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WOW a million times wow! 9-26-14 on the Reflection


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Our last stop of the day was to the New Accropolis Museum. We were really running out of time at this point so it was kindof a rushed visit but I don’t care cuz I finally got to see the porch maidens. As you can see from my pictures I was very happy to finally meet them in person and so up close and personal. It was great!

Actually that was the last thing Michael showed us. He explained how the one floor of the museum was built to imitate the Parthenon. The pillars in the museum each matching exactly to a pillar there. All the pieces displayed where where they would actually be in the actual Parthenon. Very cool. The beige pieces being ones that are real pieces. The whiter ones are either pieces that are still on the actual building or that were taken by the British to the museum there. One of the maidens is there too.

I guess there was talk that the British would give them back once a suitable museum was built but they have yet to follow through on that promise. Sorry Brits, but this just makes me mad!


Ruins under the Acropolis Museum.


The pillars behind Michael mimmic the pillars height and number of the actual Parthenon


Michaels words could bring a piece to life for us! Her feminin pose, the way her dress falls and how it almost looks like it could be perhaps a bit transparent?....ok hes better at it than I am hha!


And now! My girls. The real ones!!! WOW



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And that was about that! As Michael would always say. We had a wonderful but long day and now it was time to head home….ahemmm….our ship home that is. I hit the spa for a bit and when I got back mom decided she wasn’t going to dinner tonight. She just ordered in a sandwich from the room service menu.

I still went to Opus and chose to sit at a table with others. Mom always wants the table for two but I always want to try sitting with others. I think its fun to meet new people and talk to them about their cruise experiences, so this was the perfect opportunity to do this.

Well….Im not saying they weren’t very nice people cuz they were, but I got seated at a table for 4 with a couple that didn’t speak much English. I was really hoping for a large table so it wouldn’t feel so obvious that I was eating alone. We did try to make some conversation but it was always awkward and Im not sure we really understood what each other was talking about. lol but we were trying.

What I had for dinner was kindof a blur now as I didn’t take any pictures and didn’t write it down soon enuf but I remember my main course ( chicken I believe) wasn’t my favorite but the rest of my dinner was very good.

Funny thing about Allergies, moms got better as we left the Italy side and mine kicked in on the Greece side! Go figure! Now to dampen my evening fun I had this to deal with. It sent me to bed early this night. And NO Molecular bar!!!!! I know right?!?!Agh!!

I should have just gotten something, downed it and went to bed but, if you’ve had allergies, you know they are most annoying as the evening progresses and it kicked my behind. Grrrrrrrr



Museum kitty


I can see our room on the 9th deck!


Its hard to tell but Pireaus was twinkling as we sailed away. It was so beautiful.


Some ship art


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Wednesday October 1, Originally Kusadasi now Mykonos.

Ooooooh Ive been waiting for this day!!!!!!! I mean, you’ve seen some of the pictures of St Johns resort right???? If not you will soon and you will understand why I was looking forward to this day. Not to mention we were ready for a relaxing day, being bums, soaking up the sun, swimming in the Aegean Sea…..

We wasted no time getting off the ship. We found out the day before that we would be docking at the new port and that the driver for St Johns would pick us up outside of the gate. Several other CC friends were with us this day so it was nice to spend some time with them too.

Oh hha back to the port of Mykonos. My sister has Mykonos on her bucket list of places to go, so I had my picture taken by the Celebrity photographer and thought “ Hey I can give this to Chrissy as my souvenir from Mykonos to her!” ( insert evil laugh here!! ) My mom said that wouldn’t be very nice! I said “ yeah but it sure would be funny!” Mom agreed! Hehe You just have to know my sister, shes kind of a sass.

I didn’t do it. The picture turned out terrible so I didn’t do it.

Ok, so we were picked up and wisked away to the other side of the island. It took about 15 minutes to get there and we arranged our drop off time to town when we registered. We were greeted with Mimosas as we checked in. Even the lobby view of the Sea was so nice, I couldn’t wait to see the rest! Mom and I decided to walk down so we could see more, but they did offer to drive us to the pool area.

Oh my goodness!!!! The pictures of this place do not lie!!!! It really is that beautiful. What a paradise! I mean check out these pics!!!



The lobby


Where we ate breakfast


The breakfast buffet was amazing!




The foot bridge over the pool goes down to the beach


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The bottom of the footbridge brings you here and then its a mini path to the water


So far it was windy and a bit chilly this day so we decided to eat inside the restaurant. They were serving a buffet breakfast that was included in our day package. Oh jeeze, and what a buffet it was! I cant think of anything day didn’t have and it all looked soooooo good. I really meant to get more pictures of it than just the bread and cheese table, sorry bout that. I just got so busy filling my plate I forgot all about it. Like they even had Loukomades). This is something very special, as my gramma used to make it for us every Christmas Eve. I don’t think Ive had it since. What a nice surprise. Of course it wasn’t better than grammas, but the memories were there in every bite.

After breakfast we headed down to claim our spot around the infinity pool. It was still kinda chilly so a bathing suit wasn’t quite a good idea yet but laying in the chairs the sun felt good as it was still a beautiful blue sky day. Some of our CC friends were wrapped up in their beach towels and I wish I took a picture. They looked like blue mummies lying in the sun! hehe.

The bridge in the middle of the pool leads down to the beach. Was swimming in the Aegean Sea gonna happen today??? Its only the beginng of October…… Absolutely not! What the heck?!?! It was like Lake Michigan Freeze Your Butt In 5 Minutes water…..well ok, maybe not that bad. Seriously tho, I had it in my mind that it would be warm and it really wasn’t, poo! Ok back up to the top we still have that crazy beautiful infinity pool to relax in, like the resort Divas we were for the day. That is if it warmed up.

Slowly but surely it did warm up and we got into our suits. I got my official Cruise Toes picture and soon it was time to get into the water. Dave was in……hmmmm Cori wasn’t making it look like it was very easy…lol. Well lets try. Theres a beach type entry Ill do it gradually. Woooah jeeze, that’s cold too! There goes Cori, shes in. I gotta do this, I have to say I was in that pool. I drooled over the pictures of it for months, I have to get in! Dave tell me that he thinks I wont do it!!! Oh really?! Now theres a challenge and my reputation is at stake! “You can do it, you can do it, you wont die, its just water, so its cold, big deal. It will be worth it” This is what keeps paying in my head “ look at Dave and Cori, theyre still alive….” I get in up to my tummy and you know how that is! Jeeze louise! Under I go! Heck yeah!!!!!! Im a rock star. I swim up to the ledge and Cori takes my picture ( thanks Cori) Its official.

In all honesty it may not have been so bad ifwe didn’t have that chilly wind blowing. You know how it is?



Cruise toes







I cant get it any bigger for some reason. This is the offical picture of me in that amazing infinity pool! Thanks Aplcor for the picture!


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Soon it was time for lunch and we ran into Monique and Michael and had lunch with them. They had been our breakfast companions too. Rocco and Vicki had lunch too.

On line it looks like you have to pick ahead of time but they just gave us menus and we picked what we wanted. I had Calamari, moussaka and a weird Caprese salad that had a thick pesto all over it. It was all very good but the service was slow and we were getting worried about getting back up top, so we skipped dessert.

Wow it’s a hike back up to the top! But we made it as well as everyone else and took St Johns shuttle back to town. Wow that time went fast! But you cant just not spend some time in Mykonos town, it is just too cute!









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Mom and I had fun shopping ( she was finally starting to get some stuff too) and once again my camera was working over time. I wanted to find the windmills but we were running out of time, so I took a picture of a random lonely one! Hha.

We caught the Celebrity shuttle and it took us back over to the New Port. Ahhhhh what a wonderful day in beautiful Mykonos!


The pink flowers always make me happy.






My blurry random windmill hha




We didnt find Petros the Pelican but we did find Mykonos kitty....actually we found a few but I wont post all of them.

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Since we had our R&R at St Johns today, I skipped the spa and mom and I went to Café al Baccio for some cappuccinos and hung out on our balcony till was time to get ready for dinner in Murano.

Wow again, amazing service and a wonderful meal. As in all the specialty restaurants it was so cute when my mom had to go to the bathroom (sometime during every meal ) the waiter would come by and refold her napkin and somehow appear out of nowhere to seat her again. Hha did you think I just thought it was cute that my mom had to go to the bathroom??? I know I worded that funny but I couldn’t help but leave it that way! hehe

For dinner I got the Goat Cheese Soufflé, they also brought us out an appetizer sampling from the chef. I also got the Murano Lobster ( again by recommendation on CC) and I thought I got a dessert but I cant remember what. I did do the cheese course and we were also presented with a dessert compliments of the chef. Like I said we felt spoiled and pampered.


A surprise from the chef.


I just love this centerpiece as you walk into Murano




Preparing our Murano Lobster tableside


Take a look at that! Mmmmmmm


Cheese plate with dried fruit


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Our desert was made tableside as well


Another treat from the chef. What a wonderful dining expierence!

After dinner, guess what??? Mom went to bed and I ventured out. I knew I was seriously lacking in evening entertainment. Oh was my review gonna suck. I didn’t do anything on the ship! Ok must go out, must have fun, must find the inner night owl. I know shes in there somewhere….sniff sniff, achoo, crap I don’t have any clean Kleenex!

Off to molecular I go, Im slacking on this challenge as well. White cloud is the drink of choice, a recommendation from Mauritus. When I was younger, if I drank enuf I could dry up my allergies. Maybe I should try this approach? Nawwwww, better not attempt that. I was drinking way more than just a couple of specialty drinks back then and I was a lot younger. At least I knew my mom couldn’t ground me for it anymore.

I also made it the Momentum show too, believe it or not! Go me!! Granted I was having trouble keeping my eyes open ( allergy medicines fault….yeah that’s it ). Mostly that was during the singing, I did perk up for the aerialists, and got some pictures too.






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Thursday October 2, Rhodes

Another beautiful day as we pull into Rhodes. The port is right next to the walls of the old city so it really is a nice port to dock at.

We took our time getting up today as we had no real plans but to hang out. We even enjoyed a leisurely breakfast in Opus. Trust me you wont go hungry in Opus for breakfast. Everytime I turned around there was someone with a platter offering me something. Plus what we ordered off the menu . I ordered my favorite breakfast, Eggs Benedict, and Im not sure if they use some kinda strange ham on Celebrity but it was weird. Now, heres my big Carnival comparison….I love their Eggs Benedict!!! If I get it with the Hollandaise on the side, its one of the best Ive ever had.

More on my thoughts of Carnival vs Celebrity later, I just wanted to make sure I didn’t forget this one later when I was doing overall comparisons.


Good morning to the beautiful Port of Rhodes






Just inside the wall in Old Rhodes.


The remains of a chruch


Old Rhodes Kitty


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Join us for a walk around Old Rhodes? We did a lot of shopping here. I was able to finally find a few things for my DH. Beer in cans! It was brilliant. Hes so hard to buy for but he has been having fun trying all of the ones I got him.


I love this adorable seahorse fountain








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When you see this you have come to the Palace of the Grand Masters. We didnt go inside just into the courtyard.







The street of the nights. They served the grand master and were from all over. Although these apartments all look the same now, they once were representative of the country the knights came from.


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We had lunch at the sidewalk café of a very excitable Greek gentleman. I ordered an umbrella drink cuz I was in Greece ordering an umbrella drink, hhe, and the sampler platter of Greek food. I love Greek food and I couldnt decide what to get, so I got that.





On the red train

We walked a couple more blocks and found the Red Train. It’s really more like a trolly as its not an actual train. For about E6 we took this “Red Train” all over New Town and all around the outside perimeter of Old Town. We got to see the Acropolis of Rhodes and the ancient Theater, the college, some schools, basically regular life in general. It was a great way to see more of Rhodes town and get a better idea of what its like here. We could also see Turkey off the coast.


The Acropolis of Rhodes with our ship in the back ground! See it?


Rhodes beaches and if you look close you can see Turkey in the distance




Afterwards we made our way back to the ship, but not without a stop for some gelato and coffee. It was really nice to get back to the ship early for once. I was able to take my time at the Persian Gardens, whereas I usually feel sooo rushed to get back and get ready for dinner.

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Another dinner another specialty restaurant! Hha. Tonight it was Lawn Club Grill. This one was the one I was least excited about but it turned out to be a very nice night. We again had wonderful service and enjoyed our dinner.

It wasn’t exactly the nicest night out as it was very windy and we got chilly and mom went back to the room to get her sweater. They did eventually turn on the heating lamps but the cutest thing was when our waiter came by and wrapped us up in flannel blankets! How sweet is that? I mean, I know we aren’t the only ones they do this to, but boy it sure does make you feel special.












There goes my color again....my lamb and shishkebob


The warm chocolate chip cookie NOM! hha

Ok I guess the rest of my report is at home in my kindle so I will have to email it here so I can work on it tomorrow hopefully. I do have a lot more to say about the Lawn Club Grille.

See ya later!

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Hi Gina,


I remember you from our cruise. We didn't have the please of going on any tours with you but I certainly enjoyed talking to you. I really wish that we would have seen you more. You really know how to have fun in an adorable way. love, love, love, your review. You tell the story in so much more depth than I could. This brings back such wonderful memories. Thanks so much for sharing.


Michele and Larry fellow Minnesota/Wisconsinites -- live in MN - cabin in WI

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Hi Gina,


I remember you from our cruise. We didn't have the please of going on any tours with you but I certainly enjoyed talking to you. I really wish that we would have seen you more. You really know how to have fun in an adorable way. love, love, love, your review. You tell the story in so much more depth than I could. This brings back such wonderful memories. Thanks so much for sharing.


Michele and Larry fellow Minnesota/Wisconsinites -- live in MN - cabin in WI



Hi Michele! :)


So glad youre enjoying the review. Its been fun putting it up and remembering our trip.


It was a pleasure to meet you as well. You are such a lovely lady. Have a wonderful holiday!


Cheers! Gena

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Ok back to the review. Like I was saying I had more to say about LCG so here goes.....

We didnt go up to cook our own food but it was fun watching others learn how to throw the pizza dough, hehe. We split our flat bread za into Margherita and BBQ chicken and it was a good thing we did because it was huge! Something to think about if you ever dine here.

We did go up to the salad bar, which had a nice assortment. For dinner, I had the lamb chops and the skewered shrimp/scallop. Wow is that good off of the grill! I also had the Lobster Mac and Cheese which probably would have been good if it had been fresh from the oven, seemed a bit cooled off by the time I got it and you know how mac n cheese gets.... For dessert I had the Warm chocolate chip cookie, another CC reccomendation. About what you would expect.....soooooo good!

When we got back to the room after dinner I had plans to go out but I started watching a movie with mom and never left. By the time it was finished, so was I. hha

Friday, October 3, Santorini

When I originally booked this trip, I had reserved mom and I a 4 wheeler for the day. I wanted to be able to see a lot ( I had a long list for this day ) as I hadent been here during my 2002 trip to Greece.

Well as time went on and I sampled my husbands 4 wheeler on the farm, I realized that this was something I wasnt sure I wanted to drag my mom around on for the day. Visions of big tour buses running us off the road and things started making me nervous..... thats when vicki came up with an excursion with Ocean wave that sounded like it would cover all my bases, I emailed her right away.

This morning I went up to OVC but decided it would be nice to bring my breakfast back to the room. I had a nice meal on the balcony. Mom liked the idea too but she had already eaten....she gets up soooo much earlier than I do.


From our balcony as we came into Santorini caldera.

Afterwards we met our group in front of Cellar masters, since thats where they would be handing out the tender tickets. Susan had already secured enough tickets for all of us and we had tender 4.

Seemed like it took forever for them to even start calling tender numbers so we sat in the Martini bar area and waited. Finally they started to announce them and it was 1,2 and 3 first. With in only a couple of minuites they announced 4,5,6. Easy peasy. Went went down to the tenders and in no time at all we were docking at the bottom of Fira. We were the only ship in town that day ( originallly there was supposed to be 3! eek) so it was an easy trip up to Fira in the cabel cars ( E5- one way).



Our ship from where the tenders dropped us off below Fira

We had made our way up so fast that we were super early for our tour time so we had a bit of a wait. Soon enuf Gabriel showed up, and we had a bit of a walk to where the van was parked.



They hold 6 people. If you dont look down its not bad. Mom was a little nervous and she did fine.


I, on the otherhand am not afraid of heights! I looked down.

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Amour, Vicki and Mel


Hmmmm smaller??....Rocco, Mom and I. ooh check out that tan on me! Apparently the Mediterranean sun likes me!


There the donkeys go. Back down to get more excited tourists.

Our first stop was what Gabriel liked to call Little China. He said there is a big interest in the Firo Stephani chruch for the Chineese. Im not sure if he knew why or I can remember if he said but it was cute, cuz he was right!

The reason this church is so popular for tourists in general, and why it is so widely photographed as a popular symbol of Santorini is because of the fact that you get this beautiful view of a blue domed church with the bells and the volacano in the back ground. On this day if you wanted, you could also have the Celebrity Reflection in your photo.


Gabriel was nice enuf to take the time to make sure everyone got a picture at this popular site




Love all the gate doors. Some like this and some that just stand alone.

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Opps I forgot to give credit to Vicki for the pictures of us in the cable cars. She takes wonderful pictures and was kind enuf to send me some. She and Rocco are wonderful people that I still keep in touch with on FB and they even sent me a Christmas card!!! So sweet! ~hugs~ to Vicki and Rocco!

On to Oia we passed the red rock and black rock that makes Santorini beaches so unique.

We were given an hour to hang out in Oia, which Gabriel said would be plenty. I now disagree, but then I like to take way too many pictures, hha. I could have photographed that place all day! Every corner was a new oppertunity for a picture. Like some one in a CC review said " If you cant take a good picture in Oia, your camera must be broken! " lol so true. It was also a fun place to shop and get coffee.









Ive seen this door in other reviews and always loved it. The picture I took doesnt do justice as part of its charm is that its a stand alone door, with the beautiful Santorini back drop.






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Gabriel took us the long way to get to Santos Winery, around to the othere side of the Island. He likes this area much better cuz its not so crowded. I wonder where he lives? I dont remember that we asked him....

At Santos winery we were treated to amazing views and I took the wine tasting. Its not free but it was fun to do. I shared with my mom, as there was plenty to go around. There are a couple that I would have purchased but we ran out of time and I knew I was getting very heavy on luggage. Seeing the way the grapes grow as we were driving was something I wanted to see too since its soooo different.

than the ususal as Santorini is so dry. They are grown on the ground and formed into a basket and the heavy dew every morning is what keeps them hydrated. I just think thats so neat.

On our drives around I also saw people wiz by on their 4 wheelers and was glad I made the decision I did. Nope, not with my 68 year old mom on the back! lol


Amazing view from Santos Winery


When we were going over with Gabriel what we wanted to do this day, I mentioned that I wanted to go to the Good Heart/ Annas stand. Well he was soooo surprised I knew about her. I said why yes because of Drama Queens review and stuff I had seen on Youtube. He was amazed. He called Anna; Santorinis Angela Jolie, cuz shes becoming so popular! lol

So after the winery we made our way to Annas road side stand. If youve read Drama Queens review, you would be asking to go here too. She brings out a whole platters of all of the wonderful homemade goodies that she makes. Sundried tomatoes, marinated caper leaves, this tomato sauce/paste stuff, jellies, wines.

So many good things. I got a bunch of stuff to take home and have been having soooo much fun using it. The sundried tomatoes ( jared in oil) are the most amazing tomatoes Ive ever had! I would have brought home 20 jars if I could have. Gabriel was saying something about the lands rich volcanic soil does something to the tomatoes that make them taste like nothing else on earth. I would definately have to agree.

Gabriel introduced me to Anna and told her that I had specifically asked to come here. She was delighted and hugged me and Vicki took our picture. Annas husband also stopped in for a rare visit.

Everyone enjoyed their visit to The Good Heart. I was glad. Gabriel said he would have taken us here anyway cuz he loves coming to Anna stand.



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This is an unbelievable trip and review.


I've been meaning to do a trip like this.


Thank you for your sweet comment! Im glad youre enjoying the review. Sometimes it hard to tell if its going well so comments ilke yours are much appreciated :D


I really hope you do get to do a trip like this. It was amazing, everyday was a Wow day. I really am greatful to my mom for wanting to do this for us.

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Yes I will take all of those home please! mmmm


Anna!! Photo by Vicki


Gabriel our driver and guide for the day. Photo by Vicki


Anna and I. Photo by Vicki


Annas road side stand. A must on your trip to Santorini. Photo by Vicki


Our group for the day. Photo by Vicki

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Our next stop after all of that munching at the last two places was lunch at the Dolphin restaurant. I had seen this place also on Youtube. I think it was when Giada De Laurentis did her youtube video of Santorini.

The Dolphin restaurant is down a bunch of stairs but its worth it to eat on the water. It was a lovely place to have lunch but I think our eyes were bigger than our stomachs because there was so much left over food, I felt horrible. The food was good, not wonderful but it was fun to try the tomato fritters which are a popular food here in Santorini.






Easting lunch at the Dolphin restaurant. Photo by Vicki

After eating I just had to at least step into the water and wow! It was much warmer than at the beach in Mykonos. Now this I would go swimming in. As it was wading around for a little bit would have to suffice. I wonder if that has anything to do with Santorini being a Caldera??? I mean, they do have hot springs. And the water is a bit enclosed because of the circular pattern of the "islands".....


I know I didnt bring my suit, but can I go swimming now?? hhe Photo by Vicki



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On our way back up Rocco fell and really hurt his nose! Luckily nurse Susan was with us. She had just been telling us earlier in the day how her nursing skills had become handy on other vacations, how crazy!

We made our way back to the cabel cars to get Rocco back to the ship to see the doctor. We saw them the next night and he was doing great! Whew Rocco! You really gave us a scare. I was happy to seem him and Vicki up and about on formal night :D

Back on the ship, mom and I just chilled on the balcony and next thing I knew it was dinner time and the ship was moving. Uh oh better get ready for dinner.

In Opus I was a big slacker and all I got picture of was the chicken I had with the plantain and what I had seen in other reviews that looked to me to be the chocolate tomb stone. You decide. I thought it was a specialthy restaurant dessert..


Afterwards I went out for a little bit but allergies got the best of me and I went sulking off to bed again...yes, even though we had a Sea day the next day. Oh boy was I sulking! hha




My dinner in Opus that night. Chicken with Plantain. It was good.




Chocolate tombstone? Either way it was good!!!




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So are you ready for some ship pictures? This is the day!

Saturday October 4, Day at Sea

As soon as I got up this morning I started packing. I didnt want the depressing job of doing it on the last night, especially since we had a wonderful and busy day planned for Naples.

Once I was done mom came with me to the Spa cafe in the solarium while I had my breakfast. It was really good and wish I had stoped there more often. Really thought with crazy port days, that didnt seem to work out.

I did my traditional walk around the ship taking picture of as much as I could. Funny for all the time I spent in the Persian Gardens I never did get a picture. Im sure you guys have seen it all before anyway. You dont need a picture for me to tell you it was worth it to get the week pass. I really think it saved me after those long port days.


Breakfast at the Aqua Spa Cafe. I also had a wonderful smoothie ( included in my Premium drink package)


The Lawn Club Grille





A waterspot caught a lot of attention this morning. Do worry it kept its distance. So cool to watch.


The Art Studio

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