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back from the worse cruise ever!!!


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To the OP, first let me say how sorry I am that you had a bad cruise experience. I'm baffled as well about your food concerns. Heck....my only complaint about the food on ANY ship is the fact that I can't cram in another mouthful! I do hope that there were some "moments" that you have forgotten to mention in listing your "Positive"( and I use that term loosely as it pertains to your post) shipboard experiences. Here is a list of a few favorites. Where were you ?...........SAILAWAY! AAhhh, what a feeling to be at the very start of a wonderful adventure-and you couldn't have been hungry yet!..... A sunrise at sea.....A sunset at sea......the sea air........sea days, no phones, no work, no bills, (yet LOL) just the company of family or friends and 24 hours stretching ahead of you to fill as you desire. A smile or nod from a fellow passenger, the excitement of a new port coming into view for the first time, and on and on and on. Cruising (and life) is what you make it....make it FUN-we do:D

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WOW!!! Sounds like you had a blast!!!

Guess we wont be seeing you on the FUN ships anytime soon... :eek:



***walks around the CC room with a tray full of drinks***


A woman stops me, asks, "What's on your tray miss"??


I reply, "Well, the blue drink is for complainers, the green drink is for the people that aren't happy but don't complain, and the pink drink is for the CC people who take a cruise fully aware that it just might not go perfectly."


She says: "I'll take the pink one....but if I don't like the food in the dining room, will I starve."


"No, mam, you will not starve. There is plenty of food to eat on your cruise...just find something you like, but do give the dining room a chance...you just might find something you like. You may even want to try the supper club (if available on this ship)."


"Ohhhhh...welllll....I went to bed hungry last night."


"You did?!?!?!?! How in the world could you ever go hungry on a cruise?? Please mam, don't write that in your review on CC until you have tried all the dining venues that are available on the ship."


"They aren't open."


"Yes they are if you read the capers you will see the times that the alternative dining venues are open."


"I'm on vacation, I don't want to have to read a daily newspaper..."


"Well, mam, that's how a cruise ship works. We have so many things going on throughout the day, that's it is best for us to create a daily newspaper for you to check, and know the times of dining, the shows, etc."




"Mam, while I can totally understand your frustration, please understand, we have about 2000 passengers on the ship and it would be in your best interests to check your daily newspaper to find activities, events, and dining times that suit your needs."




"Suits yourself mam, just trying to help."


Enough said....

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I should probably put this somewhere else. But the OP regardless of the negativity raised an issue that I need to think about. When we were off the Valor (I think they came in at 7:00 a.m.) in Grand Cayman no tender tickets were required. Nobody seemed ready to get off and we could leave on the first tender even though we did not have a Carnival tour. We are returning on the Liberty and the arrival time is 8:00 a.m. We are supposed to meet a Nativeway representative at 9:15 for a 9:30 tour. Is this going to be too difficult? Will the Carnival tours hold us up? Maybe it was as different story on the Valor because of the earlier arrival. If it matters we will be there before daylight savings.

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"I also told them that the dolphin swim in Costa Maya only had 1 dolphin for their group when the other groups had 3 dolphins and the same amount of people and they said “that’s just how it is”. They didn’t care one bit if people were unhappy. HORRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE."


Is it only me but the last time I heard an argument like this I was in the second grade and it involved crayons

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"I also told them that the dolphin swim in Costa Maya only had 1 dolphin for their group when the other groups had 3 dolphins and the same amount of people and they said “that’s just how it is”. They didn’t care one bit if people were unhappy. HORRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE."



Is it only me but the last time I heard an argument like this I was in the second grade and it involved crayons

Or at home with the kids on who had a bigger cookie..."Not fair" <stomps feet>

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Time to let lessons be learned and move on, too many post, research and more research, but still things happen, but since there wasn't anything good mentioned, I consider the source, case closed - go on another type of vacation or another line, your expections needed to be known up front! After all, didn't you make the choice?

Chose wisely, vacations aren't cheap, I spend over 8K every year for my family.


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***walks around the CC room with a tray full of drinks***


A woman stops me, asks, "What's on your tray miss"??


I reply, "Well, the blue drink is for complainers, the green drink is for the people that aren't happy but don't complain, and the pink drink is for the CC people who take a cruise fully aware that it just might not go perfectly."


She says: "I'll take the pink one....but if I don't like the food in the dining room, will I starve."


"No, mam, you will not starve. There is plenty of food to eat on your cruise...just find something you like, but do give the dining room a chance...you just might find something you like. You may even want to try the supper club (if available on this ship)."


"Ohhhhh...welllll....I went to bed hungry last night."


"You did?!?!?!?! How in the world could you ever go hungry on a cruise?? Please mam, don't write that in your review on CC until you have tried all the dining venues that are available on the ship."


"They aren't open."


"Yes they are if you read the capers you will see the times that the alternative dining venues are open."


"I'm on vacation, I don't want to have to read a daily newspaper..."


"Well, mam, that's how a cruise ship works. We have so many things going on throughout the day, that's it is best for us to create a daily newspaper for you to check, and know the times of dining, the shows, etc."




"Mam, while I can totally understand your frustration, please understand, we have about 2000 passengers on the ship and it would be in your best interests to check your daily newspaper to find activities, events, and dining times that suit your needs."




"Suits yourself mam, just trying to help."


Enough said....





I LOVE IT!!:):)

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I apologize if I insulted you or any others -- I just get frustrated when I personally think things can be avoided and are blamed on the cruise line. I’m sure you must have had a fun time somewhere in-between your uninformed and unfortunate dinner experiences. Sorry that you experienced that.

I’ve traveled on Holland America, Carnival, Oceanic & Premier cruise lines since I was 21. Now turning 50 and my family and I cannot find a better value / entertaining / relaxing venue.

Maybe next time is the trick!:confused:


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I just returned from my cruise aboard the Carnival Victory (2/26 –3/5). I can confidently say that I will NEVER sail with Carnival again!!! It’s hard to decide where to begin my horror story…


FOOD: The food was HORRIBLE. Everyone says you gain 10 lbs on a cruise but I lost 2 lbs and my SO lost 5 lbs. We were actually HUNGRY when we went to sleep the first four nights! We ate in the main dining room the first 2 nights. The main entrees usually included one beef product. SO and I ordered the prime rib (although it wasn’t called “prime rib” both nights because everything else on the menu sounded unappealing. The cuts of meat used on the ship were cheap, in my opinion. My parents were also on the cruise and my dad sent his prime rib back because it had so much fat on it. I cut the fat off of mine on both nights and there was hardly anything left. The salads were very small and the desserts were completely TASTELESS! I’ve had better cake out of a betty crocker box. We decided to try the “alternative” dining option on the 3rd day and we were shocked to see the EXACT same food on the “alternative” buffet that was being served in the dining room that night!!! It was no alternative at all!!! Carnival advertises multiple dining options but THAT IS A LIE! The other “restaurants” Carnival talks about are actually walk up windows that do not run all the time. If fact, there are some times when all there is to eat is PIZZA! I go on a cruise and I’m stuck eating pizza? It wasn’t even great pizza! The “BBQ” never made steak or chicken sandwhichs like it advertised, it only made hamburgers and hotdogs! The Chinese wok was rarely open. I had excellent ham ONE night but other than that, I starved!!!!! We asked others if they liked the food and it was 50/50. I don’t know, maybe I expected too much by thinking I wouldn’t have to eat pizza all week!


CRUISE DIRECTOR: My hatred for this man is very high. SO and I either attended the “travel talk” briefings or watched them on tv so that we knew what was going on. During Dana’s (the cruise director) travel talk about grand cayman, he instructed everyone with an excursion before 10am to meet in the Caribbean lounge. He “PROMISED” that we would be on the first tender boats off the ship so that we were on time. SO, myself and my father arrived at 7:20. The shipped docked at 7:30. Our excursion was at 8:30 but we were suppose to check in at 8:00. I did NOT book the excursion through Carnival. We waited and waited until 7:50 when (the most annoying) social host came in and said everyone could proceed to the gangway!!!! Of course, that meant we were behind everyone who had been lining up on the stairs for the last 40 minutes!!! I went up to the social host and showed him my receipt for the excursion and asked if I shouldn’t be put on one of the first boats off. He said just go down stairs. Well, guess what? We were on the 3rd boat off and we were 20 mins late for the tour and the entire tour was cut short by 20 mins for me and everyone else on it. And I was MORTIFIED when I arrived at Captain Marvins for the tour because I was so late and everyone knew I was holding it up. I complained to the pursers desk when I got back on the ship and found that the pursers desk doesn’t give a **** about anything. They took my complaint and said they would forward it to the cruise director. 2 days went by and I kept calling and asking what was going on. Finally, they said the cruise director had responded and said that I must not have been in the Caribbean lounge at the right time and that if I had booked the excursion through carnival, that I was have been assured a full tour because the carnival tour operators wait for all guests!!! I couldn’t believe it!!! First of all, I WAS in the lounge at the right time, in fact we were early and one of the first people there. Second, he completely ignored the fact that he promised during his travel talk to get us off the boat first and then we were shoved behind everyone else. Third, he basically said oh well because I didn’t book the excursion through carnival so he didn’t give a ****!


EXCURSIONS: My parents took the grand cayman island tour and it didn’t make all the stops listed. I went to the shore excursion desk to complain and was told that was just how the tour was!!! When I went back to my room the tv was on to the cruise directors travel talk about grand cayman and as luck would have it, he described that exact tour stop-by-stop. So I marched back to the shore excursion desk and complained again. Then they wanted to know the bus number my parents were on. I told them they didn’t know that and that I wouldn’t have looked at the bus number either. Then I was told without the bus number there was nothing they could do! Basically I threw a fit and finally got him to say he’d look into it further. Two days later I noticed a 10% discount for the tour on my sail and sign card but they never called me or sent me a letter. I also told them that the dolphin swim in Costa Maya only had 1 dolphin for their group when the other groups had 3 dolphins and the same amount of people and they said “that’s just how it is”. They didn’t care one bit if people were unhappy. HORRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE.


LIDO DECK: 1/4 of the chairs on the decks were “saved” by beach towels which is against carnival’s policy. People were walking around and around looking for chairs. I finally had to carry one all the way around the boat! People would put towels on chairs and never come back. I thought that Carnival should have made an announcement that they were going to collect the towel in 15 minutes. I suggested this to the purser and was told that carnivals policy was to post the “no saving” policy and that’s all! It was a sold out cruise and people were having to sit on the floor. Another incident were carnival didn’t give a ****.


CROWD: It’s a party ship, plain and simple. I asked on various boards beforehand if it was, but the bottomline is, people go on carnival to drink themselves silly. We had wine spilled on us, etc. I’ve never seen so many middle-age drunks in all of my life.


It was the worse experience of my life. I will never go on a carnival ship again. I’m sure I’m forgetting some things because I am so flustered right now. BUYER BEWARE – carnival does not care one bit about you once you buy your ticket.


Didn't see a complaint about jeans in the dining room, you missed one !

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Very, very sorry to hear that you had such a bad experience:eek: . DH and I had sailed on Victory approx. two years ago and had a fabulous time. The ship was beautiful and staff was fantastic. The food as always was good, and IMHO comparable to Princess and RCCL. We have sailed Carnival 3 times and have loved every minute.


We are sailing on Glory on 3/18/06 Eastern and are really looking forward to being away from the phone, bills and all the work. Having someone cook, clean and entertain me for one week puts me in heaven. Let's all try to look at the glass as half-full. I will be doing that in less than two weeks, and I sure hope I can write a rave review when I return.


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Wow, I was on that same exact cruise you were and saw it a whole different way!

The food...oh yah some was a tad "weird" for some of the 6 of us in the dining room..but if you ordered it and didnt like it (HATED the fettichini) then you just order something else! (as I did!) My dd beau sometimes ordered 3 entree's at dinner! Order away until you find something you like! Or like another poster said...room service! 24hrs a day and free!

I gained 4+ pounds (so far...lets see in a week if the real weight has hit me!), my 20 y/o daughter gained 3 and my husband......well he GAINED 9+ pounds! (The others didnt weigh themselves) My husband has never gained 9 pounds ever! He is the same weight as is highschool! (or he USED TO BE before the cruise! hehe)

Party ship? I know it was happening somewhere...we just never saw the drunk people! Maybe that is because we dont do the party/dance/club scene? (Not to say we dont drink!) Where were you seeing the drunk people? And wine spilled on you? Where in the heck was that? Frustrating I bet, but I suppose if you are in a party place later in the night you might see that.

We had early excursion in Grand Caymen, NOT booked through Carnival. We went into the Carribean lounge and walked right down to the tenders as promised and then we had to waste time cuz we got to shore an hour early! I was impressed how fast they had us off the boat.

I feel bad for you! We loved this cruise and I think maybe sometime in far future we might stop daydreaming about it!

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"I also told them that the dolphin swim in Costa Maya only had 1 dolphin for their group when the other groups had 3 dolphins and the same amount of people and they said “that’s just how it is”. They didn’t care one bit if people were unhappy. HORRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE."



Is it only me but the last time I heard an argument like this I was in the second grade and it involved crayons



Yep...he got 3 blue ones and I only got one.......

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***walks around the CC room with a tray full of drinks***


A woman stops me, asks, "What's on your tray miss"??


I reply, "Well, the blue drink is for complainers, the green drink is for the people that aren't happy but don't complain, and the pink drink is for the CC people who take a cruise fully aware that it just might not go perfectly."


She says: "I'll take the pink one....but if I don't like the food in the dining room, will I starve."


"No, mam, you will not starve. There is plenty of food to eat on your cruise...just find something you like, but do give the dining room a chance...you just might find something you like. You may even want to try the supper club (if available on this ship)."


"Ohhhhh...welllll....I went to bed hungry last night."


"You did?!?!?!?! How in the world could you ever go hungry on a cruise?? Please mam, don't write that in your review on CC until you have tried all the dining venues that are available on the ship."


"They aren't open."


"Yes they are if you read the capers you will see the times that the alternative dining venues are open."


"I'm on vacation, I don't want to have to read a daily newspaper..."


"Well, mam, that's how a cruise ship works. We have so many things going on throughout the day, that's it is best for us to create a daily newspaper for you to check, and know the times of dining, the shows, etc."




"Mam, while I can totally understand your frustration, please understand, we have about 2000 passengers on the ship and it would be in your best interests to check your daily newspaper to find activities, events, and dining times that suit your needs."




"Suits yourself mam, just trying to help."


Enough said....





I LOVE IT!!:):)




Thanks! It was fun writing it!!!!

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Wow, I was on that same exact cruise you were and saw it a whole different way!

The food...oh yah some was a tad "weird" for some of the 6 of us in the dining room..but if you ordered it and didnt like it (HATED the fettichini) then you just order something else! (as I did!) My dd beau sometimes ordered 3 entree's at dinner! Order away until you find something you like! Or like another poster said...room service! 24hrs a day and free!

I gained 4+ pounds (so far...lets see in a week if the real weight has hit me!), my 20 y/o daughter gained 3 and my husband......well he GAINED 9+ pounds! (The others didnt weigh themselves) My husband has never gained 9 pounds ever! He is the same weight as is highschool! (or he USED TO BE before the cruise! hehe)

Party ship? I know it was happening somewhere...we just never saw the drunk people! Maybe that is because we dont do the party/dance/club scene? (Not to say we dont drink!) Where were you seeing the drunk people? And wine spilled on you? Where in the heck was that? Frustrating I bet, but I suppose if you are in a party place later in the night you might see that.

We had early excursion in Grand Caymen, NOT booked through Carnival. We went into the Carribean lounge and walked right down to the tenders as promised and then we had to waste time cuz we got to shore an hour early! I was impressed how fast they had us off the boat.

I feel bad for you! We loved this cruise and I think maybe sometime in far future we might stop daydreaming about it!



Well, based on the OP's post, there was only Pizza to eat, so I'm assuming that the wine spill was between the hours of 10 pm and 3 am.

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Ok y'all, I do have to say, my # of posts isn't that high either, but I can say that I learn a lot from these boards and it does take a lot of research to know even a portion of the tricks.


Seems the OP did do what they considered to be research, although maybe not enough or not broad enough research.


Regardless of the reason, sometimes you need to look at the world and laugh. Maybe because it's funny, maybe because it's stupid. I've found that 90% of the time, throwing a tantrum gets you nowhere. 90% of the time yelling at someone gets poor results (unless you are their boss)


To those who get all tied up in knots over petty things and can't find something good - please, increase the fiber in your diet in the future. I know that isn't an immediate cure to your worries right now, so take 2 Ex-Lax and a ***** - you won't get off the pot any time soon, but you'll be happy about it. :p

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Didn't see a complaint about jeans in the dining room, you missed one !


Also no complaints on swim diapers in the pool or the iron that was confiscated out of his luggage before boarding.


This man is a fraud.

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No offense, but I hate people using someone's post count being a way to determine if they are lying or that they did research. I did not find out about this site till AFTER my first cruise. Yes you can do a lot of research without using this site, which I did. I have friends who went on cruises, I talked to my TA, go info from Carnival etc.. There are other ways besides this site.


I never said he lied or did not do proper research. If someone is speed reading these posts, they are missing alot.


If you will actually take the time to go back to my earlier posts, I told him that the amount of research in no way reflected on him personally. That a lot of people get disappointed with a cruise line sometimes, because they don't know a cruise line as well as they thought they did.


I even gave an example of our best friends who have cruised for years and had no idea about the CC board. Hard to imagine...but true.


My post (to which you are refering) was stating that if he did have posts here before his cruise then he obviously knew about CC and did not take full advantage of these resources. Again, proving my earlier point that in these cases it is not about people not doing research....but not getting to know a cruise line as well as they should...so this kind of disappointment does not happen.


You missed the boat completely. BTW, you should not hate anyone.

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"I also told them that the dolphin swim in Costa Maya only had 1 dolphin for their group when the other groups had 3 dolphins and the same amount of people and they said “that’s just how it is”. They didn’t care one bit if people were unhappy. HORRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE."



Is it only me but the last time I heard an argument like this I was in the second grade and it involved crayons


I feel sorry for the dolphin!!! Can you imagine the ppor thing with all those humans groping him and no one else to work the shift with!!!:eek:

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"I also told them that the dolphin swim in Costa Maya only had 1 dolphin for their group when the other groups had 3 dolphins and the same amount of people and they said “that’s just how it is”. They didn’t care one bit if people were unhappy. HORRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE."



Is it only me but the last time I heard an argument like this I was in the second grade and it involved crayons



But, why would Carnival be responsible for your (bad) excursion if you didn't book it through Carnival?? I'm confused......

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