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Duck Tape?


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Pontius Navigator - I'm really going to have to bone up on my English before going to England! And I mustn't drink tea in front of any proper English ladies or gentleman or they may lose their famous 'English Reserve'.


You will be pleased to know that it is no longer de rigueur to wear gloves when taking tea. Not only that but even on the QE2 they serve afternoon tea on the boat deck in plastic mugs. Very realistic plastic, looks just like real pottery.

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By the by, Pontius Navigator, I love that you write in "English" as you would speak it (so charming)- however - do you realize that even "English" singing groups sing in "United Statesian"? Canadian singers too! Of course, not all United Statesians do - "Country" music for example. You don't have to be from Texas to have a twang or a drawl!:p



Fortunately, being deaf, I can switch off my hearing aids and be spared what passes for 'statesian' or any other sounds that profess to be lyrics.


As fas as sang froid, I was in one of your aircraft when I noticed a small panel flapping on an engine nacelle as we were half way across the pond. If I mentioned it to the crew they had 2 choices - press on or turn back.


As I wanted to go to 'press on' and thought we were about half way I forbore to confuse the crew and told them after we had landed.:)

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Last year ... The pilot came on the PA and told us he had no auxillary power and could only start one engine at the gate. He said he would then pull back from the gate and start the other engine. Well, he started one engine, pulled back and then, damn if they didn't hook up a generator and jump star the other engine! Shelley


Sounds like an unhealthy amount of BS. I don't know the type but it would be usual to start one engine using externals or the aux power unit then, with that engine running, use electrical cross-feeds to start the other. It looks like the aircraft electrics had a fault and not necessarily the engine.

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Yes, we have Duck Tape. The most popular is silver but black is also readily available as is Kiwk tape. The latter comes in 3m rolls.


Duck Tape is available in other colours and also flat but these are not normally stocked in our small hardware store.


I am reminded that the other name is Gaffer Tape.


Duck is made by Heinkel.

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After reading all of your aircraft 'horror' stories, I think maybe I should take DDT in my carry on so they can pull over and fix, whatever, with my handy, dandy DDT. If only it were that simple! I suppose I could fix the ship with it though...;)


I looked for flats again yesterday. I found many sized rolls, in many colors, by many manufacturers; but no flats. I bought a roll of clear duct tape by Scotch brand ("six times stronger than the leading brand", we'll see!). I still have two weeks before the cruise; so it's either make a flat or find one. I prefer a flat since I'm sure it's less cumbersome to pack...I need the additional packing space for white gloves with which I'll drink my tea!;)




PS - My DH got to use DDT yesterday - not the new, clear one, but good, common, old fashioned silver, to make a carpet repair at home. DDT - The universes most handy and versatile item!!!:D



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Don't know why we didn't Google before. Go here and you can really get into Gaffer tape:




And this site will have all the ladies swooning




Bracelets, hats and even a rose. Pocket Duct tape 25 pieces 2 inch by 18 inch only $25.

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Don't know why we didn't Google before. Go here and you can really get into Gaffer tape:




And this site will have all the ladies swooning




Bracelets, hats and even a rose. Pocket Duct tape 25 pieces 2 inch by 18 inch only $25.


Be still my heart.....




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.... What's a "crockery pot"? ....Denise
Denise, A teapot made of crockery -- as opposed to metal (silver, aluminum, chrome, whatever) or fine china (as in Royal Doulton, Royal Albert, Royal Worcester, Limoges, etc).:)


I've been offline for a couple of days so it's taking some time to catch up, but, scanning forward, I noticed you were talking about resorting to 'rerolling' (or would that be 'flatting') your DDT. Would it not be easier (since you can't find flats) to pack the roll of DDT and pack your gloves, hosiery, socks, favourite sponge, rubber ducky or whatever inside the roll?

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I also always bring Duct Tape. I have all our suitcase handles wrapped in yellow and red, and the luggage handlers know which ones are ours, once we tell them. I also have some yellow strips on the back side of each suitcase which is always UP on the luggage carrels (sp). I thought when I bought red suitcases that I would be able to find mine in the myriad of black ones. Guess what? I think red is the most popular color now.


As far as rolls vs flats, I don't think it matters. I put my rolls together, and pack small stuff inside. No empty wasted space!!

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Hi, everyone:


Sorry I didn't keep up during the long weekend. Honestly I was trying to get my DH involved - he loves to receive/read replys but is VERY LAZY about typing any himself!:rolleyes:


Thanks - I'll happily take the suggestions made regarding rolls as opposed to flats - squash them or use them as a packing device. Way easier!


Crockery - I had no idea Canadians were so much more formal than United Statesians...or maybe I'm just not what may be considered 'Refeened'! (Alright, I know it's 'refined'; but that would have ruined the joke!;)) I always think of Canadians as nice, charming, friendly people - WAY more relaxed and easy going than (us...except for people from southern California, 'Dude':)) their 'southern' friends. Actually, I think of those from the southeastern US the same way. I'm sure they use 'crockery', china, and teapots frequently... Probably in the northern sections of the country too...midwest? Gosh darn it! I'll bet it's only us lowly southwesterners who aren't properly 'refeened'! Having grown up very close to Tombstone, I can attest to that...at least for myself. Yup, a cup of water in the microwave with a tea bag...but should any of you come a-visiting, I'll pour it in a china pot with matching cups/saucers and serve it with (lots of) sugar, some milk/cream (YUK!!!) and biscuits (cookies, right?)!:D


By the way - I've Started the packing process. I HATE packing...I HATE unpacking even more - but the rewards are GREAT!!! Canada/Alaska/California via the Summit...HMMMMMMMM!!!


'Talk' to you later




PS - The DH and I will look very 'refeened' as we gather our black suitcases, marked, in various places, with long strips of silver DDT! He swears by the ease with which he can spot the bags - I try to pretend I don't know him as he YELLS across the baggage carousels, "I see our bags with the silver tape!". MEN!!! (Don't tell him I said so, but it does work!;))



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By the way - I've Started the packing process. I HATE packing...I HATE unpacking even more -


This could be a whole new thread. ME TOO.


Last cruise, 6 days. I got half a small clamshell, 'tother 'alf packed about 3 pairs of shoes per day.


I got away Friday. Train leaves 8.10; start thinking about packing at 7.10.


At least last trip half the unpacking was easy; straight back in to the wardrobe.:}

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This could be a whole new thread. ME TOO.


Last cruise, 6 days. I got half a small clamshell, 'tother 'alf packed about 3 pairs of shoes per day.


I got away Friday. Train leaves 8.10; start thinking about packing at 7.10.


At least last trip half the unpacking was easy; straight back in to the wardrobe.:}


1/2 a small clam shell? You got only 1/2 of a small suitcase? For 6 days? And 3 pair of shoes per day? I have to say, that's worse than me - I Try to keep it down to 2 pair per day. 1 for daytime activities, and 1 for evening...of course that doesn't count excercise shoes, or flip flops/slippers for the room. I have something to brag to my DH about now! I'm generous with luggage space and my shoe 'thing' isn't as bad as many others!:) When he got home yesterday and saw my 9 pair of shoes (I hadn't yet pulled out cabin/pool flip flops/slippers), he looked a bit unhappy - now I can tell him I was being conservative! After all, it's a 14 night cruise!


But tell me, why wait until the very last minute to pack? Doesn't that make it a bit anxiety ridden? Maybe you're just so well organized you can get away with it. I'm VERY JEALOUS of that! I try to be efficient - have lists out the wazoo. The real question in my case is...how many days/weeks will it take me to Unpack?!?:rolleyes:

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But tell me, why wait until the very last minute to pack? Doesn't that make it a bit anxiety ridden? Maybe you're just so well organized you can get away with it. I'm VERY JEALOUS of that! I try to be efficient - have lists out the wazoo. The real question in my case is...how many days/weeks will it take me to Unpack?!?:rolleyes:


Minimal time off hanger to wardrobe. Chose shirt, check cuff-links, tie, socks, shoes, DJ. Next shirt. Days x socks x underwear. Spare trousers, Suit, shaving kit. Done.


We have had 2 x one week hotel and apartment holidays this year. One hand grip each. No DJ, no suit, no party frock but everything else.


Best cruise. Down the Nile. Last day packed all clean, laundered and press clothes. Got home and straight back in draws.


And the Duck tape? Reinforce corners and protect zips.

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I know this is a thread about DT, but since we've migrated to packing as well, I must tell you how great my DH is. When it comes to vacation planning, research, organizing, I do all the work. But the dreaded packing and unpacking - HE'S A PRO !!!!. After many many business trips he's learned to pack and unpack with lightening speed !!! I know he'll have us unpacked and settled within minutes of entering our cabin; same goes for when we get home. I'll make coffee or some other useful task - he'll have us unpacked with the suitcases back in the basement before I can blink !!! I love it !!!:)

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We put big silver X on our suitcases for easy identification and circle the bags w/ same and a gold thin plastic tape if case is on it's back. Tape is used all during cruise to reseal boxes, fix stuff and doesn't take any room in bags as we put socks inside the hole.

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I know this is a thread about DT, but since we've migrated to packing as well, I must tell you how great my DH is. When it comes to vacation planning, research, organizing, I do all the work. But the dreaded packing and unpacking - HE'S A PRO !!!!. After many many business trips he's learned to pack and unpack with lightening speed !!! I know he'll have us unpacked and settled within minutes of entering our cabin; same goes for when we get home. I'll make coffee or some other useful task - he'll have us unpacked with the suitcases back in the basement before I can blink !!! I love it !!!:)


I'm soooo jealous!;) Sadly, I'm the packing pro in my home. I hate it. But, I'm good at it. I have a tendancy to overpack (I like to be prepared...and I'm a 'spiller') so zipper pressure (thanks, DDT!) and weight concerns are my only limits. Give me 20 or 30 more years of cruise travel experience and I'll be able to do a week in a single bag! Of course our meds already take a carry-on for themselves!:eek: As for unpacking (YUK!!!) - my DH's idea of helping with that is to put the bags on our bed so I have no choice but to get it done. The carry-on? Well, the essentials come out and the rest gets taken care of eventually. For instance - we went to Telluride this past June. I unpacked/washed everything immediately....the 'bathroom' bag will be unpacked this weekend when I (almost) finish the packing for our departure on the 15th of this month. Impressive, huh?:D



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We put big silver X on our suitcases for easy identification and circle the bags w/ same and a gold thin plastic tape if case is on it's back. Tape is used all during cruise to reseal boxes, fix stuff and doesn't take any room in bags as we put socks inside the hole.


Ahhh - but with the gold pastic tape as well, I'll bet your bags look almost as classy as ours! Did I mention that in addition to multiple strips of DDT we put neon colored (pink, yellow, green, orange) strips on the handles, and, neon colored 'smiley face' address tags as well as the colored leather address tags?!:eek: It's pretty difficult to miss our bags! BUT...everyone's trying the same tricks these days so all the bags still look alike! Frankly, I hope our luggage falls apart upon our return home the 30th of this month (After we walk in the door!) - the kind of self destruction NO AMOUNT OF DDT CAN FIX! - and we 'need' to buy new luggage. To my DH's horror, I've been suggesting blue, green, purple, or pink as replacement colors. Something has to be done to make the luggage stand out, and frankly, what we do now is so garish that I'm not sure pink wouldn't be better! Besides, DDT is made in all the colors of the rainbow - color matching repairs can be done!:D



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Sorry to continue the off topic thread...but just have to share a recent story. We left for a week (land trip) to Utah with each of us using a rolling duffle that we had just purchased at a discount box store beginning with C. Ugly lime green with black trim. Great for packing 'spillables' that we can no longer put in our carry-on tote. The duffles have a bottom section for shoes, etc. that worked well to separate liquids/gells from clothes and we were happy. Arrived at the SLC airport, found luggage immediately (who else would buy ugly green), met our friends and were off to sightsee a bit before heading to Park City. 4 hours later arrived at our timeshare to check in. On arrival the desk clerk said those scary words (I have a message for you) and added you picked up someone else's bag and he has yours!! I said, NO WAY, there is no one else who could possibly have been on our flight with the same bag! Yep, they had been on our flight and purchased the bag at the same store for the same reason! Three hours later (after a trip back to the airport to exchange our bag), we (and they) were still laughing over the incredible coincidence. Go figure!

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Sorry to continue the off topic thread...but just have to share a recent story. We left for a week (land trip) to Utah with each of us using a rolling duffle that we had just purchased at a discount box store beginning with C. Ugly lime green with black trim. Great for packing 'spillables' that we can no longer put in our carry-on tote. The duffles have a bottom section for shoes, etc. that worked well to separate liquids/gells from clothes and we were happy. Arrived at the SLC airport, found luggage immediately (who else would buy ugly green), met our friends and were off to sightsee a bit before heading to Park City. 4 hours later arrived at our timeshare to check in. On arrival the desk clerk said those scary words (I have a message for you) and added you picked up someone else's bag and he has yours!! I said, NO WAY, there is no one else who could possibly have been on our flight with the same bag! Yep, they had been on our flight and purchased the bag at the same store for the same reason! Three hours later (after a trip back to the airport to exchange our bag), we (and they) were still laughing over the incredible coincidence. Go figure!




May I suggest a few strips of well placed DDT (Dear Duct/Duck Tape) and all of your problems will be solved...of course the other guy's going to do the same thing. Go crazy with several colors of DDT on the new bags, creating your own, very recognizable, designs. Who knows, maybe some artists agent will see the beautiful designs made with DDT and and you'll become rich and famous!:eek: LUGGAGE DESIGN BY SPENGLE!!!;) I'll buy it!



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