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Royal Caribbean Navigator of the Seas April 6 2013 From NOLA to ROMA -- Where y'at?

Boca del Verita

Would you be interested in a Meet'n Greet in the French Quarter before we depart?  

11 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you be interested in a Meet'n Greet in the French Quarter before we depart?

    • YES! Sign me up, and throw me some beads from that balcony Mister!
    • YES! and I'd love to help organize it
    • NO, I won't be able to, thanks
    • Er...what's a Meet'n Greet, and/or where's the French Quarter?

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As we say in Naw'lins; It's never too soon to get the party started!


I just booked this cruise from my beloved City of the Saints (New Orleans) to the original "City of the Saints (and sinners!)" (Rome) and I can't wait to start out!


Especially since we're gonna have 7 days at sea, it would be fun to figure out activities and get togethers...we're good at that here in a city that will throw a party even for a hurricane!


So give us shout out and lets see if we can't get some mojo goin' on this boat!


Ciao, tutti i miei amici italiani; benvenuti in la città della Nuova Orleans, se hai domande su NOLA; dove dormire, mangiare o incontrare la cultura (o gli uomini!) me piacere molto di rispondere.


Ici on parle français, donc si vous avez des questions à propos de notre ville merveilleuse de départ; où vous loger, dîner ou sortir en la Nouvelle Orléans, n'hésite pas à me contacter!


Wenn Sie Auskunft nötig hatten über die Stadt New Orleans (Gästehäuser, Restauranten, oder Schwuleleben herbei), bitte setzen Sie in Verbindung mit mir!

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Ok Folks, after spending 40 minutes trying to figure out how to get in contact with some of the other GLBT folks who've posted on the main Roll Call for this cruise, I find that CC primly tell us that Cruise Critics disapproves of private emails!


HMMMM!! How the heck can you get the attention of someone who may not've checked on the boards in a month?


For those of you going on this cruise who would like to contact ME, I'll gladly make my email available. it's phledd3 then @ followed by gmail and a .com


I'd especially like to hear from guys who may be looking to split cabin costs...and we have till December 24 when the final payment on the voyage is due.

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Hey Doug!


Thanks for the great email, I just sent you a reply. I would love to know where the other GLBT folks are on this cruise, especially those with more experience at sea than myself.


I'm hoping to get all of us together at one of the gay bars/restaurants in the French Quarter the night before we leave for a Meet and Greet. In fact I've posted a poll at the top of this page to find who thinks they would want to come.


Could you take a sec and put your two cents worth in?


Looking forward to talking and meeting!:cool:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi from David in soCAL.


(Hi Doug)...


I am on this cruise, but rarely have a lot of time to participate in

forums this far out. I have a cruise coming up in a few weeks

that I am much more active in.


I agree that all of the sea days was the major reason for

selecting this sailing.


to reach me privately--please write to the same screen

name as on here, at a o l dot com.

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Hey David!


Welcome! Sounds like you're quite busy. I'll also drop you a line at your email as well. I also noticed that you're staying close to the Vatican. This trip I and a colleague/friend of mine, Jerry, are thinking of stopping in the Via Aurelia, close to Cornelia metro stop, West of and behind the Vatican.


I'm planning on just taking the train from Civitavecchia to Roma Aurelia Station (thus avoiding Termini which I absolutely detest) then a taxi up the street to the Casa Lasalle, a monastery that offers lodging. BUT if you're in that neighborhood, then maybe we could all carpool it!


Looking forward to sailing with you!


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Hello David and Fred. I'm so glad you two got together on here. David, it was a pleasure meeting you on the Liberty TA. I'm still buzzing around here trying to pull all the details together for our Navigator crossing. If either of you hear of someone looking for a nice cabinmate, please send them my way. Doug

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Hello David and Fred. I'm so glad you two got together on here. David, it was a pleasure meeting you on the Liberty TA. I'm still buzzing around here trying to pull all the details together for our Navigator crossing. If either of you hear of someone looking for a nice cabinmate, please send them my way. Doug


I'm working on it on my end! I'm telling everyone and thief brother about it!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been storming my brains (and the internet) for some fun ideas for just us special 'guys' (...and gals, where ARE you??). Some of them are innocuous, some are a little more risqué, but isn't that one of the attractions of a cruise? "What happens on board, stays on board!"


Bon Voyage Reception--Maybe get together the first night in someone's cabin for a meet and greet before the dinner hour. This might also be a fun time to do a 'Johnny Angel' kinda thing, where you get a person's name and try to leave at least three nice surprises for them (maybe even something as simple as an anonymous compliment slipped under their door) before the end of the cruise. Then on the last night we would reveal who our angel was.


Photo Scavenger Hunt--a GLBT photo scavenger hunt (example: "item No. 13. get a photo kissing the captain"; "item 14--ruby slippers"....LOL) would be a HOOT. If you have ideas for fun pics to include in the hunt...lemme know!


Movie Nights--I just ordered the entire blu-ray run of "Rome", the HBO series. I was thinking about bringing it and trying to hook my laptop up to the TV in the cabin and doing a marathon "Rome" party (have toga, will libate!--see next idea) one sea day for anyone who wanted to see it. I understand that it is sorta gory and graphic, but also very well researched and detailed. Also thought about bringing "I Claudius", "Claudius the God" etc. Then on the gayer end, I though it might be fun to bring the entire "Tales of the City".


Toga Parties-- since we're going to Rome, why not do a Toga party one night, or one afternoon and watch Roman movies (see above). What you wear under your toga is, um, subject to your own discretion (or lack thereof)...


Murder in the Dark Game--


Late Night Hot Tub Parties-- I got this idea from a guy who posted on the main Roll Call for this cruise; he would post for the party and invite everyone to the Dungeon (yet another possible activity) nightclub after 11 to hang out, get mellow and shmooze till everyone else toddled off to bed, then a while later move to the hot tub, which they generally had all to themselves. A twist I found online was to do palm readings (or even more hilarious, sole of the foot readings). Then there's..."Suck and Blow" which is always fun. Now get your mind out of the gutter! You take a deck of cards and one person puts it over their mouth and then passes it to the person next to them by blowing it onto their mouth. like passing the hot potato, just a lot more fun. if the card drops the person that dropped it has to take a drink.


Board Game Party--self explanatory, but there are a couple of variations noted below...Also I just read about an unusual card game called"Gloom" It won game of the year a couple of years ago. It's a cross between the game of Life and Happy Families...except that the object is to kill off the family in your hand! It's ingeniously devised along the lines of Edward Gorey and Lemony Snickett's stories.


Pants Off Dance Off--Everyone comes in their formal wear. Every time the song that's playing ends, everyone has to take off one piece of your costume--unless you can prove that the song lyrics somehow applies to your life. This is a good way to get to know folks, but also it's fun to put in a couple of unusual selections (like a swedish folk song) that NO one can find a pass for.


The VERY Newly-wed Game-- Everyone pairs off with someone they've never met and has 10 minutes to exchange all kinds of information, personal and otherwise, anticipating possible questions before you are called back into the circle. Then each new "couple" picks five question cards and has to answer them correctly for the other person. The couple that gets the most right wins. This game works REALLY well with groups that have a lot of partnered individuals, cause chances are the partners know the real answers!


Strip Monopoly(or Spelling Bee, or...)--every time you land on someone's property, they have the option of either asking for the rent or taking an item of clothing. The spelling bee variation penalizes you an item of clothing for every spelling mistake; the up side is that you take a jello/tequila shot each time you are sent down.


Group Trivia Contest-- I'm pretty sure that the cruise line will organize these at some bar on ship, it would be fun to go as a group and see if we could win!


Gay Spa Day at Sea--I've never been brave enough to enter the spa area, but maybe if I had some pals to hang out with, it might be fun. Facials or hot rock therapy anyone?


Last Night Party

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Interesting activities, Fred. I suspect there will be more family members on board than we see on this area of cruise critic. Besides the roll call area, fb has several of us and also there are people who do not follow any online boards. We will have a great time. Still looking for that right cabin mate.


Happy Holidays to all. Doug

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Interesting activities, Fred. I suspect there will be more family members on board than we see on this area of cruise critic. Besides the roll call area, fb has several of us and also there are people who do not follow any online boards. We will have a great time. Still looking for that right cabin mate.


Happy Holidays to all. Doug


Hey Doug!


Hope you're doing well! So there's a place on facebook to post for the cruise? How great! But where is it? I had a good time putting those ideas together, but I dare say that you have much better ones than I do, since you've cruised so much more. I have gotten a couple of nibbles for the cruise here after posting on Craigslist in New Orleans, but haven't had anyone to follow up.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Interesting activities, Fred. I suspect there will be more family members on board than we see on this area of cruise critic. Besides the roll call area, fb has several of us and also there are people who do not follow any online boards. We will have a great time. Still looking for that right cabin mate.


Happy Holidays to all. Doug


Hey Doug HAPPY NEW YEAR!...I just got your tip about the meet me onboard site. How cool is that?


I've signed up there and invited everyone there to RSVP for our get-together in the FQ before we leave!:D

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Hello! If you guys are wondering who will be on board a typical transatlantic cruise, usually it is older passengers and just a few families. Most children are generally in school at that time of the year, and most working people can not get all the time off that a transatlantic requires, so usually you see alot more retired people on the transatlantics than you would on a regular cruise. :-)

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Tough to predict Ted. I think Easter is Mar 31. In UK students get a 4-6 week holiday around that time andduring spring crossings I have met families with wonderful kids who came to Florida for the weather and returned by sea. Of course not all people have the luxury to take off 15 days for a cruise, and maybe spend some time in Rome, so you do see a lot of mature folks and seasoned frequent cruisers. Then again it's a fact that gays do tend to have more disposable income than US families with 6 kids and 3 dogs. I will say that I've never had an issue with being openly gay on a TA, and actually a lot of people enjoy being with the gay crowd because they are more fun than the straight crowd. You will make a lot of good friends on board, and this promises to be a great cruise. Navigator is big enough to offer a lot of activities without being so huge everyone is lost in a crowd. See you soon. Doug

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Hello! If you guys are wondering who will be on board a typical transatlantic cruise, usually it is older passengers and just a few families. Most children are generally in school at that time of the year, and most working people can not get all the time off that a transatlantic requires, so usually you see alot more retired people on the transatlantics than you would on a regular cruise. :-)


Hey Ted!

BIIIG Welcome on Board, and glad you'll be with us for the Meet and Greet before we set sail! I'll be putting that together in the next month or so, but if you have a favourite venue or suggestion, lemme know!


I'm ok with a wide range of ages and conditions of people. There's always something fascinating about everyone. I remember hearing an anecdote about the Queen, in which she told her daughter who complained that she had found her neighbor at dinner tedious, "If you are bored with your table partner, then it is your fault not theirs; interest is a rose, not a weed...it is cultivated". ;)

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Hello from another nola person going on the cruise and taking on the 7 day cruise from Rom. Hope to see you at the meet and great.


Jack & Erin


Hey Jack and Erin,


Marvelous to hear from y'all and great to see some more "YATS"! Do Y'ALL have any suggestions for where we might have a good night out for folks? I think it should definitely be in the French Quarter, and perhaps end up at Lafitte's or Good Friends since it'll be a Friday night, and Lafittes tends to be friendly and not too pretentious (or S&M--standing and modeling) while Good Friends is good for groups.


But I'm completely open to suggestions. For food I was thinking of Eats which is great food and not too expensive, or the Gumbo Shop which has plenty of atmosphere. But again, input from folks with more experience than myself would be great.


Please drop me a line at my email address on the first page, maybe we can run across each other before hand. Are you going to any of the balls this season?



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I got an idea from another website...and made up my own cruise cards with four different designs. I figured I could use them to hand out on the boat, or to post with announcements for parties or activities. If you like them and want some for yourself, just send me your pic(s) you want to use, cabin info and email address...and if you have other background pics or ideas for a different style card, send it to me too and we can work some up!


Just click on the jpg below to see them!




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I got an idea from another website...and made up my own cruise cards with four different designs. I figured I could use them to hand out on the boat, or to post with announcements for parties or activities. If you like them and want some for yourself, just send me your pic(s) you want to use, cabin info and email address...and if you have other background pics or ideas for a different style card, send it to me too and we can work some up!


Just click on the jpg below to see them!




This dadgum clunky site won't let you see the pic at anything near normal size! Any way, here are the FIVE designs






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