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Superstar Gemini


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Hi Bruce

With regards to the water, does desalinated water have a funny taste to it, is there a chlorine smell or taste, is it not good to drink purely for the taste or does it have nasty microbes in it. What about at the different port of calls, I would imagine it would be bad also, how about KL?





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Hi Les,

Mate I am disappointed, I thought that a “wink was as good as a nod”, my advice not to drink the water was very much a joke, there is nothing wrong with the water on Gemini, there is no taste, nor any nasties, IT IS SAFE.:)

I am informed that they do not run the plant in harbour only at sea, they make enough to allow for this, and you get two Bottles of Water every day in your cabin, so take that ashore with you.

My recommendation to go for the COD or the Beer Bucket, was my sad attempt at humour, sorry you missed it.:p

Regards, Bruce

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I know what you're saying though, with all the tasty and reasonably priced alternatives, why would you want to drink the water?? But I do prefer water to brush my teeth.......LOL


Les, the water on board is perfectly safe, you would have no idea that it was anything other than whatever you're used to at home. And you will drink plenty of it!!


Beer buckets.......... 3 cans Heineken, $15, instead of $6.50 per can, Sing $$.

7 cans (with which you will get the 'big' bucket to take to your cabin) I seem to recall was $29. "Happy Hour" prices do not apply to this promotional price, but then Trevor topped up with Heineken on shore for US$1 per can in Vietnam.


A tour of the bridge (run on sea days) is also a good way to pass an hour, mind you don't get trampled in the rush when the info booklet is handed out when you get up there. Don't worry, there WILL BE one each. They plan it that way..................



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My report – Superstar Gemini, Straits of Malacca, June 10-17


After being frustrated at the lack of trip reports on the Gemini, felt I’d better do one myself – although once you’re home and back to work, it is hard to find the time to complete.


My hubby and I left 3 kids at home with their wonderful grandparents for a week on the Gemini. Flew QANTAS from Sydney to Singapore on Sat 9th, stayed overnight at Hotel Rendezvous and boarded Sunday 10th from the Harbourfront Centre. Boarding was a long drawn out process, joining one huge line to check in, then another huge line to actually board – we kept thinking, thank goodness we don’t have the kids for this! Whilst in this line, Star Cruises staff handed everyone a letter explaining that the novovirus had gone through many of the passengers on the prior couple of cruises (that would be you Traceyleigh!), and stressed the importance of using the hand sanitisers, cleanliness at buffets etc. Bit of a nervous start to cruising for us, but thankfully all turned out well, as far as I’m aware, no one our our voyage succumbed to the virus.


Day 1– Port Klang/Kuala Lumpur. Docked at Star Cruises terminal, this was the only time we did a Star Cruises excursion. Did the shopping galore trip which just took you on the 1hr coach trip into KL, dropped us at indoor markets at Chinatown, and from there just a short walk to Petaling St in Chinatown. The indoor markets were not too exciting, we spent almost all our time on Petaling St. Made use of great internet café (infinitely better than the incredibly slow 2 machines on board that cost 33c/minute), and of course lots of shopping. Best dvd prices on the trip were here (6 ringit for movies, 8 ringit/disc for TV series), sellers all told you if they were good quality or not, and so far all we’ve got have lived up to that. Also found a great store selling Nintendo DS and games, incl. multi games with 12/16 games in 1 pack that our kids were delighted with.


Day 2 – Penang. Docked at sea, quite close to Clan Piers. Transferred via lifeboats (that take 150 people), only a 5min journey to wharf. Heaps of taxi & trishaw drivers were waiting at the wharf to offer their services. We hired a trishaw for 2 hours which cost 100 ringit (about $35AUD – much less than what Star Cruises charge for their excursion). This was a great way to see Georgetown, although make sure you have lots of sunscreen on (particularly on your legs), and it is a cosy fit for 2 adults, but we really enjoyed ourselves. He took us to the Clan Piers, Khoo Khongsi, and all the main Georgetown sites. He dropped us as Prangin Mall shopping centre, where we filled in another couple of hours, before hopping in a taxi back to the wharf.


Day 3 – Phuket – this was meant to be our day in Krabi where we were going anchor at sea and transfer via longtail boats to the beach. At the Captain’s dinner the evening before the Staff Captain made a big deal about how wonderful the rock formations were coming into Krabi, and that we should all be up by 7am to see them. We were pretty tired after our Penang Day, so after Captain’s dinner we decided not to go to the entertainment, but had an early night. About 10pm an announcement went through the PA system, incl. cabins saying ‘Mr Bluebird to Galaxy of the Stars’ – turns out this is a call for the ships doctor. We went to sleep, woke up bright and early, got out on deck (we had an inside cabin), and saw we were at a wharf, with no rock formations in sight. Turns out an elderly man at the Galaxy of the Stars entertainment the previous night had a turn. They wanted to get him to hospital, so high tailed it through the night straight to Phuket. A lady I spoke to who was sitting a couple of rows behind the gentleman said he stood up during the show, then collapsed. She was a bit shocked at how disorganised the Gemini staff were. No one seemed to have any first aid training, he was lucky there was a nurse (passenger) nearby who assisted him until the Dr. arrived.

We had booked a driver (the wonderful Mr Mor, recommended often on trip advisor) who was going to meet us in Krabi, and then take us to James Bond Island, then back to Phuket, so we had to quickly ring him (thankfully he was still in Phuket), and get him to meet us at the Phuket Deep Harbour pier instead (near the aquarium, on southern end of the island). Mr Mor was great, took us off to Phang Nga Bay (about 1.5hr drive), where we caught a long tail boat out to the pontoons where you then hire a sea kayak (+ man who does all the paddling for you!) and explore the hongs (sea caves). Wow, that was spectacular, so beautiful. The guy who paddled for us was obsessed with taking photos, he kept asking for our camera to take photos of the 2 of us in every cave we went to, after about 15 different shots we had to say, thanks but we’ve got plenty. Got back to the pontoon where they gave you a nice cold drink, then headed off on the longtail boat again to James Bond Island. Again, wow, this was spectacular, really enjoyed it. The whole scenery all the way is just amazing, rock formations that just take your breath away. On our way back we stopped at the floating village for lunch at one of the several restaurants lined up there. Had a lovely bbq fish we enjoyed – melted in the mouth. Then the long tail took us back to our starting point, where Mr Mor was waiting to take us back to Phuket.

Did a quick stop in Patong Beach to visit the O-Top markets, incl. the famous Kitty’s dvd shop, where we had to pick up a copy of ‘Man with the Golden Gun’ after our James Bond Island visit. We watched it that night (bought kids portable dvd player with us), and were amazed at how pathetic it was. Scenery was great, and they certainly made good use of the island, but the acting, plot, fight sequences, and the extremely pathetic womens dialogue was terrible – it was made in 1983, and boy was it dated. Anyway, gave us a good laugh. I was disappointed with O-Top markets, I’d read good things about them, but found it so much more expensive than Bali.

Came back to the ship for a quick dinner, then headed out to Phantasea in Phuket. (we bought tickets at the O Top market). Show goes from 9pm – 10.30pm, and was quite amazing – up to 16 elephants and 60 dancers on stage together, even a dozen chickens and doves made an appearance. Mr Mor took us back to the ship, charging us 2000baht for the whole day (some 14 hours!)


Day 4 – Phuket again. Mr Mor arrived again and took us to Cape Prom Thep, there’s a 4 faced buddha there surrounded by heaps of miniature elephant status, and a lighthouse with great views. Unfortunately the lighthouse was closed that day, so we saw the regular views (which were pretty spectacular). We then went to another lookout not far from there, and continued up to Kata Beach. Had lunch at Tung-ka Café in Phuket Town, again having read great things about it. View was lovely, was like being in a giant treehouse overlooking Phuket Town. Weren’t too impressed with our meal, but it was ok, we may just have made bad menu choices. Then we stopped at the Central Shopping Centre (Phuket’s newest & biggest shopping centre) for some more internet catch up time with kids back home.


Day 5- Langkawi. Boy we loved Langkawi, it’s the one place (well, and Singapore), that we would really love to return to with the kids. Again we just walked off the boat and were plenty of taxi drivers there, negotiated with a guy named Kamahl J who took us all round the island for 7hrs for 200 ringit (about $70AUD). We went straight to the cable car, which was amazing. Got a great view of the island, and Seven Wells waterfall on the way up. Got out at the top as cloud was coming in, did the walk across this huge pylon/cable bridge between viewing platforms (fair few stairs involved in that part). As we were coming back from the bridge they closed the walk, as it was too slippery. We caught cable car back down in a very fogged up cable car capsule in pouring rain – very pleased we’d taken photos on the way up at least. When we got to the bottom we ran into lots of people from the ship who’d done the Star Cruises excursion. They’d arrived about 30mins after us, and the cable car was already closed by then, so they missed out. They were very disappointed (understandably), and we were so pleased we’d done our own thing, rather than the organised excursion. There were heaps of shops at the base of the cable car, that were actually quite good value. I bought several lovely necklaces for myself and mother in law (the chief babysitter at home!) for 16-20 ringit each. I’d been looking all over, and these were the best I’d found. We sat out the rest of the rain in a lovely Thai restaurant there, had fabulous prawn dish and enjoyed watching the gardeners who were still happily working in the pouring rain cleaning out the lake in the centre of the complex.


We then walked out to the carpark where Kamahl was waiting, and made our way to the Bat Caves. This was a real find, he took us to the centre where the boats for the bat cave leave from. We negotiated with the staff there, memory getting hazy but think we paid 180ringit for the 2 of us for an hour trip. We hopped in the longtail boat, only about 5-10mins to the bat cave, where a boy acts as your guide through the cave. Very easy, flat platform walk, amazing to see hundreds of tiny bats on the wall, and some interesting rock formations. Then back in the boat and over to another part of the river for eagle feeding where the driver throws out chicken skins and lots of eagles come to eat, quite spectacular. Also saw a huge lizard (about 1m long), just swimming around right near our boat and helping himself to the food. Then it was on to a fish farm, we really didn’t expect much here, but had a ball. It was just wooden platforms around several large nets containing all manner of creatures – horseshoe crabs (huge shelled crabs I’d never seen before), eels, spitting fish (and boy could they spit a long way), and lots of other things I’m forgetting now. The fisherman was just passionate about these creatures, and you couldn’t help get carried away. He wanted us to touch everything, we kept thinking how much our kids would have loved the whole day. Oh, and he had some sting rays he wanted us to touch, and he said ‘don’t worry, this one friendly, not like one that killed your crocodile hunter’. After the fish farm we headed back to the dock and Kamahl, all within the hour agreed. We then headed into the main centre of Langkawi for a spot more shopping, and obligatory photos in front of the huge eagle statue. We felt like we only scratched the surface of Langakawi though, lots more there I’d love to do so hopefully we’ll get back one day.


Day 6 – at sea – thank goodness. We had some very full on days, so were ready for a day at sea. Ended up having all 5 meals that day (including the lovely chocolate buffet for afternoon tea). Due to congestion at the regular Singapore pier we docked at the container terminal area on Sunday morning, then bus transfer back to Harbourfront centre, and we caught the delightful overnight flight that night back to Sydney.


All in all, we had a blast on our first cruise. Gemini’s capacity is 800 and there were 590 on our cruise. We really enjoyed the social side of cruising, ate alone a couple of times, but then shared tables and met many lovely well travelled people who just added an extra dimension to the experience. For such a port intensive itinerary the smaller Gemini was ideal, but I don’t know that I’d fancy too many at sea days, apart from socialising there’s not much to do. Entertainment was pretty average (we didn’t go very often, my comment is based on the couple of shows we saw, but also comments from people at dinner). Cruise director Heidicha was a bit wearing, but I’m just not into that kind of forced prattle they seem to be compelled to do. Huge majority of cruisers were Aussies, and of those about 80% were >55yrs. There were a few under 40’s too, but obviously not many have the great babysitters we do! We certainly realised age is a state of mind, we just had so many wonderful conversations with all ages, my hubby ended up buddying up with 79 year old Les from WA, they were all set to take on all comers at Bridge on the sea day, but it ended up being cancelled due to lack of numbers (in their minds, this was because word had got out that the 2 Bridge sharks would be playing). Wine prices were reasonable on board, we had a few bottles of our own, but corkage charge of $18/bottle was a tad steep! I’m hanging out for Star to release their April 2008+ itineraries, I even rang Star Cruises Australia and they said it should happen about Aug/Sept, I’d certainly love to do the cruise that goes north from Singapore, though would like to try one of the bigger Star ships (depending on the budget that is).


Better end there, this is more than long enough.

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Hi All

Sorry I missed the wink Bruce, must be getting slow on the pick up these days, however i don't think I could handle the Bucket of Beer!! Maybe a bucket of good red instead!!

Wow, great report TMBHL, you have certainly given a detailed report, We are thinking also of doing our own thing as well, it might save some $$$, but in KL will do ship one so no chance of being left behind!! was the dancing scene any good as we like to dance as well as music. Any dance lessons in the social activities? Where did you eat dinner mainly, in the Ocean Palace or the Buffet, which one did you prefer. How were the most of the people dressed at night on your cruise? Sorry for so many Q but we are off in Sept and are getting impatient!!!

Glad you had a great time. Do you remember what the KL trip cost and the Hongs excursion?




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Great review. Many thanks. I am going on SSV in December but ports of call are similar so was good to get your perspective. Are there good DVD shops in Phuket as well as KL? I was planning to do the shorex to Bukit Bintang rather than Petaling St in KL, so was expecting to do dvd purchases in Phuket or Penang.


Thanks for all the great info.


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We were just remembering some of the fun we had on board the Gemini with the crew.


Phoebe in the Ocean Palace. A very sweet Chinese girl, her station was the middle level to the left when you walk in the door. She has a 'magic stick' that she uses after the main course to sweep the crumbs away. They all have one but hers is 'magic'.


Mark in the Ocean Palace. Filipino guy, very funny, good rap dancer in the crew show. Ask for a little cracked pepper on your meal and he will give you a quarter turn on the mill, then you have to say bit more, bit more, till you have enough. His station was on the entry level towards the rear and left side as you walk in.


There were all brilliant of course, but these are the 2 we especially remember. There were a couple of language problems, like the day we ended up with a plate of smoked salmon each for breakfast, certainly not something we would complain and make a fuss about. I'm not kidding, we must have had about $15 worth of smoked salmon each!! Boy I miss the Ocean Palace........... TIP: point to what you want on the menu as you say it.


The 2 girls who allocate the seating in the Ocean Palace, sorry, can't remember their names, but they were also lovely. Keep on their good side. They loved Trevor's 'same, same' t-shirt and posed for photos with him!! And be prepared to share a table at lunch or dinner, it's a good way to meet people. At breakfast we were a bit reclusive unless we met friends at the door.


Try and pour your own wine........ they'll almost drop what they're doing and run to take the bottle from you!!


If you have a non-drinker or someone who only has one glass of alcohol at dinner, tell the wait staff that they are the driver tonight. That's good for a laugh. It was actually one of them that originally said it to us, we thought it was hilarious.


Try to get back to your table with anything from the cold breakfast buffet in the Ocean Palace. It won't happen too often, especially with the juice.


Dress regulations in the Ocean Palace at dinner. For men, no open footwear, shirt must have a collar. Unisex, no shorts. This applies even at the Captain's Gala. We saw the full range of clothing, both men and women. Men wore anything from a full dinner suit, to nice pants and jacket, to pants and a polo shirt. Women, same, full on formal to smart casual, so Les, don't worry about the clothes too much. Just go and relax and have some fun!


Linda worked in the Gemini Bar, a 26 y.o. from HCMC. Unfortunately, her contract finished last week, but if you get to the bar in the Hyatt or Sheraton, HCMC, look out for her. That's where she was going back to. I asked her if she'd come back to the Gemini and she said it would depend on if her mother lets her. The mother has the last word in a Vietnamese family.


Nanang was our cabin steward. He was from Jakarta, and didn't like it there. Big, dirty city, loved being on the Gemini. Absolute angel, loves to write and writes every day.


Furball, we were in Patong Beach, Phuket 5 years ago and there were many, many dvd shops. Can't imagine that it would be much different now.


That's all for now.



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Hi Les,

We ate mainly in Ocean's Palace, however the buffet was also lovely too. We checked menus at both each night, sometimes we felt like sitting outside so would do the buffet, other times the inside/table service of Ocean's Palace appealed. Don't worry about dress, there really are all levels, even for the Captain's dinner.

We did the Star excursion in KL because we were worried about timing getting back, but we really needn't have. I was talking to an adventurous couple (much older than us) who put us to shame. They caught a taxi from Port Klang pier to Port Klang railway station. From there they travelled by Train through KL, and got off near Batu Caves, where they caught a taxi the short distance to the Caves. They explored all the Caves (and thought they were wonderful), caught taxi/then train back to KL city, even had time to jump on the free on/off tourist bus and saw many of the KL sights, then caught train back to Port Klang - they left us for dead, but had a brilliant day!

Sorry, I don't remember anything re dance classes on board, but there could have been some.

The Shopping Galore in KL Star excursion cost $20 Singapore each.


We paid 1200baht in Phuket for the long tail boat (in total for 2 of us) that took us to James Bond/Ao Nang kayaking. Then 600baht (again for 2 of us) for the sea kayaking (incl. the all important man who paddled!). There was then another 200baht each to actually walk onto James Bond Island that we paid our long tail boat operator.


Liz - yes, you can get dvd's in both Penang (we saw them up on higher floors in Prangin Mall), and also in Phuket (Kitty's in O-Top market is one place, but ask any driver they'll tell you). I think if I had my time again I wouldn't do Petaling St, would like to see more of KL.

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I have two questions I was wondering if anyone could tell me about the food. I have read where there is a buffet and a la cart restaurant and was wondering is there much seafood - my husband and I love our seafood? Also is there a huge crush on the day you board to book the Captains dinner and the KL tours?


Thanks if anyone can answer these.



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From memory there was more seafood in the OCEAN PALACE restaurant . Typical evening menu in Ocean Palace - Choice of 4 appetizers including a specialty salad, then Choice of two soups, Choice of 4 main courses plus beef and chicken always on menu, choice of 3 - 4 specialty deserts, icecreams, cheese biscuits .

MARRINERS BUFFET excellent for breakfast - huge range, fruits, cereal, eggs, omelletes to order from a chef station outside on the deck, toast, pastries etc . Coffee from machine is like tar ; to stop machine press button again and top up with hot water .

Agree with previous poster staff in Ocean Palace are sensational .


With the Captains Dinner everyone gets to go they have an early sitting like 6.30pm and then 8.30pm . If you have Junior or executive suite your Guest officer will book for you . Otherwise they give you a couple of days notice in Star Navigator, so you just book then .


The crew actually put on a floorshow in Galaxy of the Stars for the pax one night and it was surprisingly good fun for both the pax and crew . Also currently on board fantastic Chinese acrobats, and an Americam magician Murray .

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Well, there cetainly has been some fantastic reports posted in the last 24 hours. Congratulations to all. Now, how about some detail/report on the Hong Kong to Singapore leg. I leave in 21 days time for our flight to HK, 3 days there then board Gemini July 18th for it's run home to Singapore. I have the list of Shorex, thanks to Bruce, but so far there's been no really detailed report about the stops.


Thank you in anticipation


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Hi Frank,

Here are my thoughts for what they are worth, and let me start by saying that Mrs C had a problem with some medication she was taking which left her feeling crook for the first few days of the Cruise, so we did not do all we had planned, however.

Ha Long Bay on day one, we opted to do the Cruise of the Bay, unfortunately for us our Vietnamese Guide was not very talkative as such unlike the other Junks, about 5 or six in total from the ship, we did not get a very good running comminatory, where as friends on two of the other junks said that their Guides were simply brilliant, so it is very much luck of the draw.

Take the one that takes in the Cave Tour, we didn’t and from what we were told we missed out on something special.

To do justice to Ha Long Bay I reckon you would need to do an overnight junk cruise that would include the sea kayaking into the many caves and grottos, unfortunately Gemini does not offer this at present.

I am informed, by those that took the Hanoi Bus Tour, that if you haven’t been to Hanoi before then it is well worth the three and a half hours there, and three and a half hours back, but be prepared for a long and tiring twelve hour day.

We opted for the transfer to the Markets on day two, lots of stuff to buy, bargain hard they will not sell to you at a loss so if you walk away and they don’t call you back then that’s the bottom line for them, so go back later and get it if you want or go to another stall and pay that price.

Nah Trang we did the Historic Temples tour which finishes with a visit to XQ Silk Studio, the work there is simply stunning, I picked up a silk embroidered picture which now has pride of place in our dining room, however it is not cheap, but you get what you pay for, mine cost $100US, take lots of US$’s if you want to buy, they have a web page take a look at their work.

You can buy pictures with or without the frame but the difference in price is only about $5, and it would cost you $60-70 to get it framed at home, they will pack it very well for you, I put mine in my big case, as it was too big to take as hand luggage, it just fitted, but when I saw the state of my bag when we got back to Perth I thought it smashed for sure, however it survived.

Kota Kinabalu we did the Wild Life Park and Shopping Tour, the Park is reasonably new and they are still getting some exhibits up and running, however there is enough to keep you busy for the time you have, the shopping is in a big Mall however if you want there are market stalls to the right of the mall looking at it from the main road.

We were going to go to them but this was the only afternoon when the heavens opened up and it bucketed down so had to shop in the Mall, not that we wanted a lot, however they have young blokes that will approach you and take you to their DVD Shop where I believe they have copies of just about anything and or can make you one up in about 40 minutes, as they did for those in our bus looking for Pirates 3.

Kuching, we were to go on the Primates Tour, however yours truly finally sarcome to the Cold / Flu that swept the Gemini just after leaving HK, and spent the last 3 days either in bed or curled up on a sunlounge on deck 5, so missed out.

However I have been told by all that went on this tour that it was a standout highlight, and would not have missed for quids, so we will just have to go back and have a look for ourselves.

Anyway there are my thoughts, hopefully others will give you theirs.

Regards, Bruce

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For those of you who believe that Aqium gel will keep you safe from contracting norovirus gastroenteritis, don't be fooled. According to The Infection Control Team, St. George’s Healthcare NHS Trust, London, UK, in their information leaflet: ‘Norovirus (Winter Vomiting Disease)’, (Oct 2005) “alcohol gel or rub must not be used (to contain an outbreak) as it does not kill Norovirus”


Furthermore, the Public Health Strategic Healthcare Group, a division of The United States Department of Veteran’s Affairs, claims in the September/October 2004 publication of their magazine, Vanguard, that “alcohol-based hand rubs do not kill certain infectious agents, including Norovirus and the bacterium Clostridium difficile.” It claims, “If these two are a problem in your facility, use antimicrobial soap, plenty of water, and lots of hand rubbing.”


The other important thing to know about Norovirus is that anyone who has had it remains infectious for 48 to 72 hours after resolution of vomiting and diarrhoea. Isolation of sick patients should be compulsory.


I was on the Hong Kong to Singapore leg of the recent Gemini cruise with the Norovirus outbreak. My entire family became sick and we had used Aqium gel constantly. We were disgusted that we were not warned before we embarked at Hong Kong, that there was a gastroenteritis outbreak onboard - 18 people were stiill being treated. My parents are 87. Not only did they contract the norovirus, they also became sick with influenza. My mother is still not well and we have been home two weeks. I can understand there can be outbreaks of sickness on a cruise ship, but we should have been given the option, before embarkation in Hong Kong, to cancel or defer.

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I can empathise with you, as another victim of the gastro bug on the Gemini. We have been home for a week, 2 weeks since we disembarked, and I still don't feel 100%. I'm back to work tomorrow and dreading it. My stomach is still very sensitive, especially to coffee, which I have given up. I can suddenly feel nauseous for no reason,and all I can do is rest till it passes.


I really feel for your parents, it must be terrible for them. I hope you let Star know how you feel.



I'll add my 2 cents worth re HK to Singapore excursions another day. Bed is calling.............


Hi Paul and Marie, I hope you are both well. Haven't checked our photos yet, too much storm related stuff to sort through. No major damage.


Bruce, Thanks for the Mt Kinabalu pic. I'll email you soon.


Vera and Ian, you'll be off Gemini by now, welcome back, hope your cruise was wonderful.



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Hi All

Wow, some great posts and information, Sorry about your experience Karipatta, thats all you need from a holiday, I hope you did manage to enjoy some of it though, It is good to note that TMBHL did say that on her trip they were advising people when they boarded about what cleanliness precautions to take, I suppose after that it is up to individuals to practice clean habits and this is always where the problems would arise, some people and cultures grow up where handling food by hand and not utensils is a common thing and do not realise the problem of cross contamination they can cause, others do not see a problem with picking something up and then putting it back, just watch people at the fruit and vegi markets for example!! The older couple you mentioned TMBHL in KL were certainly adventurous but I think I will stick with the tour on that one as $20 seems reasonable. Phuket sound good and will check out the Hongs. Big decisions will have to be made on where to eat by the sound of it, both excellent with plenty of variety. I like the thought of eating outside for breakfast and lunch when on board at Mariners Buffet and for dinner at the Ocean Palace to be spoil with table service. Sounds great!

I have found information on all the stops now with the exception of Tioman Island, has anyone information on this stop, it would be goos to find out.

E on Board, you are another who will be on board just as I get off, I hope you are finding all this information good as well.

Thanks for the info to Tracey, I am thinking of maybe going over the top for the Gala Ball and Jacket and shirt for the other nights, Its good to dress up and the ship is the perfect opportunity to do this, casual during the day and smart at night.


Cheers All



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Hi Tracey and Les,


Thanks for the sympathetic comments :)


The Gemini Hong Kong to Singapore was our first cruise, so yeah, I was really disappointed that we all got sick, especially as I can't imagine having another opportunity to go on holiday with my Mum and Dad. We actually lost 6 days out of 10 with one or other of us being ill. I have written to Star Cruises - we will see if they reply. My next cruise is on MSC Orchestra - I've been reading mixed reviews about MSC so have my fingers crossed - a huge ship, quite the opposite to the Gemini.


Les, we started off eating in the Mariner's Buffet, but after a few days we changed to the Ocean Palace for dinner, and mostly for lunch as well. I do think it's better value, and more hygienic than self-serve.


Regarding excursions Hong Kong to Singapore, we loved Nha Trang. The excursion we went on included a visit to the Cham towers of Po Nagar, a 15 minute boat cruise, a coconut farm, a pottery business, a temple, a health care centre, an 'ancient house', and morning tea (fruit - we only ate that which we could peel ourselves). I also went on the Ha Long Bay excursion - it was a huge disappointment - 5 hours cruising in the bay became extremely monotonous with a tour guide who said nothing, and no refreshments offered except a bottle of water. The entire time we were given the hard sell by a women with necklaces, magnets etc. If you are young and fit I would recommend the cave option! Or go to Hanoi - my husband loved it!

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Hi Karipatta

This is our first one as well, I am taking my partner and my Mum so in a similar position to you.

I will buy some of those hand wipes you can carry in your bag and encourage Mum and lady to use all the time.

Did the boarding go smoothly or was it a long drawn out affair? As far as th virus goes I have been on a coach tour in Europe and I could see the possibility of it happening also in a group situation, still its doesn't make your experience any more comforting.




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Hi everyone,

I have really appreciated the reviews, feedbacks and comments so far- makes the cruise seem more exciting and interesting! Two quick questions though:

Does anyone know whether there is a huge rush to book the Captains dinner as soon as you arrive on board and the shorex for the next day? Just wondering if we need to ensure we do these ASAP.

Thanks E :)

14 weeks to go!!!!

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Hi Les,


Boarding went very smoothly - the transfer company picked us up late from our hotel, but had already warned us that would be the case. We embarked 4 1/2 hours before sailing and it seemed we were the only passengers getting on at the time. I had imagined crowds of people and long queues.


The hand wipes are a good idea, but don't rely on them - use only as an adjunct to good old-fashioned soap and water, several times a day - a good long scrub (20 seconds at least) and make sure you do your fingers and thumbs and back of hands, not just the palms. It is really important to wash your hands well before eating or drinking, brushing teeth, smoking or touching the face or eyes, after using the toilet (especially public ones), coughing or sneezing into the hands, shaking hands, touching common surfaces or using exercise equipment, and upon returning to the cabin.


If the Gemini still has the hand sanitizing gel outside of the restaurants, make sure you get a large blob - enough to stay 'wet' while you rub your hands all over for 20 seconds. Most passengers just rubbed their palms together for a couple of seconds - it achieves nothing!


Do I sound obsessive? Anyone would after being as sick as we were :eek:

But I do think we were just unlucky - your cruise will probably go without a hitch.


Cheers, and have a great cruise.

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Smart travellers get settled in their cabins then go and book your shore excursions at a desk near the Gemini Bar . Details of shore excursions can be found on Star website . Captains dinner book when you are invited to in STAR NAVIGATOR - no big deal two (2) sittings 6.30pm & 8.30pm. Relax everything is very well organized and there is no great bunrush . The way in which they get 600 people off the boat onto the correct buses at each port of call for the tours is a brilliant piece of organization, and just goes like clockwork .

Nice little touches on very hot days like bottled water on the wharf, shelter from the sun (Koh Samui) and cold towels on re-baording the ship .

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Thanks Kuldalai- From what I have been reading it seems that staff to crew ratio is good and that always helps when organising embarking/ disembarking. Thanks for the tip about no rush for Captains dinner and with all the great advice from the posts here I think I probably can start heeding your advice and relaxing- its 14 years since our last cruise (with 2 under 10's in tow) and so am eager to get this right!


Thanks E :)


14 weeks to go!!!

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