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Debbie83 Where are you????


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Cruiseescape -


Sorry to have taken so long to get back to you. We had a wonderful time! Actually we have already made a reservation to go back on the same trip next summer.

The glass bottom boat trip was a lot of fun. It was actually my 14 year old daughter's favorite thing. I didn't think it was either corny or scary, just enjoyable and relaxing. The guides (a guy and a girl, both probably in their twenties) on the boat were great, very personable and knowledgeable. The guy did all of the talking on the way out, telling us mostly about financial stuff regarding Berumda and answering any questions folks onboard had. He saved the bit about the Bermuda Triangle until we were actually in it. At first I thought it seemed kind of odd that he was telling us financial info, but it actually built up the anticipation of hearing Triangle tales. Once we stopped to look at the fish, the girl took over the talk. She also did a great job and really seemed to know what she was talking about. We were lucky and had a great night for sailing. It was so relaxing out on the boat. There was plenty of room and everyone was able to see. One of the best sights is actually the cruise ship. It was absolutely GORGEOUS lit up at night!

This was the only official excursion we did. My friend and her kids did the bell diving and the kayak and snorkel trip. Her favorite was the bell diving and her daughter loved the kayaking. If you want to know about those excursions you can ask her on these boards. Her screen name is NorVaGal, and she also liked the trip so much that she and her kids are going back next summer.

My daughter and I went to Horseshoe Bay the first morning. Unfortunately it was cloudy, so it didn't look as beautiful as I was expecting. We wandered in the caves there which was fun. What I actually enjoyed most there was wandering down the beach, looking at some of the other coves. (We had planned to beach hop down to Warrick Long Bay and take the bus from there back to the ship. However, remember that I was traveling with a teenager, so I do not always get to stick with my plans. She was tired and cranky and didn't want to walk that far.) If you want to get some nice pictures of the beach at Horseshoe Bay, I would suggest that you see if there is somewhere to stop on the way down from the road to the beach. We were all in a hurry to get down to the beach, and I regret now not stopping to see if there were some good photo spots. (Next year. icon7.gif) Someone on these boards had mentioned that when you're heading back for the bus that you can catch a ride up the hill in a van for a dollar. I can tell you that was the best two bucks I spent on the trip.

We took the ferry over to Hamilton on the second morning and that was a beautiful ride. We didn't stay too long. We only had a few things on our list of what we wanted to do there. We wanted to go to the bookstore to look for British copies of Harry Potter, and we accomplished that. I wanted to see a businessman in his Bermuda shorts. I must have looked ridiculous trying to get a picture of these men without their realizing it. I did get a couple of shots from behind. Even though my children think I am the most obvious looking tourist, even I didn't have the nerve to go up to one and ask to take his picture. We did a little shopping and wandered the streets to see the pretty buildings.

I was determined to see some more of the beaches so I managed to drag my daughter along (complaining most of the way about all of the walking.) We took the bus from Hamilton and had the driver drop us off at Warrick Long Bay. We alternated wandering along the beaches and along the path and the road. This was one of my favorite things that we did. It was sunny that day, and the scenery was BEAUTIFUL. I couldn't really tell what coves or bays I was at for the most part, except for Jobson's Cove. It was all stunning though and if you are looking for nice honeymoon pictures, you'll have lots of opportunities here. There is always someone around who'll gladly take a picture for you. I mostly took pictures of my daughter or the scenery but I did want some with both of us in them. I definitely would recommend you stop for pictures at Jobson's Cove. The rocks make a beautiful backdrop. We had no clue where we were for the most part, and we did what according to my daughter was a lot of walking to find a bus stop. We eventually saw Horseshoe Bay and got on the bus there. It was a long hot walk between WLB and Horseshoe, but I really think it was worth it. I wish I could have seen Astwood. It was on my list...hopefully next year.

I am supposed to be fixing dinner so I'd better run. I would love to tell you some more about our trip...didn't even get to talk about the cruise itself, so if there's anything else you want to know please ask! Also, I've got tons of pictures I could post if there's anything you want to see. Let me know how your plans are coming. I'm so envious that you're at such a fun stage in your life! Let me hear from you!



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Hi Deb!


I was so glad to see you wrote again! It sounds like you had a wonderful trip. I would love to hear more tell me about your cruise did you have good weather all the way there and back? How was the Grandeur? And what ship are you booked on for next year? Is your husband going to go next year? See I am still full of questions!:) Our plans have been going good, I think. Royal Romance can be a challenge sometimes, but it looks like everything is set for the wedding. We are signed up for the cruise to Bermuda triangle at night and we are doing the Bell Helmut dive. Did you go on the early or late excursion to Bermuda Triangle? We have late seating for dinner so we took the late one.

As for your daughter don't rush the time with them you will have plenty of time without them when they grow up and leave. My baby is now 25 and I wish he was coming with us.

Did your husband regret not going??? I bet he missed you especially since it was your anniversary.

Well I'd love to hear more if you have the time!

Talk to you soon.



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Hi Lori,


I still can't get cruising or Bermuda off my mind. Oh to be rich and be able to go on any cruise any time I wanted.:o We are doing the exact same cruise next summer. I would rather do something different, but it is so convenient for us to go out of Baltimore, and the 5 day Bermuda cruise is cheaper than the 9 day Caribbean so... Bermuda it is. This will be our third cruise on Grandeur (and period) so I can't really compare this ship to any other. We've been very happy with it, but the ship you're going on should be much nicer. A co-worker's son went on a Voyager-class ship (Mariner) and said it was incredible. I would love to go on one of those (and someday I will...well I hope I will:p) but again, it is so easy (and more affordable) to go out of Baltimore, so I'll stick with whatever sails out of there. I have been very happy with Royal Caribbean. The cruise we just came back from was a Member Cruise, and that added some nice touches to it. Every night we got a nice gift left on our bed, and there were dance and art classes just for members and other events. I went to the Salsa class, and even though I have no known dancing ability, it was a lot of fun. I wish I had gone to the jewelry classes, but they filled up before I got around to signing up.


The food on the ship was delicious, and I left no dessert untasted! I'm not big on fancy main dishes and stuck mostly with steak, but the people at my table who tried the other entrees said that they were very good. The most unusual thing I tried was strawberry bisque, and that was absolutely delicious. (Given that I'm usually dining at Wendy's or McDonald's or some pizza place, I haven't had the opportunity to try that before.:)) I would definitely recommend it. All of the breads and desserts were great.


We have been having perfect weather here this week, and I've been thinking how much I would enjoy going on a cruise when it's not so hot and humid. I bet November in Bermuda will be wonderful! It will probably be too cold to swim in the ocean, but I actually enjoyed just walking along the beach more than I did getting in the water the one morning. Hopefully you'll have beautiful weather! (The husband just called and needs to be picked up, so I'll finish this later.)



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Hi Lori,


I was just reading some old posts and realized that you're getting married in October, not November, so scratch that last paragraph. October will probably be even better weather than November. We were lucky for the most part with the weather. It was cloudy Tuesday morning at the beach, so my pictures weren't as pretty as I had hoped - dark clouds in the background. But it never rained, so I can't complain too much.


The hubby might have missed me (who knows - maybe not:o) but he certainly didn't regret not taking the cruise. He is convinced he would spend the entire trip throwing up and doesn't think that would be much fun. My other daughter just doesn't think a cruise sounds like her kind of thing, so the two of them are supposed to go to Ireland next year for their big trip. I'm sure they'll have a great time, but I'd still much rather be on a cruise. (Actually, we're not invited since we already spent enough $ on our two cruises.) I'm hoping someday, when the kids are on their own, that I can convince him to take massive quantities of seasickness meds and come with me. I don't think he'd like to go to a tropical setting, so my best bet is to try to get him to go to Alaska. But since all of these trips I'm dreaming of aren't exactly in my budget, I suppose it's just as well that he's not ready to go cruising with me.:p


How are the wedding plans coming? Where on the ship do they have weddings? A bridal party boarded our ship just before we got on, and we saw them later in the centrum area, but I have no idea where they held the ceremony. Do you have a lot of family coming along for the wedding? I wish one of my relatives would get married on a ship so I'd be "forced" to take another cruise!:) I kept teasing my daughter on our trip that we needed to scope out good beach locations in Bermuda for her to get married. Of course, all I got was that "rolled eyes" look.


Did you decide if you're doing the helmet diving? My friend who was on the cruise with us loved it. If you have any questions about it she said she'd be happy to answer them. She and her kids are thinking about snuba diving and waverunners next year. I'm thinking we'll be doing something much tamer! I had wanted to go up Gibbs Hill Lighthouse, but we never made it. I talked with another woman from our ship who went, and she said it was great. She and her family rented scooters and loved that, too. Personally, I thought it was scary enough just riding the busses! I did enjoy the scenery along the way, though. We only rode the ferry once, from Dockyard to Hamilton. I think I might like to do the indirect route next time when they pull into several of the other harbors. I've heard that's really pretty. I don't know if next time we'll go to St George or not. I guess I've got 10 months to think about it.


I still haven't had my pictures printed yet. I took about 600 and I'm still going through them to see which ones to print. I drive my family absolutely nuts with the picture taking, but I can't help it. Taking pictures is one of my favorite things to do on a trip.


Well, I think it's about my bedtime. Hope to hear from you soon! I want to hear wedding details!



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Hi Deb,


It's a good thing you can't get Bermuda or your cruise off of the brain. It's like a little place you can let your mind drift that gets you through until you cruise again! :) I just saw on one of the other boards that they are going to stretch the Grandeur but not until the end of next October. And if the worse of having to cruise is going back to Bermuda...well then I don't think there is any problem at least you are able to look forward to going again! It must have been fun to be on a members cruise and have the little extras there. I have never done that yet.


I love the food on cruises I will try just about anything once...if I don't like it I just won't order that next time. But the Strawberry Bisque sounds wonderful!


I went to Alaska a couple of years ago. But I went alone. Randy and I would love to make that our cruise for next year. We'll see how that goes. And you never know your husband may still have a change of heart yet.:)


Yes I am getting married in 22 days!!:eek: The plans are all going pretty good. I was a little disappointed to find out that they wanted SO much money for the DJ they originally told us half the price they eventually came back and gave us (1261.00 and that's for 2 hours) so we said forget it we don't need a DJ that bad. But everything else is falling into place now. I am just waiting for them to call us and tell us where on the ship we will be getting married and where the reception is and what time the wedding is, they should be calling us this week. We are hoping we are getting married in the Chapel but we don't know. As for the family...we just have 4 other family members actually sailing with us but 43 other friends and family are coming up for the wedding but after the reception they will be getting off. I really can't wait for the Honeymoon cruise that will be just the 2 of us.


Yes we did sign up for the helmet dive and the Bermuda triangle night cruise. I think it will be fun. But trust me if I can sneak a walk in on the beach that is definitely for me!


It was great to hear from you! Please write again soon!



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Hi Lori


Hope everything for the wedding is coming along fine. Did RC call with the final details for you yet? That's really nice that they have a chapel on board. I don't think Grandeur has one, but it's a smaller ship. I've been telling a friend of mine that she needs to get married in the summer of 2007 and make it a cruise wedding. Then I would be forced to go on another cruise.:p Maybe I can talk one of my daughters into it someday. Hey, at least by then maybe I could go on a senior citizen rate.:D


You said you and your soon to be new hubby would be going on a honeymoon for two also. Where are you going for that? Sounds like you have a good fall coming up! Hope to hear from you soon!



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Hi Deb


Everything for the wedding is finally coming together. But I still haven't heard from Royal Romance yet. The anticipation is killing me. I will be glad when it finally gets here I think everyday until the wedding there is something that has to be done like picking up my dress or shoes getting my hair done. But there is only 18 days left! :eek:

Whatever excuse you can use to go on another cruise is a good excuse...so what if you have to twist someone's arm to get married!:p If it's your daughter I guess your husband would have to go. That's one way to get him to try it. :)

And yes we are going on a honeymoon when we get back..are you sure you want me to tell you where??? We are going on a 10 day Panama Canal cruise on Coral Princess. I get him all to myself for 10 days!:) I can't wait!

I am glad you wrote please stay in touch!



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Hi Lori -


I'm jealous!:) I'd love to be on a Princess cruise sailing through the Panama Canal. I was one of those people who watched Love Boat every Saturday night. How long ago was that - like 20 years? Oh, I am so old. Now I'm depressed. Old and not going on the Love Boat.:( (I have yet to have the captain and cruise director waiting on the ship to greet me like Captain Stubing and Julie McCoy always did for their guests.:o)


Anyway, that sounds like a great trip for your honeymoon! Which ship are you sailing on? I'd like to go on one of the Princess ships that has the movies under the stars. That seems like it would be so fun to sit out there at night watching a movie (and cheaper than going to the casino.) My daughter's friend and her family went on a 2 week European cruise on Princess this summer. They said it was wonderful. I've been very happy with Royal Caribbean, but I'd like to try Princess and Disney sometime.


So - less than two weeks to go! Getting excited, nervous? Hope everything is falling into place with Royal Romance.


Have you decided on any beaches you want to see in Bermuda? I really want to go over to Astwood Cove next summer. I was also reading on one of these threads about beach glass. I had never heard of it, but now I think I'll put looking for some on my to-do list for next year. I think everyone said that one of the beaches in St George is the place to go. We went to Hamilton but not St George last month, so I thought it might be nice to go somewhere different next year.


Take care. Hope to hear from you soon!



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Hi Deb,


I use to watch Love Boat all the time I loved that show!!! I was sad when they retired the Pacific Princess ship they use to use for that show but did you know that ship only had single beds? They always had big roomy cabins when you watched it. But even on Princess they are not there to greet you like the show.


I am really excited about the honeymoon because then I get him all to myself for 10 days! :) We are sailing on the Coral Princess but it is not one of the ships with the movie under the stars, at least I don't think so, we don't watch much TV so I didn't really look to see if they had that. I sailed a couple of years ago on Princess to Alaska and I loved it! I haven't been on Disney but I do know they don't have casinos on their ships not that we play all that much but...


So yes 12 days to go!:eek: And I haven't heard from Royal Romance yet. I am trying to be patient since Hurricane Rita is down there I figure they are probably closed yesterday and today but I am dying to know where and when the wedding is! You would think since it is a second marriage for both of us we wouldn't be as nervous but wrong I think we are both getting pretty nervous. Although I have been single for 23 years so it feels like a first marriage to me.


We haven't decided on any beaches yet we have some other people sailing with us on this cruise so we are trying to do what they want also but I am determined to see a pink sand beach one way or the other. :) I never heard of the beach glass what is that? I read these boards alot and I never heard a mention of that. You say it is something you can collect? I don't understand. :confused:


Well write back when you can. Hope to hear from you soon.



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Hi Lori,


Sorry to be so long in getting back. I see you gave up on me and asked on the boards for help about the beach glass.:( I found really good info by going to the posting by JDeanFan (last posting was sept 4 I think) and looking at the 2nd response - WaldosPepper- and going to the link from that. I think it will tell you exactly where to go in St George. My friend who went on the same cruise as we did (and will be going next year also) told me that her mother-in-law has been collecting beach glass for years. She said that she used to pay the grandkids to find it for her. I think it sounds like a fun souvenir from Bermuda. Hopefully I can convince my daughter that we need to go looking for it next summer. I can't believe I didn't bring back any pink sand. That's on my list for next year. I'm planning to get a ziploc bag and collect some. I'm going to get one of the souvenir glasses from the ship and put the sand in it and then get some blue or turquoise candle wax to melt on top of it. I'm sure my husband will be thrilled to see me bring more "important" stuff like that home. If you should happen to get a souvenir glass, put it away in your cabinet. Otherwise, the cabin steward may just think it's to go back. My friend and I both had ours taken. She left a note and they brought hers back, but I didn't so I just lost my glass. (My hubby wanted to send him an extra tip for getting rid of it.:mad:)


One week to go! You must be getting so excited!! Hope everything is coming along well. And I hope you have great weather. I haven't heard of any hurricanes that are heading up the east coast, so I hope you'll be lucky with that. I sweated out that last week as Irene was coming along. Luckily it wasn't a real problem, although we did have some rocking here and there. I was jealous of the folks on Grandeur out of Baltimore last week who got the extra day of cruising because of the hurricane. But then of course you have to feel bad for the following group who lost a day of their trip and three ports of call. We're trying to play it safe next summer and go earlier even though it will cost a little more. This year we took our trip and then boom - time to head back to school. (I work in a kindergarten so it was back for both of us.) It will be nice next year to have our vacation and then still have plenty of summer to enjoy. As I've been walking around on some of the nice days recently though, I've been thinking how nice it would be to go on a cruise in the fall when the temperatures would be nicer and the crowds thinner. I'd also love to go on a cruise at Christmas. I've heard they're beautiful. But I will at least be thinking of cruising at Christmas because I've told the hubby and kids no more gifts for me, just cash in my cruise fund jar (whick was a great Christmas present from a friend last year.):) At least I won't be hard to shop for.


I've been having fun working on my cruise pictures this week. I still haven't put them on a CD to have them printed, but I bought a scrapbooking program and have been playing with that and printing a lot of pages at home. I'd like to eventually make a nice scrapbook, but I figure this is something I can actually get done in the near future. I hope you'll get lots of great wedding pictures. Do you have one of their photographers taking picture? Hopefully by now they've told you where the wedding is. I figure I've got about ten years to talk one of my daughters into having such a wedding. Of course, I'm sure that's what they want - mom along on their honeymoon, yelling "just one more picture, honey!" :p I keep teasing my cruising daughter that we need to scope out a good place for her to get married in Bermuda someday. I think she (accurately) thinks I need to get a life.:o


So have you seen any Love Boat reruns lately? I haven't seen any in awhile. Now that I've discovered cruising I'd love to see some. My mother and I used to watch those together and we'd always laugh that we should go on a cruise to find her a rich husband (since she's a widow.) I also love watching An Affair to Remember with Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr. I have so much fun watching a show where there's cruising involved. Somewhere on these boards I also read that there's a series of novels in which the setting is on a cruise ship. I thought I might look for one of those.


Well, even the cat has gone to bed, so I guess I should too. Hope you have a great week counting down to your big day!! I'd love to hear back from you before the wedding if you have time. I'm anxious to hear how things are going. If not, I really want to hear all about your trip when you get back!


Take care,


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Hi Deb,


Sorry about the beach glass but I didn't know if you were going to write back before Sunday. I think that sounds really interesting I already planned on getting some pink sand and If I can find a place to get a piece or 2 of beach glass I would like to do that too! I use to collect the souvenir glasses but any more I think they are just a waste of money...another way for you to spend more.


Yes 6 more days!!!:) I am so excited now everything has fallen into place, and it is becoming fun now! If I could just figure out what to do with my hair now.:o I have been watching the weather and keeping my fingers crossed for good weather, actually I will be happy if I have good weather on Sunday I will just make the best of the rest if it rains. I know that the other people sailing with us wouldn't feel the same way but I can't imagine marrying this man and not having a perfect day for it! Yes we have a photographer for the wedding we have a ship photographer for 1 hour but my sister is a professional photographer and since she is coming to the wedding... technically you are not allowed to bring your own professional on board but she said she would just keep it low key and take pictures for us and that would be our wedding present. So that was a nice break for us. And yes they have finally told us where the wedding is, they told us at first it was going to be in Cleopatra's Needle but that room holds 350 people and I only have a total of 49 guests so we said no way. They finally agreed to move us to the Chapel and our reception is in the 7 Hearts/Cloud Nine. The wedding is at 1:00PM and the reception starts at 1:30PM.


I guess we all have certain times of the year we would like to be able to travel that we can't. I would love to go away in the winter one year when it is cold here and go to somewhere where it is warm but I am a travel agent and that is the only time of year we aren't allowed to travel because that is high season for us and no one is allowed to take off from January to the begining of May. Last year right before Christmas we went to Punta Cana and it was so pretty all lit up with the lights it was like being in a fairy tale.


That is so weird ou said about scrap booking because I just told Randy that I was going to buy one of those kits to do a nice scrap book for our wedding cruise and our honeymoon. I have never done anything like that before.


I haven't seen any reruns of Love Boat in a long time. My Mom and I used to watch that together too! I have only seen An Affair to Remember once but I loved that movie more because I am just a romantic deep down.


Well stay in touch and keep your fingers crossed for me!


Talk to you soon.



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Hi Lori


Glad to hear that everything is falling into place so nicely! How nice that your sister will be taking pictures for you. Is she getting to go on the cruise also? That would be great if she is - then I know you'd have lots of wonderful pictures of your trip. I love taking pictures on my trips, but I'm certainly no pro. I guess that's one reason I take so many, hoping that some of them will be ones I really like. I've yet to figure out how to take a picture of people at sunset. They always come out so cloudy looking. I took a ton on the upper deck on formal night, but I didn't think any of them came out very well. I did get some at sunrise that I really liked though. I guess I will just have to keep taking cruises until I get the photo thing just right.:p


I hope you'll get your scrapbook made when you get back. I'm always buying stuff to make one but never actually get it done. Hopefully you'll have so many beautiful pictures between your two cruises that you'll be motivated to get it done. I've been having alot of fun playing around with my scrapbooking computer program and printing pages, but it's not at all organized or anything. I'm just playing around with all the different options on it and getting a real mix of looks. But at least I'll have a book of my pictures for now, even though it may look totally uncoordinated. Hopefully soon I'll finish picking out the pictures I want to send out to be printed and get that done.


I'm glad you were able to get the chapel that you wanted. Do you get to pick out the cake and flowers that you want or do they decide that for you? I'm sure whatever food you have will be delicious. I didn't meet too many desserts on the ship that I didn't like.:D


I'm keeping my fingers crossed for good weather for you! The weather can be so perfect this time of year (was here today.) Hope you can hold on 5 more days!! Wish I were heading out there too! But nine months from your wedding day I'll be heading back to Bermuda! Yay! :)


Have a great last week as a single girl!!



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Hi Deb!


Sorry I haven't written but this week has been real busy as I am sure you can imagine. :) I just wanted to write you a quick note before we leave. We are going up today so we can have a quiet night together tonight.

Looks like the weather is going to hold out for us..Yeah!!!

Everything is finally packed...Yeah!!!

I'll write when we get back!

Talk to you soon!!!:)



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Hi Lori and Randy,


Welcome back and Congratulations!!! Hope your wedding was everything you were wishing for! I'm sure you must have had a wonderful time. I can't wait to hear all about it! What did you think about Bermuda? I hope you got down to the South Shore beaches. How were your excursions? Did you find the beach glass or any good souvenirs? I hope you were able to get lots of nice pictures and that you'll force yourself to get the scrapbook made. I'm still plugging away on my scrapbook that I'm doing on the computer but still haven't had any "real" pictures printed. When do you leave for your honeymoon on the Princess cruise? That sounds so amazing to go through the Panama Canal. What did you think of Voyager? I would really like to go on one of the Voyager class ships someday. Grandeur is very nice but it sounds like the big ships are even better. I hope they gave you the royal treatment since you were honeymooners. Did you try to get on the Love and Marriage show. I thought that was hilarious. When we were on our honeymoon at Disney World we went to the Hoop Dee Do show and they asked if there were any honeymooners. Despite the "please don't raise your hand" from my new husband, I confessed that we were. They made us stand up and kiss. The hubby was not amused with me.:D I don't think I would ever want to be on the show on the ship...way too embarassing! But I really enjoyed watching those people embarass themselves, and my daughter kept watching the show over and over when they replayed it on TV. Well she just called from a school event and needs to be picked up, so gotta go. Hope to hear from you soon!!


Congrats again!!:):p:)



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Hi Deb!!!!


Our wedding was perfect!! I could not have asked for it to go any better!!!:)

When we got to the port though we were delayed boarding and they had to change the time of the wedding but everyone was really nice about it. We actually got married at 1:30PM. They didn't give us much time to get ready but we all managed just fine. I don't have any pictures to download yet but I will get some for you to see.


Bermuda was wonderful!!! We had picture perfect weather for the whole cruise it was great! We did get to Horseshoe Bay but that is the only beach we got to. So I did get some pink sand to bring home but no glass. I guess I will have to put that on the list for next time.


As for the excursions they were both great! The night cruise to the Bermuda triangle was a little hokey but you certainly get to see alot through the glass bottom it was so clear I can't imagine seeing anymore during the day. They were very knowledgable about the history of the triangle and that was very interesting. The Bell helmet dive was great!!!! I did get a little scared when you first went down with the ear popping. but once you were on the bottom it was great. We saw so much down there! We bought the CD with the pictures and I am going to try to post them...when I find them I haven't even began to unpack yet!


I did collect all kinds of things for my scrapbook but I can't even think about that yet I have to get everything ready for the next cruise. We are leaving nexr Saturday for the honeymoon. (Oct 15th)


We loved the Voyager she is a beautiful ship! I don't think that we even got to see everything on her because she is so big...but you can bet we will sail her again...probably an anniversary!:) We did see the ice show and that is amazing! I can't imagine them performing like that if you have a rough day at sea but they say they do it all the time.


No one really acknowledged that we were honeymooners. And for some reason I missed the game show for newlyweds but we did watch it in the cabin but I think Randy was glad he would have killed me had I drug him up on the stage...but there is still the next cruise! :)


Okay Deb I really need to go unpack...I will write again soon...hopefully I will get some pictures to show you!



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Hi Lori


Welcome back! I am so glad everything went so perfectly for you! :) Sounds like married life is off to a great start! I'm glad you enjoyed Bermuda and the ship so much. It looks like the weather held up just for you. We had great weather in Washington all week until yesterday and then rain, rain, rain. I'm glad the sunny weather lasted until your trip was over. (I'm assuming you have rain today - looks like a lot of the East is all wet today.)


So what did you think of Horseshoe Bay? I wish we could have seen it on a sunny day. I guess I shouldn't complain about the cloudy weather we had that morning because at least it never rained, and it was sunny that afternoon and the next day. I guess I just keep thinking about the absolutely beautiful day we had at Coco Cay last year and wish our beach day in Bermuda had been as perfect. But it was beautiful the next day when we were just walking along some of the beaches after our trip into Hamilton. Did you go into Hamilton or St George?


Sounds like the Voyager was wonderful. I really have to try one of those big ships someday. I'd love to see the ice show. And my daughter would probably love the larger shopping area. But for now, we'll stick with going on Grandeur again next summer. I am so glad I already booked it. The price has already gone up $3oo. I was thinking maybe I'd like to try to upgrade to a better room, but too late now. I really wish I could talk my other daughter into going on a cruise. I would love to take them on the Disney cruise. They'd probably throw me overboard, though, because I'd be out there knocking the little kids out of my way to get pictures of my teenagers with the characters.:o


Are you working this week? I hope you at least have some time off this week to unpack from this trip and get ready for the next one. My suitcase is still sitting in the living room floor with a bunch of stuff still in it. Maybe I can just leave it there until next summer and I'll have a head start on packing.:rolleyes: How long is your Panama Canal cruise? That sounds like so much fun! So many place I need to cruise to...so little money. Oh well. I'm hoping that my girls will be rich someday and send their dear old mother on all these trips she wants to go on.:p I keep trying to talk my girl scout troop into going on a cruise (and doing fundraising to help pay for it.) I've got some of them ready to go, but my co-leader keeps giving me these "looks." She's not exactly a boat person. But I'll keep working on her! I might be insane though to think I'd survive on a big trip with a bunch of teenagers. :eek:


I can't wait to see your pictures! Good luck with getting everything done this week. Talk to you soon!



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Hi Deb


I am glad the weather held up for us too! My new brother and sister-in-law would have had a tough time I think had we had rough weather. She took Dramamine the 2nd day out and we didn't even feel the ship rocking. But yes we had alot of rain yesterday too! I am in NJ so after it got done with you it kept coming to me!:)


We loved Horseshoe bay it is one of the most beautiful beaches I have ever seen. Alot of beaches are pretty with the white sand and the blue water but all the rock formations just made this one so dramatic! I could have stayed there forever just looking at it.


We never made it to St George but we did go to Hamilton. That was a nice little city. We did shopping while we were there. But my favorite thing I bought was at the Dockyard. We went to the glass factory and I bought 2 glass blown lizards, I don't normally collect lizards but these were just too cute to pass up.


I am working this week. I was off this weekend but I have a normal week this week I couldn't really take off the whole month. :) So yesterday I unpacked most of the stuff and took all kinds of stuff to the dry cleaners and today is a wash day. The rest of the week I will just have to pack little by little. The Panama cruise is 10 nights I will be back on the 25th.


Everyone we have talked to since we came home wants to go on a cruise now. Some of them have cruised before others have not and now want to try it, maybe that is why they let you bring people on the ship for your wedding they figure it will drum up more business. So anyway I think we are going to book another cruise for next September and take alot of our friends and family. We had invited them all to sail with us for the wedding and most of them decided they couldn't do it or they were afraid, but now that they saw the ship everyone wants to go!


Deb I think if we are going to keep talking eventually we are going to have to get off of this board they will throw this out soon. Do you have an email address? (One that you check??:) ) Let me know.


Well I need to start the laundry! I'll talk to you soon.



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Hi Lori


It seems that everyone who takes a cruise gets hooked on it. I never dreamed I'd take a cruise three years in a row, but I loved that first one such much that I couldn't stop!:p My first cabin was an oceanview, but we stepped down to an interier for the Bermuda cruise and for the one next summer. I really missed the window, but you just have to make compromises sometimes. I told my family that I don't ever need Christmas or birthday presents - just money for my cruise fund. The five day cruise was a little too short. I think your 10 day one sounds great. If RC keeps up with alternating the 9 day Caribbean and the 5 day Bermuda out of Baltimore, maybe eventually I'll get on the Caribbean one. And someday I want a balcony!


I loved all the rocks at the beaches, too. I had never seen anything like that. The only beaches I've ever been to have the endless stretches of sand. All the little coves on Bermuda were so beautiful. I wish that we had had our bathing suits on that second day when we were walking along the beaches. I would have liked to have gone through the water at Jobson's Cove to get to the rock formation that has the stairs and climbed up that. Did you go in the caves at Horseshoe? I thought that was pretty cool.


Unfortunately I missed most of the shopping at Dockyard. We were so tired after coming back from the beach that we took a nap and didn't wake up and get out until after 8 o'clock. (I tried using the wake up call but I kept trying to use it like a snooze alarm and eventually messed it up and it stopped calling me.:( I just bought a travel alarm yesterday so that I won't have that problem next time.) I bought a couple of prints from one of the guys on the lawn that I really liked, and I think my daughter bought some earrings out there, but we didn't have time to do too much because we had to get back in time for the glassbottom boat excursion. I really wanted to get some "Bermuda" stuff that night, but oh well, there's always next summer.:) We got a few nice souvenirs in Hamilton, though. And I had on my "list" to get a T-shirt from the Frog and Onion, and we did make it there for a snack on Wednesday and I got my shirt and a hat.


I need to go. I am going to go see my mom today and need to get ready. I was planning to take advantage of the three day weekend to visit her but it was too yucky for a 200 mile drive yesterday. So I'll just have to do a quick one day down next day home trip. I'm sure I'll be really energetic at work Tuesday.:D


My e-mail address is dcamp6131@cox.net. Hope to hear from you soon!



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Hi Deb

Sorry I haven't written but things have really gotten crazy since I got back! It's hard to unpack, wash and repack in a week. Along with everyone that wants to see you and trying to get your pictures back and trying to work this week! :eek:

I will get you up to date when I come back!

Talk to you soon!!



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Hi Lori-


I sent you an email a week or so, but I don't know if you got it. Let me hear from you! We are actually going on another cruise - spur of the moment because of great rates - out of Tampa to Cozumel. Two weeks to go; I'll never be ready.:eek: Happy Thanksgiving!



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