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Just back from the Legend of the Seas LOS 11/26

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Hi Everyone

Well we just got home and i am going to be doing a full review of the cruise by tomorrow . We have only been home 2 hours so lots and lots of unpacking to do :)

I will answer any questions you may have about the ship . I also took over 300 pictures for you .

We had a junior suite AFT cabin and I will say it was well worth the money !!!

Oh Heck I'll write a short one now :)

Embarkation was a breeze since we had a JS we were able to go right to the special fast check in line , they even let my parents come through with us .

Day 1 was a bit rainy so we decided to explore the ship starting with lunch at the Windjammer , which yes it has been refurbished with lots of different stations where ypou can get salads , cheese , sandwiches and all kinds of dishes , chicken marsala was one I remember .

The ship is in wonderful shape for her age . Our cabin 8082 did show some wear but I will say the balcony was bigger then those on the side I looked :) , it has 2 cushioned chaise lounges , a table and 2 chairs . The tub was great my girls love their tubbies ! The bed I thought was pretty comfy too .

I signed up for a full body massage which was worth every penny ! All of our shore excursion tickets were ready for us as per we did purchase them on-line prior to sailing .

Sea day was also wonderful . I played Bingo and won a spa treatment .We dropped the girls off in the Oceaneers Club . Kudos to the Oceaneers Club what a fantastic program , a different theme for the kids every day !!!!!!!! We proceeded to the casino , WOW I have never seen more winnners in any other casino , the bells were going off constantly , my Dad won $375.00 and I well didn't win but stayed even WOOHOO!

I am however I must say an Eastern and Southern iternerary girl , not that the ports were not nice I just prefer the others .

Grand Caymen , we did the Stnigray swim , that was wonderful except fpt the fact they swarmed us as soon as we got in , I did jump into hubby's arms LOL :eek: , after a few mintues I was fine .

Costa Maya , we did Mahjaul Beach , we didn't care for it . It was very small and only a few feet of beach , we stayed for a few hours and ate nachos with cheese and nachos with salsa , that was really really good and no we did not get sick !

Belize , we did the aerail trek and cave tubing , the cave tubing was canceled due to rain the previous day . I did get half the money back but it took 2 days ! The aerial trek was amazing !

Cozumel , was wonderful , it rained really hard the first hour so we shopped , I knew it was going to clear so we decided not to tender back to the ship with my parents . It did clear and we went to Paradise Beach .I have to say good job Tom the beach was beautiful and it really seemed as thou the hurricane never touched your beach ! They were still sifting the sand and fixing up things but it was so nice to see all the hard work done . The beach was gorgeous with lots of sand ! Great food and drinks too , we had nachos again and I had 2 peach daquiries , the girls had french fries and Barry had 2 beers . The bill was $35.00 and worth it !

Our last day at sea was the best , so relaxing , I lounged alot on our balcony because the top of the ship where the pool is was a cool wind and our balcony was perfect !

Dinners were good , we loved our waiter Mario and his assistant Naana .They were so good with the kids the head waiter even fed our daughters LOL . some nights the food was better then others as to be expected .

The shows were definelty not very good . they said they are still getting acts and preformances together since they just started the Western Caribbean a few weeks ago . But I have to say do not expect top notch entertainment !

I will answer any questions you have

I will also be posting pictures tonight or tomorrow :)

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Hi SettingSail


Glad you had a great cruise.


Did you manage to have a look at the afts on deck 7? And take a picture or two?


I am really so excited about the aft and am toying with upgrading (yet again) to a JS aft. That is if one is available, or at least be put on the wait list. I have posted a thread on these boards and a couple of people have said I should stick with my D1 cat deck 7 aft. I really want to be able to lay down or near enough on a lounge chair on my balcony catching the sun and if the D1 cat is not big enough then depending on the cost I would have to upgrade to the JS.

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My pictures are on a seperate thread , just put the password simmiteekee in because it will not let you through without it . Here is the link


Hi Jarronwood - the aft cabins just below us were a bit smaller instead of 3 glass pains across they were 2 , the person next to us had a friend just below and he said that it was big enough for 1 lounge and maybe a chair . i am not sure how much sun they got because we were on top of them and we had noone on the top of us so I really can't help you there .


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Your photos are great. What adorable little girls. I bet they loved it.


The ones with the stingrays remind me of when hubby and I went snorkelling with them. The only thing was that I was petrified. I had to get back on the boat. Hubby was in there swimming around and I was on the boat taking pictures.

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Your girls photograph sooooooo well! What great photos. The one of your daughter in the water/yellow bathing suit is worth framing! Cute!!


I wanted to ask where that pool is in album 5 -photo 2. That looks fun! It looks like they serve yard size drinks and everything there. I would love to visit there when I go on Legend in March. Any info would be great!!

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Settingsail-your photos are great! Thanks for sharing them with us.

Do you remember the name of the place you went to in Costa Maya?

We know we are just going to go to the beach on our own, and we

liked the bar swings:) That place looks like it might work for us and our

two kids. They're 14 and 12 and we figure they will only want to beach

it for a couple of hours.

Was that PB Tom that your girls are with? We're going there too.

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Hi Oliver - That pool area was in Costa Maya , it is right where you get off the ship , there is lots of shopping there too . I know they had a great bar with yard drinks and great music , seemed like one big party :)


Hi LDR , yes that is Tom , he is so nice and boy did they do a wonderful job cleaning up the beach

The beach in Costa Maya was Mahajaul Beach ,prefect for kids that age .

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Hi there,Settingsail.... I am ssoooo Happy that you had a Fantastic time. I have been thinking about you and the girls every single day...aand wondering how you were getting on. I even mentioned you to my husband...that you had finally sailed. He knows how long we have been chatting...for months now. Remember Jamiski? When we first started chatting way back when I first returned from my cruise on Legend in Sept. time? It is such great news that you found the ship as wonderful as we did. I keep saying to people.. don't listen to the niggly reviews. Some complaints are serious and totally justified..but most negative things posted here are so very trivial and really spoil the anticipation for others. If you are an appreciative and happy go lucky personality.... determined to have a good time... you will!! If you have extremely high standards and expectations...and cannot adapt easily with the flow...than you might find fault.


I haven't tried to access your photos yet..but the one of you with your husband and daughters alongside the above message is great. It is so strange to see you after all this time and speaking across an ocean. You are a lovely family. Your girls are gorgeous. so pleased to read your happy review. Look forward to reading more. Regards, From Carol in ccold and rainy England

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Hi again Settingsail....Took a bit of time..but finally connected on. How Great to see the Legend again in ALL ITS' GLORY...SHE IS BEAUTIFUL! So many memories popped back into my mind... and you got some great shots of the atrium..and OUR Window seat in the Windjammer. Brilliant shots there showing all the serving areas. Your Junior suite is gorgeous...the balcony is so big. I would just love it ! You even got the Ben and Jerry Sign..I wonder if that is new as I don't remember seeing it. The Ben and Jerrys' was a new addition on our cruise. Also the very large palm tree in the atrium..seems much bigger than any that were there in the summer. Perhaps it's Grown since then! lol.... I noticed the gingerbread houses. Did they have all the Christmas decorations up? It is all fantastic...thanks so much..really enjoyed it.You and your family all look wonderfully happy...I am so very pleased for you that it went so well and that you had the vacation you so much deserved. I will have to get my dd to work out how to get some of our photos onsite. We took over 400. All the Best, Carol

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Hi Carol

Wow , it seems like yesterday that we first chatted . The cruise flew by and I can't believe it is over already . I think we will concider a longer cruise next time , possibally at least a 10 day .

We loved the sea days they were so relaxing and we could go at our own pace :) . Ben & Jerrys and Lattitudes were part of the refit . I had my Vanilla Carmel Latte every morning , it even comes with a free muffin ,I chose chocolate chip !!!!! . they just started decorating the day before we were to disembark :( so we missed most of the Christmas decorations .

Well I am now counting down our Disney Cruise . I am glad we booked 4 days prior at Animal Kingdom Lodge , it will be nice to have the extra vacation days .

When are you sailing again ? Which ship did you chose this time ?

Well , I think I should finish my laundry . You may laugh at this but I am packed for the next cruise LOL , I just took the stuff out of the dryer and put it back in the suitcase seeing we will not need them till then .:)

Take care

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Hi Again. Yes, at Latte tudes they gave us a free cake or muffin with our mocha latte as well. I thought it was good value. The only complaint I had regarding food, was the coffee in the dining room and deck. So strong. It took a couple days before we thought of Latte tudes. they were giving out vouchers with offers when we boarded. Both were added along with the remodernization of the Windjammer in April in Lisbon..just before starting cruising from the UK.


Gosh it's great you are going on Disney in the New Year as well..and staying at the Animal Kingdom Lodge...the girls will love that. As I've said before..florida was my home for 31 years. But sadly when I had my kids here, we couldn't afford to go back often... and when we did.. it was not a proper holiday but to help my parents..who also lived with me here 6 months of the year..every year.. until they past on.


We have been through a lot of really tough times over the past 10 years..sickness..family deaths..unemployment. The cruise this year was a Godsend... I have never known my husband to be so happy and relaxed. I was simply in Heaven..returning to a ship.. the Med and Rome at age 55..I was last there at age 21. I was young all over again. Thirty years just disappeared.


We booked onboard for a return cruise on Legend for August 5, 2006 on a variation of the Med itinery. It is a wonderful cruise..the ports are fantastic and this time Malaga and Palma, Mallorca are added as well as stopping overnight in Barcelona and Palma. My daughters and boyfriends are booked as well for their 21st birthday. They are such fantastic girls and work so hard and do so much for us. But now there is a real chance my husband will lose his job at the end of the school year (he is a teacher) and we won't be able to go. We have paid a large deposit and insurance for all 6..about $1800 already and we would lose all that. Plus I have learned that the TA takes 10% of the total cruise price... In the Event you cancel. That would be an enormous amount of money...about $1200 or more. Altogether, if we cancel now, we'd lose over $3000...despite it being nearly a year away. I don't think you lose so much over there?? It's worrying me sick.


My daughter Michelle works at the courthouse.. having worked her way up doing all sorts of odd jobs. She has bought me a dining room set for Christmas so all 6 of us can sit together.She is so proud....as am I. At present we have a set for 4 and I make meals like an assembly line.


Twin sister Danielles' boyfriends home is 200 miles away and she hates commuting...so he lives with us. They are starting up a screen printing small business from our home. Printing T shirts etc,selling on Ebay. They have taken a course and also work for extra money to keep themselves going at a wine packing warehouse.. doing overnight shifts...12 hrs a day.. 4 days on..and 4off. Michelles boyfriend is a student and does live just down the road..but stays here most of the time. they are great guys..and do lots of odd jobs at home to help us. We truly want to help give them All this vacation they so deserve..and to enjoy the wonderful ship and ports once more ourselves. It will be a once in a lifetime family cruise. I pray it comes true. So glad to hear from you again. Cheers for now, Carol

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Your twin daughters are gorgeous and I love their matching outfits!! Did these outfits get bought at the Children's Place? I swear my daughter has some of the same ones! LOL


I loved all the pictures you took and it looked like a beautiful ship and a great vacation. Thanks for sharing them!



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I have to say the first night was the ship was a rocking DH who never gets sick was . I think for some reason I even felt it more on this ship . We were in an AFT cabin so that may have something to do with it . I did keep myself pumped up on Dramamine that seemed to really help . I think you will be fine , if you are prone to sickness I suggest to take something 4 hours before you cruise . I heard that the cold fronts that come down from the North can play a roll on how the waters are . I'm glad you enjoyed the photos :)

Have a wonderful trip

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settingsail - did you feel the ship rocking back and forth from your location? I was curious as to how much you can feel movement on this ship. When we sailed Navigator I NEVER felt it moving, even through a bad storm. On smaller ships I have been on, the rocking was pretty bad.


How was it? Thanks :)

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SETTINGSAIL: HELLO, Your pictures are WONDERFUL. You have a BEAUTIFUL FAMILY! You also have a fabulous camera. You captured your entire trip wonderfully! I wanted to let you know I looked at your album as I am sure you will note everyone that accesses your SLIDESHOWS! We leave on our very first cruise Carnival Fascination 01/30/06 and am having a blast with the message boards. Many thanks for the ability to view your photo gallery. Have a wonderful holiday with those beautiful baby-dolls!


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