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Just off Valor 04/02 Western

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Ok, sorry to say, the worst week of my life. Husband and I got sick Wed evening, and spent Thurs, Fri, and Sat in bed, no food, high fever, every muscle in body aching. Couldn't wait to get home.


I think we're turned off to cruises forever. I know they tell you to be careful, and wash your hands a lot, which we did. It didn't help. We didn't use any public restrooms. Did use the Internet cafe; might have been a mistake. I guess we'll never know.


There's nothing worse than being on a ship, out to sea, sick, and with a sick spouse, stuck in a very small room.


I'm trying not to blame the cruise line, the ship was very clean, but hey, I've never gotten sick so fast and both of us AT THE EXACT SAME TIME?


There were some good observations, which I will try to post later.


Skipped Costa Maya due to high winds, port was closed, all 3 ships turned away (Valor, Miracle, and a Celebrity ship). Disappointing, since we intended to do our shopping there (as it turns out, we couldn't get out of bed anyway), but certainly not Carnival's fault.

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Ok, sorry to say, the worst week of my life. Husband and I got sick Wed evening, and spent Thurs, Fri, and Sat in bed, no food, high fever, every muscle in body aching. Couldn't wait to get home.


I think we're turned off to cruises forever. I know they tell you to be careful, and wash your hands a lot, which we did. It didn't help. We didn't use any public restrooms. Did use the Internet cafe; might have been a mistake. I guess we'll never know.


There's nothing worse than being on a ship, out to sea, sick, and with a sick spouse, stuck in a very small room.


I'm trying not to blame the cruise line, the ship was very clean, but hey, I've never gotten sick so fast and both of us AT THE EXACT SAME TIME?


There were some good observations, which I will try to post later.


Skipped Costa Maya due to high winds, port was closed, all 3 ships turned away (Valor, Miracle, and a Celebrity ship). Disappointing, since we intended to do our shopping there (as it turns out, we couldn't get out of bed anyway), but certainly not Carnival's fault.


How could the internet cafe make you sick???


Did you catch a computer virus?:rolleyes:


But seriously, did you eat anywhere in Roataan on wednesday?


Sorry to hear about your illness.

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Ok, sorry to say, the worst week of my life. Husband and I got sick Wed evening, and spent Thurs, Fri, and Sat in bed, no food, high fever, every muscle in body aching.


Im so sorry to hear that, Im bet I would of felt the same, Can you pin point to the dinner you had the night before? Did you eat something in the Grand Caymans? I like to know what you think what really started it?


Kathy, also did you fly in? and if so did you eat something at the Airport? they say it takes a few days to hit you, but you never know I have eatten stuff here in San Diego and had to run to the bathroom immediately.


Back in 94 I had some bad meat from Food 4 Less and it gave me a parasite, my stomach was shotout, I was given C-PRO something like that to kill off all good and bad bacteria, after that it took about 4 more years to recover because it gave me IBS and I couldnt go out to eat, life really sucked. Well after my 4 years my stomach had recover but then it was a mental game, which took another 3 to 4 years.





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Did not eat anything in Roatan at all. Had a few sips of fruit punch and a few sips of a margerita. Did not fly in. Drove from north FL the day before.


I saw on the boards before we left that some people either avoid the public restrooms or use a tissue to open the door afterwards. Believe me, keyboards are viruses waiting to happen, "computer viruses" aside.:)


The only thing I can say that happened in Roatan was I felt like I was getting bitten all day at the beach (we did Parrot Tree Beach, which was ok but they were selling condos there and that always makes me suspicious, plus it was so artificial compared to the rest of Roatan). Anway, after 2 hours I couldn't take it any more. Never saw what was biting me but when we got back to the room I had HUNDREDS of little red marks all over my body, including where my bathing suit was. Husband had a few bites, but not like mine. They never itched, and faded in a few days. Maybe some kind of sand flies.


Fyi, food in dining room was very good, and I can say for sure that the ship was kept SPOTLESS. I never did see them washing or waxing that floor, but boy, it always looked like they had just done it. Cabin, too, was spotless all the time.


Also, more flu-like symptoms, nothing stomach-related. High fever, headaches, body aches, severe cough, but not from the lungs, from the throat (post-nasal drip). Not food-related, I don't think.


I honestly didn't hear of anyone else getting sick, altho I heard a lot of people coughing, but that could have been anything.


Fyi, we did not hit the infirmary. For one thing, we had to visit there Mon morning cause my husband forgot his bp meds. They charged him $60 to take his Bp and $30 for meds. Plus, the dr. was the one person on board who didn't impress me with his attitude, etc. Not a real friendly guy. Secondly, we were scared they would quarantine us, and I was not going to let Carnival do that to us. We were pretty much self-quarantined anyway. Once we got sick, we were very careful not to spread it.


I do have a lot of good things to say, just not feeling well enough right now to say them, but I will get to it tomorrow.

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Ok, sorry to say, the worst week of my life. Husband and I got sick Wed evening, and spent Thurs, Fri, and Sat in bed, no food, high fever, every muscle in body aching. Couldn't wait to get home.


I think we're turned off to cruises forever. I know they tell you to be careful, and wash your hands a lot, which we did. It didn't help. We didn't use any public restrooms. Did use the Internet cafe; might have been a mistake. I guess we'll never know.


There's nothing worse than being on a ship, out to sea, sick, and with a sick spouse, stuck in a very small room.


I'm trying not to blame the cruise line, the ship was very clean, but hey, I've never gotten sick so fast and both of us AT THE EXACT SAME TIME?


There were some good observations, which I will try to post later.


Skipped Costa Maya due to high winds, port was closed, all 3 ships turned away (Valor, Miracle, and a Celebrity ship). Disappointing, since we intended to do our shopping there (as it turns out, we couldn't get out of bed anyway), but certainly not Carnival's fault.


Sorry to hear you had a terrible week . . . it must be disappointing to have looked forward to your vacation and then be sick. My close friend just went on a ski trip and was sick the last two days of her trip and then for the next week at home (also flu-like).


I hope you feel better soon. I also hope once the memories of being sick on the cruise start to fade, you will reconsider another cruising vacation.

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Did not eat anything in Roatan at all. Had a few sips of fruit punch and a few sips of a margerita.


You dont have to answer this now because you need to get some rest, you can answer it tomorrow if you want. When you had your Fruit Punch and Margarita, did you eat the ice if any? If the Ice wasnt purified thats probably where you got it. But I think that will only give you stomach problems which you didnt have. Just wondering. Also where did you have this Fruit Punch and Margarita so we can stay away from that place.



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Also, more flu-like symptoms, nothing stomach-related. High fever, headaches, body aches, severe cough, but not from the lungs, from the throat (post-nasal drip). Not food-related, I don't think.







Sounds like an adenovirus. Any time you were in close contact with people in a confined or poorly ventilated area, with your husband, is the likely time of infection. It could have been several days earlier as the virus take time to wreak havoc.


Visiting the ship's doc wouldn't have helped as there's no cure for a virus; it must work it's course. You can only treat any secondary infections that may result with antibiotics and the symptoms of fever, ache, etc. with appropriate OTC meds.


I'm sorry it ruined your cruise, but look at it this way; What's the odds of it happening twice? ;)

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Any time you were in close contact with people in a confined or poorly ventilated area, is the likely time of infection.


Paul, when I went to Bayside Market in Miami I noticed a vendor was wearing a mask. Would you recommend wearing a mask on a plane, from San Diego to Dallas its around 2.5 hours and then from Dallas to Miami another 2.5 hours. Im just wondering if this is enough time to catch something, I dont care what people think or say I just want to be well when I get there.



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Parrot Tree Beach. I didn't specifically eat the ice, but it melted pretty fast. For anyone who's never been there, they tell you to make sure you take a tour the Roatan day because there's not much to do on your own. No beach you can get to, etc. Our dinner companions were more adventurous than us (and 20 years younger) and they did the zip line thing. Loved it. They also did the jeep thing in Belize.


I didn't meet anyone on the ship who was impressed by Roatan. I was surprised to hear some celebrities have houses there. Like I said, it was either very poor, or the resorts were so artificial as to make them unbelieveable. Very strange place. Police carried big guns or rifles too, but that was probably just to protect the tourists.


On the other hand, it was scenically more beautiful than the other 2 ports, mountainous as opposed to flat and boring in Grand Cayman and Belize.

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You don't say what day your cruise left, but viruses can incubate for anywhere from a day or two to two weeks before symptoms appear, so it could easily be something you both were exposed to before you even left your hometown. My husband started getting a cold the morning we left, we quickly packed extra vitamin c and echinacea, he was able to fight it off until the last sea day, but by that time we were pretty worn out so didin't mind just lounging around. Sorry it ruined your vacation, it's a bummer to pay so much for a vacation and then be miserable, but hopefully you'll give cruising another chance.

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You don't say what day your cruise left, but viruses can incubate for anywhere from a day or two to two weeks before symptoms appear, so it could easily be something you both were exposed to before you even left your hometown. My husband started getting a cold the morning we left, we quickly packed extra vitamin c and echinacea, he was able to fight it off until the last sea day, but by that time we were pretty worn out so didin't mind just lounging around. Sorry it ruined your vacation, it's a bummer to pay so much for a vacation and then be miserable, but hopefully you'll give cruising another chance.


I think that since they were both hit at the very same time, it sounds more like the Sand Flys gave them a flu. When we went to Belize a few weeks ago, at the City an Baboon excursion, a monster bug drilled into Wendys leg as if it was pumping for Oil, Wendy was further back but I heard her when she said OUCH :eek: , on the way home she felt a burning sensation and had a welt. Lucky for us she was ok and didn't get the flu or a fever. I was ready to whip it out and piss all over her leg to neutralizer the effects :eek:

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Paul, when I went to Bayside Market in Miami I noticed a vendor was wearing a mask. Would you recommend wearing a mask on a plane, from San Diego to Dallas its around 2.5 hours and then from Dallas to Miami another 2.5 hours. Im just wondering if this is enough time to catch something, I dont care what people think or say I just want to be well when I get there.







No, I would not recommend wearing a mask on a plane unless you are infected and wish to protect those around you.


Contrary to popular belief, wearing a mask increses your exposure by concentrating the doses and the vapor / moisture seal creates a breeding ground as well. You can wear masks for brief periods and be protected, but we are talking minutes as opposed to a long flight.


You could wear a properly fitted HEPA filtration mask and protect yourself, but a properly fitted HEPA filtration mask is a pain the face. ;)


BTW, I have been fitted head to toe by Homeland Security with a hazmat suit complete with powered respirator and I wouldn't think twice about wearing it on a plane full of active TB patients, but I wouldn't ever wear a mask on a plane on the off chance it might keep me from getting an infection; if I had to ride with a plane load of active TB patients without my suit, I'd put a mask on all of them and I'd go without. My odds of being infected would be much less by not wearing a mask myself.


LOL, I doubt anyone would board a plane with me in my suit though unless they had active TB. :D It's a wild looking contraption. :eek:

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We are sailing on this same itenerary in two weeks. I am concerned with getting sick as they did. What measures can I take on shore in ports of call to prevent getting sick. What measures do I need to take with food, drink, and bugs?



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When I went on the Valor 3 weeks ago or so, the last 2 days of the cruise, my sister inlaws parents came down with some sort of flu, with a mix of a cold in there too. They skipped dinner the night of Costa Maya and we did not see them the remaining day at sea at all. They were stuck in their cabin sick with a cold and with the flu vomiting all night. Wonder if you cought the same thing?

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We are sailing on this same itenerary in two weeks. I am concerned with getting sick as they did. What measures can I take on shore in ports of call to prevent getting sick. What measures do I need to take with food, drink, and bugs?




3 days before flying, what I do is take 1 tablet of Air Borne 3 times a day until I get to the Cruise. This suppose to prevent you from catching something. They come in Orange and Lemon flavor and taste great.



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We are sailing on this same itenerary in two weeks. I am concerned with getting sick as they did. What measures can I take on shore in ports of call to prevent getting sick. What measures do I need to take with food, drink, and bugs?







On shore, don't drink the water or drinks with ice in them unless you can verify the ice was made with purified water. Basically just wash your hands regularly and NEVER touch your mouth, eyes, ears, or nose unless you just washed your hands and be sure and wash them again afterwards.


Make sure you wash any raw fruits or veggies before you eat them and make sure your food is prepared fresh. I know it's hard to do...


As for bugs, a repellant with DEET should be applied any time you are in an area prone to bugs; as in the entire caribbean. :) I don't do it regularly, but I'll be applying it while in Costa Rica expecially given that we're going to the rain forest. Probably won't in Costa Maya or Panama. Costa Maya we'll be doing the beach and Panama will be mostly on the train and bus.


Above all, keep yourself well hydrated. Drinking plenty of fluids will enable your body to flush out most contaminants before you ever feel a symptom.

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3 days before flying, what I do is take 1 tablet of Air Borne 3 times a day until I get to the Cruise. This suppose to prevent you from catching something. They come in Orange and Lemon flavor and taste great.




I've been taking airborne for the last 2 weeks. Everyone in my office has been or is sick with some kind of flu or cold that is going around (the wife even has a nasty cold). :eek:


With 5 weeks left, I refuse to get sick!! LOL


So far I have avoided it. ::crossing my fingers::

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Kathy; Sorry you & hubby got so sick. Sharon & I came off the Valor April 2. I caught a cold mid-cruise. Thankfully, it wasn't debilitating. Just runny nose, a little sneezing, a little caughing from post nasal drip. Didn't stop me from doing anything. Monday, after we got home, Sharon got it big time. Aches & pains too. She stayed home from work 2 days. On a giant superliner, with 3500 guests and a thousand crew, who knows what germs could be floating around. Lately, it seems to be industry wide. Have you heard what's been going on with the Celebrity Mercury the last few weeks? And we did the Mercury Mexican Riviera last Oct. Luckily, we didn't get sick then. I hope you don't let this sour you from cruising again. We still love it. We're doing Europe this coming October 10 on the Liberty. Looking forward to it.



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"Believe me, keyboards are viruses waiting to happen, "computer viruses" aside.:)"


I never thought of it that way....god...imagine what is on the keys of an ATM machine? Or the handle of the gas pump! :eek:

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Gee, I was on the same cruise and did not get sick. Of course I follow the same rules in any 3rd world country, and stay away from food or drink unless I know it's safe. In Roatan, my wife and I only bought a diet coke in a plastic bottle that we knew would not bother us. We didn't go to the beach, but did take the island tour from a taxi and it was great! The ship, and staff were excellent...food great, really nothing to complain about. We were also dissappointed that we did not get to go to Costa Maya, I had looked forward to seeing the Mayan Ruins, but I guess we were lucky that we hit the rest of our ports, since I understand earlies in the year many ships missed many or all of their ports. We dove Grand Cayman, and I was disappointed with that...but I think we have been spoiled by Cozemel diving, the sea life in Cayman is just not as varied or 'thick'. The actual dive was done well, and the dive shop (Don Fosters) was excellent. We also dove Belize which was a better dive, and the dive organization there great as well (Ocean Connection). The only thing is that the tour did not leave the ship until 9AM, and by the time we got back ,we didn't have time to get into Belize City. I'm not sure why the didn't leave earlier so we could have had shopping time. We've been ther before so it wasn't a total bust, but for others on the dive tour, I'm sure they were bummed. As I said, the cruise was excellent in my opinion. I suspect in this case, you got some sort of bug before you even got on the ship and it just chose that time to manifest itself...

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Kathy - so sorry to hear you got sick!! I also believe airborn helps - whether or not it is pshychological or for real - if it works, it works and I'm going to give it to my whole family before and during our cruise in June, especially after what happened to you and your DH. Has anyone had the sand flea problem at Tabayana beach?

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