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Yes, it is windy today! But we're in Oklahoma...but I'm so addicted to this cruise board I'm checking it from my Brother's computer!


I told the guy on the phone when we were cruising, so maybe that will put a higher priority on my son's passport! Keep your fingers crossed!


So, you got a dinning room set! Cool! Time to save for another cruise? Right? ;)


Yes, we're getting close and I'm already paranoid about the luggage, the weather, missing the plane, mssing the boat and all that good stuff you worry about! ARGH! I'll be so glad to when it gets here! I'm really anxious to see my documents too!


Hope you had a good New Year! Oh, yea, by the way, what was the name of your band? DH usually knows most the bands that are from the Amarillo area, and I was gonna ask him if he knew of ya'll!

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Sorry I've been out of touch...you are totally right....the first week back at work...was ROUGH....both me and the DW wear wiped out every single day this week!!! Need rest...real rest!!! It is kind of good to be back in the swing of things.


Well...I sure hope your passport stuff gets worked out...I know it will...but I know you'll probably be fretting over it...until it arrives...so hang in there! And ahhhh yes, you are getting very close...my parents leave in two weeks! Oooh, and this is a scary thought...but the wife and I really need to start thinking about what we're going to do this summer...its coming around soon!!!! Yikes!!!! And yes, we did get the dinning room set....so onto the next big tickey item on the list!


As for my old bands...my two most well known bands were..."Kolor 13", and "Freudian Slip". But wow, that's some old school stuff....Freudian Slip...goes back...12-13 years ago....well...that's when we started together...we split up in 1998....and then became Kolor 13....played with them until 2003. And then retired! I played in several other bands too...but those were the two most popular...and longest lasting bands. I also played in "Texas" (you know...Palo Duro Canyon thing)....I did that for a couple of seasons when I was 18-19.


Well...I'll write more tomorrow....pretty darned tired now!


Bet you are getting really excited! Shoot...I find the anticipation, planning, and just general getting ready for the cruise...is a big part of the fun!

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Well, you are alive...must be that age thing getting in the way of getting back into things at work! ;) That's what you get for taking a week off!


I called the passport office again, because they never called me back from the time before when I called! I've been really impressed with the people I talk to at their 'call center', they are very helpful and VERY friendly! Anyways, gave him the same spill I gave the other guy and he said they would be calling me back and he didn't understand why they hadn't called me before. He acted as frustrated about it as I was! So, when I get home Thursday, I have two calls from the 'US Department of S' (that's what my caller ID said) and a message. They apoligized OVER AND OVER for not having sent my passport out and they he (Ken) was going to be sending my passport to me ASAP and would be shipping it Fed EX and that I should have it by Saturday. He even gave me a tracking number! Only problem, when I put the tracking number in the Fed Ex tracking system they show it as an invalid number and NOT in their system! So, I'm giving oh, Kenny, Boy, until today to get my passport to me. Otherwise, I'm calling the number he gave me for Houston on Monday and asking where my passport is! So, keep your fingers crossed!


You're parents are going in two weeks? Did you tell me what ship they were going on? That's SOOOO exciting...too bad you can't go!


I'll ask DH about those bands...not being from here I don't know any of that stuff but he seems to know ALL that stuff. He's coming home next week. The next time I see him after that will be on our cruise!


Hope you and DW if having a happy New Year!

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Well...that seems at least...very promising about the Passport Office...at least they seem very positive and helpful...I sure think from the sounds of all of that...that it ought to work out just fine...in fact...I'm sure it will! Just bug them again on Monday!!!


Oh...brother...and don't even get me started about the age thing and coming back from (it was a week and a half...almost two full weeks off)....but tell me about it...seems to get harder and harder each year! I finally feel pretty darn good though....although the wife has been sleeping about 14 hours a day...over this weekend. She has always been a big sleeper though. Myself....(I guess at 37...I'm already becoming an old man....cause I don't sleep that much at all....I'm always up....especially at the crack of dawn!)


As for my parents....MAN, do we wish we were going with them....it would be sooooo much fun! Maybe next year.....but my parents are going on the Carnival Conquest out of Galveston. The Conquest (but out of N.O. at that time)...but that was actually my wife and my....very first cruise. It is a great ship....and we had an amazing time on that trip! I think that all cruises are tons of fun and amazing adventures...but the very first one.....well....I don't know if anything tops that very first cruise. Everything is just so new...and different.....and the ocean....being way out in the middle of nowhere...its just so different that very first time...its just a really unique experience. Duplicated from then on.....on future cruises.....but nothing (in my opinion)..quite captures the magic of that very first cruise.

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I just checked the passport website and this is what it says:

Thank you for submitting your passport application!


Your passport application locator number is *********.


We have finished processing your passport, and it has been mailed to you.


You paid for overnight delivery. This means you should receive your passport on or about 01/08/2006.


Yesterday, when I checked, it said 1/11/06...so, I'm not sure THEY know what they are doing!


37?? 37??!!! Man, you're old! :) Just think what you would be like if you had kids! We went to a BD party for a little girl that just turned 1 YO. Her mom is 38, her dad 48! AND they have an 18 YO son and 9 YO son...I'm just SOOOO glad that's not me! Ten years and DS is OUTA HEAR!


I really enjoyed our first cruise...I just had a lot going on when we went. My mother had died the week before and we had the funeral 2 days before we left on our cruise. We had booked our cruise 3 weeks in advance and then 11 days before the cruise she had a stroke and was in the hospital for a week before she died. We contemplated canceling the cruise, even up to the day before we left, and decided not too. It was like my mom knew when to take her last breath for us to be able to do the funeral and still go on our cruise. So, for me, my second one was the BEST! I just hope it improves every time we go! After this one, we are going to look at going to the Mexican Riveria.

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Wow, the circumstances surrounding your first cruise would have been tough...very tough....and very sorry about all of that....and YES, lets sooooo hope that they just keep getting better every time!!!


I bet you get that passport tomorrow!!! I mean seriously...I would bet on it! You WILL have it tomorrow....whoa boy, won't you be getting fired-up about going then!!!!


Yes, 37....I know...that is OOOOOOLLLLLLLDDDDDDDD!!! HUH!!!!


Now then....as for Mexican Riveria....what exactly do you mean by that....(just asking...because it seems like I've heard that referred to all OVER Mexico!) Anyhow...normally I think of that as the West side of Mexico....but like I said....I've heard others refer to it with regards to the East side too!

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Yes, 37....I know...that is OOOOOOLLLLLLLDDDDDDDD!!! HUH!!!!


Now then....as for Mexican Riveria....what exactly do you mean by that....(just asking...because it seems like I've heard that referred to all OVER Mexico!) Anyhow...normally I think of that as the West side of Mexico....but like I said....I've heard others refer to it with regards to the East side too!


And fixing to be older, right??? In like, a month? :D


By Mexican Riveria, I mean the West Side! Leaving from San Dego or some where in California! And don't ask me to spell the name of the places! The EAST side, I consider the WESTERN Carribbean. I don't know WHY some people would think of that as the Mexican Riviera!:rolleyes:


If I don't get that passport, I'm GONNA SCREAM!


Oh, and I forgot (unless you read my post on the other thread!): I kinda got my documents today...you say "Kinda, what does that mean?" Well, I got a set of documents today, but the only person listed on them is the DH. So, I called Carnival to see what the deal was. They told me that because DH didn't have airfare through Carnival they were waiting to issue me and DS until they had scheduled my flight. Then she tells me that they may not schedule it until 23rd or 27th of January! I told her "Well, I was hoping to know something before then!"

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Good Grief!!! I think you should know something way before then!!! (This is all in regards to getting your documents)...but jeepers......I guess though....hang in there...it will all be alright...and I guess that's what you get when its free?!?! I'll write more when I'm not running off to work! Have a good day!!!


Oh.....and I expect this evening...you'll be writing me....to tell me that YES, that passport came!

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Sooooooo, You get a Passport yet....today....even in the bad weather?!?!?! I figure you HAVE TO HAVE!!!


Oh, by the way...nice picture. I always pictured you as more of a mid to late 30's female though! Hmmm, what was I thinking?!?!


Of course...don't get me wrong....I don't look anything like Keanu Reeves...or do I want to...I just liked those movies! Shoot, and in fact....I'm several years YOUNGER than Keanu!

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Can you hear me in Amarillo? NO PASSPORT


Called the passport office. I have the correct number for Fed-Ex, it's just not in their system! Why, do you say? Well, if the passport office knew why THEY ARE NOT TELLING ME! They just don't understand why it's not it Fed-Ex's system! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!


Did get good news! I got my flight information, and I called and got our SEAT ASSIGNMENTS!


Now, if can ever get my DS a PASSPORT!

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I got me a little boys passport today! WAHOOOOOOOOOOO! I'm just a little phyched! And IT'S CORRECT











I got our documents....REAL documents! I know when we're leaving and all that!


Now, just hope for good weather the day we leave, and I'll be SET!



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TA DA!!!!!!! See....I knew the passport was going to show up....AND....you've now gotten all of your documents to boot!!! Wow!!! You are ALL SET!!!! I since....just a tad...from your last posting though...that....maybe....you are...perhaps...a bit excited about all of that?!?!? Could that be so?!?!?


Anyhow...that is great!!! Now....full steam ahead....nothing to stop you now....time to focus 150% on packing, planning, and leaving that one horse town!


I know you guys will have loads and loads of fun!!!

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Yes....but mine was just an observation...on HOW MUCH INTEREST...THE WORD TOPLESS DREW!!! And...even that post of mine...which really wasn't talking about being topless....but that's kind of the direction it started heading once people jumped on board!


Well...so here we are again...MONDAY!!!! Oh, great....a whole more week of fun!!! My parents....(whom are retired)...but they are going on the Conquest....out of Galveston...this coming weekend....they are driving down there this coming Saturday! You are getting really close too now!

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Boy....I don't know how you guys do it! I would NOT like being away from my wife that much!!!


And....a teenager huh?!?! So how does that one work?


Monday wasn't too bad! I survived.....Oh, the Golden Globes are on tonight....I will watch...because there is really nothing else on tonight...but I'm really a bit concerned that it may just turn into the Brokeback Awards!!!! Eeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwww!!!! That movie is just soooooo wrong?!?!?!

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It actually works very well! I say we have the perfect marriage! He's only home long enough that we appreciate our time together and don't fight! In fact, the last time we did fight was on the phone about two months ago! But really, it's not easy but we make do. It's really hard to explain! I actually took two days off work to spend with him, but then I had a doctor's appointment in Amarillo too. I was killing 2 birds with one stone there! He also bought me new clothes for our cruise! And I got all my luggage I wanted! :D Now, I have to figure out if American will let me take all the luggage I want to take. The web site says 2 checked bags/1 carry-on pp. Is that correct? DH says they'll let me take two carry-on's pp.


Speaking of our cruise...I'm a teenager tomorrow because I'll only have 19 days left until our cruise!


Brokeback Mountain? I had to go look to see what that movie was about! (NO I didn't go see it, I was looking on the net!) And NO it's just not right! BIG EW!


I guess you didn't have today off? Our kids were out of school.

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Well...another week bites the dust! Glad it is over....and Hey, another week closer for you!!! My parents leave tomorrow....well.....their ship doesn't leave until Sunday....but tomorrow they are driving to Dallas.....where my sister lives....they will spend the night with her family Saturday night...and then get up early and drive on to Galveston Sunday morning....and then they're off!!!


Not a lot to report though...just the normal week.

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I had an interesting day...spent two and a half hours in the ER getting DS's head stitched up! My Gazelle (an elipitical trainer...but you probably knew that!) was leaned up against the wall and he was trying to plug in our vacuum cleaner into the plug right behind it (I don't know why THAT plug, I was in my bedroom trying to get clothes ready for the cleaners for our CRUISE!) and it fell and hit him on the head. I heard the clunk and him fussing, so I ran into the living room to see what had happened. He starts telling me he hit his head...so I said "Well, let me see!" He takes his hand away from his head and, by golly, he's got blood pouring out of head! So I grab him and a rag. Dampen the rag and put it on his head. Well, within seconds the rag is soaked in blood. I pick him up and carry him to my bedroom, yell at DD to get dressed and I start getting dressed...sweats, T-shirt, and my house shoes...Boy, was I cute. I call DH to tell him what's going on and HE DOESN'T ANSWER THE PHONE! So, I leave a message...I think it was a calm one!...pick DS up, put him in the suburban and head for the ER. Called MIL on the way (it's at this point I have to stop at the red light, DD tells me "MOM YOU CAN JUST RUN IT!) Then DH calls and I tell him...I think I'm still calm...what happened...so to make a long story shorter...we went to ER...spent 2 1/2 hours there...and got 5 stitches!




Where's the drink of the day when you need it?

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