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Some Suggestions for Polite Crusing


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Yep, quiet drunks (who don't fall all over everyone) are A-OK.


People who save chairs for 30 minutes or less are A-OK.


Children who are supervised by their parents/guardians (and corrected or taken outside, when necessary) are A-OK.


See how this works? It's not about who you are; it's about how you treat others.

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I only fall all over myself:eek:


I am very generous....I do share.


Yes Mom.........I try to think of others.......if I am nice, they will pick me up when I do fall;)


See, It all washes out in the end.

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1. If you see a couple, or even a group of people taking pictures of one another...ask if they'd like you to take their picture...that way everyone can be photographed as a "couple" or "group". My husband and I travel alone and I get pictures of him and he gets pictures of me...the only pictures that include the two of us are the ones taken by the ship's professional photographers. It would be nice to have more pictures of the TWO of us on our cruise. We always offer to take other's pictures, but no one has ever "offered" to take ours...sometimes, we ask someone in our vicinity to take our picture and they politely oblige, but I always feel as if I'm intruding on their "time".


2. On the subject of pictures...if a cruise that you are on has a time when the passengers can have their pictures taken (by the professional ship photographers) with the Captain...that time in usually quite short. Please be courteous and allow the passengers who desire to be photographed with the Captain to advance ahead of you in line if you don't want to have your picture taken with the Captain. The Captain is there for a limited time and has many important things to do. People waiting in line to have their picture taken with the Captain will be disappointed when the Captain's time is over and they are "still in line".


We encountered just such a problem on our last cruise. The Captain would be present for just two 1/2 hour time slots on Formal Night. We made it to the "line" just prior to the beginning of the first time slot. We allowed many people to go ahead of us that weren't there to have their picture with the Captain. When the Captain arrived, one rather large family group, that we'd let go ahead of us, was the "next" group to be photographed. The Captain stood before the backdrop and the family group made their declaration that they DID NOT want to have the Captain in their pictures. We didn't think that this would be a problem until this "large" group requested that the photographer take individual pictures of each one of them...then pictures of each individual family within that group...then several shots of the "group" in different arrangements. My husband and I cringed as we looked over to the Captain, who politely stepped back and allowed all of this group's pictures to be taken. He didn't look too pleased...everyone kept checking their watches wondering if they'd be able to have their picture taken with the Captain before he was scheduled to leave. We knew that we'd be able to get our picture with the Captain, but I was concerned for those people that were at the tailend of the line. My husband and I thought it was rude of the large "group"...they should have had at least one of their pictures taken with the Captain. I certainly hope that this "group" purchased most of the pictures they had the photographer take that evening. (I should add here that this same "group" was later seen cutting ahead into the lines of passengers as we waited to get off the ship at our ports-of-call. We also saw the older teens in this "group" literally running around the hallways aimlessly at all hours of the day and night.)


Debjo (sorry I got to rambling on a bit)

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1. Do not pee in the hot tub.


2. Do not grope or make out in public places.


3. Do not make a tour bus wait for you. Be on time.


4. Do not make generalizations. (e.g. all kids are bad, the stewards on this ship are bad, all old people are slow).


5. Do not have sex in the hot tub.


6. Do wash your hands after using the washroom, even if you're going straight to the pool.


7. If you feel quesy, go immediately to your room....do not try to see if you'll feel better. Do not throw up in public rooms.....(okay, sorry....I did that on my first cruise).


8. Do supervise your kids so I can enjoy my cruise with my kids.


9. DO NOT CHAIR HOG. Honestly, this is the biggest problem. I honestly can't remember ever seeing unruly kids (we've always cruised during school though)....but EVERY cruise has chronic chair hogging...(an adult behaviour).


10. If I am sitting, do not stand in front of me in a speedo.


11. Do not unzip your pants at the diningroom table.


12. Do not throw your shuffleboarding thingy just as the morning walkers are walking by. Or should the walkers go around the shuffleboarders.......hmmm?

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Whe you come back to your cabin late at night please don't turn on your TV. Some people are asleep and don't want to wake up to reruns of I Love Lucy or CNN news. Some of the ships have very thin walls. :(

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I have a suggestion,

If you are having problems communicating with an employee on the ship- because of an accent. PLEASE do not ask them if there is someone around who can speak English.-politely say thank you, and just walk away if you are frustrated.

Everyone who isn't from North America, can speak AT LEAST 2 languages... not many NCL passengers have the know how to do that one :)

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I have a suggestion,

If you are having problems communicating with an employee on the ship- because of an accent. PLEASE do not ask them if there is someone around who can speak English.-politely say thank you, and just walk away if you are frustrated.

Everyone who isn't from North America, can speak AT LEAST 2 languages... not many NCL passengers have the know how to do that one :)


We were especially impressed on how well the Romanian wait staff in the various dining rooms spoke English.

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1. If you see a couple, or even a group of people taking pictures of one another...ask if they'd like you to take their picture...that way everyone can be photographed as a "couple" or "group". My husband and I travel alone and I get pictures of him and he gets pictures of me...the only pictures that include the two of us are the ones taken by the ship's professional photographers. It would be nice to have more pictures of the TWO of us on our cruise. We always offer to take other's pictures, but no one has ever "offered" to take ours...sometimes, we ask someone in our vicinity to take our picture and they politely oblige, but I always feel as if I'm intruding on their "time".


(1) We also travel alone. This year - when I brought my camera - we did encounter several times in the restaurants - when I would go to take a pic., of DH, the waiter would come over and say "I'll take the pic., you two lean over". It worked out great. We never thought to request that a waiter take a pic. They really suggested it, I never would have thought of it. We have some great pics. I never mind when a couple asks us to take their pic., together but have never thought to ask someone to do the same.

2. On the subject of pictures...if a cruise that you are on has a time when the passengers can have their pictures taken (by the professional ship photographers) with the Captain...that time in usually quite short. Please be courteous and allow the passengers who desire to be photographed with the Captain to advance ahead of you in line if you don't want to have your picture taken with the Captain. The Captain is there for a limited time and has many important things to do. People waiting in line to have their picture taken with the Captain will be disappointed when the Captain's time is over and they are "still in line".


(2) We were on the 5/1 cruise. We always feel bad for the Capt., having to shake hands and have pic., taken with all of the passengers. Well, no one was on his line!! We couldn't believe it. I think the problem was that the passengers did not know which line was which. They were all lining up for the staircase pics.,and did not realize that the Capt., was at the main desk area. NCL should probably post a sign for the pic., with the Capt., area.

People seemed to just get on the longest line and the Capt., just stood there with no passenger pics.

Passengers who want professional photos should NOT go on the Capt., line. That is a ONE photo op. One photo and they move you on. But, we believe many passengers did not even know that the Capt., was there for photo op.


Boy, do we live and learn the system!

You are right Debjo, have to cruise the same ship several times to get it down correctly! And, we never can do it all:)

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1. Do not pee in the hot tub.


2. Do not grope or make out in public places.


3. Do not make a tour bus wait for you. Be on time.


4. Do not make generalizations. (e.g. all kids are bad, the stewards on this ship are bad, all old people are slow).


5. Do not have sex in the hot tub.


6. Do wash your hands after using the washroom, even if you're going straight to the pool.


7. If you feel quesy, go immediately to your room....do not try to see if you'll feel better. Do not throw up in public rooms.....(okay, sorry....I did that on my first cruise).


8. Do supervise your kids so I can enjoy my cruise with my kids.


9. DO NOT CHAIR HOG. Honestly, this is the biggest problem. I honestly can't remember ever seeing unruly kids (we've always cruised during school though)....but EVERY cruise has chronic chair hogging...(an adult behaviour).


10. If I am sitting, do not stand in front of me in a speedo.


11. Do not unzip your pants at the diningroom table.


12. Do not throw your shuffleboarding thingy just as the morning walkers are walking by. Or should the walkers go around the shuffleboarders.......hmmm?

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Men-----Please do not adjust your speedo in public-near the pool,getting in or out of the hot tub and please not upon getting up from your lounge chair .

Ladies----Please do not pull your weggie out of your swimwear.



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Here's one that really drives me nuts!!!!


People who crowd into an already crowded elevator. Makes me want to scream. If the elevator is crowded wait for the next one. I get so claustrophobic.

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Here's one that really drives me nuts!!!!


People who crowd into an already crowded elevator. Makes me want to scream. If the elevator is crowded wait for the next one. I get so claustrophobic.


Even worse those that stick an arm in the door of a full evevator. Discuss for 2 minutes if they all can fit in and then remove the arm and say nevermind when another empty elevator arrives while I am planted against the rear wall :eek:

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Even worse those that stick an arm in the door of a full evevator. Discuss for 2 minutes if they all can fit in and then remove the arm and say nevermind when another empty elevator arrives while I am planted against the rear wall :eek:


Even better...unless your handicapped or ill...JUST TAKE THE STAIRS.

They aren't full flights of steps. It honestly takes longer for the elevator than just climbing up or down. Even if you take your time.

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Even better...unless your handicapped or ill...JUST TAKE THE STAIRS.

They aren't full flights of steps. It honestly takes longer for the elevator than just climbing up or down. Even if you take your time.


I follow the 4 deck up and 6 deck down rule for stairs :) I substact one deck for every two Martinis :D

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Believe me, I know the steps are quicker and not a problem in a smaller ship, but you get a fourteen floor voyager class ship and you're already walking a mile just to get to an elevator. I'll stick with the smaller ships from now on, too old for all that walking, lol

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I have not cruised yet but...a smile and a thank you will go a long way! Remeber the crew members' names and use it when you speak to them. Thank them for their hard work. I am a letter carrier and if someone uses my name or says something like, "you are so kind to us." ...it can make an ok day a good day!

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Even better...unless your handicapped or ill...JUST TAKE THE STAIRS.


They aren't full flights of steps. It honestly takes longer for the elevator than just climbing up or down. Even if you take your time.


I agree, we took the stairs more than the elevator. One of the worst times to get an elevator is outside the Stardust after the show. You could wait 10 minutes. The first night we tried to get an elevator and somebody was pushing the down arrow because the elevator was up on a higher floor, he wanted to call it down:p . I tried to explain why that was incorrect, gave up and walked rather than wait. We walked up to the 11th deck every night after.

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When using an elevator- I wish folks would not get in the elevator and push the "Door Close" button a hundred times!!! It just takes once? Doesn't it? And the doors close.


And the people who get on already full elevators scare me! If the elevator is full, and someone else gets in anyway, I then, politely get off and let them ride!!! I have been on an "over the weight limit" elevator before and the outcome was not good. I am very claustrophobic! If others want to hog their way in, then I am getting out!! I think it's very rude to be in such a hurry!!! You are on vacation!!!!

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I really think that elevators bring out the worst in people. I too get skeevy when there are a lot of people and I am in the back.


The best is when the door won`t close and the people up front are clueless. The last cruise I politely suggested that the person move in a little when the door wouldn`t close. The response was, "Lady, don`t tell me what to do, I have been riding elevators all my life".:eek: I felt like responding, "Have you been rude all of your life?":mad:

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The ship has numerous "categories" of people. Among them are the passengers, entertainers, crew etc. Please remember to which you belong. Performing your comedy routine outside the theater after the show is amusing to only yourself and your equally drunk companions.

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I really think that elevators bring out the worst in people. I too get skeevy when there are a lot of people and I am in the back.


The best is when the door won`t close and the people up front are clueless. The last cruise I politely suggested that the person move in a little when the door wouldn`t close. The response was, "Lady, don`t tell me what to do, I have been riding elevators all my life".:eek: I felt like responding, "Have you been rude all of your life?":mad:


That WAS rude ... well, at least he acknowledged you as a "Lady!"



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I'm not sure if this was mentioned before, but I'll bring it up and/or reiterate it. If you are bringing small children or teens on your cruise, just make sure to supervise them. This is probably my biggest pet peeves. The number of times I see kids and teens running around a ship un-supervised. It seems many parents feel that since it's a ship, the kids can't go far. However, they can annoy others. Running in the halls, running/jumping up and down the stairs, jumping and splashing in the pools and worse yet, in the Hot Tubs where they really aren't even supposed to be in, etc. Hey, it's a familly vacation, spend time with the familly and keep your children within eye shot. Also, if you bring a small child or baby into a resturant and they start to fuss and/or cry. Take the child out. I can't tell you how many times my wife and I (who eat later for this very reason) would sit down in Imprssions or Le Bistro for a nice meal, just to listen to a child act up and/or cry.

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