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ARCADIA ~ New Years Cruise 2005/2006


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It would be great to meet for a drink - maybe after the New Years Eve stuff is over??? Didn't realise you knew other people sailing. Perhaps Little Annie is game for a drink???? Can't remember who else is going - will have to scan through the first pages to remind myself!!! Haven't heard what time we are supposed to board - but would sure like to make it before 5.30!!! Wonder what time the coaches arrive from the airport?


Sorry Mel ..... but I LOVE the Krankies (or I did when I was a kid - are they still alive???)




I worry about you .... Palm Springs - hurricane???


Best wishes




Geography obviously not my best subject ;)


Thought it was in Florida!! Just realised it is in California!!!!!!! Doh as Homer would say!!!!!!! ;)


I am quite stressed at the moment worrying about how I'm going to get xmas shopping done, cards written and posted, presents for family up north posted with just over 3 weeks before we go!! I have finally finished ironing all of the dinner shirts from the QM2 trip!! So that's one big thing off my mind. The time is just flying by and I'm not ready. I need to lose the weight I put on on QM2. I need some new clothes and can't find any!!!!! HELP!!!!!!! I'm not ready!!!!!!


Anyway, I hope your new hotel is as good (or better) than what you had originally planned.


When are you off??



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Hi Elaine ... you gave me a chuckle!!! Hopefully the new hotel is as nice as the old one - the grounds and pool look as lush. We just want to be there now - but we fly on 22 December (4 weeks tomorrow!!!)


I'm afraid I cut the stress of Christmas out of my life years ago when I agreed with family and friends that I wouldn't buy for them and they wouldn't buy for me. I spend the money I would normally have wasted on things people really didn't want or need on taking myself off somewhere warm and relaxing. Oh joy!!! This year I will send out less than a dozen Christmas Cards - Scrooge or what???? BUT a stress free scrooge at that!!


Best wishes



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Hi Elaine ... you gave me a chuckle!!! Hopefully the new hotel is as nice as the old one - the grounds and pool look as lush. We just want to be there now - but we fly on 22 December (4 weeks tomorrow!!!)


I'm afraid I cut the stress of Christmas out of my life years ago when I agreed with family and friends that I wouldn't buy for them and they wouldn't buy for me. I spend the money I would normally have wasted on things people really didn't want or need on taking myself off somewhere warm and relaxing. Oh joy!!! This year I will send out less than a dozen Christmas Cards - Scrooge or what???? BUT a stress free scrooge at that!!


Best wishes




Bar Humbug!!!!


Joking apart I reckon you've got it right. I spend my time racking my brain about what to get family and generally get something completely useless (ok crap) back!! Last year was very odd for us one of my husband's sisters had just sent our pressies down special delivery. I had them sitting on the stairs a couple of days before taking them up to be put with everything else that was coming away and on the evening I did that I got a phone call to say that she had died (unexpectedly)!!!! And then to top it off her pressie was really spooky too. She had brought me a crystal guardian angel (not normally my kind of thing)!!!!! So this guardian angel now has pride of place on my dressing table!! I try to get decent presents for everyone as I don't send birthday presents. But whereas I spend about £30 each on them I reckon were lucky if they spend a £10 between all 4 of us (ok slight exageration)!!!!!


Still 3 weeks today I'll have everything sitting waiting to be packed. 3 weeks Friday we will be off to Eastleigh. I still can't get around it's only 3 weeks time.





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Hi All

Would like to meet for a drink sometime, but agree that it's probably better to wait until after the New Year's Eve madness. On the subject of boarding, our Gatwick flight is due to arrive at 09.30 on Friday morning so I hope we don't have to wait until 5.30 p.m. to board!!


5 weeks to go (OK Ken you get to go earlier, but I did have a fortnight's holiday in September!).


Best wishes


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Hi Ann


where did you find out about your flight arrival time??? 9.30am is very early to arrive but I guess they have to get the planes ready to take Arcadia's disembarking passengers by lunchtime. Anyone know when P&O send out the tickets???


Drinks on the Sunday or Monday sea days???? Maybe before dinner or even after - any ideas anyone or should we swop cabin numbers and hook up once onboard??? Still determined to get onto that second sitting!!!


Best wishes



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We were on the Arcadia week before last and it was full. The ship is good, comfortable with everything you would expect, though the layout is definately different. It was very crowded on cruising days so hit those sunbeds early. Also waiters struggled to cope with demand on teh sun deck when it was busy.You have no chance changing your dinner sitting, there was nearly a fight about it on this cruise as lieterally hundreds of people wanted to change . Still the advantage of early sitting is you can catch one of the shows and some of the other activities. Of the shows the Cirque du Arcadia and the music of Andrew Lloyd Webber are a must the others got very mixed reviews though they were always full.

Cabins are good if a little small (sorry I went on the Ocean Village last time so I was spoilt on cabin size). Of the bars the crows nest (syndicate quiz, long walk from anywhere so set out early, fab martini cocktails) , spinnaker (good for pre dinner drink)and intermezzo (champagne cocktails perfrect if your going to the Arcadian Rhodes) are stylish, and the rising sun (late english pub entertainment) gets very smokey.

Both teh Arcadian Rhodes and the Orchid are worth a visit, while the Meridian is OK

Happy to answer any specific questions


Enjoy....... I did

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Hi Ken

I emailed P&O to find out the flight times because I needed to know if I should book hotel accommodation or taxi and didn't want to leave it until the last minute, given that it's Christmas/New Year period. As for tickets, I believe they are sent from P&O about 4 weeks before sailing which means the TA will have them next week. I'm going to call mine on Saturday on the offchance that they are there as it would be convenient for me to collect them then.


We've decided to stick with the early sitting dinner - it will be very different but I can't be bothered to fight. We'll try and book the alternative dining a couple of times so we have some later dinners, but if we find it too early on other evenings, we'll just go to the buffet.


I hope you don't think I'm being rude or stand-offish, but I would prefer not to give out my cabin number on a forum - just a personal thing. Perhaps we can arrange a time/place to meet, maybe a lunchtime since we could all be doing different things at dinnertime. What do you think? As for location, any thoughts?

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Hi Ken

I emailed P&O to find out the flight times because I needed to know if I should book hotel accommodation or taxi and didn't want to leave it until the last minute, given that it's Christmas/New Year period. As for tickets, I believe they are sent from P&O about 4 weeks before sailing which means the TA will have them next week. I'm going to call mine on Saturday on the offchance that they are there as it would be convenient for me to collect them then.


We've decided to stick with the early sitting dinner - it will be very different but I can't be bothered to fight. We'll try and book the alternative dining a couple of times so we have some later dinners, but if we find it too early on other evenings, we'll just go to the buffet.


I hope you don't think I'm being rude or stand-offish, but I would prefer not to give out my cabin number on a forum - just a personal thing. Perhaps we can arrange a time/place to meet, maybe a lunchtime since we could all be doing different things at dinnertime. What do you think? As for location, any thoughts?


I am off 2 weeks on Saturday on Oriana and I had a call at lunchtime from my TA to say that my tickets are now in, so presume they came in with today's post.


Looking forward to hearing what you all think of Arcadia.



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Holiday Girl


thanks for the comments - any details on the dinner sitting fight would be interesting!!! How was embarkation / disembarkation??? Are they charging for room service now???




can understand perfectly why you don't want to give out your cabin number - it was just an idea. Perhaps we can all (well 3 of us) can agree on a time and a place - daytime is not good for me because once I get on that sunbed it takes a shipwreck to get me off!!! Looks like we are going to be stuck on first sitting too but can't remember what sitting Mel is on - Mel???? If she was on first then we could all make a drink before dinner one night (I guess shows will preclude an after dinner drink???) Lets all have a think!


Did you get any other info from P&O about arrival and embarkation proceedure at Acapulco? What do they intend to do with you between 9.30am and 5.30pm ????




Look forward to comparing notes when we all get back.


Best Regards




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Sorry Mel .... just looked back to page 1 and see that you are on second sitting - but perhaps you could make an early pre dinner drink???


Also notice we haven't heard from Colin P nor Johardy for a long time???? Are you still with us guys???



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Ken, It will be no problem for me to meet up for a pre dinner drink before your first sitting. I can get ready for my dinner later.


I am also a sun worshiper it would take’s a force 10 gale to get me off my sun bed.


I can’t make the 2nd of January, which is a sea day. I am off too a friends Re-newel of the vow’s any other day is fine by me. We will have too get our thinking caps on and decide a time and place. Maybe in the Crow’s Nest or the Rising Sun Pub just an idea anyway see what you and little Anne think.


Elaine I will raise a glass or two on your behalf wish you could be there in person. I think we are on the same Christmas and New Year Cruise next year.


Ken I could e-mail you my cabin number my e-mail is melinda_badger@yahoo.co.uk . I am meeting up with dinner guests we met on our cruise last year for New Year it will be lovely too see them again. I have also booked this restaurant in Acapulco have a look and see want you think http://acapulco.com/en/restaurants/laperla/index.html .


All my best



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Ken, It will be no problem for me to meet up for a pre dinner drink before your first sitting. I can get ready for my dinner later.


I am also a sun worshiper it would take’s a force 10 gale to get me off my sun bed.


I can’t make the 2nd of January, which is a sea day. I am off too a friends Re-newel of the vow’s any other day is fine by me. We will have too get our thinking caps on and decide a time and place. Maybe in the Crow’s Nest or the Rising Sun Pub just an idea anyway see what you and little Anne think.


Elaine I will raise a glass or two on your behalf wish you could be there in person. I think we are on the same Christmas and New Year Cruise next year.


Ken I could e-mail you my cabin number my e-mail is melinda_badger@yahoo.co.uk . I am meeting up with dinner guests we met on our cruise last year for New Year it will be lovely too see them again. I have also booked this restaurant in Acapulco have a look and see want you think http://acapulco.com/en/restaurants/laperla/index.html .


All my best




Hi Mel


Hope things have settled down for you and your hubby now. Tom's dad had his leg amputated a couple of weeks ago, so it doesn't look like he'll be making the Aurora for New Year.


I will be thinking about all of you on that trip. I didn't realise we were booked on the same cruise next christmas (Aurora to the caribbean)!! We will finally get to meet. Will look forward to that and raise a glass to you on this trip too.



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Hi Mel


Hope things have settled down for you and your hubby now. Tom's dad had his leg amputated a couple of weeks ago, so it doesn't look like he'll be making the Aurora for New Year.


I will be thinking about all of you on that trip. I didn't realise we were booked on the same cruise next christmas (Aurora to the caribbean)!! We will finally get to meet. Will look forward to that and raise a glass to you on this trip too.




Oh Elaine,


That is sad news, I remember you said it could be a possibly that it may happen you must have been so worried. It so sad he will miss his cruise. I hope he got a good response from P & O and will be able to cruise in the future when he is feeling better. Can't even imagine how stressful it must be to lose a leg it sure makes me thank my lucky stars to have my health.


Why do things seem too happen this time of the year? I bet you are in need of a holiday. I don't know how you cope packing for four. I am pulling my hair out just getting Rob & I ready.


We are on the Aurora Caribbean Christmas I noticed your name on the passenger list on the CC web site. It will be lovely too meet you at last. Really looking forward too sailing from Southampton. I hate flying so it will be lovely not to start my holiday all worried about the flight.


Rob and I are fine now time does really heal. We are just in the process of selling Rob's dad's house. It will be the end of an era as Rob's grandfather and great grandfather both lived there we don't want to take the house on it needs so much work doing too it and we only stayed in Birmingham to look after his dad. So we will be on the move in the New Year looking for somewhere in the sticks.


Elaine wishing you and Tom a wonderful cruise sorry again too hear about Tom’s dad.


Take good care of yourselves.


Mel xx

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Oh Elaine,


That is sad news, I remember you said it could be a possibly that it may happen you must have been so worried. It so sad he will miss his cruise. I hope he got a good response from P & O and will be able to cruise in the future when he is feeling better. Can't even imagine how stressful it must be to lose a leg it sure makes me thank my lucky stars to have my health.


Why do things seem too happen this time of the year? I bet you are in need of a holiday. I don't know how you cope packing for four. I am pulling my hair out just getting Rob & I ready.


We are on the Aurora Caribbean Christmas I noticed your name on the passenger list on the CC web site. It will be lovely too meet you at last. Really looking forward too sailing from Southampton. I hate flying so it will be lovely not to start my holiday all worried about the flight.


Rob and I are fine now time does really heal. We are just in the process of selling Rob's dad's house. It will be the end of an era as Rob's grandfather and great grandfather both lived there we don't want to take the house on it needs so much work doing too it and we only stayed in Birmingham to look after his dad. So we will be on the move in the New Year looking for somewhere in the sticks.


Elaine wishing you and Tom a wonderful cruise sorry again too hear about Tom’s dad.


Take good care of yourselves.


Mel xx


Hi Mel


I'm so pleased to hear that things are settling down for you. When you say you'll be moving to the sticks, whereabouts do you mean. Tom's brother and his wife live in a place called Hockley Heath which is near Solihull. There are some lovely places I pass on my travels from the A46 to Hockley Heath on the back roads!!!!!


Unfortunately, my sister in law who booked father in laws cruise, has had no success. Apparently they will 75% of the fare and even then Tom's dad cannot claim for his fare as his leg was excluded. At the moment we are trying to let someone go in his place. We've given first refusal to Gerry (Tom's dad's brother, who he was going with in the first place). What will happen then I don't know. Seems such a shame just to cancel and lose all that money.


We are most certainly booked on the caribbean christmas next year. Back on Aurora (my favourite ship as you already probably know)!!!!!!!Look forward to meeting you both on board.


I cannot believe it is 2 weeks tomorrow before we go. I have christmas cards to write, presents to wrap, package up and post to the relatives who live far away. I'm surprised I'm so laid back about it all.


Tom's out tonight so I'm hoping to get some of these jobs done!!


Better get on then or I'll never be ready in 2 weeks time!!


You have a great time (and I want to hear your views when you get back).



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Hi Mel


I'm so pleased to hear that things are settling down for you. When you say you'll be moving to the sticks, whereabouts do you mean. Tom's brother and his wife live in a place called Hockley Heath which is near Solihull. There are some lovely places I pass on my travels from the A46 to Hockley Heath on the back roads!!!!!


Unfortunately, my sister in law who booked father in laws cruise, has had no success. Apparently they will 75% of the fare and even then Tom's dad cannot claim for his fare as his leg was excluded. At the moment we are trying to let someone go in his place. We've given first refusal to Gerry (Tom's dad's brother, who he was going with in the first place). What will happen then I don't know. Seems such a shame just to cancel and lose all that money.


We are most certainly booked on the caribbean christmas next year. Back on Aurora (my favourite ship as you already probably know)!!!!!!!Look forward to meeting you both on board.


I cannot believe it is 2 weeks tomorrow before we go. I have christmas cards to write, presents to wrap, package up and post to the relatives who live far away. I'm surprised I'm so laid back about it all.


Tom's out tonight so I'm hoping to get some of these jobs done!!


Better get on then or I'll never be ready in 2 weeks time!!


You have a great time (and I want to hear your views when you get back).




Hi Elaine,


Hope your present wrapping went well. We are thinking of moving to Oxford. My brother and his partner live there and my mom is moving by them soon. I will miss Birmingham for shopping I can always hop on the train for a day's shop. It will be nice too live by my family again.


You are so right Elaine it would be a shame too lose the money for Tom's dad cruise I hope there is a good outcome in the end.


Ken, The Kranies are alive and well :D


Just got back in from work I’m off to clear out my wardrobe. I hate throwing things out but the time has come. I can’t get my new clothes in :)


Mel xx

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Still here and just waiting for our tickets. Have you seen the pics @www.bembridge.co.uk/0507_Arcadia.htm Have booked trip to see the divers at Acapulco. No other excursions organised as yet. Has anyone out there got any tips as to whats worth seeing, as per our itinery, what should be done as an organised tour and whats better/cheaper organising it yourself. Any tips gratefully recieved.


Colin & Audrey Peter

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Hello I'm still here also, just not had much free time to look at the boards recently, busy at work, doing the alpha course, just started up a new brownie unit, and all the Christmas stuff.

I would like to know all thethings Colin has asked ,like him the only trip I have booked so far is the cliff divers in Accapulco, have been thinking about doing the sky walks but would like to hear from anyone with experience of these.

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Hello I'm still here also, just not had much free time to look at the boards recently, busy at work, doing the alpha course, just started up a new brownie unit, and all the Christmas stuff.

I would like to know all thethings Colin has asked ,like him the only trip I have booked so far is the cliff divers in Accapulco, have been thinking about doing the sky walks but would like to hear from anyone with experience of these.

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I suppose it would widen the feedback if I highlighted the itinery!!!


Acapulco,San Juan del Sur (Nicaragua), Punta Arenas (Costa Rica), Balboa (Panama), Mayreau,(Grenadines??) Tobago & St Lucia.


If anyone can advise as per our last Post?




Colin & Audrey

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Hi Colin and Johardy.


Hope this helps a little these are the port I have been too and the excursions I have experienced.


Acapulco. I am doing the cliff Divers excursion. I have been to Acapulco before we embarked on the ship at 11pm and sailed at midnight so not a lot of time to see anything.


San Juan Del Sur. I am going to do the Masaya Shopping Tour. Last year we didn’t do a tour there is a nice market right by the port there are few bars and restaurants if you need refreshments. We just browsed around the market then sat and had a cool drink in one of the restaurants. San Juan Del Sur has got to be the hottest place I have ever visited. Make sure you have plenty of sun screen Rob got a very bad sunburned head.


Punta Arenas. We are doing the same tour as last year Corobici River Rafting. Fantastic fun if you don’t mind getting soaked. Can’t help with the skywalk sorry.


Balboa Never been but I think Ken has.


Mayreau We were unable to visit Mayreau last year because the sea conditions made tendering impossible. If we get ashore this year I am just going too soak up the sun and enjoy the BBQ P&O provide on the beach.


Tobago first visit there for us. I am planning on heading too Store Beach.

St. Lucia. I am off to Reduit Beach can you see a Patten forming here. Last year we did the Whale and dolphin watch. I would recommend this trip even though we were not lucky enough to spot any whales we did lot’s of dolphins the tour lasts about three hours the crew are a real laugh and the free rum punch helps too.


Ken I hope everything is ok with you missing your words of wisdom.


Mel & Rob










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Hi everyone - we got our tickets today !!!!!


Glad you're still with us Jo and Colin. Haven't done that much research about the excursions - we generally take those half day trips that appeal and find our own way around if none do. On this trip we are doing the following ~


Acapulco - City highlights and cliff divers (can't go to Acapulco and miss the divers!!!)

San Juan del Sur - nothing appeals (sorry Mel, don't like getting soaked!!!) so we will be having a look around the port and the market as Mel thinks its worthwhile!!

Puntarenas - nothing as we have done the rainforest (big and green) and San Jose (opera house is interesting) already, so we hope to hit the beach (Phill has been here before and remembers great beaches)

Balboa - nothing, we have seen Panama City in the day so don't feel the need to see it by night. This excursion smacks of excursion for excursion's sake to me.

Curacao - Seaworld Tour (always wanted to do the submarine thing but haven't got round to it yet)

Mayreau - just the beach and BBQ for us!!

Tobago - Southern Panorama (haven't been here before so just doing a short intro type tour)

St Lucia - Land and Sea Adventure (have heard that the port at St Lucia is a bit rough so glad we have saved our longest tour for here)


Great photos Mel - thanks for the link! I will e-mail you our cabin number later incase we miss each other.


Thanks for the Arcadia photos link Colin - there don't seem to be many good quality pics (or many reviews) floating about. Perhaps its the British reserve or perhaps there are so few UK posters on these Cruise sites???


What does everyone think about drinks at 6.00pm (before first sitting so it shouldn't clash with anything) in the Piano Bar (as it's next to the dining room) on Monday 2 Jan (on the 2nd sea day after the sailaway and New Year). Be good to put faces to the names???





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PS .... I notice from the flight details also included with our tickets (not that we are flying with P&O) that the Luton charter flight gets into Acapulco at about 6.00am - what on earth are they going to do with all these passengers until embarkation which is listed as 5.30am????? Anyone know???



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