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I'm RUNNING to the ship!

Cruise Cat

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I can't believe you're dealing with temps like that in Florida -- that's nuts!


It's been awful! Yesterday it was cold AND rainy.YUCK! :(


I have another competition going through FitBit. I won the first one a couple weeks ago, but this one doesn't look so great. One girl walked 25,000 steps (~10 miles :eek:) in one day! And her husband started strong but he's having some hip pain now so I might come out ahead of him for 2nd lol.


I'm NOT looking forward to Couch to 5k Week 6, Day 3 today. It's a 22 minute consistent jog! But last week I did fine with 20, so maybe I'll be just as lucky this week. Wish me luck!


Miles ran/walked: 207.24

Miles remaining: 185.17 (over half way there!)

Days remaining: 92

Average miles per day remaining: 2.01

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It's been awful! Yesterday it was cold AND rainy.YUCK! :(


I have another competition going through FitBit. I won the first one a couple weeks ago, but this one doesn't look so great. One girl walked 25,000 steps (~10 miles :eek:) in one day! And her husband started strong but he's having some hip pain now so I might come out ahead of him for 2nd lol.


I'm NOT looking forward to Couch to 5k Week 6, Day 3 today. It's a 22 minute consistent jog! But last week I did fine with 20, so maybe I'll be just as lucky this week. Wish me luck!


Miles ran/walked: 207.24

Miles remaining: 185.17 (over half way there!)

Days remaining: 92

Average miles per day remaining: 2.01


So how did it go with the FitBit competition and the 22-minute jog? The good news is that once you build up the endurance to go for a longer amount of time, it takes a long time to lose it. When I started running a couple years ago, I couldn't go more than 6 minutes without needing to stop and walk. But yesterday I ran, and even though it was my first run in 3 1/2 months, I was able to go 30 minutes before needing a walking break.


Having something that really motivates you helps a lot!! When I feel like I want to switch to walking early, I tell myself, "If you keep running for ____ more minutes, then later as a reward you can _____." That's what got me to push through the last 5 minutes yesterday when I wanted to cut back to walking after 25 minutes.


I didn't even come close to making my last goal, so here's my new (easier) one -- to run 50 miles by my birthday.

Miles run: 3.1

Miles remaining: 46.9

Days remaining: 97

Average miles per day remaining: 0.5

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So how did it go with the FitBit competition and the 22-minute jog? The good news is that once you build up the endurance to go for a longer amount of time, it takes a long time to lose it. When I started running a couple years ago, I couldn't go more than 6 minutes without needing to stop and walk. But yesterday I ran, and even though it was my first run in 3 1/2 months, I was able to go 30 minutes before needing a walking break.


Having something that really motivates you helps a lot!! When I feel like I want to switch to walking early, I tell myself, "If you keep running for ____ more minutes, then later as a reward you can _____." That's what got me to push through the last 5 minutes yesterday when I wanted to cut back to walking after 25 minutes.


I didn't even come close to making my last goal, so here's my new (easier) one -- to run 50 miles by my birthday.

Miles run: 3.1

Miles remaining: 46.9

Days remaining: 97

Average miles per day remaining: 0.5


The 22 minutes were actually very easy! I haven't ran or walked in about a week and a half. I may have mentioned before that my usual workout buddy is pregnant, and now only a few weeks from delivery. So I've slacked with her not a being able to work out much anymore. My last C25K was week 7, day 1... 25 minute run. It was just as easy as the 22 minutes lol. I may go back a week in the program when I get back to running next week. I'm not risking running this week, I am on court in my Mardi Gras Krewe and have to dance Friday night at our ball... in front of everyone :eek:. Plus with the changing weather, my joints are not being polite.


Fitbit... the excitement has officially worn off LOL. The weeks I'm motivated, I pay a lot more attention to it. The weeks I'm not, I still wear it but it's not something I think about regularly. I still log my calorie intake and follow what it tells me I need to eat vs. my calories out, no matter what. I'm hoping doing so will make me feel better about myself in 75 days from now when I board that ship :o


I like your method with rewarding yourself! Usually how I keep myself going is, number one, I know how long I'm going to run before I run and mentally prepare for it. Number two, throughout the time I'm running, I tell myself "You've done this before, "You got this," "You're over 3/4 done," or "This is only three minutes longer than you ran last time. That's nothing!"


So, as I said... I've been slacking. Next week's update should be better lol. I'm thinking of doing a Workweek Hustle AND a Weekend Warrior challenge the 9th - 15th. Between getting back into running and parading... I'm sure to beat the pants off some of my competition :p


Miles ran/walked: 276.36

Miles remaining: 116.05

Days remaining: 75

Average miles per day remaining: 1.54

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Very proud of my run this morning. I was supposed to be meeting with a personal trainer, but he forgot! I didn't have my music with me since I had expected to be with the trainer the whole time, but I decided to run 5K on the treadmill anyway. I'm not crazy about running on the treadmill, but I especially hate running without my music, so I wasn't expecting to do very well. But I ran the whole thing and shaved 4:14 off my time from last week! I just kept my mind on what I wanted to do after my run, and it was a piece of cake!! Well, not quite, but it wasn't as bad as I had expected!


Hope you have fun at the Mardi Gras party tomorrow!


Miles run: 6.2

Miles remaining: 43.8

Days remaining: 90

Miles per day: 0.5



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  • 2 weeks later...

Mardi Gras is officially over and was so much fun between our ball, all three parades here in town, and Fat Tuesday in New Orleans. And I've gotten a good amount of miles (79.63) in since the last post on the 3rd because of all the revelry!


That was an awesome amount to shave off!! Go you! :D


I'm not likely to run or walk much again until Monday. I think I've got the beginning of a sinus infection :(


Miles ran/walked: 355.99

Miles remaining: 36.42

Days remaining: 58

Average miles per day remaining: .63

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't run since my last post here over a month ago. (Yikes!) I just could not find the motivation to drag myself to the gym and pound out any more boring treadmill miles. But the weather is gorgeous today, so I was actually able to run outside again where the scenery is always much more interesting. Today I saw a bunny (so cute!), a pacifier hanging from a tree (odd), and a used condom (ewww!). Certainly more interesting than staring at the tv screen or gym wall while on the treadmill!


I hope you're feeling better!! And great job with your miles! My goal is going to be a lot harder to reach after over a month off, but I was pleased to manage 5 miles in 57 min. after only having run 2 5Ks in the past 5 months!


Miles run: 11.2

Days remaining: 52

Miles remaining: 38.8

Miles per day remaining: 0.7

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I haven't run since my last post here over a month ago. (Yikes!) I just could not find the motivation to drag myself to the gym and pound out any more boring treadmill miles. But the weather is gorgeous today, so I was actually able to run outside again where the scenery is always much more interesting. Today I saw a bunny (so cute!), a pacifier hanging from a tree (odd), and a used condom (ewww!). Certainly more interesting than staring at the tv screen or gym wall while on the treadmill!


I hope you're feeling better!! And great job with your miles! My goal is going to be a lot harder to reach after over a month off, but I was pleased to manage 5 miles in 57 min. after only having run 2 5Ks in the past 5 months!


Miles run: 11.2

Days remaining: 52

Miles remaining: 38.8

Miles per day remaining: 0.7


That's an interesting variety of "scenery" you encountered LOL. I know what you mean about staring at a TV or wall. At the gym at work I have no choice but the stare in the mirror, which sometimes keeps me "in the zone" because I focus on one body part (usually my throat... I'm not sure why at all!) and just go. I'm still not getting out on the road as much as I'd like. I'm going to start walking my dog around the neighborhood when I get home every day just to get outside and to work out a little more. I need to add that 30 or so minutes on, the lunch time workouts are not pushing my body to change.


Five miles in 57 minutes is fantastic!! I did a 5k this weekend and made it in 38.16. I haven't been doing Couch to 5K since we started doing weights on lunch so my running endurance is a little off. But that's okay... eventually the weights will pay off better than the running for me personally.


Although I'm well past my goal, I might as well just keep going until the cruise :)


Miles ran/walked: 424.12

Miles remaining: -31.71

Days remaining: 33

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That's great that you're doing weights too. It's definitely better over all to do weights and cardio. That's not a bad 5K time at all. Way to go! Was it just a run on your own or a race? I'm signed up for a 5K trail race in a couple weeks. I'm really excited because I haven't done a race since September, and I really enjoy the trail races. I just wish it weren't so early in the morning -- I'm going to have to wake up before 7 am on a Saturday! :eek: A few years ago, I would never have believed you if you'd told me that I would EVER wake up early on a weekend to go run, lol!


I'm so excited to pick up my new running shoes once I leave the office today! I found some last weekend that I love, but decided to wait a few days for them to get the purple/black shoes rather than the pink/orange. They're rounded at the front, so they sort of propel you forward. I'm sure I will now be able to run a sub-30 5K (haha).


I ran 5K on the treadmill last week in 35:29, and that was AFTER having my legs obliterated by the personal trainer for 25 minutes! I'm planning to fit in at least another 5K run later this week (with my awesome new shoes!).


Miles run: 14.3

Days remaining: 44

Miles remaining: 35.7

Miles per day remaining: 0.8

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That's not a bad 5K time at all. Way to go! Was it just a run on your own or a race?


It was actually a prediction run. Whoever finishes closest to their predicted time is the winner. But there are around 14,000 people that show up so it's a little difficult to know for sure. It's a FUN run though!


I'd love to do a trail run one of these days. Or even an obstacle run. It seems like paid runs are getting so darn expensive now though, and there's not much more offered. I guess because the bigger runs can charge $60-$100/ person and get away with it. But that's because they have to spend more (like color runs and obstacle runs).


I really.... like really, really... need a new pair of shoes myself! My pinky toes have made holes in my current ones. But they're still so comfy, so I'm hesitant to have to break in a new pair.


A couple of girl friends have me back to doing 5k's on Monday nights with a run club and possibly Wednesday nights too. One of them runs at the exact pace as I do, so it works well.


I've actually seen weight loss with the added weights, so that's a great thing! I originally wanted to lose 10-ish pounds so that when I gain it all back on the ship I wouldn't feel so bad (LOL!) but now I've decided to take my shoes and workout clothes with me. I figure I'll run the lanai while the sun rises, take some nice pictures of that, and then go to the gym for weights for about 30 minutes before breakfast. I'm hoping to only gain 2-5 pounds (I usually gain 7-10!) this trip.


I'm also really excited to take my FitBit along to see just how much walking the ship we do. I feel like I don't actually rest on vacation so it might be interesting :)


Miles ran/walked: 483.97

Miles remaining: -91.56

Days remaining: 19 (seriously.... get me on that ship NOW!!!!)

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Yeah, the trail races are a lot more fun than just the regular road races. I love running through the woods (and sometimes streams!) and leaping over logs and climbing huge hills. It reminds me of when I was a kid running around the woods in Germany. I agree that some of the race fees are insane! I only paid $15 for the one I'm doing on Saturday, and I don't think I've ever paid more than $40 for any race. I like to run, but not enough to spend a fortune on it!


You need to get yourself some new shoes before you wreck your feet or knees! Holes in running shoes are not good!


I ran 5K on the treadmill on Friday (at a 2% incline to challenge myself before the trail race this weekend) and I ran 5.4 miles outside this morning in 59:45 -- my longest run since October and no walking break! I was apparently desperate for a run this morning because I had no clean running pants, and instead of using that as an excuse to stay home and do laundry instead, I pulled out some pants from the laundry pile and re-wore them so I could still go run! And I'm glad I did because I feel so much better after a good long run. (Plus I'll feel better about going out to the happy hour get together tonight that my friend invited me to!) But seriously, I really need to do laundry!


I doubt I'll actually make this goal after taking a month off recently, but it's still fun to keep track--


Miles run: 22.8

Days remaining: 36

Miles remaining: 27.2

Miles per day remaining: 1.3

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I got in another treadmill 5K (2% incline) today. I made it in 36:54. Not bad after 15 minutes on the stair machine! I'm feeling completely drained right now, but fairly well prepared for Saturday's 5K trail race. I'm actually getting a little nervous for the race, which is weird, since I really only run for fun & stress release. I guess it's just because I haven't done a race since last September. I'm not sure how rough or hilly it's going to be, so my goal is to finish the race in under 40 minutes. Wish me luck! And good luck with your Monday 5K's!


I'm (finally) over half way to my goal!

Miles run: 25.9

Days remaining: 35

Miles remaining: 24.1

Miles per day remaining: 0.7


(Just noticed I got yesterday's miles per day remaining wrong. I was wondering how it had gotten so much worse! My chances of managing an average of 0.7 per day is much better than 1.3 per day!)

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The trail race was great! I finished in 33:28 and placed 5th in my age group! (There were only 12 in my age group, so it's not that impressive.) I'm thinking of signing up for another one that's a few weeks away, so I'm hoping I can manage to get out for a run this week. It's supposed to be rainy all week, and I'm out of town, so I can't run at the gym, but there are some huge hills here around my parents' house that would be great training for the hills in the trail race. I hope I get a chance to squeeze in a run between downpours!


tdnosnhoj11 (What's the story behind that user name?) - Your cruise is coming up really soon, isn't it? You must be getting so excited!


Miles run: 29

Days remaining: 30

Miles remaining: 21

Miles per day remaining: 0.7

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Hey, 5th out of 12 is pretty good lol! There was one time I came in second place (hubby was first)... but it was a 5k walk and we ran it :p I think there were a few more runners, so I guess that was an achievement???


My screen name is a play on my real name, some of it backwards, some of it initials. I actually HATE typing it in. This is the only website where I use it so my fingers trip up every time.


How about your screen name?


And YES!!!! I'm excited. I NEED to get away! lol It's really been one thing after another in my real life. I would venture to say I'm at possibly the most difficult spot I've been in... ever! It will get better though, it always has :o I'm just happy I was selfish and sat aside all the necessary money to spend on this cruise at one point and haven't touched it. I fully plan on a care free seven days. Just that whole coming back thing... yuck.


I just keep reminding myself: exactly two weeks from RIGHT NOW I will be on our second day at sea, most likley sipping on a yummy beverage and getting my tan on while listening to Bob Marley. Ahhhhh!


Miles ran/walked: 514.42

Miles remaining: -122.01

Days remaining: 12

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My screen name came from the two dogs I had at the time I joined CC -- Perky and Blue.


Sorry you're at a difficult spot, but hooray that you have an awesome cruise coming up! Hopefully things will be better soon. And if not, running is always a good release! I'm hoping to fit in a run tomorrow, but even if I can't, I think I'll go ahead and register for the trail race later this month. They're a bit more grueling than a regular race, but it's a lot more fun dashing through the woods than trudging along the road. Even if I'm not as fast as I'd like, it should still be fun.

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Well, never mind that. I'm the assistant coach for my daughter's softball team, and her games are scheduled for 8 or 8:45 am on Saturdays. So no races for me until softball's over in July because they're all on Saturday mornings. :( I'm still going to try to go out for a run today, but it's so much harder to get motivated when I don't have a race to look forward to.

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OMG, I think that was the toughest run I've ever done. The heat, humidity, and hills here are so brutal! I'm glad my parents are moving and that this will be the last time I ever run in Alabama! I somehow managed to finish 5 miles, tackling every major hill in the neighborhood, in 59:45. So here's my updated goal progress--


Miles run: 34

Days remaining: 28

Miles remaining: 16

Miles per day remaining: 0.6

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OMG, I think that was the toughest run I've ever done. The heat, humidity, and hills here are so brutal! I'm glad my parents are moving and that this will be the last time I ever run in Alabama!


OMG, I think that was the toughest run I've ever done. The heat, humidity, and hills here are so brutal! I'm glad my parents are moving and that this will be the last time I ever run in Alabama!




LOL! Believe me, I feel your pain with the humidity! I actually MUCH prefer it over dry, cold weather (running or not!) though so no complaints here. Well, other than that my hair frizziness most days of the year lol.




Thankfully, a lot of what I was dealing with last week has cleared up. Either that or I'm just ignoring it because I'm more interested in this cruise I've been mostly stressed about leaving my dogs here (I'm sure as a dog owner, you know how it can be ), but the last straw was had with my MIL and my best friend (who has been Plan B all along) will be taking care of them.




I've been very.... very lazy. It's been nasty down here so there have been no outdoor runs. And I've been trying to flex my hours so I can leave work early today so I've not been doing my usual lunch work out. Oh well.... it's cruise time!!


Miles ran/walked: 548.04 (it'll be nice to drive this rather than walking/running it!)

Miles remaining: -155.63

Days remaining: 1 1/2!!


I did from here to NOLA, back, and almost back to NOLA again!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have to say...I love this thread! I am a runner (well I try my best anyway... :p) Today is my first day trying to get back into it after a long hiatus from the gym.


I love how everyone is here kind of keeping track of the miles they are putting behind them. :) Great job everyone!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't checked in here in a while. Glad to see some others have joined us! Welcome Amikins & bonvoyagebites! I did not make my birthday goal, but came closer than I expected to after my time off -- I ended up with a total of 42.6 by my birthday, so not bad; I only missed it by 7.4.


And today I made it through 6.2 miles! I think I might actually be able to complete a 10K race this year without chickening out and downgrading back to 5K at the last minute like I did last year. I just need to come up with a plan to keep running once the kids are out of school and home all day. That's what messed me up last summer, and then it was like starting all over again in the fall. But I'm amazed that I ran 10K in 1:04.45 this morning, and I really don't want to go back to being unable to get through more than 5 miles without a walking break, so I'm going to try my best to work in some running during the summer somehow.


I need to come up with a new mileage goal, but I'll need to think about what I can realistically do during the summer. But it's great motivation to get to subtract the miles from the goal total after each run, so I'll have to come up with a new goal since I don't have any races coming up soon.

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  • 1 month later...

I have mostly been taking land vacations lately. I am going to Jamaica in 12 days to celebrate my 53rd birthday. I wanted to get back in to my college shape 185 lbs size 34 jeans. I don't know if I will make it.


I did this once before on my 40th birthday. Since then I had gained it all back plus some. (total gain over the years 27 lbs) I topped out at 212 lbs in 2012. I have been trying to eat healthy, organic, and I modified my diet the last few years, but had not really set a goal. I lost 10 lbs and was pretty happy with myself.


With this Jamaica trip coming I set a goal and have been working hard at it. I had forgotten how much I love working out and how well my body responds.

Yes I am a man and have what I call "mantabolism" I know its not fair.


Down to 189 lbs this morning .Only 4 lbs left to lose. But I leave for Jamaica in 12 days. I don't think I will make my goal but it is still within reach if I work hard enough.


Getting in good shape is 80% nutrition and 20 % exercise and yes you have to do both. The 80 % nutrition its going to come down to will power. Can you walk away from the sugar, can you think of food as fuel. Your body is a machine and it needs the proper fuel to operate. It needs blood flow, oxygen, and energy to burn . To get all three you have to eat right, workout and even do the dreaded cardio so you can increase the blood and oxygen flowing to your muscles. If you are in good health you should try to get your heart rate up and hold it there for 45 minutes. 10 Minutes on the treadmill is not going to get it.


I have chosen the elliptical as my cardio machine of choice. It has less impact on the joints. I do 45 minutes of hard cardio 6 days a week.


Some muscles really need a break between workouts and some don't . You can pretty much do abs every day if you want. When working the bigger muscles they need a little more recovery. But while your legs are recovering you can still do cardio and ab work. Yes running is still using your legs but it is completely different from weight lifting and actually helps loosen my sore legs up


I love lower body workout day. My favorite part is after the trainer says I am done. I am standing perfectly still but when I look at my legs they are visibly trembling. Then I go upstairs and run 5 miles anyway.



Good luck, set a goal and work toward it. Nothing happens overnight. Try adding some weight lifting to your running goals if you want to see your body really change

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  • 9 months later...

So glad I found this thread again! I used this while looking forward to our July 2014 cruise. I tried mightily to log enough walking and biking miles to get to Port Canaveral, but never did meet my goal. We just booked an October cruise out of Charleston, 528 miles away, 196 days away. I shouldn't have any problem. 28 weeks. That's about 18 or 19 miles a week. Not even a challenge. Hmmm. How to make this more challenging? Maybe I need to wait and start the challenge in June. That would make me ride my bike a lot all summer.

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