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Does Carnival?


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I am sooooo sorry!!! I know that was NOT fun!!! Tell ya what though...as a former little boy myself.....my Mom, rushed me to the hospital...on a few occasions....just to get me sewed back up!!! I couldn't really even guess at the total number of times that, (as a boy)...I ended up for one reason or another....with a few stiches in me!!! So hang in there!!! By the way...that Avatar of you son...looks great!


Well....my folks will be heading off on the Conquest today! It is currently VERY foggy in Galveston....I understand that the ship IS in Port....you just can't even see it on the web cam...because the fog is so thick! Hopefully as the day goes on....some of that fog will burn off....and I can see them leave!

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No, it wasn't fun! And now I get to go see King Kong! I promised him if he did good and didn't cry and did what they told him to do I'd take him! OH BOY!


I'm sure th fog has lifted, maybe just an early morning thing! You gonna watch us leave in two weeks? I told DH I was getting an OU Flag and he informed me I would be going over board with it! :eek:

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Oh Yes....I will be watching when you leave....I guarantee it!


It was really kind of surreal yesterday....I was sitting here....AT HOME...watching my parent's ship leave...thinking....Boy that's pretty cool....and then...my phone rings...and its....MY PARENTS....on board the ship....calling to say, "Hey, we're leaving right now...are you watching us!?!?!" Which of course, I was....that was kind of weird! Anyhow....yes, I will watch your ship leave too....sadly....I'm afraid your ship may be just a bit too far down the pier...for me to see your OU Flag!!!


So...what do you think about the people on the Queen Mary 2.....I personally...think they ARE GETTING screwed!!! I think 50% is NOT enough....there was supposed to be 4 stops...on their trip...they are making NONE....only the last one....and they are only being offered half off!!! I don't mean to sound stingy...but I wouldn't be happy with that either!! Although...really....personally....I like cruising sooooo much....I'm sure I could live with that....and if I were on the ship...I'd probably just take it...and not complain....but I must say....that I do see their point. That would NOT please me!

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If I make sure I get a big enough flag, I'm sure you'll see it!


That's funny about your parents! I called my sister when we left on the Elation. I had given her the web camera address and she was watching us leave. I had told her I would call. I just think it's too cool!


I just read the QM2 thing! That's awful. Cunard needs to do better by those people. I'm like you though, I'd probably not complain! DH wants to do a crossing some time. I think that would be cool. EXPENSIVE! He also want to do Alaska, Hawaii, Australia...you know all those expensive places!

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If I make sure I get a big enough flag, I'm sure you'll see it!


That's funny about your parents! I called my sister when we left on the Elation. I had given her the web camera address and she was watching us leave. I had told her I would call. I just think it's too cool!


I just read the QM2 thing! That's awful. Cunard needs to do better by those people. I'm like you though, I'd probably not complain! DH wants to do a crossing some time. I think that would be cool. EXPENSIVE! He also wants to do Alaska, Hawaii, Australia...you know all those expensive places!

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Yeah...that's totally how I feel about the QM2 and Cunard.....I mean seriously...myself...I am SUCH a cruising nut....that I could really, really have a good time if the ship I was on....was stuck on a rock for 7 straight days.....and then if they offered me 50% of my money back....fantastic, just means I'll cruise again THAT much sooner! But I realize that NOT everyone really feels quite that same way....my wife for instance...she'd be hacked if we were stuck on a rock for 7 days....my wife REALLY, REALLY likes the ports of call....where I just like being away from work!!! Anyhow...I can totally see where lots of people would be very upset...and based on that....I don't really think their 50% offer is enough! And I totally don't buy into that...."well they don't owe you anything...you sign an agreement on the tickets!" Well, anyone who knows anything about the law...knows that.....that does NOT totally obsolve you as the seller from all liabilities...it doesn't. It may help your case some...but it doesn't mean you have washed your hands of all responsibilities! Not too mention...if that truly was the way you conducted your business on a daily basis....I wouldn't imagine that you'd be in business very long!


Well....it will be interesting to see how that all plays out!


And that is funny about you doing the same thing on the Elation!


And....whatever....you'd better get a really, really big flag!!! Well...guess...I'm going to call it a day!

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GOOOOOOOOOOD GRIEF!!!!!! Its THIS Sunday isn't it!!!! Yeeeeeeehaaaaw!!!!! Wow! So...let's hear the final details.....I want the dirt...you've got to have all of that by now.....like, what airline are you flying on...and when? Are you going down early....or the day of?!?! If you are going down early...where are you staying? What Excursions....if any...have you booked already?!?! Huh...come on....let me hear it....the time is near....very, very, very near!!! Guess...I've got another ship to watch this Sunday! Shoot...I just got through watching my parents sail in on the Conquest...well....YESTERDAY....they called me on the cell phone again...at 6:30 am....saying...."Hey are you watching us....we're back!!!"

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Okay, here's all the gorey details! You asked... here goes!


DS and myself are flying on Sunday, February 5th. We are flying AA both ways. We leave AMA at 5:45am Sunday, change planes at DFW and get to Miami at 12:30pm. DH is flying in on the 3rd, so he's meeting us at the airport. The third is his BD too! We are going to take a cab from the airport so we don't have to wait on Carnival transfers. Oh, and DH is staying at a Days in close to the airport so he can just drop his rental car and meet us.


We are in Cabin 6392..close to the stairs and elevator. We don't have excursions booked yet. I think in SJ we're doing are own thing. St. Thomas we're going to St. John and St. Marten we're doing the beach thing...just not sure which one yet. I've got most my stuff packed, just waiting on the stuff from the dry cleaners. We all got new luggage, so we're set! Go the DS stitches out today, and he gets his H/C on Wednesday so he can look decent! Oh, I almost forgot to pack a swim suit! That would have interesting trying to snorkel without!


I am so pumped! I have Friday off so I can get some things done without the boy around!


You know what this means???!!!!!!!!!!


3 days left to work!

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Sorry...I am here....and totally reading all of your last minute stuff...that is great! I am very excited for you...trust me...I know the feeling! You guys are going to have SUCH a good time! Unfortunately...I'm off to work....so it will be this evening before I can check in again. Feel free to write though....I love hearing the details! I spent a good hour on the phone last night listening to alllllllll about my parent's cruise...boy, they had a good time...I think that was their best cruise yet! Anyhow....I'm jealous....need to book one myself....soon!

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Alright...well...its Tuesday night...and I'm just putzing around the house...I'm sure that's probably all you are doing too! HA!!! Kidding!!!


Lets see....as for San Juan, Puerto Rico....you know that's all we did too....was just find our own way....we didn't book any kind of excursion with the ship...but I think I told you this....but we did...once we got off the boat...we just bumped into one of a many, many...private individuals with like a van...offering to take you on a quick...1 1/2 hour kind of tour...of the city...for like..$10 per person....and at first we thought...."No way...we'll just look around on our own,"...but then we changed our minds...and got on the guys mini-bus...and really that turned out to be a neat thing. He waited until he had a full bus load...(as he kept selling his tour to people at random)...but he eventually filled the thing...(probably took 15 minutes)...then he drove us all around the city....took us to the Capital, and showed us LOTS of famous buildings....told us a lot of Puerto Rican History...and then told us some really good information about where to shop around San Juan too. He was NOT pushy...he was very nice...and that really helped to enhance our experience in Puerto Rico! So you might keep something like that in mind. After our 1 1/2 hour tour with him....me and the DW walked around, and shopped, and went to El Morro - the big fort....and just so fourth for like another 4 hours after that...and then went back to the ship....ate a great dinner on the ship...and then played Putt-putt golf on the ship...as we started to head back out to sea....it was nice!


(This is turning out to be a re-review of what we did at the same stops as you guys)....but then in St. Thomas...we did the BOB thing...excellent....and in St. Maarten we just went to Orient Beach....NICE BEACH...even with all the nudity....and in the Bahamas...we went snorkling.


Well...I know you'll have a good time....HEY, what time does your ship leave....so that I can be sure to watch!!!

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Oh, yea, that's what I was doing...putzing around the house! NOT! I had to go to the cleaners, go tan, come home, help with homework and then to top all that I have going on...I'm helping coach one of the TCY basketball teams. So....we had practice at 8pm last night! ARGH! We have another practice Saturday morning at 9am! I'm gonna miss a couple of the practices next week, but that can't be helped!! I have a lot to do tonight, but tomorrow I'm a little 'free'er'....Survivor is coming back on! And yes, I'm gonna try to watch it on the ship but if I don't get to I've got my DVR set to record it. Friday's gonna be a killer! I have to go to Amarillo in the morning be back in Borger by noon and then I still have some shopping to do! Plus I'm going to a Spa party! But you know what? This week is going so SLOOOWWW! I think I've decided to come to Amarillo Saturday night instead of Sunday morning. If I go Sunday morning I have to get up at 2am! Not like I'll be getting much sleep, but I don't really want to drive an hour after not getting much sleep!


I think in San Juan that's what we'll do. Do you know if they had any 'open' carriages? I think that would be neat to do at night. I've been told that our cabin is on the side that we'll come in to see the fort.


Like I said in St. Thomas we're gonna go snorkeling...but I think we're going over to St. John. We're doing that excursion through the ship. I might change my mind and decide to go to Orient Beach in St. Martin. I've heard a lot of good things...and it's cheap! And since we're not going to the Bahamas...I don't get to make plans for there!



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1 MORE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's just crazy....but hey....let this week go by slow...cause I can assure you that next week will...and then...it'll all be over and you'll be back in Borger...WITH NOTHING to look forward too!!! So....breath....pace yourself grasshopper....it will all come in due time!


As for Open Carriages in San Juan....NO, I really don't remember seeing anything like that...but then again...we weren't looking for that....IF, you took one of those....$10-insto-Tours..being offered by so many people right at the exit of the port.....I would imagine one of those guys could give you the full scoop...or tell you if that was even possible. Oh, and you know on that tour, that guy took us to the Capital...and I don't just mean - drove by....we stopped, got out of the bus...and went inside...and he told us lots of stuff about what was inside the Capital too....it was a definite highlight of the trip...just on a spur of the moment decision. As for the fort....El Morro.....VERY COOL....from the Port side of the ship...you should get some excellent photo ops....but then after you dock....just walk you b#tt up the hill...over to it....(its a good walk though.....probably....4 miles-ish....slightly up hill the whole time....but then....you can get some other great pictures of it.....BUT and this is the big BUT....they close the thing for tours...at like....3:00 pm...something like that....so that's early....I think we docked at noon....and after we took our San Juan tour...the fort was closed.....not that big of deal though....cause you can still...totally walk all around the outside of the thing....(there isn't much inside anyway)...and you can take more pictures and see lots of more stuff...on the outside! As I'm writing this...I'm actually sitting here in the swell....Puerto Rico...baseball cap that I bought at a little store along the walk to the fort...up from the cruise docks!


Orient Beach...is an incredible beach...(and I've seen my share of beaches)....it is large....it has great sand and water....and plenty of shops, restaurants, bars, and beach vendors...walking up and down the thing to keep you busy. The wife and I LOVED IT!!! But like I said...you will DEFINITELY see...100% total nudity....(some things...not so bad.....but lots of other things that you could have easily lived your life without seeing.....not to mention....a 7 yr. old)....but it is a great beach....I can't say that enough.....however, it wasn't without its costs. I think it probably cost us....20 bucks...maybe a little more...to and from the beach...cab-wise....and then like another 20 bucks to rent chairs...but it was a great beach and worth every penny!

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Well, crude, I guess Orient Beach is out for us! It might be a good idea to just do the DIvi beach thing...I was wanting to do a beach on our own but I don't know how feasible that will be with a 7 yo!


In San Juan we dock at 5pm, so basically EVERYTHING is closed!


DS got his hair cut tonight! She did a good job of making his hair look good where they shaved it!


And get this...DS and myself are getting colds! Bought some Zicam and Airborne...I better get over this crud!

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Oh....don't worry....just think....getting a cold now...is kind of like a blessing! You still have four days before the real trip begins....if you Zicam real well....I bet you anything...you will be feeling MUCH, MUCH better by Sunday....and then....you've already HAD a cold....so no chance of getting sick on the ship. Your hubby could be in trouble though...I might avoid you a bit the first day or two on the trip...then everybody ought to be alright!


Don't worry...you'll be good by Sunday!


Survivor starts tonight....better make sure you work that into your schedule tonight.....and as for the ship....I don't know....you might surprise me...but I kind of doubt you'll be able to see it at sea....so do set that DVR!!!


Off to work!

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Well...Well....this is IT!!!! Its that time!!! How are the colds going?!?! You ready?!?! I'm excited for ya! Hang in there...and don't worry too much trying to figure out what you forgot to pack! You can always buy another one...on the boat!!! I'll watch you sail away!!! Just relax...and have fun!!!! Cause ITS HERE!!!!!

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Colds are going better...I may have over medicated DS...he threw up in the middle of the night! :eek: I think I have every cold remedy in the book at my house right now!


I'm trying to pack...and actually have more than enough luggage! YEA! I gess I was worried for no reason. I'm supposed to go to a spa party tonight but I don't think I will now. I don't fill well enough plus I have too much to do!


I think I forgot to tell you that we sail at 4pm eastern time...so be watching!


I better get, I got TOO much to do today and not enough time!

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Well....I doubt very seriously that you'll see this....in fact....I think you might have already left...(not sure)...anyhow...I'll be watching at 4:00 tomorrow....its just going to be a lazy Saturday for me....can't wait to hear all the details upon your return...you'll have to post some pictures for me too! Have fun....and I'll look forward to hearing from you when you return! Oops...I just went back and reread your post on when you are leaving....so you are still around....leaving tomorrow at the crack of dawn....(actually, even before that!)....well....we'll see if you aren't to busy to check this one more time before you leave! Just keep doing the Zicam thing...its the Zinc that helps you get over the cold....I'm sure you guys are going to be a lot better by tomorrow....if you aren't already today...........well....have fun....I'll be jealous!!! Oh....P.S. enjoy your DFW Shuffle!!! That's what we call it....when you fly in from Amarillo...in a small jet....and then land in the back corner of DFW next to the Janitor's Closet....and you have 45 minutes to RUN....14 miles across DFW, switch two terminals, go up two flights of stairs, take a tram ride, wind your way through 7,896 other passengers, "WATCH THE CART PLEASE", and finally make a mad dash to your gate as they are calling "Final Boarding...All Passengers!!!!" Nothing like a little pressure free jaunt hauling a 7 yr. old through the airport....especially DFW!!!

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Well Leslie....here it is Sunday! It's 1:17 Amarillo time...so you should be there by now...and maybe even on the boat...since its 2:17 in Miami...and the ship leaves at 4:00....I sure hope everything went okay!


And.....like I said....I'm watching! There are four ships in the Port of Miami today....RCCL - Explorere of the Seas....then up from that is a Norwegian Cruise Lines ship....(I'm not sure which one it is though...I don't know their ships as well...and I could look it up and figure it out...but its not that important to me....anyhow...after that is the Carnival Valor...and right in front of the Valor....is the Victory!!! So Ta Da....there you are! Oh....I don't see any Okie flags though...but I'll look again...just to be sure!

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