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Mayan Treasures / Pride of Panama

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This is my first attempt at writing a review of a cruise so bear with me. I love reading your reviews and thought it will be pretty straight forward for me to do. As a help I have read the reviews posted on here about the Dream in January, and am starting to feel a bit wary as I may be looking at her with rose tinted specs so to speak. She was our first cruise ship and we love her, but I found myself agreeing with some of the none positive comments, and that has saddened me a bit.


Airport. flight and transfer.


We booked into Etap at Birmingham so we would be sure to be ready for the flight on 20 January, and after getting to our room I left Ray there while I hauled 2 big cases and a cabin case plus a rucksack hand baggage over to the airport to do the bag drop to find that I hadn't read the T and C and there was no advance bag drop for the Caribbean. OK I found a luggage trolley and wheeled everything back to Etap, and took the lot including the trolley into the room for the night. Next morning I went to find out about Ray's wheelchair assistance and was given a wheelchair to go fetch him. I took that to Etap and got Ray to the foyer, then went back to get the luggage and took that to be checked in at the airport which was done very efficiently. I went back to Etap for Ray and wheeled him and the hand luggage through security ok to find no Wetherspoon breakfast due to refurb till March, but we did get one in Meriden before heading off to the gate for the Dreamliner. A staff member took over the wheelchair then to the plane, and we found our seats in row 30 central where I had booked them as no seats in front and close to the loos would be easier for Ray. We had loads of legroom, but I found it a bit awkward in the centre seat of 3 when trying to eat with my elbows both tucked in. The screen for games films and map was better than we have previously had though. Free alcohol trolley was round about 3 times and I enjoyed both the dinner and tea time meals served, plus a sweety delivery and a pretzel packet delivery during the flight. When we landed they had a wheelchair for Ray at the plane door, and whoosh, we were off and running through immigration, overtaking all the poor souls in the corridor. I was nearly jogging with a rucksack on my back and the cabin case, clutching the immigration papers and passports.30 minutes from plane seat to coach seat - not bad at all. Off plane 3.45, on coach 4.15 and off the coach for embarkation 4.45. Again a wheelchair brought for Ray and we went straight through to do the necessary and get to the gangway which Ray had to walk up, but was able to do. We were met and shown our cabin which we had booked on deck 7 between the rear lift and the back deck, and despite being close to being under Waters Edge gave us no noise problems all fortnight. We decided to take life jackets up to Lido to be close to our muster station when called as Ray would not have managed stairs if they wouldn't let him use the lift, and the drill worked fine as he was checked that he knew how to put the jacket on, and we were allowed to sit in the Lido where we could see the demo outside. Afterwards I sorted out the safe (£25) and we went to unpack and shower for evening meal in the main dining room but had to miss Killer Queen as we didn't finish in time. Being a long day, we decided on a few drinks in Medusa before retiring for the night.


End of part one.

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21.1.15 Sea Day.


I had gone to bed early so was up around 3am leaving Ray in bed and I had a wander round the ship in the quiet. (Do love the ship early mornings - though not usually this early). Stopped at reception for a statement to check the £50 each on board credit was on, (on a previous cruise we had to take booking paperwork to prove we were entitled to it!) and was delighted to find it was and we had also been given £25 as a repeat customer, so we had a good start with £125. On the first morning I like to start at the top of the ship and work my way down, so took some photos of the old sports deck and it's new look, before chatting to another early riser in Sirens for a while. Liked the look of old Argo and how much lighter Tides is now with it's new look. Met Ray for breakfast in Lido, then I went to the Port Showcase. We had only booked the Panama Canal trip in advance, and we were not sure how Ray would be affected with his mobility problems. After lunch I went to the Spa to check having my hair cut. I just could not have the get up and go before departure worrying about this and that, and once on board it was driving me nuts so decided the repeat passenger payment could be put to good use. She quoted £27 just to dry cut, but gave me a lovely wash and head massage I suppose - not really knowledgeable here - and cut and dried it for £27 which I felt was excellent value, and I felt good too for Gala night. We don't do the reception now, but did enjoy our second sitting meal. This is where my reviews are going to be very samey as we tended to eat around 8.30 then go into Broadway for the second show, then make our way back through Medusa and Tides and back to our cabin. I would have loved to have seen the artists in the bars, but Ray was ready to go down by the time the show finished so we never really did the bars. The music sounded great, especially in Tides. Our days on board tended to be in Lido where I could sunbathe and swim and Ray was comfy reading and people watching. I did get a game or two of bingo during the week, but not really into the other game shows they do.


To be continued.

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22.1.15 Roatan Honduras.


I was up at 6am and went onto back of D7 to watch docking, but found we couldn't get in. We had picked up Mahogany Beach leaflet which looked lovely, but we moved away from there, and found out that we would not be docking at Coxon Hole either, we would be using the tenders. This had been an unexpected decision, and they sent a catamaran over to help transfer people over. Ray had no intention of trying the tenders, but was ok for me to have a couple of hours ashore, so I queued for a ticket. They couldn't start the tenders till 9.30 and had to get the folk ashore first who had trips booked, so it was 10.30 before I made it. Enjoyed the ride over and an objective was to continue our tradition of a local beer in every port, and if I can, I have a paddle. In the port area I bought a couple of Honduras beers to take back to the ship, and had one in the bar there. There was no free wifi so I went outside the port area through the car park where I saw humming birds flitting between the trees one side of the path and the shrubs. Beautiful. I went up the road for as bit saying no thank you to the taxi drivers and to the kids offering to take me on a walking tour. Didn't fancy going in the flea market on my own, so decided to go back the other way past the port and found I could get down the grassy shore line to have a paddle in the sea, so sat on a tree trunk and had my paddle, then went back into the port area to get a bottle opener. Caught a tender 12.30 and spent the afternoon with Ray on Lido deck. Enjoyed Mocha coffees, and finding a cocktail I could settle on. Like Mai Tai no ice but really had them in a spin with Banana Banshee no ice. Not all bars would do it as it is a frozen cocktail, but I loved it and could get through a few with no ice like drinking milk but oh so much better. Watched the last tenders coming back and an NCL ship leaving port, Bought a litre of Whisky in the shop for the cabin. No 15% off day as they say discounted at £12. They do sell cigarettes at offer prices but I haven't noted them sorry, as we don't smoke. We did see some of Strum Jam in Medusa and 2 Intense in Tides before turning in for the night.


To be continued.

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22.1.15 Roatan Honduras.


I was up at 6am and went onto back of D7 to watch docking, but found we couldn't get in. We had picked up Mahogany Beach leaflet which looked lovely, but we moved away from there, and found out that we would not be docking at Coxon Hole either, we would be using the tenders. This had been an unexpected decision, and they sent a catamaran over to help transfer people over. Ray had no intention of trying the tenders, but was ok for me to have a couple of hours ashore, so I queued for a ticket. They couldn't start the tenders till 9.30 and had to get the folk ashore first who had trips booked, so it was 10.30 before I made it. Enjoyed the ride over and an objective was to continue our tradition of a local beer in every port, and if I can, I have a paddle. In the port area I bought a couple of Honduras beers to take back to the ship, and had one in the bar there. There was no free wifi so I went outside the port area through the car park where I saw humming birds flitting between the trees one side of the path and the shrubs. Beautiful. I went up the road for as bit saying no thank you to the taxi drivers and to the kids offering to take me on a walking tour. Didn't fancy going in the flea market on my own, so decided to go back the other way past the port and found I could get down the grassy shore line to have a paddle in the sea, so sat on a tree trunk and had my paddle, then went back into the port area to get a bottle opener. Caught a tender 12.30 and spent the afternoon with Ray on Lido deck. Enjoyed Mocha coffees, and finding a cocktail I could settle on. Like Mai Tai no ice but really had them in a spin with Banana Banshee no ice. Not all bars would do it as it is a frozen cocktail, but I loved it and could get through a few with no ice like drinking milk but oh so much better. Watched the last tenders coming back and an NCL ship leaving port, Bought a litre of Whisky in the shop for the cabin. No 15% off day as they say discounted at £12. They do sell cigarettes at offer prices but I haven't noted them sorry, as we don't smoke. We did see some of Strum Jam in Medusa and 2 Intense in Tides before turning in for the night.


To be continued.


I am enjoying reading your detailed account Gill.

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23.1.15 Belize.


I didn't mention we had a swan on Sea Day and a dog on Roatan day. No more animals after that. Shame as they were good. I was up at 4.30 this morning and still dark, so decided a bit of exercise called for, so walked round deck 9 five times Told my lifeboat 15 that I hoped her bottom stayed dry, and as I got round the front I could watch progress through the navigation lights. After breakfast the catamarans started coming up to do the tendering to shore. Quite a ride and again I was off on my own as Ray wouldn't go on one. I went through the port area, and wandered out to the swing bridge and once away from the taxi vendors it quietened down as I got towards Bird Island and the cathedral. There was a large grassy area that had seen better days, and I walked to the shoreline where the wall had broken down and managed to get my feet wet for a paddle. Instead of walking back via the shops, I went back along the shore to the swing bridge, and enjoyed watching the pilate birds and pelicans and one with a massive wingspan that I was later told was probably a vulture. I found a bar before getting back to the port advertising wifi, so went in for a beer or two and bought a couple to take back for Ray while chatting on facebook and clearing e-mails. Back on the tender and after lunch spent a scorching afternoon lazing round and swimming. Because I worry about not being able to hear on large tables over the chatter in the dining room, we tend to ask for a table for 2, and have to join a queue of people waiting for a table, and service seemed ever so slow tonight. We took our whisky out to the back of deck 7 enjoying the cool of the evening before turning in.

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24.1.15. Costa Maya Mexico.


At last a port where Ray can get ashore. It was a long pier and a shuttle train was running from the ship to the port gates. It was a lovely area with a large swimming pool with bar areas around it. I got myself a hat and we settled down with a couple of beers catching up with wifi. I had put my water shoes on and I really needed them to get over the rough rock so I could get my paddle. I left Ray at the bar to have a look round and went through the car park under some vines and managed to take a photo of a humming bird on one. They were hiring what appeared to be golf buggy type vehicles out self drive from there and had thatched trailers to tow round. It is a vibrant port area, but nowhere else really close enough to walk to. There was a pool just off the beach with some small dolphins in which were an attraction as staff were feeding them for the tourists. Caught the little shuttle train back for dinner. It was a little cloudy but not cold. Usual evening of coffee in Tides then cabin to get ready for evening meal, followed by the show and a drink in Tides before turning in.

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25.1.15. Cozumel Mexico.


Up at 6.15 and went to watch docking at back of deck 7. It was very windy and it took several attempts to get the lines fired over to the men waiting to get the ropes. Hot day and after breakfast I went ashore to check it out for Ray going ashore. It was a long pier, and a lot of the port shops were not open yet as I wandered round. There was some rough water bashing up some steps there, so I went down onto them for my paddle and got soaked, but who cares when the weather is good. Getting past the gates into the port area involved being sniffed over by a bored dog. Looking for food!! Too many passengers taking packed lunches from breakfast! There were 4 wheelchairs parked up in the port area, and when I walked back to the ship some chaps were there with them to wheel people up to the gate, but when I came off with Ray they had all gone. We waited a while but he finds it hard to strand too long so we set off and walked slowly up to the port area. Bars not open (Sunday?) so we went outside port area and walked for a bit, but it looked as though all entrances were to private hotel beaches. Worried about Ray and headed back, finding a seat with some Canadians from the Dream who did not like her at all. Used to bigger ships. I found a wheelchair and started pushing Ray back to the ship.. Someone came to take over and asked for $5 when we got to the ship. Usual afternoon in Lido till bingo. There was a norovirus letter in the cabin saying food in the buffets would be served, they closed the Lido Grill, and Jacuzzis. We got ready then had dinner and the show followed by the crew show. Late night.


Off to bed now. Been a long day. Can continue tomorrow.

Edited by gillhalfpint
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26.1.15 Sea Day.


I got up at 6am and realised that as the clocks had gone back, I had only been in bed 3 hours. Some serious sun bed work needed!! Went out the back of our deck 7 and found a chap fully clothed (day wear I mean) sleeping on the back deck wrapped up in towels on a sun bed. Looked like he had been chucked out of a cabin. Sleeping with his shoes on! Took towels up to our favourite spot, last table on the port side for Ray who cannot manage the beds, as I can have a bed next to the table and it suited us both there. Lovely hot weather for a day on Lido deck with the odd swim for me to cool down. Waiters getting used to my request for Banana Banshee no ice now. Just love that drink. Had a game of bingo later and booked trip for Montego Bay for me as Ray felt he wouldn't cope and said I had to get my snorkel fix in, so booked Catamaran sail and snorkel & Dr Cave's beach. Got ready for dinner and then went to the show, but I slept through most of it, wonder why!!

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25.1.15. Cozumel Mexico.


Up at 6.15 and went to watch docking at back of deck 7. It was very windy and it took several attempts to get the lines fired over to the men waiting to get the ropes. Hot day and after breakfast I went ashore to check it out for Ray going ashore. It was a long pier, and a lot of the port shops were not open yet as I wandered round. There was some rough water bashing up some steps there, so I went down onto them for my paddle and got soaked, but who cares when the weather is good. Getting past the gates into the port area involved being sniffed over by a bored dog. Looking for food!! Too many passengers taking packed lunches from breakfast! There were 4 wheelchairs parked up in the port area, and when I walked back to the ship some chaps were there with them to wheel people up to the gate, but when I came off with Ray they had all gone. We waited a while but he finds it hard to strand too long so we set off and walked slowly up to the port area. Bars not open (Sunday?) so we went outside port area and walked for a bit, but it looked as though all entrances were to private hotel beaches. Worried about Ray and headed back, finding a seat with some Canadians from the Dream who did not like her at all. Used to bigger ships. I found a wheelchair and started pushing Ray back to the ship.. Someone came to take over and asked for $5 when we got to the ship. Usual afternoon in Lido till bingo. There was a norovirus letter in the cabin saying food in the buffets would be served, they closed the Lido Grill, and Jacuzzis. We got ready then had dinner and the show followed by the crew show. Late night.


Off to bed now. Been a long day. Can continue tomorrow.

Dear Gillhalfpint

Cracking review, we were on at the same time for the Mayan part but sadly did not meet you and Ray, I have put my review on Cruise.co.uk

All the best

Mike and Janice

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27.1.15. Montego Bay.


Up at 5.45 and claimed Ray's table seat on Lido deck as I am escaping on my snorkel trip which Ray said I must go on. He reckoned he would manage fine if I left him a couple of cuppas and some water as I would be back to join him around 1 for lunch. I got my rucksack packed and went ashore, showing my trip ticket at the bottom of the gangway and then to Paula through the port, to find the trip had been cancelled for weather and somehow I had not been notified. Well what does one do. All the other trips had departed. I was told there was a shuttle bus going to Dr Cave's beach for $5 but there would be payments to be made there for beach furniture etc. I had never done such things on my own before and only had around $30 on me as I was expecting to be on a trip, but another disappointed couple said I could get on with them if I was worried. Waited a while till a few more got in the bus, then got dropped outside the entrance to the beach. It was not a shuttle as we know it, we were asked what time we wanted to be picked up and of course everyone was different. Another couple said 12 noon so I arranged that time too. There was a cash desk inside, $6 for bed, $6 for umbrella, $6 for snorkel can't remember what else, but as I was not there all day I just opted for the bed and would consider snorkel when I got settled, but someone with their own snorkel gear didn't find much to see so O just enjoyed the bed and swimming. It was a decent beach with good toilet and shower facilities for a beach. Bars were at the top and I got a couple of the local Red Stripe beers, one for me and one to take back for Ray at $5 each. What I hadn't realised was they had free wifi. I heard someone asking the girl who was taking drink orders, and she said free if you buy a drink, so I showed her my empty bottle and asked if I would be ok as I had around half hour before the bus, and she let me bless her. It was one of the best as I had good e-mail access which a lot of free wifi didn't give me elsewhere, so I got updated on everything along with facebook catch ups too. $5 for the bus back, and I went straight to deck 7 to drop my gear, and OMG what a smell. I was walking from the front right along the corridor to our cabin, and my eyes were watering, I was coughing and choking on it. This was changeover day and I found cabins were being fumigated with something. Crew were carrying big bottles of liquids. I had a quick change and joined Ray for dinner. Had fun watching the loading of cases just below where we were sat. Spent a bit of time in the Tides lounge watching 2 Intense after our evening dinner tonight. Strange that this bar cannot make my favourite Banana Banshee no ice. They say it is a frozen cocktail and I must have ice. I found a lot of ice gives me intense pain behind my eyes somehow. Don't know the link for that one, but if they made it with ice I had to leave it. Lido waiters are great and used to me.

PS Deck 7 corridor had good smells when we went back to the cabin.

Edited by gillhalfpint
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28.1.15. Sea Day.


Glad to hear you are enjoying reading as it is now another sea day. Up at 5.15 and did a little washing before going down to get our Lido table for Ray and my bed. Went to get breakfast and there was a waiter putting our milk in the tea for us. The sanitizer behind him was being ignored by so many folk passing from inside to out and vice versa and he was putting our milk in our tea. We decided Ray would like to try a trip out, so we booked Jungle River, Costa Rica Amazon as we were assured it would be one Ray would manage. The port showcase was good. Even if we don't manage many trips out, we learn a little about where we are going. Rest of the day the usual lazy sort to spend in the sun good book one minute, a couple of Banana Banshees no ice and a swim or two. No problem, followed by our usual lazy enjoyable evening trying to keep awake during the show where the waiter there has our evening tipples off pat by now, my vodka with a separate pineapple no ice of course, and Ray's whisky and ginger 50/50 no ice. Ends another perfect day.

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29.1.15 Puerto Limon. Costa Rica.


Up at 5.00 and found it was pouring down when I went for my walk round deck 9. I had a bit of a swollen ankle but it was starting to go down a bit. Must need more exercise. Went up to the gym and had a session on the bike and the stepping machine but feeling a little - maybe a lot - out of condition., Went down for breakfast but still raining. Coach was due 11.30 so I went ashore to get the layout and found a place for a little paddle. Went back on board to get ready for the coach and had time in port for a free wifi session before leaving. Joined the boat in a torrential downpour - well it was a rain forest -and the driver/guide was very good with pointing out the birds and animals. Loads of different birds, monkeys, caught a glimpse of a sloth, and saw a Jesus lizard that runs on water. It was a good trip but all too soon we were back at base to get off. One of our party was bitterly complaining that it was advertised as a 3 hour trip with 2 hours on the river and we were only on for 45 minutes. We got there as party 1 left, and when the coach came back for us party 3 got off for their trip, so it did seem a bit as though the tour was shortened to get more tours out on it. We were back at the ship 1.35, just about 2 hours after leaving. It was a good trip but would have been so much better to have had our 2 hours on the boat. I left Ray with the free wifi in the port and had a wander into town looking for the local beer. Tried a bar but they wouldn't let me have a bottle to take out so I criss crossed around the streets trying to find the supermarket I had been told about but had to ask a local, and he took me to it. I found the beer and went to the checkout hoping they would take dollars, and was told the beer was $2. I only had a $1 dollar note and some $10 dollar ones. She said if she took the $10 she would have to give me local currency change, but made the decision to let me have the beer for $1. Found my way back to port after getting a bit lost, but the map from the ship was very good when I remembered it as the streets are well named. Joined Ray for a bit of wifi activity. We were too late for Lido lunch so tried our first Sirens visit for the afternoon tea. Took the wrong lift apparently as Ray had difficulty with a few stairs to get in. It was a bit embarrassing for me getting the 2 plates of food as I had to keep asking if they could put another sandwich on the plate. We were hungry not having had lunch, and there was plenty of food there. Not sure how anyone who had eaten at lunchtime fits this in myself, but we enjoyed what we had. Had a game of bingo, close with one number needed for ages, and called into destination services to let them know the trip was good but the time there seemed to be cut short which was sad when there was so much there to see. They got a notebook out and said it was being looked into as there had been a number of complaints, and our cabin number was taken. We had what appeared to be a standard letter later on the cruise to say it was being investigated, then just before the cruise ended we got another to say 50% of the cost was going back into our on board account. We saw Fogwell Flax the comedian after dinner that night.

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30.1.15 Colon Panama.


Up at 5.30 to watch the docking here. We were off at 9.30 for the 1.5 hour trip to catch the ferry for the Panama Canal trip. A relief for Ray as we got on board ok and most were going up stairs to the upper deck so we walked through to the front on the lower level and got front chairs there which was grand. They were supplying free bottles of water and soft drinks from large iced water bins and we were able to help ourselves to these which were very much needed on a scorcher of a day. Cans of Panama lager available for $2 too. Food was served buffet style in the enclosed area on the lower deck which had seating if anyone needed to get cool. We were given a plate and they served pasta and chicken on skewers, then we could help ourselves to savoury square things on sticks, ham and cheese sandwiches, pineapple and water melon slices, a muffin and a banana. Once everyone from both decks had been through, anyone could help themselves to the plentiful food. There were stairs front and rear to the upper deck which had some open and some under cover seating. Tables up there held the regalia for the canal of clothing and collector items. People could wander round the ferry. The trip was amazing. Plenty of birds to see and we got buzzed by a drone! Plenty of large shipping using the canal and we had great commentary throughout. We went through 3 locks and had a wait in one for a large ship that was joining us. Saw the little train like machines that run on tracks alongside the locks to pull the large ships into place. Amazing how fast the levels changed for such a large area inside the locks. Could not believe the sight of Panama City as we went into the Pacific. Very American skyline of white skyscrapers. Loved every minute of that trip. Well worth it. It was getting obvious we would not make the boarding time of 5.30 for the Dream to sail at 6.00, but the long day was fine for us, but some thought it was too long. Thomsons have no control on this one though as if they want to wait to fill a lock up they have to. Essential to take is sun cream and plenty of it if you want to stay outside. Maybe we were just lucky to have a real scorcher of a day, but is was grand from start to finish, including getting photos of the setting sun from the coach window on the way back. Coaches made it back around 7.00 so we got under way around 7.30. A long but brilliant day out and so glad we didn't have to cancel for Ray which I had been worried about. We managed to get to the show after dinner, but I reckon I slept a bit too. I love my early mornings wandering round the quiet ship taking sun rise photos, watching docking and walking round deck 9, but pay for it by needing bed by midnight.

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Hi Gill, not read all of your report yet as i had to stop and answer you back, you said you got settled and then went and paid £25 for your safe for the 2 weeks,and you got £25 add to your account for being repete guests£125 in all, well i didnt get £25 as a repete customer, but i also got my safe for free for my 2 weeks as i just popped in my code and used it ( so i also got £125 free).iwhen i was on i couldnt believe the people that went and paid money for the safes. if it has a key ( YES) but digital-never as it tell you what to do , now i,ll get back to reading the rest of your report :)



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Gill, can't believe the time you get up, especially on holiday, how do you last through the day, never mind at night, I would be sleeping by 4.00 o'clock, you work really hard for your Husband(Ray), good on you, loving your reviews, we're on the TA from the 7th of April, giving us a real taster, Thanks, Dougie.

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31.1.15 San Blas.


Up 6.00 and went to Lido to get Ray's corner for him as it is a tender day so he will be staying on board. Chairs were toppled over, a bit windy. Walked round deck 9 and there was no activity to get tenders out, and at the front no sign of workers getting ready to drop the anchor. I got some photos of the islands and watched small boats bobbing around and a motorised canoe. One boat came over to the Dream and was alongside for quite some time. We then got a message from the bridge that it was too windy for tenders and we would move on to Colombia, but as we would be there for midnight at normal speed we would take it slowly to arrive for scheduled time. A sea day then. I had no chance of a bed by then, but we had a terrific storm causing loads to scatter inside with their towels, so I popped out as soon as it stopped and bagged a bed for the day. Tried a Caribbean lunch today with chicken something and something pineapple with rice and stir fried something if I remember right. Not bad. It turned out another scorcher and I enjoyed having a dip to keep cool and had to buy some more sun cream. I have managed to use up the £125 on board credit I was given at the start and getting to owe them now. Sad about missing San Blas especially with the lovely weather we now had, but safety first and Captain knows best. Normal evening with bingo and mocha as they don't always want to do my Banana Banshee no ice, then get ready for dinner and show. The team did put things on for the extra sea day, but not really our thing. We had a good day but feel from what people are saying that Pride of Panama could be a 3 sea day cruise.

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1.2.15 Cartagena Colombia.


Up at 5.00 to watch sail in but there were gates across the front of deck 9 to stop us getting to the front. Dry port side but very wet starboard side. It was a bit windy again. As we got to the port it became clear it was very much a large container port. Ships were well loaded. How on earth do they float! I had a wander in to the terminus to check for Ray and found if you miss the duty free shop and go past the massive EXIT sign, you find a gardened area with loads of flamingos and peacocks, black swans and iguanas. There were cafes and crew on wifi, so I checked it out and found it worked ok, so went back on board for Ray. We settled on seats in a shady area overlooking the garden and pond, and found there were little monkeys and humming birds there too. Brilliant place. Managed facebook updates fine but another where I couldn't get emails, but no matter. We got a couple of local beers and then Ray went back to the ship. I walked through the terminal to see if I could find a place to have a paddle. The old town was a taxi ride away, but I didn't want to be long, so I set off to the right of the terminal. Terrible hassle from the taxi drivers, but I kept saying I was walking up to a bridge I could see then going back to the ship. From the bridge I could see a few youths swimming below me, so thought if I walked a bit more I may find a way down, but a chap on a motorbike stopped and told me I was going the wrong way for the old town and if I continued I would get into an unsafe place for tourists. I thanked him and decided to make my way back to the port area, but where I went back in was like being in a zoo come aviary. Magical. It was behind the shop and you could walk into the aviaries to be with the toucan, the vulture charming little monkeys were scampering around the trees. There was a young bambi deer in an enclosure, ducks of all kinds rabbits, so many to wander round. Ray had missed all these as you needed to go through the shop to get to the aviary part. I got back to the ship in time to have a late dinner with Ray followed by bingo. It was when we got back to the cabin that we found a letter to say 50% of the cost of the short trip in Costa Rica would be refunded to our account. I called at reception for a statement, and found they now owed us £41. Never been in this position before, but they said at the end of the cruise we could have any unused in cash or it would be credited back to the registered card. We went down for dinner and this was the second night we got a glass of bubbly while waiting due to the length of the queue. Ray got a chair, but I found that I had to stand in the queue to maintain my place. The previous week cabin numbers had been taken so we could both be seated till called, but it was a bit of a free for all tonight and we had a 40 minute wait. It was the second baked Alaska night and very busy. I was surprised to find we got seats for the second show ok as we were running a bit late, and we wanted to be there for the crew show, but all was well and our waiter looked after us ok. The ship was rocking and rolling a bit when we got out, and we made our way back to the cabin around 1am.

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2.2.15 Sea Day


Not a lot to say about this one really. I was up at 6 but it was still a bit choppy to I set the chairs back up in Ray's corner and got the questionnaire completed apart from the personal stuff that has nothing to do with cruising, and I write that across the form where they ask more than they need to. Immigration forms to be completed next, and no forms to notify the best crew this time. Stayed around Lido all day till Jackpot Bingo for £700 tonight, then dinner and show, knowing I had to keep awake to pack. Sorted out what was needed in hand luggage and packed the rest up and got them out in the corridor. A bit of anti-climax really so we finished the bottle of whisky and went to bed.

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