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~*50lbs by October 2006 ~ My 8 Month WW Challenge!*~


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4 oz apple sauce

1/2 slim fast

H2O ;) ;)


smart ones 4 pts.

1t marg. 3pts (?)

H2O ;) ;)


thinking of now? ( I should have this all planed, but dont.)

Those peanut butter crisps are fab!!!!

Quick question.....a one day cruise? I'd probably take that too! If I lived near a port. I'm in VA.

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Thanks for being so faithful to my little thread. It's the weekend and I'm so trying not to cheat because I hope to see something on Sunday.

What did you do at the gym? Did they have one of those big balls? I want one of those. I need to do some crunches. Good luck and have a great night!

Chat more tomorrow! ;)

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The gym is pretty small but it is only $25 a month and is pay as you go. I mainly walk on the treadmill and do the weight machines - I don't even know the name of them! lol! They do have another room with weights and I did see the big blue ball! Have not been in there yet. I am ready to go to bed now! I so want to eat something but I won't. Save it for tomorrow!!! Have a great night! :)

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good morning! I thought I'd get an early start to today and think about doing more excercise like you!

Confession: (good for the soul)

I had chinese food last night! it was absolutely "delish". Now, I can either say one of two things:

1. I've failed and might as well quite this whole diet thing


2. Today, I need to get my butt back in gear and make up for lost time. :)

I choose #2. I have 28 points to use every day and I think that was about 20 of them right there! :D

Today will be a good day for me. I need to stay focused.

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Does losing weight seem like a goal that's always just out of reach? Do you wonder how people ever find the will-power to stay away from the fattening foods you love?


Here's a simple plan in four steps that will help you create the persistence and will-power that's needed in order to follow through with the decision to lose weight.


Persistence can be nurtured by following this four-step guideline.


1. Discover your true purpose for wanting to go on a diet.

Right now, say to yourself "I need to lose weight." Did that statement excite your subconscious mind? Probably not.


To be successful in following through with any major life change, including a healthy new diet, you need help from the powerful control center in your subconscious mind.


So do what it takes to build a strong, positive picture of success

that your subconscious mind can get excited about.


To find your true purpose, imagine what your life will be like when you've reached your weight loss goals - and make it exciting!


Can you truly say you have a burning desire to lose weight? If you

can't say that yet, it's a pretty good bet that sooner or later you'll find a piece of chocolate cake on your plate, and you'll have no idea when it was that you gave up on your diet.


So work on this step - nurture it, feed it, build on it - until you feel a compelling desire for change.


2. You need a plan that is reflected in your actions.

"Intending to" or "trying to" do the plan does not count. Most people stop at this step, simply imagining themselves taking steps towards change, but never actually changing anything.


Don't let that be you. Find the weight loss program that meets your needs, and then act as though it matters each time you make a choice of what you eat. It will matter, if you've paid attention to step #1.


When you get up each morning, think about the choices you made the

day before, and compare those choices with the plan you've chosen.


Did you make sure that your plan was reflected in your actions?


If not, recommit yourself each morning. If you find that you never follow the plan, it may be time to reconsider the program, and find one that better fits your needs.


3. Do not allow any negative suggestions to come into your mind from your relatives, friends or acquaintances - or yourself.

They don't mean to, but many people who really care about you will offer the opinion that you've chosen the "wrong program" (no matter which program that may be). They will try to get you to change your mind, in the spirit of helpfulness. Or they'll offer you sweets and treats, saying that "you deserve it, just this once."


Don't allow this kind of loving sabotage destroy your commitment to health.


And remember that your own internal judge may also offer you

negative, discouraging thoughts. Gently move these thoughts out of

your mind. If you really desire a thinner, healthier body, you'll

need to let go of the habit of picking on yourself.


4. Join with a group of people who share your burning desire, and who will help you follow through with your plan.

Choose this group wisely. Many people think they're serious about weight loss, but never actually lose weight, becaue they don't really do anything about it. Or, if your friend is totally committed to a program that clearly doesn't work, and insists on encouraging you to follow in her footsteps, she isn't the right person to choose as a "diet buddy."


Look for someone who is already losing weight, and who shows some real excitement about it. She'll love to have your support and encouragement, and her own enthusiasm will be contageous. You can actually gain a lot for your own morale by giving her help when she seems to need it.


But remember, choose your diet buddy wisely.


Serious about losing weight? Then print out this short list,

and check yourself daily to see if you're nurturing your commitment

with your attitudes and actions.


Create a definite purpose, and build it into a compelling desire.


Create a specific plan, and check each day to make sure you're following it.


Don't accept any negative or discouraging suggestions, from others or from yourself.


Join with others to nurture and encourage each other.


It takes some creativity and commitment - but if you work on mastering these four steps, you'll discover that you're nurturing your own will-power. And that will give you the inner strength you need to stay on your diet.

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Raina - even though you didn't eat too great last night - you made the choice to keep on going and that is important! We are going to fail many times when it comes to what we eat! It is so hard but just keep on trying. I confess that right before I went to bed I ate a Hershey's chocolate nugget. Now the thing is tiny but after reading the cals in 4 pieces - i consumed about 60 cals eating just that 1 piece! I only burned a little more than that at the gym earlier but I just needed something! Oh well. Today I do plan to cheat because I know that if I don't eat (probably pizza) something that I love then I will go crazy. Right now, I cannot totally cut out all sugar, salt and flour!! No way! :eek: And I do think that the exercise is a must! Not my favorite thing to do but in order to lose then I have to do it. Plus it is good motivation not to eat something bad for me when I come home after the gym. I just spent that time do something that I hate - why ruin it with eating crap?? Hang in there! :)

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Raina and all other dieters, thanks for the great post. It helped me today when I'm feeling a little in the dumps. Got on the scale this morning and didn't see any weight loss so am feeling a bit depressed. With watching everything I eat and exercising now, I expect immediate weight loss. I know that is impossible from all the Weight Watcher lectures but still I'd hoped to see better results today. Again, I'm letting the scales rule my diet and I know in my heart that is not the way to stay on track so your earlier posts have remotivated me. Hang in there everyone, WE CAN DO THIS!



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I am doing WW and will reach my goal when I lose 50 more lbs! I have already lost 17. Once I hit 45 I just started packing on the pounds! Since I started WW I feel so much better and have more energy! I just started at the gym (Ladies Workout Express) 3 - 4 times a week, and I do 1 mile on my Airofit every morning.


Even though we are cruising in April, I am going to join this thread and will hopefully lose 50 lbs by the time YOU cruise in November! (Hey - at least I'll be ready for the next cruise we go on - right?) ;)


Last weigh in I was down 4 lbs - but I hadn't weighed in 2 weeks so it was 2 per week which is a good, safe loss!


One thing I like about WW is that it allows you to not be emotionally involved with food. It is 10 points not a slice of cheesecake. It's all about making choices based on facts. If I decide to have the cheesecake (or whatever) once in a while, I write down the points and move on with no regrets! Our leader is a lot of fun, so I am enjoying it!

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Debordo - I think our worst enemy during this diet will be the scale! That can make or break you! I really need to try and only weigh maybe once a week but if I MUST weigh and I see no improvement then I am going to use it as motivation! Do not give up just because the scale has not moved!!!


Lurkyloo - sounds like you have been going great!!! Keep it up! I think since I started I have lost about 8 lbs in a little over a month. Of course after today and what I ate - I think I gained 4 back on! :eek:

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First let me say


to our newest poster Lurkyloo~

and hello to everyone!

Deb~:) ......Dolfindance~:) .....

Deb: thanks for being honest and posting. this is one of the reasons why I made this thread, I want to be honest with what is going on with me and my struggle for weight loss. There were times when I would just say, I don't even want to see a scale, but I know I need to get back OP (on program) Keep it up, you'll see results, small or big. Even if it's an ounce! We can do this.

Dolfindance: I like your realistic approach! Unfortunately, I had that problem with the chinese food and wanted more. Lucklily I didn't have more, but I could have. I am lactose intolarant and allergic to many foods, chocolate being one of them. So when I indulge, (Which I do) it not only shows on the scale, but it also gets me by making me sick. I've done this for so long, I don't even think about the consequences. (Lately I have) I'm so stupid sometimes, I'll want a milkshake or mac & cheese...I'd eat it and BOOM :eek: I'm paying the price. It's a habit that I have to break. I'm only a few days in, but I'm in it this time for good!!

Lurkyloo: Welcome again! I want to thank you for pointing out that we can, through ww, disassociate the food and points. That is a very good point. Keep coming back and sharing, we all can use the wisdom from each other.

Our cruise is just one of our goals to reach for, here are some of my other goals: (feel free to list yours and come back to them when needed! :p )

Short Term Goal:

1. To lose 50 lbs.

2. To wear a bathing suit and wrap on my cruise. I'm a big girl, but I'm in a 22. I want to feel better and wear like a 16 or so? And I want to wear a wrap that doesn't have to be a table cloth!

3. Be able to wear a cute pair of sandals.

4. To continue to develop the rest of my personality to go along with my new weight loss. (I'm reading Fascinating Womanhood)

Ultimate Goals:

1. To cross my legs

2. To jog for like 5 miles :eek:

3. To have my husband wrap his arms all the way around me. (sweet!)

This is just a short list, I'll add more soon.

Have a great night!!

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Raina honey, looking at your postings, you are not eating enough. I am on WW and the best thing about it is how much you get to eat. I think totally depriving yourself is going to make you more likely to binge, or to give up altogether.


For example, unless you inhale an entire chinese buffet, you can certainly have Chinese food. I do, and I've lost 2+ lbs a week for 2 months now. I also eat other things I thought I'd have to live without, including Dunkin Donuts.


I strongly recommend that you join WW online. I go to WW at work, but also use the eTools online, which I find incredibly helpful. If you can afford to cruise, I suspect the cost of WW online won't break the bank!


Warmest Regards,


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to this humble thread.

Thanks for mentioning ww online. I have to say that ww online probably is worth the money and so are the meetings. Glad that you could come and post.

I know that there are some days that I don't eat enough, but others I eat more than I should I think. I'm trying to get a hold of it now. I'll get better as I progress.

On another note:

I lost 2 lbs! :) I lost 2 lbs!:)

I got on the scale this morning and I'm 2lbs lighter!

Terri, you are going to Bermuda too? Is that the one day cruise?

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February 26, 2006


1 english muffin

1/2 c apple sauce

1/2 slim fast shake

H20 Intake ;) ;)

Helpful Hints and Tips from ww.

Accept that spending time on you does not deprive others

Workshop Your Goals. It helps to have an action plan to keep you on track. "Storyboarding" is a technique used by movie directors to sketch out a plotline, frame by frame, before they start filming. In a similar way, you can make a blueprint for success by breaking your goal down into parts. Say you've given yourself two months to lose 10 pounds. Make a chart of the timeline and build it up, week by week, with details of shopping strategies, exercise tips and so forth — anything that helps make your goal concrete and achievable.


Envision Your Success. Athletes mentally rehearse every step of their winning routine to make it feel attainable. In the same way, you can make your own goals as real as possible by visualizing yourself succeeding in particular scenarios, like making the right choices when dining out. Revisit these scenarios often, and think about how good you'll feel about achieving your goals.



Don't Sabotage Yourself. Many of us unconsciously sabotage ourselves with self-destructive thoughts such as "I'll never lose weight." Whenever you catch yourself thinking this way, try to substitute more constructive statements; for example, "I haven't lost as much weight as I would like, but I can change that. I'm going to start by setting aside time to exercise three times each week."



Be Your Own Cheerleader. Some people believe it's modest to put themselves down. But you wouldn't call a friend "fatso" or "ugly," would you? You deserve the same respect, so try becoming your own best friend. Celebrate your progress and try not to obsess about setbacks.


Avoid Perfectionism. Try not to think in all-or-nothing terms — that you've blown your diet, for example, simply because you've overdone it at one meal.


Follow Through. Believing you can achieve your weight-loss goals is important, but you have to act too — by changing your eating habits, increasing your physical activity and so on. You can't just think yourself slim, but you can think yourself into the right frame of mind to optimize your prospects.


Affirm Your Self-Belief. Feel your confidence wavering? One way to reinforce your self-belief is with positive affirmations: simple, self-validating statements repeated as often as possible, preferably daily. Try coming up with one or two of your own, and remember to keep them positive. You can — and you will — succeed, as long as you believe you can do it!

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Yahooo Raina!!! Way to go!!! Congrats!!!!! Now try not to weight yourself again for - how long can you hold off for - at least a week!!! Great job! :D


No - the one night cruise sails out of NY to nowhere. I am sailing on the Empress of the Seas in Sept and we will be in Bermuda for 3 days! :)


I am NOT listing anything that I had so far today because it is bad! But I am going to exercise today too. Good luck !

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Thanks for the welcome! :D


I am very pleased with WW and hope to continue this healthier eating for the rest of my life! I paid for the Winter Pass, so I am going once a week - once that runs out (after my cruise) I am going to go every other week. I figure as I get closer to my goal, my weight loss will be slowing down a bit and going every other week will allow me to see a more consistant loss.


OK - since everyone has thrown out some tips heres a few I have learned:


Our leader stressed that it is important to get our good oils (canola, olive, peanut, flax etc...) and fats (avacado, dark chocolate etc...) every day. She says this helps our bodies from going into "starvation mode" and hitting long lasting plateaus. If I'm not cooking with a good oil, I get a Western Alternative Bagle (1 pt) and dip it in 1 tsp olive oil, 1 tsp balsamic vinegar (also 1 pt) This is very tasty and only 2 points. I also have 1 small Dove or Hershey DARK chocolate. This is only one point and dark chocolate is very good for you and really helps with the cravings. It's just a small piece, but I let it melt in my mouth and really enjoy it!


Now for my incentive: I have only been on one cruise so far, but thoroughly loved it! We booked our second cruise in December and I had packed on 25 lbs since our last cruise in 2003!!! :eek: So I joined WW and my short term goal was to get down to where I was for my first cruise by April - and then keep going down and my reward for reaching goal would be yet another cruise!!! (See where this is going??? ;) ) At any rate, I had lost 17 lbs last Monday - so I have 8 more lbs to lose and 5 more weigh ins before we go! I weigh in tomorrow and I think I have lost at least 1 lb - so we shall see! Keep your fingers crossed for me, will ya???


And here she is - my incentive:


The PRIDE - and we have booked an extended balcony on the Panorama deck! 5 weeks from today we will be boarding! And I can't wait!


Thanks again for the warm welcome - it will be fun to motivate and share tips with fellow cruiseaholics! :D

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dolfinmusic~ I understand not posting the bad stuff. but it might make you feel accountable since we have friends here who are also in the same boat. I just had 4 pringles chips just because....Aaaah so stupid, but I know it was stupid! We are all heading in the same direction here no matter how much we have to loose. It's good news you are going to the gym for the work out. I haven't done that yet. I need to start and soon! Post your inspiration or goal if you like and keep up the good work!!


Lurkyloo~ CruiseCritics Rock!!!! Thanks for sharing your tips!

5 weeks to go? I'm so excited for you! Man, pretty soon I'll be able to say that. I'm already looking forward to a cruise in 2007, I haven't found one yet, but I already have high hopes! BTW, your ship looks fab. Carnival? I haven't tried them. Keep us posted on when you get ready to go, ok? I'm excited that you are almost there and cruising! We'll be thinking of you relaxing and having a ball on your cruise while we wait anxiously for ours!!


I think I speak for everyone on here.........we will keep our fingers crossed!


To Everyone: Keep up the good work, no matter how big or small.

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Raina - Pringles has a fat-free chip out now too. They are not as good but if you need a little chip it will do!


My goal when I started was to lose 40 lbs and get to a certain weight that I just ain't saying! lol!!! My highest weight was about last year at this time and I am down about 15 lbs since then and have about 30 to reach my goal of the 40 that I want to lose when I started. After the 40lbs is lost - I still have a lot more to lose but just taking in one step at a time!

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Hey Terri, thanks for the 411 on the chips. I just went to get some. I don't usually have to have them, but sometimes I do. We can only take things one day at a time. So, I'm not going to beat myself up over those chips. I need to drink some more water. Have a great rest of your weekend and I'll be back later!

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