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Ladies, please be aware of the new air regulations


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My husband flew home tonight on an internal flight. Everything had to go into his suitcase.

Nothing is allowed on. Plastic bag given to him, loose change and wallet allowed. Nothing else, not even a newspaper. Laptop not allowed as hand luggage. Shoes scanned, body patdown. No complaints from any of the passengers.

But if this is the small price that has to be paid for public safety, so be it. I can live without my handbag and lipstick on a flight.

Anyhow...laptop ok, not damaged. He was home at the regular time, and all in one piece. Which really is the main thing. PC's and cameras are replacable. Loved ones are not.

No idea as to how long this is going to continue for. Remember the ban on taking sharp things on board, ie nail clippers? That lasted ages. Presumably this could too.



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Hello Everyone,


I just spent two hours reading intelligence reports from Stratfor and Jane's (my company subscribes). This is heavily impacting my business, as we ship a LOT of stuff (truffles, wine and cheese-all expensive and most highly perishable) through London. We are not getting clearances for highly perishable food and I have VERY disgruntled customers in NYC and LA.


From everything I have read, this is NOT over. The Brits believe there are at least 2 more cells overseas and MAYBE 5 in the US. In the last few hours, they have arrested 4 more in the UK, two in Pakistan, two in Dearborn, Mich. and are now SERIOUSLY looking for the 8 Egyptians that disappeared from JFK within the last 10 days.


Part of the plan-there are few nonstops from LHR to LAX. So the American cells were going to get on the planes in NYC/BOS/ORD bound for LAX. The main targets were NYC, Washington DC and LA. The idea was not just to blow up the plane (which would have been bad enough) but to blow the plane up close to a heavily populated area, where the debris would cause even more damage and death.


Very spooky stuff. For those of you who have never read it, Annie Jacobsen's "Terror in the Skies" spotlights trial runs for this very scheme.



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This was online...


After a few hours of confusion over whether passengers boarding flights in America could pack laptop computers and cell phones in their carry-on bags, the Transportation Security Administration has publicly issued an answer: Yes, they can.


Lara Uselding, spokeswoman for the TSA, confirmed today that such electronic items are allowed as carry-on items. She also said that passengers headed to the United Kingdom could carry them on board as well, though she didnt know whether passengers leaving the UK would have to check the items.


Earlier confusion stemmed from a TSA e-mail sent to major airports across the country, said Vanessa Denha-Garmo, press secretary to County Executive Robert Ficano. The Free Press incorrectly reported earlier on its web site that laptops and cell phones were banned from carry on luggage.


Carryon's are still allowed on flights in the US, but what is in them is restricted.

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I was just remembering a story that my mother told me of one of her flights in the last couple of years. She said that the screeners took a lady carrying a baby in a carrier out of line, went through all of their stuff, patted her down, and made her take the clothes off the baby (diaper? yikes!) and went through the blankets & what not on the carrier. :eek:



p.s. yes, I'm bad :D


This may be just bad luck and bad timing (random searches and SSS on your boarding pass) or because the Chechnyan women used the same method to blow up the airliner in Russia a couple of years ago.

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Lara Uselding, spokeswoman for the TSA, confirmed today that such electronic items are allowed as carry-on items. She also said that passengers headed to the United Kingdom could carry them on board as well, though she didnt know whether passengers leaving the UK would have to check the items.



If you are transiting a UK airport from the US to another flight in Europe, you WILL NOT be allowed ANY electronics. You will have to check them, EVEN IF you carried them from the US. This directly from our British Airways rep, who I spoke to within in the last 3 hours.

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If you are transiting a UK airport from the US to another flight in Europe, you WILL NOT be allowed ANY electronics. You will have to check them, EVEN IF you carried them from the US. This directly from our British Airways rep, who I spoke to within in the last 3 hours.


That's been pretty clear in the media. Obviously the security will be tighter where the threat was posed.

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I haven't been on a plane in 20 years! I won't say how old I was ;) but, let me just say I was a teen going on Spring Break to Florida....

Anyway, I am leaving in September and was already super nervous about flying..... and then this.....


It is so sad that this type of situation is reality. I have to say that I for one agree with some of the other posters on here and I am willing to comply with whatever measures neccesary to ensure the safety of myself and others. If it means removing shoes, not taking a purse, being searched, and even standing on my head if it will help with security.


Does anyone know if they caught the other 8 missing Eygyptian students?


I know the regulations may change by September but what type of purse is pocket size...??? A change purse? Are you allowed to carry on a MP3 Player?

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Are you allowed to carry on a MP3 Player?


Is your flight a domestic one? Currently the only restriction is on liquids and gels, in your carryon. I am flying next week, and from what I have read so far, I really see no impact on me other than a possible longer wait.

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NO LIQUIDS-perfume, shampoo, conditioner, etc. will not be allowed on ANY flight. These new regulations just ended the smuggled booze questions. And if you are flying to Europe through the UK, NO hand luggage. VERY, VERY limited items are allowed on board.

Okay, lightening this up, but seriously....:mad:

Why is this thread titled "Ladies"?:confused:

I'm offended!;)

Don't you think that there are any guys that read these fashion boards?

And also, may have the same security issues/concerns?

Quoting Jar Jar Binks from Star Wars:

"How Rood!"


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I personally think I will buy stock in the makers of Zip Lock bags tommorrow .. But seriously


Curt we know you guys have gels lotions creams etc... but heck you always put them in the checked bags so you don't HAVE to carry anything on .. and can make us feel like we overpacked ... JK


You have a really valid point we sometimes steriotype ( that just can't be spelled right ) when we shouldn't .. My personal apologies if you ever catch me doing it .. and I suspect you will

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Currently the only restriction is on liquids and gels, in your carryon.


My sister-in-law called me in a panic tonight. "Is a flight to Vancouver from Dallas considered Domestic or International?" :D They leave for the Sapphire Princess to Alaska tomorrow.


Anyway...I had just been watching our local news and a lady boarding a flight in my city said TSA made her throw away her mascara and lip gloss! My BIL and SIL are taking their four girls (20, 19, 16, and 13) on the cruise. Can you imagine all those girls having to give up their mascara???? So I made sure to warn her to tell the girls to pack those things in their luggage!:eek:


My husband flew this afternoon to the terrorist hotspot ;) of Fargo, North Dakota. (He travels 3-4 days a week, every week.) He had LASIK last December and suffers from dry eyes. He uses OTC eye drops every 45-60 minutes. He gets them in tiny vials--seriously teeny, tiny vials. He packed them in his luggage but brought a mostly empty one in his pocket. (What's more drying than airplane air at 30,000 feet???) Even though it only had maybe six drops in it, THEY WOULD NOT LET HIM TAKE IT ONBOARD. So this is serious stuff, folks. And TSA is taking it seriously.


I'll certainly be glad when we know how long it will last or if it's permanent or if they're going to expand the restrictions!


On a less serious note: The flight attendant told my husband she had 'many, many more' requests for water on his flight than normal. :D



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On a less serious note: The flight attendant told my husband she had 'many, many more' requests for water on his flight than normal. :D


Which is why I'm so glad most airlines went to bottled water instead of tap water years ago!

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Okay, lightening this up, but seriously....:mad:

Why is this thread titled "Ladies"?:confused:

I'm offended!;)

Don't you think that there are any guys that read these fashion boards?

And also, may have the same security issues/concerns?

Quoting Jar Jar Binks from Star Wars:

"How Rood!"



Sorry about that, BUT. It is usually ladies who do the packing. Guys generally don't have so much "stuff". From everything I saw and heard (I had employees at JFK, La Guardia, Philly, BOS and LAX yesterday), the guys took it in stride, the women were having fits.


One lady in PHX, who they interviewed I don't know how many times, was REALLY upset about her makeup and toiletries. There were BIG signs posted at Sky Harbor outside and inside (from 4:30AM). Guess she didn't read the signs (or more likely, thought they didn't apply to HER), as she tried to get the stuff through security. TSA told her to throw it or check her bag. She refused to check the bag and ended up throwing the stuff away (and then whined for all to see). Talk about cutting off your nose!!! (and po'ing everyone in line behind her).

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I must say this is very confusing. Thankfully I have no immediate flights scheduled.


What if someone is using over the counter nasal sprays? Or in the case of the "eye drops"?


Some people have glaucoma and need eye drops and some of these drops need to be "kept cool". They say insulin but there are other liquid forms of medication.


And it refers to OTC medications so would not the above mentioned eyedrops be considered OTC medication?


I don't think they are being specific enough IMO or there are to many contradiciting reports going around.


The water thing I see less important as you can obtain water on the flight. If you can afford the flight, you can afford to buy a bottle or 4 of water.


Greatam, what you wrote about the woman, that is just plain wrong, (the woman not you) there is a real threat of security, lives are on the line, and people don't want to give up their "makeup", that I don't understand.


I can understand not wanting to check a bag, perhaps other valuables are in the bag to be carried on other than the "restricted items", but then just chuck them and understand that it is for her safely as well as everyone else. I would just chuck them if I could not move them to another bag to be checked and be thankful that these measures are in place to protect. Now IMO that is rude and selfish to hold up a line because of makeup when the rule is their to hopefully protect and save lives.

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I must say this is very confusing.


What if someone is using over the counter nasal sprays? Or in the case of the "eye drops"?


And it refers to OTC medications so would not the above mentioned eyedrops be considered OTC medication?


I don't think they are being specific enough IMO or there are to many contradiciting reports going around.


I imagine the TSA is having trouble implementing the hastily written regulation. I'm glad I'm not a TSA screener this week! I'm betting they'll be clarifying things as time passes, especially if these prohibitions are permanent.


The screener who saw my husband's eye drops must have decided they were not 'essential' non-prescription medication.



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I bought the TSA locks as soon as they came out and have had no problems with them being tampered with. Has anyone had any bad situations they have encountered using the TSA locks?


Am I deluding myself by thinking the agents with the keys to the TSA locks have more to answer for when stuff comes missing? Does anyone know whether the baggage inspection areas have cameras monitoring the agents?

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A few months ago I was flying from Venice to FLL at the end of an Oceania cruise. I fretted whether I should use my TSA locks, knowing full well that only US TSA personnel had the proper keys. I fully expected to be asked to remove them when I checked the bags at the ticket counter. But I wasn't. And was pleasantly surprised when I had to claim (& recheck) the bags in ATL to find the locks intact & no signs that the bag had been searched. Regardless, I would NEVER trust having my laptop or my digital camera in (supposedly) locked checked luggage. Let's hope that they can fine tune these new regulations & still protect the flying public.

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I bet some of these restrictions will be permanent. My cruise isn't until the end of Dec. so a lot can change by then.


I'm glad I have an option. We're flying down a week early to stay with my parents in Ft. Myers. I'll just mail as much as I can down to them before we get there, heck, I'll mail everything down and not have to carry much at all;)


Being safe is the most important thing.

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Those of you who must travel with OTC eye drops/nasal spray, etc. Check with your pharmacist - they may be able to provide you with that item in a prescription container with a label that includes your name/product info. I take benadryl and buy it that way - its cheaper than buying allergy meds off the shelf!

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Those of you who must travel with OTC eye drops/nasal spray, etc. Check with your pharmacist - they may be able to provide you with that item in a prescription container with a label that includes your name/product info. I take benadryl and buy it that way - its cheaper than buying allergy meds off the shelf!


What an absolutely great idea. Thank you!!!

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I was at the drugstore today and Rite Aid already has that in place .. If you need a liquid otc medication see the pharmacist for travel containers ... I was pretty impresses !!!


As I was tearing my hair out last night trying to assimilate these new rules .. my husband quietly said Excuse me .. but since when did you not put all that stuff in the carpetbag type of bag and have it checked anyway .. now I know you are paranoid about shampoo on your clothing but you took care of that years ago ..


At which point I calmly pointed out that while that was true WHAT ABOUT MY LAPTOP ..Someone will steal it ... to which he replied with some exasperation becoming apprent .. Umm we are flying to Japan from Vancouver .. not to England from Portland .. I don't think they have restricted that yet ..


Sigh .. I just hate it when he is right and I am hysterical ..


I think I will just roll with whatever punches and continue to put together the wardrobe and get ready for the cruise !!!!!


Bon Voyage

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You are allowed to lock your checked luggage, just make sure that they are TSA approved locks.


Buy the TSA approved locks with an indicator. I read that if someone opens the lock, the indicator turns from green to red. If it is the TSA, they leave you a note inside the suitcase that they opened your bag. If not the TSA, check to make sure that you have all your items and if not, report the items stolen.


I just bought one for my trip this September so will see how this works.

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