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Come Join The Valor Voyagers 6/12/05 Western Caribbean


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Count us in for the pictures!! Our group is going to look really great! Orange thongs, hairy orange leis, funny hats. This sounds like a picture to remember:)

Finally started packing for my daughter today! But my son says he will not pack until later in the week so he can keep wearing his favorite clothes:eek: I'm giving him until Thursday or Friday then he is outta luck. Can you imagine this from a nine year old boy!!
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Well, my daughter put aside the clothes that she wants to pack for the cruise, and what's right on top of the pile? A few pairs of jeans. :eek: I hope she doesn't plan on wearing them in the dining room, but in case she or my hubby does - I apologize in advance. :o

Sometimes you just have to pick your battles, and I've decided that this one just isn't worth it. :rolleyes:

***Edited to add: Of course, I am going to try to talk them out of it in the meantime. ***
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I just bought the orange leis at Party City. I haven't packed yet. I'll start packing Saturday night. I should be at the port at 11:30. I live 30 minutes away from the Port of Miami.

At what time are we meeting on the ship? Is it at 2:00? I don't remember.
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Gymbrat- It is at 2:00!! How are you enjoying your break so far? The weather is sooo bad. I could never pack the night before, too stressful for me, I know I would forget something. My husband always packs the day before, it makes me crazy:eek:

Debbie- I only packed one pair of jeans for my daughter, got off easy there. I know it won't be that easy with my son or husband. I know I will pack at least one pair for me too. At least mine will be cute ones.

So who is taking on soda and alcohol? How are you going to bring it on? I'm sure I'll bring some vodka and maybe some wine. I'm not sure I'll bother with soda.
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Ummmmm, ok Sama. :rolleyes:

Michelle - We will be bringing some diet pepsi and bottled water onto the ship with us. I'm not sure if I'll be bringing liquor or wine - it depends on if I find somewhere in Miami to pick it up while I'm there. I'll just carry the soda, water, and wine on with me, and will stash whatever liquor I bring (if any) in my checked luggage. Works like a charm. ;)

Olga - yes, our onboard meet & greet will be at the aft bar on the lido deck at 2pm until the muster drill. I'll post a few reminders between now and then, so forgive me if I get on everyone's nerves with the reminders. I can't wait to meet everyone!!! :D

Shannon - sorry, I can't stow you away in my luggage. Now if you had done it for me a few weeks ago I would consider it, but nooooooo - I had to sit home and wait for my cruise to get here. :p
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I just love digital cameras. I always check out the pictures and delete all of those that I hate, which is most of them!! Good for you Debbie sticking to your diet. I was really good for a while but fell of the wagon and never got back on. This aging thing really sucks, just don't lose weight like I use to. Also sure can't eat like I use to!!
I am bringing on some diet Dr. Pepper (cherry, vanilla flavor, yum) if I can find it and water. My husband on the other hand is the wine drinker. I am not sure he will be able to put his carry-on in the overhead. I told him not to bring so much as my son, who also loves wine, is not coming. He thinks he will need it!! We always bring our favorite champagne also. That I will drink!
I think we will probably get to the port between 11:00 and 11:30. My kids come in on the red-eye and will just come to the hotel and maybe try and get a few hours of sleep. If I can get them up we will be there with all of you!!
Debbie, do you think there will be robes? Otherwise will pack mine!
Talk to you all tomorrow. Haven't found leis yet but still checking!
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Oh my gosh, how time is flying. I have so mush stuff to do still.

Emarismom-I emailed for the cave tubing to make my reservation, he added me and said that we can add more people they just need to let him know they are with the group when making their reservation. I don't think we'll be able to get that many more people in such a short amount of time.

About the robes... when cruising on Carnival in the past we had an oceanview room, and it came with the robes. On RCCL we have always had balconies and had to ask for robes. If you don't have a robe in your cabin just ask your room steward and he'll get them for you.

Talk to you later!
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Would it be ok if I brought some stuff for the orphanage to one of you on the ship? I'm not planning on going there myself but would love to pass on a bag of stuff - maybe the taco seasoning, since I can't imagine anyone else loading up on that.

Also - can you guys tell me where on the ship the Trekkies will be congregating?

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We'd be happy to take anything to the orphanage that you have - just let me know at the meet and greet what you have and we'll add it to our list of items to declare.
Trekkiess will congregate in the cigar bar or any place not near the Pizza :eek: , Voyagers on the other hand will be on the Lido deck at 2:00 near the Pizza Place. I hope you'll join the Voyagers! :D
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Good morning all!


Just a quickie to say "HI" and I'm off to the last day of school!! Woo-Hoo!!! Kids are out by 11:30 and the partying begins at 3:30! I'll be doing the "End of Year" dance, finally!


I'll catch up with everyone later...the picture idea is great!



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Gabby- I'm hoping that other people will pop up who want to go with us on the cave tubing. If not maybe we can recruit people on the ship, our tablemates or something. If not then well just pay for it. Alot of new people hae been posting in the last few days, so maybe someone will be interested (HINT, HINT).


Can you imagine what any trekkies who join our group would look like: Spock ears, orange thong, orange lei, zoro mask, and perfectly manicured feet so as not to break any of the rules!!:D


Speaking of the sandal rules, I've been really bad lately as I live in sandals, but happy to say I made my appointment for hands and feet for Friday afternoon. Now I really know the cruise is almost here.


I do have a little bad news. There is an area of tropical weather that may be forming off the coast of Honduras. Today they will be sending a hurricane hunter into the disturbance to see if it is developing. It appears at this time to be moving towards Miami. The weather for Miami for the next seven days is rain, rain, rain. Hopefully when we leave Carnival will take us on an alternate route to get away from the weather. As we move towards Belize and Honduras, next Tues., the system itself should have moved well away from there. The weather is always beautiful after the storm. Let's pray!!

It better not develop into anything big as I do not want to have to run out and put up hurricane shutters before I leave:eek:

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Beth - enjoy your last day of school - it is a wonderful feeling, isn't it??!!


My mom mentioned tropical disturbances out there the other day, but I couldn't find any info - she must have been psychic! I hope we have great weather and can avoid storms, but if not - we are still on a cruise and it will be fantastic!! :D

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Good morning everyone!!! :D


Although I would prefer warm sunny skies for our entire cruise, I am not going to allow myself to get stressed about the weather. It is the one thing that we have absolutely no control over, so why worry about it. Whatever will happen, will happen. No worries mon!!! :cool:


Shiloh - looks like you've been lurking on her for a while, since you know all the dirt. ;) I hope you join us at our onboard meet & greet on Sunday. Just leave the Spock ears at home. :p


Beth - enjoy your last day of school! :)

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I will not let myself be stressed out either. I look at it this way, all of my excursions are mostly us getting wet!! A little rain, oh well, wet one way or the other!! Last time I was in Roatan it started raining, more like downpouring. The good thing though that it usually rains for a short time and then is beautiful. That is exactly what happened. In fact, we did the zipline right after the rain and the jungle was so pretty and smelled good too!!

It rained so hard that a few of the streets going back to the ship were flooded. It took us a lot longer to get back to the ship, we were getting a little nervous but ended up back with time to spare.

Have a great getting ready for the cruise day.


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**** Important message for everyone booked with Soto's for the Stingray Excursion ****



I just heard back from Soto's regarding whether we should be on the morning or afternoon excursion. Here is their e-mail message:




Kindly be advised that valor arrives in Grand Cayman at 9am local time.



The process takes approx 45 mins - 1 hour to disembark, therefore the 1pm tour will work best for the group. Pickup will be at 12 noon, same Location. Kindly acknowledge receipt of this message today. Thanks.



Kerry, Sotos Cruises



Let me know if you have any questions, or you can e-mail Kerry directly at scruises@candw.ky.

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Very quiet today - it was very quiet here today too. Everyone was at work and it was just me and the dog! :D


Any more news on the tropical disturbance by the Honduras? I figure worst case scenario we spend 7 days avoiding a storm while on a cruise ship - I can live with that! Certainly isn't my first choice, but I think I could handle it!

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Well good news on the tropical disturbance. Hurricane hunters found that is now a tropical depression which may strengthen over the next few days. However, it is moving north and will be somewhere around New Orleans by Saturday. (Sorry for those of you in that area) Here in Miami, they are forcasting rain and heavy afternoon showers everyday for the next 7 days. So Sunday it may rain as we leave but after that I should be better. I hope.


I have been running around all day for the past three. While the kids have been in bible camp, I have been shopping. Then the afternoons are crazy, daughters ballet recital is Sat., practice is everyday. Son is tesing for orange belt in karate on Sat. as well. He is also in flag football. This past month has been too much. I definitely need this vacation.


I did over pack today for myself. I'm not going to bother taking anything out as I drive to the port anyway and don't have to worry about weight restrictions or anything like that. At least I can wear whatever I am in the mood for.

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Here's another funny that I saw on another board, and thought the timing was just perfect for our group. :D


How NOT to pack


1. Wait until you have 30 hours to go, and are rushing around doing last minute things.

2. Also start packing up stuff for the charity that you always give to, because they called and said that they are coming your way on the same day as sail-away, and it's in a few days!!!

3. Also don't forget to make an emergency dental appt. for your daughter on the day before you sail.

4. Pack everything, and I mean everything, that you think you can possibly need. Now unpack some of it.

5. Don't forget 1/2 of your medicine cabinet.

6. Put everything in those space bags so they take up less space.

7. Pat yourself on the back for being done.. and then walk in the closet and see all your shoes still sitting on the floor.

8. Suddenly remember that you have to wear something to the boat the next day.. go back through your suitcases and inflate the right bags to get that one shirt out, and oh yeah, the pants that go with it so nicely!

9. Zip everything up. Phew, you deserve a glass of wine.

10. DING! What's that? Oh, damn, the dryer, more clothes that need to be folded and packed away!

11. Weigh your luggage. OMG, this is so heavy. Must be 67 lbs! Huh? It's only 43? Damn, no wonder I can't climb the stairs at work very easily! huff...huff... 12. Realize that you can not wheel the luggage to the stairs because the charity bags are in the hallway. Take the bags up the stairs 2 at a time, take them to the front porch/deck, leave the door open just 1/100" and hear the dog escape behind you.

13. Go running after the dog, which makes her think it's a game, and it's great fun to run away from you.

14. Go get car keys, and walk out to car to go get her, only to see hubby with leash in his hand, tell the dog to stay, and see him walk up to her and put the leash on her and guide her home.

15. To hell with a glass of wine, I want the bottle!

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Debbie, Thanks for checking up on me. You are a wonderful group leader. It has been very busy in our householdl. Yes we are still going on the cruise. My husbund has been working hard to get things done at work. He does have to take his blackberry (?) with him on the ship to keep up with emails. They have several things thet are being voted on next week. He may have to fly to washington dc when we get home.


I myself have had a houseful of kids. I had my niece up for two weeks with my two kids (ages 5,6,8), so we went around doing something everyday for entertainment. Summer break has already exhausted me. I'm ready for vacation. All of the teachers on board were doing the year end school dance, I'm already waiting to do the end of summer dance.


I think it is John Denver's song that said "oh my bags are packed, I'm ready to go, I'm standing here outside (the) door." We leave Friday afternoon to fly down for 10 wonderful days of vacation. Hopefully the weather is nice, but I can handle the rain.


Here are our excursions added with the others:



Cave Tubing w/Marvin - Sharon, Lance, Greg, Kristen and Stephen

Marcy, Dave, Sarah, and Greg (The 4 Caplin's)

Debbie, Jasmine, Lisa, Sheila, Amy and Carol, plus three Franks -- Kathy, Emilie, and Michael; Kim & Steve

Coral Breeze shark/ray snoreling tour-Brian, Rebecca, Corinne & Jeff



Orphanage and island tour - Sharon, Lance, Greg, Kristen and Stephen. Also, Ren, Kathy, Emilie and Michael

Victor Bodden tours (canopy tour + Island tour)- The 4 Caplin's & Brian, Rebecca, Corinne & Jeff

Victors Friend (canopy tour + island tour) Kim & Steve

Tabyanna Beach (ship excursion) - Debbie, Jasmine, Lisa, Sheila, Amy and Carol


Cayman Islands

Captain Marvin's Glass Bottom Boat - Sharon, Lance, Greg, Kristen and Stephen

Parasiling/7 Mile Beach-The 4 Caplin's

Soto's swim with the stingrays - Debbie, Jasmine, Lisa, Sheila, Amy and Carol; Ren, Kathy, Emilie and Michael, Kim & Steve

Aqua Boats - Brian, Rebecca, Corinne & Jeff



Eagle Ray Divers Dune Buggy Tour - Sharon, Lance, Greg, Kristen and Stephen; Kim & Steve

TBD-The 4 Caplin's, maybe Paradise Beach

Paradise Beach by day, Fat Tuesdays by night - Debbie, Jasmine, Lisa, Sheila, Amy and Carol

Deep Sea Fishing - Brian & Jeff

Nachi Cocom Beach Club, followed by massages by Sally - Rebecca & Corinne

Nachi Cocom -- Ren, Kathy, Emilie and Michael


I have been having problems finding the lei's. If I can't find them before friday morning, we will at least have on orange shirts.


Will check email one last time friday noon before I leave to pick Steve up at work. It has been fun reading what everyone has posted, sorry I could not post as much, but it has been entertaining.


Kathi or Sharon, I will have a bag for the orphanage. I will have everything itemized for you on a sheet of paper. Sharon, I believe your cabin is just down from ours. Thanks both of you for offering to take the items.


Two days to go for me, can't wait to see everyone. It's been a long year.



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Hi everyone, getting really late here and still trying to catch up on everything. Where did the time go. It seems like my paperwork is never done.

Sharon, just finished getting a few things for the orphanage, now wondering how in the heck are you going to get it all there. I was going to put it in an old duffle bag that they could just keep. It is kind-of heavy. Would you prefer an old rolling suitcase. I have a small one and I could take some of the snack stuff I bought out of the boxes and just stash them around the other things. Went to Costco and bought the large packages of Pop Tarts, etc. I am sure we could help you get it outside to the van. What time are you meeting the drivers? Was going to try and get my sister to go thru some clothes and maybe give them that. She has young kids. Anyway, when you see there needs it really touches my heart. Let me know what you think.

Hope everyone is having a great nights sleep.

Take Care,


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