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BAD PRINCESS - advance shipboard credit


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Pam - of course, you are a US Citizen!! It is rip-off Britain!


They told me that as a non-US citizen I had no right to book in the US (to benefit from the US rates) and they would see to it that I did not do so in the future!! I replied that I owned an apartment in the US and resided there part of the year and their rules said resident!


Oh, and she told me that I would not be permitted my Platinum status nor would I receive my shipboard credit as I had booked this one in the UK. She told me I would get nothing and put the 'phone down on me!!!


I have told my TA to at least get my $200 refunded!! This will take at least 3 months. I believe they have held my money for a long time on falst pretences!! This bears no relation to what I was told on the ship - to sell you to put money in their bank account they tell you anything!! Can you just imagine the interest they are receiving on the funds as future deposits?


This was an extremely threatening conversation - oh I forgot to say that she said it is two different companies with different prices and different rules!! But of course, all on the same ship - everyone is equal, just US citizens more equal than others!!!


Does anyone have an e-mail address to a senior executive at Princess? I keep e-mailing and they keep replying with a 1800 number which cannot be used from outside the US!!! I feel someone in authority should be addressing this problem - but you are not permitted to contact anyone at Princess!!!

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Did you all read what I wrote before?? She has TWO cruises booked - two booking #s. You cannot transfer the benefits of one booking to another EXISTING booking when you cancel. It's that simple. THere's no brit bias operating here. If it's before final payment the credits go back into the account BUT they cannot be applied to an existing booking. Get it?

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I ran into the Captain's Circle problem this year when I booked a cruise through my UK travel agent. I got a new UK CC number with no past passenger benefits. I tried to use my existing number, but the format of the US and UK numbers is different. However I sent an email to the CC address in the UK asking them to copy the status from my US number to the UK number and they did it without a complaint.


As to the 1800 number, there is no restrictions to calling it, it is just charged at International Direct Dial rates and is not free, but you can call it.


Can't help with the FCC's though as I have never used them, and use the stockholder benefit instead.




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But - I am not being allowed to Bank it either!!! And I have only just made the second booking - asked for it to be applied before I booked!! Was told to phone and it would be looked into - difficult as you can't use a 1800 number from the UK. They keep repeating the 1800 number!!


YOU don't understand!! The two data bases don't talk!!


How do you account for the fact that although I am Platinum - because I booked in the UK I won't be and won't get the benefit on this cruise because I booked it in the UK? That's what the US rude supervisor told me!! Hopefully someone reasonable will sort this out at some point!!


Peter - you must have a different phone than mine - if I dial a 1800 number, I am told you cannot do this from the UK!!!! Actually, I did finally get a 'proper' number and that is when I was lambasted for booking in the US when I am a UK Citizen!!!


This is like Circuit City refusing a UK Visa credit card!! Can you imagine the ire of Americans if their Visa is refused here? We wouldn't dare!!!

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Can the FCD be used as part of the up-coming Princess cruise deposit? Or be part of the final payment? Or be another shipboard credit on top of the one included with this promotion?

A future cruise deposit is just that. It cannot be used for anything else including a cruise already booked. You may only use it as a deposit on a new cruise only.

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Wasn't allowed to - the databases DON'T TALK!!! Two different companies with different policies and DIFFERENT PRICES!!! Was told to book and it would be sorted out!!! Yeah yeah - the checks in the post!!!! Will they sort out my Platinum status? Not confident!!!


The lady in Miami was totally incensed because I had previously booked in the US which she didn't consider I was entitled to do. This is interesting, since it is much cheaper to book in the US. Why is this forbidden? Same cruise, same everything - more dosh!!! You are from the UK - u pay more!!!!


I have just priced another cruise company - also $400 more for same cabin if I book in the UK!!! HELLO???????? Our cars, before taking into account taxes, are much more than Europe or US. Rip-off Britain!!!


You all seem new to this - we in the UK are used to it - but we don't find it amusing!!

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How do you account for the fact that although I am Platinum - because I booked in the UK I won't be and won't get the benefit on this cruise because I booked it in the UK? That's what the US rude supervisor told me!! Hopefully someone reasonable will sort this out at some point!!


Peter - you must have a different phone than mine - if I dial a 1800 number, I am told you cannot do this from the UK!!!! Actually, I did finally get a 'proper' number and that is when I was lambasted for booking in the US when I am a UK Citizen!!!


I don't know what to tell you, I dial 800 numbers in the US all the time, and have no problems, in fact I just dialled 1-800-PRINCESS and got through. There was a voice that came on the line and stated it wasn't free, and I would be charged at international rates, but I knew that already, the call went through and the phone was answered by Princess.


As to your CC status, if you look at your UK booking using the cruise personaliser, you should see your UK Captain's Circle number. If you send an email to pcc@princesscruises.co.uk and explain that you have a US number and you would like to copy your cruise history to your new UK number they should be able to do it.


It worked for me.




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Peter - they refuse. In fact, on the thread for my forthcoming cruise, there is another passenger with the same problem - they refuse to combine the US & UK bookings to give her Platinum. In my case, I am already Platinum, but only for bookings made in the US. I am on my first cruise as far as they are concerned. Apparently, it is being 'looked into'. But since I don't want to use free internet, it doesn't really matter - just the principle!!


I did actually get through after being given a 'secret' number and that was when I was threatened and told they wouldn't accept any more bookings from me unless made in the UK!!! When I argued and said I owned an apartment in the US and sometimes resided there, she put the 'phone down on me!!! They know they are ripping-off the Brits - otherwise why go to all this trouble to make us book in the UK?


My Travel Agent is horrified!! I have asked her to obtain my $200 deposit back - and I believe I am owed interest on the money (even 5c on principle!) - but she maintains I am also entitled to the shipboard credit. I can't really be bothered with such petty little people like rude Princess employees- to me it is all part of the "Carnival Effect".


My next two cruises will be Celebrity and RCCL and possibly an NCL and a Radisson.


By the way, probably the reason I can't use the 1800 is because I am with OneTel. But I still like 'em!!!

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Hey everyone!

There is WAY to much bitterness towards the US and venom being spit by the OP. I think we all should move along to other posts and not get pulled into something (what, I'm not sure) that we really could use our time more wisely spent helping others (all over the world) by answering ligitimate questions, the best we can. Some of you have tried several times to help the OP and it doesn't seem to be getting through. I for one, think turning the other cheek here might be the best thing for all of us to do before all that bitterness and anger against the USA starts to go to the heart! Lets move on, shall we?


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Now TinaParrothead - this is the most interesting post of all.


If I didn't like the US I wouldn't spend so much time there. I am just stating the facts.


Anyway, it isn't the US who is treating us badly here - it is Princess Cruises - let's not get away from that fact!!! Although I guess this is what you really would like to do!!


I love it when posters come on and have no answers, so try to close the thread!! Happens all the time!!


I would remind you that this site is Cruise CRITIC.com. If we can't air our criticisms here, where can we?


If you don't agree with what is being said on threads, don't read them, just go away!!!


Bitterness and venom? Get a dictionary!! Facts are facts. I was sold something under false pretences and Princess have held my cash on deposit earning interest on it. They are also operating restrictive policies as to who can buy their product!!!


I have spoken to Princess just as the previous posters have said and have reported back to them.


I would remind you that we British always stand by the US. The only country that does!! We don't complain when we are fingerprinted and face scanned when we enter the US and I was only slightly irritated when my Florida Driving License had to be renewed every six months because I am an alien. I cannot get a credit card in the US although I own property there. These ARE facts - is this bitterness and venom? I think not!!


Actually, the most bitterness and venom I see, is in the US against President Bush. Now I think THAT is disgraceful - poor man is just doing his best!!!

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Sitting here at work wasting my companies time, I have carefully read this entire thread. IMHO 2 Ladies have a valid point.... Princess Cruise line is Princess Cruise line, No matter which side of 'the pond' we are on.

Granted currency exchanges will always be different, inherent company policies should not be. My two cents: continue e-mail barrage of Princess/Carnival. In the past, we have had minor problems solved by e-mailing the company.

Also 2 Ladies are well within their rights to use this cruise-critic message board to air what i believe to be a valid complaint.

as far as your comments on mr bush........

thats another story for another message board

all the best

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Hi Mike - thanks for your support!!


Your advice to bombard them with e-mails? Do you know who to address the e-mail to? No-one seems to know - not even Laura S!!!


No, I e-mail Captains Club (6 times so far) and ask them to pass on my complaint. They reply with the 1800 number!!


You 'phone them and they are rude!! They think they will get rid of you that way. By the way, the first two times I phoned and stated I was ringing from the UK, they put me on the 'indefinite' hold to get rid of me!! Third time I got a so-called supervisor!!! She put the 'phone down on me after telling me that I would be banned from booking in the US.


There is no 'customer service' e-mail address that I know of!!! DO ANY OF YOU KNOW HOW TO E-MAIL THE COMPLAINTS DEPARTMENT?


If anyone from Princess is reading this - and I am pretty sure you are ..... come on, put your mouth where your money is and explain your policy!!!

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I can understand your frustration, I simply can't understand why Princess wants to maintain 2 separate frequent traveler systems, when they are both identical. A past passenger is a past passenger. My hotel and airline FT programs don't care where I live, why should the cruiselines? :confused:


Who are you talking to when you speak about the CC status? If you speak to reservations, they are totally clueless both in the UK and the US and cannot help. If you speak to the CC people they are more helpful and lots of people have done exactly what I have done with requesting the status merge. I suppose depending on who you speak with it can be different. As I said, I had good luck with the email address I gave you before.


I normally use a US agent, but the deal I got from here in the UK including the flights was way better considering that I would have to have used an open jaw ticket between London Seattle and return from FLL, that is why I used Princess UK. Why did you book using the UK agent instead of your US one?


Other than that I would suggest you write to Peter G. Ratcliffe, he is the CEO of PO Princess International.


Good Luck.


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Hi Peter - the reason I booked with the UK agent was that there was only one cabin available - and had I waited till the US TA office opened, I most likely would have lost it, 'cos they won't hold cabins!!!!


I find it all very interesting - I just priced a cruise in September both here on the phone direct with Princess and on-line with the US Princess site. (UK site is 'down').


The difference in price is $260. I do see a difficulty for the Company with the dollar rate going up and down and therefore, don't in principle, object to the difference in pricing. What I DO ohject to is their policy of refusing to allow the UK customers to book in the US. If we are willing to gamble on the dollar rate, what is it their business? After all, the dollar might become stronger and we might lose out - that is OUR gamble!!


In fact, the UK site actually stresses that we gain advantages by booking in the UK - in my view not - however, nowhere does it say that we cannot book with a US Agent. It is only the US Princess Company that says this!!!


Thank you for the name of Mr. Ratcliffe. I may well do that - however, I am pretty sure that I will get a letter in return, from someone in a customer relations department and that he will not have seen my remarks at all. The letter will also be about three paragraphs long and will not address the problem at all!! Sorry to be negative, but I have been down that route so many times with these travel companies.


Who knows, perhaps Mr. Ratcliffe may be different!! Is he based in the UK or in the US? On second thoughts, I will write to him and report back to this thread!! Maybe he will give me a voucher for a free ship - hee hee!!

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Peter - just phoned Princess UK and using an American accent (without claiming to be a US citizen of course) asked whether, since I am in London, I would be permitted to book a cruise whilst in the UK.


The first answer was no, unless I had a proper residence here. I said I did and she asked me to hold while she checked. She came back and told me that, in that case, it was OK and the purpose of the rule was for a proper address to which to post the documents.


Now this is interesting - even when I said I had an apartment in the US, the supervisor of US Princess said that it made no difference.


Secondly, since most people are using a travel agent and they are the ones responsible for sending the docs, why is it Princess's business!!


If they will do it in the UK, why not in the US?


I am really a very fair person - and I also resent British Airways refusing my British credit card when I am booking in the US!!! Not only Circuit City and others!!! I would be very interested to learn whether US credit cards are being refused in the UK!!!

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I rally don't understand their rationale for the US/UK addressing. None of the other Carnival brands has this requirement. As for the ABTA protection that they claim, big deal, that is why I have travel insurance.


As to the credit card situation, are you saying that you have problems using your UK card over in the US? I must admit I have not had that problem either. I don't normally make BA flight arrangements from the US, so I have not had that problem before. Our corporate travel department, I work for a US company, has never had a problem booking flights for me on BA when I've gone over there for business.


Best advice I can give is to give a letter to the MD a try, you could also go right for the top and write Bob Dickenson at Carnival Corporate in the US. In addition, report it to BBC, either Watchdog or Holiday Hit Squad, they might do a report on this. I've seen quite a few Brits on here complaining about Princess' UK practices, so we are not alone.


It might make for an interesting topic on the Beeb. Good luck and let us know how you make out.




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Yup - my first experience was when Circuit City refused my Visa Card. I had to use my Amex Charge Card, which I obtained with great difficulty. Without a National Insurance Number you cannot get a credit card in the US - no matter whether you have the Visa or Mastercard in the UK!!!


When I wrote to Visa to complain, they said that they had no control over whether firms allow the use of their credit card or not. So much for their cards being 'international'!!!


I admit I WAS shocked at the BA refusal. The rep I talked to said he was amazed too when he was first informed!!!


Interesting about Watchdog and the Holiday progs. Good suggestion - do I want to be banned from Princess for ever more?! Just because I write under 2ladies doesn't mean they don't know who I am!!! Knowing me, now you have put it into my head, perhaps I will!!!! If they refuse me, I know someone in Mickey Arisons building - I will get admitted and scream outside his front door!!! Hee hee!!!! Or walk around with a placard outside the building, yadda yadda yadda!!!!!


I think the problem is that they are making so much money they just don't care. Which is why Oceania is putting out such a good product - they need the customers!!!


Hey Peter - why don't we buy a cruise ship together? We know what people want!!!!

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Peter - have written to Peter Ratcliffe who is apparently, CEO of Princess in California. I don't think my letter would get anywhere near Bob Dickenson - should think there is an entire department devoted to opening complaints addressed to him!! Hee hee!!! Is that funny or what? Nearly fell off my chair laughing at my own joke!!!


Many years ago, I wrote a letter to the CEO of Holland America. The reply was signed on his behalf by Special Adviser to the CEO!! I lived off that joke for years!!! Can't we just go back to Complaints Department or whinging passengers department?


Have also e-mailed a lady who is a representative of Carnival in the UK. I think one of the problems is that these guys become immune to complaints after the first 3m!!!!


But I gave them my $200 dollars deposit in good faith - I expect them to act in a proper manner - whether or not their databases talk to each other!!!


Gorra laugh.

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Peter - it is fascinating - as an ex-journalist, I am tempted to do something about it, but probably won't, as I have retired for the quiet life!!! That is, if they don't irritate me to such an extent that it all becomes a matter of principle!!! Then the sparks will fly!!!


As I say, I have written to Mr. Ratcliffe and also sent an e-mail to a rep of Carnival in UK. Had a reply from her today asking for my booking number and claiming she will look into it!! An actual 'person' at last!!!


Que sera sera!!!


Will keep you informed!!

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Guys - I have received an e-mail - that is a triumph in itself! - from the rep of Carnival indicating that my complaint has been passed on to ANNA SWEGAN - a Pre-Cruise Executive!! No reply from her as yet!!!


The other question that bothers me, is that I have requested a move nearer to an elevator. If the databases don't talk, all the UK requests have no chance at all!!!! In fact, on our thread, people have been moved around - all from the US!!!!


Actually, we will be very near the Bridge - I shall get my revenge by flashing the Captain every time he is leaving Port. He had better not dock starboard side!!! Be warned Captain!!!! Not a pretty sight at my age!

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WE too had no joy with Princess regarding onboard credit. We had booked our next Princess cruise before taking one as our second cruise had charter flights and we wanted to be sure to get on the flight as our daughter was getting married on the cruise. When we were on our cruise we approached the booking consuttant and asked if we could have the credit that would have been give if we had booked on board but were told "no way"! We emailed Princess who asked for our 2 booking references but that was the last we heard from them.

As previous posters said " Why does there have to be 2 sites and why can't we get the same benefits or access the Captains circle from the UK?

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Actually I beleive they DO in fact use the same system. I can go into my booking either from the UK site or from the US site and if I make a change it is reflected in both.


I just cannot understand why they do not merge the 2 CC's together and have one. If the booking systems are identical, why can't they do the same with the Captains Circle systems. It is not like there is any difference in the benefits in either of them.


I imagien if enough people compalin eventually they will do it. Maybe you will be the one to turn the tide 2ladies!




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Well, at least they are merging my Captains Circle and I will travel as Platinum. I was beginning to think I was a split personality!!!!??


Still no reply as to my deposit. It has now shown up on my personaliser as $100 plus $25 shipboard credit. I was promised $100 shipboard credit!! Multiply this by two, and we have $50 shipboard credit instead of $200!! And it has NOT been applied to my cruise in August!!!!


I was supposed to receive a reply yesterday on this, but to date, nothing!!!


PETER - nothing will change the policy re the UK. It makes too much money!!! Lose a few pax and they will be replaced by other mugs- sorry, pax!!! It is old fashioned to expect loyalty. Although, the loyalty 'perks' on Royal Carribean are surprisingly good!! That may change of course!!


Unfortunately, we were very satisfied with Princess until the Carnival effect - this seems to have affected the staff attitude and service also. We enjoy all our cruises, but Princess have lost the finesse we had come to expect.

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