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Night in Venice Ball QM2


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I find this comment absolutely amazing. How on earth can you be so stuck up?:eek:


Slow Foxtrot writes many posts, most of them highly amusing (to my simple British sense of humour anyway); think PG Wodehouse, Peter Simple, Private Eye et al.


I suspect he is really a spotty adolescent with literary aspirations, lurking in a horrible student hovel; reveal yourself, SF.

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Leather vests


And trousers? Motor Cycle jackets? Whips? Handcuffs? Or am I getting the wrong idea about all the leather?;)


not much surer about my Dad


Karie - you're in our thoughts.:)

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Ooops...I was kind of thinking of an era slightly more elegant than the 60's...the Nehru suit got ditched in a move years ago and I can't find my peace symbol necklace to save my life. I guess some of us are just older than others! Bummer!!!


Phnmrk....I've read elsewhere that they've found handcuffs in people's luggage...rather embarrassing to have them found I gather. And leather is so hot in the tropics you know?


Karie...did you know Jonquil Carruthers is a she? See the jeans thread....all this time I thought the old gal was an old geezer. Now I find that 'she" has hounds... keep your chin up Karie and be thankful you could have this special time with your Dad. You're in our thoughts. Cheers, Penny

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Ooops again...I meant old Jonquil is a 'He"...too early to be posting I guess...my brain isn't engaged yet. Penny


"You disappoint me Penny, if you hadn't told me that you didn't drink I would have thought you'd been at the snifters. I can assure you that my neighbour Jonquil Carruthers is very much a 'he' - as several of his feisty stable-girls will readily confirm! In fact, when we are both in hot pusuit of sly Reynard he makes John Wayne look like Mother Theresa. As previously mentioned he is currently training his hounds to rip the britches arse out of anyone found wearing jeans and I understand that Cunard are interested in acquiring his rather costly services. However, in view of the riff-raff that threaten to invade Cunard it would surely be money well spent. What all this has got to do with a Night in Venice Ball I have no idea"

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Mea culpa Foxy...can't blame the snifters for morning lapses. Got sidetracked by a big Golden Retriever who had other plans for my attention. Profuse apologies to Jonquil for my gender error. In my favor, I did correct it publicly.


And you're right...what does all this have to do with A Night in Venice Ball... I'm still trying to figure out where I'll pack those darn wellies for the flooded ballroom! Again, my profound apologies...I shall endeavor to redeem myself. Cheers, Penny

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Now what was the topic again?


Going back to the original post it concerned an enquiry about Queen Mary's balls and what one should or should not wear. Having never been on the QM I can't comment on her dress requirements, only that on the QE you wouldn't even know that there was a themed event on unless you were attending it.

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Qm2 is an elegant ship...please understand that many of us look forward to that brief return to a more elegant time, even if just for a couple of nights in one trip. Cheers, Penny


Humor I can take and I have no problem on how other people want to dress on the ship. It doesn't even bother me if someone wears jeans in the dining room. What I wouldn't like is people judging me based on what *I* decide to wear.


And as I mentioned somewhere, on one trip we ran into a horde of people who were constantly pushing, arguing, making nasty comments to and about other passengers because they felt they were better than everyone else. There were actual physical fights. And, the "funniest" thing is that these people thought they were classy. Us rednecks have been taught to behave far better than they did!

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Humor I can take and I have no problem on how other people want to dress on the ship. It doesn't even bother me if someone wears jeans in the dining room. What I wouldn't like is people judging me based on what *I* decide to wear.


And as I mentioned somewhere, on one trip we ran into a horde of people who were constantly pushing, arguing, making nasty comments to and about other passengers because they felt they were better than everyone else. There were actual physical fights. And, the "funniest" thing is that these people thought they were classy. Us rednecks have been taught to behave far better than they did!


Wow...sounds like quite the trip. Where on earth were you to have to put up with that? Was it on a cruise? I'd like to think that none of us would encounter that kind of inexcusable behavior on Cunard. Being "classy" isn't a guarantee that people know how to behave in a social situation I've found. Luckily the QM2 is big enough to avoid unpleasant individuals should that happen.


But I don't think people judging others by what they wear is unique to ship travel unfortunately. It seems to happen almost anywhere these days. With respect to some of the occasionally heated discussion on these boards, they seem to stem from individual interpretations of what is recommended as appropriate attire for a specific time or place. Personally I look forward to seeing my husband in a tux for a couple of evenings and interestingly, he's looking forward to it too. Everyone's life could use just a little magic once in awhile and what better place to find it than at sea on a beautiful ocean liner. Cheers, Penny

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Wow...sounds like quite the trip. Where on earth were you to have to put up with that? Was it on a cruise? I'd like to think that none of us would encounter that kind of inexcusable behavior on Cunard. Being "classy" isn't a guarantee that people know how to behave in a social situation


It was Oceania's Regetta trip to Brazil last November. Having cruised quite a bit before, we were totally taken back. We've seen many more people on much larger ships and while they weren't dripping in self-import and jewels, they certainly acted fair more classy than these folks.


Let see, there was one night where two diners at our table (open seating) drove away two other diners by their insistance on arguing politics even though they'd been asked politely to stop. We began dining in our suite or the specialty restaurants because you could just never tell what might happen at dinner and who you might end up sitting with.


Then there was the physical fight in the show room over the placement of chairs. And let's not forget the pushing of a fellow handicap passenger because he "smelled like smoke" and then reporting the same to the captain because handicapped passenger dared to curse at the guy that shoved him into the wall. then there was the constant nasty remarks as non-smokers chose to pass through the smoking area, the "me first" attitude in every single line, the constant pushing and bickering - trust me, it was unbelieveable.


Yeah, it was a wonderful intinerary, super food, pretty good entertainment overall and the worse bunch of passengers we have ever encountered.

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Ooops...I was kind of thinking of an era slightly more elegant than the 60's...the Nehru suit got ditched in a move years ago and I can't find my peace symbol necklace to save my life. I guess some of us are just older than others! Bummer!!!


Phnmrk....I've read elsewhere that they've found handcuffs in people's luggage...rather embarrassing to have them found I gather. And leather is so hot in the tropics you know?


Karie...did you know Jonquil Carruthers is a she? See the jeans thread....all this time I thought the old gal was an old geezer. Now I find that 'she" has hounds... keep your chin up Karie and be thankful you could have this special time with your Dad. You're in our thoughts. Cheers, Penny



She has "hounds" eh? Is that what they are calling them now? I've heard women talk about their "puppies", but "Hounds"? Store bought or god-given? <EG>


As for the handcuffs, I know somoene who had TSA pull out something more embarassing than that! It was for her.. uh.. sore back! Yeah, that's it! Sore back! the feathers? um, they're for uh... soothing! Yeah! Soothing! This friend used to travel a lot on business. I think she got a kick out of embarassing them!


Another friend of mine, years ago, was cleaning out the basement and found her old peace necklace and love beads. Gave them to me (Sort of in a friendly put-down- she is rather right wing, and probably would have been the antithesis of hippie back then, though we did not know each other then) I hung them on my cubical wall with pride! Not the reaction she probably expected!


As for Dad- Not sure if I posted this. They did something called a TEE- It's an echocardiagram where they endoscopically go down your esphogus to get a better look at the heart valves. He has "vegetation" on the mitral valve. I assume that means infectious growth- though I asked the doctor Okra or Cauliflower? Anyway- Not sure totally the ramifications, but it does mean 6 more weeks of infusion therapy- with strong antibiotics. This could be done out-patient, but he is not functional enough to be on his own, even with home heath care aides. He chafes at being stuck in bed, but he is not steady enough to get out of bed by himself or to be left alone. His wife is hoping for at least two more weeks IN the hospital and then maybe a "step-down" unit til he is in better shape. I guess his white cell count is down, indicating the infection is getting less- Anything could happen and I was a wreck last night. Today, I cried when I left, and still am not certain, but I think he will be allright. I just hope he is able to regain some quality of life.


We are back home. Got in about an hour and a half ago. I suppose I need to go to bed. I half-unpacked. The rest can wait til tomorrow.


Thanks to all of you who continue to keep us in your thoughts. I know that there is a power of all of those positive thoughts, and at the very least, it is extremely comforting to me that people I have never actually met face-to-face can be so loving and caring as to share such intimate and painful times with me, in a forum that is really all about celebrating life and getting the most out of living. It think Marc is delighted that his Dad and his new bride will be going on our short cruise with us. Marc and his Dad are opposites, politically and have not always gotten along, but this week has taught him how valuable our relations really are, and that we simply cannot take them for granted.

All I can really do is wait,. It's really up to Dad. He hates being in the hospital and is depressed and listless, but I am hoping to make him "mad" enough to put up a fight against what ails him, so that he will get better. I have heard that one of the worst killers of some elderly patients is when they give up and just give in and don't fight the infection (or broken hip or whatever non-lethal thing happens, but it ends up killing them.) Marc says I lecture Dad, But I just want him to fight this thing and get well.



Who is glad to have such marvelous friends, even if we quibble like siblings sometimes!

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Humor I can take and I have no problem on how other people want to dress on the ship. It doesn't even bother me if someone wears jeans in the dining room. What I wouldn't like is people judging me based on what *I* decide to wear.


I don't understand your attitude - you will wear what you like when you like regardless of weather it may spoil other people's holidays. Why can't I go on a holiday that doesn't allow jeans in the evening if I want to - there are plenty of ships with more relaxed dress codes that will let you wear what what you like. Why don't you go on one of them?


And as I mentioned somewhere, on one trip we ran into a horde of people who were constantly pushing, arguing, making nasty comments to and about other passengers because they felt they were better than everyone else. There were actual physical fights. And, the "funniest" thing is that these people thought they were classy. Us rednecks have been taught to behave far better than they did!


Your description of that trip is horrifying - mind, it was a P & O ship:p

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Leathers and Feathers?

Monkey suits and Flaming Fruits?

Gowns and Hounds?

Upper-class Twits and Stuffy Brits?


This is beginning to sound like a trip aboard "The Rocky Horror Picture Show". And here I thought it was the Disney Line that had the characters.:rolleyes:

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I don't understand your attitude - you will wear what you like when you like regardless of weather it may spoil other people's holidays. Why can't I go on a holiday that doesn't allow jeans in the evening if I want to - there are plenty of ships with more relaxed dress codes that will let you wear what what you like. Why don't you go on one of them?

Your description of that trip is horrifying - mind, it was a P & O ship:p


I've clarified several times that I'm not talking about me wearing jeans at dinner, but why should what *I* wear ruin your holiday? I promise you, what you wear will have NO effect on my holiday!


The ship was Oceania's Regetta (now known in our family as the Regretable Regetta). But once again, while these things that happened were enough to ensure that we will never sail with Oceania again, we found a few people who like us were out to make their own fun and so we had fun regardless. In fact the crew and some non-smoking passengers asked to join the smokers group because we were known as the group on the ship that always did have fun, regardless of the other things going on.

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OK, ok, so I'm getting way too prepared for this cruise. Guess I have too much time to think about it. All I know is that my cruse documents (for June 15th Mediterranean cruise) tells me to be ready for the black & white ball, the Ascot ball, and the Night in Venice (or some such thing) ball. Another message thread told of people showing up with fancy masks on sticks, so I just wondered if any of you had this experience. I can't wait to just get on the boat and sail away!


We will be on that sailing with you and we have masks. He might wear his and I doubt that I will wear mine...

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I've clarified several times that I'm not talking about me wearing jeans at dinner, but why should what *I* wear ruin your holiday? I promise you, what you wear will have NO effect on my holiday!


You said:

What I wouldn't like is people judging me based on what *I* decide to wear.

I just feel that jeans at dinner on Cunard aren't appropriate. Aren't we in agreement (after all I've said elsewhere that I sometimes wear jeans during the day).


The ship was Oceania's Regetta


Apologies - I read it as Oriana and assumed that the Regatta part was the kind of cruise you were on.

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You said:


I just feel that jeans at dinner on Cunard aren't appropriate. Aren't we in agreement (after all I've said elsewhere that I sometimes wear jeans during the day).


*I* would not choose to wear jeans to dinner unless my luggage was lost or something, but *I* would not judge or look down on someone else who chose to wear something different. I have seen a lot more offensive outfits on cruise ships than jeans! But then, as long as they aren't on me, I have nothing to be bothered by.:p

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That's where we differ - I would be bothered that someone chose th dress in a very casual way for dinner. That's one of the reasons I go for a formal cruise line.


On the other hand I don't see how an outfit could be offencive (you'll tell me:D ) if it's worn in a suitable setting.

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Siblings quibble?


Oh no we don't!:p


Yes we do! MOMMY!!!!


I don't understand your attitude - you will wear what you like when you like regardless of weather it may spoil other people's holidays. Why can't I go on a holiday that doesn't allow jeans in the evening if I want to - there are plenty of ships with more relaxed dress codes that will let you wear what what you like. Why don't you go on one of them?


"He said with a sniff"


You can go on a ship that does not allow jeans in the evening to your hearts content without worrying someone may breach the rules of ettiquette! It's called a private yacht! I don't think there is a solitary soul on this board who has indicated that they wish to wear jeans to formal night, or that they will wear jeans to formal night (Although we MUST remember those whose luggage, through no fault of their own, gets lost) I think the important thing to bear in mind here is that people resent being told they are somehow "not up to par" or looked down upon, or that they MUST conform to an artificial set of rules. This is not a safety rule or something. This is a rule which someone has decided and Cunard is all too willing to market. You see, if Cunard can convince us that they are somehow more upscale and exclusive, we manipulable dolts will pay more for the same thing! They don't even HAVE to upgrade service or waiters if they can make us upgrade ourselves! or to somehow convince us we are entering the rarified (and stratified) world of the elite? Don't you "purists" get what we "devil's advocates" are saying? We are saying that we think it is pretentious, vain, and elitist to insist that others must hie to faux standards, or it will simply RUIN your "holiday!" I have to say that if my wearing jeans will ruin your holiday, then you must be having a very miserable holiday to begin with. Heck, I might even be sitting in an area where you can't even see me! There are 3600 people on board! Do you see every single one of them every night?? Yes, I am exasperated. (but still charming and in good spirits <G>) I really think that there are some folks who somehow feel that they will be instantly high society if they can be a part of a group that purports itself to be. Once again, Would you prefer to see me in a plunging necklined, slit up the side to my thigh, form fitting floor length gown, than perhaps a pair of denim pants which might hide some of my flaws? (Not that such an animal has been invented! <LOL>) I would be mortified to wear jeans to dinner, even on a casual night, although it might be less noticeable for a gent to wear a dressy or nice pair. Now after that gown description, remember that I wear a size 3x, and it's ALL BELLY!

And PB, honey! Let me know when you plan to stage another of your hijinks! I wish to be a part of it! You sound like one fun person to hang around with!


I wish some of us could stop taking ourselves too seriously! I am very strongly learning that life is precious. Don't waste it worrying about what others are wearing or whether they are ruining your holiday or meeting your standards, or whether truly, darling, "There goes the neighborhood!"


If you can't have fun, why bother? If making yourself feel better as a person requires you to dictate the fashion mores of those around you, then you have much more serious problems than my attire! If you need to ascertain that everyone is in lockstep, then your self esteem is sorely lacking and you tend towards being banal (with or without the leading "B"!)


This is not aimed at any one person, though I have jumped off of PNHMRK's post. This is a general rant aimed scattershot at all those who honestly feel that life is not worth living if someone shows up on formal night in serge de nimes!


Please let me know if you are one of those, so I can have the Captain put you on suicide watch in the event someone inadvertantly wanders into the dining room in jeans.

Oh, and if a water, or worse, a sewage pipe should burst in the ceiling over your table, I shall RUSH to the doors to makes sure that any workman there to stop the drenching out-pouring on your lovely frippery...er, finery, shall be barred from the dining hall until he or she returns resplendant in tux or gown. (Tiara optional)



Who is in a mighty fine fit of pique tonight. Though not one made of denim.

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