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Sailing with the Gang, Disney Magic, Feb 7. 2016


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25766610453_a8d70df347_z.jpgeos3 by Jenseib, on Flickr


I sat and enjoyed my lunch. I think I called Skip and then played on my phone a bit. I also listened to the people around me talking about their trips. It’s kind of fun to eavesdrop sometimes.


After lunch I had a mission. I was in search of maps. I had been collecting them prior to the cruise but I still needed some more and some for Disney Springs. (I know it sounds weird but yes I do use a LOT of maps for something so I pick them up every time I come to Disney).


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I headed over to World of Disney.


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The store has been totally changed around since the last time I was there…which was probably 2 years ago.

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I made a few purchases for the family. I can’t remember what all I got, but I know I bought a package of different kinds of popcorn because Skip and Claire love popcorn. I also once again checked out the 2016 sweatshirts. I usually buy one each year if I can and this years selection was not wowing me. I liked the black one but in the end decided not to get it. I later bought it when I got home when the Disney store had 30% off and free shipping so I am glad I didn’t get it in the end.

I also was being careful on what I bought because I knew I had limited suitcase space. Mr. Tippy was only a carry on size. Coming down he was filled with gifts for my co-workers, so that pretty much emptied that, but I had bought several things already and my big suitcase was already at its limit coming down.


After purchases were made I went again in search of maps.


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I found them in this building. I don’t think I have ever gone in here before? I think it is newer and can’t remember what it was before.


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I believe it is now called the Marketplace co-op. it was kind of neat in there, but I didn’t spend much time in there.


After I took all the maps I needed I headed towards the bus stop.


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Now you are probably wondering how I was going to get all those heavy stacks of maps home? I was smart…well actually I got this idea from one of my co-workers….before I left I went online and printed out a priority mail shipping slip. I also brought down a box folded flat and a small roll of packing tape. I was going to put all the maps and anything else I could fit in it and send it home. It worked perfectly and arrived about a day or 2 after I got home.

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I got on the bus back to Sports and a friend had asked me what my new purse looked like so I took a picture for her.


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I love this purse.


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While traveling back to Sports, Michelle, the owner of our wonderful little company texted me. She was at Mk and wondered if I was there. I let her know I was coming soon and we could meet up later.


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Once back, I did have to run ALL the way back to the room to leave my purchases. There was no way I was lugging those around for the rest of the day.


Then back to the bus stop to wait for a MK bus.


26369336755_0b99a4e37c_z.jpgsports bus stop by Jenseib, on Flickr


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26369333825_2bae82f2c9_z.jpgsports48 by Jenseib, on Flickr

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The bus stops now have a monitor that tells you when the next bus is coming. Sadly they are not in a great spot and hard to see from where I was standing. It was pretty accurate and if the bus was running later or earlier it would adjust the time.


25764508174_5b09aa1799_z.jpgsports bus sign by Jenseib, on Flickr


And here’s my bus!


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25764504004_baefef6627_z.jpgsports49 by Jenseib, on Flickr


Up next… Just enjoying Magic Kingdom on my own.

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After my fairly short bus ride I was at the Magic Kingdom. Now I had been here already earlier in the trip, but this time I was on my own and could do what I wanted.


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My band worked perfectly fine and soon I was walking down Main Street USA.


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Honestly, for me, I don’t even have to do much while in MK…just being there makes me happy.


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I messaged Michelle that I had arrived and just went on my merry way taking pictures and enjoying myself.


26306640162_5178aa1fa1_z.jpgmk4 by Jenseib, on Flickr

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And it’s not a castle picture without a crane in it. I think right before I had arrived the week before Michelle had posted a picture online that had the crane actually gone for like 1 day.


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Still construction going on.


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I think I went and checked out the Mine Train wait and it was much longer than I was willing to wait for.


I passed by the Fairy Godmother and took a quick shot.


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Now I think while on the bus I had gone in and made some fastpasses. Since I couldn’t get my tickets till my arrival to WDW, I could not make FP+ ahead of time. Then when I made them for my earlier park days I did them with friends on the fly. I never thought ahead to make more because honestly I wasn’t sure what I would be doing.

I no longer remember what I made them for, but just whatever was left open and used them here and there.


I walked around New Fantasyland and took pictures.


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I peaked in some stores and browsed and kept on my way.


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I debated on the Little Mermaid ride but I don’t think I could find out how long the line was and kept going.


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26134165620_dd67fe9bfa_z.jpgmk22 by Jenseib, on Flickr

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I decided it was time for a snack and I went with a pretzel.


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And it was getting close to the parade time and I really wanted to see it once again so I found a nice spot and plopped down and ate my pretzel.


After a bit the pre-parade band came by.


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And then another, and I think this one was playing Uptown Funk but I couldn’t get my phone out to record fast enough.



While sitting there a mom and daughter came by looking for a spot and I had enough room to fit them in and they said dad was coming too and I said no problem. Daughter could even stand in front of me if needed. We were right next to a snack stand and our taped off area angled right into the stand. We had just enough room for us.

Then some other family comes along and tries to stand directly in front of the stand. The CMs would tell them to move every so often and they would come right back. I think some of the parade CM’s just didn’t feel like dealing with them and let it go. It annoyed me and they kept trying to squish in and I would squish back if needed.


This is the family…See the pole? You aren’t supposed to be anywhere past it as the snack stand was there…that lady with her back to us is actually trying to climb over some of the family sitting there.


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Oh well…I am not going to worry about it…the parade is about to start!!!!



Up next….Fantasy of Festival

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The parade arrives…..I love this parade….and I start taking pictures with my point and shoot. 2 bad things….1 is…. after a couple of shots my battery on my camera dies, so I had to dig in my purse for the replacement all the while trying to take some with my phone with the other hand. And then… the sun was behind the parade and it really made it hard to get pictures and see.

But I still enjoyed it and it was still amazing.

I will let the pictures talk now.


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26483725755_e9221708bd_z.jpgmk65 by Jenseib, on Flickr


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This is such a fantastic parade. It is most definitely my favorite now, especially since my 2 other favorites are gone…Spectro-magic and Jamin’ Jungle.


During the parade, Michelle had been messaging me. She was now heading up to the Starbucks on Main Street, so I headed that way.


I laughed when I passed this new area…and all the people taking naps.


26483305842_5913cb5f68_z.jpgnaptime by Jenseib, on Flickr


I walked up Main Street and I was looking at my phone, reading messages and emails….and Michelle messages me and says…”You just walked past”. LOL. Oops. I wasn’t even paying attention. So I turned around and joined her in line and I got a strawberry Frappuccino and she got what she wanted.


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She only had a little bit of time now as she had to meet her husband and son for a dinner reservation at Boma, so we just walked to the front and chatted. It was nice to spend a little extra time with her. Sadly it was time for her to go and also for me….as I also had a dinner reservation to get to.


I walked back into New Fantasyland and checked in for my reservation.


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Be Our Guest. Yes, I know this is still the “hot” place to get, and I also know a lot of people don’t think the food is all that great. I am not one of those people. This seriously is one of my favorite food spots. I really have never had a bad meal here…and let’s face it, the cupcakes are to die for. I have like 3 or 4 favorites there and it’s hard to decide which to get. Maybe someday they will get smart and open up a stand to sell just the cupcakes.


When I checked in, they asked me my phone number for a text. They then told me to go across the bridge and wait for my text. They said someone would direct me where to go.


So I did just that. The CM there asked if I got my text and I said no, they just told me to come here and wait and she said ok.

I sat down and waited.


26417609561_66a89382cb_z.jpgmk68 by Jenseib, on Flickr

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While I sat there, several people would come through the gates and say they got their text and then a CM would come out and take them to their table. After a bit I asked the CM who was there outside why they had told me to come directly across the bridge if they weren’t ready for me yet and she said they probably did since I was just a solo dinner and I wouldn’t be in the way sitting up here. OK, that works.



Up next… My Dinner!

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After a while I was finally texted and then soon after that a CM came out to take me to my table. She asked if I had been here before and I told her yes, and she asked me which rooms I have been in and I told her I have been in 2 of the rooms a couple of times but never in the West Wing yet. She told me I was in luck because today I would be sitting in the West Wing. Yay!!!


Also as we walked in, she pointed out the stain glass picture of the prince. I mentioned to her that he is the pantless prince and she took a look and giggle. She said she had never heard that before, but now she won’t be able to look at the picture the same way again.


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I sat down and made my selections.


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And once I made my order I tried to take pictures and video around the room.


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Soon my soup and rolls arrived.


25908125603_d3a26ab453_z.jpgbog7 by Jenseib, on Flickr


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Yes this is the same soup, one just is a less colorful picture. I think one was from my phone and one from my camera.


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My view from my seat straight ahead.


26238143530_e3583be78a_z.jpgbog9 by Jenseib, on Flickr

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And my entrée soon arrived and it was delicious.


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While I was eating, the Master made his appearance.


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I was constantly trying to get a picture of the picture changing so I took a lot of shots. LOL.


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Dessert selections.


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I ended up going with the strawberry cupcake.


26542228795_daf6dbb2ae_z.jpgbogg6 by Jenseib, on Flickr

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I really had thought hard about asking to order 2 more cupcakes to go so I could eat them tomorrow. The only down side was I would have to carry them around for the rest of the evening and by the time I got done with my cupcake I was so full I decided not to ask. And of course the next morning I was kicking myself for not getting them.


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After I was done I got up and took a few more pictures around the room.


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And of course I can’t leave without a picture of the pantless prince.


25937242064_9ea4f8170e_z.jpgbogg7 by Jenseib, on Flickr



Up next…It’s a Small Word

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Sadly, I was already getting pretty tired. My plan had been to stay till park closing but I was fading fast.

I put that out of my mind though and headed off to ride some rides.

First was It’s a Small World.


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I didn’t mention this before, but the park was very busy. We were approaching a holiday weekend and I think many came in early for it.


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I was using only my phone and point and shoot camera today, so my pictures were not as good as what I normally take, but since I have taken so many of these same pictures over the years, I was ok with that.


26501197266_95b0833cd0_z.jpgmk76 by Jenseib, on Flickr


26461070331_9214fc94dd_z.jpgmk77 by Jenseib, on Flickr

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