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Travel blog: QM2 TA 3rd May '15


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We will be joining the QM2 in New York on May 17th. Can't wait! This will be our 3rd TA on QM2 and would love to watch the waves and haven't found this particular spot you mention on deck 2 forward. Sounds just the place for an afternoon nap.


Deck 3 F is the place to nap. Deck 2 has card / game tables.

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Hi Toffeegirl68


I am loving your daily blog.


I will be on the QM2 in July (first time on Cunard) crossing the atlantic and can't wait, I am taking in all the information, so thank you for taking the time to write it.



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Didn't write blog this morning over first breakfast.... caught up with photo taking (with recharged camera!!) then had first breakfast watching the first half of the Helen Mirram film 50 foot journey... or whatever its called. Its a nice film. Recommend it.


Stretch class followed, followed by 2nd breakfast. I am officially a hobbit... without the hairy feet!


Hi Toffeegirl. Add 50 feet to the journey, and you've got the title of the flic (The 100 Foot-Journey) Thanks for the recommendation, and thanks for taking the time to post during your journey :) I'm especially enjoying your sense of humour. Cheers, -Salacia

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So, I left you at the whirlpool.... not so suitable for tablet use. Today I tried out the spa lounge. It has self service teas and coffee and basic juices. I made myself a cup of tea and sat in a chair looking out to sea. Its funny watching people walk by.... they have no idea you are there behind the smokey glass. One lady stopped to sort out her windswept hair, using the window as a mirror. She did nothing embarassing but she would have been vaguely mortified to know that she didn't have the privacy she thought she had! It was lovely and quiet... the ideal place to sit after a treatment to let its effects.


I was more cunning than yesterday. Pre spa I got a couple of scones (they're little) and butter and put them in the cabin. Post spa I got a hot chocolate from KC, took it back to the cabin and enjoyed my mini feast whilst watching a bit of the movie 'Frozen' in German. I dont speak German. It's official, I've gone mad.


Incidently, I had a beef burger in a bun with skinny fries for lunch from the Chefs Galley. You can have them cooked to order buy I took a ready made one. And a slice of plain pizza. And then a little bit of hot rice pudding - nice, but not as good as my mother used to make.


I painted my face and donned a posh frock, put on my one pair of fancy shoes and grabbed my only evening bag and headed off for the Captain's party. Hubby wore a new 3 piece suit from M&S .... my dress and bag are courtesy of TK Maxx.

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We didn't queue to 'meet' Captain Wells . I have met him before and he is a lovely chap with a wicked sense of humour. I was more concerned with having a seat. Sometimes I need to sit down as a priority, no matter how relatively young I am. Note to all... if you see someone who needs a seat more than you, offer them yours. Do not spot someone else and unilaterally decide that they should give up theirs instead. I am often the victim of such glares.... so please don't make assumptions. Rant over. Drinks on offer influded sparkling wine, as well as red and white wine. The white was quite drinkable. We even got seconds.


Captain Wells' speech was as humorous and interesting as ever, so well worth attending... at the expense of cocktails in the Commodore Club.


Dinner followed... and we were finally served our bin end shiraz viognier, with big laughs with the sommelier.


This voyage was booked as a last minute battery recharge for us both, having worked long hours in the previous few months. And boy do our batteries need recharging as we headed straight back to our cabin after dinner. After reading the in - cabin newspaper and planning the next day, hubby popped up to KC... he fetched me back a hot chocolate but I was fast asleep before he got back.... so endeth Tuesday.


Note: whilst we do not do shows, tonights schedule was rearranged. The advertised show was replaced with another. It doesn't happen often.... but it sometimes does.

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Wednesday. Another time change overnight. If I have been more leisurely on this trip already, this morning was more so. I woke early as ever, but this time turned over and dozed. Got up at 7am and took more photos of a near 'empty' ship before taking a coffee and yoghurt back to hubby, drink and muffin for me. We sat and watched some of the Helen Mirram film ad mentioned earlier.


Stretch class was followed by 2nd breakfast.


At some point I wandered to the library to find that by a fluke of others not handing in quiz sheets, I had won the library quiz... with 11 or was it 12 points.


I found hubby by accident in the pub.... which if I DO remember rightly is the Golden Lion! I ended up joining a quiz team but we were about 5 points off the pace.


Today, dance class is rumba, so we agreed to bunk class and meet for a pub lunch at noon instead. I disappeared to the spa for a double foot spa. For the uninitiated, this is where you sit at the foot spa, press the button and press it again when it stops!!!!! A light day in the spa area for today....


Fish and chip lunch was good, though some of the chips were underdone which was a shame and a blessing. i.e. I didn't get to eat so much... and didn't get to eat too much! Ho ho ho.

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After lunch on Wednesday I spent the next hour and a bit in the library doing today's quiz before heading up to the 'Olympics' at the deck 12 pool area. This really is good fun - far more lighthearted than the quiz and it really does not matter if you are good or rubbish. Today's events were table tennis (knockout setup, first to 11), hoopla (two goes each, one with each hand and 'baggo' (again, two goes each). We split into 2 groups as we had for quoits. We left promptly to get to an important appointment at 3pm in the Commodore Club..... Martini Mixology.


I totally recomend this or (and! ) if they offer it, cocktail tasting. Eat a good lunch though or you'll feel the effects sooner rather than later. Its advertised in the daily programme and you book in advance as places are limited.


I lingered in the bar afterwards, moving to a window seat whilst hubby went to the computer room. I chatted to a couple who joined 'my' table, then it was then back to the cabin to prepare for the evening. Tonight its informal dress. Last night was formal, though I had, at one point thought that it was informal. Lesson to self, don't listen to others.


We will be attending the art function this evening before dinner. Honestly I'll turn up to the opening of an envelope!

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Pianist played in pub today whilst we lunched. Could appreciate his talent but he was a bit over twinkly for our taste. A bit like Mariah Carey who won't sing one note when she can squeeze in ten!

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We're getting on board this Sunday and we've been wondering about the RADA shows. I've been reading your blog with the hope you might mention them. Love what you're writing, and yes, you're making me laugh at loud at all the right places. Thanks for sharing!

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Tonight the sommelier was rushed off his feet. This was not the best point at which to order a binn end wine - but shiraz viognier is one of my faves. Unfortunately by the time we got to order it, we had already got our starters. By the time it arrived we were finishing our beef so we said that we would have it the following night


Enjoying your blog and wish you continued good experiences.


As to the sommelier, the lack of prompt coordination which you describe is one of my greatest frustrations when I dine in Britannia. There is NO EXCUSE for a sommelier getting your wine order to the table in a timely fashion for you to enjoy. This is the result of cut-backs in the sommelier staff who are over-extended and over-worked. I have raised hell about this numerous times.

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Thank you for a fun & very informative blog - the joy in everything you are experiencing shines through! Really hope you continue to have such a good time & please carrying on sharing!

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After lunch on Wednesday I spent the next hour and a bit in the library doing today's quiz before heading up to the 'Olympics' at the deck 12 pool area. This really is good fun - far more lighthearted than the quiz and it really does not matter if you are good or rubbish. Today's events were table tennis (knockout setup, first to 11), hoopla (two goes each, one with each hand and 'baggo' (again, two goes each). We split into 2 groups as we had for quoits. We left promptly to get to an important appointment at 3pm in the Commodore Club..... Martini Mixology.


I totally recomend this or (and! ) if they offer it, cocktail tasting. Eat a good lunch though or you'll feel the effects sooner rather than later. Its advertised in the daily programme and you book in advance as places are limited.


I lingered in the bar afterwards, moving to a window seat whilst hubby went to the computer room. I chatted to a couple who joined 'my' table, then it was then back to the cabin to prepare for the evening. Tonight its informal dress. Last night was formal, though I had, at one point thought that it was informal. Lesson to self, don't listen to others.




We will be attending the art function this evening before dinner. Honestly I'll turn up to the opening of an envelope!



We are on the queen on 22nd of July Loving your blog feel we are on it with you hope you enjoy rest of cruise. What will you do in new york? We are doing canada after our trip then 5 days later we redoing the queen for our return home


Regards Jenny and Frank.

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We went to the art gallery for their brief soiree. The pol acker was flowing and a number of people were also assessing the art works. We liked some, none enough to buy... our favorite was on video display only - a water colour by Frank (?) Rogers of the bow of a ship going under a bridge. It was well over £1000, so it will not be leaving the gallery on our account.


Before dinner we popped into the photo gallery to see if our missing photos had materialised. They had - and even I liked one of them so we made a purchase with the discount which had been carried over from the day before.


Dinner had a few issues... I don't like potted shrimp as it turns out... I picked the shrimps out. My medium rare steak arrived medium well done due to my request being lost in translation so they fetched me another. The new one was lovely. Hubby's pork was nice but a little dry. Pud was lemon bread and butter pudding... :) Oh, and the wine is finally drunk. More laughs with the sommelier.


Petit fours are offered with the tea / coffee. I'm not always keen but recent ones have included chocolate covered stem ginger and also tiny meringues.


We moved to the Queens Room where the band Vibe were in residence. Gentlemen hosts were sporting hawaiin shirts. We had a couple of dances (of the bopping type) and then moved to the G32 night club for some proper boogying. It wasn't too busy, so plenty of room on the dance floor. We wandered off to KC circa midnight for hot choc and snacks.

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Just before bed last night the toilet didnt flush and the water pressure in the tap was low. I called the purser who revealed rather matter of factly that the water was off til 3 (!!!!!!). It would have been nice to be told said I. Its an emergency came the reply. Now THAT I get, and can deal with it, so why not immediately say 'sorry, we have an emergency'. As it happened, the toilet effectively self flushed 15 mins later. The subsequent flush (first flush next morning) was a little delayed but all was well thereafter. I could relax.


Clocks did not change overnight. I was up just before 7 so decided to try one of the general hot tubs. The outside one on the upper was not too warm, plus it was very windy so I retreated to the pavillion pool deck.


Note that accessing KC in wet swim wear, robes or nightware is not allowed. I did a quick dash up staircase B (8 flights!) in my swimsuit and robe but stayed away from KC. No one was about at that time anyway. I stayed in for about 10 mins before breakfast and stretch.


Did a 'small' wash today. Free soap packets are still available in the box on the wall despite what it says on tbe uk website. These machines are new to me. They are not the sort where you can track progress by the movement of the programme dial. Dryers still available. Remember to press the prgramme dial to restart if you open the door to check progress. Do not be offended if your wash ends and someone removes your stuff.... hopefully they will do so nicely

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Did the trivia quiz with hubby after 2nd breakfast. (6/20). Hubby departed to throw something at something no doubt and I found myself, having not moved for the 2nd day in succession, doing the 11-ish puzzler quiz. This is more fun as its more of an open challenge. I joined up with a young couple and we won! Apparently its not the winning that counts, but it is nice every so often.


I sneaked a quick spa whirl pool soak in at 11.30 before dance class at 12.15. Its handy having the mid day Captain's announcement as you know its time to head off.


Today was the quick step. The class was quite busy. We did not do so well when we tried to stick steps 1 to steps 2. Some couples have signed up to a private lesson. Its an hour for each couple. The current rate is $100 I think. No idea if this is standard.


Tomorrow is samba then tango the day after.


Lunch was disappointing. I asked for spaghetti with tomato sauce. Having said no parmasan on the spaghetti the chef promptly put some in the sauce! Consequently someone else got to have mine and I had to wait for another. .. which he rushed as he didnt put herbs in. I perked it up with Lea and Perrins instead!


Next was the Olympic game for the day.... scavenger hunt. .. searching for clues amd answering questions. I cant talk about this as it would give the game away. No cheating!


45 mins on the library quiz followed (it takes longer for me to do it properly), then spa where I write this in the foot spa.

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World club drinks aka frequent flyers party. We arrived unpromptly. Having decided to go for a pre drink drink in the Commodore Club. Handshakes with the Captain were on, despite a sign advising the contrary. His speech was very entertaining and his team equally so. Mention was made of numbers passengers of each category (diamond, platinum, gold), number of voyages made by us all and number of nights spent on spent on board by us all in total. Huge! Acknowledgement then made to 1000 night plus travellers. We have quite a way to go before we get a bunch of flowers!


Drinks were on offer on entry. Red, white and sparkly wine, orange and something pinkish in a martini glass. It was possible to get a 2nd drink, but with far more sparkly about, specific requests had to be made for anything other. It felt somewhat grasping / desperate to have to ask.


Big Band night in the Queens Room tonight. I love the music but don't understand the band leaders need to bore us with the info that someones cousin was once famous or whatever. Please just play the music, because people start to sit down when you stop. We graced the Queens Room with 3 of our best efforts, one was a cha cha, the other 2 were the universally popular 'shuffle'. We then moved to the G32 nightclub. Vibz, the band are excellent. Best such live band we've seen on Cunard. We danced til about 1am. If you were there, I was the mad one with the tassled dress. (Hello JP.... fellow CC-er with whom I strutted some of my stuff)

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Update on the weather. We continue to have Atlantic weather.... No real roughness after the storm on night two. The lovely blue skies and calm seas the next afternoon were at odds with the force 8 of a few hours before. Today, Friday is a wet and windy morning. Not too windy that people are not being allowed out but I assume that the upper decks are closed. Can't see the appeal in going outside in this weather. If you were at home, the words: 'I'm not going out in this' would spring to mind.


We are now 3 hours behind the UK and one joy of being mid Atlantic is that we are missing all the election stuff (we did vote though before we left). BBC World News on the TV has revealed the results, with the Captain confirming at noon. We are 250 miles from the continental drift. In summer months, the ship sails further north. Storm force winds outside apparently, though the ship is moving more smoothly than the other day. Its all to do with the 'fetch' apparently which affects the swells. Again, a smaller ship would not fare so well.


There was a galley 'tour' this morning at 10.30am. We did not attend as we have previously been behind the scenes. There was a long queue, but I assume everyone got in. They will be well used to running these, so I recommend patience. Am off to the planetarium today at 1.30pm for one of the half hour screenings followed by the Olympics (come on Team Blue!), then tea in the Queens Room and maybe the 5pm movie - The Second Best Marigold Hotel.

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