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MV Discovery Feb 28, 2007

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Has anyone been on this cruise from Santiago, Chile to Robinson Crusoe Island; Easter Island; Pitcairn Island; Rangiroa Lagoon; Raiatea; Bora Bora and Papette, Tahiti? This is our first time on the Discovery Line. How are the shore excurisions?


Georgia Traveler

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  • 2 weeks later...

Liz? We will be on this cruise although we start in Ushuia (sp). after a hotel stay in Buenos Aires. Maybe we can meet onboard?

Just for your information, I did e-mail a man about a tour on Easter Island. We very seldom book the ship's tours, prefering to go on our own using local buses or sharing a taxi with other passengers. We have never missed the ship and like to do things that interest us at our own pace. It drives me absolutely crazy to have to wait for the latecomers who hold up the rest of the group. If you are interested in the Easter Island man/information let me know. Maybe we can share? I haven't even looked on Discovery's excursion site to see what they offer.

Just read Lagunaman's report on the ship, doesn't sound like he was very impressed. He did say that the ship was going into dry dock so maybe that will improve things.

There is also another thread that I started here with a little more information on Discovery, if you want to look it up.

Happy cruising,

Joanne, the chocoholic

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Thanks, Joanne for responding. Yes, my husband and I would very much like to take the Easter Island tour. We did the 17 day Transatlantic on the Star Princess last Sept. with a lot of other cruise critics. The cruise critic tours we were able to sign up for were fantastic. The ship's tours were very limited and more expensive. We spent a lot of time waiting for the return of the tour bus. Very boring! I had read some (3) reviews of the Discovery and it didn't sound too good. But the point is the destinations and the people on board. I will check out the other articles you mentions.


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We, too, are interested in this cruise. Did you book through Discovery World Cruises, or is there another source with a better price?


Also, Joanne, how do I find the new thread you started with information about Discovery?


Thanks so much.



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I originally posted in Roll Calls and just topped it. A little more info, there from someone who sailed on Discovery. Also, have you read Lagunaman's report? He didn't sound too positive about the ship, but, like you, we go for the itinerary and can go with the flow if things aren't quite what we expected.


Mzbizz, we booked with jmontoya@*****.com. our second time with Jonathan and we did get a discount. Tell him Joanne referred you.

And where in Calif. do you live? Maybe we are neighors?


Liz, I will go back to my e-mails and find the Easter Island tour guide's info. and post it here for you. If I knew how to send his message to you, it gives you an idea of his grasp of the English language. Pretty basic, but he sounds very sincere and honest. By husband is hard of hearing, work related, and I'm hoping he will be able to hear him.


Bye for now,

Happy sailing,

Joanne, the chocoholic

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Joanne, thanks so much for the information, and I'll check the Roll Calls, too. We feel the same about the itinerary being our main reason for choosing a cruise, and who knows, maybe we'll even like the food!


I have the names of two guides on Easter Island that are highly recommended -- Patricio Rojas (patricio@aotour.cl) and Josie Nahoe Mulloy (http://www.fodors.com/features/nfdisplay1.cfm?name=si/010604 si easterisland). Have you heard of either of these people? Don't know what they charge. Patricio Rojas was written up by a couple that were on a Holland America cruise that stopped at Easter Island, and Josie's name came from Fodor's Forum.


Thanks again.




P.S. We're in Southern California, between Santa Monica and Santa Barbara. I think I noticed that you're in Fremont -- a lovely area.

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Hi Faith

Yes, Patricio is the man I have been in contact with. I found his name in ITN, a travel newsletter, so that's good to have 2 recommendations. The e-mail address I used for him was patricio_ball@hotmail.com. And when I re-read his message I realized his English was pretty good. It was the guide for Puerto Montt that had a unique way of writing, actually made me chuckle.


Patricio quoted a price of 130 chile pesos/day/van,which can be divided among the pax. I'm not sure what the conversion to US$, but if we 3 couples share, I think it will be less than the ship's tour.


I told him that the ship arrives in the afternoon and leaves the next day. So he splits his tour between the two days.


Drop him a line and he will explain. Takes a few days for him to respond.


Yes, Fremont is nice, especially being so close to S.F.


Liz, Are you interested in this tour in Easter Isl?


Well, all for now.

Happy sailing,


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Hi, Joanne,


Thanks for the e-mail address for Patricio. Not sure how his rate figures out in U.S. dollars, but the other recommendation I found (Josie Mulloy) charges $150 per day. It would be great to share whatever the cost might be.



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I've just come off Discovery having travelled from New Zealand, South Pacific, Galapagos, Panama, Central America, Caribbean and the Azores, diembarking in England, it was a fantastic cruise, the ship the crew and fellow passengers

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Joanne and Faith,


My husband and I would like to join you on the Easter Island tour. From pass cruise critic tours, it will definitely be cheaper and better than the ship's tour. Bob booked this cruise with Discovery World Cruise online, I believe. We received the excursion package, but haven't checked it out. The old saying " we are retired and do not have time" applies to us. We probably need one of those time management courses. Our daughter is expecting our first grandchild (boy) in June. So the summer might be a little busy.


Like you, I had read some bad reviews, but there were some good coments. Thanks for the email address. Will check it out.



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Geordieboy - Thank you for the encouraging words about your Discovery experience. After the scathing report by the Dutch lady, "Never Again", it was reassuring to read your report. I'm a chocoholic/dessert fanatic, can you tell me how the desserts were, please? Do they place chocolates on the pillow at night?


Liz & Faith, Patricio wrote me and is going to be on the dock with a sign with our name. If you do decide to join us, we should plan to meet onboard just so we're not strangers during the tour. What do you think? We can have our own little CC M&M.


Happy cruising,

Joanne, the chocoholic

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Geordieboy - Thank you for the encouraging words about your Discovery experience. After the scathing report by the Dutch lady, "Never Again", it was reassuring to read your report. I'm a chocoholic/dessert fanatic, can you tell me how the desserts were, please? Do they place chocolates on the pillow at night?


Liz & Faith, Patricio wrote me and is going to be on the dock with a sign with our name. If you do decide to join us, we should plan to meet onboard just so we're not strangers during the tour. What do you think? We can have our own little CC M&M.


Happy cruising,

Joanne, the chocoholic


Hi Joanne,


The deserts were all very good, chocoholic's theme is featured a few times, I quite enjoyed the afternoon tea's with the scones and cream!!


Choc's were on the pillows also !

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Hi, Joanne,


So sorry for the delay in getting back to you. We still haven't firmed up our plans, so can't say for sure that we could join you with Patricio on Easter Island. Hopefully we'll know soon.



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Hi Joanne and Faith,


Bob and I look forward to meeting you on board and taking the Easter Island tour. And any future tours.


Things have been crazy here. Physcial threapy on my left foot and right knee replacement scheduled for August. After working for 2 years to get an additional built on our house, the contractor will start this week. I'm leaving Monday morning for Lexington, KY for the birth of our first grandbaby, Andrew.


Will try to do some research on the other ports,


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Hi Liz,

Sorry to hear about your medical problems. I have heard good reports from people after their knee replacements. Hope you are fully recovered for the cruise. Wouldn't want to miss anything.


Liz, Glad you will join us in Easter Is. As far as the other ports, I think in Valparaiso we may just go to Vina del mar (not sure of spelling). I'm still not sure. Maybe we will go to Santiago. If you find out anything that looks promising, please let me know.

I think we have been to Rangirora & Raiatea about 8 years ago and as I recall they are lovely. I think we snorkled. My memory isn't the best any more for something that long ago. I just love all the So. Pacific Islands. Well, actually, I love anyplace that I travel to.

Are you going to do a post cruise stay in Tahiti?


Sounds like Faith hasn't finalized plans. Faith, are you coming?


Well, all for now.

Happy sailing

Joanne, the chocoholic

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Sorry to leave you hanging. I think it might be best if you don't count on us joining you in Easter Island -- maybe someone else could fill our places. Things are kind of iffy here.


Liz, my husband has had two knee replacements and he's doing great. He wishes he had done it sooner. Now, though, he's had some nerve damage in his hand -- so at this time his mind isn't on the trip!



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Sorry that you can't join us. If your plans change, let us know.


Hope your husband's wrist will be OK.


Well, Liz, looks like it's just us chickens for now. Maybe on the ship we will meet another couple to join us.


Joanne, the chocoholc

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  • 2 months later...

How have you been? Hope you see this.


I have been doing more research on the Easter Island tour guides.

I have found one, a lady who lives there and English is her first language. I have been e-mailing to her sister and she sent me a list of the sites that we could visit. If you want to write her, I can post her address or if you e-mail me, I can forward her long reply explaining the tour. It may be easier for me to forward her e-mail to you so she doesn't have to write it all again.

The reason I'm thinking about using this lady is that I think she would be easier to understand, for my husband especially. And she will allow us to spend as much time at the sites as we want. I would like you to read her post and let me know what you think compared with Patricio's e-mail. I'm sure his is good, but the language benefit of a native English speaker is very appealing.

I hope you don't think I'm being too forward, I just want to explore all the options.

So here is my e-mail: jluvs2trav at yahoo.com

Hope to hear from you soon. Assuming you are still booked for the cruise, right?

Happy cruising,

Joanne, the chocoholic

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Liz,

So glad you received this post. I hope Bob's health won't prevent you from the cruise. Look forward to more information. And how did your surgery go?


We leave tomorrow for Venice where we will travel around Italy for 3 1/2 weeks before sailing on Oct. 29 on the Splendour of the Seas back to Galveston. We will be back on Nov. 16.

So if you don't hear from me, I will check my messages then and reply.

Have to go now.

Best wishes,


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi - I found this post in a circuitous way but just want to add my recommendation for Josie Malloy Nahoe - she's a terrific guide and lovely person - here's a link to the Easter Island portion of our blog and comments about the tour we took with her




Happy to answer any questions - Easter Island is a wonderful destination - have a great time.

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  • 1 month later...


Thanks for Josie's recommendation. I have been unable to sign into your report. and would love to read it. Don't know what I'm doing wrong. Would you possibly be able to e-mail me with the forwarded report and the contact info. for her?

Thank you in advance.

jluvs2trav at yahoo .com


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Just come off Discovery after a 19 day cruise. We had previously cruised with Princess and Royal Caribbean as well as Orient Lines and, from what we had read, Discovery should have compared to Marco Polo. It didn't. As a cruise experience the trip was abysmal. We chose the particular cruise because of the great itinerary and we just had to keep that in mind. That said, no itinerary would convince us to book Discovery again unless the cruises prices are adjusted to represent some sort of value for money.


The ship is extremely plain - matches the food well. Dining times lock you into becoming a watch checker! There is only one alternative restaurant but it can only be booked once per cruise! Entertainment is almost non-existant. There were no guest performers. The eight young people who formed the dance company performed OK but the shows were repeated weekly. Even the cruise director told the same jokes each week!


Times in and out of port changed with the wind - confirming the changes was nigh on impossible as reception and cruise staff were way out of touch with the bridge. Wine ran out and even draught beer dried up. A balmy evening sailing through the Suez Canal couldn't be enjoyed from the deck as the deckchairs are locked up at about 4pm each day. Never a 'sail away' party nor a BBQ on the decks.


Shore excursions were very well organised but also very pricey compared to other ships in the same ports of call. We had suspected as much as we couldn't find out the prices until 3 weeks before sailing. The internet site posts excursions about 4 weeks before a cruise but state that prices are TBC - ie prices are never provided!


So...we had a great holiday because we saw some wondrous sights. And we caught up on sleep as we went to bed early each evening! But, as I said, we would not cruise on Discovery again unless it is priced as the 2 star ship it is. The itineraries do not allow for 4-5 star pricing.

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:( I heartily agree withis post regarding the Discovery.


My experience to the Galapagos last May was similair and I would add that the food at the buffets is comparable to school dinners and the dining room experience quite miserable with the claustrophobic feel due to the small curtain covered portholes.


A very very amateur organisation running a very miserable looking so called cruise liner!

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