policy!!!


why did they make guidelines?


Ohh for people to disregard

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