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Take kids to port or leave in Adventure club?


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Actually it is daycare, but way more fun. If it wasn't meant to leave kids in then why would it be open on port days. I am not trying to dump my kids. I just know them very well and kids like to play. My husband is an over the road self employed truck driver and I am a registered nurse who sacraficed my new career to be a stay at home mom due to the fact my 6 year old has a severe neurological disorder called apraxia which effects his speech. He understands everything, but can't talk yet. I take him 4 days a week to therapy. So I by no means am the type of mom to dump my kids. I am planning this to be a family vacation/adult getaway all in one. Isn't that the best part of cruising?? There is soooo much for everyone.


I am looking out for their best interest. I know we want to navigate these islands but I think the kids will want to play and do fun kids things on the ship. I agree I wouldn't do it for every port but it seems to me some of the ports are more kid friendly then others.


If you are already quite confident in what you are going to do then why come on and start a thread with this title? Opinions are what you're going to get.

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Putting on my flame retardant suit........


Nothing like traveling thousands of miles from home and leaving your children on a ship with complete strangers while you go onshore. What if something happens to your child (sickness, injury) while you're on an excursion? What if you miss the ship? Having children means you have to make sacrfices, you can't always do what you want. Wait a few years, when the kids are older and they can enjoy the excursions as well.


And here goes.....you chose this as a family vacation, so vacation as a family.

Amen.We take our kids on all excursions even took them to margeritaville in ocho rios.What is wrong with taking them to Aruba -oh i forgot Natalie-Don't worry the boogie man won't get you.If you don't want your kids there leave them home with gram and gramps.I wasn't too impressed with the AOS staff on Voyager,maybe yours will be better.
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Opinions is what I was looking for. I was just curious as to what other families cruising do. I agree with one of the post above that I will have to feel things out once I get there. If there was a gram and gramps at home willing to keep my kids 8 days I would do that but there isn't.


When we cruised last year on the Majesty we did leave them and that was nerve racking. Leaving my kids and their schedules behind for someone else to do and not being able to contact them whenever I wanted and knowing other people were driving them around. Anything can happen anywhere. I will be in comfort knowing they wil be right with me or within walking distance at the AO club, once I feel secure with the club and the staff.


What I meant about Aruba is this: We want to rent a jeep and navigate. Have any of you done this with your kids??? From some of the posts I've read roads can get pretty steep and bumpy to the point it is hard to stay in your seat. I posted on another thread and got no response so I'll as it here. My 6 year old is only 40 lbs and here at home is still in a booster seat in the car. Do you take it along on the cruise and carry it out to ports or do the islands offer them at the rental places????


Sorry to cause any arguements. I do appreciate all your responses but it doesn't mean we all have to agree with them.

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I PERSONALLY agree with Griswald.... What if your child did get sick/injured/or the like. I would never be ok with that scenario. I thought there was a link (some time ago) where some parents had missed the ship with their children on board and if I remember they got taken out to the boat..... I could never handle that kind of stress. I can say that as a person that has always vacationed with my kids (starting at 2 yrs); in our 4 cruises our children have always loved the ports. They get plenty of A/O time (at sea days and evenings after dinner). I let them shop (love to fill the bag of rocks that you find in many ports), and we always look for some sort of family excursion... Dunn River Falls and Beach, snorkle, tour of St. Thomas just to name a couple. Bring extra water and sun lotion!!!


I looked into the Jeep thing once and I had read that many of them do not have seat belt as they are older models and not required.... I think it was on the excursion board (but it was a a couple of years ago).

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We took our kids to every port stop, in fact we chose places to visit that they would like. But in St Thomas, my 6 yr old did not like the fact that we were going shopping (9 yr old loved the idea!). So the 6 yr old decided she wanted to stay on the ship in the AO program: her choice. She loved it. Remember, you have met all the counselors, you know them , your kids know them, and the are not really 'strangers". Let your child decide.

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My 10 yo granddaughter has been cruising with me since age 4. At first we would take her with us everytime, she hated it. Shopping and touring make for an unhappy child. Now she stays in camp if we are shopping and looking around and she goes on the excursions, snorkeling beach etc. . I believe missing the ship would not be an option!!! She loves the camp and we have never worried. Have fun...don't stress.

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Call it what you want. My kids love it - and that's enough for me.


Maybe I focus a little more on keeping my whole family happy that you do.


Wow. I'm amazed that you can come to the conclusion that since your kids like AO, you send them there, and they are happy, that it naturally follows that you "focus a little more on keeping my whole family happy" than someone who chooses not to send their kids there.


My kids did the Disney club a few times and loved it. Given the option to go to kids club on our last 4 cruises, they have declined and told us they prefer to be with us. We actually have a lot of fun together and truly enjoy being together on our cruises. My kids are now 15 and 12 and they didn't even care to go to the teen club last time.


There ARE actually families that enjoy spending all of their time together on vacation. And there are other families whose children crave time with other children, which is why the kids clubs are great. Nothing wrong either way, and choosing one option over the other is not indicative of superior parenting.

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I was looking at St martin and it seems that orient beach is popular. I can handle the optional clothing thing, though I think id stayed clothed, but I refuse to subject my little ones to that.






Orient Beach is a lovely beach that I think your kids would enjoy. There were many happy children there when we went there. The nudity is not done in a sexual context, so I don't believe your kids would be traumatized by this or would even give it much thought. We purposely chose the area farthest away from the nude section because my husband was so freaked about the possibility of our children getting even a glimpse of a naked body. Two nude older men actually walked by on the beach by us. My husband was all bent out of shape about it and my younger daughter said "Dad, what's the big deal? God made us all naked, it's not like they're puttin' on a show or anything!"


We saw no other nudity other than that.


As to your main question, I don't think you are horrible for wanting some adult time. Everyone has their own comfort level about with whom and when to leave their children with others. I would never leave my children on the ship if I was going to port, but that's just me. I'm always thinking about what would happen IF... I just wouldn't want to take the chance. My fears are probably due to the fact that I used to be a trauma nurse and saw too many horrible freak accident/sudden illness scenarios and I just wouldn't be able to relax knowing that I wouldn't be immediately available to my kids if they needed me.


That said, the odds are good that everything would be fine. Just DO NOT miss the ship or have an accident or flat tire on the way back that would delay you!!!!


Good luck and let us know how it all turns out.

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My husband was all bent out of shape about it and my younger daughter said "Dad, what's the big deal? God made us all naked, it's not like they're puttin' on a show or anything!"


Out of the mouths of babes..... :D


See now my boys are 14 and 17 and I'm not about to take them with me to Orient beach if we go there! LOL! They'd love to go, but only WITHOUT us I'm sure!


I'm also certain that they will want to do some of the kids excursions with the teen groups or stay back on the ship if they make friends. Even at their age, I'll see how I feel about the ship, the group activities and how my children are handling any independence I allow them.


Personally, until I'm comfortable with the ship and the services I won't be comfortable with them being apart from us even while we're still on the ship! The ship is large enough that it may be difficult to reach us if they get hurt or sick while onboard. They'll stay back while we go on excursions if they want to and if I feel comfortable with that.


For those who suggest we leave our kids at home...maybe you should consider an all adult cruise/vacation?

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Leaving 14 and 17 year olds back on the ship is different than leaving 6 and 8 year olds.


and I wasn't comparing the two! I was referring to them WANTING to go on that excursion, but without us.


In my earlier post I referred to taking them on vacation when they were younger and allowing them to stay with supervised groups and felt quite comfortable with it after I checked out the type of supervision provided. Each child and each situation is different.


In fact, at 14 and 17 I would be JUST as worried about my children as at 6 and 8...as I said each situation is different and being a concerned and repsonsible parent I realize that that there are potential dangers for their age group too. I won't judge others for their decisions.


I can't believe that the majority of people who take these "family" vacations spend EVERY SINGLE minute with their children. I don't consider them any safer on that ship if I'm on board several floors away or in port. I have to trust the crew in charge of the kids before I'll go on another deck or on port either way!

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Leaving 14 and 17 year olds back on the ship is different than leaving 6 and 8 year olds.


I think that it is more dangerous to leave a 14 and a 17 year old. There has been a couple stories concerning teenagers and misbehaving. Also I have read some post about crew members and young girls.


I was just on another thread where they are going to have a story about cruise ship workers hitting on women on Inside Addition tonight. Should be interesting.

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IMHO, accidents and illness happen everywhere. I am sure the people on the ship (ship doctor, counselors, etc.) would be far more qualified to handle something like that than me. Of course I would feel awful if something happened, but if I was on the ship and they were in AO when it happened, I would also feel awful. Or, if we were on an excursion and they got hurt, I would also feel terrible. They would probably be safer there than many other places. I am a SAHM and know that it's quite important for my husband and I to have some time alone together doing things that we wouldn't normally do. It's called working on our relationship. If you don't feel comfortable, then by all means, stay...but if you really want to do an excursion and your kids love AO, then leave them and have a great time. With all the activities, I don't consider it babysitting and either do my kids. My kids have joined us on excursions and also loved staying on the ship. The first time I was nervous, but we had so much fun together, it was worth it. We have gone on dates that were miles and miles away from home and left them with qualified sitters, but I'm sure not as qualified as those on the ship (and there isn't a doctor staying at our house), so I'm not sure what the big difference is. As for the whole "family" vacation, we have a great time together, but enjoy our time apart also. It is ALL of our vacation and cruising is an excellent way to have it both ways. As for the person who says to go on an adults-only vacation, we live far from relatives so that isn't possible. We had our first weekend away from our kids a few weeks back...and we have been married for 16 years! Sometimes going away alone isn't possible and it is very assuming that everyone has this luxury.

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I have one 7 year old. He loves AO. While we are on the ship (sea days, evenings, etc.), we allow him the opportunity to play with other kids for short time spans (not ALL day). We try to have all of the meals together and spend most of the time together too. Sometimes, we have to literally drag him away from AO because he enjoys it so much... That said...


However, on a personal level, I don't think we would leave him on the ship while we go to different ports. (Too many variables for my comfort level) So far, we've pretty much chosen excursions &/or tours that will have a little bit for everyone. We even went to Orient Beach with him. Again, no problems. He was 4-5 at the time and I don't think he even noticed the few guests that went topless. We only had one older gentleman that was "in the buff" and that didn't faze him either. All in all, it was a great time for all of us.


In the end, I think what ever you feel comfortable with is what you should do. :)

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Our kids have gone on two cruises with us so far, and I would not have had a good time at all had I left my kids onboard while in a port. Too many things can happen when they are apart from you, do you want the staff to decide what to do if a medical (or other - ie: allergic reaction) emergency arises? I wouldn't. Until my kids are in college, or on their own, vacation time is family time - esp. while in foreign ports. I've heard WAY too many horror stories here at CC to leave things to chance, and hope that everything goes right when you are off the ship. There are too many variables that I cannot control. They have enjoyed AO when we were back on the ship and can get in touch with me via walkie talkies. Kids can enjoy time with you in a port as long as some of that time is geared toward them. We have left them with friends and family when DH and I need some time for ourselves, THEN we can do what WE want, and know that the kids are being well taken care of by people we know and trust. JMHO.

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Leaving 14 and 17 year olds back on the ship is different than leaving 6 and 8 year olds.

Yes and the biggest difference is that the 6 and 8 year olds who are signed into AO, are safe, supervised and cannot sign themselves out. The 14 and 17 year olds on the other hand, would have absolutely no supervision and could even walk right off the ship into port on their own if they so choose. Hmm...which would I choose?


We've only had one occasion where we left one of our children onboard while we went into port. We were in San Juan from 5 pm til midnight. We had dinner on the ship and then decided to take a walk right by the pier and catch a horse drawn carriage ride. Our daughter positively didn't want to come. She had already made a bunch of friends at the kid's program and they had made plans to do a bunch of the activities after dinner. We signed her in, left her onboard, left the ship for at most two hours and then went back to check on her. It was fine and it's what worked best for us. I'm not sure I'd want to leave them there the entire day while I was in port but that's just me.

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There have been several ports when I had "nothing particular planned" when my now 9 y.o. asked to stay at the AO. She LOVED every second of it. This works especially well if you have 3 or 4 back to back port days that have involved a lot of walking. I always felt safe leaving her in the club and have been on a (Disney) ship where the captain left port one hour late because the parents of 2 cruisers didn't make it back to the ship in time, but they checked the records and realized that the parents had left 2 kids in the Disney camp... they didn't want to leave the kids stranded with no parents that night (otherwise, I am pretty sure the capn would have set sail!)

have fun!!! The AO club is AWESOME. Better than Disney & Carnival in my esteemed daughter's opinion.

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