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I forgot. We have one of those sheltered balconies - so, he can stand out there and puff. After all, its the Caribbean so it won't be like I'm forcing someone to stand outside in December in Canada! Well, that'll last for an hour and back to smoking in the cabin....... With me sipping my champagne forgetting he's supposed to be out on the balcony!:rolleyes:


So no one is pure I see. Well, the wicked witch was a lot more fun than Glinda despite the tragic ending.:D What are the chances of a flying house landing in the Atlantic?


I think the Labour Day cruise people should just stay onboard and sail right into our December 2 cruise. I think Penny would vote for that.


Trivia? Did someone utter that word? Goodie! Another vice of mine. I might not know the answer but I can make things up pretty well! I see me hanging around the Golden Lion.

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I forgot. We have one of those sheltered balconies - so, he can stand out there and puff. After all, its the Caribbean so it won't be like I'm forcing someone to stand outside in December in Canada! Well, that'll last for an hour and back to smoking in the cabin....... With me sipping my champagne forgetting he's supposed to be out on the balcony!:rolleyes:


So no one is pure I see. Well, the wicked witch was a lot more fun than Glinda despite the tragic ending.:D What are the chances of a flying house landing in the Atlantic?


I think the Labour Day cruise people should just stay onboard and sail right into our December 2 cruise. I think Penny would vote for that.


Trivia? Did someone utter that word? Goodie! Another vice of mine. I might not know the answer but I can make things up pretty well! I see me hanging around the Golden Lion.


House landing on you in the Atlantic? Well, Considering I just spent the last hour or two catching up on the pictures of the flooding in the Southern Tier of New York (Binghamton, Endwell, Broom County) Which is where I spent my elementary school years. (after being born in Tennessee- moved to Florida when I was 11- Daddy worked on the Apollo Space Program) Well, there was one house which was swept off it's foundation, and just floated down the street. The only thing that kept it from going into the Sesquahanna River was a tree stopped it. Pretty devastating. I just kept remembering driving around devastated neighborhoods in Key West after Wilma last year- All of people's worldly goods out by he street. Perfectly fine looking TVs, cars, and what-have-you, but you knew they had been under 6 feet of water. UPS and FedEx lost every one of their trucks. And dry things out? The laundramats lost their appliances, too! And of course New Orleans... Don't get me started.


So why do you two make me think of the Odd Couple- Felix and Oscar

And BTW, As you walk into the Golden Lion, go straight ahead to that lovely table by the window. That is the smoking section. I think it will be missing an ashtray, though. Don't ask me why! <G>



who should go to bed

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I'm surprised about the cigars. most ships (including other Cunard ships I have been on) allow pipes and cigars only in certain bars.


Of course - we're talking QM2 here - I was thinking QE2! On the QE2 pipes are OK in GL, CR and Crystal Bar. On QM2 it's just Churchills.

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So why do you two make me think of the Odd Couple- Felix and Oscar

And BTW, As you walk into the Golden Lion, go straight ahead to that lovely table by the window. That is the smoking section. I think it will be missing an ashtray, though. Don't ask me why! <G>



The Odd Couple? Augggh! Karie, no need to get insulting. LOL!:D Then again I am an accountant and he is in real estate. Hmmm. You may be onto something. Strangely, as different as we are there are a lot of scarey similarities in our likes and personalities. After 17 years we must be doing something right. Or wrong! I've never made the tabloids.;)


Isn't it always that way with pubs and restaurants. Everytime we are in some smoking section you can never find an ashtray and have to ask for one. Its a conspiracy I tell you!


Yeah I heard about the flooding. My mother was to leave last weekend for her annual vacation down to Virginia but they postponed it because of the flooding along the way down. Sad whats happening to those affected. The weather has been just one cycle of storms after the other up here in Toronto but none of the storms seem to last too long so things are still relatively dry. I think we're getting the tail end of the system south of us.


A cigarette run pnhmark? Interesting. Of course, we don't know much about European cigarettes so can't comment. I know that Canadian beer and cigarettes, while less stronger than the European stuff, is usually stronger than the American versions. Richard always stocks up on a supply of his Canadian cigarettes before he crosses the border to the States. I can't ever recall him buying any American brands on any trups. So Penny, if you sniff something different that's just Richard's ciggies.





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We don't know much about European cigarettes


David - suffice to say they're about CAD$11.00 per packet of 20. At that price would you want to know anymore?


Everytime we are in some smoking section you can never find an ashtray


I think we should blame Karrie:mad: It's her fault:D Let's gang up on her:D (she might even buy us a free cruise)!

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David - suffice to say they're about CAD$11.00 per packet of 20. At that price would you want to know anymore?

I think we should blame Karrie:mad: It's her fault:D Let's gang up on her:D (she might even buy us a free cruise)!


YIKES...at that price I might just have to quit!! In South Carolina a carton of 10 packs is about US $33.00!!

I'm in...blame Karie...shame on Karie...no more ashtray moving or smoking seat theft!;)

Cheers, Penny

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YIKES...at that price I might just have to quit!! In South Carolina a carton of 10 packs is about US $33.00!!

I'm in...blame Karie...shame on Karie...no more ashtray moving or smoking seat theft!;)

Cheers, Penny


Penny - I'm talking Canadian Dollars there. It's about USD 10.


(I hadn't realised that Canadian and US dollars were almost in parity)

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Yes you can smoke in the Golden Lion Pub, but they have changed the arrangement to only 5 tables and at the Bar - the comfortable seats are for non smokers. You can smoke in the Chart Room. The best smoking area is the G32 nightclub.:D


We are going on the QM2 later this year- could you smoke while sitting in the bar in the Golden Lion Pub? Could you smoke in the bar on the floor above the pub? I think it was the Chart Room- You couldl smoke in both when we on the Inaugral Caribbean in 2004 Thanks
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I'd be willing to bet G32 makes its own smoke! and if it's really HOT! HOT! HOT! The bodies rubbing together can create enough friction to... Never miind!


I quite smoking when butts were about $11 bucks a carton (USD) That would have been equal to around $!4 canadian at the time. Eurpean cigs are MUCH stronger- Even of the same brand- than US. And US puts so many weird additives in (most worse for you than the tobacco!)

BTW, CT is famous for shade grown tobacco. We grow some of the fiinest tobacco in the world for wrapping cigars. Most kids who grew up here picked tobacco as kids, and you find tobacco fields with cheesecloth strung over them everywhere. You can always tell a tobacco drying barn as every other vertical panel can be propped open at the bottom to air out the tobacco.


As for ash trays getting moved around. I wouldn't know anything about that. I suggest you ask Maria.! What would *I* need with an ashtray? After all, I don't smoke! <G>


Blame me? Why not! Everyone else does! As I told someone I called (on his day off at 9:30 AM where he was- 12:30 where I am) Go ahead and call me what you want. People have called me worse! Poor. guy- Was supposed to be in a pool tourney today But NO! I had to go and call him in to work! If you knew the kind of day I have had... Go ahead heap it on! What's one more insult! <LOL>

(BTW I was on a conference bridge working on a problem for about 6 or 8 hours. When my eyeballs were floating I muted my phone and ran! Now mind you, I got emails on my Blackberry yesterday and did not call in. I figured, since they no longer think they need me, the hell with them! Of course I had started troubleshooting this problem Friday night. Well, the brilliant minds trying to go it alone, haven't fixed it! So I spent all day on the phone, figuring out what everone else did that did not work!)


I'm so glad they don't need me! I'd be there 24.7 f they actually needed me, as compared to the 11 hours days with no lunch I AM doing!



who is in a p!$$y mood tonight!

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OK Karie you outed me!

Yes it was I who took the ashtray.:o On the last day of our 12 day cruise. It was a big ashtray, but it fit into my purse, so I figured it was kismet.


Since you are having a rough time, I will not jump on the bandwagon and will take full responsibilty for my actions.


However folks, I can't afford to pay for your cruises, because my cigarettes cost $26 a carton (USD) from the Indian reservation and you have to order 4 cartons at a time. :eek:


Maria - who hopes Karie is satified with my confession.:p

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Yikes! Richard shuddered at the prices of European cigarettes! I forgot what he told me what he pays here and since I don't smoke myself it was useless trivia than went in one ear and out the other. he he he! Needless to say I think Richard is going to bring on the plane a big box load of Canadian cigarettes when we go to the UK next year. I read the rules - we can bring in 200 cigarettes when we visit. That should last him.


Yeah Penny and pnhmark! The Canadian dollar has strengthened tremendously the last year or so. In 2003 we were paying 1.36 for each $US but this year its gone down to about 1.12. Its working in my favour as this year's QM2 trip is much easier on my wallet than my west coast trip in 2003. Now if only we can reach the British pound for next year! Fat chance on that one.


Sorry Karie had a rough day but I certainly can relate. I am off on vacation this week but she just perfectly described my regular working day. I manage a department with 5 people under me who cannot make a decision without me telling them what to do despite my efforts to make them self-sufficient. Add to that 10 bosses who think you are the only one in the office capable to do every job in the office. Then the clients. Ohhh, the clients! I wonder how many desparate souls are calling me this week in total shock that I am not there to save them. The problem is that my clients, staff and bosses just sit there and wait for me to return and take care of everything then. Back to long hours and weekends when I return next week.Grrrrrrrr. Better not talk about work anymore.


As a non-smoker Maria I thank you for the ashtray disappearance. However, if Richard drags it out of me I'll have to give you up! LOL! Sorry but I don't do well under torture.



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Pnmrk - wow - 20,000 cigarettes. that equals about 100 cartons of 10 packs of 20 cigarettes in a pack right? How do you keep them fresh?:confused:


David - I saved several of the Trivia question and answer sheets. I am not above offering a bribe to keep my name quiet re a certain ashtray incident.;)


Maria - who is going to shine her bald head now (cheap play for sympathy):p

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Pnmrk - wow - 20,000 cigarettes. that equals about 100 cartons of 10 packs of 20 cigarettes in a pack right? How do you keep them fresh?:confused:


Quiet right - when you can buy them for well under half the UK price you have to buy a lot. I didn't do anything to make them last other than keep them on the bedroom floor, wrapped in their cellophane, until needed. They lasted well over a year without going off.


Maria - who is going to shine her bald head now (cheap play for sympathy):p


Who cares about cheap sympathy:confused: <G> when there are cheap fags to be had?

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I also found more non-smokers sitting at the smoking section of the Golden Lion Pub when there were tables abailable in non-smoking. Of course, we just bellied up to the bar, which was crowded, and created a huge cloud of smoke with 6 smokers to an ashtray to compensate. :rolleyes: (Not sure what the non-smokers really achieved there). I can understand if there are no other tables available, but to purposely take up the smoking section to try and somehow manipulate the "rules", I find rather arrogant. As another poster stated, the reverse just would not happen. The Chart Room and the Commadore Club I found less non-smokers sitting in the smoking areas, albiet, in the Commadore Club the non-smokers have the better seats for entertainment.


Santa Fe, New Mexico just went non-smoking both indoors and outdoors. Then the "Old West" went even further and added that you may not light up anywhere within a 35 foot radius of any establishment! For those of you who know Santa Fe, that puts a smoker somewhere in the middle of the road! (Think they're trying to tell us something here...?) There are a few bar/restaurant owners a little peeved that they paid a lot of money for ventilation systems/ glassed off areas, etc. a few years ago to accomadate smokers all for naught.


Patwell, that's amazing they still allow smoking in restaurants. Hubby and I are going to be in Charleston this weekend considering moving there for his work. (And to see if I can stand the heat and humidity) I quite like Santa Fe but am getting a bit tired of 6 people on the city council making extreme decisions for business owners and private citizens without regard to the public's wishes. :mad:


Karie, hang in there...I have an e-mail coming to you.

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pnhmrk.....I'm impressed...seriously impressed!! 20,000 cigarettes at one time? And I thought I was bad stocking up each time we passed through South Carolina on our way to Florida....and I only bought 5 cartons!! This must be some sort of all time record in the annals of smokers!! I tip my hat to you!


Ladymacwilly...have a fantastic time in Charleston. You will love it. It has such charm and just oozes southern hospitality and history. If you have time take a walking tour thru the historic district. I just did one last week with 6 friends from out of state...it was fantastic. The company is Charleston Walks and they are on Broad St just around the corner from Church St. We had enough people so they did a private tour for the 7 of us...great tour guide named Alyssa. And unless you are familiar with the south, I'll warn you that grits are an acquired eating habit!! Lots of great restaurants and so much to do and see. I live an hour+ north of there and it's been warm here but not badly humid. Winters in this area are to die for lovely and spring is incredible! Good luck and enjoy it. Try to see Middleton Plantation if you can...outside of town and beautiful. And you'll LOVE our fantastic 250+ year old oak trees!!!


Maria...stealing ashtrays AND using your bald head for sympathy??? Have you no shame? And here I was blaming Karie...OK, that was fun blaming her for something...but you are inexcusable. Where would I have put my cigarette out??? In your purse??? Cheers, Penny

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I also found more non-smokers sitting at the smoking section of the Golden Lion Pub when there were tables abailable in non-smoking. Of course, we just bellied up to the bar, which was crowded, and created a huge cloud of smoke with 6 smokers to an ashtray to compensate. :rolleyes: (Not sure what the non-smokers really achieved there). I can understand if there are no other tables available, but to purposely take up the smoking section to try and somehow manipulate the "rules", I find rather arrogant. As another poster stated, the reverse just would not happen. The Chart Room and the Commadore Club I found less non-smokers sitting in the smoking areas, albiet, in the Commadore Club the non-smokers have the better seats for entertainment.


Santa Fe, New Mexico just went non-smoking both indoors and outdoors. Then the "Old West" went even further and added that you may not light up anywhere within a 35 foot radius of any establishment! For those of you who know Santa Fe, that puts a smoker somewhere in the middle of the road! (Think they're trying to tell us something here...?) There are a few bar/restaurant owners a little peeved that they paid a lot of money for ventilation systems/ glassed off areas, etc. a few years ago to accomadate smokers all for naught.


Patwell, that's amazing they still allow smoking in restaurants. Hubby and I are going to be in Charleston this weekend considering moving there for his work. (And to see if I can stand the heat and humidity) I quite like Santa Fe but am getting a bit tired of 6 people on the city council making extreme decisions for business owners and private citizens without regard to the public's wishes. :mad:


Karie, hang in there...I have an e-mail coming to you.



Now I am REALLY ticked. I had written a nice reply to all, and poof! The boardsaid I wasn't logged in. The second time! And "disappeared" my post!



Well, here we go.

Maria, I wasn't going to tell. For all they know, you just moved it! I didn't say WHERE~ And incidentally, I have some lovely recycled cardboard coasters! <LOL> Go with any decor. And Fishfin (or whatever the fin you are today!) It was a STELLA ARTOIS ashtray!


Now, I have to admit, I did indeed make a beeline for that smoking table (not realizing it was a smoking table) When you are late to trivia, I would hang from the chandelier.. .over a barbecue pit (if it had either!) And Lady, (and Penny)You are starting to sound like me! I think you are being a bit paranoid in thinking that people are doing that just to do you out of a seat! (Just because you are paranoid doesn't meaant they AREN'T out to get you! <G>) Up here, the restaurants used to ask, "Smoking, non-smoking, or whatever comes up first" when there was a wait. Truly, as you walk in the Golden Lion, the most beautiful table, brightest, next to the window, straight ahead is a smoking table (Again, I did not realize it at first.)


Well, I suppose I will have to take up smoking again, and you will just have to put up with my hacking and coughing and passing out (I still remember my first time inhaling, sneaking a smoke, sitting on the edge of the tub. Got dizzy and almsot fell in!<LOL> Serves me right!)


And Lady, Get outta Dodge! I am a liberal, an environmentlist and a non-smoker, but that is just too weird! 35 feet? I could understand saying no congregating so people have to make the run through the smoke screen at the door! But 35 feet? That is ridiculous!



who doesn't know if y'all want to be around her decrepit lungs if I have to smoke to sit with Maria- Or We could yell across the room, HEY! DO YOU LIKE ***** FOR THE ANSWER TO NUMBER THREE? (Do you know sign language, Maria? <G>)

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LOL! You have been totally excused Karie as you mentioned, there were NO other tables available in your case. That I completely understand, (especially for trivia!!!) The point was, those who purposely take up tables to "manipulate" what the pub intended. (Even with VERY limited availability) Just does not seem all that fair to us who choose to do ourseleves in... ;) (BTW, I LOVE trivia and never had a chance to sit in as all the non-smokers were everywhere...maybe it's a "competitive" thing...) LOL :D


(*lights up a cig and contemplates*) Darn...what would Mark Twain or Churchill think...:rolleyes:

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pnhmrk.....I'm impressed...seriously impressed!! 20,000 cigarettes at one time? And I thought I was bad stocking up each time we passed through South Carolina on our way to Florida....and I only bought 5 cartons!! This must be some sort of all time record in the annals of smokers!! I tip my hat to you!


Penny - Just think how big the saving is. And, when you have to go abroad to make that saving.... The trip from the UK to Belgium is quite pleasant although it is quite time consuming - it's about 1 hour from us to the boat by car and then a 16 hour crossing. The crossing is overnight, you can get quite a good meal (think Lido rather than QG), you have a day in Belgium before making the next overnight crossing home. It was an enjoyable weekend until they stopped smoking in cabins.

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Now I am REALLY ticked. I had written a nice reply to all, and poof! The board said I wasn't logged in. The second time! And "disappeared" my post!



Karrie - It's just done it again to me as well. Not only will it not accept the post, but when you try to log into the board again it comes up as "site could not be found".


I've found that you can normally tell when it's going to go wrong, it takes longer than normal to respond and you just have time to copy what you've written. If you left click in the message area, type control and A to select all your text and then control and C to copy it to your clip board. If you can log back in straight away then you can paste it back into a new message or, if you can't log in straight away, you can paste it into a word document and save that for use later by copying it from there back onto the CC site.

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pnhmrk....that's just what I've been doing since I've had a lot of posts go to that cyber-graveyard in never-neverland. What's with that lately? I watch the progress of the post and when it's slow I immediately just hit the copy command on my MAC and then if I need to it's there to paste into a new reply. It's a bummer when you've written something amusing, lose it and then can't remember what it was!


Certainly not nice of them to spoil your cigarette "crossing" by making cabins smokefree....kind of takes the fun away altho if you go to sleep very fast maybe you won't notice. Makes my 3 mile drive to the grocery store for cigarettes seem pretty dull! Cheers, Penny

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