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QM2 Cabin 6065


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I couldn't resist it, so I have re-booked the May 11th QM2 cruise. Anyone have any thoughts as to what I should ask her this time round? I will take my camera and a video this time and see if we I can get some images.

Yeah, Is her name Ursula or ... whatever the other name was.

And tell her hi and we wish her well!






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Greetings Navaleye,

What a fascinating encounter. It was wonderful that you found a way to communicate with this spirit. Some day we all may find ourselves in spirit form. When we have brushes with other worldly encounters it really changes our "so called real world".


Paranormal investigators, or some call them "ghost hunters" use a process called EVP, which stands for electric voice phenomenon. You can use an inexpensive tape recorder although some of the investgators have a lot of expensive toys/tools. These voices from beyond have been heard in all types of settings...graveyards, castles, old buidlings. The process is simple, you turn on the recorder and ask your questions. The interesting thing is you don't hear any voices until you play back the tape. Some of the voices are garbled and questionable and others are shockingly clear....can spirits speak to us from beyond...who can say...but these EVPs makes one think about the possibilities. I and (i think) many other cc look forward to hearing about your encounters on your future trip. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.


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I'm going to take the opportunity to read as much as I can over the next few weeks and I will be taking a tape recorder as you suggest. I'm not taking an Ouija board or I might end up attracting some less than friendly spririts. I just hope they don't upgrade me on this cruise. I want that Cabin!

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  • 2 months later...

This Thursday sees me back on the QM2 in cabin 6065 and I have to say that I can't wait and this time I am better prepared. I wanted to add two points of interest. I've been watching/reading as much as I can about paranormal experiences and the following stuck out.


1. Touching on the back of the leg. Apparently this is common, no one really knows why, perhaps its a good place to touch without scaring the living day lights out of people.


2. I mentioned that before she made herself known to me I was feeling sick/unwell. I didn't know it at the time, but if you encounter a particularly enthusiastic spirit, their energy intermixes with your aura causing you to feel dizzy, sick and generally yukky. This spirit is about as enthusiastic as they get and this makes sense. Once she had made contact whatever she was doing stopped and I felt fine again. I only ever felt like throwing up in the cabin.


So there we have it for now. Lets see what next week brings. If anything interesting happens, I'll let you know.

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Navaleye, you have a marvelous trip, and we'll be waiting to hear whether you have any more such experiences this time. Who knows, maybe she has made her peace.

At any rate, though I am slightly skeptical, as I am sure most people are, I do not discount any paranormal or spiritual experiences that anyone has. If I did, then I would have to discount most of the content of most of the holy books in the world.

I feel that someone's belief that they were contacted in such a manner is no different than the vast majority of people who believe in and have faith in a god, heaven, or hell. We cannot know. We can only go on faith, and the sum of our experiences. While I will not say that any of these things exist. I will never say that they don't. I just don't know. Some may consider it blasphemous to infer that belief in the paranormal is akin to faith in a god, but when you come right down to it, both involve belief in something intangible.


Enjoy your trip!



who has room for a lot of belief systems, and doesn't discount anyone else's.

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Navaleye, you have a marvelous trip, and we'll be waiting to hear whether you have any more such experiences this time. Who knows, maybe she has made her peace.

At any rate, though I am slightly skeptical, as I am sure most people are, I do not discount any paranormal or spiritual experiences that anyone has. If I did, then I would have to discount most of the content of most of the holy books in the world.

I feel that someone's belief that they were contacted in such a manner is no different than the vast majority of people who believe in and have faith in a god, heaven, or hell. We cannot know. We can only go on faith, and the sum of our experiences. While I will not say that any of these things exist. I will never say that they don't. I just don't know. Some may consider it blasphemous to infer that belief in the paranormal is akin to faith in a god, but when you come right down to it, both involve belief in something intangible.



Enjoy your trip!



who has room for a lot of belief systems, and doesn't discount anyone else's.

Well Stated

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We will be on the 5/23 crossing on the QM2. Would it be appropriate to leave a copy of this thread for the people in cabin 6045? If I were in that cabin I would love to know what has been written here. After all, they will either think of it as hogwash, or they would be interested to know. On the other hand, I wouldn't want to frighten anyone....

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I don't think Cunard would be too pleased at us letting folks know that their new ship has a non-fare paying passenger on board! Speaking for myself, I'd rather people discovered things for themselves, then their can be no suggestion of us leading them on.

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She's here! No question. I was getting definate responses last night and this morning. She seems to have luch less energy than before. Will let you know more later.


BTW QM2 is at flying stations right now, a helicopter is flying off a sick crew member. All passengers cleared from upper decks and balconies.

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No, as far as we can tell, she has a range of cabins that she "visits". She seems to like 6065 the most, or maybe she just likes me :(


I asked her if we are still "friends" and I got a yes.

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Well here we are in Bergen, Norway. Last night was amazing. If you believe read on, if you don't go and watch the soccer.


I went to dinner last night but for the one and only time, I could not remember my table number (I have a photgraphic memory and names I have trouble with but numbers I don't), so I went to the matre'd's desk and asked him to reconfirm my table number... it gets better...


So I walked up to him and gave him my cabin number, he scratched his head and looked puzzled and said "this is really strange, you don't seem to have a table allocated to you" . I explained that I had one the night before, but could not remember the number. He reassigned me to a different table in the Britannia Annex. ....


Sitting at the table there was an english couple. A few minutes later two ladies arrive (Maureen and Rachel). I made polite conversation and the lady sitting next to me (maureen) said "Do you know a lady with long dark hair?" I said yes (as I do and she knows who she is). This lady turns out to be a MEDIUM!!! and no I'm not making any of this up.


I don't know why I said it, but I mouthed the words to her "There's a ghost in my cabin" she said "I know, she's sitting on your shoulders right now."


Her name is Rosalind. She's a poltergeist and very powerful.


I just wanted to tell you about this. The medium said something else which freaked me a bit. She said there's another lady here, and she gave the name as "Caroline". She said the sprit keeps say her name (Rosalind) and she keeps saying "Caroline, caroline, caroline". Then she said to me "but that's not her name is it?" Its not Caroline, but its very close. Her spirit, even though she is very much alive is here protecting me. The medium told me things that only I can know and I won't go into here. I explained to her about me forgetting my table number and she said "She's erased you" she's quite capable of doing that.


This sprit (Rosalind) got on this ship and had an affair with an officer. The medium said. "she got on but never left"


There's so much more to this and I'll write more later.



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If you believe read on, if you don't go and watch the soccer.

I wouldn't say I believe but, as I don't like football either, I'd have to say I'm a septic.


There's so much more to this and I'll write more later.

I'm looking forward to it.

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Oh, my! Navaleye!

I will have to stay in tonight, just to read!


How marvelous an experience! Do you think maybe, the more likely reason for forgetting your table number was "someone's" mischeivous attempt to steer you to a certain person?


Karie, who doesn't DISbelieve- And whether or not, it's fun!


Do tell us more!


P.S. I thought about the requiring people off balconies, but then thought about the rotorwash whipping small bits of anything into the balconies, which could really smart or cause injury. Marc was a helicopter instructor (I have four hours logged) I am VERY mindful of the physics of helicopters when around them!

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Well last night got better. Myself, The medium (maureen), and three friends were talking in the Chart Room. We were there for quite a while. As we were talking Maureen said "She's standing right behind you" and the tapping started up from the panel behing so much though that we could all hear it even the bar staff, although only Maureen can see her. This it stopped and moved to the celing neat to another table, only this time it was regular thumps on the ceiling. As we got up to leave the tapping follwed the two ladies. I and my party ate in Todd English last night and the girls were getting emotional for no reason, tears wet eyes etc, one lady got a sudden sharp headache with then stoppoed a few minutes later and she thought she was going to be sick. The medium was eating in the Britannia and she said the Rosalind shoved her chair twice and wanted her to go somewhere else. I have delibertately ignored Rosalind today because I was told I was geting too close and she is very powerful. Maureen said she has "grown" what ever that means and she's drawing energy from our presence. Maureen also said she gets the number 54 and most likely, what ever happened to her in her physical form did not happen on this ship and most likely she's jumped ship. She said that happens if for example the ship it was originally on was scrapped or has become disused. The officer she had the "problem" with was called Arthur. Maureen also thinks 1854 is significant.




I got another lady coming to my cabin tomight to experience her, that is if she does not find us first. Even Maureen said it was an amazing experience and this mischevious spirit has set all this up.


Anyone want to know what happens toinight??


If you read the posts from what happened last year, my dear friend who was with me then was choked by Rosalind in the shower. She is the US as we speak. Maureen also mentioned that her spirit is here looking after me (as best she can). Then Maureen said "Ask her if anything happened tonight. So I looked at my watch deducted 6 hours and that 6pm Eastern. I just got an email from her to say that she choked on a glass of water at 6pm. Figure that out. This entities reach can span continents if it so chooses.

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Hi there. My family and I are also going to be on the 5/23 crossing -- darling husband, two sons (8 and 5), father-in-law and sister-in-law. I was hoping to find someone else on the board who would be on this particular crossing...didn't exactly expect to find it in such a thread! Now, it's got my interest piqued, and I'd like to explore more...won't be on Deck 6, but may venture over there ....


Frances....our first cruise (and crossing!)

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Sorry, Navaleye. I thought I had bookmarked deck plans, but it turns out they do not have cabin numbers on them. I looked a few more places, but no dice.


What a marvelous fascinating story you tell. Logic says it just can't be. But the adventure in me says, "Why not?" there are plenty of things in this universe that our minds are not able to comprehend.


Do tell us more!


Okay, now I am a bit confused. Rosalind is tthe name of the ghost? This doesn't match what I thought you heard last time. And who is/was Caroline (or similar name)


This is much more fun than arguing about hats and appropriate dress and who's snobbier than whom!



Who could use a good ghost by her side. Notice I said GOOD ghost! Do those (supposedly) exist? Or are all (somewhat) melevolent?

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I too have been unable to find any answers to deck plans, other than that the decks were alphabetical, followed by the room number, i.e. A364. I did, however, find that a man named Peter James is considered the top expert on Queen Mary hauntings, and I have emailed him, asking him to check out this thread.

Keep the stories coming- I love it!

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Yes Rosalind is the name of the ghost, she was active last night. I was lying in bed sweating but was actually cold and she tried her "brain frying" trick like she did on the last trip. I hate it when she does that. Don't mess with a Poltergeist unless you are a medium or otherwise spiritually trained or like me have met someone who is. You can't win. Remember they can walk through walls and travel through time and distance. They can affect you personally. I've had a headache for three days and loss of appetite not to mention sleep, others have started crying/feeling sad. I'm just going to ignore her now as best I can.


Here's an interesting point, the medium lady said to me when sprit came up to chart room with the rest of us and started drawing attention to herself, she pointed around the room and at the fixtures and fittings and said "She can't see any of this and is oblivious to it. She occupies the same space that we do but in a different dimension"


So, that's the end of my report unless something dramatic happens (hope not). I won't be returning to 6065 if anyone from Cunard is reading this then you ought to think about having someone professional do something to help.


Sailing away from Alesund in Norway right now. Nice place. Good luck to all.

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" Angels and ministers of grace defend us! Be thou a spirit of health or goblin damn'd?" Since I will be shortly staying on Deck 6, I am going to equip myself with a magic word. 99 % of a panda's diet ( according to my Snapple cap) is bamboo; thus, I am going to use "oobmab", bamboo backward, as way of keeping Ariel out of my cabin. This hopefully will provide a shield. Thank you for your narrative. Threadcruiser



Thread, who is a large, not a medium, knows no other way!

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Hello from QM2. Just had a very pleasant drink with a fellow contributor on CC Furuzu Maru (sp - sorry).


A quick postscript. Our ship board sprit has found a new hotspot. It's between window pillars 2 and 3 in the chart room (from aft to forward) by the bar if you are on and you hear tapping that's Rosalind its very distinctive. I was talking about her to a couple earlier today and she butted into the conversation. She was tapping away there for sometime yesterday before we sailed as well. The best advice is to sit on one of the bar stools nearby and just listen.

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