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Tanning Bed Question


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I have never tanned at a salon, but signed up today for our cruise in March. I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THEM! While I was signing up, people were coming in asking if there were beds available, some wanted to stand, etc. and I realized I had no clue what to do. Could someone give me the lowdown of proper procedure, what to wear, lotions, length to stay - pretty much I just need a Tanning Beds for Dummies book! Thanks.:o

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It really depends... all beds are different at different salons. Some have standard stand up beds, some have medium pressure standup beds.. you should talk to the people at the salon and inquire about which is which. You should start off slow, work your way up... you can go naked or wear a bathing suit. Always use a lotion, your salon will have plenty... it will be a personal preference as to whether you want a moisturizing lotion, bronzer, one with tingle, etc. Try some sample packs the first few times and decide for yourself. Depending on the salon, they will tell you how the bulbs are and how many minutes they recommend for your skin type. you really should be asking them these questions, you will get more accurate answers. good luck!

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Definitely do as GoinCruisin said, and be sure to ALWAYS load up with a moisturizer at home after you shower. You will notice that your skin will get very dry from using the tanning salon. If you don't keep yourself moisturized, your tan will end up all blotchy (at least that's what happens to me, and I have normal skin).

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trust the dj,


do make sure you don't try to get tan too fast....if you do...you will burn and peel and that's no fun...and if you keep burning you will ruin your skin. make sure you talk to someone who works there...where I go she walked me to every tanning bed and explained what each did (exposure, etc). i recently am trying to get my "tan" back and I'm pretty pale, but am going about half the time of the maximum limit and am using an accelerator (and they can tell you about those too if they know what they're doing!) just take your time!!

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I always tan before vacation, with that being said, here is what I do.........

First I start out about 2 months before the big trip in a "regular" strength lay down bed, that is just to get my base tan. In my experiences it takes going every single day for about 2 weeks to get a good base tan. Start slowly if you are fair skinned, maybe just stay half the time (10 minutes or less) and work your way up to the full 20. The trick is not to get burned.

Always use some sort of lotion, I prefer the kind with "bronzer" in it just because it gives the skin an illusion of being darker than what it really is. The trick is to use just the right amount, if you use too much lotion it will actually keep you from tanning.

After your initial 2 weeks you can decide whether you want to move up to the next level of bed, this includes the stand-up beds and special ones like that (there is another level beyond this level as well but most people don't need to go to them, especially if you don't want to look REALLY dark and leathery) Anyways, after the first two weeks (as long as you go everyday) you can skip a day every now and then and be okay still.

You can wear whatever you are comfortable in, I usually wear just my underwear, nothing on top. I had a bad experience with getting burned on my rear and it is pure torture when it starts itching and no one is going to see it anyways so I just leave my undies on! Some people go al natural, some wear swimsuits, it is totally up to you.

The next thing that you need to do (or well......not do) to get the most out of your tanning experience is not to shower for at least 2 hours after tanning. I'm not sure why this is but I used to shower right after tanning and now that I don't my tan hangs around much longer and looks much better.

It also helps to put some kind of lotion on about an hour after you tan

This is all of course in my opinion I'm sure some will disagree with me.

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I'm very fair skinned. Most of the time, if I'm not pale I'm red. I did tanning before my last two cruises and was so clueless. I have only tanned in the regular old beds that you lay down and pull the top down. Only i didn't know you were supposed to pull it down. After four visits, I kept wondering why my back was getting sun poisoning, and nothing on the front. (Sun poisoning is the norm for me.) By mistake, I pushed down on the top when I went to climb in and all the lights clicked on upstairs. After that, my visits were much more productive.:o


Don't worry about it too much, you probably won't be as big of a dork as I was!!!

Enjoy your cruise.

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This thread is very helpful ~ I too have never been tanning. :o I'd never thought of the deodorant thing.


Maybe a stupid question ~ but Do they clean the beds after each use?????


Also ~ what should I expect to go tanning each month? Do you usually pay per session or monthly? How much do the lotions run?

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I didn't know that about the deodorant either... but it makes sense.


I usually go tanning prior to my vacations. I tan very easily. The salon I go to only has the stand-up tanning booths, but I do prefer the beds because they do a better job of tanning your legs/feet. I only have to go a total of 4 or 5 times to get a decent base tan, so I start 2 weeks prior and go every few days. I don't like to get a deep tan at the salon, I save that for the Caribbean sun! I usually start at 8 or 9 minutes and never go more than 11 minutes. It gets very hot in there too! The beds will take longer. You definitely need to talk to the people who work there, they should recommend length of time based on your coloring.


They wash the beds and booths after every use. Not only do I get a nice base tan for my cruise, I also find it very relaxing!


Prices will vary, it is cheaper to buy a package rather than pay per visit. I only buy 5 at a time for $30, it is $8 per visit. My daughter paid $50 for unlimited tanning in 1 month at another salon (she is very pale and has to go more often). Ask the staff what lotion they recommend, they can be pricey (more than sunblock).

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I used to work in a upscale tanning salon. All of the posts here are correct. ALWAYS use a lotion available at the salon. Swedish beauty is a great product for those who tan well, and their skin gets very dark. Also, any of the California tan products work very well. I have found that people who buy lotions have a tan that lasts onger, and looks better. If you have sensitive/fair skin, (thats me) only go two to three times a week, at less than ten minutes each time. Then build up your minutes. When the sales person tells you that you need a base tan product before moving on the the more advanced product, this ONLY applies to those with fair skin. If you do not have fair skin, you can use almost anything.

But as a warning the beds that say they filter out UVB rays (burning ray) and use only the UVA rays, are still dangerous. The UVA rays are still very dangerous even though they usually do not turn your skin red!

No tannning bed, is perfectly safe, but in moderation you should be ok!!

I am not trying to insult anyones intellegence, I just worked in the industry, and saw people get mis informed a lot. I hope this helps some people. I wish I had beautiful dark skin that tans well!:( I stay red, then peel, then I tan.

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I spent hours calling all around the city to find a good deal both times I went. The last trip I found it for $20 per month unlimited. It was a good deal but it was about 15 mins away. Might have been more costly than the $20 once I factored in gas but I was happy with the salon.

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I used to work in a upscale tanning salon. All of the posts here are correct. ALWAYS use a lotion available at the salon. Swedish beauty is a great product for those who tan well, and their skin gets very dark. Also, any of the California tan products work very well. I have found that people who buy lotions have a tan that lasts onger, and looks better. If you have sensitive/fair skin, (thats me) only go two to three times a week, at less than ten minutes each time. Then build up your minutes. When the sales person tells you that you need a base tan product before moving on the the more advanced product, this ONLY applies to those with fair skin. If you do not have fair skin, you can use almost anything.

But as a warning the beds that say they filter out UVB rays (burning ray) and use only the UVA rays, are still dangerous. The UVA rays are still very dangerous even though they usually do not turn your skin red!

No tannning bed, is perfectly safe, but in moderation you should be ok!!

I am not trying to insult anyones intellegence, I just worked in the industry, and saw people get mis informed a lot. I hope this helps some people. I wish I had beautiful dark skin that tans well!:( I stay red, then peel, then I tan.

what about the sunless tanning spray at the salons? have you ever seen the results from that? i was thinking about trying it.

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what about the sunless tanning spray at the salons? have you ever seen the results from that? i was thinking about trying it.


I got out of the business before sunless tanning became mainstream, so I do not know much about it. While I think the spray tan gives great results...Don't quote me, but I do not think that it it would built up your skins ability to take in UV rays. I am a sunscreen queen all the time, but I do tan a few weeks before I go on vacation, because if I do not, even with 30 SPF I will burn in a hour. Then I cannot enjoy the sunshine, and the pool. At least if I have tanned before I go, my skin can handle the sun better, even with the high SPF! I even mange to tan a little.:)

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"Swedish beauty is a great product for those who tan well, and their skin gets very dark"

I feel stupid having to quote myself!:o

I forgot to mention, Swedish Beauty tingles like crazy!!!

I tried Swedish beauty and it does work great,.... but I don't like the tingling!

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I tried Swedish beauty and it does work great,.... but I don't like the tingling!


But there are different variations in the same product lines. Not all Swedish Beauty or California Sun lotions have "tingle". You have to be very clear when buying lotions. To me, "tingle" burns. The salon told me it would have a "cooling" effect.


Does anyone know .... is there really a difference in lotions, or can I just buy the least expensive "stage 2" lotion and get the same result? I've always wondered, but was afraid to ask.

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Thanks to everyone for all the great advise - I just got back home after my FIRST EVER tanning bed experience - it was wonderful. I was pretty nervous, but the girl this time was very nice and informative, and made me feel very comfortable. Can't wait to go back tomorrow! Only downside was that I bought the lotion without asking the price - OUCH, $70 for Dark Sexy Tan Firming Triple Bronzer by Matahari - did I get ripped off? :eek: Any suggestions of cheaper alternatives? Thanks Again!

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Thanks to everyone for all the great advise - I just got back home after my FIRST EVER tanning bed experience - it was wonderful. I was pretty nervous, but the girl this time was very nice and informative, and made me feel very comfortable. Can't wait to go back tomorrow! Only downside was that I bought the lotion without asking the price - OUCH, $70 for Dark Sexy Tan Firming Triple Bronzer by Matahari - did I get ripped off? :eek: Any suggestions of cheaper alternatives? Thanks Again!


I don't have mine handy but I paid $35 CDN for bronzer with hemp.. can't remember the name..


I don't know if you should go consecutive days in a row.. The salon I goto recommends every 2nd day.. until you get a good base!!


It is very relaxing I do the stand up.. do not like the beds.. too close for comfort for me..:eek:

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I don't know if you should go consecutive days in a row.. The salon I goto recommends every 2nd day.. until you get a good base!!


It is very relaxing I do the stand up.. do not like the beds.. too close for comfort for me..:eek:


Good advice about consecutive days, especially if you're new at tanning.


I usually start out with the beds because the lamps are not as intense, but then go to the stand-ups. Also, a few years ago I saw a gal on the beach who had these little white triangles just below her gluteus maximus muscles. Figured those came from the tanning bed where the tissue had been folded over and kept hidden from the lamps. Even though she was a friend of mine I never did tell her, but I sure learned a lesson from her. (She was one of those snooty types who would sail HAL or NCL. We didn't stay friends too long)

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Good advice about consecutive days, especially if you're new at tanning.


I usually start out with the beds because the lamps are not as intense, but then go to the stand-ups. Also, a few years ago I saw a gal on the beach who had these little white triangles just below her gluteus maximus muscles. Figured those came from the tanning bed where the tissue had been folded over and kept hidden from the lamps. Even though she was a friend of mine I never did tell her, but I sure learned a lesson from her. (She was one of those snooty types who would sail HAL or NCL. We didn't stay friends too long)


LOL too funny!!! A frined is not a frined unless you can tell them they have a booger in their nose I think :eek:


I love the stand ups... this is my 4th week I am up to 6mins.. going upto 7mins this weekend...(getting a nice base I finally have colour) I am very very very fair.. have not seen the sun or laid out in it for years!!


I also have bought SPF 45 too bring with me.. I burn like a beeotch!!!:D

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I did tanning before my last two cruises and was so clueless. I have only tanned in the regular old beds that you lay down and pull the top down. Only i didn't know you were supposed to pull it down.


LOL!!! I am so glad I'm not the only one!:D The first time I tanned, I did the same thing. Layed there without pulling the top down. Then, I felt pretty dumb when I finally figured out to pull it down.:o


I start out in the "bronzing bed" at 9 minutes. I go 2 times a week at 9 minutes, then 2 times at 12 minutes, gradually working up to the full 20 minutes allowed at the salon where I tan. This takes 5 weeks. Then, I move to the "hot bed" or the standup for the last week of tanning, and I go every other day. Gives me a nice semi-dark base.

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