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All about Cave Tubing - Coral Breezes and Wet N Wild


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Belize is an awesome place. Without going through a long description of the people, culture and history, it is neat that they are a stable democracy in Central America, have only 1 prison in the country and that hold only about 850 (most common crime is drugs) and are a blend of at least 6 different cultures. They have Mayans, Spanish, English, African, Chinese, Middle Easterners and Mennonites (yes, those Mennonites, the ones similar to the Amish). They speak many different languages but the official language is English. They speak Creole (not New Orleans Creole) to each other) but everyone knows English and they have above a 90% literacy rate with everyone having access to electricity and potable water. Lots of great things to say about the country and the culture but I will move on.


We had to tender in since it is so shallow around Belize. Tender was by fast tender boats and was entertaining. There is not much at the Belize port but we had booked a tour with Coral Breezes prior to the cruise. Our guide, and the owner of the tour company since apparently Coral Breezes is just a booking agent and not the name of the tour (tour is Wet N Wild), was Marvin. He was a native Belizean and very nice. There was another family of 4 on the tour and we all loaded into his 13 passenger van for a trip to the park and a lot of very interesting history and facts. I could go on and on about that but I will spare you except to say that I was fascinated and really enjoyed learning all about it.


This is important! Apparently ALL of the cave tubing tours go to the same park to start. This is not a park like you think of in the US. First we turned off a paved road and only a dirt road (covered with loose rock and calling it a road is again, being kind). Quite a bumpy trip for about 10 minutes (maybe more in American minutes but I was still on Cozumel time <g>). We passed cashew trees and I learned that they grow on a tree (not a bush like peanuts) and are poisonous until roasted. We got to the park and there were a lot of other people there. Remember, all tours, even the ones from the ship, have to come to this same place to park and pick up their tubes. Beside the start of the trail, there is an outdoor snack stand that serves meals. This is where any tour that includes food will be getting their lunch (more later about that). So all of the tours are about the same except price and except that ship tours and a few others start at a lower cave rather than taking you to the higher caves (we passed through the lower caves on our way back but the ship cruises never get to float through the higher cave). Think price and find the best value.


There were life vests freely available and Marvin made sure everyone who wanted one, or thought they may want one, had a chance to get it. Everything we wanted to keep dry was locked in the van. We took only what we wanted to get wet and carried our tube. An intertube is light at first but trust me, after carrying it through the rain forest for a while, it gets heavy! The walk through the rain forest is very enlightening and fun until you are very tired. Marvin pointed out many trees that are useful and medicinal. He let us taste many things (leaves, fruit, etc.) and stuck his hand into a termite nest to get plenty of termites for us to take pictures. The ship guides did not stop during the rain forest walk according to our fellow passengers later. Other guides were stopping so obviously some guides stop, some don’t. Marvin was very good and I liked learning. We saw lizards, termites, a tarantula, oro pendulum birds and all types of other things. The size of the palm fronds amazed me. I wish there had been a few water fountains icon_cool.gif! We passed a split in the path where Marvin later told me the ship tours and some others enter the river but we kept climbing.


After the walk, we arrived at the pool where we would enter the water. Marvin started it off by climbing up on some rocks and doing a nice flip into the water. We had waded through the water at the start of the walk so we knew it was cold but at this point, we were all ready for anything cool. Most of us got in carefully but pretty soon, most had climbed out to climb up on the rocks and do flips and somersaults back into the water. Many pictures were taken and it was very refreshing and welcome. Another group was coming up so we gathered our tubes and headlights and started floating.


Again, words cannot do it justice. The caves are beautiful and the float is very relaxing and refreshing. I feel bad for those who start their float lower in the river because they really did miss some beautiful things. You walk through one cave near the start (and we saw fruit bats!) then you float through 2 caves on the way down. You could count the 2 caves as more than 2 since there are breaks in them but I counted each one as a continuous cave. We saw the tour groups from the ship getting in at the lower cave then after that cave, they got out rather than continue to float further down the river. The further floating was fun but I got on the wrong side of a turn and ended up on some rocks, and bounced off a sharp root. That was not fun. I was also disappointed when I had a go back to recover my son, who was making himself go slowly and ended up blending with another group behind us, and Marvin did not wait on us or check on us. He was waiting at the very end but I wish he had shown some notice or concern when we got separated from the rest of our group and did not catch right back up. To be fair, several groups, including a large cruise ship group, had blended with ours so perhaps he did not notice. It is a minor thing but it did disappoint me.


After making it to the end, we carried our tubes the blessedly short distance back to the entrance and returned the tubes. We changed into dry clothes if we wanted and because time was running short to return to the ship, we decided to take our lunches with us on the van and eat as we rode back. The juice we got with the lunches was great. We also bought a Diet Coke (called Coca Cola Light) for each of us since we had worked up a good thirst but I would have loved more of that juice. The lunch included BBQ, beans and rice, BBQ beans, salad like coleslaw, a piece of fried plantain, terrific garlic bread and a huge banana nut bread muffin. It was included with our tour but was also available separately for $5. It was an uneventful ride back and a pleasant lunch for a group of tired people.


Back at the Belize port, there was a long line for the tenders. It was late in the day so such a line is to be expected. The line moved thankfully fast as the crew was loading the fast tenders as quickly as possible and sending them on their way. We were awfully glad we had late seating dinner since we all needed the nap we took at that point.


Thanks Marvin for a good time!


I can recommend Marvin, Coral Breezes and Wet N Wild without reservation and I hope everyone gives it a try. Don't worry about missing the ship by going with a private tour operator.



May 23, 2004 Carnival Inspiration

January 29, 2003 Disney Magic

August 10, 1986 some Carnival ship


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Wow! Thanks for such a detailed review! I had a hard time deciding between X-treme, Wet and Wild and Coral Breezes (did not know those 2 were the same - they charge 2 different rates). We went with Wet and Wild because it was cheaper then Xtreme and included lunch and also had alot of good reviews.



Carnival Sensation -10/00 & 06/01

Explorer of the Seas -11/01

Carnival Triumph -06/02

Voyager of the seas -10/02

NCL Majesty- 2/03

Celebrity Galaxy- 6/03

Navigator of the Seas 10/03

Grandeur of the Seas 6/04

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That was a wonderful review of your cave tubing experience. I'm really siked and ready to go.

We're also using Marvin for our cave tubing excursion. I found him to be very polite and informative. Glad you had a great time. Now I'm anxiously waiting for our turn. icon_biggrin.gif


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Until we're on the Explorer of the Seas !



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Be sure and mention Cruise Critic message board. Marvin mentioned he checks it but I guess it is good for all tour providers to know that people do read about them and write about them. Nothing ensures good continuing service like word of mouth.



May 23, 2004 Carnival Inspiration

January 29, 2003 Disney Magic

August 10, 1986 some Carnival ship


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Thank you soooo much for that wonderful review. My DH and I are also using Coral Breeze Limited. I have heard all good things about this tour and they are so much cheaper than others. The only thing that disappointed me about your review was that it sounds like you recieve a sack lunch to take back with you and I was under the impression that when the tubing was over we went to a "special resturant"for lunch which is included in the tour price. Maybe this is why they are less expensive? Because I know that other tours do go and have lunch at a resturaunt. Maybe I didn't do enough research. But thanks for the review of the tour, I'm excited and can't wait.





Vacation Here We Come!!!

6-20-04 Carnival Elation!!!

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Please let me clarify about the lunch situation. There is only one place to eat. In American terms, it would be more like a snack bar or poolside lunch stand. It is covered and surrounded with open sides, like a large porch, and if you order and eat there, you would be sitting at tables (I think picnic type tables if I remember right) on that "porch". The food preparation area is the only part that was walled off and there was a counter/stand for the orders to be placed. There was no menu that I saw and only the "special", posted on a chalkboard by the entrance to the path to the caves. I believe everyone got served the same thing and the restaurant, knowing how many had paid for dinners, had already helped the plates and had them ready in styrofoam take out containers for people to pick up quickly. We choose to take ours and each on the way back in order to save time but we had the option to have eaten them there, either picnic style or on the "porch" area. Other tours that offer lunch are, I believe, offering the exact same thing because there was only 1 restaurant.


Again, the food was good and I do not want to belittle it by my description of the place. Everything was neat and clean and I would not hesitate to eat there again. I just did not want anyone to think there were other places or we got a sack lunch as opposed to a sit down lunch.



May 23, 2004 Carnival Inspiration

January 29, 2003 Disney Magic

August 10, 1986 some Carnival ship


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Hi Wgeddings-


What time was your tour scheduled for? we are also using Marvin for our cave tubing excursion and with the 2 hour time difference between ship and local time I just want to make sure we have enough time to get back to the ship. What time was the last tender? From the sounds of your review if we plan to do any shopping we'd better do it before we go on the excursion.

Do you or anyone else have any idea what time the shops open? I'm especially intrested in visiting the Crafts center.


Thanks for your help

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Until we're on the Explorer of the Seas !



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Raytownlady - With the 2 hour time difference, we were able to sleep a little (only a little) later and still get there on time. I don't remember exactly but I think we left the boat about 9 to be there on land by 9:30 (7:30 local time). There was nothing open when we got to Belize City but a few things were opening. Marvin picked us up before there were many places open. Afterward, we got back and there was enough time for one to stand in line while the others shopped quickly. You know you will be okay as long as your group is not the last group leaving the cave tubing park. Marvin was aware of the time and they have a guarantee that they will get you back in time. After being there, I have no reason to doubt it but I was a little concerned before we went. I would not worry now having seen everything.


Jason Senft - As I said in the review, I was a little disappointed but Marvin excelled with telling us about the local history and culture and in the walk through the rain forest. He helped my wife and son when each had a problem with their headlights (the equipment was new and he fixed the problem). At one point, he was out of the tube and "playing goalie" with one of the other guides while we all swung around a particularly quick turn (and caught me). It is possible he was not aware that my son and I had become separated since, as I mentioned, another group blended with us and one LARGE group from the ships entered the water right in front of us as we entered the second cave and blended in. He was waiting at the bottom and there was not really anywhere we could have gotten lost. However, a guide should be keeping track of all his "lambs" so that is why I mentioned it. I would use him again and I was frustrated when I felt left but it was not enough to outweigh the other things he did right. That is why I still gave him a favorable review. Hope that answers your question.



May 23, 2004 Carnival Inspiration

January 29, 2003 Disney Magic

August 10, 1986 some Carnival ship


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  • 2 weeks later...

How was the water level??


We are going the end of this month and some previous posts about the cave tubing describes low water and alot of paddling.


Did you "float" or have to paddle the whole time?



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The water level was fine in the caves. It varied from as much as 15+ feet to as shallow as a foot or so. In the shallow parts, you just have to raise you rump and you skim right over things. The current keeps you moving (unless you have your rump "hanging low" out of the tube). I understand though that the caves flood during the rainy season so I imagine the water levels can vary a great deal. If it is deep enough to paddle, it is deep enough to float.



May 23, 2004 Carnival Inspiration

January 29, 2003 Disney Magic

August 10, 1986 some Carnival ship


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  • 2 weeks later...

We are going to Belize the end of September. According to one of the Belize tourism websites, the rainfall is a little higher in September. Does this affect the cave tubing? Are we still able to go tubing during this time of the year?


Thank you,


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My husband and I did the cave tubing last October and it was AWESOME!!!!! You did a great job with the description. I thing I would like to add - we were taken to a small open air restuarant called "CHEERS" a few miles from the park and had a great lunch there - spicy BBQ chicken, cole slaw, beans, etc...It was very good...we did the tour through the ship - Horizon - Celebrity Line and was very happy with it...I don't think I could have stayed in the water any longer - went went through 3 cave systems - so we were told and I think 2 of them seemed like one - we were in the water for about 2 hours and it was again the only word I have for it was Awesome...Our guide did not stop or talk to us about the Rain Forest and I would have liked that....


I would encourage anyone to do this - I am a full figure woman and the walk was not too difficult for me and he set a fairly brisk pace.


Please let me clarify about the lunch situation. There is only one place to eat. In American terms, it would be more like a snack bar or poolside lunch stand. It is covered and surrounded with open sides, like a large porch, and if you order and eat there, you would be sitting at tables (I think picnic type tables if I remember right) on that "porch". The food preparation area is the only part that was walled off and there was a counter/stand for the orders to be placed. There was no menu that I saw and only the "special", posted on a chalkboard by the entrance to the path to the caves. I believe everyone got served the same thing and the restaurant, knowing how many had paid for dinners, had already helped the plates and had them ready in styrofoam take out containers for people to pick up quickly. We choose to take ours and each on the way back in order to save time but we had the option to have eaten them there, either picnic style or on the "porch" area. Other tours that offer lunch are, I believe, offering the exact same thing because there was only 1 restaurant.


Again, the food was good and I do not want to belittle it by my description of the place. Everything was neat and clean and I would not hesitate to eat there again. I just did not want anyone to think there were other places or we got a sack lunch as opposed to a sit down lunch.



May 23, 2004 Carnival Inspiration

January 29, 2003 Disney Magic

August 10, 1986 some Carnival ship

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  • 1 year later...
Our guide, and the owner of the tour company since apparently Coral Breezes is just a booking agent and not the name of the tour (tour is Wet N Wild), was Marvin.


I am not sure about the connection between Wet N Wild and Coral Breeze. We booked with Coral Breeze and our tour guide was from Coral Breeze. I believe these are two separate companies.

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[quote name=Jason SenftI can't believe that Marvin wasn't more concerned about you getting seperated from the rest of the group and that YOU had to find your son. I'm sure the trip was good but Marvin could have done a better job as a guide. I'm surprised that you are so calm about the whole thing' date=' I would have been irate if I got left behind.


I guess each guide has there own way of doing things because Richard from Xstream made sure that our group of 13 was together at all times and he'd get out of his tube is dangerous areas, roots, rocks, rapids, to make sure we all got by safely. We all stayed together and he even hooked a few people to him and paddled with them to keep with with the rest of us. Isn't the primarty aspect of being a guide, actually staying with the people you are guiding?[/quote]


I agree with you Jason, our tour guide, Ivar, with Coral Breeze was with us the whole time! There was a young girl in our tour and a couple of times he needed to give her a little extra assistance and he would actually get out of water jog to her and then get back in water. He kept an eye on all of us the whole time. If the group would spread out a bit he would ask people in front to hold up a little. He also gave instruction on every quicker part of the river, like "stay to the right (or left)", "bottoms up"....he watched us all like hawks! He was great!!!

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I used Wet & Wild. Carlos was our guide. There were 5 of us in our group. Carlos kept us all together throughout the entire tour and had my daughters up front with him. I never felt unsafe the entire time. It was a great experience.

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