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Pepper reporting live from the Dawn!


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Pepper- Thank-You So much for the GREAT week with all your reports ! DW and I leave on the Dawn 3/16 for our 2nd cruise on the Dawn. Question- ( Also Tinkerbell ) - I always use Dramamine but have heard you speak so highly of Meclizine , might this be a better choice ? I know Dramamine does not always work for me ?


Also please- anyone who has used either or both I would greatly appreciate any feedback. Thank you again:)

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Pepper- Thank-You So much for the GREAT week with all your reports ! DW and I leave on the Dawn 3/16 for our 2nd cruise on the Dawn. Question- ( Also Tinkerbell ) - I always use Dramamine but have heard you speak so highly of Meclizine ' date=' might this be a better choice ? I know Dramamine does not always work for me ?


Also please- anyone who has used either or both I would greatly appreciate any feedback. Thank you again:)[/quote']


Mecilizine is the best.....but Dramamine has a non-drowsy that is Meclizine. Bonine is the brand name for Meciizene.

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We're Home! Now it's back to reality again - making my own beds, fixing our meals, cleaning up after ourselves. :rolleyes:


The ride home almost did me in, and I'm really glad to stretch out on the recliner and hit the asprin! :eek: All things considered, we had a smooth trip home. Just gotta love that VIP Disembarkation! Whisked off the ship at 10:15, hooked up with a great porter who assisted us in locating all our luggage, and then rode with us up to the roof and even loaded the trunk for us! :D We were on I-95 North by 10:50, and sailed home with no traffic.


I'm really glad all of you enjoyed my reports, and hopefully some of it will be helpful to those who are cruising soon, while for others it's a nice trip down memory lane.


To answer a few questions asked above:


I don't know whether or not Rudi is staying onboard, but I'll see what I can find out and report back here when I have an answer for you.


With regard to the Meclizine vs. Dramamine debate - the best source of information is your personal Physician or your trusted Pharmacist. There are far too many variables which could come into play, such as medical conditions, other prescriptions being taken, history of allergies, and many others. I receive mine by prescription, and it's the one that works best for me personally. Several other prescriptions caused various small issues for me, so I would certainly recommend consulting with a professional before making any decisions with regard to what's best for you! ;)

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Now I can in fact say Welcome Home - It was fun following your adventure - helped with PCD along with already booking for next year.


Glad you enjoyed it! :D Not glad that you had to rub it in that you've already booked your next cruise! :( We start house shopping soon, so any plans for a cruise are waaaaaaaaaay in the back of our minds right now. I'll have to live vicariously through the rest of you for a while. ;)

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Glad you enjoyed it! :D Not glad that you had to rub it in that you've already booked your next cruise! :( We start house shopping soon, so any plans for a cruise are waaaaaaaaaay in the back of our minds right now. I'll have to live vicariously through the rest of you for a while. ;)


Look at it this way it will be hard to top this cruise. AB, party in the GV, great travel partners, and falling off a horse and getting back on.


So glad you had a great adventure.

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We're Home! Now it's back to reality again - making my own beds, fixing our meals, cleaning up after ourselves. :rolleyes:


The ride home almost did me in, and I'm really glad to stretch out on the recliner and hit the asprin! :eek: All things considered, we had a smooth trip home. Just gotta love that VIP Disembarkation! Whisked off the ship at 10:15, hooked up with a great porter who assisted us in locating all our luggage, and then rode with us up to the roof and even loaded the trunk for us! :D We were on I-95 North by 10:50, and sailed home with no traffic.


I'm really glad all of you enjoyed my reports, and hopefully some of it will be helpful to those who are cruising soon, while for others it's a nice trip down memory lane.


To answer a few questions asked above:


I don't know whether or not Rudi is staying onboard, but I'll see what I can find out and report back here when I have an answer for you.


With regard to the Meclizine vs. Dramamine debate - the best source of information is your personal Physician or your trusted Pharmacist. There are far too many variables which could come into play, such as medical conditions, other prescriptions being taken, history of allergies, and many others. I receive mine by prescription, and it's the one that works best for me personally. Several other prescriptions caused various small issues for me, so I would certainly recommend consulting with a professional before making any decisions with regard to what's best for you! ;)


Pepper- THANK-You so much for the help. Welcome home and we are glad you had a safe trip. I hope we will not need any Meclizine at all , but will be ready. Leave on 3/16. Again, thanks so much for giving us a fun and exciting week and feeling like we were there.

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Hi Pepper! Thanks so much for bringing us all along virtually on your cruise--it made our wait for our upcoming cruise on the Dawn a little more tolerable.


I'm green with envy that anyone could even have a choice as to whether to take meclizine or not. Wow. If I don't have my TransdermScop patch firmly in place as I board the ship, I'm in a world of hurt. If I didn't love cruising SO much there's no way I'd subject myself to the motion. Don't get me wrong--there's nothing better than a nice gentle rocking to sleep.


Duct tape will be packed, I just hope we don't have to use it to fasten doors/drawers during heaving seas. :eek:


Did you by any chance see any mention in the Freestyle Daily of when the Murder Mystery dinner was? Our group of eight isn't large, but we're a quirky little group and I want to try to meet everyone's needs as best possible. And if I can do some preparation in advance, I might get a chance to enjoy myself! I know, selfish. :D


We're flying to NYC a few days early, so this time a week from now we'll be an hour from landing at JFK. It's been WAY too long since we've sailed NCL, and I'm excited to experience the Dawn.


Best regards, Carla

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Carla - I just checked the Freestyle Dailies -


Signup was in the Library on the first full sea day, from 2:00 to 4:00 PM.


I was unable to find the Dinner itself listed, but if I'm not mistaken it was on Monday evening after we set sail from Tortola. ( I say this because I recall returning to the ship and having a conversation with some folks who were participating, and I'm almost certain that was while we were walking down the Pier in Tortola) ;)


It is certainly possible that the event takes place on a different day each sailing, to accomodate other things. Really wish I could have been of more help to you on this! :o

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I didn't even know it was necessary to sign up for the Murder Mystery dinner, so you've saved my fanny there! Did your AB have a computer printer? I know, I'm asking really weird questions. Maybe if I explain where I'm coming from this will make more sense.


This trip is, in effect, the wedding of our dreams :) , just 25 years late. We want to treat our guests to some dinners in the Specialty restaurants, and I'd like to be able to prepare nice invites for each function. I'm trying to figure out of I should do invites for the various restaurants but leave the date and time blank to hand write in, do a variety for a variety of night/time options, or just print them onboard (we're in an AA) once I know the times for sure. I think I'm becoming the anniversary version of a bridezilla. :eek:


How are you recovering from your horseriding adventure? It hurts just thinking about it. What did your 16-year-old like best about the Dawn? We'll be bringing our teenage son (if he lives that long).


Thanks for all your help, Carla

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Carla, your adventure sounds fabulous, and your guests will be so pleasantly surprised!


We did not have a printer in our AB, nor did my BIL and SIL have one in their AA. I think for safety sake, it would be best to print up some that could have the finer details filled in at the last moment. I suppose it would also be possible to have Alex arrange to have the items printed for you, but that could be time consuming and might not have the results you desire!


I'm recovering fairly well. Definately still a bit sore, but nothing like before! :eek: I'm sure by tomorrow I'll be climbing stairs comfortably - then I'll start unpacking in earnest, and get the rest of this place organized again.


DS had a great time onboard, and met some nice friends. Unfortunately he refused to attend the first night's activities in the Teen Club, so he missed out on about four days of fun because he didn't meet anyone until the evening of the third day! :( Once he got started meeting kids, it snowballed and he met quite a few very nice young men. He later confessed to me that all these fellas wished they had gone to that meeting so they could have met earlier and had a lot more time having fun together.:rolleyes: They spent an amazing amount of time in the Card room and Lifestyles room playing poker in the evenings and on the last two sea days. The best part is, each of them had a turn at winning, so in the end they all came out about even. :) He didn't really express much interest in most of the shows (which he regrets now that we've told him how wonderful they were) but he did manage to find plenty of fun. He enjoyed basketball nearly every day, and I have the dirty laundry to prove it! A few times he was privileged to be invited up to the GV to play guitar with the young men staying there, and he enjoyed that immensely as well. (A HUGE THANK YOU to Boston Banker and Juried for helping us get DS out of his shell with their son Chris' help!!! :D I am eternally grateful to these wonderful people! Anyone on these boards who has had the pleasure of meeting this family will probably share in my sentiments - they are truly a delightful family.)


I hope this huge wad of information is helpful! You can also send me an email by clicking on the link below if you like.


I hope your cruise is everything you want it to be, and then some!!!

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Pepper.....Glad you had a good time....now stop hanging out here and get your web site up dated.....some people might want to plan a road trip and we need the newest prices....:D ...We are sooo happy to know that things went well for you this time, especially after...you know what I mean..;)

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I didn't even know it was necessary to sign up for the Murder Mystery dinner, so you've saved my fanny there! Did your AB have a computer printer? I know, I'm asking really weird questions. Maybe if I explain where I'm coming from this will make more sense.


This trip is, in effect, the wedding of our dreams :) , just 25 years late. We want to treat our guests to some dinners in the Specialty restaurants, and I'd like to be able to prepare nice invites for each function. I'm trying to figure out of I should do invites for the various restaurants but leave the date and time blank to hand write in, do a variety for a variety of night/time options, or just print them onboard (we're in an AA) once I know the times for sure. I think I'm becoming the anniversary version of a bridezilla. :eek:


We were also in an AA and did not have a printer. DH needed something printed and went to the Internet Cafe to ask about it. He was told that they were unable to print anything for anyone. You might have better luck asking the concierge, but I would print them ahead of time and just fill in the times and places.

The first Daily had a mention of sign up for the Murder Mystery Dinner, but our sign up was from 4-6 PM on our first sea day, which was right after our first Martini Clinic. Needless to say, we never made it to the sign up. Pepper said it was 2-4 PM, which is a much better time since you will be able to sign up before drinking all of those yummy martinis.



Hope you're feeling much better!

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Hiya Rich!!!!! :D Those updates should occur very soon. Our webmaster has been quite ill with an Aneurism, and is on Kidney Dialysis, so we've been holding off on making those updates. He's doing much better, and promises to have us shaped up within a month or so. ;) BTW - I've heard from Tom and just replied to him with some more information for you and your band of merry travelers! :p

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It's not poundage that's being added to your waistline it's fluid from the salty food!! I'm wondering if you people in the posh suites were eating the same food as the rest of us. Check your ankles & your bloodpressure!!:rolleyes:

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It's not poundage that's being added to your waistline it's fluid from the salty food!! I'm wondering if you people in the posh suites were eating the same food as the rest of us. Check your ankles & your bloodpressure!!:rolleyes:


Apparently you didn't read very thoroughly, as I mentioned numerous times that we suffered the same issue, and dealt with it the same way you did, albeit without all the drama. :rolleyes:


In your other post you indicated that you were in a suite - so I assume you know that we were eating the very same foods as everyone else onboard. ;) It doesn't matter what level of cabin one books - the food is the same for all.


So sorry your first cruise was not what you expected, and hope that your next vacation is more to your liking. :)

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Not sure what is considered a "posh" suite?


DH and I always sail NCL in a suite. We eat the same food as everyone else.

No swelling or HBP problems:confused:


This was the first time we ever experienced it, and we did discover a few others onboard who were similarly affected as well. Fortunately I was able to locate a remedy in the Pharmacy right on the docks in St. Maarten, and within 24 hours we were experiencing rapid reduction of the feet and ankles.


It was bizarre, to say the least. I did speak with a woman who was born in the Caribbean, but had gone to the States for college. She indicated that one time when she flew home for a holiday, her feet and ankles swelled up within 24 hours of arriving home. She felt certain that it had something to do with the heat and humidity, but I really can't say for sure what the cause was.


We certainly didn't feel as though our foods contained an excess amount of sodium - we're usually very conscious of sodium content and I would certainly notice if the foods were salty. :eek: We may never know for certain what the cause was, and were happy that it was so easily dealt with. :)

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This was the first time we ever experienced it, and we did discover a few others onboard who were similarly affected as well. Fortunately I was able to locate a remedy in the Pharmacy right on the docks in St. Maarten, and within 24 hours we were experiencing rapid reduction of the feet and ankles.


It was bizarre, to say the least. I did speak with a woman who was born in the Caribbean, but had gone to the States for college. She indicated that one time when she flew home for a holiday, her feet and ankles swelled up within 24 hours of arriving home. She felt certain that it had something to do with the heat and humidity, but I really can't say for sure what the cause was.


We certainly didn't feel as though our foods contained an excess amount of sodium - we're usually very conscious of sodium content and I would certainly notice if the foods were salty. :eek: We may never know for certain what the cause was, and were happy that it was so easily dealt with. :)


I had a problem with my eyes the first time we sailed.

Eyelids swollen and itchy and eyes bloodshot.


All that I could think of was...being on the ocean (salt water)?


I now bring eye drops...no problem.


Certainly NOT NCL's problem;)

NOTHING will ruin our cruise:)

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This was the first time we ever experienced it, and we did discover a few others onboard who were similarly affected as well. Fortunately I was able to locate a remedy in the Pharmacy right on the docks in St. Maarten, and within 24 hours we were experiencing rapid reduction of the feet and ankles.


It was bizarre, to say the least. I did speak with a woman who was born in the Caribbean, but had gone to the States for college. She indicated that one time when she flew home for a holiday, her feet and ankles swelled up within 24 hours of arriving home. She felt certain that it had something to do with the heat and humidity, but I really can't say for sure what the cause was.


We certainly didn't feel as though our foods contained an excess amount of sodium - we're usually very conscious of sodium content and I would certainly notice if the foods were salty. :eek: We may never know for certain what the cause was, and were happy that it was so easily dealt with. :)


I had the same problem - second time in all my cruises - I have no idea what causes it. Perhaps having my legs going from being in 2 feet of snow to 80 F and humid.

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I had the same problem - second time in all my cruises - I have no idea what causes it. Perhaps having my legs going from being in 2 feet of snow to 80 F and humid.


:p Yeah, I think that could do it! :eek:

I just wanna know one thing, though ... How come you didn't demand compensation in the form of a free cruise, and $500 OBC and free drinks for the duration??? :rolleyes:

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