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Sailing with the Gang, Disney Magic, Feb 7. 2016


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There was a boat jam but that’s ok. I was in no hurry.


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I know Small World is not loved by all, but we like it and I do try to get on it every trip.


After my boat ride around the world I took off taking more pictures.


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Night time is where I really notice how the point and shoot just does not compare to the SLR, but I could live with it.


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26487298635_929e47fce0_z.jpgtower by Jenseib, on Flickr


I then headed to jungle cruise. I can’t remember if I had a fastpass or if I did the standard line. I do remember not too long of a wait though.


I thought it was kind of cute as this service dog was waiting for his owner and he was so dang excited when he saw her.


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I took a few pictures on my jungle safari but they are awful, so I will skip posting them.


After I got off I headed towards my favorite ride of all rides.


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Nope, not the boat…or at least this boat.


My favorite is Pirates of the Caribbean. I ALWAYS have loved this ride. I rode it 2 or 3 times in a row and took a few pictures and video too.


26302840700_d3ac930810_z.jpgpirates1 by Jenseib, on Flickr


26509713361_165dfd4c8b_z.jpgpirates2 by Jenseib, on Flickr

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I heard on the news a few weeks ago that this scene is controversial and people want Disney to remove it. Sorry but I love “We wants the redhead!”


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And this is pirate Dave. Why do I call him Dave? Well my BIL is named Dave and he loves cats (and all animals) and we have a zillion farm cats and he is always caring for them…especially the disgusting mangy ones. He also used to drink rum…a LOT. He no longer drinks but years ago we named this pirate Dave because he was holding a rum bottle and calling for the kitties.


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On one of my times through I tried to take video of Dave, but it’s not that great.


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So I wanted a snack now. (I don’t even think I was hungry but trying to get all the good snacks in before I had to leave tomorrow) I actually wanted a Dole whip float with orange icecream. As many of you know, they have moved the Dole whip stand and traded places with citrus swirl stand. The Dole whip stand had a long line so I went for the citrus swirl. I did ask the next day if I could get a Dole whip float with orange/citrus ice-cream and it is a no go any longer. I know Dole had made some regulations over the past year or so and I guess this is one of them. ONLY Dole Whip floats can be made with the pineapple. At least that is what the CM told me.


26473678762_f4b4c9a1f7_z.jpgcitrisswirl by Jenseib, on Flickr


At some point I texted Kelly as her and Charlotte were also extending their trip a few days. We had planned to meet up tonight and hang out. Kelly replied that they had slept half the day and were just too tired. I have to admit I was kind of glad because I was so tired and achy that I wasn’t sure I could hang out very long.


I am not sure if I hit any other rides today because if I did I didn’t take pictures. I was now fading fast though and decided I just had to go back and get some rest. Plus I needed to be sure my bags were packed properly and weighed the right amount.


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I got the bus stop and got one of the accordion buses. This would be my first time actually riding on one.


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It was so cool to make turns and only half the bus turned at a time.


26539921236_8c2dea60bb_z.jpgbusturning2 by Jenseib, on Flickr


Back at Sports I made the LONG trek back to my room. Yeah, I hate standard room locations.


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Once in my room I started rearranging things in my suitcase. I had bought some stuff today that needed to be fitted in. I also had a box to mail back home so I packed that thing with anything I could that wasn’t essential. I had maps and brochures in there, most of my receipts and some of the gifts that friends had given me. I made sure to pack it till it was completely full. Every ounce not in my suitcase was a benefit for me.

Once that was packed I taped it up (I had brought a small roll of packing tape) and put the label on it. I am going to do this for all future trips. It was such a wise decision.


I moved things around in my suitcases and got it somewhat set. I would have to put more in in the morning but I got tippy as full and heavy as I could, allowing room in the big suitcase and carryon for anything I needed to put in in the morning.

Then I flicked on Stacy on the TV (She just isn’t as fun as she used to be) and drifted off to sleep.



Up next…Some park time before saying good bye.

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Feb. 12, 2016, Friday


I had a later flight today. Actually originally I had a 10 AM flight, then moved it to a few hours later and then about 1 week before the trip I moved it to even later because it worked better for my sister to pick me up after work hours rather than taking time off to come get me. I think it cost me maybe 20 to move it to the later time and for a few more hours in Florida it was worth it.


I got up and got myself ready. My plan was to head to the MK for opening. I had a plan….the Mine Train. I knew this would be my only chance to get in line when it wasn’t too horribly long.


I took my box up to the main building and asked where I should leave it to be sent. That area was not open and the CM told me I couldn’t just leave it. So I would have to come back. UGH! This sucker was HEAVY!!!!

I decided to have some breakfast and check back after.



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When not on a dining plan, I always get a kids meal for breakfast. It’s fairly cheap and you get a lot.


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Luckily when I was done eating I saw a lady approaching the desk that I was to leave my box at for mailing. She was surprised that I had the shipping label on it already. She said most need to pay for shipping there. Nope! I came prepared.


I headed back to my room and called bell services to come get my bags. Now I didn’t ask for anyone in particular because I was now running late and I just wanted to get them checked in. The same guy who helped me yesterday did show up though and he carted my bags off to resort airline check in and I got that all squared away. I love this option!


25999525763_cd870ccf89_z.jpgsports60 by Jenseib, on Flickr

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I then checked in my carryons to be held for later and grabbed a bus to the MK. I didn’t quite make rope drop but I wasn’t too far behind.


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I walked as fast as my blistered feet would carry me. Which isn’t really fast when you are in pain, but it was faster than a snail at least.


When I arrived at the Mine Train it was about a 30 minute wait and I didn’t think it was too bad.


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This time (this is my 2nd time ever riding it and the first time I walked through the whole queue and was on the first or 2nd train of the day) I was able to take some pictures while waiting.


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26170947023_9af59bb7db_z.jpgmt5 by Jenseib, on Flickr

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26599355776_be13e63337_z.jpglast12 by Jenseib, on Flickr


Kelly had Memory Maker so she sent me my picture when I got home.


26602746875_28b9f862c2_z.jpgMK_MINETRAIN_380465126412 by Jenseib, on Flickr


I accidently had the auto flash on and when I took a picture in one of the tunnels I got this lovely dirty looking elf.


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You can only capture it’s true look without a flash.




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Nice Beast Castle views!


26022980164_08e8d7b3bc_z.jpglast16 by Jenseib, on Flickr

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26669373522_92b7ed5ac8_z.jpgMK_MINETRAIN_380465194541 by Jenseib, on Flickr


And all too soon it was over.


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26355439360_e8a8f5ea0b_z.jpglast18 by Jenseib, on Flickr


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I was so happy I was able to get on this ride and that the line wasn’t too bad. Of course by the time I got off the line had pretty much doubled. That’s OK there was still one other bucket list thing to do this morning and I headed that way.

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I passed the Steps out posing with some kids.


26535597122_4eff221cab_z.jpglast22 by Jenseib, on Flickr


Another lovely crane shot.


26025233063_d35a6964c0_z.jpglast23 by Jenseib, on Flickr


Peter Pan was my next destination. I have not been in the new queue area so I was excited to see it.


26602376026_2545831111_z.jpglast24 by Jenseib, on Flickr


26535595902_b53782a32b_z.jpglast25 by Jenseib, on Flickr


26041866673_59d6c9ebc0_z.jpglast26 by Jenseib, on Flickr


26552317212_f629f63dc9_z.jpglast27 by Jenseib, on Flickr

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And one more



I was very impressed with the new queue. It definitely is 100 times better than just waiting in line outside and staring at the back of the heads of others. I really want to take Claire on here in Oct just so see can see this new queue.




Up next…one last Haunting time……

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I don’t remember how long it took me to get through the Peter Pan queue, but it wasn’t too long and at least it was entertaining. Soon I was on my ride vehicle.


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And it was fun as always and way too short.


I think I made a pit stop at the Rapunzel bathrooms next.


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And then a ride on Haunted Mansion. We had ridden this as a group earlier in the trip. I forget who I rode with…I am pretty sure it was Brook and 1 other. The thing is, I sometimes forget I have a big booty. We crammed 3 of us in there and oh my!.... it was not comfortable at all and I kept apologizing. I should’ve taken my own car.

This time I was on my own and could spread my booty across the whole seat if I wanted to. LOL


I don’t think I have ever gone through the whole interactive queue here, so I took several pictures.


26653846796_66cf2748d8_z.jpglast49 by Jenseib, on Flickr


26653845956_922e8ffb7b_z.jpglast50 by Jenseib, on Flickr


26080686913_6a76c9aac0_z.jpglast51 by Jenseib, on Flickr

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I am in no way a complete germaphobe but queues like this where everyone touches everything gives me the heebie jeebies at times. Whenever we do Pooh I have the hand sanitizer on hand and I constantly dump it on Claire’s hands.


I relaxed and just enjoyed the ride and it was fun as always.


I can’t remember if I rode Pirates again, but I am thinking I did and since I took pictures the night before I didn’t even bother. I think I may have gotten a dole whip float too at some point.


Time was ticking and though I had more time I could technically stay in the park for, I am always worried about how long transportation will take. And I also wanted to take some more pictures at All Star Sports. So I made the decision to leave now and head back.

Bye Mary!


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A band marched through as I walked up Main Street. Several parents were playing paparazzi. Though if it was my kid, I would too.


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I did go in and out of some shops as I made my way up front. I can’t remember if I bought anything, but knowing I only had my carry on now with me, if I did it had to be small.


Out to the buses.


24759497560_a03fd7fe31_z.jpglast1 by Jenseib, on Flickr

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No one goes back at this time of day. In fact I was at the Sports pick up and the bus driver from Music told me to just jump on his bus as he had no one and would just drop me off.


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Back at Sports I walked around a bit and decided I should have one last Mickey Bar.


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It was finally warming up…of course that happens on my last day…..so I sat outside to eat it.


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With the nice weather, people were swimming today.


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26438570150_994123edac_z.jpgsports64 by Jenseib, on Flickr

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I definitely liked the Surfs up area the best. The rest was just blah to me.


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Moving on….


Of course the characters were cute.


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I had some troubles getting pictures of them though as a mother and daughter were there taking pictures and would not move. It was pretty obvious I was there to take some quick shots and they acted like they were the only ones in the world…and they really were in their own reality because after a while the mother goes…oh I am so sorry. I never saw you.


26131890083_645ecc0aed_z.jpgsports80 by Jenseib, on Flickr


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26131887023_3b7da13763_z.jpgsports82 by Jenseib, on Flickr

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Finally I could get Donald.


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I continued walking around and saw this tent up. It looked like it was ready for some function, though I have no idea what.


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26477419800_295a329317_z.jpgsports87 by Jenseib, on Flickr


26477418040_b694b22cfa_z.jpgsports88 by Jenseib, on Flickr

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