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Come Join The Valor Voyagers 6/12/05 Western Caribbean


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Good Morning - it looks like rain around here for the next week or so, so I'm thinking that must be good shopping weather!
Connie - you and your husband will be in our thoughts, that must be very stressful dealing with his shingles and worrying about making the trip. I know it doesn't help you now, but I saw reports on 2 different networks yesterday about some new treatments they are working on for shingles - too bad they aren't ready now. Please keep us updated.
Have you been reading the thread about possibly sailing close enough to see Cuba? I had wondered about that as the pic of the itinerary shows that it is close (but had no idea how deceiving it might be). That would be interesting to go by there. I wonder if there is anything else we might see that we haven't thought of??!! :confused:
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It's rainy and cold here today, and it's supposed to be about the same tomorrow...makes me wish it was cruise time even more than usual!!!

Connie, I wish you the best of luck with everything. Just keep your hopes up and don't stress too bad...that will make it all seem so much worse.

Still waiting on the documents for my parents and sisters...it's been a week since I talked to our TA, so I think I'm going to call her today to see if she has them yet...at least, if I don't hear from her by, say, 1/1:30 PM.
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Sharon, I saw that thread about Cuba. On Explorer of the Seas, twice we sailed along Cuba's coast, close enough to see beaches, light houses. I'm not sure how many miles out we were. It's strange being able to see into a forbidden country.
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emarismom, You're so lucky! We also had our end of the year luncheon today, but in the school cafeteria. The social committee is tired of chasing people to pay and they don't pay until the very last minute. Last year we had our luncheon at Rusty Pelican.
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Olga, getting people to pay for the luncheons is always an issue. In the end most of the faculty ends up going though. Last year we also had our luncheon at Rusty Pelican, it was on the Thursday after school ended as well. I really wasn't very impressed last year with the food. This year we had it at Linda B's.
It's also on Key Biscayne. The food was okay, again nothing to wirte home about.

Connie, I'm still praying for you and your husband. I'm sure he will be feeling better very soon!!

The weather here in Miami has been really bad this week, it has rained everyday. When it hasn't been raining, it's been really hot and muggy. I'm so glad all of this bad weather will be long gone before next week.

Tommorrow after my half day of work I will get to do some shopping as I have to buy gifts for a communion on Saturday and two birthdays for Sunday. Maybe I'll be able to find something else I don't need for myself or the kids:eek:
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Sharon - You're still shopping? It sounds like you're the shopping queen too, so you'll have to add a tiara to all your hats! We're planning a shopping trip to Philly on Sat....I'm still looking for a bathing suit...definately not my favorite thing to shop for.

OK, so now I'm down to 3 1/2 days of school... as the Title 1 reading teacher I have tons of end of year paperwork and meetings so I'm really ready for next Wed. We don't have an end of year luncheon, but we do have an end of year "happy hour" that lasts well into the evening on Wed. We get it started by 3:30!! One of our teachers hosts it at his house....a great way to wind down AND get ready for the cruise!!!

Tara - Our PVP told us that as long as we had our Funpass already filled out, that's all we would need, if our docs didn't arrive in time. Ours did and hopefully your parents will get theirs soon!

A tip while in Roatan...make sure you visit "Yabba Ding Ding"! It's a great shop for local crafts. In January I bought a beautiful piece of Lenca pottery, which is hand crafted by local women. I can't wait to buy another piece or two to add to my collection!

Have a good night everyone!

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[quote name='Corl4']Sharon - You're still shopping? It sounds like you're the shopping queen too, so you'll have to add a tiara to all your hats! We're planning a shopping trip to Philly on Sat....I'm still looking for a bathing suit...definately not my favorite thing to shop for.


Tee hee - that is so funny! :D I am the worst shopper in the world - the tiara goes to DD - I only buy when she's with me because I have no idea what to get AND I can't make decisions! :eek: I'm the worst! Good luck with the bathing suit, we're definitely at the point where you'll need to get something or go without! That is unless you alread got your orange thong and then you can just head up to the top deck and you're good to go!
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Tomorrow after work DD and I have our hair appointments, so that will be one of the pre-cruise things to check off our list. Then I have a wedding on Saturday, and hope to lay out for a while on Sunday and maybe start packing. I know this next week is going to fly right by!!!
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[quote name='Snowball']Tomorrow after work DD and I have our hair appointments, so that will be one of the pre-cruise things to check off our list. Then I have a wedding on Saturday, and hope to lay out for a while on Sunday and maybe start packing. I know this next week is going to fly right by!!![/QUOTE]

Debbie.....I bet you're excited......Take care of her and tell them to look for our wild bunch in Oct!:eek:
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:confused: Good morning everyone. Today is a rainy day, so I guess I will have to do some work inside today,YUK:( . My DH is still having alot of pain, it is starting to worry me now, and I do not know what to do to help him. I worked outside all day yesterday and loved every minute of it. How is everyone else doing? I bet everyone is starting to pack. My 2 year old grandaughter was at the hospital yesterday and was seen by her pediatrician. They are not sure what the problem is yet, but are leaning towards retardation and some autisim. I am having some problems dealing with everything, but still hanging in there. I love my little grandaughters with all my heart and I hurt when they hurt. Two of my grandaughters are having their 2nd. and 3rd. birthday parties this Sat. and Sun., because of us going on the cruise, they wanted to have them this weekend. I am looking forward to the parties. Well, take care everyone, and have a good day.:)
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Good morning and TGIF everyone!!! We finally made it into single digits!!! Only 9 days left - can you believe it?!?!?! :D

Connie - I am so sorry to hear about everything that you've had to deal with lately. You are in my thoughts. I hope it works out so that you can still go on the cruise - it sounds like you need it.
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That's exactly what you need Connie. And what a better way for your husband to feel better than to be pampered by a full staff for 7 days! :) Seriously though...I'm saying a prayer for you and your family.

To the rest of you fine folks..I had to special order my orange leis today..LOL. I went to the party store and told him what I needed. They usually have to buy them in packs of 144, but he got me what I needed since it was for a cruise and something special. Very nice guy!! So we will be there representing the great land of pumpkin with our orange on. :D

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:) What would I ever do without you girls, you keep me going and my spirit up. They say there is a reason for everything, but it sure makes you wonder. I am trying to keep busy, but all I want to do on this rainy day is watch tv and sleep, not good. I want to thank each and everyone of you for all your thoughts and prayers. I just think I cannot miss the orange leis, I am sure my husband would really enjoy psssssssst, you know, one of those leis. I really want to meet everyone, I know we would have alot of fun:D . Thanks again, from the bottom of my heart.
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Hang in there Connie and let us know how things are going. I'm sure it is very difficult to deal with.

Wow! One week from tonight the final push will be on at our house - washing clothes, mowing the yard one more time, checking and double checking the packing list...then Saturday we are out of here!!
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I saw this on another board. I thought it was funny and wanted to share it with you guys, in case you haven't seen it. :)


In my family, we are nautical people. We have the sea in our veins. I do not speak metaphorically: Sometimes we find actual eels in our underpants. That's how nautical we are.

And so a few weeks ago, we set out on a sea voyage from Fort Lauderdale, knowing that it would be five days, and roughly 153 meals (included), before we would reach our destination: Fort Lauderdale.

We sailed aboard a cruise ship, which had one of those cruise-ship names, like the Majestic Vagabond Restaurant of the Seas. She is a fine vessel, a tad larger than Connecticut, boasting (really) an onboard shopping mall. Leaving port, she weighed 75,000 tons, at least half of which was food. Here's a log of our voyage:

Day One: We arrive at the ship and meet our fellow voyagers, most of whom are wearing brand-new sneakers, as though they're about to compete in the decathlon, as opposed to spending the next five days chewing.

We begin our cruise with a lifeboat drill, lining up in neat rows, wearing our life jackets, calmly awaiting instructions. In a real emergency, of course, we'd fight for the lifeboats like wild dogs battling for meat. Our sneakers would squish with blood. We have all seen Titanic.

Speaking of meat: It's time for dinner! In the dining room, we engage in sparkling intellectual repartee with our fellow voyagers (''What are you having?'' ''I'm having the salmon.'' ''Really? That's what I'm having!'' ''Really?'' etc.).

After dinner, it's time to engage in the vast array of shipboard activities, by which I mean: drinking, gambling and shopping. By midnight, everybody is weary from a long partial day at sea, and it is time to: Eat more! There's a midnight buffet.
Plus, if you pay a little extra, your cabin attendant will come around and stuff food into your mouth while you sleep.

Day Two: When we wake up, the Restaurant of the Seas has docked at the exotic island of Key West. This is four hours from our house by car. By ship, we made it in just 13 hours.

Before going ashore, we eat a buffet-style breakfast. We are issued enormous plates; they look like small wading pools. It is not easy to cover every square foot of plates this size with food. But we manage, because we know we must soon cross, on foot, several hundred feet of barren, commerce-free no-man's-land between the ship and the Key West shopping district.

While we're ashore, disaster strikes: The power goes out. For 45 agonizing minutes, the cash registers in the stores and restaurants do not work. Unable to buy or eat anything, some cruise passengers become disoriented and begin to have non-shopping-related conversations. Fortunately, it passes quickly.

Carrying our purchases, we return to the ship in time for more intellectual give-and-take (``Really? I'm having the prime rib, too!''). In our cabin, we find chocolates on our pillows. Clearly, they want us dead.

Day Three: We arrive in Cozumel, Mexico. After a hearty breakfast, we go ashore and experience Mexico, which consists of souvenir stores and restaurants where everybody speaks English and accepts dollars. Travel is a good way to learn about other cultures.

That night, back on the ship, we go to a piano bar, where the piano player gets everybody in a festive mood by playing -- I am not making this up -- The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald, a song about a ship that sank, killing all aboard. Party time!

Day Four: We spend this entire day at sea, eating and shopping. I think some passengers must be secretly throwing their new purchases overboard to make room in their luggage for even newer purchases.

The ocean is rough; some waves affect even the massive bulk of the Restaurant of the Seas. At breakfast, there's a moment when I'm watching maybe two dozen cruisers going through the buffet line, each holding a wading pool heaped with food, and the deck shifts, and the cruisers, in perfect unison, all lurch to the right, then back to the left. Nobody drops so much as a waffle. I am damned proud to be serving with this outfit.

Day Five: We arrive, at last, in Fort Lauderdale. We are tired, but we are also, because of this experience, something more: fat. We vow to go on the South Beach Diet, or even just the Beach Diet, where all you eat is sand.

But some day, we will return to the sea. Because we know that it's a big world, and there are many more adventures awaiting us, out there on the vastness of the ocean.

For example, we have yet to try the shrimp scampi.
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Hello Everyone: Connie, so sorry to hear about your difficulties. I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Message for anyone going with Marvin and our Valor Voyagers Wet-N-Wild Cave Tubing excursion. I've contacted Marvin and we're meeting at 9:00 instead of at 10:00. So get an early tender everyone. If you're at the meet and greet we can touch bases there. Just in case I miss connecting with someone in our group of 20 -- once off the tender, proceed to the Paradise by Air booth. Our guide will be waring a Paradise by Air T-shirt. You'll pay $39.00 each that day (deposits of $12.00 each go to me). Wet-N-Wild accepts cash or travelers checks. Credit cards too, but there's a 5% service charge. If you have any questions about what to bring, let me know. You can also check the Wet-N-Wild website. See you all soon. I can't believe all of the teachers. My husband is a teacher. With all the cancellations for snow this past year, he's in the classroom until June 9th -- he was getting a little nervous. I'm an education supervisor for Head Start. Looking foward to meeting you all. Kathy
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Debbie, that was hilarious, thanks for sharing it! Now that PB has snuba, we'll probably go there!

Connie, I'm still keeping you and your husband in my thoughts. And, your little grand daughter, too!

I just got back from the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life. It's a huge 24-hour event here with thousands of people. I walked with my husband in the survivor's walk, that's sobering!
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Anyone check the long term weather forecast for any of our ports?? Not sure how reliable it is since last year rain was predicted for every day and we had the most gorgeous weather, until the hurricane the last day!
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[quote name='Marcys']Anyone check the long term weather forecast for any of our ports?? Not sure how reliable it is since last year rain was predicted for every day and we had the most gorgeous weather, until the hurricane the last day![/QUOTE]
As a matter of fact-- I did.... Right now, everywhere I checked on it saws "Rain" Really... But, I never -ever rely on them to be accurate. it has always been nice for me and I really don't care!!! Just put me on the ship!
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