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Oh the Places We Go, The People We See ...Dream Trip Report


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The photographers were wrapping up for the night, but we convinced them to do a couple of quick shots. You could tell though they were not excited to do so. I asked for magic shots with the kids and they told me they are no longer an option. I have since found out that she was lying and that kind of irks me a bit.











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A few more of our own.




Claire’s face in this next one cracks me up. I guess she was going for disgusted pirate.




And Abby needed a quick one with Admiral Donald.




We then headed back to the room. I think Claire wanted to change if I remember right and Alexis also went to change.




Our towel buddy for the night.



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And back to Gail’s room to meet up to go to the fireworks. Crazy pirate Abby.




A self-portrait on the way.




It was extremely crowded when we got out on deck. Massive amounts of people. We weaved around and went up to the next deck, the family following along, but somewhere along the line we lost them. I had Claire and Alexis with me. We just stopped near a pole and made that our spot. There was just no way to be able to see very good with amount of people there.




The little show started and this EXTREMELY tall guy comes and stands right in front of the girls. I couldn’t even see around him. He was abnormally tall and it was so annoying. The pole we were against had a railing around it and I propped the girls up in a sitting position on it to try to get them a better view. I couldn’t really take pictures because I was holding them in place and plus Mr. Tall was in the way.


I did get one of shot of Captain Jack coming down.




It was then time for fireworks. I am still trying to perfect those kinds of shots, but this was not a time that was happening. It was too crowded and I was getting bumped. Basically none of them turned out nice, but these are the best of the bunch, even though they are nothing like I would hope for.





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The dance party had begun so we moved over by the railing and watched a bit of it.






I did a little dancing in my spot …you know because I am cool like that …..but the girls told me I was bad and I needed to stop. Oh well.


We didn’t find any family members, but it appears Gail did take Abby to see Tinkerbell.







We then left and worked our way to the pirate buffet in Cabanas. We weren’t really hungry, but I wanted to check it out. We did get a few dessert items and both girls barely even ate a bite of it.


After we ate a bit, I ran back up to the buffet to take a few pictures.



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They had a lot of fruit carved. It was so neat ….BUT there was a family with some kids and they took the musk melons off to eat!!! (cantaloupe to you city folk) Yep. The kids each took a melon off the display and put it on a plate. I was shocked that the parents didn’t say anything, but they just laughed wondering how the kids were going to eat all that. How could they not know this was just a display? Alexis and Claire were thoroughly disgusted by this too and kept talking about it …loudly and they were just 2 tables away, but I didn’t stop them.



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While I was taking pictures, a CM came over and wanted to guide me around to take more.

He pointed out these and they were something carved, but I can’t remember what now. It might’ve been done out of chocolate? But that doesn’t sound right to me right now.




Alexis was now worried where her family was and wanted to leave. This was also code that she is tired. Claire didn’t use code with me, she plain out told me she needed to go to bed.

So we finished up our desserts, well they decided one bite was enough …and headed back to give Alexis back to her family.

I think we knocked on Mary and Geoff’s door as to not wake Abby, but if I remember right, she was the one answering the door. LOL

We headed to bed ourselves. It had been a long and very fun day. I don’t think we stayed up too much later. I think we flicked the TV on for a short while and then went out.

We had been to yet another port today! Same country, same bed, but new destination and I laid my head down on the pillow as we floated away from the Bahamas.

Oh the Places We Go!

I had seen Diser JohnPA right below our room that morning. What a coincidence to be so close!

Oh the People We See!

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Nov. 7, 2012, Wednesday, Day 7

Today was our day at sea. So of course you sleep in right? NOT me! I think I was up before 6. I just have too much to do to worry about sleep.

I got dressed in my lounging around shorts and tee and went for a walk.


This was a good time to get some shots of Cabanas fairly empty.



The time at the different Disney parks throughout the world.




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Heading out of Cabanas to the pool deck and drink station area.



It would be sacrilegious to pass by the sign and not take a picture.


Signs of life out at sea. I believe it was a Carnival ship.


I was making my way towards the adult area.


I actually sat up there for a while. There is a lady I had met on the ship in this area before and she was there again, so we chatted a bit. She was from Jersey and this was Jersey week, but because of the hurricane, many people from Jersey either postponed their cruises, or extended them. She came with her 2 kids, but her husband stayed home. He is an insurance agent, so he was very busy. On top of that, their business was pretty much destroyed.

Now, on top of all that, Jersey was going to get some other storm in the next day. Luckily she wasn’t heading straight back, but many people on this cruise were from Jersey and I heard many worried about things at home.

So we chatted a bit and it was nice to make a new friend and talk a bit about different things.

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After a bit, we both left and I could see a tad bit of an island off in the distance.


I had a mission. Vicki had asked me the other day if I had ever been to deck 14. No I have not. Well she has. She asked a CM where it was and he took her for a tour. Now I cannot be outdone by a first timer, right?

So I went in search of it. I knew it was very small and in a funnel, but it actually took me a few tries to get the right elevator to go up to 14.

I took this while looking.


Finally I found the elevator and went up to deck 14.


Now what is on 14 you may ask? Not much. The broadcast center is up there and the Outlook Lounge. I have heard of the Outlook, but basically very limited info. I am not sure if/when it is open, but it sounds like not often, and not many people even know to go there. I have heard some people like it because it is like their own personal bar/lounge to hang out in. I have also heard sometimes things like parties and receptions are held here.

I was now getting my first look of it.




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And this would be why it is called Outlook.






This was a nice little area and I can see how some people would like coming here. Maybe in the future I’ll need to see if I can find it open.






I headed out then and across the hall is the Radio Studio.



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And I found the bathrooms and made a quick stop there.




This HUGE picture was hanging in the stairway.




And I believe I took the stairs down and found the Edge.




This picture is in the elevator shaft.






This is the little shop called Whozits and Whatzits. Up to this point I have never seen it open. I really wondered what its purpose was. It was on the pool deck, and sold a lot of pool type things, but honestly, on the Dream, you are in port a lot, which means you can’t have this open till out at sea and the evenings are not the best time to sell pool type items. I will let you in on a secret, it was open later this day…the sea day!



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I then headed across deck past the arcade.


And I got myself a little bit of breakfast.


I returned to the room to get ready for my brunch today with my parents. Claire was still snoozing, so I set off to deliver the rest of our Fish Extender gifts. Claire, Alexis, and I had done some earlier in the cruise and I needed to get the rest out. I must say getting them is fun, delivering, not so much. I was all over the ship.

At one point I walked past a CM and he said Hi Jennifer and I said hi back and then turned around. How did he know my name? I asked him and he said yes he knew it but didn’t know why he did. And then he complemented me on my hair. Now cast members had been complementing me on my hair the whole cruise. I know it’s not really normal, and my mother hates it, but I like it and that’s all that counts. But it was funny at how many people stopped to talk to me and tell me how much they liked it. I then wondered if my name got spread around that way? LOL

In the meantime, other family members were waking up too. This is what Geoff saw out his room.


They all headed up for breakfast.


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A Carnival ship nearby.


Don’t jump Jude!!!!


Somewhere along the line, I met up with Gail. She told me then that the Whozit and Whatzit store was actually open and they had swimwear clearancing out, but limited sizes. She thought they had Claire’s size. Well we HAVE to check that out.

We did find some great deals. We got her a princess tankini top, bottom and swim shorts for like $15 total. That’s cheap in Disney pricing!

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So what is a magic photo?


I love how Geoff dressed up! It is fun to see adults let their inner child out!:D



Magic shots are something like this...well this is one from 2011




I have seen some with swords and a few other things.


Geoff is a big kid at times.

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I believe while we were shopping, we ran into Gail and the girls again. I believe Alexis left with us. We had a little time to kill before brunch and then Claire was going off with them for a while.

We saw Daisy out, so we stopped for a picture. While we waited I took one of the 2 of them. I only had my point and shoot with me and they aren’t the best.


Soon it was our turn.


Alexis didn’t have her autograph book with her and was a little worried, but I told her Daisy would be OK with that.


We then headed back to our room. Claire was going to change into her new swimsuit and head off with Gail and family.


I have to tell you these girls were just so spoiled this trip. We kept finding extra gifts in the fish extenders. Mom had put a few things in there and Aunt Mary had put in a set of pins for each girl. They were in heaven. Aunt Mary also bought each girl a Disney cruise sweatshirt and sweatpants. She was worried about sizes, so Claire tried hers on. I found out later that while we were gone, Aunt Mary brought the girls back to our room and fished Claire’s out of the packed suitcases to try them on Alexis, as she had bought the next size up for her and they were too big. I think they always thing because Alexis is just over 10 months older than Claire that she is bigger, but in reality they are pretty much the same size now, and it actually looks like Claire might pass her if she keeps growing at the rate she has been.

We headed down to Gail’s room to leave the girls with her and look what I found. Alexis is a GENIUS!!!!!! She figured that by putting the privacy sign in the key spot to activate the lights it would work. I was so impressed.


I had brought a stack of used gift cards to put in mine so I wouldn’t have to keep putting my KTTW in there. It’s just a pain to put in and out. I pull the used gift card out enough to deactivate when we all leave, but many times I came back to find the card had been taken from the room host. It irked me a bit, but oh well, what are you going to do? I knew they wouldn’t take this sign though.

We said our good byes and went back to meet up with Mom and Dad. I had scheduled a brunch at Palo for the 3 of us, my treat.

I had done dinner at Palo on the Magic and I wasn’t super impressed and it will be a long time before I do dinner again, if ever. It just wasn’t enough of a wow for me to spend the extra money. However, I had heard from many people that brunch was better, and I was willing to give it a try. I actually had booked this BEFORE I booked the dinner on the Magic and already had told my parents, so there was no backing out now.

We arrived a little early. Our reservation was for 12:30. We were told to wait in the Meridian Lounge and we barely had a seat and were called to go in to our table.

I love the light fixture.


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We had a nice table right next to a window.



Marco from Italy was our server. That was easy to remember because Geoff had a college roommate in NYC whose name was Marco and he was from Italy as well. Geoff still goes and visits him every so often.

Marco explained how things worked and then took us on a tour of the buffet and also told us we could order pizzas and specialty main courses as well.





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And my favorite course ….DESSERT!



I love strawberries dipped in white chocolate. After many years of picking strawberries growing up (my Dad farmed strawberries) I don’t have a huge desire for them at all, but in chocolate is a whole other story!


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Marco told us we got a complimentary glass of mimosa. We all ordered one, though Dad wasn’t sure what it was. I think he drank it all though. I also got a diet coke.


Dad is pretty picky when it comes to food, so I could see he wasn’t sure about some of the options. He is not too adventurous, but I thought it looked like there was enough to fill him up. And when all else fails, he could eat his heart out with desserts.

We headed up to the buffet and picked out some yummy items.


Dad’s plate.


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I think this is my second plate.


We also ordered two pizzas. I was thinking this would be something Dad would like, but I am not sure he even had any. We should’ve just gotten one.

We got a pizza with sausage on it.


And the Margherita.


That was my favorite! And let me tell you, this pizza was out of this world good. I could go for some like that right now.

We were getting full fast. We kept going back up and stuffing ourselves. But I really wanted to order a main entrée as well. I asked Mom if she wanted to share the chicken parmesan, and she said yes.

While waiting for this, we really seemed to be getting full and we wanted to have dessert as well. I decided I better go eat one strawberry just in case I got too full after.



By the time the meal arrived, I was about to explode. I told Mom that I think I was only going to take a bite or two to try it and that was all I could fit in, and she agreed. There was just no way she could eat much more either.

Doesn’t it look good?


Well, let me tell you, this was fabulous, awesome, delicious mouthwatering, sensual, whatever you want to call it, it was that. This was just amazing. The risotto it was on was the best stuff I have ever had. Mom and I were basically fighting over it to get the last bite. Yes, we ate every single bite and we wondered if it would be wrong to lick the plate! Dad just laughed at how we were only going to eat one bite and ended up devouring it. But this was just really good.

While eating we talked with Marco, and he was a really nice guy. He was soon to be married, but it sounded like after that he would be back on the Dream again.

Time for desserts. Yes, I actually ate more. I couldn’t pass up trying several things out. Most were good, some were just not my thing.


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I settled up the check and then we headed out. I still had to get a few pictures. Dad photobombed this one.




We told Dad to stop and pose. I have no clue what he is pointing out.


And a few of the light fixture.



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I can’t remember if this door was part of Palo or Remy.


Now after trying both dinner and brunch at Palo, even though it was 2 different ships, I must say that brunch is the winner by a landslide. It was very good and I didn’t leave feeling like I wasted extra money. It was also nice because it didn’t interfere with any of the main dining room meals. I will definitely try to get back to brunch again.

While we had been gorging ourselves at Palo, Gail took the kids swimming. This is always a highlight to Claire. She can never have enough swim time. I guess she is part fish down the line in her genes.


Claire looks like she is imitating a beached whale in this next picture. And I have no clue what Abby is doing.


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Abby finally got to go in though and was all smiles.






Life is good. You can swim and watch some cartoons on the funnelvision.








And then time for a ride on the aquaduck!



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