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Well as for weight...I put on a lot of weight after my parents died (despite working out)...I'm trying to loose it all now...and am having some success...Holiday's are a KILLER for me! There are just TOOO many good cooks in my family! My DH on the other hand sits around and eats chocolate chips for a snack, keeps several different kinds of cookies in the pantry and thinks if he doesn't eat...I would say 10 meals a day??!...he's STARVING...and doesn't gain an ounce! DS is the same way! I'm on the Low Carb Diet and my DH tells me I'm starving him to death!


Aren't the elevators on the bottom floor the ones that go to the front of the ship??! :p And the crew stays in the life boats...right??!!!


I'm trying to find the DS a tuxedo shirt and bow tie...Ebay didn't have his size...I'm wondering how much one would be at a formal shop?

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I'm here...sorry...its been a busy week...lots of things going on every evening....so....how about Survivor...did you watch?!?! A bit shocking I would say....and definitely so to the person voted out!


Have any luck finding the DS a tux....I think that is cute...hope you find one....of course...if you don't ANY kind of suit will look great! But I would sure think you could find some kind of tux!


Do they really let the crew stay in the life boats...I figured...they just stayed at their own homes...and drove into work each day.

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Survivor...yes, I did watch! Tehehehe! Wasn't he surprised!


Busy week for us too. DS had a program last night...then I had about 10 people calling wanting to look at puppies...I just put the ad in the paper yesterday! In fact, I think I have someone coming over today to look at the last one! DS was very upset when we got rid of one of the puppies...he just cried...the guy felt VERY bad.


Haven't had time to look for the tux...But I'll find one. If I do, I'll take pics and post one for you! He had on his dress pants and a black shirt yesterday for his program and was quite handsome! (I may be prejudice though!)

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I read it....makes no sense to me either! Personally...I really would have no concern seeing a ship's doctor...from ANY cruise line....but my only worry....would be the cost!!! I have never had to use one....(ship's doctor that is....knock on wood)...but I have seen where others have...and the results are usually just fine....but there's typically about an $800 bill that seems to go along with ANYTHING!!! But seriously...if you need it....you need it....and they've sorta got you....kinda like....$6.00 Popcorn at the movie theater...but in general...with 5,000 people on the ship....a doctor...or doctors...are a good and wise thing to bring along.


Well....yes, I made it up and down the alley last night...the party was nice...we had a really good time...but I am definitely a bit on the hung over side today...I'll get it over it though....I am helping a friend...with her daughter's 13 birthday party tonight....I am the DJ...and part host...its a Survivor Party/Dance....since I watch Survivor religiously...I had to help come up with the games and such...and since I used to be Joe Music...I have been drafted...to do the music tonight! So....that'll be my whole day....I'm getting ready to eat something...and then try to shake the cob webs out...and get going!

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On our last trip DH ended up with some, let's say...stomach problems...and he needed some Imodium AD...well, they don't sell that in the gift shop, so he had to go to the Ship's Doctor. He was really nice and even told us in a nice way he was supposed to have DH quarantined for the rest of the cruise...it was the last day!...and I'm not sure how they would enforce that because my DH did not quarantine himself. He had been having that problem since the day before we left for our cruise! And it didn't cost us anything...not sure why! They even sent some nice chocolate covered strawberries with a very nice get well note! DH didn't eat any of them, he didn't think that would feel to great on his already not good tummy!


DS is getting a h/c today...that's about it for us. He shared his cold with me, so I'm not in the mood to do much.


Sounds like you...um...enjoyed yourself....a 'little' at the party! Hope you didn't do anything you'll regret!


Have a good day...have fun at the party! Didn't know you were a DJ too!

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Ahhhhh...I'm here....I survived...two parties in a row! And I didn't know I was a DJ either...but that's what I did last night! See....I use to play in bands...as in...rock bands...I did that for 17 years...from 17 to 34...I was playing somewhere....in a rock band. Anyhow...I consider myself to be retired now...but I still have a lot of equipment...so I got drafted by a friend out at work...to bring the equipment and run the music for her daughter's 13 BD party last night. Whew...talk about an evening...we had about 50 - 12 & 13 year olds...running around like little idiots...oops...I mean...angels...anyhow....we survived...I got to be around 2:30 last night...I have been worn out all day...and the wife is sick today too...anyhow...that's the latest from me!


That was cool that you guys didn't get charged anything from the ship's doctor...like I said...I would definitely go if I really needed to...but...I have always heard that it is VERY expensive!!

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Ahhhhh...I'm here....I survived...two parties in a row! And I didn't know I was a DJ either...but that's what I did last night! See....I use to play in bands...as in...rock bands...I did that for 17 years...from 17 to 34...I was playing somewhere....in a rock band. Anyhow...I consider myself to be retired now...but I still have a lot of equipment...so I got drafted by a friend out at work...to bring the equipment and run the music for her daughter's 13 BD party last night. Whew...talk about an evening...we had about 50 - 12 & 13 year olds...running around like little idiots...oops...I mean...angels...anyhow....we survived...I got to be around 2:30 last night...I have been worn out all day...and the wife is sick today too...anyhow...that's the latest from me!


That was cool that you guys didn't get charged anything from the ship's doctor...like I said...I would definitely go if I really needed to...but...I have always heard that it is VERY expensive!!

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Ahhhhh...I'm here....I survived...two parties in a row! And I didn't know I was a DJ either...but that's what I did last night! See....I use to play in bands...as in...rock bands...I did that for 17 years...from 17 to 34...I was playing somewhere....in a rock band. Anyhow...I consider myself to be retired now...but I still have a lot of equipment...so I got drafted by a friend out at work...to bring the equipment and run the music for her daughter's 13 BD party last night. Whew...talk about an evening...we had about 50 - 12 & 13 year olds...running around like little idiots...oops...I mean...angels...anyhow....we survived...I got to be around 2:30 last night...I have been worn out all day...and the wife is sick today too...anyhow...that's the latest from me!


That was cool that you guys didn't get charged anything from the ship's doctor...like I said...I would definitely go if I really needed to...but...I have always heard that it is VERY expensive!!

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You're an engineer and you played in a rock band?? Somehow, those two just don't mix!


My weekends will be busy from now on too. Next weekend, I have to go get my nephew in Lubbock Friday night for his brothers wedding reception (it's a surprise). He is 26 and mentally slow and lives in a home in Lubbock. His brother (my other nephew) got married in Hawaii on the 15th of November. They are having a reception for him in Perryton Saturday the 10th.


Then the next weekend we are having my side of the families Christmas. Everyone in my family comes to Texas and we have lunch/dinner at my Aunt's in Stinnett. Then my brother, sister and their families come to my house in Borger and we have our own 'private' Christmas! Drinks included! We have a ball! It's the only time of the year that all three of us get together. But we have fun.


I actually feel better...1000 grams of Vitamen C and lots of cold medicine!


Oh, my DD turns 13 in June, you wanta DJ again??!


Sundays are hard for me now that there is no NASCAR!

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I agree...Sundays with no NASCAR...I hate that...fortunately...its a pretty short off-season...and Daytona will be here soon!


Sounds like you've got a lot of family stuff coming up....for myself...I really enjoy a LITTLE bit of that...but after a while...I get tired of it! Too many people in the same house...after a while...that starts getting to me!


Yes, I'm an engineer...and a musician...and yes, you are right...there are not a lot of us! I really like to think of myself as more musician than engineer...but my wife would probably tell you it was the opposite! I don't have a pocket protector though!


Oh...btw...I'm home today...wife has pneumonia...so I'm baby-sitting....I haven't had to do too much though!

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Ah yes....the wife is getting better...but it has been slow and ongoing....turns out...on top of the pneumonia...she decided to pass a kidney stone this week too! So....she's now been to the Doctor 5 days in a row now....and she will be out...the entire week!


I stayed home Monday to play nursemaid....but after that....her mother and sister have taken over.....I had to get back to work!


Otherwise...nothing too new to report!

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I hope your wife is doing better! She's had a rough go of it this week!


Are you watching Survivor?


I'm finally home after driving to Lubbock and back Friday and then to Perryton yesterday!


Today is my BD! My SIL gave me a pecan pie, so I had pecan pie and sang happy BD to myself!


It's also been a rough weekend for my dogs...the only puppy I had left (girl) got beat up by all my other dogs...they tore her face up pretty bad. Got some anitbiodic for her and she's better. My nephew bought her from me for his new wife...then I get hope today and my other 'puppy' (the pomeranian/chihuahua mix) has a Fish hook in his leg! He's not yelping or crying but I can't get a hold of my vet or have anybody to help me hold him while I try to pull the hook out...so tomorrow I'll do that!


Is it to early to leave for my cruise yet???!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well....of course we watched Survivor...personally....I was actually pulling for Steph...I wanted her to win...but Oh well....it was still really good....I really enjoyed it...and what Danni did...coming from the other team and all...and hanging in there all the way...that was pretty darned impressive too!


As for the wife...Yup, she had quite the week last week....she is doing much better now though...I just hope she has the energy to make it all day...its going to be a little slow going at first.


Egads...as for your dog stuff...boy I hope everyone is okay...that sounds terrible!!!!


Yes....sorry....but it is too early to leave for the cruise...you still gotta make it through Christmas!!! Which...I have to really start getting ready for!!!

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Well, it's been a long busy week for me! And we haven't slowed down yet!


What do you think of this weather? I think I want to be on my cruise!


How's the wife? Hopefully she made it through her week of school okay last week. Our kids don't get out until Thursday at 12:15.


There was a little girl from Borger Killed in a roll over between Stinnett and Perryton Sunday night. She had that Brittle Bone disease, very severe, and was in a wheel chair. From what I understand the van rolled and her and her wheel chair were thrown out. She had surgery but died 3 hours later from cardiac arrest. She was only in the 3rd or 4th grade...very sad. And her mom was driving the vehicle. I'm not sure what the mother's condition is though.


Well, looks like the DH is buying me clothes for the cruise for Christmas and my BD. He'll be home Thursday and we're going shopping Friday! OH BOY!


If I don't 'talk' to you, I hope you and your wife have a Merry Christmas.

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Well...we survived Christmas...how about you guys! Today is actually...the 27th....whew how time flies.....it was good though....but nothing just Earth shattering!


I'm off of work for this whole next week...the plant is closed down....always is this time of year!


So we're just messing around....trying to find ways to stay busy.


My wife is at a Spa in town....doing a half-day of pampering. Me...I'm just putzing around the house.


So how's life in the big city?!?!

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Yes, we did survive Christmas...barely...I ended up getting sick...but I feel a little better. We were in Amarillo everyday this weekend!


I got cruise clothes for Christmas and SHOES! WAAHOO! DH said "I guess I contributed to the cruise shoe collection!" I just smiled and rolled my eyes!


I have to work all week, well, except Monday this week and next week. Those are our scheduled Holidays. So it's not too bad. But it must be nice having Christmas off every year!


I'd like to do that Spa thing too! That sounds like so much fun.


The kids are at home this week and they are supposed to be taking down our Christmas tree.


You got any big plans for the New Year? I think we are going to Oklahoma to my brother's house for the weekend.

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Well...its good to hear from you again! I guess you're at work....which...sorry about that!!! As for New Years....actually....I have no idea...we have no plans as of right now! Just a few years ago...our plans would have been set in stone...I would have been playing...in a band...in some club.....but now days...we just tend to take it easy, do nothing, or go over to a friends house or something like that...but for now....no plans yet!


I think we are getting ready to go out and do a little furniture shopping. A new dinning room set is the next big thing on our hit list...and they just opened a new furniture store in town...so we're going to go check that out!


So...you were here all weekend...and never stopped by to see me! Shame on you! Kidding!


Well...try to get by at work....I'll be doing the same this time next week...but for now.......Ahhhhhhhhhh! Not the same as a cruise...but just good not to be at work!


And speaking of cruises...you are getting closer and closer!

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Yes, I was in Amarillo all weekend! I even think I saw Santa Clause flying over on Saturday evening!


As for going by to see you...the closest I got, I think, to you was driving by your place of employment! I was trying to figure out where you might live though because you talk about living where they are building new homes and me and the DH were talking about all the new developments in Amarillo.


Any day away from work is a good day! We're in the middle of Month End/Year End/Payroll! FUN FUN!


Did you know that UT was in the Rose Bowl? My DH is giving me a hard time about OU not doing very well...oh, well, one good year and all I hear is "You'll learn to be a Texan!"...NOT, my blood runs Crimson and cream...oh, wait, you don't like them either...OOPS! NOT!


As for the cruise, I'm ready to go! I want to leave tomorrow! Is that a little soon? The warm weather this weekend sure made me anxious!


Well, don't spend too much money on the new dining room table! We've had the same one for 8 years and need a new one, but that will have to wait.

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Oh....the weather....don't even get me started...I am loving the weather right now...and dreading a return to what we had a week ago!!! I even missed one day of work last week...because there was soooooo much ice on the ground....and I NEVER MISS WORK!!! I am honestly really bad about that....I haven't taken a sick day in probably...6-7 years....something like that....maybe longer....I'm not counting! Anyhow...used a day of vacation last week...just so I didn't have to get out in that crud!!! As for Amarillo and new areas....Yes, there are a lot of new areas...mostly in the Southwest part of town...but there is even one in the Southeast part of town...or South...depending upon where you draw your lines...and then there is a big new area growing out on the Northwest side. We used to live in a brand new area on the Southwest side of town...in fact it was the MOST Southwest that you could possibly go in Amarillo....but then...we were out...house looking one day...just window shopping...and next thing you know...we were moving again!!! We now live in a brand new addition....in the Northwest part of town...called The Woodlands. Do you know where that is?!?! They just built a new Elementary and a Middle School(s)...here. We like it...its really different for Amarillo....Number ONE, ITS NOT FLAT!!!!! These aren't exactly the Swiss Alps mind you....but it is definitely hilly...and that is weird!!! Took some getting used to....and all except for when it is covered with a sheet of ice....we think its pretty neat!


Well....didn't buy any dinning room tables today...but did look at quite a few...and we probably just muddied the water even more...as to what we like?!?!? We'll get there eventually!!! As for tomorrow....who knows....we'll do something...shoot...I need to pay bills.....but at least it won't be work!!!


Hang in there....like I said...next week....I'll be right there with ya!

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Sorry, I didn't get back with you yesterday! I had the stomach flu AGAIN! I never get that stuff and this year I've gotten it twice. But I did find out that half of my family has had it.


I think I know what you're talking about. We don't go on that side of town very much, since the in laws live South of town. I bet when it was icy last week you were wondering why you picked it! It was awful here too, but at least it's not so hilly you can't get around.


Well, I"m off to work today...I'm sure they weren't too happy with me being gone yesterday, so I've got lots to make up for!

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You know, I still haven't gotten DS passports back. So, I called yesterday, and they received everything they needed DECEMBER 1st! The guy I talked to didn't know why I hadn't received his passport so he put a message into the Houston office to ask them what they were doing with it. He said hopefully, I should hear something in 3 business days!

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Well...Hello!!! Sorry....now I've been out of pocket....its just been the holidays and all....OH, and its been the new dinning room set....(I'm telling ya....it was - get my wife a new dinning room set...or die!!!) Anyhow....so we spent the last several days....looking at every dinning room set in Amarillo....AND, we even spent one full day....where we drove all the way to Oklahoma City....and went to Mathis Brothers...just to look at their stuff too! In the end....we bought one from Haverty's.....so YES, we have purchased the new dinning room set....so we can start focusing on other things again!


Sorry about your son's passport....that is crazy....I know it will show up soon though....it has to!!!! I'm sure that's just extra grief that you don't need though! And...boy, you guys are getting close...I'm sure you are getting really excited. My parents are going on a cruise in three weeks....they are getting very close too!


Well...just two more days of vacation....then its back to the grind....for months and months and months!!!! I think my next day off is around Easter!


Hope all is going well....and Boy, its a windy one today ain't it!

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