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"Live from" Queen Elizabeth to the Mediterannean! My First Cunard Experience


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In actuality, I had went back to my room to relax and log after lunch, and had only headed upstairs to explore the outside decks once I had seen that the weather had improved via the room’s TV.


After exploring for a while, I returned to my stateroom to meet up with my family for lunch. Here was how our lunch went!






As per usual, they offered us bread in which we politely declined (we prefer to fill up on regular food, as opposed to buns and rolls):




(LOL I'm actually kind of proud of myself for taking this picture before the guy walked away :P I didn't even ask him to freeze or anything! ^^)


And we proceeded with our meal! My sister, Mom and I ordered the Mushroom Soup from the Royal Spa Selections:




Sis and I liked it, but Mom found it too salty. My dad agreed. Dad on the other hand, ordered the Roasted Shallot and Butternut Squash Soup:




Which he didn’t really care for. He actually thought it didn’t have enough flavour!


At this time, I was starting to feel the motion again. :/ *sigh*


Our entrées then started to arrive. First was what my sister and I ordered, the Meat Ravioli with Creamy Roasted Pepper Sauce and Crispy Pancetta:




This was actually pretty good, even though it was a little on the heavy side (thick, rich flavours). I was already beginning to feel a little queasy due to the strong winds.

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Then came my mom’s order, the Dijon Haddock Fillet with Green Beans, Cherry Tomato Compote and Rösti Potatoes:




She thought it was alright. My dad had the same feeling about his entrée, his Toasted Muffin with Crab and Baby Shrimp:


Closed bun:




Open bun:




He thought the sandwich was pretty good, all good except the fact that it was not heavy enough. He felt like it was missing a stronger dressing or sauce inside, without this, it would not have enough flavour. It had some homemade potato chips on side that we enjoyed. Sis ate a few, but I basically ate the rest them LOL (I’m a chip person :-D) yum.


Next up was dessert time! First up was the Pecan and Cranberry Pie:




Mom and Dad really liked it, they said it was delicious. (not too sweet for their taste)


Then was the Marbled Chocolate Mousse with Orange Cointreau Sauce:




The server had brought it over and apologized that the dessert had broken on the way to our table (the top slid off the bottom), but still ensured that it was delicious. ^^


It actually was! It was pretty tasty. This was eventually completely overshadowed by the next dessert. Sis’s Very Cherry and Vanilla Ice Creams, Chocolate Frozen Yoghurt and Mango Sauce:




This was just traumatizing LOL. First of all, the Very Cherry and the Vanilla ice creams tasted okay. Then came the disgusting Chocolate Frozen Yoghurt. Initially when you take a bite, you’re like “oh, okay hey this isn’t bad, why would you say it’s- …” BAM. SOUR, WEIRD DISGUSTINGNESS. *cue the scrunched up face of a disgusted human* I literally wrote this in my log:



"Described in words: Cringe, disgust, sour, taken aback”.


For your own sake, as well as mine, do not eat their Chocolate Frozen Yoghurt. :-)

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Last, but certainly not least (because “least” was that disgustingness prior to this one >_>), the Pear Upside Down Cake with Warm Vanilla Custard:




This was somewhat dry, but still edible. Meh.


After lunch, I returned to my room to log and take a nap until it would be time for ahfutha (afternoon tea). I set an alarm, but Sis would end up waking me up.


I woke up about 15 minutes before it was time for afternoon tea, and went to get Dad. (He’s the only one who wants to go with me LOL). I was really excited because this was the first time I got to attend it! (I wasn’t feeling well the day before).


I was very pleased with the nice atmosphere the Queen’s Room gave off (feeling fancy ^^~). After finding a seat, I took some pictures.


The pamphlet explaining the afternoon tea:




The fancy spread:




And the EOS String Quartet:




I LOVED them. They literally played every fancy song I’ve ever seen on TV that coincides with fanciness (LOL). Obviously, I was thrilled ;)


Upon being seated, servers would come around (white gloved) pouring tea for everybody (the same kind):




The first round of treats came around, and it was finger sandwiches!



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Here’s the smoked salmon one I got:




And a smoked ham one for dad:




It was very relaxing and nice (:




The next round was the little cakes!




This server was actually very nice! When he saw me take a picture of the tray, he told me he would be right back and returned with a full tray for me to shoot! How nice (:




I was very touched that he would go out of his way to do that, thanks! I took a picture of the nice server to show you all that this guy is .. well .. really nice! :D *gives recognition*




LOL //wants everyone to know that this guy is a really good server//

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Anyways, here was what my plate looked like after round 2:




(I found that out of all of the mini cakes, probably 2 would be really good and the rest would just be alright) I really liked that chocolate one!


And here was Dad’s:




(My dad got some coconut cake)


Something I noticed was the fact that the servers were seriously bent on giving you more tea LOL. I literally had to politely decline it like, 8 or so times ^^.


The third and final round of food was the scones with whipped butter!




This was my first time eating a scone. I copied the older gentleman sitting nearby and ate it with the jam provided:




My verdict: scones are yummy. (:


After ahfuta, I went back to room to nap until dinner (can feel some motion). (LOL I’m literally just sleeping and eating)


I said goodbye to Dad and went our separate ways. (He went exploring)


I took a few picture on my way back to the room:





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8 minutes to dinner, Mom & Dad call our room 4 times to wake us up, but we just pass back out. At 6:04pm, Mom barges into room and we get scolded for not waking up. We get ready and rush to the dining room. We feel kind of bad because our server seems really rushed now, to get our food orders in :/ Sorry.


Anyways, here was how dinner went:






I ordered the Cured Thai Salmon with Chinese Cabbage with a Soya, Orange and Almond Dressing:




(I don’t get it. .___. It tastes exactly the same as the one I ate for breakfast.) It was good, but I found 2 fish bones in it)


Sis got the California Rolls with Wasabi and Pickled Ginger:




This was really poorly done in sushi standards. The rice was like squishy rice glue packed together and the filling was just … THERE ARE 2 LITTLE CUBES IN THERE. -_- Like really, what is this.


My dad got the Potato and Leek Soup:




which he found somewhat lacking in terms of flavour.


Dad got the Crab and Mango Salad:




which wasn’t bad,

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while Mom got the Wild Mushroom and Goat’s Cheese Risotto with Grilled Asparagus:




which tasted alright.


I was actually not super impressed by tonight’s menu, as I could not find any entrée I wanted on the menu. Although I don’t even typically eat pork, Sis and I ordered the Pork Oscar – Medallion of Gloucester Old Spot with Asparagus, Crab Meat and Hollandaise Sauce.




I honestly didn’t really care for it, out of the whole dish, I liked the sauces and sides better. (But that’s just me). The asparagus was yummy?




Sis (who loves pork) thought it was okay.


Mom and Dad on the other hand, ordered the Roasted Mediterranean Sea Bass, Citrus Glazed Fennel and Lemon Crème Fraîche:




They were actually a little confused about this, as they claimed that it didn't taste like any other sea bass they had tried before. They were somewhat disappointed. They said that it tasted like some sort of other fish LOL.


We reached kind of a consensus about the food in general midway through our voyage:


• All of the soups were generally too heavy & salty, while entrées were too light and flavourless

• The ice cream wasn’t impressive

• Our servers didn't really seem to take the time to get to know what passengers liked. Their goal was to just simply get the job done. If we always refuse bread, perhaps stop bringing it? (There’s no point of bringing it over every single night when we decline it every time!) If we never, ever drink alcohol, perhaps stop asking us? If mom never wants cold water, but hot, have some ready? Just some suggestions, they’d make both of our lives a lot easier :P

• At the moment, we were not too impressed with food thus far


I started to feel motion sickness midway through entrée. Since I was starting to feel like puking, I retired for the night. (I took my sister with me) I didn't stay through dessert, but my parents did. I handed my camera off to my dad and we were on our way.


Here were the desserts that Mom & Dad ate. First up was the Mascarpone Cointreau Parfait with Almond Caramel:




Then was the Chocolate Pecan Terrine:



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Both were apparently quite good.




They finished off their dinner and headed to tonight’s show. I actually seriously regretted not attending Jacqui Scott’s show because it was apparently amazing. Mom and Dad said she was a very funny, talented woman, sang a lot of Beatles and was extremely entertaining. They said it was an excellent show. *cue extreme regret*








While they were watching the amazing show I missed, I was reading my newspaper and falling asleep:



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Day 4: Santorini, Greece


Tuesday, November 12, 2013 : Informal



I woke up at around 6am, logged and then took a look at daily programme:














According to the Daily Programme, the sunrise was supposed to be at around 6:52am. My goal was to catch at least one sunrise during the cruise.

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Later today, we would be docking in Santorini:















At this time, I realized that I didn’t know where my camera was! I started to freak out for a bit, before recalling that Dad probably still had it! I then remembered that I had accidentally left door locked the night before, so Dad couldn't return camera.

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Anyways, I didn't want to wake them up too early, so wait until around 6:40am before I headed next door and knocked. I knocked on their door for about a minute before Dad woke up and let me in. I then took my camera and went up to deck 9 outside by pool to get my sunrise pictures.




//still wearing pajama sweater :D//


When I got up there, I noticed that the sun was still not up!


As I pondered as to why it was still so dark, a worker cleaning the pool says good morning to me. I respond cheerfully good morning, and tell him I woke up just for sunrise. He takes a look at horizon and then tells me that he estimates a 7:30am sunrise. o_o ... Oh


I try to take some pictures anyways by going upstairs, but fail because the wind is ridiculously strong. I settle for these sad shots from behind a glass cover:






I head back to the room to take a shower, and monitor the sun’s progress through the stateroom’s TV.


At around 7:40am, I notice that sun starting to appear on the TV. I grab my camera and go down to deck 2 to go to the outside promenade deck. On my way down, I run into my 2 Swiss friends on the elevator! :-) (remember? From the laundrette?)


I run around looking for a door that will take me outside. I finally find one, but quickly realize that I don’t know how to open it. It cannot be opened via pulling => I’m confused. I keep walking until I find another door. This time, I spot a worker heading for it, so I wait to see how he opens it. I watch him hit a button and the door magically opens. I walk over and he kindly holds the door open for me. Thanks c:


Finally, I am outside. I take my first sunrise pictures of the trip!






I look around and notice that I am literally the only person out here this morning:



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//walks over to the front of the ship//






It kind of looks like snow from far away, but those are really the famous white houses built into the side of the mountain! (You know the place with the famous blue dome churches? Yeah, that’s Santorini! :D)





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I take pictures from both sides of the ship. Once I’m done and it’s starting to approach breakfast time, I head back toward the doors. Look at these things I failed to notice. Please know how to open and close doors to avoid looking silly like me:






I go back indoors and head to the closest elevators. When I get on, there are some Japanese people who join me. They look at me and start speaking Japanese to me. o_o Uhm.. konnichiwa? LOL I look at them blankly for a few seconds before admitting that I actually have no idea what they’re saying ^^” They laugh and ask me if I’m Chinese, to which I promptly answer yes.


Hm. That’s the first time I’ve ever been mistaken for a Japanese person. o_o Cool.


Anyways, I head back to the room to eat breakfast with my family in the Britannia. It is around 8:30am now and most people have already left the ship via tenders for their excursions and whatnot. As you can see, we’re pretty much by ourselves:



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For breakfast, we each first get a glass of today’s Smoothie of the day: Strawberry, Banana and Peach:




Sis also gets a glass of Apple Juice (that she drinks everyday):




I then get some Rice Krispies with whole milk:




Sis got some Golden Waffles with Fresh Fruit Kebab:




That she enjoyed very much.


Mom got some Eggs Over easy, a Cumberland Sausage, Sautéed Mushrooms and a Grilled Tomato:



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She then added a scoop of Hollandaise Sauce on the side:




Dad ordered an Omlette, a Cumberland Sausage, Sautéed Mushrooms, Streaky Bacon and Corned Beef Hash:




He too, got some Hollandaise Sauce on his food:




Sis got some Smoked Salmon with a side of Hash Brown:




And I got the same thing, but with Grilled Potatoes and Streak Bacon:




Not to mention a scoop of Hollandaise Sauce as well!



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Once we were finished breakfast, we headed down to the gangway and boarded a double decker ship (provided by locals) that would take us to Thira, Santorini (also pronounced “Fira”):








*looks up because other people seem to be looking up as well*








Yay! Let’s go! :D



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*zooms in* That’s where we’re headed!






*Gets distracted again* LOL






Yay! We’ve started moving!! :D *spits hair out of mouth* *super strong wind makes my hair slap my face*




Because of the tender, we got a really great opportunity to take pictures of the ship! Many people around me started whipping out their cameras too LOL.



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We’ve now basically landed! Look how far away we are from the ship now! :0




The island has very interesting architecture. There are several random doors on the side of the mountain LOL.




So there are apparently 2 ways of getting up to the city.



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Method #1: Cable cars




Method #2: climb up a steep hill that is covered in donkey poos




It’s your choice :D


We weren’t actually in the city yet. We were just at the pier.




Though some people decided not to see Thira, but instead join an excursion that would take them to see another city on the other side of Santorini to Oia (pronounced “ee-ah”. I don’t know how, but it just is o_o).




You can see by the map (I made lol) below, approximately where the QE was parked and where we were (Thira/Fira), as well as the other place some people were taking an excursion to (Oia). :D



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