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...If Carnival Does Not Sell What You DrinK?

texas greeneyes

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Hello Everybody,


OP here. Wow...unbelievable how long this thread has gone on. :eek:


Anyway, I have a new idea regarding the policy for bringing booze aboard, so that I can have my drink of preference (Hot Damn 100 proof...I know I mentioned it previously, but other posters have since asked) while Carnival still profits from my indulgence.


How about Carnival selling (pre-cruise, via mail or online) self-adhesive labels to affix to bottles passengers wish to bring aboard? This will allow Carnival to get a surcharge from those who would rather not smuggle.


Nothing extra needed at check-in. It would just work as a "pass" if someone screening what is brought aboard sees the bottle(s) of alcohol.


Whatcha think?

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Well, as much as many of us would LOVE for him to take you up on that deal... we all know, it ain't going to happen :( It's similar to touret's (sp) syndrome... the word "jeans" just flies out at any given moment, regardless of the topic :p


LOL!!! Some things never change do they Chris?

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Wow, been away for a bit and yep, this thread sure is rolling. While Dan and I have vastly different opinions regarding the alcohol policy, I would have to agree with him about the thread topic (but geeeeeze Dan, enough with the "demanding" and "my word is law" stuff...)


Zydecocruiser, really, it's in everyone's best interest that you start a new thread if you're expecting any reasonable degree of participation and intelligent debate on your subject. Many people are likely interested in the jeans debate but are missing out because they see a subject line about alcohol. If we don't keep the subjects separate, how are people supposed to participate in the topics that interest them, while skipping those that don't?


What's the big deal man? Start a new one and start it off right with a nice, detailed essay on why your position is the right one.



Just my two copper... Cheers!

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Smuggling booze is a rule violation. They have the power to put you off the ship for that violation.




p.s. Glad you've finally come around to my way of thinking Dan. As I've stated previously, it is a RULE violation - it is NOT STEALING.


Back at ya MacDuff (as I'm sure you won't surrender that easily.. hehe) :p

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Johnny Cruiser,

At least we agree it is a rule violation. Let's also agree that I really don't care what others do, long as I'm not asked to smuggle for them.


Tried this thought in an earlier post but didn't say it right.

A person takes 4 cruises without smuggling booze. Their bar bill runs $1000. on each of those cruises. Now they find the CC boards and learn the whodeewhat of smuggling booze. They take their 5th cruise and smuggle on some booze. This cruise the bar bill is $800. even tho they drank just as much as the previous cruises. How do we explain the $200. missing from Carnivals coffers? Its not there and without smuggling it would have been there. How long and how many times does that happen before the cruise fare increases? Which means money will be missing from my coffers when next I cruise. Me missing money due to someones' trickery equals stealing to me.

Is that reasoning convoluted enough for you???



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Ahhh so it is in societies best interest that the people remain ignorant so corporations can get fatter at their expense. Brilliant! Sounds like the way the government operates.


I see what you're saying Dan, but I still disagree. You see, yours is a hypothetical chicken vs egg scenario (i.e. Carnival only raises prices in reponse to outside influences).


Here's the reality:


When I first cruised Carnival, there were no such rules. You could bring your own booze, buy it in port, even buy it on board in the duty free and drink it on board. The S&S card was optional (you could still pay cash at the bars). Now, it seems to me that Carnival did, and continues to, make a nice tidy profit thank you very much. But, like any big corporation, there is no limit to their thirst for profits. So they brought in new rules to further pad their bottom line. Please don't tell me you're naive enough to believe that a big corporation like Carnival needs a REASON to try to make more money?


Now what happens in most free societies when companies do this? Consumers adjust their behaviour accordingly.


I haven't changed my behaviour Dan, Carnival looked at something that was perfectly fine and saw an opportunity to exploit the (less than enlightened) masses in order to make more money. Those of us who refuse to act like sheep see right through their actions and simply react.


It's a game Dan. We are no more crooks than they are. You are free to follow the sheep and continue to let the world bend you over... just don't get upset at those of us who refuse to.




... and I agree, of course no one should ask you to smuggle for them.

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Johnny Cruiser,

At least we agree it is a rule violation. Let's also agree that I really don't care what others do, long as I'm not asked to smuggle for them.


Tried this thought in an earlier post but didn't say it right.

A person takes 4 cruises without smuggling booze. Their bar bill runs $1000. on each of those cruises. Now they find the CC boards and learn the whodeewhat of smuggling booze. They take their 5th cruise and smuggle on some booze. This cruise the bar bill is $800. even tho they drank just as much as the previous cruises. How do we explain the $200. missing from Carnivals coffers? Its not there and without smuggling it would have been there. How long and how many times does that happen before the cruise fare increases? Which means money will be missing from my coffers when next I cruise. Me missing money due to someones' trickery equals stealing to me.

Is that reasoning convoluted enough for you???




Dan, I know there are people that do it... but seriously, to walk back to my cabin every time I wanted to fix a drink... no thanks. I will bring it on, have some in the cabin... have some shots on deck (they don't have goldschlagger :() have some bailey's in my coffee, etc... and my bar bill gets higher every single cruise.. my lowest bar bill was on a cruise in which I didn't bring anything with me. Honestly, I wouldn't buy more drinks if I didn't bring it along... because I would just skip the baileys and go right to mimosas, no biggie. I wouldn't buy gs shots, because they don't sell it, and I don't want to make 100 trips to my cabin :D So your scenario, while I know it is applicable to many people, is not applicable to everyone. There are people that don't drink at all. People that aim to spend less than $100 on their S&S account. I don't think Carnival is upset by my S&S account... I'm fairly certain they would like me and those like me to cruise every week.. stockholders would be overjoyed. Which do you think they would choose... the person that spends $1000 on an S&S account during a week, but brings along a few bottles of booze... or the person that brings no booze, and spends $200 on their S&S account???


If you find a way to tell me it's the latter, I'll scream :p


That being said, will you be my mule??? :D:D

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Ahhh so it is in societies best interest that the people remain ignorant so corporations can get fatter at their expense. Brilliant! Sounds like the way the government operates.


I don't care about this topic one way or the other, but saying you smuggle booze onboard as a political statement?


C'mon who you trying to kid.

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I described a single scenario, there was no attempt to apply it to everyone.

I think you are saying something like this: A person takes 4 cruises and has a bar bill of $1000. on each of those 4 cruises. Yet on 2 of the 4, they smuggled on a quanity of booze to consume in their own cabin. On the cruises they did not smuggle, they elected to forgo the hassle of ordering drinks to their room. But their bar consumption remained constant with or without smuggling. OK I would be hard pressed to make a case against them for stealing.


Johnny Cruiser,

I too remember the early, anything goes, times. The fallicy of your case is that todays cruise dollar buys vastly more than we got in the old days. Yes Carnival looks to max profits at every turn, but they are now suppling us with a fleet of $300, $400 and $500 million dollar[and more] ships. Going to places unreachable in the time you speak of. Todays balcony cabins are much cheaper in real dollars than an inside cabin was on a ship that had seen better days before Carnival ever aqquired it. The "wide open" attitude holds a certain nostalgic romance and we are all sorry those days have passed. But everything else has improved dramatically. And having been in business for many years[now retired] I think profit is a beautiful word. A corp. lacking profits is the one to look ashamed, not the one making money and returning terrific value in their product. Do companies cheat and lie and steal? Yes some do. Do workers and unions cheat and lie and steal? Yes some do. There's good and bad every place, but its not an allowance or an excuse for anything.



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Zydecocruiser, really, it's in everyone's best interest that you start a new thread if you're expecting any reasonable degree of participation and intelligent debate on your subject. Many people are likely interested in the jeans debate but are missing out because they see a subject line about alcohol. If we don't keep the subjects separate, how are people supposed to participate in the topics that interest them, while skipping those that don't?


What's the big deal man? Start a new one and start it off right with a nice, detailed essay on why your position is the right one.


Nope. Not. Negative.


Numerous dungaree discussions have been participated in and usually end up being nuked because of the overparticipation by the denim police.


Many, although not all, of the denim police, are booze smugglers and hypocrits and would love for denim discussions to be in some other thread. Divide and conquor, out of sight out of mind, all that jazz. Too bad. Smuggling booze is not only a rule violation but a breech of contract. Wearing denim in the dining rooms, isn't. So for all the hypocrits (and there are many), if you are going to ignore the silly little liquor policy, don't cast stones at those that ignore the silly, imaginary, denim rule.


The reason or degree to which you violate the liquor policy is not an issue - the rule is in black and white - not 3000 shades of grey. There is no justification for your action.

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Hello Everybody,


OP here. Wow...unbelievable how long this thread has gone on. :eek:


Anyway, I have a new idea regarding the policy for bringing booze aboard, so that I can have my drink of preference (Hot Damn 100 proof...I know I mentioned it previously, but other posters have since asked) while Carnival still profits from my indulgence.


How about Carnival selling (pre-cruise, via mail or online) self-adhesive labels to affix to bottles passengers wish to bring aboard? This will allow Carnival to get a surcharge from those who would rather not smuggle.


Nothing extra needed at check-in. It would just work as a "pass" if someone screening what is brought aboard sees the bottle(s) of alcohol.


Whatcha think?



hi texas...very brave of you to try to bring this thread back around to the original topic!:p

I will NOT offer my opinion on this ongoing discussion because it had gotten waaaaaaay to serious.

However, texas, your above idea is fantastic!:) There would still need to be a limit, though. A firm (heeheehee:p ) number would be better than the ambiguous "reasonable amount". Say, 1 bottle of wine, one six or 12 pack of beer and or soda per person per day (determined by length of cruise) and 1 bottle of hard liquor per person every other day (also determined by length of cruise). Surcharge say something like...ummmm...$5 or $10 per bottle/pack...


This I would be willing to live with...

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hi texas...very brave of you to try to bring this thread back around to the original topic!

I will NOT offer my opinion on this ongoing discussion because it had gotten waaaaaaay to serious.

However, texas, your above idea is fantastic! There would still need to be a limit, though. A firm (heeheehee) number would be better than the ambiguous "reasonable amount". Say, 1 bottle of wine, one six or 12 pack of beer and or soda per person per day (determined by length of cruise) and 1 bottle of hard liquor per person every other day (also determined by length of cruise). Surcharge say something like...ummmm...$5 or $10 per bottle/pack...


This I would be willing to live with...


Hi coolestwife,


Thanks :) for your kind (and on topic ;) ) response! I know I, too, would be more than agreeable to a surcharge. Perhaps I should send an email to Carnival.


Somehow, though, I find it improbable that any solution as logical and easy to implement would ever actually be put in place by this one little suggestion. :(


Pardon, the cynic in me is showing. :eek:


Hot Damn! Anyone else have an opinion to share about the liquor bottle labels idea? :D

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It seems to me that it is possible that bringing liquor on board MIGHT actually be illegal.


Not. You used to be able to freely walk onto the ships with the stuff, out in the open.


I usually bring two bottles on board, not to save money, but for the convenience of drinking in my room. And lately, I have found I have walked off the ship with the same two contents of the bottles.


You couldn't even be caught with a pack of cigarette on the Paradise without being put OFF the ship. But I beleive they MADE you sign something.

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FYI - he wore jeans on formal nights.


Oh dear God. It's like a broken record. It's not even stimulating anymore.


Even kids tune out their mothers after a while when all that is really being heard is blah blah blah.

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Hi coolestwife,


Thanks :) for your kind (and on topic ;) ) response! I know I, too, would be more than agreeable to a surcharge. Perhaps I should send an email to Carnival.


Somehow, though, I find it improbable that any solution as logical and easy to implement would ever actually be put in place by this one little suggestion. :(


Pardon, the cynic in me is showing. :eek:


Hot Damn! Anyone else have an opinion to share about the liquor bottle labels idea? :D


Sounds good to me, even though we don't drink a specific liquor. I know that there are some people who do, and I think if I were in that group I wouldn't mind paying a little extra to have a particular brand with me.


I don't know how many passengers use the bar coupons. Guessing the number isn't too high. I never knew about them until reading this website. If something is really that important to you (not being critical of anyone this would apply to), you find ways to make it happen.


Just my two cents.

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Oh dear God. It's like a broken record. It's not even stimulating anymore.


Even kids tune out their mothers after a while when all that is really being heard is blah blah blah.


Blah, blah yourself. Sounds like you may need to learn to use the ignore feature. As for silencing me - not a chance.

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It's like someone isn't getting enough attention....:p


Yup. Every time you pick up a magazine, or put on the TV, you want to read or see at least something new.


We are now trained to jump over the "articles". I can see a name and it could be white font, and I'd know what was there....:rolleyes:

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