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we just got this email .....

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This whole thing seems fishy... Leaking out bits of information or holding multiple reveal events never works! Who the heck is running their advertising team? It alienates loyal cruisers and doesn't do anything to pull in new cruisers with one big highly advertised reveal.


If there's one thing this march 26th event isn't, it's highly advertised. And based on this thread, it doesn't seem like they're going to hit more than a couple of things (with more reveals to come).


Look at Apple as an example. One reveal for a new product or suite of products. Hugely successful for them.





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This whole thing seems fishy... Leaking out bits of information or holding multiple reveal events never works! Who the heck is running their advertising team? It alienates loyal cruisers and doesn't do anything to pull in new cruisers with one big highly advertised reveal.


If there's one thing this march 26th event isn't, it's highly advertised. And based on this thread, it doesn't seem like they're going to hit more than a couple of things (with more reveals to come).


Look at Apple as an example. One reveal for a new product or suite of products. Hugely successful for them.



RCI released details slowly with the Oasis. They actually had to start the release earlier than planned due to a photo leak of the split hull. They held several reveals just like they're doing with Quantum. One was held in NY and one was held in FLL. Can't dispute that the Oasis class has not been successful.


RCI is just starting to release more booking dates for both QN and AN. Now they are starting to crank up the PR machine again. Actually smart marketing on their part to gain new interest. Only the ones who booked last year when initial bookings opened are the ones that are nit happy with the lack of details.

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I'm just not getting a warm and fuzzy feeling about all this with the Quantum and Anthem itineraries. Something is just "off" to me...I hate when I get these gut feelings. I'm usually right, yuck. Anyway, March 26th better answer everyone's questions or there are gonig to be a lot of people jumping ship so to speak. I know I will cancel my Dec 2014 Quantum reservation because I don't like the Florida/Bahamas itinerary and plus not really thrilled about going in Dec afterall. I'll just switch to a different ship. Keeping fingers crossed this reveal will be a positive one. :D


We had booked the 12 night cruise on the QN when bookings first opened due to friends going. We had booked an Owners Loft. It was hard dishing out 18 grand to do an itinerary where we had visited ports many times over from a very cold departure point. We decided to cancel. We may try the AN when she moves to FLL just to see if we like the ship. We have become partial to Celebrity now but really enjoyed the Oasis class.

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RCI is just starting to release more booking dates for both QN and AN. Now they are starting to crank up the PR machine again. Actually smart marketing on their part to gain new interest. Only the ones who booked last year when initial bookings opened are the ones that are nit happy with the lack of details.


I usually agree with just about everything you post, which is remarkable, but I have to disagree with you here.


1) The fact that they're not releasing additional booking dates for both QN and AN is precisely what has many of us annoyed. Quantum Summer '15 cruises were not released during the Northeast Deployment week, which is when Explorer's itineraries have been released for each of the past X years (however long she's been sailing from NJ). Royal provided no explanation for why they weren't and is unwilling or unable to provide any indication as to when they will be released.


As you surely know, Anthem's Winter Caribbean cruises were supposed to open for booking today for C&A members. They did not, despite announcing that they would both in an official press release in February and in an e-mail last week to Pinnacles (and maybe D+ too, not sure). Royal apparently sent out an embarrassing e-mail today about them getting "too excited" about the reveal last week and announcing that the opening of Anthem Caribbean bookings was basically postponed indefinitely.


1a) What on earth is going on with all the mixed messages? Heck, why can't Royal settle on even one course of action in their public statements? They initially announce last month that Anthem Caribbean would open today for all C&A members. Then, they apparently indicate in the Pinnacle e-mail last week that it would only open today for Pinnacle and D+ members, and all others would have to wait. One CC member called and was told the plan was originally for it to open today for Pinnacles and D+ and tomorrow for other C&A members. Another called and was told that it was postponed indefinitely but Pinnacles and D+s would have at least a week of lead time to book before the lower C&A tiers could book. Those are just some of the highlights, every caller gets a different answer. That's a problem.


2) I strongly disagree that only those who booked last year are frustrated with the lack of details. If you take a few minutes to read the Countdown to Quantum subforum you'll see what I mean. Sure, some of the posters are already booked on Quantum, but many, including yours truly, are not. I think the way they've handled this reveal is absurd. At least with Oasis, if memory serves me, they spelled out up front how the reveal would work -- one neighborhood at a time, over a period of time, etc. -- and executed it. Successfully, I might add.


3) Again, I respect your opinion, but in what world are they currently ramping up the PR machine? They sent a hush hush e-mail to Pinnacles and D+ to attend an event on March 26 that has been scarcely publicized. We learned today that they seem to have misplayed that event too, inviting far more members than can attend, leaving even those who are RSVPing well ahead of the deadline disappointed that there is no space for them. I live in New York City and I haven't heard squat about Quantum, a ship coming to this market, while I can't help but live each day to the "Caribbean Beat" song in the Cruise Like a Norwegian Commercials because they're on my TV every 2 minutes. If they are ramping up the PR, wouldn't an admittedly cruise obsessed Royal fan in the relevant market be aware of it?


That's just my $.02, but I know I'm not alone in saying that I'm very frustrated with how they're handling the roll out of the Quantum Class and think they're doing a piss poor job of it, which has really dampened my enthusiasm for the debut of the Quantum Class. As an established Royal fan in Royal's target demographic in Quantum's key market, that should be of concern to them.

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I usually agree with just about everything you post, which is remarkable, but I have to disagree with you here.


1) The fact that they're not releasing additional booking dates for both QN and AN is precisely what has many of us annoyed. Quantum Summer '15 cruises were not released during the Northeast Deployment week, which is when Explorer's itineraries have been released for each of the past X years (however long she's been sailing from NJ). Royal provided no explanation for why they weren't and is unwilling or unable to provide any indication as to when they will be released.


As you surely know, Anthem's Winter Caribbean cruises were supposed to open for booking today for C&A members. They did not, despite announcing that they would both in an official press release in February and in an e-mail last week to Pinnacles (and maybe D+ too, not sure). Royal apparently sent out an embarrassing e-mail today about them getting "too excited" about the reveal last week and announcing that the opening of Anthem Caribbean bookings was basically postponed indefinitely.


1a) What on earth is going on with all the mixed messages? Heck, why can't Royal settle on even one course of action in their public statements? They initially announce last month that Anthem Caribbean would open today for all C&A members. Then, they apparently indicate in the Pinnacle e-mail last week that it would only open today for Pinnacle and D+ members, and all others would have to wait. One CC member called and was told the plan was originally for it to open today for Pinnacles and D+ and tomorrow for other C&A members. Another called and was told that it was postponed indefinitely but Pinnacles and D+s would have at least a week of lead time to book before the lower C&A tiers could book. Those are just some of the highlights, every caller gets a different answer. That's a problem.


2) I strongly disagree that only those who booked last year are frustrated with the lack of details. If you take a few minutes to read the Countdown to Quantum subforum you'll see what I mean. Sure, some of the posters are already booked on Quantum, but many, including yours truly, are not. I think the way they've handled this reveal is absurd. At least with Oasis, if memory serves me, they spelled out up front how the reveal would work -- one neighborhood at a time, over a period of time, etc. -- and executed it. Successfully, I might add.


3) Again, I respect your opinion, but in what world are they currently ramping up the PR machine? They sent a hush hush e-mail to Pinnacles and D+ to attend an event on March 26 that has been scarcely publicized. We learned today that they seem to have misplayed that event too, inviting far more members than can attend, leaving even those who are RSVPing well ahead of the deadline disappointed that there is no space for them. I live in New York City and I haven't heard squat about Quantum, a ship coming to this market, while I can't help but live each day to the "Caribbean Beat" song in the Cruise Like a Norwegian Commercials because they're on my TV every 2 minutes. If they are ramping up the PR, wouldn't an admittedly cruise obsessed Royal fan in the relevant market be aware of it?


That's just my $.02, but I know I'm not alone in saying that I'm very frustrated with how they're handling the roll out of the Quantum Class and think they're doing a piss poor job of it, which has really dampened my enthusiasm for the debut of the Quantum Class. As an established Royal fan in Royal's target demographic in Quantum's key market, that should be of concern to them.


Last year RCI delayed announced opening certain dates for booking 2014 and no new ships were involved as I was waiting on itineraries for Europe and Celebrity ended up getting them out first. Celebrity also delayed bookings last year so this is not the first time this has happened.


When the Oasis reveal invites for New York went out they started with the Royal Champions and then other invites went out once they knew how many RC's declined the invites. That was kept quiet until it was posted here on CC. Also that invite was limited to a certain smaller amount. First come first served. I don't see much difference between that reveal and the one coming up.


RCI had to start the reveal on Oasis much earlier than planned. Once the aerial photo was leaked showing the split hull RCI had to release information on Central Park. I will state that I expected more of the QN info to be released but the main area that's left to be revealed is dining and one has to assume that's coming in this reveal.


I guess I don't have a lot of interest since I canceled my booking so I only read this area once in a while. Again we may decide to try it one day.

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I think Royal Caribbean needs to replace more than their advertising agency :eek:


If RCCL was a new company then yes you could expect mistakes etc but geez you would think by now Royal would know how to do things.




Seems more likely that they were afraid of not getting enough people willing to attend the event. Then panic set in and as an afterthought, less invite the next level...just in case!:confused: Now, they are having to turn people away!. Heard that the venue only holds 250 people...and they were worried?????


They really need to be more in touch with their clientel. Very sloppy.



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My friends in event management tell me that when an invitation says "space is limited" that means to RSVP instantly. An event like this is so hot it was bound to fill up very quickly and those who responded first got put on the list. They also said that one of the reasons why RCL may have selected a smaller venue was because it is centrally located in NYC, within walking distance from a major transportation hub and has a public parking lot next door. I guess RCI chose convenience over size of venue.




Can't overlook the cost factor in this..smaller venue, less people.


They could have chosen any number of mid-town hotels for this event. Plus, having it on a Wedsnday (which is matinee day and brings in loads of people and their cars) tells me they really don't know NYC.


Unless they plan to decorate the venue to replicate being on a ship, what are they going to offer...various small samples of food from the various restaurants on board, little speeches from the different department heads, drawings of the different types of cabins?????


I too am starting to lose interest. My friends and I were considering the 12/1 sailing but as it was stated, we have already been to these ports for considerably less than what RCCL is charging. Now, we are rethinking. We still have to deal with the shuttle to the ship. We would be boarding on deck 9 and are realizing how steep the gangway will be! Our cabin would be on deck 12.


We are a little concerned that some of the earlier sail dates before ours may be pushed back. Add in a crew that is still getting used to the ship and we have more than a few concerns.:(



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Seems more likely that they were afraid of not getting enough people willing to attend the event. Then panic set in and as an afterthought, less invite the next level...just in case!:confused: Now, they are having to turn people away!. Heard that the venue only holds 250 people...and they were worried?????


They really need to be more in touch with their clientel. Very sloppy.




Maybe they need to sort out their bees and their trees :eek: which was the subject of the latest entry in AGs Blog -




The last few entries on there have been...ummm....what can I say...odd ???

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I usually agree with just about everything you post, which is remarkable, but I have to disagree with you here.


1) The fact that they're not releasing additional booking dates for both QN and AN is precisely what has many of us annoyed. Quantum Summer '15 cruises were not released during the Northeast Deployment week, which is when Explorer's itineraries have been released for each of the past X years (however long she's been sailing from NJ). Royal provided no explanation for why they weren't and is unwilling or unable to provide any indication as to when they will be released.


As you surely know, Anthem's Winter Caribbean cruises were supposed to open for booking today for C&A members. They did not, despite announcing that they would both in an official press release in February and in an e-mail last week to Pinnacles (and maybe D+ too, not sure). Royal apparently sent out an embarrassing e-mail today about them getting "too excited" about the reveal last week and announcing that the opening of Anthem Caribbean bookings was basically postponed indefinitely.


1a) What on earth is going on with all the mixed messages? Heck, why can't Royal settle on even one course of action in their public statements? They initially announce last month that Anthem Caribbean would open today for all C&A members. Then, they apparently indicate in the Pinnacle e-mail last week that it would only open today for Pinnacle and D+ members, and all others would have to wait. One CC member called and was told the plan was originally for it to open today for Pinnacles and D+ and tomorrow for other C&A members. Another called and was told that it was postponed indefinitely but Pinnacles and D+s would have at least a week of lead time to book before the lower C&A tiers could book. Those are just some of the highlights, every caller gets a different answer. That's a problem.


2) I strongly disagree that only those who booked last year are frustrated with the lack of details. If you take a few minutes to read the Countdown to Quantum subforum you'll see what I mean. Sure, some of the posters are already booked on Quantum, but many, including yours truly, are not. I think the way they've handled this reveal is absurd. At least with Oasis, if memory serves me, they spelled out up front how the reveal would work -- one neighborhood at a time, over a period of time, etc. -- and executed it. Successfully, I might add.


3) Again, I respect your opinion, but in what world are they currently ramping up the PR machine? They sent a hush hush e-mail to Pinnacles and D+ to attend an event on March 26 that has been scarcely publicized. We learned today that they seem to have misplayed that event too, inviting far more members than can attend, leaving even those who are RSVPing well ahead of the deadline disappointed that there is no space for them. I live in New York City and I haven't heard squat about Quantum, a ship coming to this market, while I can't help but live each day to the "Caribbean Beat" song in the Cruise Like a Norwegian Commercials because they're on my TV every 2 minutes. If they are ramping up the PR, wouldn't an admittedly cruise obsessed Royal fan in the relevant market be aware of it?


That's just my $.02, but I know I'm not alone in saying that I'm very frustrated with how they're handling the roll out of the Quantum Class and think they're doing a piss poor job of it, which has really dampened my enthusiasm for the debut of the Quantum Class. As an established Royal fan in Royal's target demographic in Quantum's key market, that should be of concern to them.


The NCL Caribbean beat "let's Go" jingle does get stuck in your head. And it's not bad watching, from a guys point of view, lol




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I'm surprised to hear about the lack of advertising in NY/NJ. Here in DC it seems like every-other commercial is a Royal WOW-themed commercial (the one where the O is replaced by all sorts of stuff). There are occasional Carnival commercials, and once in a blue moon a Norwegian one, but RCCL dominates by far. Maybe they figure new yorkers will go on anything that sails locally, but to get us there from DC they need to advertise. :p


This is the first roll-out I've followed, and it's frustrating as heck. I remember when we sailed on Disney in 1998, we specifically chose a date 6 months after the Magic (their first ship) was supposed to start sailing so that the crew etc would be experienced by the time we got on board, and the ship was so delayed that her first sailing ended up only a month before we got on, and the whole trip was such a debacle we didn't cruise again for another 8 years. :eek: To be fair, it was Disney's first foray ever into cruising, so I wouldn't expect Royal to be so far behind and/or inept, but the lack of info on Quantum and the delayed schedule releases are getting me nervous. Some of our friends are traveling far to cruise with us and are spending more than they normally would on vacation, so I'd hate it if their cruise wasn't so great.


Given all of Royal's DC advertising, I think they should have a reveal here! :D I'd be all over that in a hot minute!

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I'm surprised to hear about the lack of advertising in NY/NJ. Here in DC it seems like every-other commercial is a Royal WOW-themed commercial (the one where the O is replaced by all sorts of stuff). There are occasional Carnival commercials, and once in a blue moon a Norwegian one, but RCCL dominates by far. Maybe they figure new yorkers will go on anything that sails locally, but to get us there from DC they need to advertise. :p



Very interesting! You all do have a Royal ship in Baltimore, of course. Perhaps she needs more help than Explorer?


LOL I will add that I did see one Royal commercial about an hour ago. I hadn't seen that WOW commercial in at least a few weeks. We've gotten a fair share of Carnival commercials here too lately -- that bobsled on the waterslide one -- although they seem to have died down a bit in the past couple of weeks.

Edited by Dave85
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In eastern PA (about 2 hours west of Cape Liberty and 2 hours north of Baltimore) we haven't been seeing many commercials at all lately. When the Breakaway first arrived in NYC they ran commercials non stop but by the end of the summer those ended and we haven't seen much from then since. During the Olympics it seemed like Royal Caribbean and Carnival ran ads like crazy. Every ad break seemed to have at least one cruise commercial but since the olympics have ended both lines have stopped running any ads here for the past 2 weeks.

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In eastern PA (about 2 hours west of Cape Liberty and 2 hours north of Baltimore) we haven't been seeing many commercials at all lately. When the Breakaway first arrived in NYC they ran commercials non stop but by the end of the summer those ended and we haven't seen much from then since. During the Olympics it seemed like Royal Caribbean and Carnival ran ads like crazy. Every ad break seemed to have at least one cruise commercial but since the olympics have ended both lines have stopped running any ads here for the past 2 weeks.


We're getting non-stop NCL ads still with the catchy song in NYC.


I must admit, I saw a Royal Caribbean ad the other day *gasp* :eek:. Just one. The same song from their last add but it was different and advertising their kids / 3rd and 4th passenger free promotion. Not really wild about that entire advertising campaign, I think it's a little too abstract.

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I was invited to the reveal next Wednesday and plan to go (I responded right away and got a confirmation). I will post what I learn, but I am sure RC will issue a press release and it will be all over the news. You may learn about it before me.

Has anyone heard any more updates about the event on the 26th?
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I was invited to the reveal next Wednesday and plan to go (I responded right away and got a confirmation). I will post what I learn, but I am sure RC will issue a press release and it will be all over the news. You may learn about it before me.


Thanks, can't wait to see what they offer you. I'm sure you'll have some hands on (or should I say mouth on) time with what they have to share and will be able to give some opinions. If IT messes up again we may know the info before you but we won't have that kind of access to judge it.

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