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QE2 July 28 - The Verdict?


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To July 28th QE2 disembarking guests,


Hi, I hope you all enjoyed your overnight getaway on this grand ship. I have enjoyed reading through the recent thread about the "formal or informal or casual" dilemma with which Cunard apparently ambushed passengers only 48 hours prior to sailing. I am eager to read about some of your observations.


Thanks for sharing.

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It wasn't the same as a normal cruise! I stuck to my guns and dressed according to tradition. I had little realistic choice in fact given the clothes that my family had brought with them before we received the ambush letter. I was certainly in the minority!


I did get fed up with people accosting me and asking directions. Whilst most were polite, and I was of course pleased to help, every time I went anywhere before we sailed I was assumed to be crew simply because I had a shirt and tie on and knew where I was going! One or two who were seeking directions were somewhat rude - one almost followed me into my mother in law's cabin to find something out and when I said I wasn't a member of the crew was told off for looking like one!


It wasn't until we got to dinner that I realised just how few of the regulars were on board. Apparently my wife, my mother and I were the ONLY people in the Queens Grill who had been on board before. Quite how the Queens Grill was almost empty for emergency drill is another question entirely!


Our cabin staff were no different from normal. However, we all know each other, they had already dealt with the one of two standard requests and had zero explaining to do. At no point were we compromised by being the only ones in our section to be returners, although the staff were working far harder than normal.


Interestingly, and a disappointment only for the bathroom boys, the revolting Paul Cacker pseudo "champagne" that the world club insults its members with was missing. As was our fruit bowl (although the normal embarkation strawberries were there) and there was no offer of spirits for the complimentary bar. As far as our cabin was concerned, there was no real difference, and nothing that made the slightest bid of difference.


The Queens Grill was very different. Far noisier than usual, and far busier. None of our waiting staff had served us previously, although faces were known to both sides. Caviar, as a starter, was not on the menu. The food was excellent, and nothing out of the ordinary. The waiters didn't shine as our last set did, but having said all that they were terrificially rushed. The were concerned to make sure that we were happy however, and I had no complaint - simply that the standards of last time were not reached! On the other hand, with between 230-240 covers, they were fantastically busy, so I suppose this must be bourne in mind. The biggest difference was the noise - and that was clearly entirely the passengers.


Around and about the ship we were noticed huge quantities of empty glasses that had been left without thought. There was, as one would expect, serious drinking taking place, and at times it was more Dover to Calais ferry than North Atlantic ferry. We also noticed drunkeness which is normally unheard of. Two of our party were aware of excited screaming from the adjoining cabins before dinner.


There were passengers who were swearing at staff whilst in drink. I didn't witness this myself, but heard it on the grapevine.


A lot of children too - and at dinner as well. Those near us were clearly very bored.


Embarkation - queue was out of the door and round the block! Thank heavens for the Grill priority! No staff to help with luggage, or even to point out where to put it to be sent on board. Then attemps to get me to carry the two smaller cases onboard myself! Suffice to say that didn't happen....


All up?


I think possibly a mistake by Cunard. The crew will mutiny if they do it again. I'd not do another one nighter. But it was niceto see the old girl again!

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Thanks for your thoughts on the 1 nighter last night. Interestingly this was the my very first cruise a 1 nighter back in Dec 2001 that I took onboard QE2 & I was shocked quite frankly at the time it took to get served in bars, yes there was a lot of drinking going on - there was not the usual A La Carte menu selection in the Queens Grill & everywhere seemed crowded!!!! I also complained to Cunard that my QG single cabin was nowhere near the Ultra Deluxe Description that they gave it!! I hasten to add these 1 nighters in my view should really be a show 'case' for Cunard to promote & encourage 1st time Cunard passengers or indeed cruisers to return & despite having been put off by this 1 voyage I am taking my 7 th Cunard Cruise this Sep for 3 weeks to the US & Canada! I agree with your comment re ferry from Dover to Calais albeit a much grander setting onboard QE2!!! Have they done much refurbishment to the cabins themselves?? I also know that for my money 1 night is not long enough indeed I find a week too short a trip now!! I seem to go on longer trips on QE2 each time I book as otherwise it's just now worth it even though I love the ship.


How was the entertainment and also how was the service in the bars? I guessed they would not have the champagne in the cabins or sparkling wine for just a 1 nighter al. if you in Grill class I think it still should be included regardless of lengh of voyage. From what you've said it sounds like many first timers were on board & indeed new to Cunard?


Kind Regards,




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All seems rather self-defeating for Cunard.

They schedule a 1 night cruise, presumably in the hope of attracting new passengers, then sour the whole experience by filling the ship to maximum capacity and skimping on the luxuries. Sorry there were so few regulars, Kindlychap.

How awful to hear tales of drunken passengers. Presume they were desperate to make the "most" of their 1 night on board. Hope it's their only ever night on board!

And...eeeek.....loads of...........children........:eek:

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Just what was everyone expecting? Of course a one nighter would attract a lot of newbies who would not normally travel on Cunard or many other cruiselines. I would have suspected a lot of people who would do it just to say they were on the ship. Its too bad the party atmosphere ruined the experience for the regulars but I don't think we could have expected a short pleasant Cunard trip in the grand traditional of the old ocean crossings unless it was an invitation only overnighter of World Club members. (Hey, now why didn't they come up with that one!) With so many inexperienced cruisers one night is just too short to get anything organized.


Glad that those who got to go on got to see their old favourite gal one more time though. Hoping I get to see some of her magic next year myself.

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How was the entertainment and also how was the service in the bars? I guessed they would not have the champagne in the cabins or sparkling wine for just a 1 nighter al.


Kind Regards,




We had our embarkation champagne - the usual Perrier Jouet. QG cabins had the usual Paul Acker (AKA Paul Cacker) which shouldn't be there - they advertise champagne and champagne it should be.


Can't comment on the entertainment. However we were absolutely shocked to have an announcement over the tannoy at dinner trying to draw crowds for the entertainer - a comedian I'd never heard of.

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However we were absolutely shocked to have an announcement over the tannoy at dinner


I'm shocked that they had any announcement in the restaurants, but that they had an announcement in QG:eek:

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That's an int. point re the sparkling wine instead of champagne in other QG cabins - I always get this when I travel QG single grade on QE2!!! I think I will insist on the champagne this forthcoming trip in Sep - will I get that though in PG grade?



Kind Regards,




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Its too bad the party atmosphere ruined the experience for the regulars.


I wouldn't say that it was spoilt for me by all this. It's always good to see the ship again and we were very comfortable in our cabin. And we did have some good people watching!

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To July 28th QE2 disembarking guests,


Hi, I hope you all enjoyed your overnight getaway on this grand ship. I have enjoyed reading through the recent thread about the "formal or informal or casual" dilemma with which Cunard apparently ambushed passengers only 48 hours prior to sailing. I am eager to read about some of your observations.


Thanks for sharing.



Thanks for the good wishes, You asked for some observations, WELL , first of all l must say im a staunch QE2 fan and cannot see past her, and generally onboard if l meet people that moan to me, l will always stick up for QE2.

I booked this one nighter at the same time as my other 2 cruises later this year with one of the leading agents, these were booked within minutes of the reservations going on sale last year, secretly hoping of an upgrade, bearing in mind my platinum status etc etc...

Arrived at the ship at 1.30 and as kindly chap said the queue was the longest l have ever seen, and thankfully the World club checkin was very quick, 2 people in front of me! but l could feel the daggers in my back as l went down this checkin line, the people behind had been upgraded from Mauretania to Brit Grill the previous month, l asked if l was still in 1098 which l was and generally mentioned my past history and the upgrades seemed pretty unfair, which she agreed with,she mentioned to one of the nearby Pursers Office staff, and l was told as usual the ships is full and we cant do anything,and when had l booked, Last year when you opened the reservations she was told and that was all that was said! Handed a priority boarding card and moved upstairs to the embarkation hall waiting area which was full already ! and this was 1.35 and onboard within 10 mins or so when they called the boarding cards no.

My suitcase was already onboard! and being quite eyecatching was half way down one deck (no where near my cabin) the cabin was 1098 and steeped in character and old world charm, rang room service for ice for my champage (which l took onboard) and was delivered quickly by a stewardess with no charm, a nice little black wallet for the ships id card was on the desk, a gift from Cunard?? or the world club? who knows? and then off to explore QE2, she was l must admit looking great as usual with lots of new carpets everwhere and the lido looked quite new with the tables and wipe clean seats, everwhere QE2 looked superb and it was great to be onboard and as usual l would have a great time time onboard!!!

As kindly chap said being dressed in a shirt and tie people did stop and ask directions ( l had on a QE2 jacket with big letters onthe back) and never gave the questions/ direction a thought but pretty soon it was clear this was not the normal passengers and that this load were clearly out to try QE2 for the 1st time.

Had tea in the Queens room and joined the famous Bea (quite a lady!!!) and interesting to talk to! enjoyed the sandwiches that had been made earlier in the morning, they were not as fresh as usual but still quite good and my single cup of tea was nice.

Life boat drill has changed l thought no longer are we checked off a sheet, but we are told how to jump off into the sea should we need to!

We did leave the berth at 5.10 but alas no brass band send off, which a few of the people on the rails commented on, and is always nice to hear, The Mini clique sailaway drinks $12.00 seemed quite popular and a few drinking straight from the bottle, the shopping Promenade had a service trolley with empty glasses, it was still there the next morning, with even more glasses added. The logo shop had a good selection of souvenirs a number designed for your pet dog, it did a brisk trade and l bought a few things ( as if l need any more !) dropped these of in the cabin stewardess again was in the area l must have been invisible to her l think.

Dorothy had a gathering inthe yacht club, 6 in total, and all new to QE2, general comments seemed that she was not as they expected, but its nice to have "done" QE2

Generally the ship was busy and by this time my bed had been turned down!!! after changing for dinner (formal) met my stewardess and asked how long she had been onboard.. 18 years !!!, well when l said how often l had been onboard in 20 years her whole attitude changed she smiled and became what l expected of a stewardess! and if there was anything l needed just ask. l couldnt believe how her attitude changed by a few worlds, and was pleased to find out that Maria from 2 years ago was on leave and was back at the end of august (and still in the section l have my cabin for the next trip)

Asked her if she thought there were many new comers onboard and l gather that us regulars were very few and far between!!

Had a pre dinner drink in the chart room , a superb T & T and nice service......

(hadnt thought l would write so much,, but will do part two later)

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Dinned in the Mauretania on Late sitting and was shown to the table where another 4 people were already seated, brother and sister with their respective partners, One of the waiters seated me and put the knapkin over my knees (very impressed as usual ) and introduced myself and asked if they had cruised before and what they thought so far of QE2. Right away l was asked if l worked onboard as they had seen me jumping the queue at checkin!!! and that l had a shirt and tie.... l just explained that l was a avid QE2 fan and a regular passenger, and sailing again later on in the year for a 3 week cruise, Well l should have got up and left there!!!

The group of 4 had queued for 2.5 hours and for it being a one night thought this was too long and it would be over before they got onboard!! as it was they boarded at 4pm. For a formal night ong guy didnt have a tie, and attitude was l can dress how l like and they wont throw me over board.. Then the other guy added that they had sailed on Thomson cruises... and that they were far better than QE2!!!!! :eek: and had l ever sailed with them No was my reply and l wouldnt either ! they were off on RCCL later in the year, and l joked about the climbing walls which fell on deaf ears!!


The menus were presented and a good selection of food was listed, the wine seems to be promoted quite heavily now between each course on the menu, the water glasses (not crystal!! ,as in days of old) were frequently topped up! l ordered a bottle of house red to share and it took longer than l thought to arrive, we all ordered the Appetizers, soups salad and Main. Got to say we all thought the main course was on the small side and pudding l had the NY cheesecake and was gob smacked by the minute size. A one inch square !!!! Thompson cruises give much larger portions!!! and the coffee was warm, Thompson give hot coffee!!


During dinner l risked asking them what expectations they had of QE2, for a start they expected a quicker checkin, the cabins on 5 deck were tiny (outside ones!) and the luxury was somewhat lacking, and that a cross channel ferry had more decor!! and that everywhere you had to queue for things, and that the image of QE2 is no where near to the reality.


After dinner went to the yacht club and it was packed as l expected, and drinks were dispensed in warm glasses fresh from the dishwasher, its the 1st time l as a bar man had a g&t in a whisky tumbler, which didnt go unnoticed by the table guests! we all went to the chart room, having a love for QE2 l was pointing out all manner of things enroute and reeling of facts and figures which they found interesting and l didnt realise that l knew what l knew untill l was asked.


l had raved about the midnight buffet and insisted that they all go and see it!! the hand sanitizer was very prominent and didnt seem to be used untill l used it and of course Thompson dont have them!!! the buffet choice l felt was pretty poor and the sweets were quite lacking, so much so that it was being cleared away! and our table still eating one of the waiters came along and insisted that the cloth be removed, which he did!!! lifted the salt and pepper and removed the cloth while we held our plates high !! which of thompson dont do!!! of course l missed out on puddingq along with the rest of the table.


Back to the yacht club where it was a busy as ever, we parted company and l went to my cabin around 3am by time the old girl was doing 22 knots !!!! couldnt believe l felt peckish and called room service for a pot of tea and a BLT, well it arrived within 10 mins and a tiny pot of tea for one cup and the BLT was not what l was used with it was literally HALF a sandwich, 2 years back it was a big pot of tea and hot water and a full size sandwich with garnish etc. it was a disappointment to have just half a BLT cut in half!!! and a few crisps and that was it....

Breakfast l thought would leave a lasting impression.. and it did !!!!! we had queued to enter the restaurent at 0815 (more queues unlike thompson !!) and the four people just asked for a full breakfast each!!! and l having seen the menu asked for the hash browns,bacon,sausages, mushrooms and scrambled eggs.... the other four breakfast arrived with beans !!! but l was shocked at the eggs and so to were everybody else!!! 2 fried eggs to a plate but they were still raw!!! round the yolk, and definately were not properly cooked, imagine 8 fried eggs and none were properly cooked, l did suggest that they were sent back and get fresh ones and, the gobbey lady said which summed up their feelings that here they were on the the most famous ship and they couldnt even get fried eggs done properly........My breakast was good but again only single items!


Disembarkation was a breeze off the ship by 09.30 and not a queue in sight, into a taxi and was asked how l enjoyed the asbestos lady !!! just said she was great as always and l was going back in Oct for 3 weeks.. only to be told that she was coming out of service in mid 2007... l just smiled and said thats strange, iv got friends booked on the 2008 world cruise !!! he never got a tip !!!


Would l go again on a one nighter?? yes most definately! l just felt that if this was a taster for QE2 1st timers that for a lot of passengers it left a bad taste in the mouth, and rather than being a showcase cruise which it should have been, it was a chance to say they had done QE2 and wouldnt go back!

The food l thought Cunard were definately cutting back with, and most definately it was not your usual QE2 passenger.

However l throughly enjoyed my night aboard the worlds best loved and most famous ocean liner and look forward even more to my other cruises, and that this cruise for me was just an excuse to see her again:D and lm so glad that l did, she is still topps in my book and always will be

guess this is more of a review, but it wasnt intended to turn out like that!!

but thats how it was,

Myles (who is perfectly happy with QE2 and all that goes with her)

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However l throughly enjoyed my night aboard the worlds most famous ocean liner and look forward even more to my other cruises.

Myles (who is perfectly happy with QE2 and all that goes with her)


Myles, Glad to hear you had a good time with Lizzy, Bea and Dorothy!:rolleyes: Thanks for the time and energy and enthusiasm you put into writing your review. I enjoyed reading it very much. The 1 nighter cruises always draw a different crowd with different expectations. When QE2 did a rare 2 or 3 night party cruise from NY (I took one of them in '97), for example, the passengers were quite different and the crew always HATED those cruises. Of course, QE2, as much as I love her, does not fulfill the expectations of first timers whose cruise expectations often have been set by the their experiences on lesser ships with surf riders, climbing walls, champagne cascades, ice-skating rinks, atriums, etc. Once embarking QE2 in NY for a crossing, for instance, I observed a couple who remarked upon entering the Midships Lobby as they were gazing upwards, "Where are the other levels?" Hence, expecting the lobby of a Marriot or Hyatt Hotel as found on contemporary cruise ships. Then, too, QE2 always has to compete with her own exalted image. She is sometimes her own worst enemy in that regard. Flaws and age lines notwitstanding, I am still thrilled when I see her and excited like a kid when I sail in her. True QE2 afficionados truly love the ship (like we do) as opposed to those who are impressed with themselves because they sail aboard her.


I am very concerned about your impressions about the food, particularly in terms of my upcoming 108 days during the world cruise. Although I expect to start skipping some meals after the novelty wears off because I know I cannot eat that richly on a consistent basis, when I do eat I expect quality ingredients, imagination and competent execution. So I am concerned about what you and others in these boards have reported about the declining quality of the dining experience. On my last voyage in 2003, I was in Caronia and found the food to be uninspired and average, not bad. I will be in Caronia again. I feel, too, that QG was very poor in 1998 and 1999 when I last dined there last. I hope that the one nighter was an exception and that I can expect better in 2007. The old girl is gallant, but she is just that, old. Her impending end makes me sad. I am glad to still have her with us. Thanks for the review & be well.:)



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I will give my verdict after my QE2 cruise next month to the US & Canada where I am in the Princess Grill - I too am on the first leg of the WCruise in Jan 07 (in the Caronia Rest then) for the 6 night crossing. I was last in the Car. Rest back on an April 2003 crossing and also enjoyed all meals in the Rest at that time.


On my QE2 cruises over the last 5 years which have bar one been in the QG Rest at all times the food & service have been superb and if I ever had need to make a small complaint i.e. steak not cooked well done enough it was soon put right and cooked exactly how I liked it every evening thereafter!!!


I very much agree with Cunardqueen though re a lot of first timers on the QE2 for a one night cruise it really should be a 'Sales pitch par excellence or indeed showcase if you like' for all grades of cabin to entice would be Cunarders to re-book for longer voyages. The very first cruise I did was on QE2 back in 2001 and since then I've taken nearly 9 cruises and most of them with Cunard (the others being Celebrity & P & O) & the one nighter got me more than hooked on QE2 and cruising in general. Having said this my grandparents sailed on the ship's very first pre-maiden voyage back in 1969 and made nearly 50 voyages on board up until the early 1990's so I had plenty of photos and still have many onboard menus from all those years including those from the Queen Mary back in 1967! I have hundred's of treasured photos which really show the golden age of cruising at a time when it really was quite 'exclusive' and when prices were not cheap & discounted like they are now!! Dare I say I think Cunard are making a mistake here esp. re the passenger mix as illustrated with this one nighter in their heavy discounting strategies!!!!



Kind Regards,




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read with interest the review of the 1nt taster of qe2, quite surprised about the poor food, queues forvembarkation. please read my review of qm2 which ias quite different its under member cruise reviews david templar.interesting to read od your tablemates myles talking about about their beloved thomson cruises. i will be interested to find out what i thgink of thomson as doing a couple of short cruise to see what i think. doing it mostly to experience the 2 ships i was on when they were differrent names. will do a review after each one.


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my upcoming 108 days during the world cruise.



I for one cant wait for your review of the world cruise, warts and all!!! Have noticed a few books lately about this big daddy of cruises on QE2, all are great reading.Any thoughts on putting it to print??? l will be first in line to buy a copy

Would be good to hear how you prepare for such a voyage!

Im sure the food will be upto standard, On the Med trip in 04 l put on a stone in 10 days, the previous 2 months diet up in smoke.



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I for one cant wait for your review of the world cruise, warts and all!!! Have noticed a few books lately about this big daddy of cruises on QE2, all are great reading.Any thoughts on putting it to print??? l will be first in line to buy a copy

Would be good to hear how you prepare for such a voyage!

Im sure the food will be upto standard, On the Med trip in 04 l put on a stone in 10 days, the previous 2 months diet up in smoke.




Hi Myles,


Could you please point us to a few of those books about world cruises?




Best regards,

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I for one cant wait for your review of the world cruise, warts and all!!! Have noticed a few books lately about this big daddy of cruises on QE2, all are great reading.Any thoughts on putting it to print??? l will be first in line to buy a copy

Would be good to hear how you prepare for such a voyage!

Im sure the food will be upto standard, On the Med trip in 04 l put on a stone in 10 days, the previous 2 months diet up in smoke.



Myles, I am a writer by academic preparation and career with a background in adolescent psychology, so I am planning on keeping a journal of observations to share that will be ROTFLMAO! I tend toward the evil when I write professionally! Seriously, I am very excited about the cruise (will be in the gym daily!) and the places I will visit and the people, on land and sea, that I will meet and come to know. Wish you were coming too! I will keep in touch with you via email, too.



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I for one cant wait for your review of the world cruise, warts and all!!! Have noticed a few books lately about this big daddy of cruises on QE2, all are great reading.Any thoughts on putting it to print??? l will be first in line to buy a copy

Would be good to hear how you prepare for such a voyage!

Im sure the food will be upto standard, On the Med trip in 04 l put on a stone in 10 days, the previous 2 months diet up in smoke.



Myles, I am a writer by academic preparation and career with a background in adolescent psychology, so I am planning on keeping a journal of observations to share that will be ROTFLMAO! I tend toward the evil when I write professionally! Seriously, I am very excited about the cruise (I am sure I will need to be in the gym daily and run laps on Boat Deck!) and the places I will visit and the people, on land and sea, that I will meet and come to know. Wish you were coming too! I will keep in touch with you via email, too.



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Having read that the shorter Cunard cruises attract a "different" type of passenger, I hope my husband and I will fit in on the 2 night cruise in October. We have "only" cruised with P&O in the past and chose this one because it was so cheap!

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Having read that the shorter Cunard cruises attract a "different" type of passenger, I hope my husband and I will fit in on the 2 night cruise in October. We have "only" cruised with P&O in the past and chose this one because it was so cheap!

Are we onboard for the 2 nighter on the 28th Oct, thats the same one as me, Yes lm sure the passengers will be bit different, l found that the case on a 3 nighter, just feel that the one nighters seemed to be a waste of time, doesnt give anybody time to settle into shipboard life, will be interesting to hear what you thought compared to P&O , even your thoughts of QE2 before you travel, might be interesting to all? some of us are pretty much diehards of the ship and cant see past her.

You say it was cheap? knowing how Cunard operate:rolleyes: they will upgrade you to the penthouse and fill the suite with champage!!! just dont mention the ******e:eek: word onboard, it might cause a riot:eek:



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Myles, I am a writer by academic preparation and career with a background in adolescent psychology, so I am planning on keeping a journal of observations to share that will be ROTFLMAO! I tend toward the evil when I write professionally!


Bobby1119 l like it even more :D Nodoubt people watching on such a cruise will be fasinating, did you ever read the book C SIX by Dr Roberts he covers some of her excentric passengers,

If per chance you happen to see yourself onboard, you will let us know;)

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Are we onboard for the 2 nighter on the 28th Oct, thats the same one as me, Yes lm sure the passengers will be bit different, l found that the case on a 3 nighter, just feel that the one nighters seemed to be a waste of time, doesnt give anybody time to settle into shipboard life, will be interesting to hear what you thought compared to P&O , even your thoughts of QE2 before you travel, might be interesting to all? some of us are pretty much diehards of the ship and cant see past her.

You say it was cheap? knowing how Cunard operate:rolleyes: they will upgrade you to the penthouse and fill the suite with champage!!! just dont mention the ******e:eek: word onboard, it might cause a riot:eek:



I think it unlikely that we will get upgraded to such giddy heights - we are in an M1! Having done 10 P&O cruises, it will be interesting to compare - although that probably is very unfair as the ships are all so different.

We have not cruised without a balcony before so that alone will cloud our judgement I fear.


We thought the prices were very cheap, but we do usually have a top of the range cabin/suite and this time we're just squeezing in a cheap weekend with friends. I am hoping for "greater" things - particularly regarding cuisine.


It will be interesting to see.

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l found that the case on a 3 nighter, just feel that the one nighters seemed to be a waste of time, doesn't give anybody time to settle into shipboard life


We found that going for 5 nights was quite different as well. Many experienced cruisers (some from CC) said that it felt much longer. I think that anything over one night would be fine.

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I am booked on the 3 night get away of October 13th. I expect the atmosphere and fellow passengers to be quite different as before.

However this time I am travelling in a Queen Grill stateroom so really look forward to that.



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