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How I spent week 10/16 sailing on the SUN


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LiamFitz, I am not sure about the concierge service for BA balconies. I have sailed in that category and I just order room service and eat on the balcony. Also, the breakfast buffet is on same deck as you...just take a tray from the room, walk the other end of ship and bring it back to cabin. We used the butler service once and the concierge service once while on board this sailing. Since the ship was not full, there really was no wait anywhere or for anything. I do not know about the terry robes...I have heard you can request them. Our penthouse robes were satin with a cotton filling!




We woke up to sunny weather and wavy seas docked in Cozumel. My cousin's spouses got off earlier in Playa Del Carmen to go on diving excursion. They enjoyed it. OceanDream's friends went on excursion to Chitzinitza (sp). Something went awry and eleven passengers on tour were left behind at bottom of pyramid. They could not find the tour guide nor their bus driver nor the restaurant where everyone was having lunch. Long story short, they made it back to the ship and were credited the cost of the tour.


The rest of us headed out to go shopping. A general rule in any port is that the local items of interest are always cheaper the further away from the ship. For example, a large bottle of vanilla was 20 dollars at the first store but blocks away on the side streets it was going for 7 dollars. I always peruse first, ask questions and the price, then negotiate my way back to ship with items I want.


I enjoyed spending time with my two cousins and I enjoyed watching them spend their money on expensive jewelry. They asked my advice on certain pieces and I reminded them my family referred to their family as "the rich ones" and I knew NOTHING about jewels...I ask for land! Still waiting to receive land as a gift, but that is what I prefer! I watched them buy and buy and buy.


And buy and buy some more. After about four hours I was hot and tired. One jeweler was inside his store with them forever so I sat on his little work stool just outside the doorway facing the street. I waited. I watched tourists go by. I smoked a cigarette. I watched and listened to the other store owners try to get customers into their stores. I waited some more. I was frying in the sun burning my senses as something suddenly came over me...


I started calling out to people, "Hey chickitas, come into my store and see my jewelry" or "Hey pretty lady, I think your son needs a hat...would you like to try on my hats?" Two guys walked by and I asked if they would like to see my jewelry store so they could purchase a nice present for their wives. They said they did not have wives. I responded to then come into my store and buy some jewelry for their girlfriends. They said they did not have any girlfriends. As they were far enough away I shouted "If you buy my jewelry, then you will probably get some girlfriends!"


I brought in about five customers and more to the surrounding stores whose shopkeepers were all related to the first guy. Come to find out, an entire family owned a block of stores. Once my cousins were finished, the owner gave me a pretty silver ankle bracelet for free since I brought him business. I decided to keep it on until it breaks off me. It is a nice memory of hot baking sun times as I type this review in 6 inches of snow right now.


We got back to the ship by about 3:30 and I had something to eat at the barbecue set up by the pool with my friend. The Captain came over the intercom and announced that Hurricane "Vilma" was headed northwest towards the Yucatan Peninsula. We were going to miss Belize and Roatan because if we went south, then we would get stuck beneath the hurricane and would not make it back through. He discussed safety, gave full weather report, and kept everyone very well informed. At times he forgot to take his finger off the intercom button during parts of his announcement. As he was thinking of translating Norwegian to English, he said "ahhhhhh" in- between the information bytes. As he did this with an accent, it came out as a long "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" while translating in his head. I just about choked on my barbecue chicken laughing. It sounded like we were doomed!


He went on to tell us that we would stay over night in Cozumel and he would let us know by 9am if we would leave by noon the next day or by 4pm. Finger still on the button, he hiccuped or inhaled spit or something and cleared his throat a bit. By this time my friend and I are doubled over trying not to show that we were laughing as other passengers were trying to hear the message that we were going to Progresso. At the end of the announcement I leaned over to my friend and whispered in Norwegian accent, "And by the vay, ve all meet back at Carlos and Charlees later!" My friend spit out her chicken.


Everyone in our group was not disappointed that we had to change ports. I asked if they were and they all said no. These things are expected in hurricane season and they were all going to go with the flow. OceanDreams did a very good job during pre-planning of making sure that everyone knew of possible switches, port cancellations, etc. We kind of knew ahead of time to not pre-book tours.


I should have been the only disappointed one in the group as I would not get to see my Roatan teacher-friend. Nor would I see my Roatan surrogate-son Darren Flowers who I promised to watch over when his mother died. As a matter of fact, I did not even tell them that I was coming this time. I was going to surprise them. Instead of crying in my water, I concluded this was a good excuse to either fly down there for a long weekend or to book another cruise with a Roatan stop. I do hope they are okay.


I went back to my "penthouse." I ordered soup. I took a long nap.



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I woke up remembering that my mother taught me to worry about the things I can control, not the things I can't. So, I got ready to meet up with others at the 50's and 60's sock hop party. This is one of the fun nightly events that the cruise staff sets up. They have dance contests and fun surprises for the passengers.


The best cruise staff member was Dimitri Petsalis from Canada. He could sing, he could dance, and he was very entertaining. I told him in my opinion, that I predicted a cruise director position in his very near future. He was the most visible and most personable throughout the entire week.


After the sock hop many in our group were too tired to head out into Cozumel at midnight. The New Yorker, Ocean's friend and I left the ship to check out the nightlife. We looked into Carlos and Charlies at first but there were no tiers to dance on anymore. The former bar area is now the dance floor. When you are out of town and nobody knows you, it is always fun to find some place where you can dance high above the patrons.


We left C and C's and looked up in the windows at Senor Frogs. It was hopping! We followed the sound of music upstairs and entered a packed bar. People were dancing on tables, on the stage, and basically wherever they stood.


I knew I was in seventh heaven when the style of music never changed. The DJ was playing techno/trance/Euro/Club music. I knew I was in for a good workout. Good thing I had on my high heeled Franco Sarto sandals. Good thing I was wearing an old crappy white t-shirt and jeans. Before dancing, I looked around and concluded that I was probably the oldest person in the bar. No matter, you get lost on the dance floor and nobody notices or cares.


We danced on the dance floor, off the dance floor and wherever we were at the moment. Water was cheap and so was the beer. I figured they lowered the prices of everything at night for the people in Cozumel. Back out on the dance floor I was enjoying the natural high that comes with dancing for hours non-stop. I was thinking to myself, yeah, I am the oldest one in here and I can keep up with these young kids! I am dancing away thinking how awesome I am and how I could probably show the young chicks up on stage how to really dance. I told myself how hot I was. No...I was REAL hot! I wipe my strewn about hair and it was soaking wet. My neck was dripping. My t-shirt was wet but you could not really tell.


Even so, I was primed and limber to get up on that stage. My friends tell me that I am oblivious to everything when I get into my dance trance. I had a great time up there all by myself. I was burning calories. Although hot, I was thinking of how cool I was. I got the job done.


Walking back to the ship I was so impressed with my bad self...then I find out all of the people who were actually at Senor Frogs. I was asked if I saw this one or if I saw that one from the ship. No, no and no. Did I see this one, etc.? No, no and more no answers. Oh well, I did not care.


I returned to my penthouse bathroom and looked at the full length mirror. My euphoria dissipated as I realized sweat dripped right down into my jeans making it look like I wet my pants. I laughed so hard in the shower right up until I fell asleep, all the while thinking, "yeah, I am real hot."



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I woke up and made it to the end of the buffet breakfast. Beyond the breakfast buffet area inside are omelette stations and a waffle stations. They prepare it as you wait. It is worth the wait if there is a line. Some reviews stated that the buffets were the same every day. Some things are always the same (cold cereal area, fruits, yogurts, breads, etc.) but they do try to offer different types of egg dishes and other hot items every day. I think if you go to the same location every day, you might think they have the same thing every day. Know that they serve food in the aft outside area as well as the inside Garden Cafe area.


The Captain announced that we were staying in Cozumel until 4pm and that everyone should be back by 3:30pm. My cousins went shopping for more jewelry and afterwards five of us took a cab to Playa Del Sol beach (cost was 21 dollars for the van). Once at the the beach it was 12-15 dollars to get in but we talked them down to 10 dollars since we were only going to be there for less than two hours. The water was very wavy but they went snorkeling anyways. They snorkeled out to the water tramboline. A restaurant, hammocks, bathrooms, and little shops for souvenirs were all right there. It was sunny up until 2:30 when we left the beach.


Note to self: If an entire island is shutting down and boarding up, it is probably not a good idea to head 14 miles from the ship and get dropped off by a cab. Thinking back, we were lucky to get a cab back as we learned later everyone evacuated.


Not a lot was going on back at the ship. They had bingo, afternoon movie (as they did most days), informal bridge play and the regular pool band. This worked out well for crew as most of them were probably sleeping all day after staying up in Cozumel all night!


We left Cozumel on time and the ship was rocking! Another memorable experience on the balcony! The darks clouds were arriving, the waves were rolling as the wind picked up. I never took sea-sick pills but I accepted the offer on this one for a non-drowsy formula just in case. I learned soon thereafter some in our party were not feeling well. Some were a bit afraid of what was coming. Hence, we called everyone up and invited them to a hurricane party on the balcony. No alcohol served, but we distributed the remaining pills. It was an opportunity to see the horizon and to watch the dolphins jump the bow waves. It was surreal.


We observed the perilous clouds/rain spouts on the starboard side as we could see sunlight shining through the port side. Strangely, we headed into the dark clouds over the ominous sea. We saw the rain coming our way and counted down to its arrival. We all ran inside when it hit. When stopped, we ran back outside. The ship was still heading into swells. Someone had to do something, so I turned and looked up at the bridge, pointed my arms left to the sunny spot in the sky portside and directed the Captain to head in that direction! The ship soon thereafter turned and headed towards the sunshine (by midnight the water was calm).


Four of us had reservations in the Italian specialty restaurant, Il Adagio. I had the shrimp cocktail and the shrimp scampi dish. All of us found the meal to be quite tasty. Others ate here throughout the week and all found it quite appealing. I could not figure out until driving into work today why only three shrimp were served. I always thought the general rule was four. Then I remembered the shrimp industry was devastated by the hurricanes so I figured it was difficult to get or cost a lot more serve. I should have known better. Good thing I eat to live and not live to eat!Three were perfect as I did not want to be stuffed for dancing.


The main show that evening was Cirque Pan while other venues included pub trivia, family feud game show, sensational 70's tunes with the duo Twice as Nice (they played variety every night in observation lounge), a tribute to the Bee Gees with Prism (they played a variety every night as well depending on the theme). The cruise staff put together a 70's disco party where they had dancing and more fun passenger interactions.


Afterwards, there was late night dancing in the disco. The disco closed at about 3am and a group of passengers announced they had guitars with them. Everyone was invited the lido deck pool stage for a jam session. We counted ourselves in. We ordered four large pizzas from the Sports Bar for everyone. The late night food on this cruise was not in 24 hour display. You had to order from a menu and they prepared it for you (no charge). We also brought up our treats left in the penthouse. Some brought their bootlegged liquor. Others just got high off the music. It was an eclectic gathering and I stayed awake to observe.


I said goodbye at about 4:30am and as I walked across the pool deck I saw an elderly woman who was sitting all by herself in a pool chair against a pole. Curious, I asked if she was okay. She could not sleep. Her bones hurt and all she wanted was a cup of coffee. I walked out back and got one for her with cream and sugar. I never asked her name but she did thank me.


Looking back, I wish I had pulled up a chair and took the time to talk with her more. I could have learned a lot from her as that is probably going to be me in about thirty years...Back in the cabin I went out on the balcony by myself and listened to absolutely nothing.



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I should have been the only disappointed one in the group as I would not get to see my Roatan teacher-friend. Nor would I see my Roatan surrogate-son Darren Flowers who I promised to watch over when his mother died. As a matter of fact, I did not even tell them that I was coming this time. I was going to surprise them. Instead of crying in my water, I concluded this was a good excuse to either fly down there for a long weekend or to book another cruise with a Roatan stop. I do hope they are okay.


I went back to my "penthouse." I ordered soup. I took a long nap.




Coka, I'm sorry you did not get to see your friend, Darren. I think about him often and especially when we were in Roatan last February. In fact, in my review I wrote about you, Darren and your story that you shared. Thanks so much for these reviews.

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Coka - you are a great writer and a great cruiser! Those with you are lucky to be on a cruise with someone like you. Can't wait to hear the rest!!! :) I know what you mean about people - like the lady sitting there you got coffee for - some people just make me want to go talk to them. My hubby used to actually get mad at me for talking to people - waste of time - but now after 16 almost 17 years he has learned and he is understanding how much you can learn from people if you take the time to listen.. Can't wait for more!


More More More!!!! :D



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Thanks again everyone!


CruisingfromMN: The necklace is still in Montreal!




I jumped out of bed and got dressed so I could attend the latitudes party scheduled for 11:30am. I skipped the buffet and ordered the free celery and bloody mary cocktail for breakfast. The lounge was very crowded and I was sure to win the champagne bottle for sailing the most number of times on NCL. Along with bloody mary's, they served mimosas, rum mixtures, and something else not sure of.


My latitudes friends and I submitted our invitations so that we could enter the drawings for all the goodies. The art department donates a piece of art, the salon donates massages, manicures and pedicures, the bar department donates champagne bottles, the food department donates dinners at the specialty restaurants, the ship's store donates jewelry and other items. No winner in our party ten times over. I have sailed Carnival, Royal Caribbean and Princess more than once...NCL has the best repeat customer parties.


My anticipated latitudes moment finally arrived: Raise your hand if you sailed NCL 5 times or more. Many hands including mine were raised. Keep it raised if you sailed NCL 10 times or more. Hands were withdrawn and one-half stayed high in air. Keep hands raised if you sailed 15 times. A few left. Twenty times...mine was the only one in the air as far as I could see. The bottle was mine as I began to perspire! Then, the announcer saw me and said that's nice and proceeded to point out an elderly woman way in the back who had sailed over 200 times with NCL. She used to sail the Norway forever but selected the Sun ship as her new favorite. I was a bit ticked. Although I had free champagne sitting in my fridge as part of the penthouse perk, I concluded I was going to keep sailing NCL until I win a damn bottle of champagne at a latitudes party.


The casino was open all day at sea. They had Texas Hold Em but this was the first time I saw it advertised as a No Limit tournament. Enrichment seminars were scheduled throughout the day along with pool activities and dance classes. I wanted to attend the Dynamic Argentine Tango Performance but I had scheduled a shampoo, cut and blow-dry, along with highlights and lowlights at the spa/salon.


My two cabin-mates surprised me with a thank-you gift certificate as they know I LOVE getting my haircut on ships! They also know that I ONLY get my hair cut on ships! Whenever I need a GOOD haircut, I go on a cruise. The European stylists must attend school for four to five years prior to touching a human head unlike most American stylists.


I sooo needed the transformation. I was getting embarassed walking around the ship while crew exclaimed, "Hey...You dance on stage at Senor Frogs...I see you...ha-ha-ha!" The joke was on them once stylist Maria was done. I arrived at the salon feeling like Phylis Diller and 2.5 hours later I left feeling like Lady Di. They did not recognize me the rest of the week! My rich cousins and friends did the massage packages and they all reported it was worth every dollar spent. Throughout the week the salon has specials so be on the lookout for them. Keep in mind that the spa also has FREE sauna and steam rooms if you do not want to spend money. They are a good way to detox with no charge. Also, their shower rooms are big!


After my cut, I could not find my royal court so I ate a late lunch at the buffet and headed back to my Queen Elizabeth penthouse suite (I found out later they were all at the secret chocoholic buffet...look for it on the back of the Freestyle Daily under "afternoon snacks"...they do not advertise on the inside major attractions). Once back at the penthouse I put on a U2 CD, donned my royal robe, sat out on my balcony and debated whether to attend the Murder Mystery Dinner or to attend the Captain's VIP party.


I woke up to a phone call. I was firmly told by a representative that I better get down to the Murder Mystery Dinner event as I was late. By the time I arrived my cousins were already assigned to a group. A lot of people were there and already assigned to groups of 8. I found out the event would last three hours and I knew I could not last that long. I was not fully awake. I got out of it and went back to my balcony to finish sleeping. Come to find out, I missed a good time. The passengers each role-play a character. A murder has occured on the ship and they are each given information on who they are, including the murderer. Everyone role-plays throughout the courses of a meal. Everyone meets back afterwards to find out who dunnit!


While some of the group were at the mystery dinner, others had plans that did not include attending the Captain's VIP party. I think they went to an early dinner so they could attend The Spotlight Comedy Showtime presenting Fred Klitt who all found very funny. I did not hear anyone say that he was not! It is rare to get a comedien that everyone enjoys. I headed down to the VIP party alone.


From past experiences, I was not looking forward to the part where you walk in and all the officers are standing in line-up. Prior to attending I took a shot of Absolut courage. I did another and headed down to meet the guy I imitated for family and friends since the hurricane Vilma announcement. Could I meet this guy without bustin up?


They served free champagne with a strawberry condiment. Not too many passengers were there but I knew a few from the suite above us and I had a couple champagnes with them. The alcohol finally kicked in so I mingled with the rich and famous. I met the lady who cruised over 200 times and I asked her the name of her investment broker. She did not think I was very funny. I met a couple of gals from Norway but after talking to them for a bit I found I was speaking their accent. I met an officer and went to shake his hand and as he reached for mine I reminded him that "for the protection of everyone on the ship, officers will not shake hands with passengers" as the invitation stated. He did not think I was funny either.


By the time the party ended it was basically a few passengers and the Captain who remained. I walked over to him and asked if he had a sense of humor. He replied that he HAD to have one with his job! We chatted a bit and I asked if anyone on his staff told him about taking his finger off the intercom buttom while pausing during his announcements. He replied, "I know, I know!" and gave a laugh in a Norwegian way. I ended by letting him know that I have a formal picture of him with my sister and I (taken about four years ago) on my wall by my computer work station. I said I was going to give him my picture so that he could put it next to his work station. We laughed, I said my thank you and my good-bye, and then got out of there. I left the room wondering to myself if I could cut my hair any shorter...


I finally found people in my group and met up with them in the Observation Lounge to hear Twice as Nice duo sing to a tribute to Movie Themes. Had I known Prism was playing "British Oldies" in the disco, you know I would have suggested to go there! Even so, we all sat at the Observation bar and watched the fantastic dancing that couples do. Oh, I forever long to dance like that!


While in the lounge, I found out a large group of passengers were from the Tango-At-Sea group. They have a website where ballroom dancers travel around together and once a year they book a large group cruise. About 150 of them were on board two years ago and it was one of my highlights to watch them all week! This evening, I asked couples who walked by if they would dance for me. They obliged and I watched in awe. I thought of giving my right arm to be able to dance like them. Wait, no, I would need it. I would have to give something else.


Other large groups on board this week included over 200 Mormons from Utah and a large group of disabled teenagers from a group called "Action." I think the third largest group was ours from cruisecritic including family and friends! On a side note, a woman in a wheelchair told me that she enjoyed her handicapped balcony cabin and she found moving around the ship to be just fine. She and her husband graciously let me see their cabin as my sister is a parapalegic and she was supposed to be with us this trip.


You know the last paragraph by now. The day ended with dancing in the disco until the wee hours of the morning. I met a cruiser who was a chef from New Orleans. He had given cooking demonstrations and cooking seminars all week on the ship for the passengers. I told him that prior to going on this cruise, my ten older brothers and sisters instructed me to find a family while I was in New Orleans, er, then Houston that we could "adopt" and help out during their hard times. He gave me a name and number. Mission accomplished.



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Coka, thanks for posting this! You are an entertaining writer, and I have laughed several times while reading this. I posted a link to this thread on the 10/30 Sun roll call board. We're heading to Houston tomorrow!


Hmm... I wonder what "Beta" might sound like in a Norweigian accent... not as funny as "Vilma." Darn these Greek-letter storms.

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Swoosh, I will email you what I do, but I do not want to post it in this forum!


Paul, your halloween cruise should be fun! Wish I could do one since it is my favorite holiday!




We woke up to another beautiful morning of sunshine and warm temperatures in the port of Vera Cruz. Prior to debarking, we checked out our onboard expense account. You can ask to see your charges at any time throughout the week and I recommend doing it prior to the last day...unless you want to wait in a long line! Some of our group's charge printouts jammed the printer as all the pages flew through. Mine came out on a post-it note.


I drank a lot of free water! I never had a problem with any bar server or waiter/waitress in this area. I asked nicely every time and always said please. There was never a problem with the additional lemons either. I can only remember one instance I needed more and the server was mortified that I got up to get it myself. The extra-large bottled water cost 4.50 and the small bottles cost 2.88. Bottled water is available in your stateroom, any bar, or when you debark the ship for ports.


Everyone received their 50 dollar on-board credit and none of us previously filled out the cards they left in our cabin the first day. A few in our group had mistakes from the night we ate in the steakhouse and OceanDreams straightened it out for them. Not going to Belize or Roatan saved me a sizeable chunk of cash. What would I do with it?


Once off the ship it did take not long for fourteen of us to get lost amongst the long line of vendors. I enjoyed stopping at each table display to look, to inquire and to compare. I purchased necklaces, earrings, bracelets, coffee, large shells, and pocketbooks for the women in my office. They make me look good in my job every day. I previously purchased liquor-filled chocolates and Tortuga rum cakes in Cozumel for those who had to actually do my job while gone. I bought myself a tiny two-toned stone turtle.


I wish I spoke Spanish as many in Vera Cruz did not speak English. Even so, I communicated through gestures and laughter with the teenagers learning to swim in the harbor, the fishermen coming back with their catch of the day, the police officers who told me only unmarked unripped bills are accepted, the girls getting out of school early because the big ship was in town, and the vendor selling pocketbooks for "four ten dollars." He was grateful when I made a sign for him that showed fourteen dollars $14.00 as nobody was purchasing them for forty!


I found out later that other people rented cabs, rented a boat, walked into town, went to a shopping mall and got great bargains, drank 1 dollar karonas in the tent set up near the vendors, or went to a fort. Looking back, we probably should have used the internet on the ship to research what beach to visit or what was available in Vera Cruz. If you find yourself on a ship that switches a port, then the above advice is something to remember. Even so, a considerable amount of us enjoyed the vendors.


As we left Vera Cruz, a giant crowd gathered at the pier and gave us a fabulous send-off. I mean thousands of people filled the streets for blocks as they sang, danced, and waved good-bye. As I waved back from my balcony I thought overall we were treated very well there...even though we claimed about 1/2 of their land back in 1848.



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You set the standard on writing reviews!

Seriously though, your attitude is contagious, but unfortunately your fairy dust didn't reach others on the ship :). I'm amazed at how much the reviews for the same ship, same cruise dates differ so much (I guess it proves that there are many personalities/attitudes in this world).

I look forward to the day when happenchance puts us on a ship together.

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I am absolutely loving your story (it is so much more than a review)! You sound like the kind of friend I would enjoy having. We have a small group that we call the "Butt Sisters" that is about as crazy as you are.:D You could join except I don't think you probably have a big enough butt!! lol


About what you do.....I bet it is not any worse than what I do. Wanta take that bet?


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Spot, I am getting there!


Kwadley, I accept the challenge! Wouldn't it be a hoot if we have the SAME profession? I created a separate account on aol for you and swoosh to email me. I will only have it for a few days and then delete it. Contact me at quest4coka@aol.com




My cabin-mates and I evaluated the differences on this week's sailing from our previous ones. Eleven Sun cruises were totalled among the three of us. Our private joke throughout the week was "not this cruise!" We did not share too much of this with our family and friends as most did not have a comparison.


My list of differences on this cruise is very trivial. Even so, if you have stayed with me throughout the posts, then here they are: Although they offered laundry services for a fee, there was no mid-week 20 dollar/bag laundry special. Although they had the helmuts to carry your beer in, there were no buckets-of-beer specials. Drink prices increased significantly since the last cruiser sailed 03/05 (we would not have noticed if the price was not rounded up to an even dollar amount...drop it 5 cents to 7.95 and I would probably have drank the specials all day)! Ten ounze martini glasses were five ounze martini glasses. Shipboard photos were placed in a paper protector unlike the strong cardboard protectors previously used. No white chocolate strawberries delivered to cabin. No crew on stilts with costumes/streamers at Caribbean Deck party. The Ship N' Dale dancers did not make an appearance. No trays at the buffet to carry your food. The awesome large circular griddles at the omelette station I attended were replaced with two small frying pans. Petty list, huh!


We surmised a variety of reasons for the above differences. The financial impact of Katrina and Rita have hit every industry. Gasoline prices, already high due to our overseas endeavors, did not help. Last minute emabarkation port change made getting supplies tough. Those that canceled this week's sailing decreased revenue. Changing ports and finding others must have been an administrative nightmare. More revenue lost on refunding pre-booked tours. Maybe the trays, martini glasses and fancy griddles were sent over to the Jewel. Major crew re-shuffling changes resulting from new ships entering the fleet. Ship N Dale strippers too tired after Senor Frogs. Two hundred mormons on board? The regular Sun officers on vacation/sent to other ships?


It came as no surpise that a second formal evening did not appear on this week's cruise. I was taking everyone out to an early dinner at Le Bistro for our private farewell party. I requested they all dress up before the hour-long free rum punch party as reservations were for 6pm. I sat by myself in Le Bistro as each arrived with their free drinks. I assumed they were packed with punch as all were in good spirits! Our waitress was fabulous as was the meal. Everyone enjoyed the filet mignon, mushroom soup, salads, escargot, more drinks, the wine and ALL of the desserts. I never mentioned the chocolate fancy-smancy fondue pot with sticks previously enjoyed had been replaced with a fondue pan and our utensils. Upon leaving, I introduced myself to the petite waitress who shared the Senor Frog stage with me and we high-fived.


We all attended the last JAR show titled "Que Noche." One in our group had three bottles of wine as a sorry-for-the-mess-up in the steak house. The special finale with officers, staff and crew was wonderful and memorable in a true NCL Norwegian way. After the rum punch, the dinner drinks and wine, our group was stoked for the Caribbean Deck Party.



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The Caribbean Deck Party was very good. The calypso band Roots Link played and the cruise staff entertained the crowd as they danced. I was pleased to see no more "Carmen Miranda" show as it was replaced with the Caribbean Queen show. Same idea but different jokes this time! Ice carving demonstrations took place and an outdoor barbecue was prepared. The drink specials were placed in coconut monkey shaped heads. Now that is a souvenir! I use my last year's monkey head as a money collector at our drive-by fresh veggie stand. We just leave a price list with a message to pay the monkey...


After the deck party, the die-hards returned to the disco for more dancing. By this time, everyone knows everyone. Only 18 and older are allowed in the lounge after 11pm and I kind of felt bad when a couple of older teenagers were asked to leave. I met them earlier in the week and they were good kids. All they wanted to do was dance. Still, it was good to see the rules upheld. The special needs passengers from "Action" had a blast in the disco all week as well. They were fun to dance with and the NCL staff were very good to them.


This Friday night dancing appeared to be no different from the other nights. I was sitting at the bar with friends taking a dance break and my shoulder gets tapped. A gentleman never seen earlier asked me to dance. I first cockily asked myself, "who is this brave soul?" Then, I took one look at his t-shirt and it read "Tango At Sea." Suddenly, I became afraid. Very afraid. Panic set in and I politely declined. He asked again and I honestly told him that I can not dance with a partner. I am a big girl, I get two left feet and I have injured those who have tried before. Gently, he said he was learning to become a dance instructor and dancing with me would be good practice.


That was the line that did it. Who am I to not help out a teacher? Of course my friends and family were encouraging "Go!" "Go!" I felt like I weighed 500 pounds getting off the bar stool. My body stiffened as one foot dragged in front of the other, scraping the floor as I walked by them. My upper body felt like Lurch from the Addams Family. My lower body felt like I was wearing Herman Munster's boots. My head was telling me that this was going to be just as funny as Jed Clampett's dancing.


OH MY GOD. This experience is one of the first things I reported back home about. This guy was great. Never before in my life could someone guide me, instruct me, or move me around a dance floor. It took a lot of effort on his part and he worked hard. My legs were doing things I did not know they could do. I realized the trick is that the leader moves your upper body where he wants it to go and your legs just follow. I kept my head up this time and we did the merengue, salsa, the hustle, tango and cha cha! The cha-cha was the hardest but I could do it with his counting. It would be foolish to describe us as Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers but Kelly Monaco's and her instructor's winning performance from "Dancing With the Stars" comes very close! I will admit that the euphoria coming from ballroom dancing is BETTER than the euphoria that evolves from trance dancing. I felf light as a feather and I was floating on heavenly clouds.


It was a feeling I will never forget.



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Okay, I have to get this done, so I am going to keep on typing. Gotta unpack.




I woke up on the last day and soon found out that ballroom dancing requires muscles I did not know I had. I ached a bit but it was nothing a little yoga out on the balcony couldn't take care of. The last day at sea had similar events going on as reported before. I missed the "White Elephant Sale" which is when the galleria shops lower their prices and have their last day sales.


My breakfast was lunch. A little secret is that the Las Ramblas tapas bar/restaurant serves some yummy lunches during the day! They have awesome soup and sandwiches that can not be found at the buffet. Some of my cousins used their lunches to take out on port days.


Throughout the day, some of our group attended Fabio Zini's, the flamenco guitar player's, poolside performance while others went to "Hollywood Hair" demonstration, the casino, or final art auction. I spent the afternoon packing, filling out my debarkation information and lounging about on the penthouse balcony. I finished reading my biography about Father Patrick Peyton, a priest known for teaching America and the world, "the family that prays together, stays together." I read that you could ask Mary for stuff too. You say the rosary and if God and Jesus are not answering, you ask Mary and she gets them to come through for you because they can not refuse her. I pondered leaving it to a woman to get the job done!


That evening, ten in our group had the last supper in one of the main restaurants. The servers were very attentive and the meal was very good. I usually ask what the highlight of the week was (excluding spending good times with each other). Below are the answers:


1. Retired police officer: the formal night pictures

2. Universal Studios employee: Vera Cruz farewell party

3. Her Mother: the ship food and the service

4. Businessman/dog-show handler: port shopping/Vera Cruz

5. Human resources/travel agent/caretaker: visiting with long

time crew friends

6. Nurse: being healthy enough to enjoy the cruise/spa massage

7. Educational Administrator: penthouse balcony and ballroom dancing

8. Court Officer: Vera Cruz

9. Bartender: visiting Cozumel and Vera Cruz

10. Technology Sales: My captain impersonation


I also asked at the last supper which employees were memorable or made their trip extra special. Below are the answers:


1. Christina Petric, Java Cafe bartender from Romania, for putting up with us on all our cruises! She is a sweetie and we plan on visiting her country next year.


2. Nelson Rogue, 8002 penthouse steward from Philippines, for his friendliness, adaptability, and for his appreciation of our gifts to him.


3. Dimitri Petsalis, host from Canada, for everything mentioned earlier and for hanging with us!


4. Stephanie, wardrobe coordinator from Canada, for her up-beat fun personality, getting permission to tour backstage, and for hanging with us!


5. The Assistant Bar Managers, one from Croatia, one named Robert Black, for their continued presence, their professionalism, and for having to put up with us!


6. The Internet Cafe Manager, one in our group had difficulty and he was always there to assist her. He was extremely helpful.


After dinner, we all went to the scheduled events. Usually there is not a lot going on but not on this cruise! There was a lot to do on the last night! They had twisted karaoke contest, a farewell variety show presenting Fred Klett's comedy, Fabio, and the magic of Peter Gossamer. The Liar's Club was the last event prior to the "Last Night Party Zone" in the disco. Our group attended all of them. We said our good-byes to family, to friends, to cruisecritics, and to new friends.


I got a good night's sleep and woke up in time to see the ship arrive in La Porte prior to dawn. I spent the last time by myself out on the balcony and I phoned my husband. He asked the ritual three questions although the context varies. Was I tan? Yes. How many blisters do I have on my feet from dancing? Only two this time, thanks to my Franco Sarto's. How much money did I spend on family/friends? I answered the amount. He surprised me by adding a fourth question. Did I think tango guy was trying to hit on me? I answered not at all but added that I had packed him in my suitcase and he was moving in with us.


My friends woke up and our room service came promptly. It was just as good as the first day. We were the last ones to off the ship since our limosine was arriving about 10:30-11:00am. Nelson said no problem that we hang out in suite...he would do ours last. We surprised him as we have done other stewards on previous cruises by stripping the beds and cleaning the cabin. Overall, it did not take long for the ship to clear and for people to debark.


Our group's suitcases were all gathered in one spot as they were ready to move them to the waiting warehouse. It was great to not have to search for them, but it would have been a bummer if they stored them because we were last to get off. We cut is close. Note to self: Do not procrastinate...get off the ship!


In closing, I feel like I went on this trip twice! I have great memories with family, friends, and cruisecritics. A cheshire smile a mile wide remains on my face. I feel that little silver chain about my ankle every time I walk or move my foot. The stone turtle is on display. The formal photo is added to collection. My colleagues loved their presents. My 20th NCL cruise will go down in memory as an excellent one. As the cold dark winter sets in by turning our clocks back, I am resolved to see the sun again. I have not tried her sushi nor purchased her t-shirt!



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You are so kind and generous to post such a beautiful review.

I enjoyed every moment of your cruise! I only wish you cruised for 14 days so you could enter a few more posts.


I agree....Mary does get the job done!

I clean our suite every morning before we leave it for the day...never thought of stripping the beds ~ great idea!


A friend of mine, who moved out-of-state 2 years ago, married a ballroom dance instructor. They cruise frequently with the ballroom group.

She always told stories of people coming up to them on the ship and saying to her DH "you are a wonderful dancer" and to her, they would say "you wear such beautiful gowns"!!!! She would be proud of you!!!!


Again, thank you for sharing your cruise with us.

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Oh, Coka!


This review had me feeling as many emotions as your last review, and I smiled, and laughed and thoroughly enjoyed your trip! There is no one who can write a review quite the way you do!!! :D


Thank you for again sharing your adventures with us. We're privledged to read such entertaining and engaging reports, and I can hardly wait till you sail again! Living vicariously through you sure is fun! :p So glad you had another great cruise, and sorry you still didn't win the bottle of champagne at the Latitudes party!


Thanks again!!!

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Coka - there are no words sufficient to thank you for taking us all along on your cruise, I sincerely enjoyed every written word and all the enjoyment of your experiences.

I am more excited than ever to cruise on the Sun in December.

I hope I'm fortunate enough to cruise with you someday.

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