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Legend Review Apr.1-8. 1 Complaint at the end

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hurls88, It has been a LONG time since I was in high school I probably have the wrong name. It is something Hills I think right off 95. First time I went up there we went to his friend's house on Palm Beach. We were greeted by the butler and taken care of by many staff people. Totally new way of life for me. Kind of like cruising.


I bet it was Forest Hill HS

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TKinAZ, I think you took Rainbowdayz to task for an opinion for which he/she realized wasn't necessarily perfect. People like you (getting crazy) make it so that people like me are afraid to state an opinion or in this case write a review because we'll get hammered over a single item rather than being appreciated for the bigger picture which was a wonderful review of his week. Rainbowdayz realized his mistake and corrected himself.


Goodness, this board really sends some people into an unnecessary tizzy sometimes!:eek:


I did not take Rainbowdayz to task for an imperfect opinion. I responded to a rude comment, complete with rolling eyes, by Rainbowdayz. If you've read the entire thread, you know that I posted a comment earlier just coming from a very different time zone, so it's not necessarily a matter of keeping kids up past their bed times. Rainbowdayz's response, in my opinion, was rude and sarcastic. I don't feel that I have to slink away quietly when treated that way; I will respond. I'm not in a tizzy, I'm not a flamer, and I don't hammer people. The only reason anyone would get a less than positive response from me is if they say something directed at me specifically. I can understand why Rainbowdayz was unhappy with her experience; I also appreciate that she restated her feelings later. I still, however, feel her comment directed to me was rude. That's all there is to it. So, post away, without fear of me. I'm very harmless.

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TKinAZ, I think you took Rainbowdayz to task for an opinion for which he/she realized wasn't necessarily perfect. People like you (getting crazy) make it so that people like me are afraid to state an opinion or in this case write a review because we'll get hammered over a single item rather than being appreciated for the bigger picture which was a wonderful review of his week. Rainbowdayz realized his mistake and corrected himself.


Goodness, this board really sends some people into an unnecessary tizzy sometimes!:eek:


Smrtypnts, thanks for coming to my defense. I do feel as though I'm being attacked sometimes for stating an opinion. It took me a long time to write that review and I did it because I so appreciate other who do. I regret ever stating we had a problem with unruly children. It's clear I have no right to that feeling among many people. LOL! You sound like a person we would love to have dinner with along with your children and grandchildren. Btw, I'm a her; not a him. ;)

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I did not take Rainbowdayz to task for an imperfect opinion. I responded to a rude comment, complete with rolling eyes, by Rainbowdayz.


TKinAZ, I apologize if I offended you. I went back and found the post your referred to. I did not intend to use the icon I did. I meant to use a wink. Sorry. Also, for some reason, I thought you were posting from overseas and trying to adapt over a six or seven hour time zone which seemed impossible to me so I really meant my remark as a suggestion. Sorry it did not come off that way. The written word is a tricky thing ( for me ;-)

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Some people are just VERY easily offended. Geez, life is just too short for that kind of negative energy. Just MHO.


I don't think you need to apologize for discussing your disappointment about the dinner hour. While I don't necessarily agree with your solution, I can certainly understand where you're coming from. Some of the rants in response to your post were a little out there. Again, just MHO. I'm not a kid hater, I have two with whom I cruise.

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TKinAZ, I apologize if I offended you. I went back and found the post your referred to. I did not intend to use the icon I did. I meant to use a wink. Sorry. Also, for some reason, I thought you were posting from overseas and trying to adapt over a six or seven hour time zone which seemed impossible to me so I really meant my remark as a suggestion. Sorry it did not come off that way. The written word is a tricky thing ( for me ;-)


Accepted, and I apologize in turn. Perhaps because I work with adolescents, the rolling eyes emoticon pushes my buttons. Your clarification makes sense. I appreciate that you are able, as you've shown several times, to rethink a position or clarify if necessary. Happy cruising.

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Accepted, and I apologize in turn. Perhaps because I work with adolescents, the rolling eyes emoticon pushes my buttons. Your clarification makes sense. I appreciate that you are able, as you've shown several times, to rethink a position or clarify if necessary. Happy cruising.





(just kidding!)

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My wife and I are both teachers and we dislike vacationing with small children. We want to meet people and sit at a good size table at dinner but without kids.


Who do we call to make this request and when?


I figured this would be as good a place as any to ask.


Thanks for any help in advance.

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As A mother of Three..(2 still at home) and (youngish.. lol ).. grandmother of One....this topic should not require any arguing. Any parent who believes that a child...their own or otherwise...is "ALWAYS".. Happy and Well Behaved..and "ALWAYS" a Joy to Behold by Others....and "ALWAYS" acceptable company...is Only fooling themselves.


I have wonderful children...but even as young adults...I can't stand them at times.. "When They go off in a rage"..or "Are in A MOOD!" Common sense is the issue. If your child is screaming the house down...or running circles around the waiters.. climbing on the table..tipping over the chairs...."It is Time".. (whether Eastern Standard, Pacific, European, or caribbean) Time... to remove the child from the dining room and let others eat in peace. I know mine have been removed from some really great places over the years...sadly either mom or dad has to go along. Three Guesses which one it was? Just One of the many pitfalls of parenting. jmo... Carol

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My wife and I are both teachers and we dislike vacationing with small children. We want to meet people and sit at a good size table at dinner but without kids.


Who do we call to make this request and when?


I figured this would be as good a place as any to ask.


Thanks for any help in advance.


Call RCC and get the fax # for your ship. I wait until about 2 week before sailing because the faxes are held in an office ( regardless of the cruise line) until it's time for the ship to prepare seating assignments. Faxing too far in advance increases the possibility of it getting lost. I have faxed requests on seating on three different cruise lines in the last year and all were honored. I have requested a table with easy access for a wheelchair and close to the entrance. However, because of our experience on The Legend, I will be requesting a table without children just too be sure. We have always cruised in Jan., Feb., early May, Sept. or Oct. and there was never a problem. This was the first cruise we ever took in April ( spring break) and the date was a necessity. Never again. Good luck! ;)

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I know mine have been removed from some really great places over the years...sadly either mom or dad has to go along. Three Guesses which one it was? Just One of the many pitfalls of parenting. jmo... Carol


Carol, I think that's the difference between my generation and the "Me" generation. When I misbehaved, my parents didn't hesitate for a New York minute to remove me or my siblings from a restuarant, church, store etc. Act up....go home! Actually, since we knew the consequences, we rarely had to be disciplined in this manner. Kids learn quickly what buttons they can and can't push. I just see too many parents today who don't discipline at all. It's going to be tough on those kids when mom and dad aren't around and they are faced witht the consequences of the real world.

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As A mother of Three..(2 still at home) and (youngish.. lol ).. grandmother of One....this topic should not require any arguing. Any parent who believes that a child...their own or otherwise...is "ALWAYS".. Happy and Well Behaved..and "ALWAYS" a Joy to Behold by Others....and "ALWAYS" acceptable company...is Only fooling themselves.


I have wonderful children...but even as young adults...I can't stand them at times.. "When They go off in a rage"..or "Are in A MOOD!" Common sense is the issue. If your child is screaming the house down...or running circles around the waiters.. climbing on the table..tipping over the chairs...."It is Time".. (whether Eastern Standard, Pacific, European, or caribbean) Time... to remove the child from the dining room and let others eat in peace. I know mine have been removed from some really great places over the years...sadly either mom or dad has to go along. Three Guesses which one it was? Just One of the many pitfalls of parenting. jmo... Carol


with all due respect, not all children are out of control and crazy. my child doesn run around the house screaming and yelling and I am not fooling myself. See my house is run like a tight ship. My husband is a Marine (Hard core was active duty now in the reserves) and a State Trooper now. If my daughter every got off in a a "rage" or in a "mood", I will garuntee that it would be a VERY SOMBER home... that being said, we let her express herself and have emotions :) but not something that is unacceptable behavior. Yes sometimes you can sense that she maybe getting a little "crazy" (that she is starting to), however the buck stops there, becuase it is IMMEDIATLY ADRESSED! we are very severe. Misbehave and you get someting you love removed. AND WE ACT ON IT! we were in church yesterday and my daughter was getting antsy (in the crying room). She decided to want to climb the pew seat. when i saw that happening. I immediatly grabbed her and put her in the sad chair. She cried and I took away her barbie and explained why. She stayed in that chair the remainder, without getting her toy or play with another little girl there. Also when we got home, (i usually let her wathc some favorite tv shows at certain hours of the day and she LOVES THEM), she went to put on the TV, on her way over to the TV I explained that she is not allowed to watch TV the rest of the day becuase of her behavior today. I also called my husband (was workign today) and told him what happened. He spoke sternly onthe phone with her and when he got home, she did not get a bed time story. EXTREME! but that is how we reaise our child. people will say ohh that is so strickt. But if I did not do that, she WOULD BE RUNNING AROUND WAITER and i would not like my children as the previous poster wrote. i will bet my bottom dollar that she will nto act up like that in church for a while. she also started swimming lessons that she dies for..... she has never done anything extrememe to take away such an important privelage. BUT I WOULD NOT HESITATE to take it away and REALLY STICK TO THAT and not cave in. That is why children are out of control. there are no real consequences. SO YES, my children are well behaved and listen. If they do act up, that is the end of it. On the cruise I know my daughter loves Adventure ocean (the daycare - and we are also cruising her her older coiusins that she loves). If she "gets out of control" or whatever, i will pull her out of Adventure Ocean without hesitation. If she has to sit at my side during the rest of the cruise I DON"T CARE! some parents would never follow through and not want to be bothered and take away a privelage and that is why kids are they way they are.


that being said, i am sorry that you "couldn't stand your young children at times". I can honestly say I have never been removed from an establishment or had the displeasure to see my children running in circles around the waiters etc..... I never felt that way. My daughter is 5 and new baby is 7 months old.

I felt that i needed to put my two cents worth, becuase not all children are out of control..

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but, we were on that same ship, on the same sailing and we had late seating also. If you were told that the dining room was full, then obviously they didn't check on the second level, because first of all, we were at a table for 8, and there were only 4 of us the entire time, and our waiter said there was no-one else supposed to be at our table, and then also there were 4-5 completly empty tables next to us. Granted, we were in the back of the room, and possibly they felt with your mother being in a wheelchair, that would not be the best place for her?? But at least they could have given you an option on that. Just thought you should know that. It was our first cruise and we absolutely loved it (lol - I do wish we would have had other diners near us though)!!

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with all due respect, not all children are out of control and crazy. my child doesn run around the house screaming and yelling and I am not fooling myself. See my house is run like a tight ship. My husband is a Marine (Hard core was active duty now in the reserves) and a State Trooper now. If my daughter every got off in a a "rage" or in a "mood", I will garuntee that it would be a VERY SOMBER home... that being said, we let her express herself and have emotions :) but not something that is unacceptable behavior. Yes sometimes you can sense that she maybe getting a little "crazy" (that she is starting to), however the buck stops there, becuase it is IMMEDIATLY ADRESSED! we are very severe. Misbehave and you get someting you love removed. AND WE ACT ON IT! we were in church yesterday and my daughter was getting antsy (in the crying room). She decided to want to climb the pew seat. when i saw that happening. I immediatly grabbed her and put her in the sad chair. She cried and I took away her barbie and explained why. She stayed in that chair the remainder, without getting her toy or play with another little girl there. Also when we got home, (i usually let her wathc some favorite tv shows at certain hours of the day and she LOVES THEM), she went to put on the TV, on her way over to the TV I explained that she is not allowed to watch TV the rest of the day becuase of her behavior today. I also called my husband (was workign today) and told him what happened. He spoke sternly onthe phone with her and when he got home, she did not get a bed time story. EXTREME! but that is how we reaise our child. people will say ohh that is so strickt. But if I did not do that, she WOULD BE RUNNING AROUND WAITER and i would not like my children as the previous poster wrote. i will bet my bottom dollar that she will nto act up like that in church for a while. she also started swimming lessons that she dies for..... she has never done anything extrememe to take away such an important privelage. BUT I WOULD NOT HESITATE to take it away and REALLY STICK TO THAT and not cave in. That is why children are out of control. there are no real consequences. SO YES, my children are well behaved and listen. If they do act up, that is the end of it. On the cruise I know my daughter loves Adventure ocean (the daycare - and we are also cruising her her older coiusins that she loves). If she "gets out of control" or whatever, i will pull her out of Adventure Ocean without hesitation. If she has to sit at my side during the rest of the cruise I DON"T CARE! some parents would never follow through and not want to be bothered and take away a privelage and that is why kids are they way they are.


that being said, i am sorry that you "couldn't stand your young children at times". I can honestly say I have never been removed from an establishment or had the displeasure to see my children running in circles around the waiters etc..... I never felt that way. My daughter is 5 and new baby is 7 months old.

I felt that i needed to put my two cents worth, becuase not all children are out of control..



Renate...Your post Above.. is a couple days old...so I don't know if you will even see this. However, as you have quoted me....and it is a bit personal...I will reply.


Firstly...if you look at the very beginiing of this thread..you will find I was on the Legend for 14 days last summer with nearly 2000 other passengers...1/3 of which were kids under 18. I CLEARLY STATED...that for all purposes, unless you looked closely, there was no evidence of such a large number of children. I did not observe any kids running wild...commandeering the elevators...causing havoc in the swimming pools..and certainly no disruption in the dining room. Even the babies and toddlers were happy...one of the ships officers had his young family along. as well. Everyone was well behaved.


I also NEVER Stated that ALL..children are out of contol...Crazy... running around waiters..dumping chairs over...etc. What I actually said was " ALL CHILDREN ARE NOT PERFECTLY BEHAVED..ALL OF THE TIME"....I Was Replying to A previous Poster.. regarding incidents like this that she observed happening on ship...and where nothing was done to correct it. I REPLIED, "THAT WHEN"...this behavior takes place.....it it TImE To Leave the Dining room.


BUT THE MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE...IS MY OWN CHILDREN!! I have been a full time mom, for over 25 years. My Husband was in the Navy in the early days...and I looked after all 3 of my children and my elderly parents..until they were of school age mostly on my own. My son was just 2, when I had my twins.. I was also in a new country..having arrived in england from florida 6 months before my sons' birth...and not able to drive. We are very, very, close...all 3 children and myself and husband. They are main concern in life. My son has recently moved to his first home...he and his partner have a lovely 2 year old daughter. they have had to grow up fast as she has spent half her life in hospital with serious heart problems and has battled every day..going through open heart surgery and the MRSA superbug that nearly killed her. I look after my grandaughter at least twice a week...and treasure those days. we remortgaged twice...and extended our house to accommodate them.


My daughters though 21...choose to stay here. As do their fiance and steady boyfriend..they are wonderful kids..and do endless things to help us.


The issues I mentioned about "Can't Stand"..refer to attitude..of my one daughter who is under very big pressure at work. She comes home and lets vent at me "shouting over everything and anything"..and sometimes very verbally abusive. It doesn't happen Often..or last long..it is followed with an apology. But it causes great upset to me...and she knows that..and she knows it is unacceptable. It is her Behavior at times..not ever "HER" that I can't stand..


The child that caused us to leave places...was my son when younger. He always..still does...feel he has to compete. His sisters are identical..were always very cute...everyone always stopped to fuss over them.. His revenge came in the form of fighting with them...being difficult with us..and later in life bad language. We are not as strict as yourself..but taught them over and over right from wrong.....Having Respect for Yourself and others...and Taking Responsibility for Your actions. My Son in the past 4 years, has had to deal with issues that would cause the breakdown of the toughest man...twice his age...and he has handled himself brilliantly..as has his partner..and they are wondeful parents and still just 24. We all Raise our children the Best Way We know...and the Best Way We Can.. Carol

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Hi. I enjoyed your review of Legend of the Seas. We are cruising on her in January 2007. A couple of questions: We have cruised on both Explorer and Mariner and wanted a change of ships...not cruise line. How do you think the huge ships compare with Legend? Will we be disappointed with the balcony rooms? I occasionally hear major complaints about the mattresses in the rooms. Are they really that bad? :D :eek: Do you think we would be happier on a jumbo ship again? What about the decor of the ship, comparing them to above. Thanks for your help.


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Hi. I enjoyed your review of Legend of the Seas. We are cruising on her in January 2007. A couple of questions: We have cruised on both Explorer and Mariner and wanted a change of ships...not cruise line. How do you think the huge ships compare with Legend? Will we be disappointed with the balcony rooms? I occasionally hear major complaints about the mattresses in the rooms. Are they really that bad? :D :eek: Do you think we would be happier on a jumbo ship again? What about the decor of the ship, comparing them to above. Thanks for your help. Camsnana


I can't comment on the change in ship size, but I can on the beds. My children and I had adjoining cabins and i found absolutely nothing wrong with the bed I slept in, but my daughter's bed was the worst she's ever slept in, so therefore, I'd bet it's the luck of the draw, depending on which cabin you get.

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Here's my take----

Why would someone not wishing to dine with children cruise on RCL during Spring break? RCL targets & markets to familes......and all pax are assigned a spot in the dining room.....therefore, the dining room is a "family" restaurant.

Now, I realize the OP sat by an "unruly" group; however, we've had issues with some adults behavior.

By the way, we have a 5 yr old daughter and second seating always works better for us for a variety of reasons. We just returned from a Celebrity Panama Canal sailing; anytime our daughter was not with us in the dining room the surrounding tables asked where she was & said they missed seeing her.

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