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Hoonah, Alaska's Icy Strait Point - A taste of the REAL Alaaqsaq (Alaska)


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Hi Koo Hook-


The Mrs. and I will be on the Summit in Icy Strait on July 12th. We are already signed up for the whale watching, the second trip of the day, and we hope you will be on board for that one.


This was a three hour trip last year, but on the Celebrity web site, they are listing it as a two hour trip this year. I was concerned at first that the trip has been cut back, and that the time with the whales has been reduced.


But then I read your post above, that the whale boat is going to be boarding directly from the Summit, cutting down on the sailing time to the whales. I hope this means that although the total time has been reduced, the time spent at the whale watching site is the same. Do you know any of the details on this?


Thanks for all the help and information you have provided.

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Gunalcheesh Koo Hook for helping me get started with your language. The girls volleyball team is very fortunate to have you as a coach! I am such a believer in embracing ones heritage! I'm sure the pride they have discovered in who they are is much to do with the success they have had with their sport!


I'm trying to practice the pronunction as I wrote the greeting to you. I'm sure I murdered the pronunction, but it's a beginning! I understand about tongue/mouth/throat adjustments to get the proper sounds. We learn the

particular sounds to our own language when we are very young. When we lived in Germany our children were very young. I learned how to say in German: "Don't touch" to my children when we were shopping. My pronunction wasn't great I'm sure, but from the looks of the shop keepers, I knew they appreciated my efforts!


Have a wonderful weekend with your family!



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Koo Hook, Would like to do the whale watching at ISP. I read that the whale watch boat will be coming to the Summit so we don't have to be tendered. If I take the 8:30 excursion, can the whale watch boat drop me off in town instead of taking me back to the Summit. Please let me know as soon as possible so i can book my excursion. Many thanks, looking forward to meeting you. Will you be doing both whale watch excursions? Have a great day. We are getting ready for Alaska weather here today. We are expecting about 12 inches of snow. Thanks again, Lois

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Hi Koo Hook: Thanks for the info regarding how long it took to get to Hoonah. My husband has a little problem with walking a little distance so is there maybe another way to to get to Hoonah, maybe other transportation. Thanks for any info that you may give me.




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HI everyone! I hope your week is going well, and better yet, I hope the planning process for your visit to Icy Strait Point at Hoonah is going smoothly.....


Oldwheezer - You should have no worries about your losing time at the prime whalewatching waters. We'll be going to Sdakweixh Lut'u (Pt. Adolphus) to meander about in the most abundant whale waters in Southeast Alaska. The morning departures for the whalewatching are planned to depart directly from the ship, saving much time on travel to the Point. The second departure of the day is tentatively scheduled to drop our guests off directly at the ship. This will save us much time......and give us ample time in the waters of S'ix Tlein (Icy Strait). Should you have any concerns or more questions buddy, feel free to ask....


Sharon - Gunalcheesh for the well wishes. I think it's remarkable that you would take the time to teach your children. I took German in high school, but took just the bare essentials away with me. I hope to someday be completely fluent in the Tlingit language, and it's a personal mission of mine to begin translating street signs and such in Hoonah to the Tlingit spelling first, that way as a people, we're more exposed to the English alphabetical interpretation of our language. There are elders who are completely fluent in Tlingit, however have no idea to read the language in the English alphabet. There was never a written language for my people, only oral history. So, by exposing all of us, including our guests to the spelling, we'll begin to understand the language better as a whole. When people go to the islands of Hawai'i, they must learn to pronounce the Hawaiian names.....why not here? I've already got the list of voters in Hoonah to submit a proposal to the City Council to get the names translated and stated in Tlingit first..........


Lois - Did you ever get your downfall of snow? I hope you were prepared....we're set to get another 2 feet of snow.........WOAH! If you take the morning departure, you will be dropped off at Icy Strait Point, leaving you ample time to spend at Icy Strait Point or journey to Hoonah. Those people in the later afternoon should be dropped at the ship itself. I'm not sure as to whether or not I'll be doing naturalist duties......but I sure hope so!!!!! I'd like to swing it so I can atleast do the whalewatches once per call......I'm just not sure what responsibilities I might have this season. I'll be sure to earmark when you'll be arriving so I can try to swing it......


Hi Marilyn - There are other modes of transportation that will take you into Hoonah, and you should have absolutely no problem in finding it. There are several local shuttles that will take you into the community. By time you arrive here, there should be other options as well. No matter the circumstance.....you will get there on wheels....I promise......no worries....


Cruisinzoe - Fishing is the mainstay of our community and an increasingly important way of our very existance.....the fishing is STUPENDOUS! Record breaking salmon and halibut have been caught directly in front of town and in Icy Strait....your husband WILL NOT be disappointed.....you might have noticed that in other posts they talk about Skagway not having whales of fishing, Juneau having whales but no fishing, and Ketchikan being fishing central......well, we've got it ALL right here......whales galore and fish EVERYWHERE....no kidding. I know the other ports attempt to boast one or the other, but none can boast both......there were many times last season when our guests returned from fishing trips telling us about their witnessing breaching whales close to the boat, etc. Many of our guests were able to see the humpbacks and orcas DIRECTLY from the shore of Icy Strait Point....now remember, these are shores you have EASY access to.....some guests recall being just 10 feet away from the whales while they were on shore! I RECALL being that distance away from the whales MANY MANY times growing up as a kid down at the cannery. Your opportunities are endless Cruisinzoe.........should you have anymore questions...by all means, let me know......I'm here to help and educate.......WOOHOO!!!


Until next time, continue to research Hoonah and it's new development, Icy Strait Point....and you should find some great astounding pieces of information on both the community and the development.....if anyone would like information on links....please feel free to ask!!!!! Have a great WEDNESDAY....just two more days until FRIDAY!!!




Koo Hook

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Lois - Did you ever get your downfall of snow? I hope you were prepared....we're set to get another 2 feet of snow.........WOAH! If you take the morning departure, you will be dropped off at Icy Strait Point, leaving you ample time to spend at Icy Strait Point or journey to Hoonah. Those people in the later afternoon should be dropped at the ship itself. I'm not sure as to whether or not I'll be doing naturalist duties......but I sure hope so!!!!! I'd like to swing it so I can atleast do the whalewatches once per call......I'm just not sure what responsibilities I might have this season. I'll be sure to earmark when you'll be arriving so I can try to swing it......


Koo Hook, I am taking the 8:30 a.m. June 28th whale watch excursion. I was really hoping that you would be the naturalist onboard the whale watch excursion. I have been reading all of your e-mails and would really enjoy meeting you. Please tell me how far is Icy Strait Point to Hoonah and what is the mode of transportation to get from one point to the other. Also, where would I pick up the boat to be tenered back to the ship after visiting the town. Looking forward to hearing from you and meeting you on June 28th at 8:30 a.m. Lois

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After posting this I realize that I've actually signed on as my husband. OOPs! Sorry for the confusion...this post is actually from SEPyle:


GUNALCHEESH Koo Hook for getting a petition from your people to City Council to have street names in Tlingit. I'm proud to be learning just a little bit! Now I won't promise good pronunction, but I'll do my best!


Wasaa Iyatee Koo Hook? How many hours of darkness are you having now? I can only imagine how that would be! One thing is for sure...I am looking forward to experiencing many hours of sunshine when we're there in late May! How many hours will there be at that time?


One last Gunalcheesh for taking the time to answer all of us who are getting so excited about our upcoming adventure to Alaska. I'm actually a Travel Agent and specialize in cruises. I have a family group who didn't know what ship to take. My favorite line is Celebrity and that's why we are coming to Alaska on Celebrity. I didn't want my personal preferences to push them to my favorite, so I checked out the others first before checking out Celebrity for the week they wanted. I believe they will end up going on the Summit. I told her all I'm learning about Icy Strait, and she's very interested in coming to your interesting area in Alaska!



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Hi Koo Hook: I want to thank you for the info regarding transportation to Hoonah. I do appreciate it. My other question is we arrive June 2 and are there all day from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and I was wondering if there is a chance to meet you. I know you will probably be pretty busy at that time and I do not want to intrude on your schedule but if there is a chance to mmet you that would be nice. We probably will not get off the ship until probably 9:00 ??. Thanks



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Hello Everyone

I'm so jealous reading all of your posts about Icy Straits. My husband and I were there last year in July when we cruised with RCC Vision of the Seas. It was by far my favorite day of the the 12-day land/sea adventure we were on. I would highly recommend the Salmon fishing, we caught six fish between us. They do all the baiting and setting of the hook but then you reel it in. I had so much fun I couldn't believe it. We had the coolest guide (if only I could remember his name) he gave us the whole history of the area and brought us fresh crab he had caught the night before for breakfast. We saw a bear on the shore and he took us as close as possible to get pictures and the eagles are flying all over it seems all the time. It was an awesome excursion, I would recommend it to everyone and be sure to have your fish smoked and sent home.


Now about the shopping there. I am a qualified shopaholic. I thought their stuff was wonderful. My husband bought himself a cribbage board made from a walrus tusk, I found some wonderful jewelry for my daughters. There is just really different original things here. I never go to the shopping things on the ships but that is just ridiculous that they are telling people not to shop here. It is a wonderful place to look around for a memorable souvenir.


All I can tell everyone is if we could afford it, my husband would go in a minute again to Alaska. We absolutely loved the cruise. Too bad 25 years of marriage only happens every 25 years - Ha! Ha! Sorry I went on for so long.

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This post is really from Gomer. I look before I start writing(sometimes). Sharon found an article in the Juneau paper that featured Kathy and her mocassins. I am getting excited!!!!

How did your school do against Skagway in basketball? I can relate to a smaller school being a powerhouse against bigger schools. I went to a small high school, Golden, in Colorado and was on the track team. We had to compete against all the big high schools in Colorado. We usually beat them and that made us very unpopular with the big schools. My senior year we lost first place at the state competition. That made us feel bad, but thinking back I couldn't be prouder of what we accomplished. That was a lot of years ago.

Well, I am signing off and will post later.


Cruisin Gomer

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Wasaa Iyatee Koo Hook? Hope you had a great weekend! My DH is right, sometimes I may not look and simply get on the ole computer...oops!


I had such fun over the weekend doing a google search on Hoonah! It was actually warmer where you are than it was here at the beginning of the weekend! That made me feel like I was preparing for my trip! What kind of weather should we expect the end of May? I've been thinking upper 50's hopefully 60's. Does that sound right?


elkriver64chevy, reading your post sure did get me more excited about our trip! I too love to shop! I will wait for sure till I get to Icy Strait Point to do my shopping! I would rather support Koo Hook's people than some commercialized junk shop in one of the other cities! Just the fact that the Cruise Line says shopping is better in the other ports suggests to me that they may have alterior motives!


Have a great week everyone!


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Hey everybody!!!! For those of you that asked, yes, I did have a great weekend. I look forward to having another good weekend when I go home this weekend to watch the Icy Straits Tournament, featuring teams from throughout the state. Like I said, Hoonah is a basketball-crazed community, and all the kids on the floor have families the size of Noah's Ark!!! I'm usually the public announcer at the basketball games, so I suspect I might be doing that again...


It is pouring rain outside, and the snow is dwindling rather rapidly...there are "NO DIVING" signs all over the roads...storm drains are clogged, creating Lake Erie's everywhere! What do you know....Southeast Alaska....a wonderfully green place saturated in H20...


Lois - Again, I certainly hope I'll be able to be the naturalist aboard your whaleboat as well....but if not, there will most definatly be one of my protege's (sp?) onboard, and I WILL seek you out...if not, all you have to do is ask any ISP employee in a red weather coat/khaki shirt where you can find Koo Hook, and they will be sure to accomodate you and set up our meeting. It is early in the year, and my role with Icy Strait Point is yet to be defined...however you won't be able to miss my presence....I'm a fairly obvious energy near the piers.....HAHAHAHHA! The town center of Hoonah is about 1.5 miles away from Icy Strait Point. There will be shuttles just beyond Icy Strait Point boundaries available to take you into to town.....however if you have adequate time and enjoy stretching your legs, I would highly recommend walking into town. There is so much to see on the way, and opportunities abound for you to see just about ANYTHING....from whales to eagles and MUCH MORE! All tendering will arrive and depart at Icy Strait Point, so if you go to Hoonah, you must return to Icy Strait Point to be tendered back to your humble abode.......


SHARON!!! - WASAA IYATEE FRIEND????? Yak'ei (pronounced YUCK - AY) (I'm good). The hours of daylight are beginning to return, however there is still ample darkness. I'd say we're getting roughly 16 hours of darkness, maybe just a little less....it's not too bad once you get used to it. I didn't realize just how tramatizing it can be to those not accustomed to it until I returned from school in Hawai'i. I got back, had a great summer, and then fell into a depression once winter set in. It was strange, but I haven't experienced that since, and I've lived in other warm climates with adequate daylight after that winter. Who knows....I think the key to survival is just staying productive and busy, no matter the hours of light or weather.....In May, we should be reaching nearly 17 hours of daylight......AWESOME! See, on the flipside of winter, we relish the long summer nights...warm breezes and flower-scented air.....AHHHHHHH......I'm picturing it already......

The weather in May is anywhere from the low 50's to the high 70's....you just never really know what you're going to get. We had an unseasonably warm summer in '04, and there were very few days without sunshine, so who knows what we're in store for in '05. My advice is be prepared for just about anything. Regardless of the weather, if you take the time to immerse yourself in the outdoors while you're here, you'll be uplifted and grateful that you took the time to just observe and be.......I HIGHLY recommend ALWAYS taking a few moments in everyday just for yourself.....moments you don't have to share, moments you don't mumble a word, and moments that you'll always keep just for yourself....it's great for the spirit. I'm slumping in my chair just thinking about it.....HAHAHAHA...LOL...and Sharon, GUNALCHEESH for supporting Hoonah's development, and GUNALCHEESH for not taking the advice of the cruiselines to not shop at Icy Strait Point....the majority of those folks dishing the advice unfortunately haven't even been to the port itself.....crazy huh? Keep researching Hoonah/Huna and Icy Strait Point, and I guarantee you, you'll be well prepared and pleasantly surprised at what you're in for......


Marilyn - I would be freakin' stoked if I had the opportunity to meet you. Don't worry, my schedule won't be so hectic that I can't meet a friend, right? You know, this whole cruisecritic experience has been a fascinating piece of work. There were SO many times last season when I had people come up to me and ask, "Are you Koo Hook from the cruisecritic forums?" And I would say, "Yes". They would let me in on the fact that they had been following my postings from the get-go, and that they were really inspired. The majority of the people I met hadn't even posted on the boards, but simply followed the threads. It was amazing. I was shocked at the numbers of folks I had the chance to meet. To know that because of words you uttered on a computer message board, families had made decisions according to those words.....WOW....people said that they had come on these particular cruises to see what it was that I had been talking about.....that just AMAZES ME! So, if you can't tell, I'm flabbergasted and would make time ANY DAY, ANY HOUR to meet friends from this awesome forum....Like I said Marilyn, all you have to do is ask any ISP employee in a red coat/khaki shirt where Koo Hook is, and they'll make SURE we have the opportunity to meet......


elkriver64chevy - GUNALCHEESH for the support and the kind words...you don't realize how great it feels to know there are people out there rooting for us and praising the hard work that we've all put into this project. You're affecting more people than you know...believe me.....now if I could remember the name of your guide.....was it Duane? Gary? Eli? Do any of those names ring a bell???? Let me know, and we could swap stories (and I've got the inside track?@!%$)


Cruisin' Gomer - HOONAH WON! The boys varsity squad is ranked 2nd in the state and demolished Skagway by more than 50 points......both nights....my nephew was in the paper too! The girls squad is ranked sixth in the state and lost two to Skagway ( ranked 3rd in the state) - the first night they were steamrolled, and the second night they fought a nailbiter, losing by 7 in the final minutes.....Skagway is the defending champs for the girls division, and haven't lost a single player from last year's squad....so we're definatly looking good this year....I'm excited at the chances for this year's squads. Hoonah has always been a traditional powerhouse in this region, having dominated the 90's (when I was in high school) and much of the 80's as well....well the history really goes on and on...since basketball first started here. I know that Hoonah has more championships under it's belt than any other community throughout the region....maybe aside from Juneau....so it's definatly something to be proud of.......HOONAH - HOONAH - HOONAH!!!! By the way, there were a few articles about Kathy Marvin and her moccassins in more than one paper....you'd have to google it to find them.....but they were all fairly similar to that of the Juneau Empire......


I hope I didn't blab everyone's EYES out of their sockets...but it's been a great day, and I'm honored to answer EVERYONE'S individual questions and concerns. Take a bow, for you are the people who are helping shape the future of my people, my community and the world's perception of the people of this region, and the cultures that thrive within it.......'til tomorrow!!!!!




Koo Hook

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Koo Hook, I'm yak'ei too! Looking forward to our wonderful adventure in May is sure helping me stay possitive thoughout the winter! I'm so glad you told us how to find you when we visit. I will view it an honor to meet you! I know exactly what you mean about people knowing all about the boards who never post a reply, simply read and soak up the knowledge of people like you! We had a big group who met on the CruiseCritic boards, and people came up to me mentioning the boards. We never heard from them, but a couple had even stayed in the same hotel, doing so as a result of the boards! Don't worry, I'm sure everyone on the boards who have been reading your posts will tell others on the ship where to shop! I predict a very prosperous year for your people!


Congrats on the success of your teams! Basketball is big here in NC as well!


I'm still trying to decide what excursions we should take while in Icy Strait Point. Let me ask a question. Which one would you recommend (on land) to get the best overview of your piece of heaven? Is the end of May too early to really see bears? That one is quite pricy, but it does sound interesting...if you do see bears that is! What do you think? The tram seems a little lame, but what do you say? I want to learn about your culture but also want to spend time outside "experiencing" everything I can!


One last thing...I noticed a new phrase...what does






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I haven't been able to get to sleep, tonight so thought I would get on the boards and do some reading. Is there some way I could contact Kathy and talk to her about a pair of mocassins? I hate to have you spending your time when it is something I want. I'll put my email address below so she can contact me directly.

We have had beautiful weather here this weekend. It has been sunny and in the sixties both yesterday and today. Makes me want to put on my travelling shoes and go cruising!!!!!!

Congrats to your basketball teams. You must be real proud of them.

Guess I will go bug Sharon and maybe wake her up. Why should I be the only one in the family that is still awake? Even the dogs are asleep.

Will post again sometime this week.


Cruisin Gomer


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  • 2 weeks later...
Dear Koo Hook,


I hope the rarified air that you seem to dwell in does not give you nose bleeds. Man are all "True" Alaskas as snooty and snotty as you? I hope not as I was planning to visit our 50 th state.


Dogladyjw, your post must be humor that's over my head! Koo Hook, is down to earth and takes the time to answer our questions with humility; beautifully painting a lovely picture of his native Alaska, Hoonah. Your comments, are in jest, right?


Have a great day everyone!



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Sorry, I couldn't get past his introduction of himself." I am from the Xunaa Kaawu (People of Hoonah), belong to the Yeil' (Raven) moiety (group), Taakwaneidi clan (Klawock clan) and Taan Hit (Sea Lion House). I was born and raised in the Tlingit Capital of the World, Hoonah, Alaska (population 868). I have initiated this new thread in hopes that interested parties might yeild questions that they wish to be answered by someone who has a spiritual belonging and aboriginal tie to the Alaska." That is a put dwn to anyone who chose to come Alaska and out of love for the area went into tour guiding. If your not an native your nothing is what he is saying there. If that is the typical attitude in Alaska, I don't want to visit there.


I'm a native buckeye, but far be it from me to intimate that anyone not born in that state is unqualified to give advice. Many people have gone to places all over the world and out of love for the location they were in they wanted to share the beauty of that spot with others. Just because they are not of the native people does that preclude them from have a wealth of knowlegdge and a deep love of the area.


If I can get my stomach to stop turning over long enough, I'll try reading some of his advice but the initial contact is insulting.


With respect for all people who love an area, I remain,



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Your reaction is very interesting. We all come away from experiences with different perspectives. In this case when I read his intro I didn't feel he put anyone down; tour guides who aren't native; or anyone else for that matter. I simply read it as someone who is proud of his heritage and wants to share his perspective with people who are going to be visiting the land he calls home.


I hope you do read the rest of his posts. You very well may feel the same way you do now, but I have a feeling you will get to know Koo Hook as we have! Somewhere in his posts he mentioned going through a time in his life when he wasn't proud of his "People" and is now dedicated to helping the youth in Hoohah, learn of their background and become proud of who they are. I feel this is a very good thing...not just for the Tlingit people, but for all people. My mother is Hungarian. She was teased as a child, being called a "Hungie". I grew up not knowing I was 1/2 Hungarian. We lived in California. When I was 12 years old, we made a trip East and I met my Grandfather for the first time. Can you imagine my surprise when he had an accent? I wish my Mom had known a Koo Hook in her day!


I hope you understand I'm not in any way trying to, as they say, "flame" you. You have the right to take away any reaction you may have after reading his posts. I've simply come away with a different perspective. I look forward to reading Koo Hooks posts, and have missed him since we haven't heard from him in awhile!


Have a great day!



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I promise I will, on a day when my stomach is in better shape, try reading his reponses. I sincerely hope they give a more gentle and welcoming attitude.


As of now I am having second thoughts on visiting Alaska at all!!


I have nothing against local peoples, but neither do I consider them GODS and the sole repository of valuable information.


I pray that his futher posts are not as egotictical as his introduction as I would truely like to visit Alaska. But at this point I would visit in fear.


I certainly don't want to be an "Ugly American" in my own country.





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Wow, that is quite a response. I have been reading Koo Hooks posts from the beginning and decided to take the Summit cruise last Sep in order to experience this unique port. It is not one that everyone will like and that is ok. But it is the only small port the major ships go into. I have met Koo Hook and talked to him and enjoyed his whalewatching tour, his dancing and singing. He is proud of his home and hertiage and I respect that. He may come off a little strong once in a while but not overbearing. He has been helpful to strangers and has had mostly positive responses from this site. If you are unsure, there are many ways to avoid Hoonah, if that is your choice. That will leave more room for those who want to see what he is so proud of. Sorry it hit you wrong.

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What an **awesome thread**! Thank you, Koo Hook! My family and I will be on the Vision of the Seas arriving Wednesday, June 1st! I am soooo anxious to visit your area.


You are an **outstanding** one man Chamber of Commerce! :D


Thanks again,



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