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Dream 6/22/13 - 6/29/13 Mini Review


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We just returned from our western Caribbean cruise on the Dream. On this cruise was myself DW and two DD 18 and 9. Short and sweet is we had a blast, but then I have never had a bad cruise as I believe it is what you make it. If you go looking for problems or issues then you will find them and if you go looking to relax and have a good time then all the little things that pop up can be handled and you sail on having a good time. The cruise was not with out some little things that I will go over but like i said it was still a cruise and it was FUN!!!.


Day Before. We arrived in Port Canaveral on Friday June 21 after driving from NC. We stayed at the Country Inn and Suites. The staff was wonderful at check in. Room was clean and comfortable. It faced the port, which we loved. We could see every ship as they sailed in. While there we got the dreaded email that she was going to be delayed due to a medical emergency and had to make an unscheduled stop in San Juan and would not be there until 10:30 and boarding would not start until 3pm. Hey but we were still going to get on her Saturday. We then went to Jetty Park and watched the Enchantment leave port. Loved seeing the old girl again, I have sailed her twice and look forward to sailing her again sometime. We then ate some pizza went back to the room and settled down for the night knowing it was going to be a long day tomorrow and most likely hectic with it having a late embarkation time.


Embarkation Day We all got up around 8am looked out the window(thinking just maybe they were wrong and she had arrived earlier than expected) but she was not there. Disney Fantasy and Ecstasy was there but no Dream:(. So around 9am we went down and ate the free breakfast, ok nothing to jump up and down about but it was filling and was free, taste was ok. When we got back to the room we looked out our window and there she was sailing down the channel:D. Whooo Hooo now it was getting real.


At about noon we checked out and and headed to the port to see if we could get in. No dice don't come back until 3pm they said. I could see where this was headed. (Major Crowds).:eek: So we then went got something to eat again and then headed back to the port again around 2. Oh side bar, Carnival did give everyone in the cabin a $14 OBC for missing lunch on the ship:), that was an $58 to spend. Back to going back to the port, we got in this time checked our luggage paid the porters and parked the car. When we walked to the terminal was unbelievable. There was a line all the way in the street making several turns trying to get through security:eek: BUUUT!!! we had purchased FTTf so now we was going to test it out. Looked to the right and there it was little red sign FTTF. We walked over and security advised us that we had to go to the back of the line so I asked where does the FttF people go he quickly said he was sorry and escorted us straight through to the check point then over to pick up our sign and sail cards. No line here either, got our cards quickly and proceeded straight to the ship and walked right on. There was probably every bit of 600 - 700 people in line. We were on the ship in less than 20 minutes from the time we parked the car to the time we set foot on the ship.


We went straight to our cabins to drop of our carry ons and by the time we got there our luggage was arriving. Carnival was working hard trying to get this late arrival back on schedule. we had a balcony and an interior across the hall on Lido deck(cabins 10217 and 10219). Cabins were ready and our cabin attendant Camelo was there to greet us. He was great the entire cruise and we could not have asked for better. Kept us stocked with ice and all needs were met. We then begin to walk around the ship and explore. Then we went to the muster drill. Extremely painless and very well organized and informative.

We then proceeded to Deck 11 for sail away. After sail away we since it was after our dining time we just ate in The Gathering Buffet, It was ok but nothing to write home about. We then went to the Camp Carnival meeting and got our 9 yo registered. After that it had been a long day and the next day was a sea day so we decided to turn in for the night.


The next few days are coming up.

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Sea Day 1 After getting a wonderful nights sleep we proceeded to go to the buffet and eat breakfast this was around 7:45. As we crossed the pool deck to go to the buffet we noticed that there was already very few pool chairs left, lots of towels and no one in them. This was a typical first sea day. Crowded every where, lots of people trying to figure out the ship and traffic flow patterns. This is where patients plays a big role. Back to the breakfast, the omelet station was good, always a line but they are very efficient and it does not take long to get your food. Bacon was rationed out by the crew but all you had to do was ask for more and they would give it to you no problem, The worst problem was that some of the beverage stations were placed in the middle of the walk way and this at times during breakfast and lunch caused a traffic jam but hey a little turning sideways and a few excuse me will get you right through. As we proceeded back to our cabin after breakfast around 8:45 still noticed now no pool chairs and nobody there. Chair Hogs at their greatest.


Our plans for the day was the 9yo goes to CC and we explore the ship. That is pretty much the way it played out. We played a game of Bingo(didn't win:(), then went to the coffee shop. 18yo DD loves the specialty coffees. She also used the gym quite a bit and enjoyed it alot.


By the Time we got through with all the shopping, eating lunch and exploring every inch of the ship it was time for dinner because we had early seating. We got ready for dinner and went to the main dinning room for the first time. We met our dinning room staff for the first time, Suprano the head waiter, Emery the assistant and Dewi the other assistant. Out of all of our cruises this was one of the best wait staff teams we have ever had. they were great. They knew our name the minute we sat down with out even an introduction.

All of our food was great and arrived quickly. Suprano always made sure we were happy but payed special attention to our 9 yo which she loved. he always made sure see liked her food and would let her try other things.


After dinner 9 yo went to CC and stayed until midnight. The rest of us just kinda skipped around the ship taking in different shows and listening to karaoke until it was time to pick up little one. After picking her up she advised us that she wanted to do that every night. At $6.75 an hour everynight might not be possible but two or three would be in the making. We then turned in and got ready for arrival in Cozumel at 10a.


I will post again tomorrow night.

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Cozumel We got up way before we arrived in Cozumel because arrival time was at 10. So we proceeded to the buffet to get some breakfast which by now was getting really easy to navigate because everyone was learning their way around the ship. Again typical buffet breakfast, food was good and this morning they were serving french toast. The french toast was quite tasty. After eating we was pulling into the dock. We did not have any planned excursions here as we have been here before several times. So we decided to get off and just do a little shopping. Disembarking was a breeze for this and we had no problem. Just packed a little patience and worked our way through the line. Again it was a breeze and moved quickly.


We bought a few souvenirs, one that I thought was particularly cool was a painting that was actually painted by fingers. It was very pretty and the gentleman doing it was very talented. After a couple of hours we returned to the ship. Boarding was no problem moved through very quickly.


After we got back on the ship we went to the pool and hung out. 9 yo wanted to go to the waterworks and slide so we did. This was fun and both slides, the twister and the drain pipe, are very fun. Minimum height for these two slides are 42 inches. After playing on the slides and at the pool we returned to the cabin took showers and went to dinner. Again good food and great service. after dinner 9 yo DD again wanted to go to CC and stay in night owls so we let her go. That gave us the chance to go to the adult comedy show in the Punchliner. Here is where I have a little problem with Carnival or at least this ship. The comedians were great no problem we laughed our head off. What was the problem was the location. The Burgundy Lounge sits at the Aft part of the ship in between Sams Piano Bar and another little club(cant remember name) Also right outside of the door is the main aft elevators and steps. So when it is time to go to the show there is a monster line, plus everyone going to the two other clubs and the people using the elevators and steps coming from Late Seating dinner it gets extremely crowded and almost gridlocked right there. When it really gets bad is when the show before lets out you have everyone trying to get out of the lounge, everyone that is in line wanting in the next show...so you get the picture. Some 300 to 400 people all jammed in one little hallway and stairwell with no way to move. Not complaining just letting everyone know if you take this cruise and go to the comedy shows go early and be prepared for the crowds. No way around them. And yes we would go and do it again. Just explaining what you will see.


After working our way back into the second show and seeing it we went and picked up little one and went to the cabins and got ready for Belize. Oh the reason for going back in is that they have two comedians a night.


Belize We arrived at Belize right on time and again Breakfast, but the girls had ordered room service(room service breakfast is a Continental Breakfast) So it was just the wife and I. Here we had a Snorkeling Excursion with Wonders of the Reef. So after breakfast gathered our tickets and all of what we needed and headed to the Encore Theater where we were suppose to meet. Along with everyone else on the ship. There was not enough room in the lounge to seat everyone that had excursions but the whole time they kept telling everyone to move over to let people in and that everyone in the lounge must be seated. Only one problem, NOT ENOUGH SEATS,,lol. Luckly our excursion was called quickly and we got out of that mad house fast and boarded our excursion boat. Which took us straight to the Snorkeling site. Iy was a little Island called Rendezvous Key. The company, Wonders of the Reefs tour was great, but too many people on this trip. 150 on this excursion. They then broke us down into three groups beginners, intermediate and advanced snorkelers. Well my wife, oldest daughter and myself have snorkeled many many times. Little one has snorkeled in open water 4 times but many times in the lake so we decided to go with the intermediate group because of her. Wrong !!!!! Should have went advanced. The majority of everyone there went with this group and snorkeling was almost impossible. People kept swimming over top of our little one pushed the oldest one out of the way twice. We finally made it all the way to the front of the group to the guide and things got a little better. But when you could see and was not getting shoved around it was beautiful. After snorkeling we boarded the boat for the trip back to the ship. Got back went through security and back to the cabin. While resting we get a call from across the hall which would be our girls cabin advising us that they wanted d to go ashore to Belize..UGH...Wife said no but me being the Daddy that cant say no told them I would go with them. Which was a good choice because since they have never been there they wanted to go get a Souvenir and also get their charm from Diamonds International. Oh yeah DI is giving a charm for each port you visit free so they were on a mission to collect every charm. After that they was ready to tender back to the ship so that was painless. Just a twenty minute boat ride each way. Now time to take a shower and get ready for Dinner. Again very good service and good food.


After dinner we decide to watch a movie by the pool,Remember the Titans was playing. This nightly entertainment turned out to be one we done several times. Popcorn a movie and relaxing was quite nice. coming up Rotan, Costa Maya and Sea Day. I will also be posting some pics soon.






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Rotan This part will be very short. We arrived on time and at this port we had tours booked through Victor Bodden. We contacted him via email through his web site and it was easy and painless. All I can say is WOW, WOW and WOW. This was the best thing we have ever done. WE made the short walk out of the port to meet our driver. Believe me that the walk is not that bad. Our driver was Julio and boy was he great. He took us to Victors house where we di the Pet the Monkey tour and kids loved it as did I. After completing that tour we went to do our horse back riding on the beach tour. Julio dropped us off at the El Rancho Barrio Dorcas where we met our guide Chuckie, Julio then advised that he would be back to pick us up when we were done. Chuckie sadled the horses and off we went. Very good ride through some neighbor hoods, through west bay and then onto the beach before heading back where Julio was waiting. This was a great ride and we would do it again. Don't let the look of the barn fool you horse are well taken care off and very gentle. I have ridden horse a lot, use to show horses, 9 yo is currently taking lessons and wife and 18 yo DD ridden very little and we all had a good time and felt very comfortable on the horses.Julio then took us on an extensive tour of the island answering any and all questions that my wife asked him. He also stopped and let us sample all the native fruits from the trees there, Ganips, Almonds, Cashews, Breadfruit and Mangos. We then proceeded back to the port where he could take us directly back to the port entrance. There my girls got the DI charms and was happy as could be. CHARM 3...1 to go.


Once back on the ship it was the usual. Dinner little to Camp Carnival and we just hit different clubs and areas to people and what was happening. We did stop in the Dream Atrium and watch Fun Force dance which was very fun.. Went grabbed little one and went to bed as Costa Maya was next and it started at 7 a....:eek:


Costa Maya We arrived at Costa Maya ate breakfast and then took our time in getting of the ship, We had reservations for loungers at Tropicante Ameri-Mex Grill. This was a great beach day and wonderful place to hang out. Lots to do there. Steve will take great care of you and I recommend it highly. It is only about a 5 minute cab ride from the port. We then headed back to the port. Did the DI thing and yes all 4 charms collected. Then got back on the ship. Did the dinner thing Sent little one to CC but this time she was in hog heaven not going to have to come back to the cabin until 3 am. Yes 3 am she wanted to do the CC party at Sea Until 3. If your children are signed up for this they have a big supervised party in all different areas of the ship. They get to go to the sports deck and play dodge ball, play video games, pizza party and all sorts of things then at 3 am the counselors bring them back to your cabin, you do not have to go get them. All i can say is she loved it. You just have to get up for a minute to let the counselor know you know they are there..


Sea Day #2 Sea Day number 2 will be easy. Got up late went eat breakfast. Then hung out by the pools, eat, and watched movies at night by the pool and then went to bed. This was our truly relaxing day. Oh we did have something interesting happen this night. We got buzzed twice by a US Coast Guard Helicopter a UH 65 Dolphin. He was really low as I mean Lido deck level. The first time he buzzed and he came down the starboard side while we were sitting on our balcony and no lie I could look into the cockpit. He was probably 200' off the side of the ship at Lido deck level. The second pass was about an hour later and this time he made the pass down the port side at about the same distance and height. Don't knwo why. He never hung around, but it was cool.


Disembarkation All I can say is it was typical Port Canaveral disembarkation. Super easy. We had FTTF so we were first off the ship after self assist. Found our luggage grabbed a porter went through customs and was on the road home to NC by 8 am. Painless


In closing i will say we had a great cruise. Was it perfect of course not but what cruise is. Well let me rephrase that it was perfect for me because I was not at work I was having fun a meeting new people. Some questions that always come up about this ship that I see on these boards are:


Crowds - Yes it was crowded but I was on vacation it did not bother me along with my cloths I packed by patience and politeness. With a little timing you can avoid most of this.


Smell - Oh the dreaded smell, Honestly yes i did smell it several times in the hallway to our cabin. But it was not all the time or every night. Was it a deal breaker.... Nooooo!!!!


Food - It was good. not great or outstanding but it did have good tatse


Staff - Never once run into a rude staff member they were all super friendly and helpful. Our Cabin steward was great and our dinning room staff beyond wonderful!!!


Yes I would sail her again and even have more fun the next time because I know more what to expect and the lay out of the ship

I will be happy to answer any questions about the ship or our experience during this cruise.

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