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FREEDOM SPRING BREAK trip report with PICS! 3/25-3/31

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Seeing the outside of your ship for the first time in port is always fun.




Once the tender docked, our shore excursion tickets told us to meet under the red tent, which was easy to find. We got our bus stickers, and then waited just for a few minutes. The above picture of the ship was taken at 8:44, and the next picture was taken at 9:02.




The bus was a short walk from the meeting place. It was a large coach style bus, with pretty good AC! Taken at 9:08…




We were told to memorize our bus number (one) and our driver’s name (Love Joy). Soon enough we were off, first heading to Pedro St. James. We drove through the less crowded, eastern side of the island. There were a few nice houses...I apologize for the subpar photo.




When we got to the visitor center for Pedro St. James, we had a few minutes to use the bathroom before we started the tour. One of the employees there was kind of passive aggressive...we’re tourists, but still.


Our first part of the tour was to watch a movie about the history of the site. The theater was really dark and had a mockup of the house and the surrounding environment.


The movie was LONG. Basically, it took you through the history of the site, but I thought it was too in depth for the amount of time we were supposed to have on this tour. It was a twenty minute bus ride to Pedro, then the movie was half an hour long. I was kind of annoyed with the length of the movie...I wish we could have skipped it and had more time at the turtle farm (that’s another story).


The setting of the area was actually quite beautiful. I didn’t know it was on the water, so the wide vista was a nice surprise!



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The tour of the actual house was brief. Our guide was a very nice man, but not that good of a guide. He had a lot to say, but wasn’t very loud or good at keeping the group together, so everyone pretty much wandered around the house.


The staircase where a slavery abolition proclamation was issued:




They were setting up for a wedding in the field in front of the house:




I thought the iguanas in Grand Cayman in 2012 were hilarious, so when I saw one hiding in a tree I had to snap a pic! I had to zoom in a lot--sorry for the grainy pic but hopefully you can see the little guy!




The front of the house:




Sorry there weren’t very many pics of the house. It was a very quick tour and it was hard to get a good photo of the interior, due to our big group.


There were some cats who wandered the grounds--here’s one:




No paparazzi, please!



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As we took the 40 minute drive from Pedro St. James to the Turtle Farm, our driver gave us some more cursory info about the Cayman Islands, and pointed out some sights along the way.


We passed the port area again and the NCL Escape, MSC Seaside, and Celebrity Infinity (not seen here) were all anchored.




The Governor’s Mansion:




One interesting tidbit is that Queen Elizabeth formally appoints the governor every two years, instead of elections being held!


The oldest standing house on the island:




When we arrived at the Turtle Farm, we met our tour guide for the farm itself. He was good enough, but stressed that we had to be back at the bus at 2:10 so. darned. much. It almost makes you feel rushed...at the time I was thinking maybe we could ride a taxi back and leave later, but good thing we didn’t do this...you’ll see.


After a lot of “hurrying up”, it was time for the “wait” as we were given another ten minute break to use the bathroom and buy turtle food (which we did not get). Luckily we were under a somewhat shady trellis near the turtle breeding pool, which was better than the Pedro St. James courtyard with the snippy workers…




You can see the breeding beach where the female turtles lay their eggs here:




While we were waiting I caught sight of this absolutely miserable looking employee from the MSC Seaside. I noticed her throughout the tour looking like she absolutely hated life, I felt bad for her. My mom even commented on how miserable she looked, and she isn’t as observant as me when it comes to these things! I wonder why MSC sends their own crew members on the excursions.


We first went to the hexagonal pools where the turtles were sorted out by their age. Those who bought turtle food (pellet type) could feed them too. I’m pretty glad we didn’t waste money on this, as it was about as interesting as feeding the koi fish--you just throw the food in there. I do think younger kids might enjoy it, though!


They had a few different types of turtles, but the vast majority were the typical green sea turtle.



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This next picture is by far one of my favorites from this cruise. Now, I didn’t know that turtles squirt water out of their noses (?) when they come up for air. So when I saw this happening it was honestly one of the funniest and cutest things. I really wanted to get a pic, so I used the burst on my iPhone to get this pic:




That was the first photo I sent to my friends when I got back from the cruise. It’s just so cute!






Once we finished looking at the different sizes of turtles, it was time to wait in line to hold a turtle. Based on reviews and photos, I was expecting to be able to wade in the pool, pick them up ourselves, etc. However, since it was so mobbed, we waited in this LONG line to be given a turtle to hold, smile for the camera, and put it back in. I mean, it was cool holding a turtle--they’re heavier than they look. But what’s not cool was not being allowed to take your own photos. And if you wanted to look at the photos they took of you, another line was waiting for you.


Let’s just say the following picture was taken on total accident...my phone just so happened to be on and my dad accidentally hit the shutter button, that’s why it's such low quality!




The next part of the turtle farm was the part I was mostly looking forward to: swimming with turtles in the lagoon. Walking to the lagoon my anticipation was growing, as I saw turtles and the lagoon looked pretty inviting--it was a warm day!




However, the line to get the included snorkel gear was long. And we couldn’t find a chair. So my mom ended up sitting out (she’s not a fan of snorkeling) while the rest of us got gear. I still felt horrible about it (but I was hoping to make it up on the excursion we were taking together the next day).


This was by far the best part of the whole excursion. While it’s not as cool as swimming in a real coral reef, there were just some “Come Seek”- commercial worthy moments, like when a turtle swam next to me for a while, or when I swam through a school of fish. I got lost from the rest of the group (always happens when I snorkel), but still managed to get back on time to rinse off and make it back to the bus.


The bus ride back was pretty uneventful. Our driver gave us some more info, including the national dish...turtle stew.


Overall, this excursion was okay. It was enjoyable enough, but our group was too big to be ideal, and we felt so rushed. If it was a little less pricey, I would recommend it. But at $55 a person (on sale), it would have been cheaper and more enjoyable to do it ourselves.


Since no food was included on the excursion, we were all hungry on the way back to the ship. And not cruise ship hungry. Actual hungry! My mom and I were talking about how we can’t wait to try the pizza from Sorrento’s, grab a salad from the Windjammer, and relax in the pool.


All hopes of a timely lunch were extinguished when we got back to the port. The line was absolutely INSANE.

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The next five photos are screenshots from my Instagram story of the line we had to wait in for the tender back to the ship. Granted, it moved reasonably well but the length was insane. It snakes back and forth at least four times over. I can guarantee every single person in these photos is waiting for Freedom...












To add insult to the injury, just as we were nearing the front of the line, the family in front of us doubled in size as they met shouted people up from further back in line. Of course they are the last ones on the tender, and the rope is closed in front of us. We did meet a nice family behind us from Parkland, FL...way to remember the real world still exists.


When we finally got on the tender, we were the first ones on. Tip: sit on the top decks! They unload the top first.


So close yet so far:



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Following! Great review so far. I was on the same cruise and am currently writing a review myself, much similar to yours. I am just about your age (reading your review in the college library instead of studying...oops) so I can relate a lot. I tried to find my family and myself in your photos of the tender line in Grand Cayman, but I knew the chances would be slim in that long line! Keep up the great work!

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A look down “I-95” on the ship:




We went to Sorrento’s once we got on the ship. The pizza in the Windjammer is frankly horrible so I had very low hopes for this, but it was a lot better than expected. They had a margherita pizza, which is my favorite type of pizza. The crust was reasonably thin, but the toppings were eh. I’d say it’s pretty good for cruise ship pizza.


We had a bunch of damp towels so I took them up to the pool to drop them off. I couldn’t resist a quick stop in the Windjammer so I got some fries and pasta. I was craving carbs!!


The plan for the afternoon was to walk around the ship for a little, but we were tired and just decided to rest in our rooms before dinner.


Celebrity Summit. I’ve always wanted to try Celebrity, seems like a fun, relaxed, sophisticated cruise.




We ended up leaving a little late, presumably due to the long tender line.


Bye Grand Cayman!




When we pulled out I was able to get some pics of the NCL Escape and the brand new MSC Seaside (now Oasis class isn’t the only one with a zip line at sea). I was actually looking at changing our reservation to the Seaside for this week, because it was brand new. But we decided not to because it was brand new. I’ve heard mixed things about MSC and based upon initial reviews of the Seaside I think we made the right choice. I definitely do want to try MSC one day...those Swarovski staircases though!!!






My carb cravings weren’t satisfied so before the 5pm trivia I got some more pizza from Sorrento's. Pictures like this remind me how big these ships are. Freedom isn’t the new girl on the block, but it’s crazy how fast cruise ships grew in size. The industry went from Sovereign OTS (1988) to Oasis in 20 years! That’s a 152,000 ton growth!






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We again scored middle of the pack for the trivia. We always either know the answer for sure or have literally never heard of what they are asking for. No happy medium!


I really love the promenade decks on RCI ships. They’re so relaxing and you feel so connected to the ocean.




I miss the old menus. The options are very limited, and I kinda miss the themes.




For an appetizer I ordered the seafood cake. It was below average for the appetizers, which I usually enjoy. It wasn’t hot at all, and didn’t have that much flavor.




This picture is honestly not that good, but it just reminds me about one of the things I love about cruises. Something that is as boring as a quick run to the bathroom (when I took this pic) is made so many times better by just glancing out the window and seeing the ocean gliding by. It’s just one of those feelings only cruise can give you, just that relaxed and tranquil feel of the ocean.




I always like chicken cordon bleu, so that’s what I decided to order. It was pretty good, but the breading could have been a little crunchier and overall the dish wasn’t all that hot. I don’t know why rice was paired with it...it didn’t really go. Would have prefered potatoes.




Finally, for dessert, I ordered the lemon panna cotta. For being no sugar added, it was pretty good and didn’t taste too artificial.



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We are sailing on FOS May 6 and I am enjoying reading your review about what we can expect and am very excited! Do you happen to have pictures of the cruise compasses for the rest of the week as well? Thanks again for your report!

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We are sailing on FOS May 6 and I am enjoying reading your review about what we can expect and am very excited! Do you happen to have pictures of the cruise compasses for the rest of the week as well? Thanks again for your report!


Whoops! I completely forgot to upload those...once I'm done with this day I will upload the day 2 and 3 compii!

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For the rest of the evening, we didn’t really have plans until 9pm, which was the ice show. Our cousins wanted to play shuffleboard, so my mom went back to the room to wash up while we stayed on deck four.


Being the Floridians we are, we used to have a shuffleboard court in our backyard--our house was built in the 50s, during the height of stucco homes, orange groves, and St. Augustine grass. Our house only has one of those now--the grass. Where we live used to be an orange grove forever ago, so when it was redeveloped, the developers “gave” each house a tree or two--we had one in the front yard and one in the backyard. Sorry for the digression...we always complain about Florida, but I do really love living here.


Anyways, all of the shuffleboard courts were occupied, except for one that didn’t have any equipment. We decided to go up to deck 12 to play ping pong, which was also taken. So we just kind of chilled by the Flowrider for a little. It was only boogie boarding, but some people were really good--one guy would throw the board forward and have it come back to him.




I went down to the Schooner Bar to grab my brother and mom who were doing some music trivia before we went back up to deck 12 to meet up with everyone else. They were actually at the ping pong tables near Adventure Ocean, and it was just so quiet and peaceful there. Being on the higher decks is always so wonderful--the breeze, lights, and the ocean air are just awesome.




Soon enough it was time to go to the 9pm ice show, Freedom-ice.com. We tried getting there early to avoid crowds, but the line to get in stretched almost all the way out of On Air. We still got front row seats, on the left side of the ice. The show was great! I liked it a little bit more than the one on Navigator, but the best thing about it was not the music or the themes but the skaters. We get annual passes to Busch Gardens in Tampa which has great ice shows, but the skating here blew that out of the water. These were definitely the best jumps I’ve seen outside of competitions. The show closed with a pretty nice standing ovation.


We were planning on watching karaoke for a little, but the lounge was really crowded and we were all tired after an early morning, so we just decided to go back to the room. But we couldn’t resist a slice of pizza and a glass of water for a late (ish) night snack.


Another towel animal was waiting for us when we got back to the room:




After washing up my mom and I sat on the balcony for a little. Personally, even though I thoroughly enjoy them, balcony rooms are not a must. I don’t spend all that much time on the balcony aside from pulling into port and at night. But I would really miss being able to go outside in your pajamas before going to bed


That’s it for day 3! Up next: a mini sea day and our first Mayan ruins!

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I intended to have a leisurely morning, but I still ended up waking up at 7:30. Waking up at 5:30 for school really does mess with your sleep schedule.


I got my usual muesli, pastry, and coffee from the Cafe Promenade. My mom and I were planning on eating a late hearty breakfast today, as our excursion started at noon and we weren’t going to get food until 3ish.




We had a late arrival in Costa Maya around 11am, so we just decided to walk around the ship and enjoy the ocean.




I wanted a pic of the wake and the aft of the ship, I was so scared to take this photo!




Love this section of the promenade.




Our room is the first room on the hump, second lowest deck of balconies.




Once we got near the front of the ship there was the most awful sewage smell I’ve ever smelled on a cruise ship. But I do love the helicopter pads on Voyager and Freedom class ships.





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Around 10 we decided to get our main breakfast from the Windjammer. It was absolutely insane. I’ve really noticed the crowds on this ship, much worse than Navigator, IMO.


The omelet bar is extremely popular, so the line is always long. I was kind of annoyed when a woman cut me in line to order omelets, but I didn’t feel like saying anything—trying to keep the good vibes. It payed back though when my omelet came out before her’s—the look on her face was priceless.






MSC Armonia and NCL Dawn in port today. Did y’all see that video of the MSC Armonia smashing through the dock in Roatan this last week??




After breakfast we still weren’t docked, so we went back to the ship to finish getting ready and to watch the ship pull in.






It’s always pretty fun pulling up next to a ship. We always wave to the people on the other ship’s balconies like mad men.





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Quote: The next five photos are screenshots from my Instagram story of the line we had to wait in for the tender back to the ship. Granted, it moved reasonably well but the length was insane. It snakes back and forth at least four times over. I can guarantee every single person in these photos is waiting for Freedom...




When we visited Grand Cayman a few years ago on Freedom, the line for returning tenders was very long and the worst part was it was thunderstorming. All the surrounding restaurants and bars were packed and most people had to just wait in line. We were standing in ankle deep water while there was lightening. The irony wasn’t lost on us when we thought back to all the times we had to clear out from swim meets and practices due to thunderstorms. The pools in our area won’t even let people wait in the locker rooms when the pools close for storms.



I am enjoying your review and photos.

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For the rest of the evening, we didn’t really have plans until 9pm, which was the ice show. Our cousins wanted to play shuffleboard, so my mom went back to the room to wash up while we stayed on deck four.


Being the Floridians we are, we used to have a shuffleboard court in our backyard--our house was built in the 50s, during the height of stucco homes, orange groves, and St. Augustine grass. Our house only has one of those now--the grass. Where we live used to be an orange grove forever ago, so when it was redeveloped, the developers “gave” each house a tree or two--we had one in the front yard and one in the backyard. Sorry for the digression...we always complain about Florida, but I do really love living here.


Anyways, all of the shuffleboard courts were occupied, except for one that didn’t have any equipment. We decided to go up to deck 12 to play ping pong, which was also taken. So we just kind of chilled by the Flowrider for a little. It was only boogie boarding, but some people were really good--one guy would throw the board forward and have it come back to him.




I went down to the Schooner Bar to grab my brother and mom who were doing some music trivia before we went back up to deck 12 to meet up with everyone else. They were actually at the ping pong tables near Adventure Ocean, and it was just so quiet and peaceful there. Being on the higher decks is always so wonderful--the breeze, lights, and the ocean air are just awesome.




Soon enough it was time to go to the 9pm ice show, Freedom-ice.com. We tried getting there early to avoid crowds, but the line to get in stretched almost all the way out of On Air. We still got front row seats, on the left side of the ice. The show was great! I liked it a little bit more than the one on Navigator, but the best thing about it was not the music or the themes but the skaters. We get annual passes to Busch Gardens in Tampa which has great ice shows, but the skating here blew that out of the water. These were definitely the best jumps I’ve seen outside of competitions. The show closed with a pretty nice standing ovation.


We were planning on watching karaoke for a little, but the lounge was really crowded and we were all tired after an early morning, so we just decided to go back to the room. But we couldn’t resist a slice of pizza and a glass of water for a late (ish) night snack.


Another towel animal was waiting for us when we got back to the room:




After washing up my mom and I sat on the balcony for a little. Personally, even though I thoroughly enjoy them, balcony rooms are not a must. I don’t spend all that much time on the balcony aside from pulling into port and at night. But I would really miss being able to go outside in your pajamas before going to bed


That’s it for day 3! Up next: a mini sea day and our first Mayan ruins!




We were in the front row during the ice show as well, and on the same side as you! My brother even got high-fived by one of the performers!



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Around 10 we decided to get our main breakfast from the Windjammer. It was absolutely insane. I’ve really noticed the crowds on this ship, much worse than Navigator, IMO.


The omelet bar is extremely popular, so the line is always long. I was kind of annoyed when a woman cut me in line to order omelets, but I didn’t feel like saying anything—trying to keep the good vibes. It payed back though when my omelet came out before her’s—the look on her face was priceless.






MSC Armonia and NCL Dawn in port today. Did y’all see that video of the MSC Armonia smashing through the dock in Roatan this last week??




After breakfast we still weren’t docked, so we went back to the ship to finish getting ready and to watch the ship pull in.






It’s always pretty fun pulling up next to a ship. We always wave to the people on the other ship’s balconies like mad men.





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Good to know I’m not the only one who noticed the crowds on this cruise!



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We were in the front row during the ice show as well, and on the same side as you! My brother even got high-fived by one of the performers!



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That’s so interesting! My little cousins stood up and and got hi fives from the skaters too!



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We are sailing on FOS May 6 and I am enjoying reading your review about what we can expect and am very excited! Do you happen to have pictures of the cruise compasses for the rest of the week as well? Thanks again for your report!

I'm going to second this, and can't wait for you to post them (I saw you said you would shortly, thanks in advance!). I like having a bit of an idea what food is in the MDR and what movies are playing before boarding :)

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