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Do they allow you to bring an 11-month old child to the restaurants?


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Why do people assume that children will be have badly. My oldest daughter was 5 days old when she went to her first restaurant and we dine out a minimum of twice a week and often at fine dining establishments. My three children have traveled a great deal including a month in Italy. We have often been complemented on the great behaviour of our children. I would much rather spend time with well behaved children than DRUNK adults being idiots.....you choose!

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It's not just a case of assuming, as many posters have said, all of us have seen unruly children at dinner with parents who ignore their actions. As also stated, I don't think anyone has a problem with children who behave.

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Now that some others have spoken up I just wanted to state this:




I'm really not trying to be rude - just direct!!!!


Even a pro will tell a parent that it's actually the selfishness of the parent that subjects their child to surroundings not really suitable for such a child. I know a cruise can be a family vacation in some cases, but like I said before maybe if there's no other choice, than a better decision needs to be made for the entire family from the beginning.


Why do you think Disney makes it free for 4 and under to get in? Because they know the lines for rides won't be affected, but any parent that would bring an infant there, has to be good to go off for a few hundred on junk that the kid won't even care about after they get home.......lol

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A baby will not remember ANYTHING that they do for the first few years of life. So should we just stick them in their cribs and forget about them until they're three?


I have taken my twins on two cruises, one at 9 months and one at 18 months. While they definitely won't remember it, they still had a great time as evidenced by the album full of smiling, laughing, giggling photos I brought back with us. And I think they were affected positively in many ways. They loved the bright, colorful, musical shows and dancing with their cousins to calypso music on Lido Deck during the day or with their grandpa to jazz or swing in the lounges at night. I believe every experience you give a child stimulates their mind and gives them a chance to learn and grow, even the things that they won't remember later. And the opportunity to spend time with family without the distractions of everyday life is priceless!


Of course it is the parent's responsibility to make sure that the baby doesn't disturb anyone and I can guarantee that my two didn't (well, except for those who were disturbed by their mere existence on the ship). They were so enthralled with everything going on around them that they hardly ever acted up and on the few times when they did (actually I can only think of one time), I or another family member was very quick to take them out.


I am looking forwad to our next cruise for when they are three. This time, it will just be the three of us.

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By the way, it's 3 and under at Disney.


I say if the baby is a happy non fussy baby and he is used to going out and not bothered by the crowds then buy him a cheap tux at a resale shop or on ebay and take him along. I do think that if you could talk the grandparents to come along and be with him some of the time you would have a more enjoyable time.


There was a 10 month old baby with his parents and grandparents on my last cruise that had a tux for formal nights. He was in the dining room twice when we were and never made a sound.

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actually, 3 year olds at Disney are required to pay admission.


3-9 pay children's prices and 10+ pay adult prices.


I have no problem with well-behaved kids. I have a HUGE problem with parents who think that their little precious screaming is somehow conducive to a pleasant dining experience and don't remove them from the dining room when the screeching starts.

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My DH and I are in the fantastic stage of life where we are trying to have children. I am a surgical assistant for the Dvision of pediatric surgery. That's right, 50-100 screaming kids in the office every single day of my wonderful life. I often wonder when we will start offering "Parentectomies" which is purley the surgical separation of a decent kid from annoying, ignorant and self indulgent parents who offer the child no discipline and allow them to color on my office walls with indelible marker.


Why on earth is not OK to bring your child on a trip? A boat that holds 2000 people? What are the chances of your entire trip being ruined by the presence of a child? I don't particulary agree with the theory that cruises are "culturally enhancing" There is nothing cultural about Coronas 2 for $4.00! I often stare in utter amazement at ADULT behavior. Their disgusting hands reaching in and touching the food on the buffet, whiping their noses with their hands and touching food, door handles etc. Better yet, the drunk antagonizing passengers that cannot control themselves between gorging and drinking.


I must live in a time warp. My parents took us all over. We were extremely well behaved. I've been to Italy, France, Mexico and Germany for months at a time. We were taught MANNERS. To be RESPECTFUL to others while inside or out in a public setting. Whether the child be 1 months, 10 months of 18 years old. It all starts with the parents. Last I checked, it was a free country that was high on family values. I could ramble forever and ever.


I'm going on the Caribbean Princess in 3 weeks, and I look forward to seeing the children and families have a great time together. Someday, that will my DH and I.

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I guess it's down to the old "moral decay" thing (sorry to bring that wonderful subject up) and the fact that unfortunately in today's society a thread like this is necessary to smack the now majority of bonehead parents out of their brain-freeze regarding their little angels.........


I really do love kids, and look forward to seeing a few family's on our cruise next week, but isn't it funny how it's a shock when you see polite, well behaved child though?

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Why am I so opinionated on this particular subject?


I was just on here for my roll call, weather updates and stuff like that..........


Guess I'm sick of dealing with bad parents, and since cruising is now very affordable to them, that I have to be affected on MY vacation.


See it's all about me - I knew there was an angle there...............

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The individual experiences, perhaps not. The total experience of being bonded to a family who loves and cares to be with her? Absolutely.


Even a pro will tell a parent that it's actually the selfishness of the parent that subjects their child to surroundings not really suitable for such a child.


I've never seen an infant in the bars or casinos on a cruiseship, and other than that, there isn't much about a cruise that is "not really suitable" for children.

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I will be honest we have never encountered trouble on a cruise with kids, but we tend to cruise "off" season. My parents had trouble once and they do about 6-7 cruises a year.

I was raised in a family where the parents had to take their infants with them. In other words they can spend the night once potty trained. We have all been there, done that and its your turn. Although as to date no one has done a cruise with a child less than 7 years. Hotelling is more fiscally practical due to the fact an infant gets charged a lot on a cruise for what they can do. Personally I would wait till they were old enough for the children's programs.

My husband and I come from large families, as a result there are many kids around. They kind of blend since they are everywhere anytime a get together happens. But there is one serious motto upheld. No crying at the supper table. That is respected by all.

A little observation, I think people from larger families tend to be less tolerant of obnoxious behavior than smaller family units. But also in just a family group if a kid is bad any adult can say knock it off. You can't do that with an OP's kid. So I think some kids take advantage.

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Just thought I'd relate a friend's experience here -- her and her husband traveled with their son when he was about 11 months old. They had a fantastic time -- but she said the only "problem" was getting used to total strangers touching and being affectionate towards her son, which made her very uncomfortable. I think North Americans are particularly hypersensitive about other people touching their kids. Just something to be prepared for...

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Jeez, Tijm & Kathleen, when you have a child, will you either stay at home for the next ten years or hire babysitters even time you go to the market? We wanted until our daughter was 23 months before we took a vacation just because my hubby thought it might be a hassle going with her (and we didn't want to burden our aging parents with a very active child). Turned out it was a very enjoyable cruise (3 days) with a hotel stay afterwards (to see the tall ships, which she enjoyed too). maybe she doesn't remember all of the details or even when we took her to Sea World when she was one. Or even the music I played to my tummy when I was pregnant (a range from Beethoven to show tunes to Eric Clapton to the Beatles to the GoGos, and more). Growing up, she heard a lot of different types of music--and often she asks us in the car, if we have that song on CD so she can listen to it again. Will your children know who Diana Krull or Roy Rogers are/were?


Tthe idea is that experiences, whether remembered or not, cause a reaction in the brainm (can you tell I have a degree in psychology?). When my daughter was first born, a friend who has a masters in speech audiology, told me to expose her to as much language, especially foreign language, as possible early on for the same reason.

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Lacy, yikes!!! You took a 5-day-old baby into a public restaurant? Putting a child that young in a closed environment full of strangers is definitely not advisable. I am a pediatric nurse, and we advise parents not to bring children into closed environments with people of unknown health until the child is around 6-8 weeks of age, at least. Five days is dangerously young to subject a child to strangers with unknown illnesses.

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my kids were 15 and 18 before we ever went on a vacation without them. We had such a wonderful first cruise we were so excited to share it with them... so the souvinier we brought home to them was a booking for a cruise during their spring break! Take your babies.... because they won't always be around to go with you later in life. When we made the decision to become parents, it wasn't so we could leave them behind.

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can we just leave this up to the parents? They know their children best. I have 5 and they are each different. My 15 year old never could have handled a cruise when he was young. My 6 year old is a born traveler. You need to be honest with yourself about what a kid can and cannot handle.


I never understand why people think a crying baby is "not behaving". We were all babies once. I usually try to offer a sympathetic word to the parents. I love how my pastor will make sure parent's know that babies are welcome in our services. If they cry- SO WHAT?

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We first took our child to the mall at one month old but then we didn't let strangers get in her face so maybe that's why she barely got sick as a baby (she would get a cold every time she would be cutting a new tooth -- she has is even having that problem now with losing her baby teeth and getting her permanent ones) and only got one ear infection ever. Our girl is intrigued by babies so when she goes to greet a baby in his/her stroller, we do remind her to keep her distance so she doesn't unnerve a new parent. I'm more concerned about exposure to smoke...I think a parent who smokes around young children (or anyone) is not being a good parent.

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"I never understand why people think a crying baby is "not behaving". We were all babies once. I usually try to offer a sympathetic word to the parents. I love how my pastor will make sure parent's know that babies are welcome in our services. If they cry- SO WHAT?"




I hope you do not mean that a crying baby should not be removed from the dining room by your above statement! I have no problem with children of any age on a cruise or in the dining room, as long as their parents are responsible enough to remove them if they cause a disturbance. You may not agree, but most of us that cruise would consider a screaming baby in the dining room, a DISTURBANCE.


Please tell me that I have misunderstood your position, and you are not one of those who believe that "It is my vacation and I will do what I want" in spite of the impact on others who are also on vacation.


Fair winds


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I never understand why people think a crying baby is "not behaving". We were all babies once. I usually try to offer a sympathetic word to the parents. I love how my pastor will make sure parent's know that babies are welcome in our services. If they cry- SO WHAT?



So what?


This is the kind of attitude that really gets on my nerves. It's called being considerate to your fellow passengers aka common courtesy...something that's becoming less and less common :rolleyes:

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Parents, you have Disney World, Disney Land, Busch Gardens, Chuckey Cheeses', Disney Cruises, etc.....why is it necessary to take them to places that aren't geared towards children? So they offer amenities for babies and small children, big deal! Yes, i know that all the cruises are not adults only and that is such a shame!

With so many choices out there i just don't understand why parents have to pick the things geared towards adults.

I'm not saying that once you have kids and babies you should hide them and yourselves from the rest of the world(although that would awesome), but why set yourself up for punishment?

So you feel it necessary to cruise with a baby; ok that's great that you feel comfortable paying the same price you did for a cruise for your little darling. So then why not cruise on a line that deals with babies almost 100% of the time?

It all comes down to what the parents want. Parents dont want to take the cruises with the highest ratio of kids per adults b/c they can't stand being around those kids any more than the next person so then they want to take their kids on a cruise that better suits the parents. Then want to know if it's ok to ruin other people's vacations.


Especially other women, we all go "awwww". There is no "inapropriate" place for babies, except maybe a nude beach, or a bar maybe.


This is a common misconception that all women think babies are so cute and so adorable. No, this woman doesn't go "awwww" this woman goes "EEWWW", i dont find babies cute. And find them very annoying and irritating.

And that mentality of thinking is why people HATE it when people take their babies anywhere. And why there is this thread.

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I am usually on the other side of this argument, but I'll take the 11-month old any day over the guy last night who decided he needed to take his shirt off to show off his "tats" to his in-laws. And this was a nice place we went to, too...


Hey, Rob.

I won't let myself get sucked into this discussion, but I enjoyed seeing your post. I've been missing you on the board lately.


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To clarify:

If a baby is really crying and needs to be consoled then a "good parent' would take them off somewhere quiet. Some children might fuss for a few moments and then that is the end of it. I certainly did not mean to imply that an unconsoled baby should be left to cry endlessly in public.


Some babies are totally fine in a public place while others just can't handle it so well, I hope that parents judge appropriately when they decide what is a proper activity.

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This is a common misconception that all women think babies are so cute and so adorable. No, this woman doesn't go "awwww" this woman goes "EEWWW", i dont find babies cute. And find them very annoying and irritating.


May your birth control never fail.:rolleyes:

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