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Diamonds International?


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This is correct if the stone has a lab certification by GIA or AGS. Any other lab and it's "BUYER BEWARE" and anybody's guess as to the real quality of the stone you are considering. This is true in any market, the caribbean, at home, online ............


Absolutely.... except nothing less than GIA or AGS!!!

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DI is actually a NY company.



You can do much better going to the local family owned businesses, who all for the most part, have offices in NY as well and have been there for years. They pride their reputations and will give you the best pricing. Also, their customers return and tend to bring new business to them. This would not happen if they were not providing good value.


DI cannot give you the deep discounts that the family run businesses can. Their staff work on commissions and it is just a job to them.


Rule of thumb....shop where the locals shop. They live there and know where the best deals are.


The on-line shopping channels can offer better deals as well and you do not have to pay for it all at once. Plus, you have 30 days to return the item with no questions asked.


Go for the free charms....but buy elsewhere.


The on-board shopping consultants push hard because they get commissions on the sales from every passenger who purchases. That is why they want to give you the VIP cards and make sure you give them your ship's name. This way they get credit for every sale that comes from their ship's passengers.




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This is correct if the stone has a lab certification by GIA or AGS. Any other lab and it's "BUYER BEWARE" and anybody's guess as to the real quality of the stone you are considering. This is true in any market, the caribbean, at home, online ............


My GIA certified jeweler brother says amen to that. Also, even if the stone is as advertised and at a good price, setting might not be of the quality you would get for that price back home. He's fixed many pieces purchased on cruises or on line where the prongs were cheap or not of sufficient quantity to hold the stone or the catch is cheap. A lost stone can be costly to replace

Buy pieces from local artisans or from long term island jewelers, not fro these cruise ship touted businesses.

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I bought from tanzanite intl in January which is the same bunch as diamonds. Got what I thought was a good deal $269 on what turned out to be a synthetic stone that my jewler says MIGHT be worth $100 not worth paying for an appraisal. Needless to say we won't be buying any more jewelry out of the country


I bought my first piece of tanzanite 6 years ago because I loved the color, it was a very, very deep purple/blue. I haggled and ended up paying about $650 below the asking price. It was expensive but I bought it because I loved the ring. I brought it to a jeweler when I got home and she glanced at the ring told me that she did not believe it was real and had never seen a tanzanite that color. I almost had a heart attack. She agreed to take it for a "2nd opinion".


She took it into the jewelers building in Boston and was happy to tell me that it was appraised for more than double what I paid. My suggestion is to have someone take a second look at your purchase. Maybe the first jeweler you consulted was incorrect.


I have since bought several more pieces from DI and have never been disappointed but I buy only what I absolutely love and figure if I over pay for one piece, I'm still ahead of the game.

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I have shopped several times while in port and yes, there is a haggle process but its nearly impossible that anyone is sold a fake or misrepresented stone. Though people hate the idea that someone gets paid to suggest a store, it's advertising. No different than any other marketing strategy. Truth is that if you shop on the map, your purchases are guaranteed. If you think you got a fake you should contact the cruise line. If you don't shop on the map there is nothing the cruise line or marketing company can do to help you if there is a problem.

I do agree though, never pay sticker and do your research before you go.

Good luck, do your homework and judge for yourself.

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I have shopped several times while in port and yes, there is a haggle process but its nearly impossible that anyone is sold a fake or misrepresented stone. Though people hate the idea that someone gets paid to suggest a store, it's advertising. No different than any other marketing strategy. Truth is that if you shop on the map, your purchases are guaranteed. If you think you got a fake you should contact the cruise line. If you don't shop on the map there is nothing the cruise line or marketing company can do to help you if there is a problem.

I do agree though, never pay sticker and do your research before you go.

Good luck, do your homework and judge for yourself.


Guaranteed for what?


I have yet to see any person ever able to get didly squat from that "guarantee", including through Disney Cruise line or Carnival.


So we have two posts who are cheerleaders for DI/TI, and about 1,343,234 that are negative. As you said, judge for yourself.


Get the free charm and hit the door. I have bought all my jewelry at Costco and have never been disappointed, they take EVERYTHING back, including jewelry my wife got "tired of" after wearing a few times and decided she didnt want it :( or that Movato watch that "just wasnt her sytle" :mad:

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I keep seeing mentions on this board about Diamonds International. Is it owned by Carnival? Is it discount diamond jewelry?


What is your opinion of it? I know someone who bought their wedding ring while on a cruise. They raved about the amazing deal they got and how it was appraised at home by a local jeweler for far more than they paid for it.


I'm very curious to know if this is something I want to start priming dh for! :)


Some people have had good experiences from DI/Tanzanite International

but we got ripped off(stone supposed to be 2.1 carat, was 1.5 and valued by appraiser at $1000 less than I paid. The Carnival guarantee is a total joke, so do not depend on it. Google book companies and you will see how many people have been taken advantage of. If it had not been for 8 months of fighting them to get my money back though my MC and only after very aggressive and original thinking ways. Also, if you decide to buy something there, after you have decided on a price-DO NOT let them take it our of your sight-if they offer to clean it, ask to go back to wherever they are going and keep an eye on it. Besides the over-pricing, we believe they switched items on us that were of less value.

Also, check out your local jewelers-you will probably find better values than you thought.

DI/TI is definitely a BUYER BEWARE.

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Twindaddy, there certainly is nothing wrong with Costco shopping for jewelry, but to assume that these stores are crooks is rash generalization. I have never been unhappy with a purchase so I am not an expert on the "guarantee" but I would assume that a company as well established as DI would stand by the paperwork they provide. As far as the free charm goes, don't waste your time going there for that piece of tin. You bad mouth the establishment yet make a trip for a free worthless charm? Yeah, your expertise and knowledge are super clear...lol stop hating and spend some money, you can't take it with you! Leave the tags on your clothes to return after wear, do you?... You keep going in and getting those charms buddy :) winning. Lol

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I bought a beautiful diamond ring from them many years ago and it was a bargain but those days with both gold and diamond prices soaring are over. Buy in a port if it makes you happy. On a cruise this spring this couple had bought their engagement ring and they were estatic about their beautiful ring and bargain. I personally thought they could have gotten a better deal in the states but kept my mouth shut. This ring made them happy and would always be this special memory. If it makes you happy and you can afford it buy your jewerly where ever you wish.

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Twindaddy, there certainly is nothing wrong with Costco shopping for jewelry, but to assume that these stores are crooks is rash generalization. I have never been unhappy with a purchase so I am not an expert on the "guarantee" but I would assume that a company as well established as DI would stand by the paperwork they provide. As far as the free charm goes, don't waste your time going there for that piece of tin. You bad mouth the establishment yet make a trip for a free worthless charm? Yeah, your expertise and knowledge are super clear...lol stop hating and spend some money, you can't take it with you! Leave the tags on your clothes to return after wear, do you?... You keep going in and getting those charms buddy :) winning. Lol


Ok, thank you for your take on things.


I have actually never gone to any store on the shopping list, and never stepped foot in a DI/TI store. I was just making a vague suggestion that the only value in these stores is the free charm.


I would just never risk buying such an expensive purchase on vacation with no backing. It is not hard to read the multipe horror stories of the "guarantee" being total hogwash on cruise critic and various other websites, but if you are happy with your purchase, that is all that really matters, isnt it?


I forgot the name, I have it on my kindle, but there is a book written by a former "shopping guide" employee, he talks about all the kickbacks, kickbacks on kickbacks, drugs, and other things the vendor gives them for suggesting their stores.


I stand by my comments, but from a local dealer or big box store that is going to stand behind its products.

Are going to try to sell me on the value of buying art onboard in your next post?

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Buying jewelry is like buying anything else in the Caribbean, you have to haggle. Who really pays the price the beach peddlers are asking for their beach sarongs? Your best bet is to price a comparable piece of jewelry before you go. Then you know if you're getting a deal or not.

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Twindaddy, there certainly is nothing wrong with Costco shopping for jewelry, but to assume that these stores are crooks is rash generalization. I have never been unhappy with a purchase so I am not an expert on the "guarantee" but I would assume that a company as well established as DI would stand by the paperwork they provide. As far as the free charm goes, don't waste your time going there for that piece of tin. You bad mouth the establishment yet make a trip for a free worthless charm? Yeah, your expertise and knowledge are super clear...lol stop hating and spend some money, you can't take it with you! Leave the tags on your clothes to return after wear, do you?... You keep going in and getting those charms buddy :) winning. Lol


Sadly, I became an 'expert' on the guarantee through my experience and the guarantee did not do me one bit of good. Carnival just sends you to a company that then sends you to DI/TI. As I said 'buyer beware', as some people might have had a good experience but more did not and just trying to make sure anyone reading this realizes that there could be problems. DI/TI did not respond to calls from my MC people (after I made my challenge to their denial) when trying to get more details and if it had not been for 49 pages of e-mails I had with TI rep, I would have SOL-but I did have them and made DI/TI looked like liars, so I got my money back but sadly, I am one of few that was successful at that.

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Sadly, I became an 'expert' on the guarantee through my experience and the guarantee did not do me one bit of good. Carnival just sends you to a company that then sends you to DI/TI. As I said 'buyer beware', as some people might have had a good experience but more did not and just trying to make sure anyone reading this realizes that there could be problems. DI/TI did not respond to calls from my MC people (after I made my challenge to their denial) when trying to get more details and if it had not been for 49 pages of e-mails I had with TI rep, I would have SOL-but I did have them and made DI/TI looked like liars, so I got my money back but sadly, I am one of few that was successful at that.




I am now off the the Lido deck to buy some art, that is where the DEALS are!

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My GIA certified jeweler brother says amen to that. Also, even if the stone is as advertised and at a good price, setting might not be of the quality you would get for that price back home. He's fixed many pieces purchased on cruises or on line where the prongs were cheap or not of sufficient quantity to hold the stone or the catch is cheap. A lost stone can be costly to replace

Buy pieces from local artisans or from long term island jewelers, not fro these cruise ship touted businesses.


I agree with this , we found a family owned jeweler in St. Maarten that has always treated us well , great prices , wonderful diamonds , they have lots of repeat customers. An e-mail that you are coming and they will have something handmade waiting on you. They made my wife a bracelet that I have never seen anywhere. It was not that high in price either . Of course I have to avoid the eastern route only once every other year , :p:p

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It's hit or miss with this. We have heard people that have gotten fabulous deals, but our experience, twice, was not so.My husband and I have sat thru a few talks on the ships about where to shop in port and there is ALWAYS a segment on Diamonds International (aka DI). We will just go in for our "Freebies" from now on because both times we actually caved and bought Tanzanite we got ripped off. Yes, I love my tanzanite, but when we got it home to get it appraised it was a hassle and an eye-opener. We had to go to a certified GEMOLOGIST in order for the Carnival purchase insurance to be vallid first of all. That was difficult enough to find in our area. All jewelers ARE NOT CERTIFIED GEMOLOGISTS. Then the gemologist looked at it and then asked...Do you love it? Are you going to return it she asked? If you really love the piece chalk it up to a pricey souvenir from your port and move on. That was her advice to us. She wrote up an appraisal for the insurance company equivalent to the purchase price for us. What we paid was NOT what it was worth, but it was tanzanite...or at least a form of (lower quality). To top it off while we were in DI, the cruise director guy was right there helping us pick out a good set and telling us we got a fantastic deal. REALLY??? I will never look at him the same way again. Now I know they all just have a job to do. On a side note...word to wise...NEVER EVER let the jewelers or appraisers take the jewelry out of your sight when they handle it. Once they take it in the back you will not know if it was the actual one you picked out or a replicate. You can document the purchases on the Carnival gurantee form and hope for the best. It will be a hassle to actually claim or return your purchase thru them...well at least that was OUR experience. Good luck! Like I said other people we know had some good deals thru DI...it really is hit or miss.

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It's hit or miss with this. We have heard people that have gotten fabulous deals, but our experience, twice, was not so.My husband and I have sat thru a few talks on the ships about where to shop in port and there is ALWAYS a segment on Diamonds International (aka DI). We will just go in for our "Freebies" from now on because both times we actually caved and bought Tanzanite we got ripped off. Yes, I love my tanzanite, but when we got it home to get it appraised it was a hassle and an eye-opener. We had to go to a certified GEMOLOGIST in order for the Carnival purchase insurance to be vallid first of all. That was difficult enough to find in our area. All jewelers ARE NOT CERTIFIED GEMOLOGISTS. Then the gemologist looked at it and then asked...Do you love it? Are you going to return it she asked? If you really love the piece chalk it up to a pricey souvenir from your port and move on. That was her advice to us. She wrote up an appraisal for the insurance company equivalent to the purchase price for us. What we paid was NOT what it was worth, but it was tanzanite...or at least a form of (lower quality). To top it off while we were in DI, the cruise director guy was right there helping us pick out a good set and telling us we got a fantastic deal. REALLY??? I will never look at him the same way again. Now I know they all just have a job to do. On a side note...word to wise...NEVER EVER let the jewelers or appraisers take the jewelry out of your sight when they handle it. Once they take it in the back you will not know if it was the actual one you picked out or a replicate. You can document the purchases on the Carnival gurantee form and hope for the best. It will be a hassle to actually claim or return your purchase thru them...well at least that was OUR experience. Good luck! Like I said other people we know had some good deals thru DI...it really is hit or miss.


**Also, if you are going to try to return something, one of the biggest requirements on the appraisal is it has to also be by CERTIFIED GEMOLOGISTS that does not buy or sell jewelry. I live in Charlotte-like the 17th largest city in USA-only one CERTIFIED GEMOLOGIST in Charlotte(referred to me by DI/TI-ha, ha!)

-the next closest was 90 minute drive and she was recovering from brain surgery-or I could go to New York and have an appraisal done in Diamond District- So basically, the Carnival guarantee is a joke.

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