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Miracle Review 6/26-7/3

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Sorry you did not enjoy the ship. I will know for myself 9/5, so I hope I won't be as disappointed as you were. We are cruising out of Baltimre, so we will be driving to the pier. I have been on the Spirit, and enjoyed the layout, so I will probably like this sailing also. The fact that school will be in will mean not as many kids also. We are looking forward to it. Thanks for reminding me about that jacuzzi behind the gym area. It was a good size on the Spirit.

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we were in 4212 and 4214, category 8A's on Main deck aft. A nice feature of this ship was that the divider between the balconies was able to be opened, to connect the two cabins. (We had to inquire at the purser's desk immediately upon boarding, and mainentance took care of it the second day) The divider opened outward and was secured to the railing, so approx 1/3 of the view from one cabin was blocked, but this also provided a nice shady spot when the direct sun became too strong. We couldn't get the bungee cords to hold the doors open...maybe if we could have allowed some fresh air in, it would have helped.


I should also mention that the cooling system was very effective in controlling cabin temperature, especially at night. We were very comfortable temperature-wise, even on the hottest of days.



Yes...don't miss the jacuzzi behind the spa. It was a wonderfully private and relaxing find.


I have to think that sailing when school is in session has to make a big difference. Even if all the cabins are sold-out, they won't be filled to capacity, with 3rd and 4th people in each one.

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thank you halos & robby.


Nina - these message boards (plural) refers to all the boards on this site, and even those on other sites. The gripes board, and the one of another cruise line, are particularly harsh on Carnival's clientele, and that unfair judgment has been joked/commented about on this board often.

Thank you so much for setting me straight! I've only been on Cruise Critic since the mid-90's so I guess it's understandable that I don't know what the "gripes board" and that of the nameless cruise line are.
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The Spirit class (Miracle, Pride, Legend) are our very favorite! We like it a lot better than the Glory- Conquest class.

Sorry you didnt like it- to each his own I guess.

Summer is a very crowded time, we go in the fall or winter mostly, but even then, the ships are full.

The only place it was really smokey was in the Piano bar- but, hey, it's a BAR.

We are going on the Miracle again in Feb and can't wait!

In the dining room, we had a table for 2 and had plenty of room and a great wait staff too.

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Valentina...I had a question as well.

I remembered early today that when we docked in Freeport, I awoke that morning thinking that I reeked of smoke because we had been in the casino for about an hour the night before. I was literally gagging and I couldn't find the source of the smoky smell...thinking my cabin was full of it.

Here, it was FREEPORT!!!

It stunk really bad when we got there. The port seems to be a big industry area. I was thrilled to realize (after my DH pointed it out to me) because I knew that I couldn't bear that odor more than one day...so I knew it would be gone as soon as we left port.

I actually wasn't bothered by it the rest of that day anyway, as I was not in my cabin again until late that night and by then, we had left the island.

So, my question is, was that smoke smell in your cabin the whole week...or thinking back was it just that Freeport stop that you smelled it??????


Just curious.


Also, we made out fine with the bungee cords...sorry you had difficluties.


Nina....jeeze. I thought you misunderstood the OP and I don't understand why you would jump down her throat! Believe me, when folks trash Carnival and it's passengers I am the first to get pissed (when Chris gets back ask him how I jumped on his case when he jokingly referred to "Trailer Trash"....not knowing he was being tongue-in-cheek about 'other' threads comments.) Please re-read Valentina's review. It is very fair and everyone is entitled to their opinion...like I said, if we all loved the same type of cruise, we'd all be on one ship!!

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Halos...unfortuantely it was the whole week.


You are right about Freeport. it's a beautiful island with gorgeous beaches, but the pier is in an industrial area that isn't too attractive to any of the senses and certainly isn't representative of island itself.


Thanks for supporting me. I tried to express myself fairly, without bashing or being rude, with the hope that we all could enlighten each other without anomosity and daggers (or as you called them, jello shots!) :)


Thanks too derf for the reminder of a what defines a critic.

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Sorry that you didn't like all of the Miracle Cruise, but I hope, sometime you will try another one. The ones, I sailed on, were mostly good.

Do you live in the Mastic or Shirley area, I went to school with a Jack Valenti. I now live in Florida and was just wondering if you are the same family.

I am going on the Miracle, in December and am counting the days. I am going with family, so it should be fun. I have already booked the Cave tubing --- I don't remember if you did that.

Hope you are having a great 4th.


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LOL!! :D

You Misunderstand Valentina!!!

Jell-O shots are a good thing!!

It's what we 'dish' out to get people happy again!!!!We once devoted most of a thread to Jell-O shot recipes!!!!

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halos: ahhhh - i get the jello shot reference now - I thought they were used in a combattive way during an argument! LOL


Trudy: I live closer to the city than Mastic-Shirley, and I am not a member of the Valenti family...sorry! :)


RENEEG: I never said it was a terrible cruise, just a disappointing and uncomfortable one b/c the ship wasn't large enough to accomodate the large # of people aboard so it seemed claustrophobicly crowded (we never even used the pool b/c there was no room in it and not enough deck chairs), the staff seemed over-extended so service was spread very thin especially in the dining room, and the lingering odor of smoke bothered us because the smoking areas weren't confined.


here's another example of what I consider to be unacceptable service on a cruise ship: only one of each utensil at the place setting in the dining room. If you forgot to take the fork off the plate when you finished your appetizer or salad, it was cleared off with the plate. Then, when the next course was served, you didn't have a fork to eat it with. So, of course, you ask for another one, but the over-extended waiter is in the middle of serving entrees to his 6 tables and takes a while to bring it to you, and in the meantime, your food is getting cold (and your mouth is watering).


This happened several times. I ended up eating the dessert on more than one occasion off the tip of the butter knife because the only fork I was provided with had been removed during the meal and not replaced and I couldn't wait until 30 desserts were served to the other tables to get another one!


Using the same fork for the appetitizer, salad, meal and cake is way too much cross-contamination!


Also, don't you think it is improper for the waiter to ask us that if we think we might want two entrees (such as two lobster tails, or the beef AND the seafood entrees) to order them upfront rather then after finishing the first one, so he doesn't have to go back down to the galley for it???? I mean, sometimes you don't know you want seconds until later, or maybe you don't know you want seafood dish until you've tried the beef and didn't like it??? And i know he didn't ask us this because he was lazy, but rather because he was over-extended.

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So sorry to hear that your Miracle cruise wasn't up to your standards. Unfortunately that does happen. We're looking forward to a 2-day Miracle cruise this November. We haven't sailed Carnival since 2001 and are looking forward to our return. Best part about our Miracle cruise is that it leaves from our hometown!


Halos, we just sailed the Navigator of the Seas and had a good cruise. The RCL passengers are outstanding overall. The ship was absolutely amazing! The food was excellent - I really mean that. Our wait staff was outstanding. Our steward was very good. I highly recommend one of the voyager class ships. We booked the Mariner for next May - so obviously we liked RCL! :))


We've also sailed Princess and had an excellent cruise! Princess is probably our favorite cruise so far. We'll sail them again in 2006 - God willing.


I appreciate all comments about cruises!

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Now, now Mr. Pete!!! (you are teasing her, right????)

I understand Valentina's disappointment there. I am so sorry that she had a wait satff that was so flustered and overworked...not a good thing.

When I cruised the same ship a week before, there was only a one fork on the table when we sat down, but our wait staff gave us fresh utensils with each course, they even 'placed' the dishes (which had a particular pattern on them) all the same way/direction so the pattern was uniform...for all 8 of us at the table, so the table looked gorgeous the whole night!

This attention to detail truly added class to the dining experience. Our friends who were with us and enjoying their first cruise noticed all these little gestures (I would have never noticed patterns on plates, but they eat out at much nicer restaurants, way more often than I do and noticed everything!!!) and I am SO sad that valentina did not get this same attention...especially this being her first Carnival cruise. Now she is turned off.

After having had the great service I had on the Miracle, I'd be turned off of any line that gave me anything less.

Valentina, I hope you write Carnival with your comments...with the names of your wait staff.


I should add that I really think you should have been more insistent on having clean utensils brought to you. I don't think you'd have had to wait as long as you think (I'd like to think they'd have have made it a priority). I actually can't give sympathy to you for eating your dessert with a butter knife.

The squeaky wheel does get greased....if you sit in silence and stew over your disappointment, you get nowhere. If telling the wait staff didn't work, I'd have gone straight to the maitre'd...that is what he is there for...he's not there just to belt out Sinatra songs!! (although he was VERY good!!) I'd guarantee you'd have never even had to even think about your utensils if you had spoken to him.

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Now, now Mr. Pete!!! (you are teasing her, right????)


But of course!


But if a pattern developed, I would have gone to the guy under the Maitre d' (I forget the title, but he's the one that gives you your ship picture on the old "tip" night). I once had such a bad waiter (again, only once), that the picture guy served me the rest of the week, as he realized the waiter was not "good", (or ready).


You have to wonder if the people who served Valenti were out sick the day they taught utencil placement while they were in Carnival waiter school.


I just hope I don't get these same people come Saturday.

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sweet Halos.....I sail on the Miracle this coming december 5th......i know youll wanna rush out and book the same sailing.....we will then be able to finally meet in person to share our mutual love for cruising :) .....I have sailed 2 of the sister ships.....the pride and legend....so im familiar with what to expect.....but doesnt much matter what carnival ship u sail on....youll find the same annoyances on pretty much all of them...the unhip, tacky passengers...the corny games and lame jokes....the smoke filled promenade...singing waiters that cant keep up with doing their job as it is......i guess its possible that ALL cruiselines may be as bad....but based on majority opinion, im betting that celebrity is a cut above carnival in most areas....ill let u know in jan after i get back from my celebrity cruise........Valentinas complaints are soooo not out of the ordinary, based on my experiences....they are more the norm....props to her for not being afraid to make mention of them here

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Robbie Sweetie,

Valentina is a very smart woman with a lot of style and common sense.

She sailed Carnival once, was very disastisfied and is chosing to not cruise with them again.

You on the other hand loath everything about the line, including it's passegers and yet you keep going back for more.

I don't believe you have ever been on a cruise. I think you are just playing games on this board, which makes you a liar...either that or you are really an idiot for continuing to cruise on Carnival when you hate it so much....

OR a third option might be that you cruise for your job and have no say in where they send you and that is why you end up taking these 'horrid' carnival cruises against your will. Nah...I still think that would be improbable because I still think you are a 9 year old boy, posing as an adult on this board.


PS I noticed that you dropped that 'boy from the hood' lingo.

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How many forks does one use at home to avoid this? :p


To be honest, I don't serve 4 course meals at home, except Christmas or Thanksgiving dinner, and then I do put out a full place setting. All restaurants besides fast food provide at least two forks and spoons, and then give you a new set for dessert and coffee. The point is, this isn't home, it's a place where you expect a certain level of service. I'm not talking about the etiquette of knowing which fork or spoon to use on which course, but simply having fresh ones especially when the previous ones are cleared with the plates.


We didn't complain about the waiter by name b/c we didn't want to get him in trouble...we didnt feel he was lazy or intentionaly providing us with poor service, he was just too busy to be so attentive. You can bet that our comment cards were overflowing, and that Carnival will get letters and emails from all the adults in our party.


Halos...I have to believe that service in the smaller and more intimate Ariadne room was a bit different. Also, it had to be different on cruises that had less passengers than this one (Ken did announce that this is the most people on a Spirit class ship EVER) A look around the dining room, and when we sat elsewhere for breakfast and lunch, show us the same consistant sub-par service by over-burdened staff. It wasn't a matter of being more forceful asking for more silverware or refills on our water or iced tea, it was a matter of the waiter being free to give it to us when we needed/asked for it.


On the last night, we were finished eating and looked around for our waiter to give him the tip envelope...he was no where to be found...now, this isn't a time a waiter would intentionally disappear....we waited 10 minutes for him...he had gone down to the galley to get desserts for another table. Now, this is exactly what happened when we wanted iced tea refills or another fork...he had so many tables that he was either occupied or down in the galley more than he was available to provide stellar service. Six large tables (of 6-8-10) are far too many for one wait-team, especially when they are so close together that there is little room for him to walk between to do his job properly.

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LOL Halos....u really stick it to me GOOD! :)....but i know u kid with me in a joyish fashion......im still the same lil boy in the hood that CC has come to know and love.....no worries about that...........and im going with option #2!!....im an idiot for continuing to sail carnival..lol........nah.....for real....u know i dont hate everything about carnival.....ive told yall that time after time......my wife actually digs carnival....but she too agrees with me on most points i make .....she loves to dress up and change bikinis 3 times a day and all that good stuff.....problem is that while a small handful are dressing up and looking all cutesy for the pool and then later on at dinner, most carnival passengers are sportin jeans and gym shoes and tshirts with some jeff foxworthy saying on them............the kinda crowd on carnival isnt for everyone.....obviously we know its not for me.....but its not THAT big of a deal that i cant deal with it for a week.....i live in cincinnati which borders Kentucky.....the crowds you run into at many events here are quite similar to carnival crowds....depending on what kinda event ur goin to..........ill repeat once again.....what i likes about carnival....the food is pretty good once uve sailed them enuf to know which dishes to avoid and which to order.....im guessing the food is better on most other lines....but im pretty easy to please with food.....i still dunno what the big deal is about the ice cream and pizza......they are ok...nothing to get that excited about...........some of the comedians are well worth seeing.....some of the shows with the skimpy dressed girls are cutesy......they have a nice range of music available with some decent bands......the bars are nice with kewl decor.....the rooms are nice size for a cruise ship...............ok , im runnin out of things i likes on carnival:).....but there be a few :).........but dont try and convince me on how entertaining it is to watch waiters form a conga line and dance around singing...ive seen it waaaay more than enuf times to know that most of them would rather be having teeth pulled as opposed to doing that same stupid routine over and over.....its like reading the fake smiles.....if u cant tell that most of them hate doin the lil nitely shows then u need to looksy a bit closer....ill admit ive seen a few get into it and look like they are havin fun....usually the girls....most of the dude waiters cant wait to get it over....as much as I cant wait to see it get over with.....so that they can maybe fill my water glass thats been empty for half an hour.........its just too corny of entertainment for my taste.....i prolly found it slightly entertaining the FIRST time i saw it....9 cruises later im just sick of seeing it....so now i close my eyes and try and pretend its not happening......and pray that celebrity wont be doin the same thing when i cruise them in jan:).........i likes cruising...i just dont like some parts of it.....why should i pretend to like the parts i dont?.......searching for 20 minutes for a chair in a decent spot on lido just isnt fun...why should i act like it is? :)....cmon im just keepin things real.......get a few more cruises under ur belt and maybe ull find some of these same things less endearing....

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LOL Halos....u really stick it to me GOOD! )....cmon im just keepin things real.......get a few more cruises under ur belt and maybe ull find some of these same things less endearing....



You may be right. I can't disagree with that because I have only sailed 3x and all were on Carnival...so what you say could very well be true. I also will admit that most of those poor weighters probably don't want to perform, although some do seem to love to. You CAN tell which ones don't. But working with the public is like that in any profession. YOu may talk about fake smiles, and I know for a fact this is true having worked with the public...but a good service person DOES put on that fake smile. A bad one shows their irritation. You can't possibly have someone who deals with thousends of people 16 hours a day for months at a stretch with no days off have 'honest' smiles all the time, but if they can fake it to make you feel comfortable, then they are doing a great job. On the other lines you have sailed...were all those people who waited on you giving you 'real' smiles every day as opposed to the fake one's that Carnival employees give????


I still don't understand why you would sail a line that has more negatives than positives for you...it makes no sense...and I see you've gone back to the hood...


And..you are married???

God Bless that woman! :D

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Robby- "kewel and prolly" - why are you using teen language? methinks are are a teen-

You continue to sail on Carnival because your parents do.



Robby claims to be Married and 39 years old...biologically that is; mentally is another issue altogether :D

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