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A few questions for my boss


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rivrgirl - a number of posters have encouraged the prospective parents to lie.


if the parents don't care enough about the well-being of their unborn child, why are they even having it?


imagine how it would effect the crew and possibly the other 2000+ passengers, if something should go wrong. the news would get out.


yes, they may deserve the cruise but not right now.


You're kidding right? Do you really believe that these parents shouldn't have a child? That some 3000 people would be affected if something goes wrong?

If the doctor says all is well I would travel...so you better call child services now.

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This is another High Risk OB Nurse here.


After 24 wks of pregnancy a fetus is viable....(if delivered in a facility with a neonatal intensive care unit)


Last time I checked cruise ships do not carry a NICU.


No OB docs I know will write a letter saying that it is OK to cruise past 15wks.

(I know I just asked!)


So think about it folks! Would you encourage somebody to risk their lives or the life of a unborn child? I know i wouldn't....


I hope her and her husband will be able to get some kind of refund. Or are able to sell their tickets.


Just my two cents... getting off the soap box

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Wow, I cannot believe the number of people that are encouraging this woman to have her doctor lie on a medical form so she can take a cruise. That's malpractice and unconsionable in my opinion.


Altering medical records would be criminal. Not to mention that insurance companies would have access to those records if something went wrong.


Well said! I too stand wondering?????


There is NO WAY any doctor I know would omit or fail to mention a "due date" or gestational age (or weeks pregnant) when writing a letter stating a woman can travel. I'd be rethinking my choice of doctor if he/she was willing to write such a note.



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I expressed my concerns to my boss and told him I would be very reluctant about cruising while pregnant, at any stage, but the decision to cruise is ultimately theirs.

His wife did get a letter which stated it was okay for her to cruise and the letter did not state how far along she was. Whether they are allowed on the ship or not is another matter entirely but I did my part by discouraging them from cruising.

I didn't mean for anyone to get upset about this. Believe me, I am very worried for them. They are set to sail this weekend.

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rivrgirl - a number of posters have encouraged the prospective parents to lie.


if the parents don't care enough about the well-being of their unborn child, why are they even having it?


imagine how it would effect the crew and possibly the other 2000+ passengers, if something should go wrong. the news would get out.


yes, they may deserve the cruise but not right now.


I was referring to her statement regarding how a number of people are encouraging her to have her doctor lie on a medical form. which is not true. I'm not sure that the parents determination about going on this ship means they don't care about the well being of their unborn child. That's a little harsh. It's not our decision to make it is between her and her doctor.

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quote=Nliedel]Okay, here's the OFFICIAL Carnival website information. Which clearly states that 27 weeks is the cutoff, not 26, by the way. Just thoguht I'd clear that up. EIther way at 28 weeks along the woman is too far into her pregnancy to cruise.



Please be advised that guests who are 27 weeks or more into their pregnancy at the time of the voyage will not be permitted to sail because of the risk of premature labor.


Looks clear to me. My personal experience is that they WILL ask for a note, former TA, from the doctor.


Thanks! But if you would have read my earlier posts, I do know what the rules are:) And also from my personal experience our pregnant member of our group had a doctor fax over a release stating that her health was well enough to travel. The release did not show how far along she was. It is a personal decision between the couple and their doctor. Not ours.

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yes, I was a bit harsh. this isn't about dresscodes, smuggling booze, etc.


FYI - i ckecked with a flight attendant friend of mine. the airline's limit is 7 months. are they flying too?


to the op - i'm glad they are reconsidering. have you shown them this thread? you've done what you can at this point.


rivrgirl - several people encouraged falsifying documents.

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I expressed my concerns to my boss and told him I would be very reluctant about cruising while pregnant, at any stage, but the decision to cruise is ultimately theirs.

His wife did get a letter which stated it was okay for her to cruise and the letter did not state how far along she was. Whether they are allowed on the ship or not is another matter entirely but I did my part by discouraging them from cruising.

I didn't mean for anyone to get upset about this. Believe me, I am very worried for them. They are set to sail this weekend.


It is obvious YOU were concerned...look how much you've looked into this and then reported back to your boss and his wife! What a good employee you are! It's a shame that they did not look at this situation with as much intent as you have.


Your boss should have made a call to Carnival (which was suggested in a previous post) - they would have been informed they require a letter WITH a gestational age. From what I can read, they most likely will not allow her to board. What a shame....driving all the way to port and hearing you can't board...that news would certainly ruin any vacation.

If they call her doctor, (and they don't get the "doc on call" who can give them no info or some resident who can't get a hold of the records cause its the weekend) do you think he/she will give a "fake" date when asked directly? Nope, the doctor would be telling an out an out lie. Not likely to happen in this age of malpractice!


IMHO - your boss and his wife made a poor decision. But I can not entirely blame them.


What a jerk that doctor is!!! If the doc knows the rule on gestational age set by the cruiseline and then just "omits" that bit of information in his letter he qualifies as a poor practioner.... (probably has that "doc" ego and expects that they will take his letter as the "gospel" he believes his words should be :rolleyes:


The sad thing is that most people expect that their doctor is looking out for their best interest and therefore wouldn't do anything or let them do anything that would be a risk. Unfortunately this doctor (UNLIKE all the Ob docs I know) has given the OK for travel despite all the traditional OB and cruiseline recommendations. I wonder if the doctor had flat out said "no" if they would have ever ventured this far into their cruise vacation?


Keep us posted. If they do let her on, I sure hope the best!


Meanwhile, I'd be shopping for a new doctor!



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I expressed my concerns to my boss and told him I would be very reluctant about cruising while pregnant, at any stage, but the decision to cruise is ultimately theirs.

His wife did get a letter which stated it was okay for her to cruise and the letter did not state how far along she was. Whether they are allowed on the ship or not is another matter entirely but I did my part by discouraging them from cruising.

I didn't mean for anyone to get upset about this. Believe me, I am very worried for them. They are set to sail this weekend.


You did exactly the right thing. And yes I do believe the doctor wrote her release without stating how far along she is. Because he did that for us. Even if some of these poster don't believe it. The main thing is it is entirely their decision :)

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What a jerk that doctor is!!! If the doc knows the rule on gestational age set by the cruiseline and then just "omits" that bit of information in his letter he qualifies as a poor practioner.... (probably has that "doc" ego and expects that they will take his letter as the "gospel" he believes his words should be :rolleyes:



Amazing! Just curious, where did you get this info? If you would read the first post, the OP said that she had a doctors release. Never said she got it before or after they found out about deadline of 27 weeks. doctor knows the rule on getational age set by the cruisline:confused:

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Amazing! Just curious, where did you get this info? If you would read the first post, the OP said that she had a doctors release. Never said she got it before or after they found out about deadline of 27 weeks. doctor knows the rule on getational age set by the cruisline:confused:


As I said previously (as well as another high risk OB nurse), I don't know ANY OB's that allow travel at that gestation. The OP did not say "when" she (the boss or wife) contacted the doctor, I "assumed" after they received their documents and found out the 27 weeks rule they informed their doctor and asked for his/her advice/permission to travel.


I guess I "assumed" too much in thinking that she would want to let her doctor know that the cruiseline won't let her travel at her current gestation, AANNNDDD I also "assumed" that when the OP said the letter from the doctor did not include a gestational age that they had done so intentionally to "beat the rules". Don't know for sure though :confused:


Still think she should find another doc though :p


What we all agree on is that we hope all goes well and if they are allowed to cruise, that they have no complications that would require any treatment/services that are not available thus causing any harm to either Mom or baby. I also hope that should anything arise such as a medical evacuation it does not cause the other passengers to have a less than optimal vacation due to re routing, skipping ports etc.



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As I said previously (as well as another high risk OB nurse), I don't know ANY OB's that allow travel at that gestation. The OP did not say "when" she (the boss or wife) contacted the doctor, I "assumed" after they received their documents and found out the 27 weeks rule they informed their doctor and asked for his/her advice/permission to travel.


I guess I "assumed" too much in thinking that she would want to let her doctor know that the cruiseline won't let her travel at her current gestation, AANNNDDD I also "assumed" that when the OP said the letter from the doctor did not include a gestational age that they had done so intentionally to "beat the rules". Don't know for sure though :confused:


Still think she should find another doc though :p




What we all agree on is that we hope all goes well and if they are allowed to cruise, that they have no complications that would require any treatment/services that are not available thus causing any harm to either Mom or baby. I also hope that should anything arise such as a medical evacuation it does not cause the other passengers to have a less than optimal vacation due to re routing, skipping ports etc.




Thanks:) And we both agree that eveything goes well.

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Well, I think the consensus of opinion is that the folks who have experienced pregnancy complications in the late second/early third trimester are uniformly against cruising in that time frame. (That includes me!) The folks who have not experienced it don't know what they missed.

Odds are, you'll get away with it and be fine. But of course, there are a lot of totally unexpected complications.


Second, the doctor's letter WITH DUE DATE is essential. On one of our cruises, we saw a pregnant woman denied boarding. I don't think you can just wing it and fudge the due date. Particularly since, if you were to go into labor and deliver a baby that is more mature than you had admitted to, you could be in big trouble and liable to the cruiseline for the expenses they incur in diverting to a port with a hospital, etc....


I would also give consideration to the ports you'd be visiting and the hospital facilities available there. In Cozumel, for example, they warn you not to drink the water ashore. Would you want to risk delivering a premature baby in a setting where the water is unsafe???

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Okay, let me start over. Maybe I will be able to explain the situation a little better. :D

My boss had a relative in California who thought it would be nice to have a family reunion on a cruise ship. ( I personally do not want to take a vacation with my family, but that is another post.:) ) This relative handled all of the arrangements and just a week or so ago, my boss received his paperwork. While perusing said paperwork he learned that women in advanced stages of pregnancy would not be allowed to board. I then told him I would contact my "cruise critic buddies" for advice. He also asked me to find out about Camp Carnival. Keep in mind that he has never cruised and since I have one whole cruise experience I am now the "expert." Right. ;)

The wife then saw her OB/GYN for a regular checkup, explained the situation, and her doctor wrote a letter stating she was progressing well in her pregnancy, blah, blah, blah. The letter did not mention how far along she was.

They are driving a long way to Miami this weekend with a two year old and I am hoping it is not in vain. I am hoping they are allowed on the ship and that all goes well, with no complications. Would I do it? Not in a minute, but the decision is theirs to make.

Sorry, I didn't explain it very well the first time.

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Okay, let me start over. Maybe I will be able to explain the situation a little better. :D

My boss had a relative in California who thought it would be nice to have a family reunion on a cruise ship. ( I personally do not want to take a vacation with my family, but that is another post.:) ) This relative handled all of the arrangements and just a week or so ago, my boss received his paperwork. While perusing said paperwork he learned that women in advanced stages of pregnancy would not be allowed to board. I then told him I would contact my "cruise critic buddies" for advice. He also asked me to find out about Camp Carnival. Keep in mind that he has never cruised and since I have one whole cruise experience I am now the "expert." Right. ;)

The wife then saw her OB/GYN for a regular checkup, explained the situation, and her doctor wrote a letter stating she was progressing well in her pregnancy, blah, blah, blah. The letter did not mention how far along she was.

They are driving a long way to Miami this weekend with a two year old and I am hoping it is not in vain. I am hoping they are allowed on the ship and that all goes well, with no complications. Would I do it? Not in a minute, but the decision is theirs to make.

Sorry, I didn't explain it very well the first time.


You explained pretty much everything pretty clear. You even stated earlier that they were driving and not flying (which some posters missed)

And yes doctors do not have to put how far along she is on the release.

Alot of people have experienced complications with their own pregnancy and they have evey right to voice their opinion. And I do feel for them.

But it is like you stated, ultimatly their own decision to make. She will probably be just fine.

Aren't you glad you posted this:p Guess you did not expect to stir up all this controversy.:) Good Luck!

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Just glad I made the choice I did to stick close to home 21 years ago. Now I can take my kid on the cruise WITH me, because he had such great medical care and did make it, I watched him last year as he pointed out to his dad how cool it was to see a vaulted brick ceiling in a Flemish church (and that isn't even his major in college). Can't wait to see his reaction to southern Europe in a few weeks. Erring on the side of caution? Maybe...but like I stated earlier NEITHER of us would have made it if at sea and everything was "normal" until the moment that everything started to happen.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I guess I was just wondering how this all turned out?? Any update available?[/quote


I am presuming they are on their cruise as my boss hasn't been at work this week!:D I can't wait until he gets back and I find out the details. I sure hope they are having a great cruise. He promised me he would have a drink of the day everyday and his wife promised she would read a good book and get lots of sleep. Hopefully their son is enjoying Camp Carnival.

This is a family reunion cruise. I would never in a million years take a vacation with my extended family-been there and regretted it-so I hope all is going well.

Thanks for asking. How do I find this thread when I am ready to update it? Sorry, I not very computer savvy.

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How do I find this thread when I am ready to update it? Sorry, I not very computer savvy.


You can click on your name and select see all posts by this member, or do a search for Titles only with boss and question, or simply keep scrolling down the pages until you find it again.


Hope they are having a good and safe cruise!

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You can click on your name and select see all posts by this member, or do a search for Titles only with boss and question, or simply keep scrolling down the pages until you find it again.


Hope they are having a good and safe cruise!


Thanks for the tip and well wishes, I promise to update as soon as possible. :) Maybe my boss will be in a better mood when he returns.

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I guess I was just wondering how this all turned out?? Any update available?[/quote


I am presuming they are on their cruise as my boss hasn't been at work this week!:D I can't wait until he gets back and I find out the details. I sure hope they are having a great cruise. He promised me he would have a drink of the day everyday and his wife promised she would read a good book and get lots of sleep. Hopefully their son is enjoying Camp Carnival.

This is a family reunion cruise. I would never in a million years take a vacation with my extended family-been there and regretted it-so I hope all is going well.


Glad to hear they at least got on the ship! I was worried they would drive all the way there and then get turned down and not able to board!


Let us know the details when you're able. I'm sure they are having a great time.....even if it is a family reunion :rolleyes:

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I just spoke to my boss about the cruise. He and his wife and son, along with other family members, had a great time. Mr. Boss wants to cruise again soon with just his wife. Their son did not want to be left at Camp Carnival so they did not have any time alone to relax.

According to my boss, his wife presented the doctor's note to the front desk. There were no questions asked and everything went fine.

As I have mentioned before, this was his first cruise and he had a great time. I am so happy they enjoyed their cruise.

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