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Cruising with an almost 1-year old


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We'll be on the EOS to Bermuda in late Oct. This will be our 2nd time cruising on RCI but the first time with our 11-month old (to be) boy. Our first time cruising I was pregnant with him when we sailed the MOS to the Bahamas! Anyway, I'm trying to find out if others have travelled with babies (not toddler age) and the logistics of it all. I'll bring the stroller, obviously, but what about the car seat for excursion transfers, etc. I'm sure it's been done before, but I'm just trying to figure out what others in my situation have done. Do they allow stollers in the theaters for the evening shows? (He can easily sleep in his stroller but I promise I'll leave if he starts crying…)


Please share your stories... Thanks!

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You may want to also look at the "Family Cruising" Forum under the Special Interest section - that's where the most info is on traveling with toddlers and babies. We'll be taking our 2 yr old GS with us this year, so I'm like you, trying to get as much info as possible. I've learned alot on the Family Forum! Good luck with your research and have fun!

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My sister brought her 9 month old daughter on our last cruise. It was really not as much trouble as we expected. The cruise line (not RCI) provided a pack and play for her to sleep in (my sister brought her own crib sheet). No baby food/formula was available, so she brought her own, as well as a case of bottled water to mix with the powdered formula. No problems using the stroller. The maitre-d in the dining room sat us at a table that was next to the windows, so it was convenient to "park" the stroller next to the table without it getting in anyone's way. In the theatre, we removed the baby from the stroller (collapsed and placed it well out of the way, as directed by the crew) and one of us held her during the show.


They did not go on excursions - just stayed on the ship on port days or walked off with the stroller to the nearby shopping zones, etc.


(Don't listen to those who say to leave the baby home with a grandparent. It was a very rewarding and memorable experience for all of us to be able to travel together with the baby.)

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we just got off the fos and the people who brought babies looked miserble. i just don't think they're set up for babies. have you considered cruising on the disney cruise? we did that with our kids and they have everything for babies and kids. i was very impressed. the rooms alone on the dcl were large and set up for kids. i'm not trying to burst you bubble however i would really get all the facts up front before you spend a lot of money and find yourself very disappointed.

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If you are bringing a stroller, PLEASE make sure it is the folding umbrella type. Full sized strollers are too wide to push through the narrow passageways, especially with the laundry carts which are always there being used by the cabin attendants. They are also too large for the elevators.


The last thing you would want is for your fellow travelmates to be tripping over a stroller in a narrow passageway, in the Windjammer, in a restaurant or in an elevator.


The car seats don't usually fit into the small cars and vans used for excursions. You will most probably have to hold the child on your lap or sit him in a regular seat.

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We have been travelling with our 4 year old every 6 months since she was born. One word of advice is you may want to arrange private tours with a cab so that you can return back on your time incase the little one has a melt down. So much time is wasted on other passengers when you go on organized excursions. (Also the car seat will fit in the cab ) We never had to do that but it was a little piece of mind knowing we could return if needed

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My son/his wife and their 10 month old cruise with us our first cruise. It was on the Nordic Empress and we had a wonderful time.


We later cruised with them again on the Explorer.


It was easy for everyone because we were along to babysit.


RCCL provides a pack n' play for the baby to sleep in.. in their room and ours. They brought their own stroller (a regular one) and folded it up in the room when we weren't using it. Grandpa and I had a wonderful time strolling around the decks pushing her while she slept. One of my nicest memories. Ocean, moon, grandpa and the little one peacefully sleeping. That wouldn't be easy with her in one of those umbrella strollers. They need to keep the aisles clear enough for wheel chairs so a regular stroller shouldn't be a problem. Ours never was on either cruise.


On that first cruise my poor son carried the big huge car seat in a pack on his back. He looked liked an over burdened pack mule. They never used the car seat. We just held her and prayed when we were in a taxi. The taxi drivers in San Juan refused to allow us to fool with it.


When we went to most of the ports we stayed on the boat with the baby and the parents went exploring. We cruise for the boat anyway so it was not a sacrifice. We love the deck chairs and a good book and walking the baby around the decks.


The crews were wonderful at meals giving us things she would eat and they made a real fuss over her. They were all missing their own babies at home. We had an absolutely wonderful time, we were never miserable. I don't think if our kids had gone without us they would have been miserable either. Why people think taking care of a baby is somehow miserable work is beyond me.


Look at it this way. You are going to be in a wonderful place, with beautiful scenery and with attentive people making all your meals and cleaning up after you, making your bed, putting out fresh towels and bring you snacks and drinks. If someone did that for you at home you would think you died and gone to heaven. So even if you never get off the boat that sounds like a really good vacation to me. Nothing to do but chill out and enjoy your little one. Shoot, they'll even do your laundry for you.


You'll have a wonderful time if you don't push it. Some things you are going to have to just not do because it wouldn't be fair to the baby and could cause him stress. So before you drag the little one on an excursion that won't end up being fun for either of just you imagine having just about the entire boat to yourself with all those lovely people waiting on you.


Those countries will probably still be there when he is older and can enjoy seeing them with you and it will give you something to look forward to the next time around.


Sigh, now my son and his wife have THREE little ones five years and under so cruising is no longer affordable. I sure do miss doing it with them. But at least I do have those wonderful memories.

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We'll be on the EOS to Bermuda in late Oct. This will be our 2nd time cruising on RCI but the first time with our 11-month old (to be) boy. Our first time cruising I was pregnant with him when we sailed the MOS to the Bahamas! Anyway, I'm trying to find out if others have travelled with babies (not toddler age) and the logistics of it all. I'll bring the stroller, obviously, but what about the car seat for excursion transfers, etc. I'm sure it's been done before, but I'm just trying to figure out what others in my situation have done. Do they allow stollers in the theaters for the evening shows? (He can easily sleep in his stroller but I promise I'll leave if he starts crying…)


Please share your stories... Thanks!


wow, we are also cruising this Sept with our son who will be 11 months going on 1 year old. It will be his first time and my daughter's 2nd time. She cruised with us when 2 yo....


i am not bringing a car seat. i used the stoller for my daughter the whole time (in theater, excursions). it is allowed. and like you if my child would have gotten out of control or cried i would have left. Luckily my daugther was GREAT and my son right now is pretty good himself.


will your son be drinking formula? what kind of foods is he on now or will be in a few months? those are my only isues with my child. He iwll be on formula still and his food will be finely chopped...

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We sailed with my 13 month old DD, and we had 2 other family members along with us to help out with her.


We had booked a RFS so we had plenty of space for her to play in, and could tuck her into the pack and play in the master bedroom for naps while and someone could watch tv or hang on the balcony while she slept.


They didn't have the aqua tots program then, but knowing it is only 45 minutes a day for each age group doesn't seem long enough to me.


She did good with the dining room, and we did bring both her car seat (for the flights down and back) and an umbrella stoller.


I think my DH summed it up best when he said "it was more of a change of scenary than a vacation."


Just MHO- I'm looking forward to her second cruise this fall when she will be 3 and eligible to attend Adventure Ocean. We'll still have some family time at the pool (yes she's out of diapers) and exploring ports together, but it will be nice to have some down time to ourselves, too, while she's making friends at AO.



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We didn't use an umbrella stroller either - we used the type of stroller with the car seat/carrier that snaps onto it. As another poster said, the aisles, theatres, etc, accomodate wheelchairs, so there's room for strollers too.


No one in our party was miserable traveling with an infant, and no one else around us was bothered either - quite the contrary - everyone fussed over her.

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...i think the people that make these comments are people without children, older people that have the old way of thinking, or parents of children that never took them out or tried once and rather vacation without them... to each their own.. but there is a minority that LOVES it.... please stop with those comments its rude.


I don't usually chime in on these types of threads, but wanted to comment on the above opinion. Although you may be right, I think the people that make these comments may ALSO be cruisers who have experienced a nearbye infant/toddler who was out of their comfort zone and expressing their displeasure for EVERYONE to know! And mom and dad (or Gmom and Gpop) think it's just sooo cute that they are fussing :confused:


For every caretaker, there is a different way to handle a situation. Not all ways are gonna get a thumbs up from those having to deal with the results, if you know what I mean.


I personally am not opposed to the infant/toddler being brought on the family vacation. As long an they do not go in (therefor do not go potty in) the pool/hottub, and do not scream throughout the theater productions and dinner... I would disapprove of this behavior no matter what their age ;) And from personal experience as the mother of 2... one with developmental special needs... if you've got the support of your family, it can be wonderful! Otherwise... there can be misery when one feels they are doing all the "dealing with" while the other seemingly is enjoying their vacation.


So back to the OP (Please I hope you took no offense in what I said... none was intended) Hopefully you will have a balcony cabin to enjoy the ocean while your little one is napping. I would definitely have a car seat for the flight as well as taxi rides, but would do as another poster suggested and enjoy the empty ship when in port. DH & I do that when we DON'T bring our kids! ;) I hope the memories you make are all wonderful ones!



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Just to warn you naysayers out there!


DH and I WILL be cruising next April with our 6 month old and I WILL be breastfeeding, at my lesiure.


Yes, I will throw a blanket over my nursing baby to shield gawkers and young children and yes we will bring a compact stroller to manuver the ship with as much courtesy as possible to our fellow passengers.


We will also do our best to respect everyone's vacation space, and would expect that fellow cruisers extend us that same respect in the fact that we have chosen to vacation with baby!


Now, to OP - consider getting a JS - that way you get a tub to bathe baby.

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Actually one of the easiest holidays I had was when my son was about 11 months old, he wasn't quite walking (he never did crawl) and he would spend hours just sat on a sunbed (in the shade obviously) just playing.


I think the hardest was the year later, when he wanted to walk absolutely everywhere and refused to turn around!! I guess though that would be fine onboard a ship.


I have taken my son on foreign holidays since he was 4 months old. I can categorically say he has never been a nusiance or annoyed anyone else. He is now 14 and behaves impeccabily in any surrounding, whether it be a cruise or a fancy restaurant. I do believe that this is from exposing him to 'proper' behaviour from a young age.

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OK, after having read these posts, I'm starting to feel extremely guilty for not bringing Baby Alyssa with me on my short weekend w/hubby on SoS next month. *sigh*


Hubby recognizes that I need a short vacation away from Alyssa even though I'm going back to work next week. Grandma and Grandpa are looking forward to a nice long weekend with her, but I'm wishing now that we were bringing her with us.


She's already "been" on a cruise - back in December when I was pregnant with her. :rolleyes:


I guess that I'll just have to spoil her with gifts. :p



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OK, after having read these posts, I'm starting to feel extremely guilty for not bringing Baby Alyssa with me on my short weekend w/hubby on SoS next month. *sigh*


Hubby recognizes that I need a short vacation away from Alyssa even though I'm going back to work next week. Grandma and Grandpa are looking forward to a nice long weekend with her, but I'm wishing now that we were bringing her with us.


She's already "been" on a cruise - back in December when I was pregnant with her. :rolleyes:


I guess that I'll just have to spoil her with gifts. :p




Dont you dare feel guilty!!!

DH and I have 3 cruises planned - 2 with baby and one without. You are doing grandparents a service by letting them spend time with baby, and yourself a service by spending some time away from baby and your relationship a HUGE service by spending time with DH!

Do remember that you absolutely need to nurture your marrage - and this benefits baby greatly!

Dont you dare feel guilty!!!

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(Don't listen to those who say to leave the baby home with a grandparent. It was a very rewarding and memorable experience for all of us to be able to travel together with the baby.)


We leave the kids with the grandparents. I've been a stay-at-home mom since I was 25 years old (I'm 28 now), and frankly need the break once in a while!


To answer the posters questions:


Stroller - not an issue in the dining room. IS an issue in the theater, because it would hamper an evacuation. They won't let you sit a stroller next to your seat in the theater, but will make those arrangements for you in the dining room. As another poster said, they'll make sure you're next to a window so the stroller isn't in an aisle. Although the large strollers take-up extra room in the hallways, I saw several in the elevators and it never seemed like they had a problem maneuvering/fitting. Also, he's going to be a much different child at the end of October compared to now - it's amazing how quickly they grow! Because he can sleep through anything now, don't plan on that still being the case when he's almost a year old. Some kids can, some can't.


Carseat - agree with the other posters. The only reason I would bring it is if you are using it on the airplane. (Which you might want to check - I believe some require a seat for everyone now - even babies.)


I'm sure you'll have fun. Good luck to you!

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Just to warn you naysayers out there!


DH and I WILL be cruising next April with our 6 month old and I WILL be breastfeeding, at my lesiure.


Yes, I will throw a blanket over my nursing baby to shield gawkers and young children and yes we will bring a compact stroller to manuver the ship with as much courtesy as possible to our fellow passengers.


We will also do our best to respect everyone's vacation space, and would expect that fellow cruisers extend us that same respect in the fact that we have chosen to vacation with baby!


Now, to OP - consider getting a JS - that way you get a tub to bathe baby.



bravo, enjoy the time with baby. i hope you will not run into any issues. people feel (maybe old school way of thinking), that you cannot do anything with children and just stay home. however i find that the sooner you start, the more they will adjust to it. Although I have never taken my 6 month old child on vacation, we have taken our than 10 month old to maine for a week and numerous other vacation since than (including two cruises) and she is now 5. we are taking our son on his first vacation at 11 months (a month in florida (he is now 10 months) and his first cruise two days after his 1st birthday.

yes maybe someone has experienced a bad child. I did when my son was 4 months old. I was dining in a casual restaurant with him and my 4 year old daughter having a lovely dinner. there was an 11 month old SCREAMING during our entire dinner. the parents were having a drink and could care less.

so I understand people's issues. HOWEVER, whenever I have taken out our children, we have been told many times how great they were, and people would fuss over them.

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OK, after having read these posts, I'm starting to feel extremely guilty for not bringing Baby Alyssa with me on my short weekend w/hubby on SoS next month. *sigh*


Hubby recognizes that I need a short vacation away from Alyssa even though I'm going back to work next week. Grandma and Grandpa are looking forward to a nice long weekend with her, but I'm wishing now that we were bringing her with us.


She's already "been" on a cruise - back in December when I was pregnant with her. :rolleyes:


I guess that I'll just have to spoil her with gifts. :p





OMG don't feel guilty hun! when my daughter just turned one, we left her with her grandparents in Florida and we took a couples only cruise on the SOS. IT was the BEST THING! I recharged completely. IN fact this cruise currently that we are going on was going to be a cuoples cruise only and all my inlaws wanted to join us (see my signature) and so we added our children. now we are planning a couple's only cruise this spring. We do a little of both (vacationing with and without children). Please do NOT feel guilty. ENJOY IT! i know I did.

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It has been my experience that the two best things to bring on a trip are the car seat and the stroller.

The car seat is a pain to lug around but it is a a godsend on the plane. I personally feel it is much safer than being on your lap. Also, the baby is used to the car seat and just seems to know what the drill is when in the car seat. They ususlly fall asleep and automatically know there's no getting out until the ride (flight) is over. It also is more relaxing for you on the flight. You know your child so you are the best decision maker in this regard. Our one flight without the car seat was a nightmare. All our baby wanted to do was get down from our laps and crawl or stand. Of course, we couldn't do that and so the flight was miserable for us and our fellow passengers. To this day I am grateful for the people who sat around us as they were very understanding and tolerant. That's where we learnt our lesson re the car seat on a plane.

The stroller is also your best friend. We found it helpful to feed the baby at regular times and then go to dinner. The baby was fed, happy, and interested in the surroundings. We usually travelled with other people who liked to eat later. Our chld was fed, in his jammies, and usually fell asleep while we had dinner. We always asked to be placed in an area where the stroller would not be a problem.

I, also, found it easier to keep our chld on his regular schedule as much as possible. That meant going to the cabin or hotel room at naptime. I didn't mind as it meant a happier baby. It helps if you and your husband take turns doing this.

As a previous poster said. If a child is exposed to travelling early they learn how to behave on planes, in restaurants, on boats, buses, taxis, hotels, etc. It's a great family time. I only know we have enjoyed every vacation no matter what the age. You will learn to adjust to each age as they grow older and what that age can tolerate as far as activity, rest, entertainment.

I would bring your own baby food, formula. Most of the ports have supermarkets if you run out but we took one trip where the pickings were slim. I also think the kitchen might puree table food for you. Not really sure but I bet another poster would know.

Don't forget your baby's favorite blankie, animal. It is very comforting to them when in different surroundings.

You can gate check your stroller at the jetway as you board the plane. It will be waiting for you in the jetway when you get off the plane.

They take the stroller right before you board the plane.

Have a great trip. Hope this was helpful.

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