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infant on cruise


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Jeans in the dining room, no matter how distasteful, are not a health risk to others. Babies 'dripping their nasty stuff in the pool' is a health risk to anyone who goes in that pool, including the baby. This is one rule that Carnival - and all other lines - should really pay attention to.


Completely agree! I will be cruising with my daughter. She will be 6 when we go and will want to use the pool. If I see any drippy babies I will definately say something to whomever is on duty! That is unacceptable. But I am willing to say something - not sit back and just complain. I hope others do the same thing.

The rules are there, they apply to everyone, and they should be enforced!!

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Completely agree! I will be cruising with my daughter. She will be 6 when we go and will want to use the pool. If I see any drippy babies I will definately say something to whomever is on duty! That is unacceptable. But I am willing to say something - not sit back and just complain. I hope others do the same thing.



The rules are there, they apply to everyone, and they should be enforced!!


At six, your DD knows when she has to go. I will say something about babies with diapers/swimmies (whatever) whether they be 'dripping' or not. There are many debates on this board that I could argue both sides easily. This is THE ONE that I can't/won't. This is the one that has the real potential of health risks to others, and I take that seriously.

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At six, your DD knows when she has to go. I will say something about babies with diapers/swimmies (whatever) whether they be 'dripping' or not. There are many debates on this board that I could argue both sides easily. This is THE ONE that I can't/won't. This is the one that has the real potential of health risks to others, and I take that seriously.



I'm not afraid of what my daughter doing anything in the pool. I'm afraid of what she will be exposed to if there are babies in the pool.

I don't think there are two sides to this arguement. Babies are not allowed in the pool. The debate seems to be on here whether they "belong" on the cruise ship itself.

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Does anyone know how pediatricians/doctors feel about infants (under one year of age) being taken on cruises or out of the country by any means??

I'm just curious....


To me, the health risks of beinging a baby that young don't just lie in the pool. But, I could be just a paranoid worrier....what do professionals think about it? Has any parent bothered to ask before sailing???

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Ok.... I love kids..... have two of my own, now 15 & 22..... I took my kids everywhere with me..... except one vacation in the last 18 yrs with my hubby.....


I love to cruise, I don't have a problem with others bringing their children on a cruise infant or not, I personally wouldn't because I wouldn't get out of the cruise what I want.... not being selfish, being realistic..... I took my kids on land vacations, to restaurants and supper clubs, I didn't leave them with babysitters to go to a wedding and the only time anyone had them for a week or more was when my sister wanted them and when my mother in law died and my hubby needed to go to Washington and I didn't have daycare (we worked opposite shifts so they wouldn't have to go to a sitter). The only other time was when my hubby fell and hurt himself and spent 3 months in a hospital in Georgia..... my sis and everyone took care of them for two months till they got out of school and then they came down by me..... it was horrible but I felt at that point he needed me more than they did and I knew they were cared for.....


Point..... take them on vacation or anywhere as long as you are willing to miss out on anything that is going on if they are fussy, be willing to sit in your cabin when they needed to nap, be willing to walk out of dinner or shows if they act up and if you are willing to do that, as I did many times on vacation I hope you have a great time. These are things we need to do anywhere so why wouldn't we do them on vacation.... kids only learn what they live.... if you never take them to a supper club, they don't know how to act in one..... This is not about the infant it is about how the parent handles the infant and any situation that arises......

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This is JMO>>> I have read some really silly reviews by upset parents who were not allowed to bring their infant into specialty restaurants...where it already says 12 years and older already


and another where the parents were so silly as to think their infant would qualify for camp carnival....did not ask ahead, and then were upset that they had to take care of the baby all the time


and then the anger when baby can't go in the pool....??? again, not looking ahead


the fact is that all the cruise lines say "NO swim diapers">>>and with good reason


I do think that people should NOT bring untrained babies into pools..that is simply gross....not even kids pools...other people don't want your baby's diaper mess in with their kids


I would just like to point these things out so that we don't have to see another 'review" where the uninformed parent is crying cause they could not bring baby in the pool


*and I really really hope that Carnival will keep the untrained babies out of the pools....and also out of hot tubs...i would think a hot tub is unsafe for young kids anyhow....what are some of these people thinking ?? <grin>

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We did get kicked out of the pool. We needed the customary pool picture. We had to laugh because of all the "older" kids in the hot tubs and their jokes about doing #1 in the hot tub...I think the policy is a little backwards regarding infants in swimmers but what are you going to do. We had no issues on Caribbean Princess in June of last year with him in the pool...they even offered to take pictures for us!

Don't pay any attention to the "grumpmeisters" on the ship if your baby throws a fit...it is your vacation as well and if people don't understand then it's going to be a long hard life for them. Most people understand and the staff works their rear ends off to keep your baby happy. .:(


ewwwww....I am glad you had a good time but very sorry that you were so unthoughtful as to take your baby into the pool...I am glad carnival kicked you out....I have cruised on Princess with my ex and am thinking about a fall cruise on Carribean Princess...and I hope they do NOT allow infants in the pools...


that is simply gross....untrained babies in a pool are a health hazzard...


I am not thrilled about the idea of babies crying and carrying on other places, but I draw the line at pools and hot tubs...that is unhealthy


I am sorry to see that you seem so flippant about this....and really hope others do not also bring their kids in pools


maybe I could bring my dogs and let them have some fun and frolic in the pool or hot tub with you and your family?? anyone have a cat they want to take along <grin>??

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I am sorry to see that you seem so flippant about this....and really hope others do not also bring their kids in pools



I agree.

It's this 'flippancy' that makes other people groan when they see familes on board because many parents have this attitude. It makes it rough for the responsible parents that follow rules and consider others.



why do all parents always avoid my question about pediatricians/doctors opinions????

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the staff works their rear ends off to keep your baby happy.


Why should they do that in the first place?

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last year we took a cruise on the miracle with our 1.5 year old and our friedns took thier two year old.it was amazing, the kids enjoyed it as much as we did..the carnival staff catered to them, the waitstaff took them at dinner and walked around with them while we ate...the camp carnival staff watched them several nights after 10 pm while we went out...overall the experience was terrific, i wiouldnt change it for the world.... the carnival staff treated them better then the adult guests and we tipped them very well because of this and also wrote several letters to carnival in regards to this. we planned our excursions accordingly, and the kids were able to visit all the islands and swim in various oceans....and regardless of what some of you on here say....swimmy diapers are fine for the pool...they are alot more sanitary then most of the people i saw in the pool...no need to debate this you have your opinions i have mine...lets not turn this into some sort of internet debate, because we know thats just a waste of all of our time.



ewwwww.....how can YOU say swimmy diapers are fine for the pool?? that is just disgusting...if I saw you and your baby in the pool I would be talking to security, the front desk and the president of carnival!


This is just the reason why some of us are not all touchy feely about your choice to bring babies on board...this sort of "rules don't apply to me" attitude


and please dont reply back with "your tobacco smoke' etc...I don't smoke

and dont drink much


but sorry I dont want to get in a pool with poo poo....ewww

these are salt water, unchlorinated


I also wonder...all this norovirus stuff...maybe from babies and pools???


I was fairly understanding of the position of parents until reading some of you rant on that "swim diapers' are ok...they are not sorry..that is just disgusting

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Don't let others get you down. I have noticed the prospect of family cruising is not welcomed very well on these boards, sadly. This is your vacation and you deserve to be excited!


Just SIMPLIFY. You can do it, LOL. Scale down on as much stuff as you possibly can make do without or can get while onboard.


I have done mini vacations a few times last year when my DD was under 12 months. Sure we needed a lot more stuff than we as adults or even my then 2 year old needed but you know, we are used to being a family and knew what to expect. Going on vacation is no different except that you need to initially bring the stuff (if you have a baby who can adapt well). We had a great time each time we went but we DID go with the expectation that this was a "family vacation" :)




At age 4 months I don't see any reason not too, unless you have a real screamer or something, lol. I took my kids everywhere as they were great travelers.


I would think a good age versus a toddler or crawler, but if you have an easy baby, why not?? I would rather have my entire family together. Also my husband was great and had we gone on a cruise would have taken turns, especially since I like the casino!!

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Does anyone know how pediatricians/doctors feel about infants (under one year of age) being taken on cruises or out of the country by any means??

I'm just curious....


To me, the health risks of beinging a baby that young don't just lie in the pool. But, I could be just a paranoid worrier....what do professionals think about it? Has any parent bothered to ask before sailing???


As long as the baby is being breast fed, the baby has the same immunities it's mother has. So if you're worried about the baby getting sick, it's chances of getting sick are only as high as it's mothers. So anything mom is immune to, baby will be too, but they MUST be being breast fed.


I'm having a baby in June, and will be brining him/her on our cruise in February, and I will NOT be letting the baby go into the pool. A) I don't care if it goes in the pool or not...I don't even go in the pool and B) I think it's not healthy either. I'm not really a rule breaker and like to listen to the rules so that I have a good time and others around me do as well. I think people who do not listen to the rules on a ship are just rude and ignorant.

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Did you explain to them that you'd take a litter box with you???? ;)




Yes...and you can set up the litter box in a "quiet" area of the deck too so kitty can enjoy the outdoors, yum, salmon for dinner, happy cat


Seriously, maybe I am a "grumpmeister" but in reading some of these reviews, and advice, it is kind of scary....


I just read a few threads on the "family" board too...


filling up blow up pools...what if this bit of great advice is shared and more parents do this??? enough talk about chair hogs...we may soon have blow up pools LOL


just as people tell others how to sneak in booze, or take food off the ship there are many many posts that tell other parents how to "bend" the rules to allow ones kids in the pools....in swim diapers


"we just carried her" or "we let him in the very shallow part on my lap"...or whatever "I think swimdiapers do a great job"...etc etc


JMO>>> I personally do NOT think it is a great idea for infants onboard, but if people can/want to bring them I do think they should follow the rules about the swim diapers..this is a health matter

it is unfair to others...also some parents said they took their diaperwearer into the "splash" pools for kids...that the ship staff did not mind etc...well what of the kids who might get sick from this?? Unfair to them


The ships do have great kids programs for even 2 year olds ...until then??

use the beaches at the ports...or leave baby home JMO


I do feel that those of us who are grossed out by this should def speak to the staff, and to their boss etc up the line IF we see infants in pools or hot tubs


and speaking of hot tubs....aren't they unsafe for kids?? what kind of parent would let a kid in a hot tub anyhow??

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'Everything works out'; 'the staff caters to them'; what's 'the big deal with the little one's in the pools--after all, they're people too, aren't they?'; if my child bothers you--then either just deal with it or Move!'; 'kids will be kids'; 'go cruise somewhere else'....ad naseum, ad naseum.....


I think that it's pretty clear where the line of demarcation is drawn:

If the cruise line doesn't outwardly ban them, then kids, all kids--little tiny kids, big kids and bigger kids are A-O.K. If there's any sort of problem aboard ship then anyone who doesn't like it, well tough luck....

I come first. My kids are always good---it's always someone else's kids who cause problems and disruptions. I'm not bound by any kind of artifical rules that are really only general guidelines.


Yes, children need to learn, but it's very arguable that in the venue of an expensive vacation that the environment of a cruise vessel isn't the place to do that learning. If you've been through that exhaustive list of procedures at home then fine. God love you. Bring your little one. But you're still not exempted from your responsibilities toward others. On the other hand, if you are like most people, your child does not have adequate training/experience in the close quartered environs that equate to a cruise ship. Do your work at home first. Then consider coming on board.


But, then again, I guess that this would be the common sense approach.

Get the message??


Smooth seas and dry diapers to you all.

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As long as the baby is being breast fed, the baby has the same immunities it's mother has.


And if the baby is exposed to something the mother doesn't have antibodies to? A high probability in a tropical climate.

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And if the baby is exposed to something the mother doesn't have antibodies to? A high probability in a tropical climate.


Exactly. I can't donate blood for 12 months because I was in Cozumel for 4 hours in December. Apparently there is a malaria(?) risk in particular after the hurricanes last year.

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Exactly. I can't donate blood for 12 months because I was in Cozumel for 4 hours in December. Apparently there is a malaria(?) risk in particular after the hurricanes last year.


Way OT, but you just reminded me I can donate again! I couldn't donate for a year because of our stop in Belize last April. I felt horrible, since I'm O+.

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And if the baby is exposed to something the mother doesn't have antibodies to? A high probability in a tropical climate.


Life goes on. There's stuff here that the baby could get exposed to. I'm not sheltering my kid based on "what if's".

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I don't know, I had very easy children. My girls at one and two could sit in restaurants for hours and not act up.... they thrived on being out in public..... also they did not have schedules set in stone that they couldn't veer from..... but they were just as likely to take a nap in the restaurant if they were tired as they were to at home..... I will never say my girls were angels but they never embarrassed me in public, they did not throw temper tantrums and they did not whine.....I hate whining.....


If they had I would have walked out ..... I also would not expect to have a night life if they were with me ..... that is the difference between a family vacation and an adult vacation....


As for the blow up pools..... they wouldn't really bother me on the ship.... being as most rooms only have showers I would probably want one in the room to bath my child .... and as long as people are not rude with them on deck and maybe use them in a quieter area than the main deck what's the big deal...... they aren't in the pool with swim diapers on then......and quite honestly no one in my family really uses the pools..... they are to small and to crowded.....

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Looks like I've opened a can of worms. I guess I didn't make myself very clear.


The "flippant" comment is a bunch of bull:mad: . Did I say that my kid took a crap in the pool???? NO! Most people know the health issue surrounding (or not surrounding, HA) this issue. Please give people a little more credit than that. What I did say is that we were in there for the customary picture. Does that mean he was in there for1/2 hour...of course not. We had no problems with Princess because the guys walking around said it was O.K...we took the picture and were out in about 30 seconds. We didn't ask when on the Victory (what were we thinking?). On Princess, we did ask before we put him in the pool if we could take a picture. Again, I didn't make myself very clear. This topic really got people swimsuits all bunched up, didn't it?! Perhaps even mine included! :eek:


I did say that the policy was backwards...O.K..I'll own that...I guess what I should have said is that I find it hard to believe that kids can overrun the hot tubs even when the sign says NO unattended kids...parents, "watching" your kids from your lounge chair while sipping on your drink of the day from across the ship is not attending to your kids IMO.


As far as the Holland America comment...I still stand by that...you know well in advance when you board a Carnival ship there will be tons of kids on board. Sure, Disney is a nice option but not always a financial option for most.


As far as why should the staff have to care about an upset baby, I never said, nor do I expect, that others should take care of my son while on a cruise. I took care of that when I said that I thought that many of the staff had their own kids back home and needed a baby fix...guess you skimmed right over that. I don't think anyone buy my wife and I need to take care of him while on board.


I think most parents, us included, take great pains for their kids to be respectful and not to disuturb others while on board...especially those parents with infants. It is a small fraction of kids/infants with disinterested parents that will inconvience others. I also know that taking and infant on a cruise can be a stressful time for parents so it is a HUGE undertaking. We realize that space is tight and that cruising with an infant is not looked upon kindly by most...especially on these boards. I was only offering a little support and our info about our experience to the original poster about taking the baby....can't help that some people have taken this thread to a whole different dimension (of course, with a little help from me:) .


To the original poster, sorry if I totally mucked up your thread.

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Life goes on.


Well, not necessarily.


However, you already indicated you'd skip the pool, at least partially for health reasons. Presumably you're also going to avoid the malaria risk, raw sewage, asbestos, lead paint, etc. Basic common sense. It's the people who aren't just ignorant, but know what the CDC says about swim diapers and still insist on risking the health of their children and other people's children.


e.coli in the pool could make me sick, but isn't likely to do more than that. It could kill my friends' 2 year old. I have a little bit of a problem with that. Don't you?

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Exactly. I can't donate blood for 12 months because I was in Cozumel for 4 hours in December. Apparently there is a malaria(?) risk in particular after the hurricanes last year.


Interesting, when I tried to donate last year, I couldn't because I visited the Tulum ruins. I was told Cozumel was fine to visit if you didn't go into a rural area. Maybe the hurricane made all of these areas, including non-rural, a risk? :confused:


This is from the CDC website regarding malaria risk. I think Cozumel is part of Quintana Roo. I don't see any updated info about increased risk.


Mexico: Risk in rural areas, including resorts in rural areas, of the following states: Campeche, Chiapas, Guerrero, Michoacán, Nayarit, Oaxaca, Quintana Roo, Sinaloa, and Tabasco.[/b] In addition, risk exists in Jalisco State (in its mountainous northern area only). Risk also exists in an area between 24° north and 28° north latitude and 106° west and 110° west longitude which lies in parts of the states of Sonora, Chihuahua, and Durango. No malaria risk along the United States-Mexico border. No malaria risk in the major resorts (that is, resorts located in urban areas) along the Pacific and Gulf coasts, although tourists should use insect repellent and other anti-mosquito measures.
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Interesting, when I tried to donate last year, I couldn't because I visited the Tulum ruins. I was told Cozumel was fine to visit if you didn't go into a rural area. Maybe the hurricane made all of these areas, including non-rural, a risk? :confused:


Ya got me. The girl didn't seem all that interested in the details of the visit. I'll go back in Dec when my deferral is up, tell them I was in Jamaica/Coz/GC in October and see what happens. :D

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