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14 Days of Fun! Our B2B on the Liberty -- reprise edition -- 3/31/12-4/14/12


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These stairs were blocked with a sign saying not to go down them. So of course we got to watch a responsible father bringing his son back up them. Way to go, dad. That sign was there for everyone EXCEPT you, Mr. Entitled.




Kacy got a big kick out of laying on the ground to take pictures. There were little kids watching her, and staring to try to figure out what she saw that they didn't. This is what she saw:



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There was no sign of the trolley, so we took off down the road, figuring we would walk until we found it. Now, everyone in my family was tired of walking, but I knew that it was all downhill, literally, from there, so I pushed them a bit. Wandering down the street, we happened upon a square with a structure covered with pottery. Across the square was a street with some vendors and restaurants. Upon a vendor’s recommendation, we went to El Patio de Sam for lunch, looking for Mofongo.








Love the cobbles




The restaurant was good, not great, and expensive! We spent $103 for three orders of mofongo, a red snapper dish, three beers, two virgin Pina Coladas. Last year we found a little hole in the wall restaurant called Yurta. They had the best mofongo, but, sadly, they closed the first of this year.





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April 5: Grand Turk

After reading about the conch graveyard at Grand Turk, that was our one order of business here. We left the ship and headed to the right. You have to go through the cruise center to get the beach that way. It’s true: there are conch shells everywhere!


We were in port with the Carnival Destiny, which was the first ship for John and I. Memories...












See the conch shells on the rocks?



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We picked out several. Turns out, conch shells are heavy! The girls wanted to go back to the ship and dump the shells, and I didn’t blame them.


John wandered down the beach the other way toward Jack’s Shack while I took the girls back to the rooms to get rid of the shells. Then we wandered down the beach to find John.

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While the beach is beautiful, and the water is perfect, it was crowded. Really crowded. There was one other ship in port with us, the Destiny, and it seemed everyone had decided to make it a beach day!


Beers at Jack’s Shack were $5 each, and it was packed. We hung out there for a bit, and just floated in the gorgeous sea for a while, but eventually we decided to head down to the other bar where the sign “$3.50 beer” was. Turns out their beer is actually $4, but it was much less crowded.








The next time I go to Grand Turk, I’m going to leave port and see the island. Some on our roll call did the golf cart rental, and that sounded like much more fun to me! Next time.


We did manage to hit the gym this day. I was bound and determined to not gain a ton of weight. 14 days on a cruise ship is like an invitation for weight gain. We also took the stairs almost always. Sometimes we rode the elevator after a long port day, or when I was wearing heels, or when (gasp) we maybe imbibed too much.


I realize I’m giving precious little information about our evenings. We did go to the piano bar twice at night, but our comedy plans were thwarted by sleepiness. A couple of times we actually took naps after dinner, with the intention of going out later, but upon awakening we just could not do it. Lame, I know.


We did have this left on our bed during the evening...



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Julie, I'm really enjoying your review and pictures. I did the horseback by sand & sea in Half Moon Cay a couple years ago. Lots of fun. I'm looking forward to reading more.


Thanks! That excursion scared me to death.

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April 6: Sea Day

Typical sea day for us: gym, lots of reading, trying to find chairs…


The chair hogs were maybe the worst I’ve ever seen. It wasn’t until 2pm or so that any chairs at all were to be found, unoccupied. Fortunately, we had our fantastic balcony as a fall back.


This was a good dinner night: crab cakes, prime rib, the grand Marnier soufflé… and the girls loved the bacon mac n cheese!


We tipped our wait staff and room stewards on this day. We did not know where we would be seated for the following week, and we always tip them extra.




April 7: Miami – changeover day

We had gotten a letter on Wednesday about the changeover. We kept the same cabins, so we did not have to pack up. That was pretty awesome… watching everyone else put their bags out and lament over leaving knowing that we got to stay on board!


Our steward, Noel, knew that we were staying on, and we had told our wait staff at dinner as well, and of course we told Ioana, but I don’t think anyone else really knew. It was funny to watch them realize it. We used the room floors a lot to travel from one end of the ship to the other. For example, when we went to the gym, we would travel all the way down the hallway of deck 8 to the fore stairs to go up to the gym. So the room stewards along the way recognized us, even though they were not our stewards. The next week we kept getting, “you are on for two weeks?” from staff.


We were to meet at the lobby bar, deck three, at 10 am. We waited until about 10:15 before the last couple showed up, and then they walked us off the ship. There were eight people total on a B2B: the four of us, and two other couples, one from Newfoundland, and the other from Germany. Oh, the captain had his twins on board. I don’t know if the woman with the twins was mom or grandma, but they also had to go through customs. She spoke only Italian.


We walked out to customs, through customs, and right back on board. We were back on board by 10:30.


The staff was going through what seemed to be a pretty intense drill that took quite a while. It started around 9:45, when the last of the passengers had disembarked, and lasted until 11:00. They all had life jackets on, and they had stations to report to. There was staff stationed at intervals down each hallway, and all the rooms had a red tag

inserted into the lock that said “evacuated.” The staff in the hallway shifted position at least once that we saw.


This was taken during the drill:




We received a bottle of sparkling wine in each of the two rooms (I confiscated the one from the girls room!), but John opened a bottle and poured it out. It was a low grade, for sure. We also each received a fruit basket later that day. That was pretty nice, as it had fresh fruit, nuts, and some dried fruit in it.


I had thought about booking the steak house one night before we sailed, but my darling husband thought why bother, since we love the dining room so much? But he ended up wandering around and saw the menu. So we decided to go on the first night of the second cruise. The menu that night was not amazing in the dining room, and we would get a free bottle of wine.


Kacy had made some friends pre-cruise on this leg, and they met up immediately in O2. So by dinnertime, the girls had three friends who wanted to go eat with them, taking our dinner table. We ended up at the same table for dinner, which the girls were happy about; they had trained Jiya very well to give them more bread than any human being should ever legally consume!


We had a meet and greet scheduled for this cruise too, also right after muster. I know we could have skipped muster, but we figured it was a better example for the girls to go ahead and do it again. It’s only fifteen minutes, after all.


The meet and greet after muster was at the back of the Lido this time. There were far more people that were active on this leg, on both Cruise Critic and on Facebook. It was well attended, and again the kids got to meet ahead of time. We also had excursions booked with people on this leg, which we were really looking forward to! We hadn’t really connected with many people on the first leg (the girls did, though), maybe because we missed the second meet and greet.


This leg was so different. The change was almost immediate. When people started heading into cabins, they were yelling down the hallways. Maybe not a good sign, but the energy level was just completely different from the previous week. I asked some of the staff about it, and they said that they felt it too.


We really enjoyed the steakhouse (now called “Diamonds,” although everything everywhere still says “Harry’s.”), and we would definitely do it again. I had the escargot starter, and the surf and turf. I got a bit spoiled on lobster last June on a trip to Nova Scotia, and this was the first lobster that lived up to my high expectations! The filet was beautiful. John had salad and the lamb, which was perfect in every way. He got the chocolate sampler for dessert, and I ordered the cheesecake to go, and took it to the girls and left it on the bed in their room. (I’m not a big dessert person.)

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April 8: Sea Day (Easter Sunday)

Chair hogs apparently stayed on board. We spent the day as per usual: gym, reading, looking for chairs.


Finally found some chairs on deck ten above the aft part of Lido. We lasted about 45 minutes; it was HOT!


This time we had a paid meet and greet at The Stage, arranged by one of the roll call members. He struggled at first to get the twenty needed to set it up, but once that happened it kind of went crazy. We ended up with 66 people signed up via a google doc and paypal.


I was a little worried about the location: it is the only place on the ship that cigars can be smoked, and only one of two smoking bars. It didn’t really seem fair to me that we should be monopolizing it for an hour. But it worked out just fine. Liberty seemed to forget that we had booked that location, as they planned an event there for the same time, but there was an announcement moving their event to the piano bar. A few people did wander into the meet and greet, and were redirected to the piano bar.


Drinks were free flowing, and it was really nice to put faces to names. The meet and greet seemed to go a bit longer than an hour.


We finally made it to comedy: the 9:45 show with Alyn Ball. It was the R rated over 18 show, and he liked calling out the under 18 crowd. He was hilarious!



April 9: Cozumel

We were the only ship in port today – kind of amazing. This was our second time hitting all four of these ports. The first time, on the Glory, we did The Amazing Cozumel Race, through Carnival. We had so much fun, and saw so much of Cozumel while running, literally, around. We got off the ship and took a cab to town for some shopping.






It was early and many of the shops were just opening. I love shopping in Cozumel; you can get great deals, and name your price much of the time. Plus, I always find something cool. Last time we were there, we had three of our kids, and they found these cool hammock chairs.


This time we found these beautiful woven backpacks. We got three of them (for us girls), and Kacy got a fedora. We also got some hot sauces to bring home to our two sons, some sun dresses, and the girls got a bunch of bracelets. We headed back to the ship for lunch, as it was still early in Cozumel, and we couldn’t find any open restaurants!


We had a dolphin royal swim booked at Chankanaab National Park. I booked it through Cozumel Tours, and we had no problems with the booking, as some have reported.



When we got to Chankanaab, we had about 45 minutes until our meeting time, so we wandered down the beach. It is a beautiful park! After the girls and I swam for a while (tons of fish!), I settled into a beach chair, John took off snorkeling, and the girls went to get henna tattoos. Pretty soon a waiter came to offer me drinks… Micheladas for $4? Yes, please! Delicious!







The view over the rim of my ice cold Michelada:



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Finally, it was time for our dolphin royal swim. We had a little lesson on how to treat the dolphins, and the body language they need to see, as well as the positioning for the two really cool parts: the dorsal fin tow and the foot push.

We donned life jackets, and headed out to our spot. The dolphins are in a huge enclosure that is only blocked from the sea by a chain link fence. Then, they bring two dolphins into a smaller enclosure, still open to the sea, for the encounters.

There were seven in our group: the four of us, a group of two guys, and a single guy (his wife was watching their baby). We were led through all the encounters…






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This smile makes it worth every penny!




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The dorsal fin tow:


Getting ready for the foot push:

And she's up!

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They put on a little show for us at the end:



After heading back to the ship, it was time to get ready for dinner, and then we were meeting up with some of our roll call who were on the Belize excursion with us.

Dinner was short ribs and French onion soup all around.

We met up with Bhauser7 and his girlfriend, and ShellBell42 and her husband at 8 at Alchemy. We wanted to head off the ship together first thing in the morning, and get the earliest tender possible. It turned out that Motivatedgirl2 was on the tour with us as well, so we had a total of eleven.

I think we maybe went to a comedy show after that? My notes are horrible! If we did, it was the very unfunny one of the two. His name was Jason Blanchard. Not funny. It was so quiet at times that I actually felt sorry for him.
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April 10: Belize
In my opinion, Belize gets dumped on frequently. My hubby and I really enjoyed Belize both times we went. The first time we took the Carnival zipline Lost World tour. It was tons of fun, but it’s when I realized that the Carnival excursions are not all that.

I started researching ports back in May, and knew that Mayan ruins were the way we wanted to go this year. So I looked into a bunch of options, and gave a list of ruins to John to decide. The river ride and the isolation of Lamanai was the selling point.

I booked Lamanai through Island Marketing, with a deposit of $60 at $75 per person. It’s a really long day, but they come highly recommended everywhere, and I couldn't find a single “we missed the ship” review.

We were up at 6am (eek!), had breakfast, and met up with our friends to get the tender. We made it to Belize City quickly, and found the excursion group easily. They led us out to a spot where we paid the final amount (they only take cash, so be prepared for that!), and we waited about 15 minutes while they checked everyone in. We had eleven with us, and all total there were 34 going to Lamanai. So we weren’t the only brave ones! We were the only ship in port again, but I have no idea if the rest of the people were from the ship or on land vacations.

The bus:


Bathroom break before the riverboat ride!


The camera around Kacy's neck would be the camera that took all the ship pictures and most of the pictures from San Juan, Belize and Roatan.

On the path to the boats:



These are the boats they use to take you to Lamanai:

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[quote name='jjtimes6']OK, this is a reprise of our B2B cruise, thanks to Webshots sale and all of our photos being lost. [/quote]


I really admire you for taking the time to relink the pictures and revive your review! Thousands of CC member will benefit from your hard work and investment of time in this endeavor and those of us who have posted photo reviews and used Webshots know what you went through.

Webshots' sale and the way they handled the transfer of the photos was very unprofessional. Why do they call it a sale if the sale didn't include the actual links? When Webshots changed from allowing full size downloads for anyone was when they showed their true colors for the first time. Now they've left no doubt about the character of their management team and ownership principals. I haven't contested my membership payment which isn't anywhere near expiring, but I think I'll take care of that soon. :D

[I]'Smile. The latest evolution in photo management from Webshots.'[/I] IMO, there's certainly nothing to smile about the low quality crap service they offer.

Cruise Critic has quite a few staff members who post photo reviews within the forums. Perhaps they can get together and come up with a remedy for those members affected by Webshots demise? Temporary moderator privileges would allow the review OPs to go in and edit the links to new locations.

Back off my soap box now; I'm enjoying your rereview! :cool:
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[quote name='TakeMeAway1001']Excellent review, can't wait to read the rest.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the compliment!

[quote name='PaulMedik']Julie,

I really admire you for taking the time to relink the pictures and revive your review! Thousands of CC member will benefit from your hard work and investment of time in this endeavor and those of us who have posted photo reviews and used Webshots know what you went through.

Webshots' sale and the way they handled the transfer of the photos was very unprofessional. Why do they call it a sale if the sale didn't include the actual links? When Webshots changed from allowing full size downloads for anyone was when they showed their true colors for the first time. Now they've left no doubt about the character of their management team and ownership principals. I haven't contested my membership payment which isn't anywhere near expiring, but I think I'll take care of that soon. :D

[I]'Smile. The latest evolution in photo management from Webshots.'[/I] IMO, there's certainly nothing to smile about the low quality crap service they offer.

Cruise Critic has quite a few staff members who post photo reviews within the forums. Perhaps they can get together and come up with a remedy for those members affected by Webshots demise? Temporary moderator privileges would allow the review OPs to go in and edit the links to new locations.

Back off my soap box now; I'm enjoying your rereview! :cool:[/QUOTE]

Thanks, Paul. It bugged me when someone looked at it recently, and there were no pictures. It is a huge time investment.. I did email CC, and ask if there was a fix, but I got no reply.

I think I am going to fix my Victory review too... Lots of time, but it's easier to re-do it than it was to do it the first time!

I agree with all you said 100%!
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The bus ride is about an hour long, and Belizean highways leave much to be desired. Much pavement, that is. John is a civil engineer; it was driving him crazy. We decided we could move to Belize. I can teach English, and he can fix all their roads!

Finally we made it to the riverboat. After a bathroom break, we loaded up the boats. There were two, 14 on one, and 20 on ours.

First sight: baby crocodile! John was happy; he so wanted to see crocodiles.


Then the captain pulled up to the side of the riverbank, where a spider monkey was finishing a banana from another boatload of people. As we sat there, oohing and aahing, down from the tree comes a female spider monkey!

Monkey on the fence:




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She jumped onto the boat and walked up the side, right behind John.



Then she decided she wanted some more action, so she hopped on into the boat.





The girls were beside themselves with joy!
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